From 39d9bdf0d28ba8fa9be70fdac23b19b202ceba0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rawley Fowler <> Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2022 09:02:33 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Add rinari --- openbsd/emacs.d/init.el | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/openbsd/emacs.d/init.el b/openbsd/emacs.d/init.el index 31c1207..b88e295 100644 --- a/openbsd/emacs.d/init.el +++ b/openbsd/emacs.d/init.el @@ -40,14 +40,63 @@ (modus-themes-load-vivendi)) ;; Language modes +(use-package polymode) (use-package d-mode) (use-package go-mode) (use-package markdown-mode) +(use-package rinari) +(add-hook 'rinari-minor-mode-hook (lambda () + (define-prefix-command 'pd-rinari-map1) + (define-prefix-command 'pd-rinari-map2) + (local-set-key (kbd "M-R") 'pd-rinari-map1) + (local-set-key (kbd "M-r") 'pd-rinari-map2) + + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "'" 'rinari-find-by-context) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 ";" 'rinari-find-by-context) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "c" 'rinari-console) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "d" 'rinari-cap) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "e" 'rinari-insert-erb-skeleton) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "g" 'rinari-rgrep) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "p" 'rinari-goto-partial) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "q" 'rinari-sql) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "r" 'rinari-rake) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "s" 'rinari-script) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "t" 'rinari-test) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "w" 'rinari-web-server) + (define-key pd-rinari-map1 "x" 'rinari-extract-partial) + + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 ";" 'rinari-find-by-context) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "C" 'rinari-find-cells) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "F" 'rinari-find-features) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "M" 'rinari-find-mailer) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "S" 'rinari-find-steps) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "Y" 'rinari-find-sass) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "a" 'rinari-find-application) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "c" 'rinari-find-controller) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "e" 'rinari-find-environment) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "f" 'rinari-find-file-in-project) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "h" 'rinari-find-helper) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "i" 'rinari-find-migration) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "j" 'rinari-find-javascript) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "l" 'rinari-find-lib) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "m" 'rinari-find-model) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "n" 'rinari-find-configuration) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "o" 'rinari-find-log) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "p" 'rinari-find-public) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "r" 'rinari-find-rspec) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "s" 'rinari-find-script) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "t" 'rinari-find-test) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "u" 'rinari-find-plugin) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "v" 'rinari-find-view) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "w" 'rinari-find-worker) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "x" 'rinari-find-fixture) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "y" 'rinari-find-stylesheet) + (define-key pd-rinari-map2 "z" 'rinari-find-rspec-fixture) + )) ;; Other packages (use-package ivy) -;; Custom functions (defun save-and-kill-current-buffer () (interactive) (save-buffer) @@ -58,7 +107,8 @@ ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. - '(package-selected-packages '(md-mode markdown-mode ivy modus-themes use-package))) + '(package-selected-packages + '(rinari polymode mumamo mumamo-mode md-mode markdown-mode ivy modus-themes use-package))) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.