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Miloslav Ciz 2024-01-12 18:16:37 +01:00
parent 3faa368f53
commit 1c29f051c3
8 changed files with 34 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a
- **purposeful incompatibility in technology**: In market competition products of one company will often be incompatible with products of the competition on purpose, so as to discourage consumers from buying it. Technology corporations create their own "ecosystems" for consumers into which they are trying to lock them.
- **[bullshit jobs](, invention of bullshit products/needs**: As automatization takes people's jobs, people try to keep jobs by creating artificial bullshit, e.g. "lack of women in tech" leads to creation of "diversity departments", politicians try to *create more jobs* by increasing bureaucracy etc. This is of course in direct conflict with the base goal of civilization itself of eliminating the need for human work. One online company even successfully sold literal excrement (which had no actual use, it was just marketed as "funny and cool").
- **preventing progress, sustaining status quo**: Capitalism is extremely hostile towards social progress (more leisure time, more social security, ...), i.e. the main kind of progress (all progress should eventually serve well being of people, otherwise it's just artificial self-serving burden). It is also, contrary to popular belief, against technological progress -- the established corporations want to perpetuate their established businesses and will attack and destroy new ideas that endanger it (i.e. electric cars vs fuel powered cars, food corporations vs the solution of world hunger etc.). Capitalism prevents realization of any idea that's physically possible but which is **economically impossible**, ruling out e.g. many solutions to global heating etc.
- ...
- **[fascism](**: Capitalism is based on fascism, i.e. extreme hierarchy and "tribes" of which each fights to death for its own self interest. This fight happens between companies themselves, between state and companies, different departments inside companies, between workers and employers, between brands on the market etc. Capitalism is a constant war against everyone else -- not even jungle has this much conflict.
- **no long term planning, irresponsibility**: Companies need to make immediate profit, managers hired to new positions are expected to immediately increase profits and they don't come to stay for long, they have no responsibility, so they simply do whatever it takes to create immediate profit without considering any long term consequence such as pollution etc.
- **extreme lowering of quality of products, deterioration of [art](**: Despite capitalist propaganda, capitalism doesn't lead to increased quality of products -- on the contrary it seeks to find the MINIMUM quality that will be accepted by the consumer. In seeking to minimize manufacturing cost of a single unit, companies save money wherever they can and rather invest in marketing etc. -- for example instead of paying several experts to produce a good, well fact-checked documentary, only one man will be paid to create the documentary with the focus on it being "fun and engaging" rather than factually correct. Art is hasted, scheduled, produced on short deadlines, littered with product placement etc.
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a
- **[consumerism](**: To keep businesses running people need to consume everything, even things that shouldn't be consumed and that could last for very long such as computers and cars. This leads to creation of hasted low quality products (even art such as TV series) that are meant to be used and thrown away, repairing is no longer considered.
- **commerce infects absolutely everything**: In advanced capitalism there is no such thing as a commerce free zone, everything is privatized eventually and serves selfish interests. Nowadays even such areas as health care, wellfare or education of children is permeated by money, ads and corporate propaganda. Even nonprofits have to make money. Educational videos in schools are preceded with ads (as they are played on [YouTube](, propagandists even legally go to school and brainwash little children (they call it "education in financial literacy" and teach children that they should e.g. create bank accounts in the propagandist's specific bank).
- **destruction of life environment**: This is nowadays already pretty clear, [global heating]( is attributed mainly to capitalism and is seen as maybe the most likely doom that's probably already unavoidable. Lack of long term planning and any concern for anything but money, along with consumerism and extreme waste (of energy, physical waste such as plastic, toxic chemicals etc.) lead to building bullshit factories and performing unnecessary activity for economic reasons (e.g. transporting materials over the globe for assembly, then transporting it back), leading to extreme pollution of air (visible air smog already makes it hard to breathe in many cities), water (it is no longer safe to drink rain water as it used to be) and food (microplastic particles are already basically EVERYWHERE, eating them can't be avoided). Forests that are necessary for cleaning air, host many precious life forms and are overall a key part of ecosystem are being destroyed rapidly, entire species are disappearing very quickly. And that's just a quick sum up.
- **rule of idiots**: Under capitalism the incompetent become successful as success isn't a matter of competence at art but rather willingness to win for any cost, matter of persevering despite being untalented, succumbing to unethical behavior, investing into "promoting" oneself through marketing, social media etc. The truly skilled and intelligent often see the system is bullshit, the skilled are skilled before they want to do their art rather than engage in fights, so they get depressed and disgusted and leave to live in the underground, they live only for their art, opening the way for the unskilled, stupid and at best average thirsty for success. That's why there are so many "professional" wedding photographers who know absolutely nothing about photography, so many elementary school drop outs who become celebrities on TikTok and YouTube who go on to advise the masses on who to vote for in the elections, so many shitty movies, music and games, so many "programmers" and "security experts" who can't do elementary school math etc.
- **loss of ethical behavior**: Ethical behavior is a disadvantage in a competitive environment of the market, it is a limitation. Those trying to behave ethically (e.g. fair prices or good treatment of employees) will simply lose to the unethically behaving ones and be eliminated from the market. Eventually there only remain unethically behaving entities, which is exactly what we are seeing nowadays -- there basically doesn't exist a single ethically behaving corporation in the world (which has however already been normalized and is no longer seen as an issue).
- **anti-people design**: By definition in capitalism technology is not to serve people, it is to serve companies to make profit and abuse people, so technology spies on its users, refuses to work ([DRM](, ...) shows [ads](, forces children into purchases (predatory [games](, breaks on purpose so as to enforce a paid repair etc.
- **[censorship](**: One kind of capitalist censorship is so called [intellectual property]( (allowing "ownership" of ideas, art etc.), but there are many more, e.g. so called [moderation]( of social media which censors specific political views (deemed "politically incorrect" and hence "dangerous" for the advertising potential or brand of the platform) or sharing of certain facts (e.g. those revealing unethical practice of the platform itself, negative reviews of its products etc.). Privately owned media lawfully censor and manipulate information so as to manipulate people in whichever way they see will bring them most profit. While "intellectual property" is marketed as "protecting intellectual workers", in practice it serves corporations and states to do whatever they want, from political censorship, deception and implementing surveillance (justified by "anti[piracy](") to legal bullying and implementing artificial scarcity ("no, you can't grow this type of food on your field as the plant is patented; only we can grow it and you have to buy it from us in order to live").

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Collapse
Collapse of our civilization is a concerning scenario in which basic structures of society relatively rapidly fall apart and cause unusually large, possibly world-wide horrors such as chaos, [wars](, famine and loss of advanced technology. It is something that will very likely happen very soon due to uncontrolled growth and societal decline by [capitalism]( we, the [LRS](, are especially focusing on a very probable **technological collapse** (caused by badly designed technology as well as its wrong application and extreme overuse causing dangerous [dependencies]( but of course clues point to collapse are coming from many directions (ecological, economical, political, natural disasters such as a coronal mass ejection etc.). Some have said that a society can deal with one crisis, but if multiple crises hit at once this hit may be fatal; however the dependence of current society on computer technology is so great that its collapse could be enough to deliver a fatal blow alone. Recently (around 2015) there has even appeared a specific term **collapsology** referring to the study of the potential collapse.
Collapse of our civilization is a concerning scenario in which basic structures of society relatively rapidly fall apart and cause unusually large, possibly world-wide horrors such as chaos, [wars](, famine and loss of advanced technology. It is something that will very likely happen very soon due to uncontrolled growth and societal decline by [capitalism]( we, the [LRS](, are especially focusing on a very probable **technological collapse** (caused by badly designed technology as well as its wrong application and extreme overuse causing dangerous [dependencies]( but of course clues point to collapse are coming from many directions (ecological, economical, political, natural disasters such as a coronal mass ejection etc.). Some have said that a society can deal with one crisis, but if multiple crises hit at once this hit may be fatal; however the dependence of current society on computer technology is so great that its collapse could be enough to deliver a fatal blow alone. Recently (around 2015) there has even appeared a specific term **collapsology** (also *collapse informatics* etc.) referring to the study of the potential collapse.
There is a [reddit]( community for discussing the collapse at [WikiWikiWeb]( has a related discussion under *ExtinctionOfHumanity*.
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ In technological world a lot of people are concerned with the collapse, notable
The details of the collapse cannot of course be predicted exactly -- it may come in a relatively quick, violent form (e.g. in case of a disaster causing a blackout) or as a more agonizing slow death. CollapseOS site talks about two stages of the slow collapse: the first one after the collapse of the supply chain. i.e. when the production of modern computers halts, and the second (decades after) when the last modern computer stops working. It most likely won't happen overnight -- that's a very extreme case. A typical collapse may take decades during which all aspects of society see a rapid decline. Of course, a collapse doesn't mean extinction of humans either, just deaths of many and great losses of what has been achieved culturally and technologically.
There also appeared a new area of study, so called **[salvage computing](**, which instead of trying to find ways to design new technology better (without discouraging this of course) rather focuses on making use on what's already been produced, i.e. even potentially "bad" technology which is already around and just became artificially obsolete. This is not in conflict with trying to design new and better technology, just additionally trying to maximize the use of what's already there.
{ I've read a book called *Blackout* by Marc Elsberg whose story revolves around a fictional large collapse of power supply in Europe. A book called *The World Without Us* explores what the world would look like if humans suddenly disappeared. Also the podcast called *Fall of Civilizations* by Paul Cooper is awesome. ~drummyfish }
## Live Documenting The Current Collapse Of Our Civilization

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ The following is a list of [firmware](, [operating systems]( a
## See Also
- [free software](
- [salvage computing](
- [RYF](
- [public domain computer](
- [less retarded hardware](

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ As mere [programmers]( let us focus more on **digital** computers
When building a digital computer from scratch we usually start by designing basic [logic gates]( such as AND, NOT and OR -- here we implement the gates using mechanical principles rather than transistors or relays. For simple special-purpose calculators combining these logic gates together may be enough (also note we don't HAVE TO use logic gates, some mechanisms can directly perform arithmetic etc.), however for a highly programmable general purpose computer **logic gates alone practically won't suffice** -- in theory when we have finite memory ([in real world]( always), we can always just use only logic gates to perform any computation, but as the memory grows, the number of logic gates we would need would grow exponentially, so we don't do this. Instead we will need to additionally implement some **sequential processing**, i.e. something like a [CPU]( that performs steps according to program instructions.
Now we have to choose our model of computation and general architecture, we have possibly a number of options. Mainly we may be deciding between having a separate storage for data and program (Harvard architecture) or having the program and data in the same memory (intending for the computer to "reshape" this initial program data into the program's output). Here there are paths to explore, the most natural one is probably trying to imitate a **[Turing machine](** (many physical finite-tape Turing machines exist, look them up), probably the simplest "intuitive" computer, but we can even speculate about e.g. some kind of rewriting system imitating formal [grammars](, [cellular automata]( etc -- someone actually built a simple and elegant [rule 110]( marble computer (look up on YT), which is Turing complete, but not very practical. So Turing machine seems to be the closest to our current idea of a computer (try to program something useful in rule 110...), it's likely the most natural way, so that might be the best first choice we try.
Now we have to choose our model of computation and general architecture, we have possibly a number of options. Mainly we may be deciding between having a separate storage for data and program (Harvard architecture) or having the program and data in the same memory (intending for the computer to "reshape" this initial program data into the program's output). Here there are paths to explore, the most natural one is probably trying to imitate a **[Turing machine](** (many physical finite-tape Turing machines exist, look them up), probably the simplest "intuitive" computer, but we can even speculate about e.g. some kind of rewriting system imitating formal [grammars](, [cellular automata]( etc -- someone actually built a simple and elegant [rule 110]( marble computer (look up on YT), which is Turing complete, but not very practical. So Turing machine seems to be the closest to our current idea of a computer (try to program something useful in rule 110...), it's likely the most natural way, so that might be the best first choice we try.
Turing machine has a separate memory for program and data. To build it we need two main parts: memory tape (an array of [bits]( and control unit (table of states and their transitions). We can potentially design these parts separately and let them communicate via some simple interface, which simplifies things. The specific details of the construction will now depend on what components we use (gears, marbles, dominoes, levers, ...)...
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ Besides others gears/wheels can be used to:
1 1
__ ,-, ___ ,-, _______
| { o } { o } ,-, |
| '-;, ,-;-' { o } |
| _|||___{ o }_____;-; |
| '-'.-. { o } |
| '-;, ,-;' { o } |
| _|||____{ o }____;-; |
| '-;-. { o } |
|_____________ { o } _'-'__|
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ Besides others gears/wheels can be used to:
0 1
__ ,-, ___ ,-, ______
| { o } { o }-, |
| ,;-' ,-, '-{ o } |
| _|||_{ o }_____;-; |
| '-' .-.{ o } |
| ,;-' ,-, '-{ o } |
| _|||__{ o }____;-; |
| '-' .-.{ o } |
|___________ { o }'-'_____|
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Besides others gears/wheels can be used to:
### Marbles/Balls
Using marbles (and possibly also similar rolling shapes, e.g. cylinders, disks, ...) for computation is **one of the simplest** and most [KISS]( methods for mechanical computers and may therefore be considered very worthy of our attention -- the above mentioned marble [rule 110]( computer is a possible candidate for **the most KISS Turing complete computer**. But even with a more complicated marble computer it's still much easier to build a "marble maze" than to build a geared machine (even gears themselves aren't that easy to make).
Using marbles (and possibly also similar rolling shapes, e.g. cylinders, disks, ...) for computation is **one of the simplest** and most [KISS]( methods for mechanical computers and may therefore be considered very worthy of our attention -- the above mentioned marble [rule 110]( computer is a possible candidate for **the most KISS Turing complete computer**. But even with a more complicated marble computer it's still much easier to build a "marble maze" than to build a geared machine (even gears themselves aren't that easy to make).
**Basic principle** is that of a marble performing computation by going through a maze -- while a single marble can be used to evaluate some simple [logic circuit](, usually (see e.g. [Turing Tumble]( the design uses many marbles and performs sequential computation, i.e. there is typically a **bucket** of marbles placed on a high place from which we release one marble which (normally by relying on [gravity]( goes through the maze and performs one computation cycle (switches state, potentially flips a memory bit etc.) and then, at the bottom (end of its path), presses a switch to release the next marble from the top bucket. So the computation is autonomous, it consumes marbles from the top bucket and fills the bottom bucket (with few marbles available an operator may sometimes need to refill the top bucket from the bottom one). The maze is usually an angled board onto which we just place obstacles; multiple layers of boards with holes/tunnels connecting them may be employed to allow more complexity. { You can build it from lego probably. ~drummyfish }

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@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
# Permacomputing Wiki
Permacomputing wiki is a computer [minimalist]( [pseudoleftist]( wiki whose focus revolves around minimalist, ecology-friendly, [collapse]( computing; in many ways (especially when you take away the SJW fascism) the wiki is a lot similar to our [LRS wiki]( It was started in 2022 and can now be accessed at, one of its famous users is [Viznut]( The wiki has some bits of cool stuff, but is sadly [toxic](, with [code of censorship]( and is littered with pseudoleftist fascism (about half of bullet points in their site rules is just pseudoleftist copy pasta gospel). The wiki also seem to be dying. { One theory is that it was created as a rage reaction to our wiki and the activity was mostly fueled by anger which by now had possibly burned out, and has also split the wiki community, demotivating contributors. ~drummyfish }
Permacomputing wiki is a computer [minimalist]( [pseudoleftist]( wiki whose focus revolves around minimalist, ecology-friendly, [collapse]( computing; in many ways (especially when you take away the SJW fascism) the wiki is a lot similar to our [LRS wiki]( It was started in 2022 and can now be accessed at, one of its famous users is [Viznut]( (who allegedly coined the term "permacomputing" on his website in 2020). The wiki has some really cool stuff, but is sadly [toxic](, with [code of censorship]( and is littered with pseudoleftist fascism (about half of bullet points in their site rules is just pseudoleftist copy pasta gospel lol). The wiki also seem to be dying. { One theory is that it was created as a rage reaction to our wiki and the activity was mostly fueled by anger which by now had possibly burned out :D ~drummyfish }
{ NOTE: Someone reached out to me pointing out permacomputing wiki focuses on new things and concepts while LRS just writes about Unix and "old" stuff -- that's true! Actually permacomputing wiki is awesome in this, it's just sad it's being plagued by ideological issues, but the "content" is really great. I wish I could write better about the "new", I just focus on what I personally do best, i.e. boomer stuff. But I will try to possibly change my direction a bit to focus on new ideas as well. Thanks to the reader for a kind email <3 :-) ~drummyfish }
**Late 2023 sum up of the wiki's issues**: it seems like a few users just care about computers and try to write cool stuff about technology while clashing with a few political fanatics who just want to push pseudoleftist propaganda, ridiculously trying to find ways to somehow insert feminism and [LGBT]( to core principles of technology design :D It's really awkward and creates conflicts in articles e.g. about [Rust]( where feminists really want to push it as the best thing ever while the educated minimalist just can NOT ever accept Rust as a good language, not even by a huge margin. That's all just funny but what's more, there seem to be even [censorship]( going on as for example the political activists seem to prefer shitty [Gemini]( just for its political message and MUH ENCRYPTION (which, again, clashes with the need of minimalism) over superior [Gopher]( (a clear preferred choice for true minimalist) and so they JUST DON'T MENTION GOPHER AT ALL, even in the article on [smol net]( where it is just a key thing to mention and it's clear they just wanna hide its existence, this is literally like making an article about text editors and refusing to mention Vim in it because you're an Emacs fan :D For the same reason they probably also don't mention our [LRS wiki]( which they most likely copied (or at very least would be worth a mention as a related resource). This is just a message to their readers that they're gonna blatantly manipulate them and so probably something that should make you go away. It's kind of all funny, sad and depressing that yet another promising thing is becoming a victim to the cancer just in such early stage.
{ To be honest reading through the wiki makes me conjecture it's actually a LRS wiki ripoff that refuses to admit to it :D Now to make it clear: I don't care if someone copies this wiki or if I get credited or anything like that, on the contrary, I explicitly state in many places this is public domain, that I highly encourage copying, making ripoffs and despise any idea of being able to own an intellectual work. The conjecture here is of purely entertaining nature. If anyone associated with permacomputing wiki is reading this, let me know if the similarities are purely coincidental because yes, we are dealing with similar topic, by similar means, having similar value etc. I also understand no one wants to associate his work with mine, though making a small note for historians somewhere can hardly bring anyone any harm. Why I think it's so similar? Some hints are these: wiki created about half a year after this one, "Care for life" cited as their "axiom" vs "Unconditional love of all life" is cited as our axiom (even using the same word "axiom"), whole design looks pretty similar (similar top-level links, css similar to my website, ...), similar articles (like pseudosimplicity vs [pseudominimalism](, [dependency](, smallnet vs [smol_internet](, [games](, [history](, paper computer, [bloat](; sure these are general topic we deal with, but the selection...) with similar content in them (e.g. "A dependency refers to another piece of technology" vs "Dependency of a piece of technology is another piece of technology..."). I don't know, it just at the edge of me being able to decide if it's a coincidence or not :P ~drummyfish }
## See Also
- [Damaged Earth Catalog](
- [xxiivv](

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@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ For rule 110 the following is a table determining the next value of a cell given
The rightmost column is where elementary cellular automata differ from each other -- here reading the column from top to bottom we get the [binary]( number 01101110 which is 110 in [decimal](, hence we call the automaton rule 110. Some automata behave as "flipped" versions of rule 110, e.g. rule 137 (bit inversion of rule 110) and rule 124 (horizontal reflection of rule 110) -- these are in terms of properties equivalent to rule 110.
Fun fact: a [mechanical]( computer based on rule 110 can be made with marbles, it's very simple (there's a video somewhere on the Internet).
The following is an output of 32 steps of rule 110 from an initial tape with one cell set to 1. Horizontal dimension represents the tape, vertical dimension represents steps/time (from top to bottom).

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# LRS Wiki Stats
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This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
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@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ longest articles:
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Date: Fri Jan 12 04:25:07 2024 +0100
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Date: Sun Jan 7 16:06:57 2024 +0100
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