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# Esoteric Programming Language
7 months ago
So called esoteric programming languages (esolangs) are highly experimental and [fun]( [programming languages]( that employ bizarre and/or unconventional ideas. Popular languages of this kind include [Brainfuck](, [Chef]( or [Omgrofl](
7 months ago
There is a great [wiki]( for esolangs, the Esolang Wiki ( If you want to behold esolangs in all their beauty, see The Wiki is published under [CC0](!
Some notable ideas employed by esolangs are:
- Using images instead of text as [source code]( (e.g. *Piet*).
- Doing nothing (e.g. *Nothing*).
- Being two or more dimensional (e.g. *Befunge* or *Hexagony*).
- Source code resembling cooking recipes (e.g. *Chef*).
7 months ago
- Trying to be as hard to use as possible.
- Trying to be as hard to compile as possible (e.g. *Befunge*).
- Adding randomness to program execution (e.g. *Entropy*).
- Having no [input/output]( (e.g. *Compute*).
- Obligation to beg the compiler to do its job (e.g. *INTERCAL*).
- Using only white characters in source code (e.g. *Whitespace*).
- Using only a single letter in source code (e.g. *Unary*).
- Using git repository structure as source code (e.g. *legit*).
- Source code resembling dramatic plays (e.g. *Shakespeare*, actual [real-life]( plays were performed).
- Solely focus on [golfing](, i.e. writing the shortest possible programs (e.g. *GoldScript*)
- Using [unicode]( characters (e.g. *UniCode*).
- Being infinitely many languages (e.g. *MetaGolfScript*, each one solves a specific program in 0 bytes).
12 months ago
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Esolangs are great because:
7 months ago
- **They are [fun](** and have a cool community around them.
- **They are actually useful research in language design and food for thought**, even if most of the ideas aren't useful directly, esolangs really teach us about the borders and definitions of what languages are. And sometimes, by mistake, actual discoveries are made.
- **They are great exercise in [programming](** and design. Simple languages that are allowed to not be useful are potentially good for education as they let the programmer fully focus on a specific idea and its implementation.
- **They blend technology with [art](**, train creativity and thinking "outside the box".
- **They are a breath of fresh air** in the sometimes too serious area of technology. Hobbyist and non-commercial programming communities are always great to have.
12 months ago
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## History
INTERCAL, made in 1972 by Donald Woods and James Lyon, is considered the first esolang in history: its goal was specifically intended to be different from traditional languages and so for example a level of politeness was introduced -- if there weren't enough PLEASE labels in the source code, the compiler wouldn't compile the program.
In 2005 esolang wiki was started.
## Specific Languages
The following is a list of some notable esoteric languages.
- **`!@$%^&*()+`**: Source code looks like gibberish.
- **[Brainfuck](**: Extremely simple but hard to program in, arguably the most famous esolang with many forks.
- **[Brainfork](**: Brainfuck with added [multithreading](
- **[Befunge](**: Two dimensional language that's extremely hard to compile.
- **[Chef](**: Source codes look like cooking recipes.
- **Entropy**: Adds randomness to programs, data in variables decay.
- **FALSE**: Aims for as small compiler as possible, inspired creation of Brainfuck and other esolangs.
- **Gravity**: Executing programs involves solving [differential equations]( related to gravity, which is [uncomputable](
- **[INTERCAL](**: Maybe the first esolang, includes such statements as `PLEASE DO` which have to be present in order for the compilation to be successful.
- **Nothing**: Does nothing, guarantees zero bugs.
- **[Compute](**: Can compute any existing problem in arbitrarily short time, but has no output so the result cannot be printed.
- **[Omgrofl](**: Source code is composed of internet acronyms such as *lol*, *wtf*, *lmao* etc.
- **Pi**: Source code looks like the number [pi](, errors encode the program.
- **[Piet](**: Source codes are images.
- **Text**: Language that always prints its source code (it is not Turing complete). All [ASCII]( files are programs in Text.
- **Polynomial**: Programs are [polynomials]( whose zeros determine the commands.
- **[Unary](**: Source code uses only 1 character: `0`. Each program is just a sequence of zeros of different length.
- **[Velato](**: Source codes are [MIDI]( files.
- **[Whitespace](**: Source code uses only white characters (spaces, tabs and newlines) so it looks seemingly empty.
- **XENBLN**: [Golfing]( language, hello world is just `š`.
1 year ago
## See Also
- [conlang](
7 months ago
- [micronation](