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3 years ago
# Richard Stallman
3 years ago
The great doctor Richard Matthew Stallman (RMS, born 1953 in New York) is one of the biggest figures in software history, inventor of [free software](, founder of the [GNU project](, [free software foundation]( and the author of a famous text editor [emacs](
3 years ago
2 years ago
Stallman's life along with free software's history is documented by a free-licensed book named *Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software* on which he collaborated. You can get it for free e.g. at [Project Gutenberg]( You should read this!
3 years ago
2 years ago
Stallman has a beautifully minimalist website where he actively comments on current news and issues.
3 years ago
Regarding [software]( he has for his whole life strongly and tirelessly promoted free software and [copyleft]( and has himself only used such software; he has always practiced what he preched and led the best example of how to live without [proprietary]( software. This is amazing. Nevertheless he isn't too concerned about [bloat]( (judging by the GNU software and his own creation, [emacs]( and he also doesn't care that much about [free culture]( (some of his written works prohibit modification and his GNU project allows proprietary non-functional data).
2 years ago
RMS made the free software song (well, only the lyrics, the melody is taken from a Bulgarian folk song Sadi Moma).
3 years ago
He is a weird person, having been recorded on video eating dirt from his feet before giving a lecture. In the book *Free as in Freedom* he admits he might be autistic. Nevertheless he's pretty smart, has magna cum laude degree in physics from Harvard, 10+ honorary doctorates, fluently speaks English, Spanish and French and has many times proven his superior programming skills (even though he later stopped programming to fully work on promoting the FSF).
2 years ago
In 2019 Stallman was [cancelled]( by [SJW]( fascists for merely commenting rationally on the topic of child sexuality following the Epstein scandal. He resigned from the position of president of the FSF but continues to support it.