;;; package --- extra configs ;;; Commentary: ;;; This file contains all of the extra configurations that don't necessarily ;;; fit the other files. ;;; NOTE: This file needs to be executed last. ;;; Code: ;; Linting/Formatting (require 'flycheck) (use-package tide :ensure t) (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'tide-format-before-save) (require 'company) (setq company-tooltip-align-annotations t) (use-package paren :ensure nil :init (setq show-paren-delay 0) :config (show-paren-mode +1)) (use-package smartparens :config (smartparens-global-mode 1)) (require 'smartparens) (use-package evil-smartparens :hook ('smartparens-enabled-hook #'evil-smartparens-mode)) ;; Others (use-package which-key :config (which-key-mode)) (use-package helm :config (helm-mode)) (use-package ivy :init (setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t) (setq ivy-count-format "(%d/%d) ") :config (ivy-mode 1)) (use-package counsel) (use-package swiper) (use-package which-key) (use-package affe :config (consult-customize affe-grep :preview-key (kbd "M-."))) (provide 'extra) ;;; extra.el ends here