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Miloslav Ciz 2021-12-12 15:05:53 -06:00
parent bcbecbd8bd
commit 21e3cd5ee5

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@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
# World Wide Web
World Wide Web (www) was a network of [HTML](html.md) documents interconnected via the [Internet](internet.md) (technically it still exists but it's dead now). It has been replaced by toxic mobile "apps" and "web 2.0". Programs called [web browsers](browser.md) wer used to browse the web.
World Wide Web (www or just *the web*) is (or was, if we accept that by 2021 the web is basically dead) a network of interconnected documents on the [Internet](internet.md) (called *websites* or *webpages*). Some people confuse the web with the Internet, but of course those people are retarded: web is just one of many service existing on the Internet (other ones being e.g. [email](email.md) or [torrents](torrent.md)). In order to browse the web you need an Internet connection and a [web browser](browser.md).
The web is perhaps the best, saddest and funniest example of [capitalist](capitalist_software.md) [bloat](bloat.md), the situation with web sites is completely ridiculous and depressive. A nice article about the issue, called *The Website Obesity Crisis*, can be found at https://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm.
Back in the days (90s and early 2000s) web used to be a place of freedom working more or less in a decentralized manner and on anarchist principles people used to have their own unique websites, censorship was difficult to implement and mostly non-existent and websites used to have a much better design and were safer, as they were pure [HTML](html.md) documents.
As the time went web used to become more and more [shit](shit.md), as is the case with everything touched by [capitalism](capitalist_software.md) the advent of so called **web 2.0** brought about a lot of [complexity](complexity.md), websites started to incorporate runnable scripts ([JavaScript](javascript.md), [Flash](flash.md)) which lead to many negative things such as security vulnerabilities (web pages now have power to run code) and more complexity in web browsers, which leads to even more possible vulnerabilities, [bloat](bloat.md) and to browser monopolies (greater effort is needed to develop a browser, making it a privilege of those who can afford it, and those can subsequently dictate de-facto standards that further strengthen their monopolies). Another disaster came with **[social networks](social_network.md)** in mid 2000s, most notably [Facebook](facebook.md) but also [YouTube](youtube.md) and others, which centralized the web and rid people of control. Out of comfort people stopped creating and hosting own websites and rather created a page on Facebook. This gave the power to corporations and allowed **mass-surveillance**, **mass-censorship** and **propaganda brainwashing**. As the web became more and more popular, corporations and governments started to take more control over it, creating technologies and laws to make it less free. By 2020, the good old web is but a memory, everything is controlled by corporations, infected with billions of unbearable ads, [DRM](drm.md), malware (trackers, [crypto](crypto.md) miners), there exist no good web browsers, web pages now REQUIRE JavaScript even if it's not really needed due to which they are painfully slow and buggy, there are restrictive laws and censorship and de-facto laws (site policies) put in place by corporations controlling the web.