Bytebeat is a [procedural]( [chiptune]( style [music]( generated by a short expression in a [programming language](; it was discovered/highlighted in 2011 by [Viznut]( (author of [countercomplex]( blog) and others, and the technique capable of producing quite impressive music by single-line code has since caught the attention of many programmers, especially in [demoscene]( There has even been a [paper]( written about bytebeat. Bytebeat can produce music similar (though a lot simpler) to that created e.g. with [music trackers]( but with a lot less complexity and effort. These techniques can also be used to produce non-musical sounds, one may imagine for example imagine a racing game where the sound of car engine is created this way.
This is a [beautiful]( [hack]( for [LRS]([suckless]( programmers because it takes quite a tiny amount of code, space and effort to produce nice music, e.g. for [games]( (done e.g. by [Anarch](
8bit samples corresponding to `unsigned char` are typically used with bytebeat. The formulas take advantage of [overflows]( that create rhythmical patterns with potential other operations such as multiplication, division, addition, squaring, bitwise/logical operators and conditions adding more interesting effects.
Quick experiments with bytebeat can be performed with online tools that are easy to find on the [web](, these usually use [JavaScript](
Nevertheless, traditionally we use [C]( for bytebeat. We simply create a loop with a *time* variable (`i`) and inside the loop body we create our bytebeat expression with the variable to compute a char that we output.
A simple "workflow" for bytebeat "development" can be set up as follows. Firstly write a C program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
for (int i = 0; i <10000;++i)
i / 3 // <bytebeatformulahere
return 0;
Now compile the program and play its output e.g. like this:
gcc program.c && ./a.out | aplay
Now we can just start experimenting and invent new music by fiddling with the formula indicated by the comment.
General tips/tricks and observations are these:
- Outputting the variable `i` creates a periodical saw-shaped beat, **multiplication/division decreases/increases the speed, addition/subtraction shifts the phase backward/forward**.
- Squaring (and other powers) create a **wah-wah effect**.
- Crazier patterns can be achieved by **using the variable in places of numerical constants**, e.g. `i << ((i / 512) % 8)` (shifting by a value that depends on the variable).
- Modulo (`%`) increases the frequency and **decreases volume** (limits the wave peak).
- So called **Sierpinski harmonies** are often used melodic expressions of the form `i*N & i >> M`.
- Bitwise and (`&`) can add distortion (create steps in the wave).
- A **macro structure** of the song (silent/louds parts, verse/chorus, ...) can be achieved by combining multiple patterns with some low-frequency pattern, e.g. this alternates a slower and faster beat: `int cond = (i & 0x8000) == 0;`, `cond * (i / 16) + !cond * (i / 32)`
- **Extra variables** can add more complexity (e.g. precompute some variable `a` which will subsequently be used multiple times in the final formula).
It is not exactly clear whether, how and to what extent [copyright]( can apply to bytebeat: on one hand we have a short formula that's uncopyrightable (just like mathematical formulas), on the other hand we have music, an artistic expression. Many authors of bytebeat "release" their creations under [free]( [licenses]( such as [CC-BY-SA](, but such licenses are of course not applicable if copyright can't even arise.
The following more complex examples come from the [LRS]( game [Anarch]( (these are legally safe even in case copyright can apply to bytebeat as Anarch is released under [CC0](