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# Game Engine
Game engine is a [software](, usually a [framework]( or a [library](, that serves as a base code for [games]( Such an engine may be seen as a [platform]( allowing [portability]( and offering preprogrammed functionality often needed in games ([3D rendering](, [physics engine](, [I/O](, networking, [AI](, audio, scripting, ...) as well as [tools]( used in game development (level editor, [shader]( editor, 3D editor, ...).
A game engine differs from a general multimedia engine/library, such as [SDL](, by its specific focus on games. It is also different from generic rendering engines such as [3D engines]( like [OpenSceneGraph]( because games require more than just rendering (audio, AI, physics, ...). While one may use some general purpose technology such as [C]( or [SDL]( for creating a game, using a game engine should make the process easier. However, **beware of [bloat](** that plagues most mainstream game engines. [LRS]( advises against use of any frameworks, so try to at worst use a game library. Many game programmers such as [Jonathan Blow]( advocate and practice writing own engines for one's games.
## Existing Engines
The following are some notable game engines.
- **[free as in freedom](**
- **[Allegro](**: 2D [C]( game library.
- **[BRender](**: Old 3D engine that used mainly [software rendering](, used e.g. in Carmageddon, later released under [MIT](
- **[Cube2](**: 3D [voxel]( outdoor shooter engine with real-time editable levels, used e.g. in Cube 2: Sauerbraten.
- **[Godot](**: A successful but [bloated]( [FOSS]( ([MIT]( [framework]( engine, alternative to the proprietary [Unity]( engine, written in [C++](, supports many platforms, has 3D/2D graphics and physics engines, scripting in many languages and many "advanced" features. [Capitalist software](
- *id Tech* engines (engines by [Id software](
- **id Tech 0**: Simple 2D [raycasting]( engine, written in [ANSI C](, used mainly in [Wolf3D]( (1992).
- **id Tech 1**: [BSP]( rendering engine used mainly in [Doom]( and Doom 2.
- **[Chocolate Doom](**: Doom engine [fork]( aiming to be very similar to the vanilla version.
8 months ago
- **[Crispy Doom](**: Slight enhancement of Chocolate Doom: increased resolution ([640x480]( and removed hardcoded engine limits.
- **[GZDoom](**: Another Doom fork, supports newer OpenGL etc.
- **[PrBoom](**: Doom engine fork adding e.g. [OpenGL]( support.
- **id Tech 2**: 3D engine used mainly in [Quake]( and Quake 2, in a modified form ([GoldSrc](, proprietary) also in [Half Life](, features both GPU accelerated and [software rendering](
- **[Darkplaces](**: [Fork]( of id Tech 2, used e.g. in [Xonotic](
- **id Tech 3**: 3D engine used mainly in [Quake 3](, sadly dropped [software rendering]( support.
- **[ioquake3](**: Fork of id Tech 3 aiming for bugfixes and improvements, e.g. [SDL]( integration.
- **[OpenArena](**: Game-specific fork of id Tech 3.
- **id Tech 4**: 3D engine used mainly in [Doom 3]( and [Quake 4](
- **[iodoom3](**: Fork of id Tech 4, in a similar spirit to ioquake3.
- **[Irrlicht](**: [C++]( cross-platform library for 3D games, includes a physics engine and many rendering backends ([OpenGL](, [software](, [DirectX](, ...). Used e.g. by [Minetest](
- **[OpenMW](**: [FOSS]( remake of the engine of a proprietary [RPG]( game [TES: Morrowind](, can be used to make open-world 3D RPG games.
- **[Panda3D](**: 3D game engine, under [BSD](, written in [Python]( and [C++](
- **[pygame](**: [Python]( 2D game library.
- **[Raylib](**: [C99]( 2D/3D game library, relatively minimalist.
- **[SAF](**: Official [LRS]( library for tiny and simple portable games.
- **[Torque3D](**: 3D game engine in [C++](
- **[proprietary](** (no go!):
- **[Build Engine](**: Old portal rendering "[pseudo 3D](" engine used mainly in [3D Realms]( games such as [Duke3D]( It is [source available](
- *id Tech* engines (engines by [Id software](
- **id Tech 5**: 3D engine used e.g. in Rage and some shitty Wolfenstein games.
- **id Tech 6**: 3D engine adding [Vulkan]( support, used e.g. in Doom 2016.
- **id Tech 7**: 3D engine used e.g. in Doom: Eternal.
8 months ago
- **[Jedi engine](**: old 90s "2.5D/Pseudo3D" engine best known for being used in *Dark Forces * (Star Wars game).
- **[GameMaker](**: Laughable toy for non-programmers.
- **[RAGE](**: 3D open-world engine developed and used by [Rockstar]( for games such as [GTA](
- **[Source](**: 3D engine by [Valve]( used in games such as [Half Life 2](
- **[Source2](**: Continuation of Valve's source engine with added support of [VR]( and other shit.
- **[Unity](**: Shitty nub all-in-one 3D game engine, very [bloated]( and [capitalist](, extremely popular among [coding monkeys](, includes [ads](
- **[Unreal Engine](**: One of the leading proprietary 3D game engines developed alongside [Unreal Tournament]( games, EXTREMELY [BLOATED]( and [capitalist](, known for hugely overcomplicated rendering (advertised as "[photorealistic](").