Miloslav Ciz 1 year ago
parent 533b15484b
commit 138510fee5

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Drummyfish
Drummyfish (also tastyfish, drumy etc.) is a programmer, [anarchopacifist]( and proponent of [free software/culture](, who started [this wiki]( and invented the kind of software it focuses on: [less retarded software]( (LRS). Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [smallchesslib](, [tinyphysicsengine]( and [SAF]( He has also been creating free culture art and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](; he's been contributing with [public domain]( art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia](, [Wikimedia Commons](, [opengameart](, [libregamewiki](, freesound and others. Drummyfish is crazy, suffering from anxiety/depression/etcetc. (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder](, and has no [real life](, he is pretty retarded when it comes to leading projects or otherwise dealing with people or practical life. He is a [wizard](
Drummyfish (also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a programmer, [anarchopacifist]( and proponent of [free software/culture](, who started [this wiki]( and invented the kind of software it focuses on: [less retarded software]( (LRS). Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [smallchesslib](, [tinyphysicsengine]( and [SAF]( He has also been creating free culture art and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](; he's been contributing with [public domain]( art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia](, [Wikimedia Commons](, [opengameart](, [libregamewiki](, freesound and others. Drummyfish is crazy, suffering from anxiety/depression/etcetc. (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder](, and has no [real life](, he is pretty retarded when it comes to leading projects or otherwise dealing with people or practical life. He is a [wizard](
He loves all living beings, even those whose attributes he hates or who hate him. He is a [vegetarian]( and here and there supports good causes, for example he donates hair and gives money to homeless people who ask for them.

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
# Linear Algebra
In [mathematics]( linear algebra is an extension of the classical elemental algebra ("operations with numbers/variables") to [vectors]( and [matrices]( ("arrays of numbers"). It is a basic tool of advanced mathematics and [computer science]( (and many other sciences) and at least at the very basic level should be known by every [programmer](
In [mathematics]( linear algebra is an extension of the classical elemental algebra (which means the basic "operations with numbers/variables") to [vectors]( and [matrices]( (kind of "operations with arrays of numbers"). It is a basic tool of advanced mathematics and [computer science]( (and many other sciences) and at least at the very basic level should be known by every [programmer](
Why is it called *linear* algebra? Basically because it deals with [linear equations]( which is kind of about proportionality, function plots being lines etc. A mathematician will probably puke at this explanation but it gives some intuition :)
Why is it called *linear* algebra? Basically because it deals with [linear equations]( which is kind of about proportionality, function plots being lines etc. A mathematician will probably puke at this explanation but it gives some intuition :) See also [linearity](
## Basics
In "normal" algebra our basic elements are [numbers](; we learn to add then, multiply then, solve equation with them etc. In linear algebra we call these "single numbers" **[scalars](** (e.g. 1, -10.5 or [pi]( are scalars), and we also add more complex elements: **[vectors](** and **[matrices](**, with which we may perform similar operations, even though they sometimes behave a bit differently (e.g. the order in multiplication of matrices matters, unlike with scalars).
Vectors are basically sequences ([arrays]( of numbers, e.g. a vector of length 3 may be [1.5, 0, -302]. A matrix can be seen as a [two dimensional]( vector (a 2D array of numbers), e.g. a 2x3 matrix may look like this:
Vectors are, put in a very simplified and slightly incorrect way, sequences ([arrays]( of numbers, e.g. a vector of length 3 may be [1.5, 0, -302]. A matrix can similarly be seen as a [two dimensional]( "array of numbers", e.g. a 2x3 matrix may look like this:
|1 2.5 -10|
|24 -3 0 |
Similarly we may see vectors as matrices that have either only one column, so called **column vectors**, or only one row, so called **row vectors** -- it is only a matter of convention which type of vectors we choose to use (this affects e.g. "from which side" we will multiply vectors by matrices). For example a column vector
We may kind of see vectors as matrices that have either only one column, so called **column vectors**, or only one row, so called **row vectors** -- it is only a matter of convention which type of vectors we choose to use (this affects e.g. "from which side" we will multiply vectors by matrices). I.e. we choose which kind of vectors we'll use and then keep using only that kind. For example a row vector
|5 7.3 -2|
is really a 3x1 matrix that as a row vector (1x3 matrix) would look as
is really a 3x1 matrix that as a column vector (1x3 matrix) would look as
|5 |

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ Open consoles are how I got into [suckless]( programming, they taught me about the low-level, optimizations and how to actually program efficiently on very limited hardware. I recommend you grab one of these. ~drummyfish }
Open consoles (also indie handhelds etc.) are tiny [GameBoy]( [gaming]( consoles mostly powered by [free software]( and [free hardware](, which have relatively recently (some time after 2015) seen a small boom. Examples include [Arduboy](, [Pokitto]( or [Gamebuino]( These are **NOT** to be confused with the [Raspberry Pi]( (and similar) handhelds that run GameBoy/PS1/DOS [emulators]( but rather custom, mostly [FOSS]( platforms running mostly their own community made games.
Open consoles (also indie handhelds etc.) are tiny [GameBoy]( [gaming]( consoles mostly powered by [free software]( and [free hardware](, which have relatively recently (some time after 2015) seen a small boom. Examples include [Arduboy](, [Pokitto]( or [Gamebuino]( These are **NOT** to be confused with the [Raspberry Pi]( (and similar) handhelds that run GameBoy/PS1/DOS [emulators]( but rather custom, mostly [FOSS]( platforms running mostly their own community made [homebrew]( games.
In summary, open consoles are:

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# Vector
Vector is a basic mathematical object that expresses direction and magnitude (such as velocity, force etc.) and is usually expressed as an "array of numbers". For example in two dimensional space an array `[4,3]` expresses a vector pointing 4 units to the "right" (along X axis) and 3 units "up" (along Y axis) and has the magnitude 5 (which is the vector's length). Vectors are one of the very basic concepts of advanced math and are used almost in any advanced area of math, physics, programming etc. -- basically all of physics and engineering operates with vectors, programmers will mostly encounter them in areas such as 3D [graphics](, [physics engines]( (forces, velocities, acceleration, ...), [machine learning]( (feature vectors, ...) or [signal processing]( (e.g. [Fourier transform]( just interprets a signal as a vector and transforms it to a different basis) etc. In this article we will implicitly focus on vectors from programmer's point of view (i.e. "arrays of numbers"), which to a mathematician will seem very simplified, but we'll briefly also foreshadow the mathematical view.
Just like in elemental mathematics we deal with "simple" numbers such as 10, -2/3 or [pi]( -- we retrospectively call such "simple" numbers **[scalars](** -- advanced mathematics generalizes the concept of such a number into vectors ("arrays of numbers", e.g. `[1,0,-3/5]` or `[0.5,0.5]`) and yet further to [matrices]( ("two dimensional arrays of numbers") and defines a way to deal with such generalizations into **[linear algebra](**, i.e. we have ways to add and multiply vectors and matrices and solve [equations]( with them, just like we did in elemental algebra (of course, linear algebra is a bit more complex as it mixes together scalars, vectors and matrices). In yet more advanced mathematics the concepts of vectors and matrices are further generalized to **[tensors](** which may also be seen as "N dimensional arrays of numbers" but further add new rules and interpretation of such "arrays" -- vectors can therefore be also seen as a tensor (of rank 1) -- note that in this context there is e.g. a fundamental distinction between row and column vectors. Keep in mind that vectors, matrices and tensors aren't the only possible generalization of numbers, another one is e.g. that of [complex numbers](, [quaternions]( etc. Anyway, in this article we won't be discussing tensors or any of the more advanced concepts further, they are pretty non-trivial and mostly beyond the scope of mere programmer's needs :) We'll keep it at linear algebra level.
**Vector is not merely a coordinate**, though the traditional representation of it suggest such representation and programmers often use vector data types to store coordinates out of convenience (e.g. in 3D graphics engines vectors are used to specify coordinates of 3D objects); vector should properly be seen as a **direction and magnitude** which has **no position**, i.e. a way to correctly imagine a vector is something like an **arrow** -- for example if a vector represents velocity of an object, the direction (where the arrow points) says in which direction the object is moving and the magnitude (the arrow length) says how fast it is moving (its [speed](, but it doesn't say the position of the object (the arrow itself records no position, it just "hangs in thin air").
Watch out, **mathematicians dislike defining vectors as arrays of numbers** because vectors are essentially NOT arrays of numbers, such arrays are just one way to express them. Similarly we don't have to interpret any array of numbers as a vector, just as we don't have to interpret any string of letter as a word in human language. A vector is simply a direction and magnitude, an "arrow in space" of *N* dimensions; a natural way of expressing such arrow is through multiples of basis vectors (so called components), BUT the specific numbers (components) depend on the choice of basis vectors, i.e. the SAME vector may be written as an array of different numbers (components) in a different basis, just as the same concept of a [dog]( is expressed by different words in different languages. Even with the same basis vectors the numbers (components) depend on the method of measurement -- instead of expressing the vector as a linear combination of the *N* basis vectors we may express it as *N* [dot products]( with the basis vectors -- the numbers (components) will be different, but the expressed vector will be the same. Mathematicians usually define vectors abstractly simply as members of a **[vector space](** which is a set of elements (vectors) along with operations of addition and multiplication which satisfy certain given rules ([axioms](
## How Vectors Work
Here we'll explain the basics of vectors from programmer's point of view, i.e. the traditional "[array]( of numbers" simplification (expressing a linear combination of basis vectors).
Given an *N* dimensional space, a vector to us will be an [array]( of [real numbers]( (in programming [floats](, [fixed point]( or even just integers) of length *N*, i.e. the array will have *N* components (2 for 2D, 3 for 3D etc.).
For example suppose 2 vectors in a 2 dimensional space, *u = [7,6]* and *v = [2,-3.5]*. To visualize them we may simply plot them:
6 | _,
5 | __/| u
4 | __/
3 | __/
2 | __/
-1 |\1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-2 | \
-3 | _\|
-4 | "" v
-5 |
NOTE: while for normal (scalar) variables we use letters such as *x*, *y* and *z*, for vector variables we usually use letters *u*, *v* and *w* and also put a small arrow above them as:
-> ->
u = [7,6], v = [2,-3.5]
The vector's components are referred to by the vector's symbol and subscript or, in programming, with a dot or square brackets (like with array indexing), i.e. *u.x = 7*, *u.y = 6*, *v.x = 2* and *v.y = -3.5*. In programming data types for vectors are usually called `vecN` or `vN` where *N* is the number of dimensions (i.e. `vec2`, `vec3` etc.).
Also note that we'll be writing vectors "horizontally" just as shown, which means we're using so called row vectors; you may also see usage of so called columns vectors as:
-> |7| -> | 2 |
u = |6|, v = |-3.5|
Now notice that we do NOT plot the vectors as points, but as arrows starting at the origin (point [0,0]) -- this is again because we don't normally interpret vectors as a position but rather as a **direction with magnitude**. The direction is apparent from the picture (*u* points kind of top-right and *v* bottom-right) and can be exactly computed with [arcus tangent]( (i.e. angle of *u = atan(6/7) = 40.6 degrees*, ...), while the magnitude (also length or norm) is given by the vector's Euclidean **[length](** and is denoted by the vector's symbol in `||` brackets (in programming the function for getting the length may be called something like `len`, `size` or `abs`, even though [absolute value]( is not really a mathematically correct term here), i.e.:
||u|| = sqrt(7^2 + 6^2) ~= 9.22
||v|| = sqrt(2^2 + -3.5^2) ~= 4.03
In fact we may choose to represent the vectors in a format that just directly says the angle with the X axis (i.e. direction) and magnitude, i.e. *v* could be written as *{40.6 degrees, 9.22...}* and *u* as *{-56.32 degrees, 4.03...}* (see also [polar coordinates]( This represents the same vectors, though we don't do this so often in programming.
A vector whose magnitude is exactly 1 is called a **unit vector** -- such vectors are useful in situations in which we only care about direction and not magnitude.
The vectors *u* and *v* may e.g. represent a velocity of cars in a 2D top-down racing game -- the vectors themselves will be used to update each car's position during one game frame and their magnitudes may be displayed as the current speed of each car to their drivers. However keep in mind the vector magnitude may also represent other things, e.g. in a 3D engine a vector may be used to represent camera's orientation and its magnitude may specify e.g. its [field of view](, or in a physics engine a vector may be used to represent a rotation (the direction specifies the axis of rotation, the magnitude specifies the angle of rotation).
**But why not just use simple numbers?** A velocity of a car could just as well be represented by two variables like `carVelocityX` and `carVelocityY`, why all this fuzz with defining vectors n shit? Well, this simply creates an [abstraction]( that fits to many things we deal with and generalizes well, just like we e.g. define the concept of a sphere and cylinder even though fundamentally these are just sets of points. If for example we suddenly want to make a 3D game out of our racing game, we simply start using the `vec3` data type instead of `vec2` data type and most of our equation, such as that for computing speed, will stay the same. This becomes more apparent once we start dealing with more complex math, e.g. that related to physics where we have many forces, velocities, momenta etc. This becomes even more apparent when we start to look into operations with vectors which are really what makes vectors vectors.
Some of said **operations** with vectors include:
- **addition** (vector + vector = vector): Just like with numbers we can add vectors, i.e. for example if there are two forces acting on an object and we represent them by vectors, we can get the total force as a vector we get by adding the individual vectors. Addition is pretty straightforward, we simply add each component of both vectors, e.g. *u + v = [7 + 2, 6 - 3.5] = [9,2.5]*. Geometrically addition can be seen as drawing one vector from the other vector's endpoint (note that the [order doesn't matter](, i.e. *u + v = v + u*):
7 |
6 | _,
5 | __/|\u
4 | __/ \
3 | __/ \ u + v
2 | __/ __..--'/'
-1 |\1 2 3 4__/6 7 8 9
-2 | \ __/
-3 | _\|/
-4 | "" v
-5 |
- **subtraction** (vector - vector = vector): Subtracting vector *v* from vector *u* is the same as adding *v* times -1 (i.e. *v* with opposite direction) to *u*.
- **multiplication**: There are several ways to "multiply" vectors.
- **scalar multiplication** (scalar * vector -> scalar): Multiplying vector *u* with scalar *x* means scaling the vector *v* along its direction by the amount given by *x* -- for this we simply multiply each component of *u* by *x*, e.g. if *x = 0.5*, then *u * x = [7 * 0.5,6 * 0.5] = [3.5,3]*.
- **[dot product](** (vector * vector -> scalar): Dot product of vectors *u* and *v* is a very common operation and can be used to determine the angle between the vectors, it is denoted as *u . v* and is computed as *u . v = u.x * v.x + u.y * v.y + u.z * v.z + ...*; the value this gives is the [cosine]( of the angle between the vectors times the magnitude of *u* times the magnitude of *v*. I.e. if *u* and *v* have length of 1 (are normalized), we directly get the cosine of the angle and can get the angle with the [acos]( function. This is used in many situations, e.g. in graphics [shaders]( dot product is used to determine the angle at which light hits a surface which says how bright the surface will appear.
- **[cross product](** (vector * vector -> vector): Cross product basically gives us a vector that's perpendicular to the input vectors.
- **vector matrix multiplication** (vector * matrix -> vector): Multiplying a vector by matrix can achieve e.g. a specific transformation of the vector (such as rotating it). For details see the article about [matrices](
- **[normalization](**: Normalization forces a vector's magnitude to a certain amount, typically 1 -- we do this when we have a vector and simply want to just discard its magnitude because we only care about direction (e.g. when doing a dot product to get an angle between vectors we first normalize them). To normalize a vector (to length 1) simply divide all its components by the current magnitude, e.g. *normalized(u) = [u.x / ||u||,u.y / ||u||] = [0.76...,0.65...]*.
## Code Example

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Here are some [pro]( tips to git gud, impress your frens and generally ha
- **You can turn off the chat** in case there is some retarded conversation going on (just go to setting and HUD editor).
- **Slap opponents to humiliate them**: the shotgun secondary fire is a melee slap, which is the best way to kill someone, partly because it's pretty hard to do (there's a delay before the bash). Another humiliating way to eliminate opponents is to kill them with Hagar secondary or push them off the map with blaster, crylink or even Mario kill (very rare -- you jump on someone's head while he's jumping over a pit which makes him fall down). Don't forget to taunt and [teabag](
- If you see someone running fast while crouching in air, run away, he's probably a [pro](
- To get more frags (in modes where this matters, e.g. deathmatch) on space maps watch our for players falling off the map and just quickly hit them with machine gun (secondary fire) before they die, the game will give frag to whoever hit him last.
- `v_psycho 1`, `r_trippy 1` etc.
- `cl_handicap` can be used to make yourself weaker by specified multiplier (take more and deal less damage), either to balance the game or provide a challenge.
- `v_flipped 1` flips the rendering so that you see the mirror version of the map, it basically gives you a new map for free and provides a nice challenge.
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ Here are some [pro]( tips to git gud, impress your frens and generally ha
- Standing in front of a nub With Hagar is dangerous.
- Switch left and right hand for a challenge.
- Play drunk and/or high for a challenge.
- Change your name to ^6.̸̡͋̽̍̎͗̊͛̋̂̃̌͗͘^5.̸̨̧̯̙̞̟͙̖̞͈̬͙̞̖͎͉̽̿̇̔̂̎͗͌͆́̕͝͠͝͝ͅ^1.̷͕́͛̈́. { [RIP]( if your reader can't [Unicode]( well :) ~drummyfish }
- Change your name to some unicode monstrosity like ^6.̸̡͋̽̍̎͗̊͛̋̂̃̌͗͘^5.̸̨̧̯̙̞̟͙̖̞͈̬͙̞̖͎͉̽̿̇̔̂̎͗͌͆́̕͝͠͝͝ͅ^1.̷͕́͛̈́. { [RIP]( if your reader can't [Unicode]( well :) ~drummyfish }
- [Doom]( challenge: disable looking up and down with console.
- If you're slow, [strafe]( harder.
- Move to [Europe]( to actually enjoy the game with good ping.
