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# Earth
Well, Earth is the [planet]( we live on. It is the third planet from the [Sun]( of our Solar system which itself is part of the [Milky Way]( [galaxy]( So far it is the only known place to have [life](
Now behold the grand rendering of the Earth map in [ASCII]( ([equirectangular]( projection):
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"-._.--"""-._ CANADA "--" "\ / \: ""./ / _--"","/
"" \ _/_ ",_/:_./\_.' ASIA "--. \/
> } /_\/ \:EUROPE __ __ /\| <
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11 months ago
Some numbers about the planet Earth:
- age: 4.54 billion years
- distance from the [Sun]( (nearest, furthest): 147098450 km, 152097597 km,
- radius (equator, poles): 6378 km, 6356 km
- mass: 5.9 * 10^24 kg
- acceleration by gravity: 9.8 m/s^2
- axial tilt: 23.4 degrees
- length of year: 365.25 days
- land vs water area: 148940000 km^2, 361132000 km^2