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# Exercises
1 year ago
Here let be listed exercises for the readers of the wiki. You can allow yourself to as many helpers and resources as you find challenging: with each problem you should either find out you know the solution or learn something new while solving it.
1 year ago
Problems in each category should follow from easiest to most difficult. The listed solutions may not be the only possible solutions, just one of them.
## General Knowledge
1. What is the difference between [free software]( and [open source](
### Solutions
1. The [free software]( and [open source]( movements are technically very similar but extremely different in spirit, i.e. while most free software licenses are also open source and vice versa (with small exceptions such as [CC0](, free software is fundamentally about pursuing user freedom and ethics while open source is a later capitalist fork of free software that removes talk about ethics, aims to exploit free licenses for the benefit of business and is therefore unethical.
## Programming
1. Write a [C]( program that prints out all [prime numbers]( under 1000 as well as the total count of these prime numbers.
### Solutions
// Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm, one possible way to generate prime numbers
#include <stdio.h>
#define N 1000
char primeMap[N];
int main(void)
int primeCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
primeMap[i] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < N; ++i)
if (primeMap[i])
int j = i;
while (1) // mark all multiples of i non-primes
j += i;
if (j >= N)
primeMap[j] = 0; // can't be a prime
printf("prime count under %d: %d\n",N,primeCount);
return 0;
## Math
### Solutions