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# Evil
5 months ago
*Evil always wins in the end. But that's not a reason to join it.*
1 month ago
Evil is something that's in conflict with our goal, it is the opposite of [good]( What's evil therefore depends on what we are trying to achieve (and how, i.e. by which means, which we may technically consider part of the goal). For example when aiming to write efficient programs, [bloated]( languages such as [Python]( and [JavaScript]( are evil because they are in conflict with the goal, similarly to achieve [well being for everyone]( things such as [capitalism]( and [proprietary]( software are evil and so on.
7 months ago
As [Richard Stallman]( says, **all evil does some good, which is never a reason to support it**. Just as any good always does a little bit of evil, the opposite also holds: for example [Facebook](, a [corporation]( who accelerates and largely causes downfall of civilization and kills and tortures millions of people, may on occasion help do something good, for example help people communicate during an emergency, however it is no reason to support Facebook or to stop supporting its destruction.