Cloud computing, more accurately known as clown computing, means giving up an autonomous [computer]( by storing one's data as well as running one's programs on someone else's (often a [corporation]('s) computer, known as *the cloud*, through the [Internet](, becoming wholly [dependent]( on *someone else* to which one gives all the power. While the general idea of [server computers]( and remote [terminals]( is not bad in itself and can be useful, the term *cloud computing* stands for abusing the idea by [capitalists]( or states to take away autonomous computers from the people as well as to restrict freedoms of people in other ways, for example by pushing [DRM](, making it impossible to truly own a copy of software or other data, to run computations privately, isolated from the Internet or run non-approved, [user-respecting]( software. Moreover clown computing as applied nowadays is mostly a very bad engineering approach that wastes [bandwidth](, introduces [lag](, requires complex and expensive infrastructure etc.
Despite all the above, "cloud" is sadly the [mainstream]( [nowadays](, it is the [normie's]( way of computing, and that even despite regular leaks and losses of their personal data etc., simply because they're constantly pushed to using "[modern technology](" (no matter what it stands for) by the [big tech]( ([Apple](, [Google](, [Micro$ost](, ...) -- many times they don't even have a choice, they are simply supposed to SHUT UP AND [CONSUME]( And of course they wouldn't even have an idea about what's going on in the first place, all that matters to an NPC is "[comfort](", "[everyone does it](", "I just need my [TikTok](", muh [productivity]( etc. [Zoomers]( probably aren't even aware of the cloud, they simply have phones with apps that show their photos if Apple approves of it, they don't even care how shit works anymore.
In the [future]( non-cloud computers will most likely become illegal. This will be justified by autonomous computers presenting "dangers", only being needed by [terrorists](, [pirates]( and [pedophiles]( An autonomous computer will be perceived as something akin to a [cyber]( [gun](, the [right]( to own it will be limited only to those with highest clearance and its use will be allowed only under special conditions.