Transsexualism (also *trannyism*, *transsexual* being shortened to just *trans*) is a [disease]( which makes someone very strongly desire to be the opposite [sex]( than he was born, to the point of it becoming a cause of deep [depression](, self harm and [suicidal]( tendencies. Transsexuals are also colloquially called *trannies*; there are many other terms such as a *shemale*, *trap*, *t-girl*, *clown*, *X-man*, *m2f* (male to female), *f2m* (female to male) and so on. Transsexual is not to be confused with a transvestite (someone who just dresses as the other sex, e.g. as part of a fetish or public show), hermaphrodite etc.
{ A personal comment: maybe 50% of my online friends are transsexual, many of them among the best people I've ever met, I really deeply love them and some of them I got really, really close with. They really do suffer immensely and it breaks my heart. Really I don't care about what people want to be, it's fine to be whoever or whatever you want. I don't pretend I enjoy the sight of a man with lipstick on, walking around in schoolgirl clothes, but that's fine too, I also dislike seeing people in suits, with tattoos and many other things -- as a grown up adult I can bear seeing things I don't exactly love and I can get over them easily. What I talk about here is harmful and dangerous fascist identity politics. Don't let politicians divide us, we can love each other even despite disagreements and different tastes, don't let them tell you that if you oppose their politics you automatically also support a genocide of all transsexuals. That's some Nazi level of brainwashing. ~drummyfish }
In 2010s it was cool to come out as [gay](, in 2020s that's no longer cool enough and being trans is the new fashion -- it's the next step to proving loyalty to the [LGBT]( army, one that is much more radical and irreversible as it comes with undergoing surgeries and taking drugs to physically transform into the opposite sex, often at a very young, even prepubescent age -- note that this is not a plot summary of a sci-fi horror, this is the reality of [21st century]( Being transsexual is of course absolutely fine, however what is not fine is the [fascist]( [liberal]( [pseudoleftist]( politics centered around being transsexual (in which sense legit transsexuals as a group are being abused for political motives as well) that's extremely [toxic]( and harmful to whole society, it is one of the most aggressive examples of a world-wide [cancer]( of today's world. It can't be adequately explained in words how much trans fascism has flooded the whole [Internet]( and all the media, what kind of brainwashing and manipulation is taking place, it has to be witnessed to be believed because it's just absolutely unreal.
Is it OK to be trans? Of course. [We]( [love]( everyone, be who you are. Is transsexualism a [disease]( Yes, of course. Is it fine to have a disease? Sure. Is it OK to be missing a leg? Likewise yes. You are who you are, no problem. Don't ever bully anyone for anything.
Is trans politics OK? No, it's [fascism]( Stop posting fascist [flags]( everywhere bitch. Stop making it a fashion, stop making it cool to be trans, you're ruining millions of young lives, causing [suicides](, pushing children to undergo irreversible surgeries, to deform and poison their bodies. Don't make a serious mental illness into fashion and political identity. It's hard to even imagine an [evil]( more pure than this.
**See the difference between being transsexual and being a fascist under a transsexual flag.** It's exactly the same as being white versus being a white supremacist. Stop posting shitty flags, stop being [proud]( of your disease, [race]( or any other kind of condition.
Hopefully that's enough examples to demonstrate the difference. Really you must see it even if with a quarter of average [IQ](, only extreme brainwashing can possibly make you not see the difference. You know this is the voice of reason and you know tranny fascism is a voice of cult, you know listening to one means doing the right thing and listening to the other doing the cowardly conformance to evil. You can choose to be good or evil.
**Why are there suddenly so many transsexuals?** And why are 99.99% of them male to female? Again, please note that we aren't talking about individuals but rather about masses of people, social phenomena and political groups -- yes, there are malicious individuals just pretending to be trans, but most are probably genuinely feeling it, and though it's unfortunate because it's a burden for them, we will accept them, we won't ever hate them for being trans -- we are however trying to figure out WHY more and more people suffer from this and then try to see how to make it not be so. With that said, the reasons for the sudden trans explosion are probably following:
- **Extreme brainwashing at very young age.** Imagine you are 8 or 10 years old and all you do all day is watch transsexual YouTubers, ads, cartoons with transsexual characters, movies with transsexual heroes, you see transsexual marching in streets under transsexual flags, you see them in games you play, just everywhere. In complete honesty, what do you think you will want to become? Children don't think critically, they just accept whatever role models are put in front of them. They see Pokemon, they want to be a Pokemon trainer, they see batman, they want to be a batman. LGBT fascists know this very well and exploit it to full extent. Many lives are ruined at a very young age, many will end up committing [suicides]( Is it even possible to imagine anything more evil?
- **It is a [fashion](** Very simple, it IS a fashion to be gay, sissy, transsexual, mentally ill and "queer". Just like everyone was a disco fan in the [80s]( and like everyone was an [emo]( in 2000s, is it surprising at all that young people follow a fashion? If you're straight, with no mental illness, no self harm scars, wearing normal clothes, you are just plain and simple BORING, unpopular, won't ever have sex, friends and may even become bullied. Do you in your right mind think anyone young ever wants this? However the trans fashion has a catch: it comes with serious irreversible decisions, such as that to have your dick cut off, often made at a time when you don't even know how children are made yet.
- **Many social rewards.** For example: **label of a [hero](** for coming out; attention, which means followers, fame and **financial rewards** on social media; more potential for generating drama, i.e. again more attention capital, meaning more money etc.; **better chances to get hired** as companies have quotas to hire minorities and similar kinds of people and they're generally scared of discrimination lawsuits; **safety** from getting bullied by [LGBT](, [feminists]( and other pseudoleftist fascist groups for having joined their ranks (just like "communist" collaborators used to get an immunity, protection and privileges for signing collaboration with the "communist" party); **better chances in lawsuits** as you gain the powerful "discrimination card" to play (and as a result even lowering probability of getting sued at all); support, compassion and empathy of your surroundings for having an "illness"; excuse for behaving badly ("he is ill, it's not his fault"), healthcare benefits such as a disability pension; business opportunities, e.g. for being a writer, speaker etc. Is it surprising at all that when something is socially rewarded, people start doing it? You would have to be stupid beyond any measure to even find this surprising in a slightest way.
- **[Gay]( parents**. Parents are probably the single most influential factor for the development of any child, to the child a parent is role model of what it wants to be as an adult. Both a normal mother and normal father are important and irreplaceable. If a small boy doesn't have normal father but has two mommies or two feminine sissy daddies, both similarly disastrous options, what do you think will get forever burned in its subconsciousness at this critical development stage? Where is it supposed to learn about how men behave, how they talk, how they think of women, what they do in the privacy of their home? The sad little motherfucker is doomed for life and it's not even his fault, it's as if the child is denied basic education or not being taught to talk -- it will adapt to life somehow but will never catch up with what it missed and will suffer until his death for the mistakes of his parents. It must be sad that gay parents are the most selfish people in the world, they want to have children like everyone else, not caring about the fact they will ruin the child's life.
- Herd mentality, mass hysteria. People just [do what others do]( without thinking because they're stupid, spreading this further and further.
- Females that made the huge mistake of transitioning to a male very quickly find life as a male is much more difficult, contrary to what feminist propaganda told them, and they quickly revert back.
- Some theorize that capitalist food, environment poisoning, stress and similar factors also play a role, i.e. that what we eat today is chemical shit that disbalances our hormones and fucks our bodies and brains (see also [soy]( This may contribute as well.
Some questions regarding transsexualism still stand unanswered, such as:
- **Why are people so disproportionately depressed over sex/gender compared to other aspects of their bodies?** Why are there suddenly billions of transsexuals, but not people who are for example extremely depressed over not having been born as a turtle? Why aren't there masses of people who are depressed over the fact that they don't have wings and can't fly or breathe under water or that they only have two eyes instead of three, commiting mass suicides and creating flags and [pride]( months and all the usual business that angry minorities do? Does this perhaps suggest that transsexualism has anything to do with culture, upbringing, seeing other people have something they don't? Dare we say transsexualism may be acquired through nurture, rather than being born with? That perhaps parents, fashion, media and similar influences play the key role? Maybe a bit similarly to how the Japanese during the war were so influenced by their surroundings they would rather commit a ritual suicide than cast upon themselves what was perceived as shame, such as being captured alive by the enemy? Maybe it was just a coincidence that people born in the area of Japan during the time of war were born with a disorder very convenient for soldiers to have?
- **So does sex/gender exist or not?** [Gender studies]( experts say sex/gender is 100% social and cultural construct independent of anything physical and that it's purely a matter of choice what sex/gender one is, but on the other hand they claim it is of uttermost importance and priority that we make people be able to choose AND physically transform and switch sex/genders because, apparently, it plays a key role in one's life, seemingly more important than anything else that exists in the Universe. So -- does sex/gender exist or not? Some of the biggest brain gender studies [PhDs]( tried to resolve this paradox by making a distinction between "sex" and "gender", the former being physical, the latter mental -- however this distinction can no longer be made because once people switched to using terms such as "biological woman", gender studies experts called this oppression and said there is no such thing, that someone simply either is a man or a woman or whatever, solely depending on his mental choice, so by this we conclude sex and gender are simply the same thing, no distinction between physical and mental can be made on the grounds of "oppression". So then it's a purely mental choice, but also gender surgeries and hormone therapies must exist because it's also about physical form. So -- the paradox still stands? Resolving it will indeed almost guarantee a Nobel prize in the field of gender studies.
For good lulz and drama see also transsexuals in [sports](