This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 1980 additions and 1936 deletions
@ -305,12 +305,14 @@ Now let's have a simple **3D model data** of a quad. Quad is basically just a sq
| _/ |
| _/ |
| _/ |
v0 v1
In a computer this is represented with two arrays: vertices and triangles. Our vertices here are (notices all Z coordinates are zero, i.e. it is a 3D model but it's flat):
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Anarcho Pacifism
Anarcho pacifism (anpac) is a form of [anarchism](anarchism.md) that completely rejects any violence. Anarcho pacifists argue that since anarchism opposes hierarchy and oppression, we have to reject violence which is the greatest tool of oppression and establishing hierarchy. This would make it the one true purest form of anarchism. Anarcho pacifists use a black and white flag.
Anarcho pacifism (anpac) is a form of [anarchism](anarchism.md) which completely rejects any violence. Anarcho pacifists argue that since anarchism opposes oppression and social hierarchy and since violence is the most prominent tool of oppression and hierarchy, it logically has to be rejected. This makes anarcho pacifism possibly the one truest and purest form of anarchism. This form of anarchism uses a black and white flag.
Historically anarcho pacifists such as [Leo Tolstoy](tolstoy.md) and [Petr Chelcicky](petr_chelcicky.md) were usually religiously motivated for rejecting violence, however this stance may also come from logic or other than religious beliefs, e.g. the simple belief that violence will only spawn more violence ("eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind"), or pure unconditional love of life which one simply feels and chooses to follow without the need for any further justification.
@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ Here there will be a constantly WIP list of [books](book.md) that might be of in
{ Let's aim for quality rather than quantity here, don't put any book that has some connection to our cause here, but rather the ones you've read and which you judge as a quality book that enriched you in some way. ~drummyfish }
- **Blackout** (2017, Elsberg): Fiction, telling a story of a large blackout in Europe that shows to really be caused by [bloated](bloat.md) tech. For [collapse](collapse.md) enjoyers this is an interesting read if only for the detailed description of the consequences a sudden loss of electric power.
- **Day of the Triffids** (1951, Wyndham): Excellent sci-fi in which civilization comes to an end due to a disaster (won't spoil), very nice for collapse preps or just people enjoying a great story narrated in captivating way :-) The movie is a joke, don't even search for it. Also other books by Wyndham are awesome.
- **Blackout** (2017, Elsberg): Fiction, telling a story of a large blackout in Europe that shows to really be caused by [bloated](bloat.md) tech. For [collapse](collapse.md) enjoyers this is an interesting read if only for the detailed description of the consequences of a sudden loss of electric power.
- **Day of the Triffids** (1951, Wyndham): Excellent sci-fi in which civilization comes to an end due to a disaster (won't spoil), very nice for collapse preppers or just people enjoying a great story narrated in captivating way :-) The movie is a joke, don't even search for it. Also other books by Wyndham are awesome.
- **[Einstein](einstein.md): His Life and Universe** (Isaacson, 2008): [Einstein](einstein.md)'s biography, quite a nice read about a pretty awesome man who's image has been so distorted by the mainstream shit.
- **Encyclopedia Britannica 11th edition** (1911): Extremely large, old, uncensored [encyclopedia](encyclopedia.md), mostly digitized and fulltext searchable, also completely [public domain](public_domain.md), with very long articles on all topics up to the date of its publication. Great source of lesser known information and an alternative to modern censored sources. Also check out other similar encyclopedias.
- **[Flatland](flatland.md)** (Abbott, 1884): Absolutely amazing fantasy story set in two dimensional land with characters being geometric shapes, while being a critic of society to a big degree, it discusses practical and mathematical aspects of actually living in two dimensions, how the characters see, how they build their houses etc. It is now absolutely [public domain](public_domain.md)!
- **Encyclopedia Britannica 11th edition** (1911): Gigantic old uncensored [encyclopedia](encyclopedia.md), mostly digitized and fulltext searchable, also completely [public domain](public_domain.md), with very long articles on all topics up to the date of its publication. Great source of lesser known information and an alternative to modern censored sources. Also check out other similar encyclopedias.
- **[Flatland](flatland.md)** (Abbott, 1884): Absolutely amazing fantasy story set in two dimensional land with characters being geometric shapes, also criticizing contemporary society to a degree. It discusses practical and mathematical aspects of actually living in two dimensions, how the characters see, how they build their houses etc. It is now absolutely [public domain](public_domain.md)!
- **Free as in Freedom** (Sam Williams, 2002): Free-licensed official biography of [Richard Stallman](rms.md), contains many historical details about how [free software](free_software.md) came to be, how [open source](open_source.md) spoiled it etc.
- **Free Culture** (Lessig, 2004): Creative-commons licensed (non-free but gratis) book by the founder of [Creative Commons](creative_commons.md) and [free culture](free_culture.md), goes into details on how copyright became abused by capitalism, why public domain is being smothered and why we must support free culture.
- **Game Engine Black Book: Doom** (Sanglard, 2019): Gratis, very nice book dissecting all the details about the legendary [Doom](doom.md) engine and its internals -- how it worked, why was it so fast, what hacks went into it, written so that a reader of any programming skill (even none) will find something interesting. A must read for fans of oldschool game programming.
- **Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D** (Sanglard, 2019): Same as the Doom engine book from the same author, just about the older game Wolfenstein 3D, also amazing.
- **Guinness Book of World Records, BEFORE 2000**: The older books were excellent, ideally get some from 80s or earlier, there are funny records like most rats killed by cat in one hour, most primitive languages and so on. Do NOT buy the new editions, these are uttermost absolute garbage equivalent to an expensive toilet paper.
- **[Harry Potter](harry_potter.md)** (1997 to 2007): Quite comfy, relaxing fantasy read, despite having been written by a [woman](woman.md). WARNING: do NOT read anything published later such as various spinoffs and new censored editions, it's all lesbian poison now, read only the original books.
- **Industrial Society and Its Future** (Kaczynski, 1995): A bit boring read by the famous [Unabomber](ted_kaczynski.md), criticizing rapid technology advancement, but an important read for those who are more into politics, if only for the memes :)
- **ISO/IEC 9899:1999** (1999): Specification of the version of [C](c.md) programming language that [suckless](suckless.md)/[LRS](lrs.md) very often uses. It's nice to skim over it to get an idea how a language is actually specified. You'll also probably learn something new about C in the process.
- **Guinness Book of World Records, BEFORE 2000**: The older books were excellent, ideally get some from 80s or earlier, there are funny records like most rats killed by a cat in one hour, most primitive languages and so on. Do NOT buy the new editions, these are uttermost absolute garbage equivalent to an expensive toilet paper.
- **[Harry Potter](harry_potter.md)** (1997 to 2007): Quite comfy, relaxed fantasy read, despite having been written by a [woman](woman.md). WARNING: do NOT read anything published later such as various spinoffs and new censored editions, it's all lesbian poison now, read only the original books.
- **Industrial Society and Its Future** (Kaczynski, 1995): A bit boring read by the famous [Unabomber](ted_kaczynski.md), criticizing rapid technology advancement, but an important read for those who are more into technology/minimalism/etc., if only for the memes :)
- **ISO/IEC 9899:1999** (1999): Specification of the [C](c.md) programming language in a version that [suckless](suckless.md)/[LRS](lrs.md) very often uses. It's nice to skim over it to get an idea how a language is actually specified. You'll also probably learn something new about C in the process.
- **Just for Fun** (2001): Official biography of [Linus Torvalds](torvalds.md), the original creator of [Linux](linux.md). It recounts valuable historical moments with comments by Linus himself, revealing many interesting details and also a bit of Torvalds' personality (shows some of his evil side).
- **Larousse Desk Reference Encyclopedia** (1995): Very nice single-volume [encyclopedia](encyclopedia.md) that's sorted by topic, with many nice illustrations, published back then when censorship wasn't so extreme, provides overview of all topics of human knowledge.
- **[Lord of the Rings](lotr.md)** (1954, also The Hobbit, Silmarillion etc.): Epic fantasy, mandatory read, period. Like with other popular works you must NOT read any newer renditions/editions/spinoffs, they are all cancerous poison, it's a serious danger to one's mental health. Only read the original books (watching the 2000s LotR movies is also allowed, but NOT the Hobbit etc.).
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- [retardation](retarded.md)
- [self interest](self_interest.md)
- [schizophrenia](schizo.md)
- [shitty body](body_shaming.md)
- [transsexualism](tranny.md)
- [tool slavery](tool_slave.md)
- [troll personality disorder](troll_personality_disorder.md)
@ -226,8 +226,9 @@ Bear in mind this is not a school test that's supposed to decide if you get to a
119. Use only the logical function [NAND](nand.md) (which gives a negated result of [AND](and.md)) to implement the [XOR](xor.md) logical function.
120. We have a rubber rope 1 meter long. On one side there is an ant. He starts moving over the rubber towards its other end by the speed of 1 cm/s, however as he starts to move we start stretching the rubber also by the speed of 1 cm/s, so that after 1 second it's 101 cm long, after 2 seconds it's 102 cm long etc. The ant keeps the same speed. Will he ever reach the end? How long would it take him?
121. Today in [slavery](work.md) I tried to fix 6 computers: I ended up destroying twice as many of them than I fixed. Every time I destroyed a computer my boss told me I'm a retard. How many times did my boss repeat I'm a retard?
122. Write the hexadecimal values of a pure green color in 24 bit RGB, [RGB565](rgb565.md) and [RGB332](rgb332.md) formats.
123. Did you enjoy this quiz?
122. What does constant [bitrate](bitrate.md) mean in relation to video encoding? What are some of its advantages and disadvantages against variable bitrate?
123. Write the hexadecimal values of a pure green color in 24 bit RGB, [RGB565](rgb565.md) and [RGB332](rgb332.md) formats.
124. Did you enjoy this quiz?
### Answers
@ -353,8 +354,9 @@ sin(x) / cos(x) - log2(2) = tg(x) - 1*, so we get *tg(x) >= 1*. So that will hol
119. a XOR b = (a OR b) AND NOT(a AND b) = ((a NAND a) NAND (b NAND b)) AND (a NAND b) = (((a NAND a) NAND (b NAND b)) NAND (a NAND b)) NAND (((a NAND a) NAND (b NAND b)) NAND (a NAND b)).
120. Let *p* be the ant's relative position on the rubber, i.e. the fraction of the rubber he has already traveled; when *p = 1* he'll be in the finish. At the beginning his speed in fractions of the rubber per second is *v = 1/100*. As the rubber expands, the fractional speed decreases (he keeps moving at 1 cm/s but the total number of cm to be traveled increases): we can write the speed as a function of time: *v = 1/(100 + t)*. Now the fractional position *p* over time is an [integral](integral.md) of speed, i.e. *p = integrate 1/(100 + t) dt = log(100 + t) + C* and the initial position is *p = 0*, i.e. *C = -log(100)*, so *p = log(100 + t) - log(100)*. Now we just have to compute when *p* reaches 1, i.e. *log(100 + t) - log(100) = 1*, which gives us *t = 100 * (e - 1) ~= 171.83*. So the ant will reach the end in nearly 3 minutes.
121. 3: I destroyed 4 computers, so he told me 4 times I'm a retard, i.e. he first told me I'm a retard (this was not a repetition) and then repeated it three times.
122. 24 bit RGB is easy: 00ff00. For 565 we want a 16 bit value whose upper and lower 5 bits are zero, with the middle bits being ones, i.e. 0000011111100000 in binary, which is 07e0 in hexadecimal. Similarly for 332 we get 1c.
123. yes
122. Constant bitrate means a given time unit of the video will always be encoded with (at least approximately) the same number of [bits](bit.md). One second of the video will therefore take the same size no matter how complex or simple the encoded scene is. Advantages are for example being able to estimate size of any video just from its duration alone, easier seeking and rewinding to a random position, or that during streaming over network there will be a constant number of bits transferred per second, which is very predictable and good for many protocols. Disadvantage may be that sometimes space is wasted (we encode a simple scene with more bits than necessary) and that quality of the video won't be constant (scenes for which bits don't suffice will have to have their quality lowered).
123. 24 bit RGB is easy: 00ff00. For 565 we want a 16 bit value whose upper and lower 5 bits are zero, with the middle bits being ones, i.e. 0000011111100000 in binary, which is 07e0 in hexadecimal. Similarly for 332 we get 1c.
124. yes
## Other
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Freemasonry
Freemasonry is a very famous, old (dating to Middle Ages), mysterious and large worldwide group of men claiming to pursue charitable goals, a group infamous for being the subject of countless [conspiracy theories](conspiracy_theory.md) due to the secrecy of their conduct. They evolved from a literal guild of stonemasons (traced to the end of 14th century), but turned into something greater over time. To summarize them in short is difficult, but one will often hear about their use of symbols, rituals and meetings closed to the public, and indeed maybe about their plans to "secretly rule the world, unnoticed behind the curtains".
Freemasonry is a very famous, old (dating to Middle Ages), mysterious and large worldwide group of men claiming to pursue charitable goals, a group infamous for being the subject of countless [conspiracy theories](conspiracy_theory.md) due to the secrecy of their conduct. They evolved from a literal guild of stonemasons (traced to the end of 14th century), but turned into something greater over time. To summarize them in short is difficult, but one will often hear about their use of symbols, rituals and meetings closed to the public, and indeed maybe about their plans to "secretly rule the world, unnoticed behind the curtains". Freemasons are in some ways similar to [Illuminati](illuminati.md).
Because matters are a bit complicated with Freemasons, let's summarize some of the group's characteristics:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Because matters are a bit complicated with Freemasons, let's summarize some of t
- They make heavy use of symbolism, with most prominent symbols including the **square and compass** (with letter *G* inside), the **eye of providence** and **three dots**. They also have special handshakes and similar stuff. These carry meanings -- obscure knowledge of hidden meanings gets passed from higher ranked members downwards and serves initiation and progression through their system of ranks. Hopefully we can get away with the following comparison: it's a bit like how [4chan](4chan.md) newfag becomes oldfag through acquiring knowledge of more and more obscure [memes](meme.md).
- They are part of **conspiracy theories** connected to [jews](jew.md) and **secretly ruling the world**, manipulating world economy etc. This is firstly because of the secrecy and mystery, but also due to many famous and powerful people in their ranks (including some [US](usa.md) presidents) AND their symbols actually appearing in many places (famously e.g. the dollar bills). For this many people hate them, including probably [Nazis](nazi.md) and atheists, but importantly also by the big religions who see a threat in their universal religious tolerance. It's not rare for them to be persecuted or even banned by various countries and regimes.
- **[Women](woman.md) can't join them :D** Actually there are some [spinoff](fork.md) "Freemason" organizations that relaxed the rule, but the TRUE Freemasons are conservative and uphold it.
- **[Atheists](atheism.md) can't join either**, faith in higher power is required but without forcing any specific religion. All are tolerated as long as they believe in a supreme creator, including Christians, Muslims, Jews and others.
- **[Atheists](atheism.md) can't join either** (CHECKMATE). Faith in higher power is required but without forcing any specific religion. All are tolerated as long as they believe in a supreme creator, including Christians, Muslims, Jews and others.
- Joining has further requirements such as financial stability, passing an interview etc.
- They organize and meet in **local lodges**, or "temples" of a sort. Just like religious temples these tend to sport luxury, excessive decoration and symbols everywhere, even requiring presence of a holy book (Bible, Quran or anything similar). The forefront is probably Grand Lodge in London, but it seems they're all quite [decentralized](decentralization.md), some lodges don't acknowledge other ones etc. Just like countries.
- They aim to be **apolitical and tolerant**, simply wanting to do "good", without subscribing to specific religions or political parties. Complete freedom from bias may indeed get hard to achieve at times but in general it seems to be so.
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Because matters are a bit complicated with Freemasons, let's summarize some of t
## See Also
- [Illuminati](illuminati.md)
- [cicada 3301](cicada3301.md)
- [less retarded society](less_retarded_society.md)
- [Venus project](venus_project.md)
@ -21,5 +21,6 @@ It is conjectured that all furries are [gay](gay.md).
- [zoophilia](zoophilia.md)
- [retardedness](retard.md)
- [brony](brony.md)
- [werewolf](werewolf.md)
- [creepy](creepy.md)
- [cringe](cringe.md)
@ -65,10 +65,12 @@ A great many commonly used tricks in programming could be regarded as hacks even
- Computer [graphics](graphics.md) uses many clever tricks that could possibly be called hacks, e.g. in times when 3D graphics was primitive and didn't allow achieving such effects as mirror reflections easily, some [games](game.md) faked mirrors simply with a hole in the wall behind which the whole mirrored room was placed -- this achieved the same effect as a mirror and didn't require any extra rendering passes or shaders.
- **[quine](quine.md)**: A cleverly constructed self-replicating program in [programming language](programming_language.md) that prints its own source code -- this is a common exercise of language hackers.
- **MetaGolfScript [esoteric languages](esolang.md)**: rather than being a nicely designed [code golfing](code_golf.md) language MetaGolfScript invents infinitely many languages, each of which solves one problem with a zero-length program, making it possible to win any golfing contest that allows arbitrary choice of language just by choosing the correct MetaGolfScript language.
- In video [games](game.md) "hacking" is nowadays used as a synonym for "[cheating](cheating.md)", but a clever use of game mechanics to achieve something unintended by the game developers can be seen as a hack in the traditional sense. Example of this could be a so called tower rush in strategy games (building defensive towers in opponent's base to attack him).
- **Appending "in Minecraft" to avoid legal responsibility**: some people try to avoid legal responsibility for threats by talking about the situation as if it was harmlessly happening in a video game such as Minecraft, for example "Bitch I'm going to come to your house and murder you in sleep, in Minecraft." Though this is a nice hack and should work, the dystopian governments can do whatever they want and still arrest you for this -- this happened e.g. in New Jersey when one guy threatened to kill a sheriff like this.
- **[polyglot](polyglot.md) programs**: another fun activity by programming language enthusiasts; a polyglot is source code that's a valid in more than one programming language.
- [Richard Stallman](rms.md) called some musical compositions hacks, specifically 4'33 (just silence) and Ma Fin Est Mon Commencement ([palindromic](palindrome.md) music).
- TODO: moar
- The [unix](unix.md) [sed](sed.md) utility can be used to replace patterns in text using [regular expressions](regex.md), however the utility is limited by working line-by-line and hence not being able to easily replace patterns that span multiple lines. A clever hack suggested on stack overflow to work around this was to first replace all newlines by `\r` (character not normally used in typical text files), then used sed (to which the whole text now presents a single line), then replace `\r`s back to newlines.
- ...
## See Also
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ On this wiki we kind of use LMAO as a synonym to [LULZ](lulz.md) as used on [Enc
- God's miracle caught on stream! On April 5th 2013 a "disabled" twitch streamer ZilianOP who was supposedly paralyzed and couldn't walk forgot for a while during live stream that he was paralyzed, he stood up from the wheelchair and went for something, revealing he was in fact just faking the disability so as to be considered an American [hero](hero_culture.md) and get more of those viewers seeking inspirational motivators or something :D I'M DISABLED BUT STILL PLAY VIDEO GAMES, WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE! He then hilariously tried to cover it up along with his girlfriend, saying shit like "nonono, I fell from the chair" and then switching to "I could walk a bit thanks to therapy but I was keeping it secret because I wanted to surprise my girlfriend", you wouldn't believe to what lengths they went lol. On the other hand if you're white and not a [female](woman.md) with large breasts, being disabled is the only chance to ever get any views, so can we really blame him?
- On occasion [reddit](reddit.md) offered its fair share of quality material as well, for example one TIFU (today I fucked up... might actually even have been the TIL subreddit lol) thread recounted a true story of a guy who grew up well into adulthood thinking that toilet seats were ONLY MEANT TO BE USED BY [WOMEN](woman.md) and that men simply sit on the cold toilet edge when they shit :D Apparently no one ever taught him and he only learned about the fact that men can use the seat too when he was buying a new toilet seat and joked with the salesman by saying something along the lines of "haha, if I didn't have a wife I wouldn't have to be spending money on toilet seats" -- then when the guy just stared in confusion all came to be revealed.
- Absolutely epic trollz were performed sometime in early 2020s by tinyviolin69 in [World of Warcraft](wow.md), most notable of them was probably the following. He played on the hardcore server where character deaths are permanent, i.e. if you put 10000 hours into leveling and gearing up an epic character and then die in any way, even by slipping on a slightly higher cliff, it's all lost, you must start over. The guy leveled up a high level character, entered a guild, gained their trust and then, in a raid that was carefully planned and discussed for hours so that no one would die, he deliberately fucked up so that basically everyone died :D He practically destroyed years worth of "work" of many children that day, they all cried like little babies. We applaud this, it's very stupid for anyone to attach to a video game like these children, AND especially to a permadeath game. The game is also gay as fuck, this is the only fun that can be had in it nowadays.
- The most humiliating defeat in [Warcraft III's](warcraft3.md) history was probably the match of WEG 2005 between Moon (Korea, considered by some the GOAT) playing as Night Elf [race](race.md) and Tod (France) playing as Human. The game is known for allowing a lot of cheesy strats and trolls, but on the highest levels it's still rare to win with a lulzy strat. Still Moon was so incredibly good he managed to do the following: he made units that have a spell which allows to steal the enemy units, then he stole Tod's worker which enabled him to start creating buildings of the human race, he then built a human town, trained human units and beat Tod with the units of his own race. To this day Tod gets quite irritated when asked about this in interviews.
- Some parents [trolled](trolling.md) their children by giving them the same name lol, see [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/namenerds/comments/5wltvf/same_first_name_for_siblings/?rdt=42972).
- In 2024 the twitter account of Greta Thunberg's father, Svante Thunberg, was hijacked by soyjak.party and started posting some funny stuff about [niggas](nigger.md), telling Greta she was adopted, offending journalists in DMs and so on.
- Some trollolo gentleman in 1810 London fucked up some random guy from his street by ordering thousands of services to his house, he just sat and watched the madness as coal deliveries and sweep services and even piano deliveries flooded the poor man's door lol. He did it for a bet.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The only true love is unconditional love, love that doesn't punish. **Conditiona
[LRS](less_retarded_society.md) advocates living the way of love -- loving everyone and treating others with love, and making the whole world be so. If you have love in you, how can you press the trigger of a gun to kill? How can you kill an animal? How can you detonate a nuclear bomb over a city?
Our hope dwells in love being contagious; just like hate spawns hate, love gives growth to more love. Love is able to stop the self-sustaining circle of hate and revenge. If you show a true, unconditional love to someone who hates you, there is a great chance the hatred will be lost, that grievances will be forgiven and forgotten.
Our hope dwells in love being contagious; just like hate spawns hate, love gives growth to more love. Love is able to stop the self-sustaining circle of hate and revenge. If you show a true, unconditional love to someone who hates you, there is a high chance the hatred will go and grievances will be forgiven and forgotten. For most people it's even psychologically impossible to willingly try and sustain hatred and evil behavior towards someone who repeatedly only shows him love.
Today's society makes love kind of a commodity, as anything else; a subject of speculation, a tool of manipulation, sometimes even a weapon, a card to be kept hidden and played at the right time. People are taught to hide their feelings, that compassion is weakness and altruism stupidity, and so people are afraid to tell others they love them as it might make them look weak, vulnerable and social outcast, it might be socially unacceptable. We reject such toxic [bullshit](bullshit.md). If you love someone, whoever it is, tell him. You will soon be surrounded with loving people this way.
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Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# This script makes a txt version of the wiki that's ready to be read by a
# text-to-speech. Use this if you're blind or just want an audio book.
echo "making..."
echo "" > lrs_wiki_tts.txt
for f in *.md; do
echo $f
cat $f | tr "\n" "\r" | \
sed "s/\r### /\rheading 3: /g" | \
sed "s/\r## /\rheading 2: /g" | \
sed "s/\(\r\\|^\)# /\1heading 1: /g" | \
sed "s/\r *- /\rlist item: /g" | \
sed "s/\*\*\([^*]*\)\*\*/\1/g" | \
sed "s/\*\([^*]*\)\*/\1/g" | \
sed "s/\[\([^]]*\)\]([^)]*)/\1/g" | \
sed "s/\r *\([0-9]\+\)\. /\ritem \1: /g" | \
sed "s/{\([^{]*\)}/; COMMENT -- \1 -- END OF COMMENT;/g" | \
sed "s/\([^\`]\)\`\([^\`]\)/\"\1\2\"/g" | \
sed "s/\r\`\`\`[^\`]*\r\`\`\`/\rcode segment/g" | \
sed "s/\(\r|[^\r]*\)\+\r[^|]/\rtable\r\r/g" | \
tr "\r" "\n" >> lrs_wiki_tts.txt
echo "done"
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Load diff
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# RGB332
RGB332 is a general 256 color [palette](palette.md) that encodes one color with 1 [byte](byte.md) (i.e. 8 [bits](bit.md)): 3 bits (highest) for red, 3 bits for green and 2 bits (lowest) for blue (as human eye is least sensitive to blue we choose to allocate fewest bits to blue). RGB332 is an implicit palette -- it doesn't have to be stored in memory (though doing so also has justifications) because the color index itself determines the color and vice versa. Compared to the classic 24 bit RGB (which assigns 8 bits to each of the RGB components), RGB332 is very "[KISS](kiss.md)/[suckless](suckless.md)" and often [good enough](good_enough.md) (especially with [dithering](dithering.md)) as it saves memory, avoids headaches with [endianness](byte_sex.md) and represents each color with just a single number (as opposed to 3), so it is often used in simple and limited computers such as [embedded](embedded.md). It is also in the [public domain](public_domain.md), unlike some other palettes, so it's additionally a legally safe choice. RGB332 also has a "sister palette" called [RGB565](rgb565.md) which uses two bytes instead of one and so offers many more colors.
RGB332 is a general 256 [color](color.md) [palette](palette.md) that encodes one color with 1 [byte](byte.md) (i.e. 8 [bits](bit.md)): 3 bits (highest) for red, 3 bits for green and 2 bits (lowest) for blue (as human eye is least sensitive to blue we choose to allocate fewest bits to blue). RGB332 is an implicit palette -- it doesn't have to be stored in memory (though doing so also has justifications) because the color index itself determines the color and vice versa. Compared to the classic 24 bit RGB (which assigns 8 bits to each of the RGB components), RGB332 is very "[KISS](kiss.md)/[suckless](suckless.md)" and often [good enough](good_enough.md) (especially with [dithering](dithering.md)) as it saves memory, avoids headaches with [endianness](byte_sex.md) and represents each color with just a single number (as opposed to 3), so it is ideal for simple and limited computers such as [embedded](embedded.md). It is also in the [public domain](public_domain.md), unlike some other palettes, so it's additionally a legally safe choice. RGB332 also has a "sister palette" called [RGB565](rgb565.md) which uses two bytes instead of one and so offers many more colors.
A disadvantage of plain 332 palette lies in the linearity of each component's intensity, i.e. lack of [gamma correction](gamma_correction.md), so there are too many almost indistinguishable bright colors while too few darker ones { TODO: does a gamma corrected 332 exist? make it? ~drummyfish }. Another disadvantage is the non-alignment of the blue component with red and green components, i.e. while R/G components have 8 levels of intensity and so step from 0 to 255 by 36.4, the B component only has 4 levels and steps by exactly 85, which makes it impossible to create exact shades of grey (which of course have to have all R, G and B components equal).
One disadvantage of plain 332 palette lies in the linearity of each component, i.e. lack of [gamma correction](gamma_correction.md), resulting in too many almost indistinguishable bright colors and too few darker ones { TODO: does a gamma corrected 332 exist? make it? ~drummyfish }. Another disadvantage is non-alignment of the blue component with red and green ones, i.e. while R/G components have 8 levels of intensity and hence step from 0 to 255 by 36.4, the B component only has 4 levels and steps by exactly 85, making it impossible to create exact shades of grey (which of course have to have all R, G and B components equal).
The RGB values of the 332 palette are following:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# RGB565
RGB565 is color format, or a way of representing [colors](color.md) with just 2 [bytes](byte.md) (unlike traditional 24 bit RGB formats that use 3 bytes, one for each component), that is 16 [bits](bit.md) (giving a total of 65536 distinct colors), by using 5 bits (highest) for red, 6 bits for green (to which human eye is most sensitive) and 5 bits for blue; it can also be seen as a color [palette](palette.md). It is similar to [rgb332](rgb332.md) -- it's basically a mid way between RGB332 and full 24bit RGB against which it saves one byte per pixel, but compared to RGB332 [byte sex](byte_sex.md) comes to play here. Practically speaking you will rarely need anything more than this, 65 thousand colors are absolutely sufficient for everything.
RGB565 is color format, or a way of representing [colors](color.md) with just 2 [bytes](byte.md) (unlike traditional 24 bit RGB formats that use 3 bytes, one for each component), that is 16 [bits](bit.md) (giving a total of 65536 distinct colors), by using 5 bits (highest) for red, 6 bits for green (to which human eye is most sensitive) and 5 bits for blue; it can also be seen as a color [palette](palette.md). It is similar to [RGB332](rgb332.md) -- it's basically a mid way between RGB332 and full 24bit RGB against which it saves one byte per pixel, but compared to RGB332 [byte sex](byte_sex.md) comes to play here. Practically speaking you will rarely need anything more than this, 65 thousand colors are absolutely sufficient for everything.
Yet another similar format to this one is [RGB555](rgb555.md) which sacrifices one useful bit for gaining the nice property of having the same size of each component. The one "wasted" bit may also be utilized, e.g. for marking transparency.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ For starters let's take a look at one of the simplest sorting algorithms, bubble
for j from 0 to N - 2 (inclusive)
for i from 0 to to N - 2 - j (inclusive)
is array[i] > array[i + 1]
if array[i] > array[i + 1]
swap array[i] and array[i + 1]
@ -40,4 +40,5 @@ For SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHERS: these are some highly scientifically researched meth
## See Also
- [ACK](ack.md)
- [RIP](rip.md)
- [ragequit](ragequit.md)
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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