Stereotypes are general statistical observations about groups of [people](, such as different [races](, nations or professions, which have been discovered naturally and became part of common knowledge (without rigorous [scientific]( effort). Stereotypes are [good]( because they tell us what we may expect from different kinds of people. Of course no one, maybe with the exception of blonde women, is so stupid as to think stereotypes apply 100% -- let us repeat they are STATISTICAL observations, they talk about [probabilities](
Stereotypes are also good for showing us the diversity of human races and [cultures]( [Pseudoleftists]( want to suppress awareness of stereotypes by calling them "offensive" or "discriminating", aiming to create a sterile gray society without any differences, without any [beauty]( and richness of all the wonderful shapes and forms human beings can take. Do not support [political correctness]( and cultural castration, spread the knowledge of stereotypes throughout the world. This page is dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of wonderful human stereotypes.
- extremely stupid, primitive, close-minded, not knowing geography/history besides the US, think US is the center of the world (and probably whole [Universe](, fascist and proud of their country beyond any measure, wear USA flag as a shirt
- materialist, obsessed with [money](, hardcore [capitalists](, panic fear of anything resembling [communism]([socialism]( or [selflessness](
- everything is fake, a cheap copy of things from other cultures, mushed and mix together without any taste or moderation (a "luxury" house will have Chinese vases next to Egyptian statues and ancient Greek columns put side by side with medieval armor and life sized Stormtrooper statue to top it off)
- wild west, survival of the fittest, they have highest tech weapons but mentality of cavemen
- make crappy off brands and cheap copies of western art, steal "intellectual property", manufacture cheap things at large quantities, everything is "made in China"
- no one will help you emergency, if you are dying in the streets people will just walk by and not notice you { This is very well known on gore sites, it's not even a stereotype but basically a fact apparent from watching many videos of accidents, it may be related to the eastern culture of "not minding the others' business". The phenomenon itself is NOT unique to china, it's known to psychology, called *diffusion of responsibility*, however in China it is very strong and even appears in situations without crowds of people. I don't want to describe the graphic videos in detail, but it's basically the case that people will for example keep filming their friend drowning from up close, when he absolutely clearly needs helps, they just will not help. This may be important to know when traveling to China, knowing you can't rely on others helping you in emergency may save your life -- if you need help, call very clearly for help and address someone in specific to help you. ~drummyfish }
- all women are sexy cute lolis wearing schoolgirl uniforms and make ideals wives: absolutely faithful and subdued to their husband, diligently maintain household, never complain, never express opinions
- post-war very sensitive to anything connected to nazism, for example if someone notices a crossroads somewhere resembles a swastika, nation-wide panic will ensue
- likewise sensitive to other sensitive topics, typically e.g. violence in video games: all blood in game is censored to green liquid
- thanks to sauna people don't know shame of nudity -- like in Japan you go to karaoke after work, in Finland you will go to sauna after work with your colleagues and boss, all naked of course
- in certain situations act like monkeys (so called chimp out), e.g. when excited they start jumping around like crazy, or when scared instinctively react by punching the perceived danger
- don't work, steal stuff, welfare leeches, make a lot of children
- children don't go to school, uneducated, can hardly read
- passionate, emotional, friendly
- talent for [music](
- **[jews](**:
- very smart, inventive
- greedy
- good at [business](, filthy [capitalists](, just count money all day
- have the "eagle nose"
- members of secret societies, closed jew-only communities, conspire for world control, some being [fascists]( wanting to become the ruling race
- direct, strong, decisive, stubborn, overconfident, primitive, irresponsible, conservative, when provoked may easily become rude and aggressive, beat their wives
- good at [math]( and exact sciences, often on detriment of being good at art, humanities and "soft skills" (these are seen as gay)
- hide their feelings, trash talk ever best friends, revealing feminine emotions is seen as a weakness and sign of [homosexuality](
- thinking only of [sex](, will have sex with every woman any time and everywhere, will have as many sexual partners as possible, however romantically will love only one woman, to the point of dying for her (but will rather die than marry her)
- obsessed with and insecure about penis size
- like cars, guns, military, machines in general, building and repairing "[do it yourself](" style, not reading manuals (that's for sissies)
- get good grades at school because of tryharding, memorization (without deep understanding), following rules and diligence, i.e. conformance (which the corrupt system rewards before talent and actual skill)
- has no idea what gender or [species]( he is, switches genders every few minutes
- has 20 mental diseases, constant depression and self harm scars: paranoid schizo bipolar split personality with social anxiety, [autism](, "body dysmorphia", agoraphobia, [OCD]( and ADHD is the standard base line -- despite breaking world records for simultaneously present crippling mental diseases he is able to function quite normally
- techno slaves, against expectations very bad with technology -- is only a tech consumer but doesn't know how computers work (can't operate mouse, doesn't know what a file is, can't [torrent](, can't use [email](, can't do anything if it can't be done by issuing a voice command to a spy agent in his phone)
- extremely short attention span
- addicted to consuming Internet content, without cell phone will die within a few hours
- due to having grown up in extremely toxic capitalist dystopia, being forced to consume since birth and never knowing normal childhood and healthy habits, they are prone to developing unhealthy addictions to normal things that others can control without problems but which a zoomer will self destruct with, e.g.: masturbation and porn, energy drinks, consuming Internet, listening to music, playing games etc.