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2 years ago
# Quantum Gate
{ Currently studying this, there may be errors. ~drummyfish }
2 years ago
Quantum (logic) gate is a [quantum computing]( equivalent of a traditional [logic gate]( A quantum gate takes as an input *N* [qubits]( and transforms their states to new states (this is different from classical logical gates that may potentially have a different number of input and output values).
2 years ago
Quantum gates are represented by [complex]( [matrices]( that transform the qubit states (which can be seen as points in multidimensional space, see Bloch sphere). A gate operating on *N* qubits is represented by a *2^N*x*2^N* matrix. These matrices have to be **unitary**. Operations performed by quantum gates may be reversed, unlike those of classical logic gates.
2 years ago
We normally represent a single qubit state with a **column** [vector]( *|a> = a0 * |0> + a1 * |1> => [a0, a1]* (look up bra-ket notation). Multiple qubit states are represented as a [tensor product]( of the individual state, e.g. *|a,b> = [a0 * b0, a0 * b1, a1 * b0, a1 * b1]*. Applying a quantum gate *G* to such a qubit vector *q* is performed by simple matrix multiplication: *G * v*.
2 years ago
## Basic gates
Here are some of the most common quantum gates.
### Identity
Acts on 1 qubit, leaves the qubit state unchanged.
1 0
0 1
## Pauli Gates
Act on 1 qubit. There are three types of Pauli gates: X, Y and Z, each one rotates the qubit about the respective axis by [pi]( radians.
The X gate is:
0 1
1 0
The Y gate is:
0 -i
i 0
The Z gate is:
1 0
0 -1
## NOT
The not gate is identical to the Pauli X gate. It acts on 1 qubit and switches the probabilities of measuring 0 vs 1.
Controlled NOT, acts on 2 qubits. Performs NOT on the second qubit if the first qubit is *|1>*.
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0