#ifndef _LCR_GAME_H #define _LCR_GAME_H /** @file game.h Licar: game module This file implements the backend of a complete, actually playable game with graphics, sound etc., and is meant to be included and used by specific frontends (which will handle each platform's hardware details and I/O). See the frontend info below for help with porting the game to a new platform. This module (with the help of other modules) will perform all the computations (physics, graphics, audio, ...) and only use the frontend's quite primitive functions to actually present the results to the user. The code uses LCR_ (or _LCR) prefix as a kind of namespace preventing collision with 3rd party identifiers. UNITS: There are various kinds of units used to ensure independence of the modules. Here is a summary: - LCR_GameUnit: data type, abstract unit of the game (racing module). One map square is LCR_GAME_UNITs long, a full angle is also LCR_GAME_UNITs. - LCR_GAME_UNIT: Size of one game square and full angle in LCR_GameUnits. Square height is only half of this. - S3L_Unit: data type, small3dlib's unit. May change with renderer change. - S3L_F: small3dlib's value representing 1.0. - LCR_RENDERER_UNIT: for the renderer one map square is this many S3L_Units. - TPE_Unit: tinyphysicsengine's unit. May change with phys. engine change. - TPE_F: tinyphysicsengine's value representing value 1.0. - LCR_PHYSICS_UNIT: for the phys. eng. one map square is this many TPE_Units. COORDINATE SYSTEM AND ROTATIONS: The game itself (racing module) is independent of rendering and physics libraries, but out of convenient adopts their coordinate system (X right, Y up, Z forward) and rotations (Euler angles, by Z, then by X, then Y). DATA FILE: The game uses so called data file to store various resources, mainly maps and replays. There is considered to be one abstract global file which is just a long text string. Internally the global file is composed of a hardcoded internal data file string (stored in assets) with very basic maps, and an optional user file (appended to the internal file) that the frontend may provide, allowing adding more resources without recompiling the game. The user file may be disabled on platforms that e.g. don't have file systems, but the internal file will be always present. The format of the data file is following: it consists of data strings separated by '#' character (data strings cannot contain this character). Each data string starts with a magic number: a single character identifying the type of the resource (map, replay, ...), then the name of the data follows, then character ';' and then the data string itself (up until next '#' or end of file). The format of the string depends on the type of the data, i.e. the format of map string has a special format (described in the map module) etc. */ #define LCR_KEY_UP 0x00 #define LCR_KEY_RIGHT 0x01 #define LCR_KEY_DOWN 0x02 #define LCR_KEY_LEFT 0x03 #define LCR_KEY_A 0x04 ///< confirm, restart race #define LCR_KEY_B 0x05 ///< cancel, open menu #define LCR_KEYS_TOTAL 6 /* FOR FRONTENDS (porting to other platforms): - Implement the frontend functions given below according to their description. - Implement the main program and game loop. - Call some of the frontend funtions given below in your main program in places as described in the description of the function. - If you want to support music, make your code load and play the "music" file in the asset directory. It is in raw format, storing 8bit unsigned samples at 8 KHz mono. Use the LCR_gameMusicOn function to check whether the music is currently enabled (if not, stop playing it). If you don't want to support music, set LCR_SETTING_MUSIC to 0 in your frontend code (before including this module) so that the game knows music is disabled. */ /** Implement this in your frontend. Returns 1 if given key (see LCR_KEY_* constants) is pressed or 0 otherwise. */ uint8_t LCR_keyPressed(uint8_t key); /** Implement this in your frontend. This function pauses program execution for given amount of milliseconds and relieves the CPU usage. On platforms that don't support this the function may simply do nothing. */ void LCR_sleep(uint16_t timeMs); /** Implement this in your frontend. This function draws a pixel of given color to the screen back buffer (i.e. NOT directly to screen, back buffer shall only be copied to front buffer once the LCR_gameStep function finishes all rendering). This function should NOT check for out-of-screen coordinates, this is handled by the game internals and out-of-screen pixels will never be drawn (your code unnecessarily checking it again would likely slow down rendering a lot, as drawing pixels is a bottleneck). The color value depends on game settings but is normally an RGB565 value. The index parameter says the coordinate at which to write the pixel, assuming the pixels are stored by rows, from top to bottom. */ void LCR_drawPixel(unsigned long index, uint16_t color); /** Implement this in your frontend. This function will be called to log what the program is doing. Typically this function should print the string to console. If you want to ignore logging, simply make the function do nothing. */ void LCR_log(const char *str); /** Implement this in your frontend. This function serves for loading optional data file that allows adding more maps, replays etc. If your frontend won't support this, just make the function return 0. Otherwise it must return characters from the data file one by one; after reaching the end of file 0 must be returned and the reading position will be reset to start from beginning again. */ char LCR_getNextDataFileChar(void); /** Implement this in your frontend. This serves to store data in the optional data file (e.g. replays and info about beaten maps). If your frontend doesn't support this (e.g. because the file is read only), the function may ignore the append, but if the file is otherwise supported, a rewind of the read position must still be performed. If appending is supported, the function must append the provided string to the data file AND then reset the data file reading position back to the start. */ void LCR_appendDataStr(const char *str); /** Call this function in your frontend at the start of the program. Pass program arguments if there are any. */ void LCR_gameInit(int argc, const char **argv); /** Call this function in your frontend right before program end. */ void LCR_gameEnd(void); /** Call this function in your frontend repeatedly inside the main loop, pass the current time as the number of milliseconds since program start. This function will perform the game step AND other things such as checking the input states, rendering or sleeping (all using the above described functions you should implement). Returns 0 if program should end, otherwise 1. */ uint8_t LCR_gameStep(uint32_t timeMs); /** Returns 1 if music is currently on, else 0. If your frontend supports music, use this function at each frame to know whether you should start/stop playing music. Otherwise ignore this. */ uint8_t LCR_gameMusicOn(void); /** Gets the next audio sample (unsigned 8bit samples, 8 KHz mono). If your frontend supports sound, call this continuously and play the stream of samples, otherwise ignore this. */ uint8_t LCR_gameGetNextAudioSample(void); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define LCR_LOG0(s) ; #define LCR_LOG1(s) ; #define LCR_LOG2(s) ; #if LCR_SETTING_LOG_LEVEL > 0 #undef LCR_LOG0 #define LCR_LOG0(s) LCR_log(s); #if LCR_SETTING_LOG_LEVEL > 1 #undef LCR_LOG1 #define LCR_LOG1(s) LCR_log(s); #if LCR_SETTING_LOG_LEVEL > 2 #undef LCR_LOG2 #define LCR_LOG2(s) LCR_log(s); #endif #endif #endif #define LCR_CAMERA_MODE_DRIVE 0x00 #define LCR_CAMERA_MODE_DRIVE2 0x01 #define LCR_CAMERA_MODE_INSIDE 0x02 #define LCR_CAMERA_MODE_FREE 0x03 #define LCR_GAME_STATE_MENU 0x00 #define LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_STARTING 0x01 #define LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN 0x02 #define LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_FINISHED 0x03 #define LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING 0x04 #define LCR_GAME_STATE_END 0xff // forward decls of pixel drawing functions for the renderer /** Internal pixel drawing function that puts a pixel at specified screen coords without checking for safety (it's faster but can only be done if we know for sure we're not drawing outside the screen). */ void LCR_drawPixelXYUnsafe(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, uint16_t color); /** Internal pixel drawing function that checks for out-of-screen coordinates. Use this if the pixel can potentially lie of screen (however if you know it won't, use the normal unsafe function in sake of performance). */ static inline void LCR_drawPixelXYSafe(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, uint_fast16_t color); #include "general.h" #include "racing.h" #include "audio.h" #include "assets.h" #include "renderer.h" #define LCR_MENU_MAX_ITEMS 9 // don't change #define LCR_RESOURCE_ITEM_CHUNK (LCR_MENU_MAX_ITEMS - 1) #define LCR_MENU_TABS 4 #if LCR_SETTING_GHOST_MAX_SAMPLES == 0 #undef LCR_MENU_TABS #define LCR_MENU_TABS 3 // no ghosts => remove the tab for ghosts #endif #define LCR_MENU_STRING_SIZE 16 #define LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR '#' #define LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR2 ';' #define LCR_FREE_CAMERA_STEP \ ((LCR_SETTING_FREE_CAMERA_SPEED * LCR_GAME_UNIT / 8) \ / LCR_SETTING_FPS) #if LCR_FREE_CAMERA_STEP == 0 #define LCR_FREE_CAMERA_STEP 1 #endif #define LCR_FREE_CAMERA_TURN_STEP \ ((LCR_SETTING_FREE_CAMERA_TURN_SPEED * LCR_GAME_UNIT) \ / (360 * LCR_SETTING_FPS)) #if LCR_FREE_CAMERA_TURN_STEP == 0 #define LCR_FREE_CAMERA_TURN_STEP 1 #endif struct { uint8_t state; uint32_t stateStartTime; uint32_t time; ///< Current frame's time. uint32_t frame; ///< Current frame number. uint32_t nextRenderFrameTime; ///< At which frame to render next frame. uint32_t nextRacingTickTime; ///< When to simulate next physics tick. uint8_t cameraMode; uint8_t musicOn; uint8_t keyStates[LCR_KEYS_TOTAL]; /**< Assures unchanging key states during a single frame, hold number of frames for which the key has been continuously held. */ uint32_t runTimeMS; ///< Current time of the run struct { uint8_t selectedTab; uint8_t selectedItem; uint8_t itemCount; char itemNames[LCR_MENU_MAX_ITEMS][LCR_MENU_STRING_SIZE]; const char *itemNamePtrs[LCR_MENU_MAX_ITEMS]; ///< Helper array. } menu; struct { int state; ///< -1 if reading external data f., else pos. // Indices and counts are among the data of the same type. unsigned int firstItemIndex; unsigned int itemsTotal; } dataFile; #define LCR_GHOST_SAMPLE_SIZE 5 #if LCR_SETTING_GHOST_MAX_SAMPLES != 0 struct { uint8_t active; uint8_t samples[LCR_SETTING_GHOST_MAX_SAMPLES * LCR_GHOST_SAMPLE_SIZE]; /**< Samples, each 5 bytes: 9 bits for X and Z, 10 for Y, 4 for each rotation component. */ uint8_t stretch; /**< Stretch of the base sample step, as a bit shift (i.e. 1 means the step will be 2x as long etc.). This is to allow ghosts for even long replays. */ } ghost; #endif } LCR_game; uint8_t LCR_gameMusicOn(void) { #if LCR_SETTING_MUSIC return LCR_game.musicOn; #else return 0; #endif } void LCR_drawPixelXYUnsafe(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, uint16_t color) { #if LCR_SETTING_RESOLUTION_SUBDIVIDE == 1 LCR_drawPixel(y * LCR_SETTING_RESOLUTION_X + x,color); #else // TODO #endif } void _LCR_physicdDebugDrawPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t color) { if (x > 1 && x < LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_X - 2 && y > 1 && y < LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y - 2) { uint16_t c = 0x8101 | (0x8f1f << (2 * color)); for (int j = -1; j <= 2; ++j) for (int i = -1; i <= 2; ++i) LCR_drawPixelXYUnsafe(x + i,y + j,c); } } static inline void LCR_drawPixelXYSafe(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, uint_fast16_t color) { if (x < LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_X && y < LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y) LCR_drawPixelXYUnsafe(x,y,color); } void LCR_gameSetState(uint8_t state) { LCR_LOG1("changing state"); LCR_game.state = state; LCR_game.stateStartTime = LCR_game.time; } void LCR_gameResetRun(uint8_t replay, uint8_t ghost) { LCR_GameUnit carTransform[6]; LCR_LOG0("resetting run"); LCR_mapReset(); LCR_racingRestart(replay); LCR_rendererUnmarkCPs(); LCR_racingGetCarTransform(carTransform,carTransform + 3,0); LCR_rendererSetCarTransform(carTransform,carTransform + 3); LCR_rendererCameraReset(); LCR_rendererLoadMapChunks(); LCR_game.ghost.active = ghost; LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_STARTING); LCR_game.runTimeMS = 0; } void LCR_gameGetNthGhostSample(unsigned int n, LCR_GameUnit position[3], LCR_GameUnit rotation[3]) { n *= LCR_GHOST_SAMPLE_SIZE; position[0] = LCR_game.ghost.samples[n]; n++; position[0] |= ((LCR_GameUnit) (LCR_game.ghost.samples[n] & 0x01)) << 8; position[1] = LCR_game.ghost.samples[n] >> 1; n++; position[1] |= ((LCR_GameUnit) (LCR_game.ghost.samples[n] & 0x07)) << 7; position[2] = LCR_game.ghost.samples[n] >> 3; n++; position[2] |= ((LCR_GameUnit) (LCR_game.ghost.samples[n] & 0x0f)) << 5; rotation[0] = LCR_game.ghost.samples[n] >> 4; n++; rotation[1] = LCR_game.ghost.samples[n] & 0x0f; rotation[2] = LCR_game.ghost.samples[n] >> 4; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (i != 1) position[i] <<= 1; position[i] = (position[i] * LCR_GAME_UNIT) / 16; position[i] -= (LCR_MAP_SIZE_BLOCKS / 2) * (i == 1 ? LCR_GAME_UNIT / 2 : LCR_GAME_UNIT); rotation[i] = (rotation[i] * LCR_GAME_UNIT) / 16; } } void LCR_gameGhostGetTransform(uint32_t frame, LCR_GameUnit position[3], LCR_GameUnit rotation[3]) { int n = ((frame >> LCR_game.ghost.stretch) / LCR_SETTING_GHOST_STEP); LCR_gameGetNthGhostSample(n,position,rotation); if (n < LCR_SETTING_GHOST_MAX_SAMPLES - 1) { LCR_GameUnit carTransform[6]; // interpolate: LCR_gameGetNthGhostSample(n + 1,carTransform,carTransform + 3); n = (frame >> LCR_game.ghost.stretch) % LCR_SETTING_GHOST_STEP; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { position[i] = position[i] + ((carTransform[i] - position[i]) * n) / LCR_SETTING_GHOST_STEP; // rotations are a bit harder to interpolate (e.g. 1 -> 359 deg.) carTransform[3 + i] -= rotation[i]; if ((carTransform[3 + i] > LCR_GAME_UNIT / 2) || (carTransform[3 + i] < -1 * LCR_GAME_UNIT / 2)) carTransform[3 + i] = -1 *( carTransform[3 + i] > 0 ? LCR_GAME_UNIT - carTransform[3 + i] : (-1 * LCR_GAME_UNIT - carTransform[3 + i])); rotation[i] = (LCR_GAME_UNIT + (rotation[i] + (n * carTransform[3 + i]) / LCR_SETTING_GHOST_STEP)) % LCR_GAME_UNIT; } } // offset (correct rounding down): position[0] += LCR_GAME_UNIT / 16; position[1] += LCR_GAME_UNIT / 16; position[2] += LCR_GAME_UNIT / 16; } /** Prepares ghost, computes position/rotation samples. When calling this, the correct replay and map have to be already loaded. */ void _LCR_gamePrepareGhost(void) { LCR_GameUnit carTransform[6]; LCR_LOG1("preparing ghost"); LCR_gameResetRun(1,0); LCR_replayInitPlaying(); uint8_t *currentSample = LCR_game.ghost.samples; LCR_game.ghost.stretch = 0; while (((int) LCR_racing.replay.achievedTime) > (LCR_SETTING_GHOST_STEP << LCR_game.ghost.stretch) * LCR_SETTING_GHOST_MAX_SAMPLES) { LCR_LOG1("stretching replay step"); LCR_game.ghost.stretch++; } while (1) { if (LCR_racing.tick % (LCR_SETTING_GHOST_STEP << LCR_game.ghost.stretch) == 0 || LCR_replayHasFinished()) { LCR_racingGetCarTransform(carTransform,carTransform + 3, LCR_GAME_UNIT / 2); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { carTransform[i] += (LCR_MAP_SIZE_BLOCKS / 2) * (i == 1 ? LCR_GAME_UNIT / 2 : LCR_GAME_UNIT); // make non-negative // convert to 10 bit value: carTransform[i] = (carTransform[i] * 16) / LCR_GAME_UNIT; // conv. rotations to 4 bits, we rely on them being non-negative! carTransform[3 + i] = (carTransform[3 + i] * 16) / LCR_GAME_UNIT; } // format: XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYX ZZZZZYYY AAAAZZZZ CCCCBBBB currentSample[0] = carTransform[0] >> 1; currentSample[1] = ((carTransform[0] >> 9) & 0x01) | (carTransform[1] << 1); currentSample[2] = ((carTransform[1] >> 7) & 0x07) | ((carTransform[2] << 2) & 0xf8); currentSample[3] = ((carTransform[2] >> 6) & 0x0f) | (carTransform[3] << 4); currentSample[4] = (carTransform[4] & 0x0f) | (carTransform[5] << 4); currentSample += LCR_GHOST_SAMPLE_SIZE; if (LCR_replayHasFinished()) break; } LCR_racingStep(0); } while ( // fill the rest with the last sample currentSample >= LCR_game.ghost.samples + LCR_GHOST_SAMPLE_SIZE && currentSample < LCR_game.ghost.samples + LCR_SETTING_GHOST_MAX_SAMPLES * LCR_GHOST_SAMPLE_SIZE) { *currentSample = *(currentSample - LCR_GHOST_SAMPLE_SIZE); currentSample++; } } LCR_GameUnit LCR_carSpeedKMH(void) { return // we use 28/8 as an approximation of 3.6 to convers MPS to KMH (28 * LCR_SETTING_CMS_PER_BLOCK * LCR_racingGetCarSpeedUnsigned() * LCR_RACING_FPS) / (800 * LCR_GAME_UNIT); } /** Rewinds the global data file reading head to the beginning. */ void LCR_gameRewindDataFile(void) { LCR_appendDataStr(""); LCR_game.dataFile.state = 0; } /** Reads the next global data file character (merged internal data file with the optional user file). First the internal file will be read, immediately followed by the user file, then zero char will be returned and then reading starts over. */ char LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(void) { #if LCR_SETTING_ENABLE_RESOURCE_FILE char c; if (LCR_game.dataFile.state < 0) // external file? { c = LCR_getNextDataFileChar(); if (c == 0) LCR_game.dataFile.state = 0; // move to internal file next } else // internal file { c = LCR_internalDataFile[LCR_game.dataFile.state]; LCR_game.dataFile.state++; if (c == 0) { c = LCR_getNextDataFileChar(); LCR_game.dataFile.state = c ? -1 : 0; // trust this } } return c; #else if (LCR_internalDataFile[LCR_game.dataFile.state] == 0) { LCR_game.dataFile.state = 0; return 0; } return LCR_internalDataFile[LCR_game.dataFile.state++]; #endif } /** Similar to LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar, but returns 0 instead of the data string separator character. This function is meant to be used by functions that load something from a string while expecting a zero terminated string. */ char LCR_gameGetNextDataStrChar(void) { char c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); return c != LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR ? c : 0; } unsigned int LCR_countData(char magicNumber) { unsigned int result = 0; LCR_gameRewindDataFile(); while (1) { char c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c == magicNumber) result++; while (c != 0 && c != LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR) c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c == 0) break; } return result; } /** Seeks to the Nth data string in the global data file, after the magic number, so that the name is now available for reading. */ void LCR_seekDataByIndex(unsigned int index, char magicNumber) { char c; LCR_LOG0("seeking data string"); LCR_gameRewindDataFile(); do { c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c == magicNumber) { if (index) index--; else return; } while (c != 0 && c != LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR) c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); } while (c); } void LCR_gameLoadMap(unsigned int mapIndex) { char mapName[LCR_MAP_NAME_MAX_LEN]; LCR_seekDataByIndex(mapIndex,'M'); mapName[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < LCR_MAP_NAME_MAX_LEN; ++i) { char c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c == LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR2 || c == LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR || c == 0) break; mapName[i] = c; mapName[i + 1] = 0; } LCR_mapLoadFromStr(LCR_gameGetNextDataStrChar,mapName); } /** Loads replay by its index, returns index of a map for the replay (and the map will be loaded as with LCR_mapLoadFromStr) or -1 if the map wasn't found or -2 if the replay couldn't be loaded. This function potentially reloads current map! */ unsigned int LCR_gameLoadReplay(unsigned int replayIndex) { uint32_t mapHash; uint16_t nameHash; char c; LCR_LOG1("loading replay and map"); LCR_seekDataByIndex(replayIndex,'R'); do // skip name { c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); } while (c && c != LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR2 && c != LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR); if (!LCR_replayLoadFromStr(LCR_gameGetNextDataStrChar, &mapHash,&nameHash)) return -2; // now try to find the map with given nameHash LCR_gameRewindDataFile(); unsigned int skipTo = 0; while (1) { unsigned int mapIndex = 0; while (1) // find first skipToth map { c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c == 0) return -1; else if (c == 'M') { if (mapIndex >= skipTo && nameHash == _LCR_simpleStrHash(LCR_gameGetNextDataStrChar,';')) { LCR_LOG2("map name hash matches"); LCR_gameLoadMap(mapIndex); if (mapHash == LCR_currentMap.hash) return mapIndex; else { LCR_LOG2("map hash doesn't match"); // map hash doesn't match skipTo = mapIndex + 1; break; } } mapIndex++; } while (c != LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR) { if (c == 0) return -1; c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); } } } return 0; } void LCR_gameEraseMenuItemNames(void) { for (int i = 0; i < LCR_MENU_MAX_ITEMS; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < LCR_MENU_STRING_SIZE; ++j) LCR_game.menu.itemNames[i][j] = 0; LCR_game.menu.itemCount = 0; } void LCR_gameSetMenuItemStr(uint8_t item, const char *str, char replaceChar) { for (int i = 0; i < LCR_MENU_STRING_SIZE - 1; ++i) { LCR_game.menu.itemNames[item][i] = str[i] == '$' ? replaceChar : str[i]; LCR_game.menu.itemNames[item][i + 1] = 0; } } void LCR_gameLoadMainMenuItems(void) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { char replaceChar = i == 0 ? '0' + LCR_game.cameraMode : (i == 1 ? '0' + LCR_game.musicOn : ('0' + LCR_audio.on)); LCR_gameSetMenuItemStr(i,LCR_texts[LCR_TEXTS_MAIN_MENU + i],replaceChar); } LCR_game.menu.itemCount = 4; } void LCR_gameInit(int argc, const char **argv) { LCR_LOG0("initializing"); for (int i = 0; i < LCR_KEYS_TOTAL; ++i) LCR_game.keyStates[i] = 0; LCR_rendererInit(); LCR_racingInit(); LCR_audioInit(); LCR_game.dataFile.state = 0; for (int i = 0; i < LCR_MENU_MAX_ITEMS; ++i) LCR_game.menu.itemNamePtrs[i] = LCR_game.menu.itemNames[i]; LCR_game.menu.selectedTab = 0; LCR_game.menu.selectedItem = 0; LCR_game.frame = 0; LCR_game.musicOn = LCR_SETTING_MUSIC; LCR_game.nextRenderFrameTime = 0; LCR_game.nextRacingTickTime = 0; LCR_game.cameraMode = LCR_CAMERA_MODE_DRIVE; LCR_currentMap.blockCount = 0; // means no map loaded LCR_LOG2("parsing arguments"); uint8_t quickLoad = 0; while (argc) // parse arguments { argc--; if (argv[argc][0] == '-') switch (argv[argc][1]) { case 'c': LCR_game.cameraMode = (argv[argc][2] - '0') % 4; break; case 'm': LCR_game.musicOn = argv[argc][2] != '0'; break; case 's': LCR_audio.on = argv[argc][2] != '0'; break; case 'M': quickLoad = 1; break; case 'R': quickLoad = 2; break; case 'P': quickLoad = 3; break; // TODO default: LCR_LOG2("unknown argument"); break; } } if (quickLoad == 1) { LCR_gameLoadMap(LCR_countData('M') - 1); LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING); LCR_game.menu.selectedTab = 1; } else if (quickLoad == 2 || quickLoad == 3) { LCR_gameLoadReplay(LCR_countData('R') - 1); LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING); LCR_game.menu.selectedTab = quickLoad; } else { LCR_gameLoadMainMenuItems(); LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_MENU); } } /** Loads up to LCR_RESOURCE_ITEM_CHUNK items of given type, starting at given index (among items of the same type). This will also load the menu item names. */ void LCR_gameLoadDataFileChunk(unsigned int startIndex, char magicNumber) { char c; unsigned char state = 0; LCR_gameEraseMenuItemNames(); LCR_game.dataFile.firstItemIndex = startIndex; LCR_game.dataFile.itemsTotal = 0; LCR_gameRewindDataFile(); /* 3 iterations: in first we seek to the start index, in second we load the names, in third we just read the rest to get the total count. */ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { while (1) { if (i == 0 && !startIndex) break; c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c == 0) return; if (state == 0) // second magic char { state = 255; if (c == magicNumber) { LCR_game.dataFile.itemsTotal++; if (i == 0) startIndex--; else if (i == 1) state = 1; } } else if (i == 1 && state != 255) { if (c == LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR || c == LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR2 || state >= 1 + LCR_MENU_STRING_SIZE - 1) { state = 255; LCR_game.menu.itemCount++; if (LCR_game.menu.itemCount >= LCR_RESOURCE_ITEM_CHUNK) break; } else LCR_game.menu.itemNames[LCR_game.menu.itemCount][state - 1] = c; state++; } if (c == LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR) state = 0; } } } /** Assumes maps are loaded in menu items, checks (in the resource file) which ones have been marked as beaten and marks corresponding menu items as such. */ void LCR_checkBeatenMaps(void) { LCR_LOG2("checking beaten maps"); char name[LCR_MAP_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1]; LCR_gameRewindDataFile(); while (1) { char c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c == 'B') { uint8_t i = 0; while (i < LCR_MAP_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1) { c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c < ' ' || c == LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR || c == LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR2) break; name[i] = c; i++; } name[i] = 0; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < LCR_game.menu.itemCount; ++j) if (_LCR_strCmp(name,LCR_game.menu.itemNamePtrs[j])) { for (uint8_t k = 0; k < LCR_MENU_STRING_SIZE; ++k) if (LCR_game.menu.itemNames[j][k] == 0) { LCR_game.menu.itemNames[j] [k - (k == LCR_MENU_STRING_SIZE - 1)] = '#'; LCR_game.menu.itemNames[j] [k + (k != LCR_MENU_STRING_SIZE - 1)] = 0; break; } } } else while (c != 0 && c != LCR_RESOURCE_FILE_SEPARATOR) c = LCR_gameGetNextDataFileChar(); if (c == 0) break; } } void LCR_gameEnd(void) { LCR_LOG0("ending"); } void LCR_gameTimeToStr(uint32_t timeMS, char *str) { str[9] = 0; str[6] = '0' + timeMS % 10; // milliseconds timeMS /= 10; str[7] = '0' + timeMS % 10; timeMS /= 10; str[8] = '0' + timeMS % 10; timeMS /= 10; str[3] = '0' + (timeMS % 60) / 10; // seconds str[4] = '0' + timeMS % 10; str[5] = '\''; timeMS = (timeMS / 60) % 100; // minutes str[0] = '0' + timeMS / 10; str[1] = '0' + timeMS % 10; str[2] = '\''; } void LCR_gameDraw3DView(void) { LCR_GameUnit carTransform[6]; LCR_GameUnit physicsInterpolationParam = LCR_GAME_UNIT - ((LCR_game.nextRacingTickTime - LCR_game.time) * LCR_GAME_UNIT) / LCR_RACING_TICK_MS; LCR_racingGetCarTransform(carTransform,carTransform + 3, physicsInterpolationParam); LCR_rendererSetCarTransform(carTransform,carTransform + 3); if (LCR_game.ghost.active) { LCR_rendererSetGhostVisibility(1); LCR_gameGhostGetTransform(LCR_racing.tick,carTransform,carTransform + 3); LCR_rendererSetGhostTransform(carTransform,carTransform + 3); } else LCR_rendererSetGhostVisibility(0); if (LCR_game.cameraMode != LCR_CAMERA_MODE_FREE && LCR_game.state != LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_FINISHED) LCR_rendererCameraFollow( (LCR_game.cameraMode != LCR_CAMERA_MODE_INSIDE) + (LCR_game.cameraMode == LCR_CAMERA_MODE_DRIVE2)); #if LCR_ANIMATE_CAR LCR_rendererSetWheelState(LCR_racingGetWheelRotation(), LCR_racingGetWheelSteer() * 2); #endif LCR_rendererDraw3D(); #if LCR_SETTING_DEBUG_PHYSICS_DRAW LCR_GameUnit camTr[7]; LCR_rendererGetCameraTransform(camTr,camTr + 3,camTr + 6); LCR_physicsDebugDraw(camTr,camTr + 3,camTr[6],_LCR_physicdDebugDrawPixel); #endif // GUI/HUD: char str[10]; switch (LCR_game.state) { case LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_STARTING: str[0] = '0' + LCR_SETTING_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS - (LCR_game.time - LCR_game.stateStartTime) / 1000; str[1] = 0; LCR_rendererDrawText(str, (LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_X - LCR_rendererComputeTextWidth(str,8)) / 2, LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y / 2,0x0707,8); break; default: { int val = LCR_carSpeedKMH(); if (val < 5) // don't show tiny oscillations when still val = 0; str[0] = val >= 100 ? '0' + (val / 100) % 10 : ' '; str[1] = val >= 10 ? '0' + (val / 10) % 10 : ' '; str[2] = '0' + val % 10; str[3] = 0; LCR_rendererDrawText(str, LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_X - LCR_rendererComputeTextWidth(str,2) - 20, LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y - LCR_rendererComputeTextHeight(2) - 20,0,2); LCR_gameTimeToStr(LCR_game.runTimeMS,str); LCR_rendererDrawText(str,20,LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y - LCR_rendererComputeTextHeight(2) - 45,0,2); LCR_gameTimeToStr(LCR_currentMap.targetTime,str); LCR_rendererDrawText(str,20,LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y - LCR_rendererComputeTextHeight(2) - 20,0x4208,2); break; } } } void _LCR_gameDataCharWrite(char c) { // TODO printf("%c",c); } /** Helper subroutine, handles user input during main loop frame, EXCEPT for the driving input (that is handled in the loop itself). */ void LCR_gameHandleInput(void) { int tabSwitchedTo = -1; int scrolled = 0; switch (LCR_game.state) { case LCR_GAME_STATE_MENU: if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_RIGHT] == 1) { LCR_LOG1("menu tab right"); LCR_game.menu.selectedTab = (LCR_game.menu.selectedTab + 1) % LCR_MENU_TABS; tabSwitchedTo = LCR_game.menu.selectedTab; LCR_game.menu.selectedItem = 0; LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); } else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_LEFT] == 1) { LCR_LOG1("menu tab left"); LCR_game.menu.selectedTab = (LCR_game.menu.selectedTab + LCR_MENU_TABS - 1) % LCR_MENU_TABS; tabSwitchedTo = LCR_game.menu.selectedTab; LCR_game.menu.selectedItem = 0; LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); } else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_UP] == 1) { LCR_LOG1("menu item up"); if (LCR_game.menu.selectedItem != 0) { LCR_game.menu.selectedItem--; LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); } else if (LCR_game.menu.selectedTab != 0 && LCR_game.dataFile.firstItemIndex != 0) { LCR_game.menu.selectedItem = LCR_RESOURCE_ITEM_CHUNK - 1; LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); scrolled = -1; } } else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_DOWN] == 1) { LCR_LOG1("menu item down"); if (LCR_game.menu.selectedTab == 0) { if (LCR_game.menu.selectedItem < 4) { LCR_game.menu.selectedItem++; LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); } } else if (LCR_game.menu.selectedItem < LCR_game.menu.itemCount - 1) { LCR_game.menu.selectedItem++; LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); } else if (LCR_game.dataFile.firstItemIndex + LCR_RESOURCE_ITEM_CHUNK < LCR_game.dataFile.itemsTotal) { LCR_game.menu.selectedItem = 0; LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); scrolled = 1; } } else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_B] == 1 && LCR_currentMap.blockCount) { LCR_LOG1("menu quit"); LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN); } else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_A] == 1) { LCR_LOG1("menu confirm"); LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); switch (LCR_game.menu.selectedTab) { case 0: switch (LCR_game.menu.selectedItem) { case 0: LCR_game.cameraMode = (LCR_game.cameraMode + 1) % 4; LCR_rendererSetCarVisibility( LCR_game.cameraMode != LCR_CAMERA_MODE_INSIDE); LCR_rendererCameraReset(); break; #if LCR_SETTING_MUSIC case 1: LCR_game.musicOn = !LCR_game.musicOn; break; #endif case 2: LCR_audio.on = !LCR_audio.on; break; case 4: LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_END); break; default: break; } LCR_gameLoadMainMenuItems(); break; case 1: // maps LCR_gameLoadMap(LCR_game.dataFile.firstItemIndex + LCR_game.menu.selectedItem); LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING); break; case 2: // view replay case 3: // play against replay { int mapIndex = LCR_gameLoadReplay(LCR_game.dataFile.firstItemIndex + LCR_game.menu.selectedItem); if (mapIndex < -1) { LCR_LOG1("couldn't load replay"); } else if (mapIndex == -1) { LCR_LOG1("couldn't load replay map"); } else LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING); break; } default: break; } } break; case LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_FINISHED: if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_A] == 1) LCR_gameResetRun(LCR_racing.playingReplay,LCR_game.ghost.active); break; case LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_STARTING: if (LCR_game.time - LCR_game.stateStartTime >= 1000 * LCR_SETTING_COUNTDOWN_SECONDS) LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN); // fall through default: if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_B] == 1) { LCR_LOG1("menu open"); LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_MENU); LCR_game.menu.selectedItem = 0; } else if (LCR_game.cameraMode == LCR_CAMERA_MODE_FREE) { LCR_GameUnit offsets[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) offsets[i] = 0; if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_A]) { if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_UP]) offsets[4] = LCR_FREE_CAMERA_TURN_STEP; else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_DOWN]) offsets[4] -= LCR_FREE_CAMERA_TURN_STEP; if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_RIGHT]) offsets[3] -= LCR_FREE_CAMERA_TURN_STEP; else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_LEFT]) offsets[3] = LCR_FREE_CAMERA_TURN_STEP; } else { if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_UP]) offsets[0] = LCR_FREE_CAMERA_STEP; else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_DOWN]) offsets[0] -= LCR_FREE_CAMERA_STEP; if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_RIGHT]) offsets[1] = LCR_FREE_CAMERA_STEP; else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_LEFT]) offsets[1] -= LCR_FREE_CAMERA_STEP; } LCR_rendererMoveCamera(offsets,offsets + 3); } else if (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_A] == 1) LCR_gameResetRun(LCR_racing.playingReplay,LCR_game.ghost.active); break; } if (tabSwitchedTo == 0) LCR_gameLoadMainMenuItems(); else if (tabSwitchedTo > 0 || scrolled != 0) { LCR_gameLoadDataFileChunk( (tabSwitchedTo > 0) ? 0 : (LCR_game.dataFile.firstItemIndex + scrolled * LCR_RESOURCE_ITEM_CHUNK), LCR_game.menu.selectedTab == 1 ? 'M' : 'R'); if (LCR_game.menu.selectedTab == 1) LCR_checkBeatenMaps(); } } uint8_t LCR_gameStep(uint32_t time) { LCR_LOG2("game step (start)"); uint32_t sleep = 0; int paused = LCR_game.state == LCR_GAME_STATE_MENU || LCR_game.state == LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_STARTING; LCR_game.time = time; for (int i = 0; i < LCR_KEYS_TOTAL; ++i) LCR_game.keyStates[i] = LCR_keyPressed(i) ? (LCR_game.keyStates[i] < 255 ? LCR_game.keyStates[i] + 1 : 255) : 0; if (LCR_game.state == LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING) { LCR_rendererLoadMap(); if (LCR_game.menu.selectedTab == 3) _LCR_gamePrepareGhost(); LCR_gameResetRun( LCR_game.menu.selectedTab == 2, LCR_game.menu.selectedTab == 3); } LCR_gameHandleInput(); // handle simulation: while (time >= LCR_game.nextRacingTickTime) { LCR_LOG2("gonna step racing engine"); unsigned int input = (LCR_game.cameraMode == LCR_CAMERA_MODE_FREE || LCR_game.state == LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_FINISHED) ? 0 : ((LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_UP] ? LCR_RACING_INPUT_FORW : 0) | (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_RIGHT] ? LCR_RACING_INPUT_RIGHT : 0) | (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_DOWN] ? LCR_RACING_INPUT_BACK : 0) | (LCR_game.keyStates[LCR_KEY_LEFT] ? LCR_RACING_INPUT_LEFT : 0)); uint32_t events = paused ? 0 : LCR_racingStep(input); if (events & LCR_RACING_EVENT_CP_TAKEN) { int carBlock[3]; LCR_LOG1("CP taken"); LCR_racingGetCarBlockCoords(carBlock); LCR_rendererMarkTakenCP(carBlock[0],carBlock[1],carBlock[2]); LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); } else if (events & LCR_RACING_EVENT_FINISHED && LCR_game.state != LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_FINISHED) { LCR_LOG1("finished"); LCR_replayOutputStr(_LCR_gameDataCharWrite); LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CLICK); LCR_gameSetState(LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_FINISHED); } if (events & LCR_RACING_EVENT_CRASH_SMALL) { LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CRASH_SMALL); LCR_LOG2("crash (small)"); } else if (events & LCR_RACING_EVENT_CRASH_BIG) { LCR_audioPlaySound(LCR_SOUND_CRASH_BIG); LCR_LOG2("crash (big)"); } else if (events & LCR_RACING_EVENT_ACCELERATOR) LCR_audioPlaySoundIfFree(LCR_SOUND_ACCELERATOR); int engineIntensity = LCR_carSpeedKMH() * 2; LCR_audioSetEngineIntensity(paused ? 0 : (engineIntensity < 256 ? engineIntensity : 255)); if (LCR_game.state != LCR_GAME_STATE_RUN_FINISHED) LCR_game.runTimeMS = LCR_racingGetRunTimeMS(); LCR_game.nextRacingTickTime += LCR_RACING_TICK_MS; } sleep = (3 * (LCR_game.nextRacingTickTime - time)) / 4; // handle rendering: if (time >= LCR_game.nextRenderFrameTime || LCR_game.state == LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING) { LCR_LOG2("rendering next frame"); while (time >= LCR_game.nextRenderFrameTime) LCR_game.nextRenderFrameTime += 1000 / LCR_SETTING_FPS; if ((LCR_game.state == LCR_GAME_STATE_MENU) || LCR_game.state == LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING) LCR_rendererDrawMenu(LCR_texts[LCR_TEXTS_TABS + LCR_game.menu.selectedTab],LCR_game.menu.itemNamePtrs, LCR_game.menu.itemCount + 1,LCR_game.menu.selectedItem); else LCR_gameDraw3DView(); } else { uint32_t tmp = (3 * (LCR_game.nextRenderFrameTime - time)) / 4; sleep = tmp < sleep ? tmp : sleep; } if (LCR_game.state == LCR_GAME_STATE_LOADING) { // show the "loading" screen LCR_rendererDrawRect( LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_X / 8, LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y / 3, LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_X - LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_X / 4, LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y - 2 * LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y / 3, 0xffff,0); LCR_rendererDrawText(LCR_texts[LCR_TEXTS_LOADING], (LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_X - LCR_rendererComputeTextWidth(LCR_texts[LCR_TEXTS_LOADING],4)) / 2, (LCR_EFFECTIVE_RESOLUTION_Y - LCR_rendererComputeTextHeight(4)) / 2,0x0000,4); } if (sleep) LCR_sleep(sleep); else { LCR_LOG2("can't sleep"); } LCR_game.frame++; LCR_LOG2("game step (end)"); return LCR_game.state != LCR_GAME_STATE_END; } uint8_t LCR_gameGetNextAudioSample(void) { return LCR_audioGetNextSample(); } #endif // guard