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# CC0
CC0 is a [waiver]( (similar to a [license]( of [copyright](, created by [Creative Commons](, that can be used to dedicate one's work to the [public domain]( (kind of).
4 months ago
Unlike a license, a waiver such as this *removes* (at least effectively) the author's copyright; by using CC0 the author willingly gives up his own copyright so that the work will no longer be owned by anyone (while a license preserves the author's copyright while granting some rights to other people). It's therefore the most [free]( and [permissive]( option for releasing intellectual works. CC0 is designed in a pretty sophisticated way, it also waives "neighboring rights" (e.g. [moral rights](; waving these rights is why we prefer CC0 over other waivers such as [unlicense](, and also contains a fallback license in case waiving copyright isn't possible in a certain country. For this CC0 is one of the best ways, if not the best, of truly and completely dedicating works to public domain world-wide (well, at least in terms of copyright). In this world of extremely fucked up [intellectual property]( laws it is not enough to state "my work is public domain" -- you need to use something like CC0 to achieve legally valid public domain status.
4 months ago
WATCH OUT: **don't confuse CC0 with Creative Commons Public Domain Mark** (apart from name the symbols are also a bit similar), the latter is not a license or waiver, just a tag, i.e. CC0 is used to release something to the public domain, while PD mark is used to mark that something is already in the public domain (mostly due to being old).
4 months ago
CC0 is recommended by [LRS]( for both programs and other art -- however for programs additional waivers of [patents]( should be added as CC0 doesn't deal with patents. CC0 is endorsed by the [FSF]( but not [OSI]( (who rejected it because it explicitly states that trademarks and patents are NOT waived).
4 months ago
It's nice that CC0 became quite widely used and you can find a lot of material under this waiver, but **BEWARE**, if you find something under CC0, do verify it's actually valid, normies often don't know what CC0 means and happily post derivative works of proprietary stuff under CC0.
3 months ago
Some **things under CC0** include Librivox audiobooks, [Dusk OS](, [Wikidata]( database, great many things on sites like [Wikimedia Commons](, [opengameart]( (see e.g. Kenney), Blendswap, freesound etc., whole [Esolang Wiki](, OSdev Wiki (since 2011), [Encyclopedia Dramatica](, [LRS]( software ([Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [SAF](, [comun]( and [LRS wiki](, [books]( like *The Pig and the Box* (anti [DRM]( child story) or *[Cost of Freedom](*, some [fonts]( by dotcolon, Lix (libre game), evlisp minimalist [Lisp]( (from book "Lisp From Nothing") and many others.