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# Programming
2 years ago
*Not to be confused with [coding](*
Programming is the act and [art]( of writing computer [programs](; it involves creation of [algorithms]( and [data structures]( and implementing them in [programming languages](
2 years ago
You may also encounter the term [coding]( which is used by [noob]( [wannabe programmers](, so called "coders" or [code monkeys]( "Coding" doesn't reach the quality of programming, it is done in baby handholding languages like [Python](, [JavaScript]( or [Rust]( by people with very shallow knowledge of technology and its context, barely qualified to turn on a computer (like [jewtubers](, who have flooded the computer industry since it became lucrative. What they do is not real programming. Do not try to imitate them.
2 years ago
At high level programming becomes [spiritual]( Check out e.g. the famous [Tao of Programming]( (yes, it's kind of a [joke]( but it's based on reality, programming can truly be kind of a [meditation]( and pursuit of enlightenment). Many people say that learning programming opens your eyes in a certain new way, you then see the world like never before (but that's probably kind of true of almost all skills so this may be a [shit]( statement). Others say too much programming cripples you mentally and gives you [autism]( Anyway it's [fun]( Programming requires a good knowledge of advanced [math]( Also probably at least above average [IQ](, as well as below average social intelligence. Being a [man]( is an advantage.