This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-05-17 23:26:53 +02:00
parent d031b584e2
commit 1bdfbe36f8
14 changed files with 1792 additions and 1772 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*"Some people are so poor that all they've got is money."*
William "Bill" Gaytes (28.10.1955 -- TODO) is a [mass murderer and rapist]( (i.e. [capitalist]( who established and led the terrorist organization [Micro$oft]( He is one of the most rich and evil individuals in history who took over the world by force establishing the [malware]( "[operating system](" [Window$]( as the common operating system, nowadays being dangerous especially by hiding behind his "charity organization" (see [charitywashing]( which has been widely criticized (see e.g., even such mainstream media as [Wikipedia]( present the criticism) but which nevertheless makes him look as someone doing "public good" in the eyes of the naive brainless [NPC]( masses. The Church of [Emacs]( call Gates the devil (
William "Bill" Gaytes (28.10.1955 -- TODO) is a [mass murderer and rapist]( (i.e. [capitalist]( who established and led the terrorist organization [Micro$oft]( He is one of the most rich and evil individuals in [history]( who took over the world by force establishing the [malware]( "[operating system](" [Window$]( as the common operating system, nowadays being dangerous especially by hiding behind his "charity organization" (see [charitywashing]( which has been widely criticized (see e.g., even such mainstream media as [Wikipedia]( present the criticism) but which nevertheless makes him look as someone doing "public good" in the eyes of the naive brainless [NPC]( masses. His face looks like lemon from which someone sucked all the juice. The Church of [Emacs]( call Gates the devil (
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ He is really dumb, only speaks one language and didn't even finish university. H
When Bill was born, his father was just busy counting dollar bills, so he named him Bill. Bill was mentally [retarded]( as a child and as such had to attend a private school. He never really understood programming but with a below average intelligence he had a good shot at succeeding in [business]( Thanks to his family connections he got to Harvard where he met [Steve Ballmer]( Later he dropped out of the school due to his low intelligence.
In 1975 he founded [Micro$oft](, a [malware]( company named after his dick. By a sequence of extremely lucky events combined with a few dick moves by Bill the company then became successful: when around the year 1980 [IBM]( was creating the [IBM PC](, they came to Bill because they needed an [operating system]( He lied to them that he had one and sold them a license even though at the time he didn't have any OS (lol). After that he went to a programmer named Tim Paterson and basically stole (bought for some penny) his OS named QDOS and gave it to IBM, while still keeping ownership of the OS (he only sold IBM a license to use it, not exclusive rights for it). He basically fucked everyone for money and got away with it, the [American]( way. For this he is admired by Americans.
In 1975 he founded [Micro$oft](, a [malware]( company named after his dick. Besides having a microdick he also has a [microbrain]( By a sequence of extremely lucky events combined with a few dick moves by Bill the company then became successful: when around the year 1980 [IBM]( was creating the [IBM PC](, they came to Bill because they needed an [operating system]( He lied to them that he had one and sold them a license even though at the time he didn't have any OS (lol). After that he went to a programmer named Tim Paterson and basically stole (bought for some penny) his OS named QDOS and gave it to IBM, while still keeping ownership of the OS (he only sold IBM a license to use it, not exclusive rights for it). He basically fucked everyone for money and got away with it, the [American]( way. For this he is admired by Americans.
When Bill Gates and [Steve Jobs]( saw how enormously rich they got by abusing the whole world, they got horny and had [gay]( sex together, after which Bill legally changed his name to Bill Gaytes. This however gave Jobs ass cancer and he died.

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@ -183,7 +183,11 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
80. If [capitalism]( is bad why are people migrating into capitalist countries such as [USA](
81. Why are low quality videos "blocky"?
82. What's the next number in the following sequence? 0, 1, 5, 19, 65, 211, 665, 2059, 6305, 19171, 58052, ???
82. Did you enjoy this quiz?
83. Programming language specifications sometimes purposefully leave some behavior undefined -- for example [C]( specification says that if you declare a local variable (variable inside a function), its initial value is undefined, even though the specification could have simply said the value of such variable has to be always zero which might be safer for programmers. Why do specifications purposefully choose to leave some things undefined like this?
84. What does [GNU]( (Richard Stallman's project) stand for?
85. Is political correctness and censorship ever justified?
86. Firstly convert the expression *x + (1 + 2) / (3 - 4)* to [postfix notation]( (also reverse Polish notation). State some major advantages of postfix notation against infix notation. Now please state disadvantage of postfix notation, especially that which would be significant if we e.g. use it for expression such as *myFunc(x,y,myFunc2(z))*.
87. Did you enjoy this quiz?
### Answers
@ -269,7 +273,11 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
80. For the same reason mosquitoes fly into the mosquito killer lamps -- they have microscopic brains.
81. Possibly for several reasons but the most prominent one is likely that video codecs typically try to save space by not saving every frame of the video as a picture but rather encode movements of small blocks into which keyframes (static pictures saved at relatively low "FPS") are chopped. This exploits temporal redundancy -- the fact that frames close in time are similar to one another, i.e. that knowing one frame we can most likely get approximate version of the next frame by splitting the current frame into blocks and just moving them around a bit. Of course this doesn't work perfectly and low bitrate or nontypical scenes can make the blocks highly visible. It would be possible to come up with similar methods that don't use blocks and may look prettier but rectangular blocks of pixels are very easy and fast to work with and the results look good enough, so they are usually used. Another reason for blockiness of videos may be e.g. that the keyframes themselves are compressed with some lossy JPEG-like compression that makes them "blocky".
82. 175099, formula for the series is *3^n - 2^n*.
83. yes
83. To allow efficient implementations. By saying "we don't force you to do this" the specification gives those who implement it a freedom to do it in the most efficient way possible, depending on the specific technology they have at hand. Of course this can get tricky, but correctly choosing what to define versus what to leave undefined leads to very efficient languages. Imagine for example an instruction manual for making a boat: it may also leave the choice of its body shape up to you, you will choose the best shape depending on your situation (You want a stable boat? Fast boat? Cheap boat? Is this shape easier to make from material you have at hand? Etc.).
84. GNU is Not Unix.
85. no
86. *x 1 2 + 3 4 - / +*; Advantages are for example not needing brackets at all and simple parsing and evaluation, for example we don't have to care about operator precedence. Disadvantages may be e.g. lower readability; we also have to know each operator's arity because from postfix notation it can't be deduced -- with infix notation expression *myFunc(x,y,myFunc2(z))* it is clear that *myFunc* takes 3 arguments and *myFunc2* takes 1, but if we convert it to postfix notation, we get *x y z myFunc2 myFunc3*, from which it isn't clear how many arguments each function takes.
87. yes
## Other

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@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ There are many easy giveaways of fascism -- in general fascism is linked to some
- [militarism](
- propaganda, [censorship](, brainwashing, mass hysteria
- hype, [fear](, hysteria, pressure to take action
- ...
- ...
In relation to fascism we may define so called **fascist radius** -- given an individual, fascist radius says how far away (by some metric of [distance](, similarity to the individual, e.g. genetic similarity, geographic distance, intelligence, ...) he considers others part of his group; individuals beyond this radius -- those out of the circle -- he considers enemies. Fascist radius so small that it includes only the individual himself is pure self centrism, such individual considers everyone else potential enemy and only aims to benefit himself and no one else. Radius that will include tens of people might be called a [mafia]( radius, the individual will try to benefit a group of individuals who are personally close, typically a family. A bigger radius may be that of a city, company, local sports team fans etc. When the size of the group gets into millions, we typically encounter [nationalism](, but it may also be a different kind of fascism, for example religious or ideological. On the scale of billions of individuals we might get [racism](, continent supremacy, large religions, human-centrism etc. Only when the fascist radius gets infinitely large or zero fascism degenerates and disappears -- in this case there are no longer separate groups, everyone is either inside the circle (infinite radius) or outside of it (zero radius), and this is what [we]( want to achieve.

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@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave
- **Don't be [politically correct](**, never use gender neutral pronouns (always use "he" as the default pronoun), don't be afraid to say forbidden words like [nigger](, never use any [code of coercion](, "personal pronouns" etc. Even if you think you're moderate in views and that it "can't hurt" to just "play along" a little bit, IT DOES HURT, you are approving of fascism and carrying its flag, remember that Nazism only got so big thanks to a nation of moderate people who just "played along" to avoid trouble. There is always only very few true extremists, a great evil relies on masses of people who just want to get by and will make no trouble in conforming. Remember that staying silent often means supporting status quo, so the more deceit you see in society, the more you should try to not stay silent and the more you should try to tell the truth.
- **Try to do [selfless]( things** -- TRULY selfless ones. Help those in need without expecting any kind of repay, do not even seek attention or gratitude for it, only your good feeling. Create selfless art, whatever it is you enjoy doing -- computer programs, 3D models, music, videos, ... put them in the [public domain]( and let others enjoy them :) Try to **make doing good things a habit** -- some people smoke, drink, overeat and do other kinds of things harmful to themselves and their environment as means for relieving stress. If you exploit this natural human tendency and rather develop GOOD habits, such as writing free software or helping charities as a means of relaxing and relieving stress, you have won at life; doing good and feeling good will be natural and effortless. **The thing you dedicate your life to should be the thing you love, not the thing that earns you money** or benefits you in similar ways -- try to maximize doing what you love (which may and probably should be more than one thing) and also **try to love doing what is good** so that you can do it a lot. **If you love something, never do it for money**; then it becomes business and as we know, business spoils everything.
- **Protest in non-violent ways** -- this doesn't mean you should be passive; you should be exposing the truth, propaganda, corruption, boycotting corporations and state, promoting your values and expressing disagreement with certain ideas, but do not aim for destruction of those who stand in opposition -- if you're attacked, it is best if you do not fight back; not only is this the morally ideal thing to do, it also sends a very powerful message and makes the aggressor himself think.
- **Try to be so that if everyone was like that, the society would be good (in agreement with [LRS](** -- this is a good general [rule of thumb]( (and as such may also possibly fail sometimes, be careful) that can help you make some difficult decisions. DO NOT confuse this advice with the ["do unto others as you would have them do unto you"]( advice, that is indeed a [shitty]( one, supposing everyone likes the same things, i.e. for example a man who enjoys being [raped]( is advised here to go and rape others -- that's of course bad.
- **Try to be so that if everyone was like that, the society would be good (in agreement with [LRS](** -- this is a good general [rule of thumb]( (and as such may also possibly fail sometimes, be careful) that can help you make some difficult decisions. DO NOT confuse this advice with the ["do unto others as you would have them do unto you"]( aka ["golden" rule]( advice, that is indeed a [shitty]( one, supposing everyone likes the same things, i.e. for example a man who enjoys being [raped]( is advised here to go and rape others -- that's of course bad.
- **Do NOT support [pseudoleft]( ([LGBT](, [feminism](, [Antifa](, [soyence]( ...)**, don't become [type A fail]( Of course you should equally reject [rightism](, but that goes without saying.
- **[Free]( yourself from the system** (and generally from as many things as possible) -- similarly to how you free yourself technologically, free yourself also socially, live frugally and minimize your expenses. Stop consuming, stop living in luxury, stop spending money for shit (gyms, sports, clothes, car, streaming services, games, cigarettes, ...), use free things that people throw away and enjoy hobbies that are cheap (programming, reading books, going for walks, playing chess, collecting [rocks](, ...). **Stop watching news** (it's just brainwashing and distraction, what's really important will get to you anyway), stop engaging in fashion, stop talking to retards and watching tiktok manipulators. You need very little to live, you don't even need internet connection; with good computing you can hack offline and only connect to the internet once in a while on some public wifi to download emails and upload your programs. **Stop using [cellphone](** (if you need it e.g. for banking, just use it for banking and don't carry it around with you, don't make it something you need with you). Make yourself self sufficient, prepare for the [collapse]( If you can live somewhere in the woods and would enjoy it, go for it.
- **Adopt [defeatism](**; [optimism]( is harmful, learn to be [pessimistic]( -- this stops you from engaging in [fight culture]( and makes you free to behave morally, you will seize to be the slave of bullshit necessary for winning the capitalist game and you'll no longer be working for [capitalism](
- **Search for the [truth](**. You won't find it easily, real truth is always censored and hidden (though often in plain sight), but you can train yourself to spot propaganda and see the red flags. You won't find truth through Google, use different sources, read old books, [encyclopedias]( and different points of view (e.g. contrast articles on [Wikipedia]( with those on [Infogalactic](infogalactic.d)). Learn foreign and old langages such as [Latin]( so that you can read untranslated and first hand historical accounts. **Question EVERYTHING** (absolutely everything, even this statement). Do not fall into traps such as [pseudoskepticism]( Train your mind to think critically, avoid [shortcut thinking](, question your own biased beliefs and wishes.
- **Reject harmful things like [proprietary]( software, [capitalism](, [copyright](, [bloat](, [work]( etc.** Use and promote the ethical equivalents, i.e. [free software](, [free culture](, frugality, [anarchism]( etc.
- **[Don't argue with retards](** with the goal of convincing him or winning the argument so that you feel good (the meaning of retard here is simply someone disagreeing with LRS). It's literally wasted time/energy and it's bad for your mental health, it leads nowhere and achieves nothing but make your more suicidal than you already are. You literally can NOT convince anyone who is not open to being convinced, it is impossible, even if you have 100000 mathematical proofs, real world evidence, literature supporting you and anything you can imagine, you cannot logically convince someone who doesn't know how logic works or someone who simply emotionally isn't ready to change his mind. In 99.999999999999999% cases you can tell if it's worth to talk to someone after his first reaction -- you present an idea, such as LRS, and if he just expresses disagreement, there is no point in communicating further, by the disagreement he has taken a defensive stance and will hold it for the rest of his life now, you have to go find someone else. NO, not even if he's an "intellectual", has PhD and thirty Nobel Prizes, if he doesn't wanna see the truth, you cannot help him. As it's been said, trying to argue with an idiot is like trying to win a chess game against a pidgeon -- even if you're the world chess champion, the pidgeon will just shit on the board and think it's won. If you spot a retard, just leave -- don't try to have the last word or anything, even admit him "victory" in the argument and leave him in his world of delusion where he is the unappreciated Einstein, just do not waste an extra second on him, just leave and go do something better. { So many such idiots I have met I can't even count it -- pure stupid peasant aren't even that bad, the wost are the "above average" intelligence reddit atheists who think they're smart. I literally had such people argue like "you like games therefore competition in society is good because games are part of society therefore society equals competition". Truly I'm not sure if those bastards are just trolling me into suicide or are really so fucking dumb :D ~drummyfish }
- Similarly **avoid [toxic]( communities**, don't argue, just leave, it's better to be alone than in bad company. Basically anything with a COC, language filter, SJW vibe, rainbow etc. isn't even more worth checking out.
- Similarly **avoid [toxic]( communities**, don't argue, just leave, it's better to be alone than in bad company. Basically anything with a [COC](, language filter, SJW vibe, rainbow etc. isn't even worth checking out.
- **Be a [generalist](, see the big picture, study the whole world, educate yourself** -- tantum possumus quantum scimus, what we can do is given by what we know. Do not become overspecialized in the capitalist way. Sure you may become an expert at something, but not for the price of making your view of the world too narrow. You may spend most of your time studying and programming computer compilers for example, but still do (and enjoy) other things, for example reading fiction, studying religions, languages, psychology, playing [go](, making music, building houses, painting, doing sports, ... Learn to enjoy to educate yourself! Education (not necessarily formal) is one of the most valuable things you can get -- no one can take it away from you, it makes you see truth more clearly and though this itself makes you more depressed, it also frees you in many ways, for example knowing languages enables you to read more books and live in more places and talk to more people and you can get a comfy job as a translator if you need money, knowing chess makes you able to entertain yourself without a computer, knowing programming enables you to write your own programs if good ones aren't available, and so on. Education makes you see through other people's lies. It is fine to be retarded, remain ignorant and just play video games all days, your value as a living being will lower that way, but you will forever remain among the retarded majority manipulated by the tides of society, even if you have good opinions and correct views, you'll stay just another retard, you won't be able to help others, you'll be paralyzed, leaving the burden and joy of helping the world on others -- just decide if that is what you want. Have you always admired that someone can play a piano? Why not learn it then? Get some cheap keyboard and make it a habit to practice playing it at least 20 minutes every other day, see how good you become in a year. Were you always bad at chemistry? Why not fix it a bit? Get some chemistry for dummies book and read it every day before sleep, you will go from absolute chemistry retard to well above average soon. You can learn about start constelations, biology, history, train card games, memorize pi digits, run half marathon, learn juggling, write your own small book etcetc. A nice life hack is to **see life as an RPG game**, see yourself as a character you are improving, by improving skills you are unlocking new abilities, enabling new options, increasing your stats -- however be very careful to not become competitive or fall victim to the ["self-improvement" cult](! The key is to not start comparing yourself to other, or rather to not have it as a goal to be better than someone else, the goal should be just your happiness of becoming a higher level living entity that has more abilities for helping other, enjoy the universe and so on.
- **Limit your meat consumption**. If you can, become [vegetarian]( or even [vegan](; if you can't go as far it will still be awesome if you just reduce meat consumption to let's say once or twice per week. Purpose of this isn't physical health, it's avoiding harm to other living beings -- consider that a living being who could live a long, happy life has to die just for you to have a few slightly tastier meals. Just don't do that. If you are still worried about negative effects of vegetarianism on your health, know that eating too much meat is probably more dangerous than eating no meat, AND if you eat meat every day, you are already eating too much of it, humans aren't built for that -- until very recently meat was kind of a luxury and people ate it only on special days, so reducing your meat consumption will likely improve your health. { I personally knew two butchers who basically had to have meat in every meal, one had a heart attack before the age of 30, the other one died in his 40s. Again, we choose vegetarianism for ethical reasons, but if your argument is health, it's probably not a good argument. ~drummyfish }
- **Stop just bitching around and DO SOMETHING** -- don't get this wrong, bitching around and ranting is great, this whole wiki is just one huge wall of rage bitching, however if it's all you do, it literally achieves nothing, it won't convince a single man, no one will read that shit, you are just wasting huge part of your life by being angry on the Internet. First thing you have to do is DO SOMETHING, e.g. if you promote minimalism, go and make a minimalist game, show others it works, prove (even to yourself) the thing you believe in is good, bitching about the world is only to come as a supplement to your main work -- your rants aren't there to convince anyone, your art does that, your writings are there for the people who are already convinced to help them educate themselves further. Consider this: you may spend whole life writing 100 books about how minimalism is awesome, you may examine the whole history in detail, provide mathematical proofs of everything and suggest a completely working system that could be established to solve all the problems in the world -- no one is going to read this. Literally not a single man will give a shit. On the other hand you can take a year to program a minimalist operating system, one that is 1000 times smaller than Linux and is 10 times faster and is completely public domain and basically rapes Linux in every other way, you just post that somewhere and people just can't ignore it, you put before their eyes something they can literally see is infinitely better than what was there before, you instantly get thousands of people hooked and they start creating more art like this. You just changed the world significant for the better in just one year. Note this isn't an argument for chasing popularity at all, on the contrary, your actions will likely contradict the popular and even cause a lot of hate, however realize that words are just words, there are too many words everywhere, words can lie and they never achieve anything by themselves, good is achieved and proven by actions.
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave
- **Accept [death](** -- no, don't kill yourself, just accept death will come, maybe tomorrow, maybe in one hour, for you or for anyone you love, everything you ever made will become dirt. Constantly live with thought of death and get comfortable about it, you have to be ready to die at any moment and stop being too adraid of it, then you become really [free]( Nowadays most people have panic fear of death which is similar to e.g. having panic phobia of germs -- no one wants go get sick, but if you're so gravely scared of catching any disease, you're enslaved, crippled, your life is limited, you can't do what you'd like to do. With death it's the same: try to live but don't let death scare you so much as to limit you in what you can say or do. Take a look at men who firmly stood behind their beliefs such as [Einstein](, Seneca or Socrates, they all accepted death when it came and took it even if they could have avoided it; they are examples of highest mental freedom. Again, do NOT fucking kill yourself, that's a bad idea, just be ready for death and don't get dreadfully scared of it, it's not far away, it is probably just behind the next corner. { Regularly watching gore videos helps with this a bit. ~drummyfish }
- **Try (almost) everything**: getting experience, even unpleasant one, is good. We won't advise you to try dangerous things so that you can't sue us, but it's not bad to have been through hardships, voluntarily or not. Firstly it helps you build the big picture view -- if you know what it's like to do hard manual work as well as suffer stressful intellectual work, if you know what it's like to feel great physical or mental pain, to be hungry, very fat or skinny, alone, popular and hated, abused and so on, you'll have more empathy, you'll know how people feel and you'll see through probaganda that paints you a distorted picture of what things are like, experience and pain make you wiser and also more loving. Don't risk your health or hurt yourself too much, but maybe don't be scared of taking a blow. Secondly this conveniently makes normies shut up because they can no longer use their favorite arguments (which are invalid but they will still use them) like "u cant citicize this if u havent tried it lolooololol!!!!!" and "loloolol have u even ever done X lol? then u cant talk about it" -- usually normie lives in a world of dichotomies like "you are either an intellectual or work manually", if you've done both his brain just freezes and he's like "ummmm but... but that cant... wait... so u say... mmmm... fuk u i have to go now".
- **If you need to rest then fucking rest**, don't be a [productivist]( pussy, take as much time as you need before you feel like doing anything, it's okay.
- **Consumption satisfies your instincts, creation satisfies your soul.** You need both. When you're tired, you need to consume -- consume for as long as you please, but know it won't be enough. Consumption alone makes your life empty -- once you're rested, your stomach is full and your balls are empty, you feel a hunger for a higher purpose. It can only be satisfied by selfless creation.
- ...
### How To Look

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ At this point it's best to start using a different kernel if you can. Consider BSD or Hurd maybe. ~drummyfish }
Linux (also Lunix or Loonix, named after its original creator [Linus Torvalds]( is a partially "[open-source](" [unix-like]( [operating system]( [kernel](, probably the most successful "mostly FOSS" kernel, nowadays already killed by [capitalism]( One of its greatest advantages was support of a lot of [hardware](; it runs besides others on [x86](], [PowerPC](, [Arm](, has many [drivers]( and can be compiled to be quite small so as to run well even on very weak computers. **Linux is NOT an operating system**, only its basic part -- for a whole operating system more things need to be added, such as some kind of [user interface]( and actual user programs (so called [userland](, and this is what [Linux distributions]( do (there hundreds of these) -- Linux distributions, such as [Debian](, [Arch]( or [Ubuntu]( are complete operating systems (but beware, most of them are not fully [FOSS]( The mascot of the project is a penguin named [Tux]( (under some vague non-standard [license]( Linux is one of the biggest collaborative programming projects, as of now it has more than 15000 contributors. Despite popular misconceptions **Linux is [proprietary]( software** by containing [binary blobs]( -- completely free distributions have to use forks that remove these (see e.g. [Linux-libre](, [Debian]('s Linux fork etc.). Linux is also **greatly [bloated](** (though not anywhere near [Windows]( and such) and **[tranny software](**, abusing technology as a vehicle for promoting [harmful politics]( While back in the day Linux was one of the coolest projects, by 2024 **Linux is absolute shit**, it has [code of censorship](, it's hijacked by capitalism, developed by corporations and fascists ([feminists](, [LGBT](, ...), overcomplicated, commercialized, full of [Rust]( code; there are already even backdoor popping in (see the 2024 XZ scandal), basically it's almost unusable now. The spirit, significance, journey and eventual fate of Linux are similar to e.g. [Wikipedia](
Linux (also Lunix or Loonix, named after its original creator [Linus Torvalds]( is a partially "[open-source](" [unix-like]( [operating system]( [kernel](, probably the most successful "mostly [FOSS](" kernel, nowadays already killed by [capitalism]( and not worth using anymore. One of its greatest advantages was support of a lot of [hardware](; it ran besides others on [x86](], [PowerPC](, [Arm](, had many [drivers]( and could be compiled to be quite small so as to run well even on very weak computers. **Linux is NOT an operating system**, only its basic part -- for a whole operating system more things need to be added, such as some kind of [user interface]( and actual user programs (so called [userland](, and this is what [Linux distributions]( do (there hundreds of these) -- Linux distributions, such as [Debian](, [Arch]( or [Ubuntu]( are complete operating systems (but beware, most of them are not fully [FOSS]( The mascot of the project is a penguin named [Tux]( (under some vague non-standard [license]( Linux is one of the biggest collaborative programming projects, as of now it has more than 15000 contributors. Despite popular misconceptions **Linux is [proprietary]( software** by containing [binary blobs]( -- completely free distributions have to use forks that remove these (see e.g. [Linux-libre](, [Debian]('s Linux fork etc.). Linux is also **greatly [bloated](** (though not anywhere near [Windows]( and such) and **[tranny software](**, abusing technology as a vehicle for promoting [harmful politics]( While back in the day Linux was one of the coolest projects, by 2024 **Linux is absolute shit**, it has [code of censorship](, it's hijacked by capitalism, developed by corporations and fascists ([feminists](, [LGBT](, ...), overcomplicated, commercialized, full of [Rust]( code; there are already even backdoor popping in (see the 2024 XZ scandal), basically it's almost unusable now. The spirit, significance, journey and eventual fate of Linux are similar to e.g. [Wikipedia](
[Fun]( note: there is a site that counts certain words in the Linux source code, For the lulz in 2019 some word counts were: "fuck": 16, "shit": 33, "idiot": 17, "retard": 4, "hack": 1571, "todo": 6166, "fixme": 4256.
@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ Linux is typically combined with a lot of **[GNU](** software and the [GN
Linux is sometimes called "[free as in freedom](", however that's a lie, it is at most a partially "[open-source](" or "[FOSS](" project. **Linux is in many ways bad**, especially lately. Some reasons for this are:
- It actually includes **[proprietary]( software** in the form of [binary blobs]( ([drivers]( The [Linux-libre]( project tries to fix this.
- It is **[tranny software](** and has a fascist [code of conduct]( (`linux/Documentation/process/code-of-conduct.rst`). Recently it started to even incorporate [Rust](, getting shitty also by the technological side.
- It is **[tranny software](** and has a fascist [code of conduct]( (`linux/Documentation/process/code-of-conduct.rst`). Recently it started to even **incorporate [Rust](**, getting shitty also by the technological side. In near future Rust will become a hard dependency of Linux, that will be its final blow.
- Its development practices are [sus](, it is **involved with many [corporations](** (through the [linux foundation]( including [Microsoft]( (one of the greatest enemies of free software) who is trying to take control over it ([EEE](, [Google](, [Intel](, [IBM]( and others. Such forces will inevitably shape it towards corporate interests.
- It is **[bloat](** and [bloat monopoly]( and in some ways [capitalist software]( It currently has **more than 10 million [lines of code](**. Just try to fork Linux on your own, maintain it and add/modify actual features.
- It is **[bloat](** and [bloat monopoly]( and in some ways **[capitalist software](**. It currently has **more than 10 million [lines of code](**. Just try to [fork]( Linux on your own, maintain it and add/modify actual features.
- It uses a **restrictive [copyleft](** [GPL]( license as opposed to a permissive one.
- It is a monolithic kernel which goes against the [KISS]( philosophy. { Or does it? Maybe it's not as clear as it sounds, TODO. ~drummyfish }
- It is a monolithic kernel which goes against the [KISS]( philosophy. { Or does it? At this scale probably yes tho. ~drummyfish }
Nevertheless, despite its mistakes and inevitable shitty future (it's just going to become "Windows 2.0" in a few years), nowadays (2023) GNU/Linux still offers a relatively comfy, powerful [Unix]([POSIX]( environment which means it can be drop-in replaced with another unix-like system without this causing you much trouble, so using GNU/Linux is at this point considered OK (until Microsoft completely seizes it at which point we migrate probably to [BSD](, [GNU Hurd](, [HyperbolaBSD]( or something). It can be made fairly [minimal]( (see e.g. [KISS Linux]( and [Puppy Linux]( and [LRS]([suckless]( friendly. It is in no way perfect but can serve as an acceptable temporary boat on the sail towards freedom, until it inevitably sinks by the weight of [capitalism](
Linux is so called monolithic kernel (oppose to [microkernel]( and as such tries to do many things at once, becoming quite [bloat]( However it "[just works](" and has a great [hardware]( support so it wins many users over alternatives such as [BSD](
Some alternatives to Linux (and Linux-libre) are:
Some alternatives to Linux (and Linux-libre) and GNU/Linux are:
- [GNU Hurd](, an unfinished (but somewhat usable) kernel developed by [GNU]( itself.
- [BSD]( operating systems such as [FreeBSD](, [NetBSD]( and [OpenBSD]( (OpenBSD probably being closest to [LRS](
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ Some alternatives to Linux (and Linux-libre) are:
## Switching To GNU/Linux
2024 UPDATE: Don't switch to it, switch to something else now.
One of the basic mistakes of [noobs]( who just switched from [Windows]( to GNU/Linux is that they try to continue to do things the *Windows way*. They try to force-run Windows programs on GNU/Linux, they look for program installers on the web, they install [antiviruses](, they try to find a [GUI]( program for a thing that is solved with 2 lines of [shell]( script (and fail to find one), they keep [distro hoppoing]( instead of customizing their system etc. Many give up and then go around saying "brrruh, Loooonix sux" -- yes, it kind of does, but for other reasons. You're just using it wrong. Despite its corruption, it's still a [Unix]( system, you do things elegantly and simply, however these ways are naturally completely different from how ugly systems like Windows do them -- and how they nurture normal people to do them. If you want to convert an image from *png* to *jpg*, you don't need to download and crack a graphical program that takes 100 GB and installs ads on your system, you do it via a simple [command line tool]( -- don't be afraid of the [terminal](, learn some basic commands, ask experiences people how they do it (not how to achieve the way you want to do it). Everyone single individual who learned it later thanked himself for doing it, so don't be stupid.
TODO: more

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@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ WORK IN PROGRESS
| [Steve Jobs]( | Steve Jewbs |
| subscription | [microrape]( |
| [systemd]( | shitstemd, soystemd |
| [Twitter]( | titter |
| United States of America | United Shitholes of America, burgerland |
| user (of a proprietary system) | used, lusr |
| voice assistant | personal spy agent |

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Digital privacy can be further categorized. We can talk e.g. about **communicati
**Society is becoming more and more obsessed with privacy and that is EXTREMELY BAD.** It leads to hardcore [censorship](, people are hiding their email addresses so it's impossible to contact them, photos of child faces are wiped from the Internet, more and more videos on the internet now just blur everything in the video that's not the main focus of it, "just in case", people are even afraid to credit other people by name even if they are e.g. legally obliged to by a license such as CC-BY-SA ([lmao]( Everyone is like OH NOES they gonn steal my personal face pixelzzz, MY FACE IS LIKE MY HOUSE. Such [retardedness]( has probably never been seen yet.
**Accepting privacy inevitably comes with accepting pretense**, i.e. if privacy and anonymity is important, we are accepting the fact that people publicly pretend to be something they are not and only under the mask of anonymity will say what they truly think, i.e. we accept that pretense and public lying is normal. That's a completely fucked up mindset which a [good society]( cannot accept. We have to make it so that people can be who they are publicly, that they can say and act publicly as they act in private.
Do you have **"nothing to hide?"** Tinfoil privacy maximalists absolutely love this sentence, it almost makes them orgasm; don't misunderstand them though, they are psychopaths, they are obsessed people who above everything love to waste their whole lives on playing the hide and seek game, but most importantly they want to drag everyone into the game. Yes -- sadly you've probably been forced to have at least something to hide, for example your [password]( -- it's not that the claim is false, the great mistake and fucked up nature of our world shows in how people interpret such truth and how they react to it. The fact that you have something to hide doesn't mean you should accept it and start focusing on hiding, and, just in case, "hide absolutely everything". This leads to hell, you accept the dystopia AND start supporting it, you buy into endless [fear]( and bullshit, just like when you dedicate your whole like for example to hoarding [money]( -- there will be no such a thing as "moderate privacy", no, privacy maximalists will tell you you must hide absolutely EVERYTHING, even such things as your favorite color or style of speech, because these things might lead to someone guessing your password, fingerprinting you etc. No, this is all absolute insanity, the fact you have to hide something at all shows something is extremely [wrong]( with the society -- if anything, you should try to **fix the society so that you no longer have anything to hide**.
Therefore here is **how to 100% solve privacy**: make it moral to make ALL information public, always, without any censorship, "protection", laws and other bullshit. { NO, it's fucking NOT a joke or "satire", I am 100% serious. More like 3000% actually. It's extremely smart, that's why people don't do it. ~drummyfish } This way passwords will become obsolete, which has a nice side effect of also ending a lot of capitalist bullshit such as banking and [intellectual property](, people will have to start sharing. Governments and corporations will also start taking extreme advantage of the situation, so people will stop using online technology as much and maybe they'll even finally decide to ditch governments and corporations, another great leap in development of society. People will also stop being concerned about their "private data" -- at first they will be freaking out that everyone can see their dick pics and what porn they jerk off to but since EVERYONE's data will be visible, they will find out that everyone watches weird porn, that everyone has a dick (well, about half of population), and they'll just stop acting like chimps in a while. This literally only has advantages and it solves many of our greatest issues all at once. At this point privacy has been solved. { Leave the Nobel Prize at my door, thanks. ~drummyfish }

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Nowadays unretarding is almost synonymous to learning to live and think in exact
## See Also
- [shortcut thinking](
- [retard](
- [how to](
- [nirvana](

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 580
- number of commits: 802
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3788876
- total number of lines of article texts: 29156
- number of commits: 803
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3791353
- total number of lines of article texts: 29164
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 8
- occurences of the word "nigger": 86
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
longest articles:
- [c_tutorial]( 124K
- [exercises]( 80K
- [exercises]( 84K
- [capitalism]( 68K
- [how_to]( 68K
- [less_retarded_society]( 56K
@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2164)
- which (2169)
- there (1640)
- people (1428)
- people (1433)
- other (1183)
- example (1174)
- example (1175)
- software (1073)
- number (1036)
- number (1037)
- about (987)
- program (867)
- their (810)
- because (771)
- would (761)
- called (746)
- their (809)
- because (772)
- would (762)
- called (747)
- language (735)
- computer (732)
- being (713)
@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- without (658)
- programming (645)
- function (643)
- these (609)
- these (610)
- different (609)
- however (605)
- world (571)
- system (555)
- should (544)
- should (545)
- doesn (541)
- games (540)
- doesn (540)
- society (532)
- point (531)
- though (504)
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- using (492)
- still (479)
- technology (477)
- similar (472)
- course (472)
- possible (458)
- similar (474)
- course (473)
- possible (459)
- simply (456)
- https (451)
- really (424)
@ -89,6 +89,16 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
latest changes:
Date: Thu May 16 19:56:40 2024 +0200
Date: Wed May 15 22:03:25 2024 +0200
@ -111,17 +121,6 @@ Date: Wed May 15 18:01:55 2024 +0200
Date: Tue May 14 13:35:32 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (280)
- [capitalism]( (211)
- [capitalism]( (212)
- [c]( (210)
- [bloat]( (200)
- [free_software]( (165)

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ While good society tries to eliminate work, [capitalism]( aims for
[We]( see it as essential to start educating people about the issue as well as starting to eliminate jobs immediately with things such as [automation]( and [universal basic income](
**Slavery has NOT been abolished.** On the contrary, more people than ever are enslaved, and the conditions don't much differ from those of slaves in older times. How is it so? Well, firstly slavery back then wasn't as bad as you see in the movies (just like for example a typical day of a cop is much different from what you'll see in a movie, it's a fucking movie) where you usually see black men in chains rowing in a ship or people dragging stones to the pyramids while being constantly whipped -- indeed that did happen, as it still happens today in the third world, but it wasn't so common, slaves were often owned by a family and were part of it. Yes, they were owned, but your [dog]( is also owned by you, and still love it and take great care of it, don't you? The slave was a worker but many times had a good relationship with his master, just as you can have a good relationship with your boss; the master didn't take pleasure in torturing the slave or overworking him to death in a week, he wanted to keep him in good shape and happy so that he would live long and do work for him. The slave might have had a relatively good life -- if he could read and write he might have been a transcriber or teacher of the master's children; [Diogenes]( for example was a wise slave who had great respect of his master. A slave could many times save up money and buy his freedom in a few years if he desired. Today's propaganda paints historical slavery as much worse so as to make seem today's slavery not so bad -- yes, it was bad back then but it is possibly even worse today -- the only changes that we made are just cosmetic: for example we don't call slave masters *masters* but *managers* or *bosses*, your employer still owns you through your work contract (which you technically "may quit", but won't because you need money, or because you would simply have to go to another slave master who will treat you exactly the same), we (at least in the first world) don't use physical force on people anymore but we use a much more effective and cruel psychological, economical and social pressure (it works just as well and keeps the slave in better physical shape, and we can call it "[progress]("), we no longer physically chain people in place because we can tie people down by holding their families hostage or making them dependent on drugs, and we can track down any individual no matter where he goes, physical chain is not needed anymore, another cosmetic change we call "progress". People commit more [suicides]( from overworking than ever, that alone says something. Many modern capitalists put people under much worse conditions than old slavemasters, for example at one point Henry Ford allowed his workers only 10 minutes for lunch -- that's as fucked up as it gets. If you think slavery doesn't exist, see for example the documentary *Shipbreakers* in which you'll see today's people -- men, women and children -- in India in conditions as miserable as you could ever image, being forced to dismantle ships all day long just to earn a few dimes for food, breathing toxic fumes, getting cancer and going blind, dying on daily basis from no work safety, living in small huts on beaches soaked with toxic chemical poison. That's today's world.
## How To Avoid Work
Here are some ways in which it is possible to avoid work:

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@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ Mainstream web is quite literally unusable nowadays. { 2023 update: whole web is
{ More of web 2023 experience: if you want to Google something as simple as "HTML ampersand", just to get the HTML entity 5 character code, you basically get referred to a site that's 200 MB big, loads for about 1 minute (after you pass 10 checks for not being a robot), has 50 sections and subsections like "Who This Tutorial on Copypasting 5 Character is for", "What You Will Learn in This Tutorial", "Time Required for Reading This Tutorial" (which without these sections would be like 3 seconds), "Introduction: History of HTML" (starting with Stone Age) etc. There are of course about 7 video ads between each section and the next. Then finally there is the `&` code you can copy paste, buried in level 12 subsection ("HTML Code" -> "History of Programming Since Napoleon Bonaparte" -> "How Ada Lovelace Invented Computer Science" -> "How Tim Berners-Lee Stole The Idea For Web from His Wife" -> "Why Women Only Crews For Next Space Mission are a Good Idea" -> "How This All Finally Gets Us to HTML Amp Entity" -> ...). Then of course there follow about 600 more sections like "Methodology Used to Create This Copypasting Tutorial" etcetc. until "Conclusion: What We Have Learned about the HTML Amp Entity and History of Feminism"; but at least you don't have to scroll through that; anyway at this point you are already suicidal and don't even want to write your HTML anymore. ~drummyfish }
WHY does every fucking SINGLE ONE, EVERY SINGLE WEBSITE ON EARTH have to have ads on it now? EVERY.SINGLE.WEBSITE.HAS.ADS. Everyone single FUCKING WEBSITE HAS ADS -- why? No, you fucking don't need money to run a website, stop giving this moronic argument. Don't you have $0.00000001 to pay for a domain and raspberri pi? Stop that fucking shit. Back then website didn't have ads and existed you idiot. Make a website without ads else spare us this shit and take it down.
## History
As with most revolutionary things the web didn't really appear out of nowhere, the ideas it employed were tried before, for example the [NABU]( network did something similar even 10 years before the web; similarly [Usenet](, the [BBS]( networks and so on. However it wasn't until the end of 1980s that all the right ideas would come together under the right circumstances and had a bit of luck to get really popular.