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Miloslav Ciz 2024-02-22 23:16:14 +01:00
parent 1d0c3e3980
commit 24d20f5c13
14 changed files with 1730 additions and 1695 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Bazaar (The Cathedral And The Bazaar)
*The Cathedral and the Bazaar* (shortened to *catb*) is a very famous [software engineering]( essay from 1997 by [Eric S. Raymond]( (ESR, a famous oldschool hacker writer) which analyzes the development method of [Linux](, at the time a new way of mass developing [FOSS]( software by many volunteers over the [Internet]( with relatively little central planning -- this method is called the *Bazaar* (the word used for marketplace in middle east) and is contrasted with so called *Cathedral* method, i.e. the traditional, highly centralized development of software (not necessarily of [proprietary]( software). This essay was later being expanded, updated and made into a whole book -- the short version of it can be read on ESR's website. It played a role in [corporations]( adopting "[open source](" (Netscape, i.e. Firefox, was "open sourced" basically because of this essay).
*The Cathedral and the Bazaar* (shortened to *catb*) is a very famous [software engineering]( paper from 1997 by [Eric S. Raymond]( (ESR, a famous oldschool hacker writer) which analyzes the development method of [Linux](, at the time a new way of mass developing [FOSS]( software by many volunteers over the [Internet]( with relatively little central planning -- this method is called the *Bazaar* (the word used for marketplace in middle east) and is contrasted with so called *Cathedral* method, i.e. the traditional, highly centralized development of software (not necessarily of [proprietary]( software). This essay was later being expanded, updated and made into a whole book -- the short version of it can be read on ESR's website. It played a role in [corporations]( adopting "[open source](" (Netscape, i.e. Firefox, was "open sourced" basically because of this essay).
Watch out: Raymond used to be an oldschool [hacker]( who however, like many others, later turned to the evil side once he smelled money and fame; he basically became hardcore [capitalist](, promoting [open $ource](, free markets and even doing business himself. It can very well be seen in the essay -- it's not about [programming](, it is about software engineering, i.e. managing and manipulating masses of people to work like machines who will be continuously producing lines of code. It focused on things such as ["productivity"]( and basically how to develop [bloat]( in fastest way and for least cost. It takes things such as [update culture](, rapid development, gigantic software projects and existence of software companies for granted. Therefore *The Cathedral and the Bazaar* is of no use to [less retarded software]( but it may be good to read for the big picture view.

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@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ One binary digit (a "place" for binary value in computer memory) can be used to
1. With single bits we represent basic **[logic](** values, i.e. *true* and *false*, and perform logic operations (e.g. [AND](, [OR]( etc.) with so called **[Boolean]( algebra**.
2. By grouping multiple bits together we create a **base-2 numeral system** that behaves in the same way as our decimal system and can be used to record numbers. We can build this numeral system with the above mentioned Boolean algebra, i.e. we extend our simple one bit system to multi bit system allowing to work not just with two values (*true* and *false*) but with many distinct values (whole numbers, from which we may later construct fractions etc.). Thanks to this we can implement algebraic operations such as addition, multiplication, square roots etc.
Of course the binary system didn't appear from nowhere, people in ancient times used similar systems, e.g. the poet Pingala (200 BC) created a system that used two syllables for counting, old Egyptians used so called Eye of Horus, a unit based on power of two fractions etc. Thomas Harriot used something very similar to today's binary in 1600s. It's just that until computers appeared there wasn't much practical use for it, so no one cared.
{ There is one classic but overplayed [joke]( that became extremely cringe exactly by being too overplayed by wannabe haxors who think learning binary makes you Einstein, however since many noobs will likely be reading this and it helps understand the subject, it may be good to tell it anyway. It goes like this: There are 10 types of people -- those who understand binary and those who don't. Sometimes this is extended with: and those who don't know this joke is in base 3. You can also give people the finger by sending them "binary four". ~drummyfish }
## Boolean Algebra ("True/False Logic")
In binary we start by working with single [bits]( -- each bit can hold two values, 1 and 0. We may see bits now like "simple numbers", we'll want to do operations with them, but they can only ever be one of the two values. Though we can interpret these values in any way -- e.g. in electronics we see them as high vs low [voltage]( -- in mathematics we traditionally turn to using [logic]( and interpret them as meaning *true* (1) and *false* (0). This will further allow us to apply all the knowledge and theory we have gathered about logic, such as formulas that allow us to simplify binary expressions etc.

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@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
Bloat is a very wide term that in the context of [software]( and [technology]( means overcomplication, unnecessary complexity and/or extreme growth in terms of source code size, overall complexity, number of [dependencies](, [redundancy](, unnecessary and/or useless features (e.g. [feature creep]( and resource usage, all of which lead to inefficient, badly designed technology with [bugs]( (crashes, unusable features, memory leaks, [security]( vulnerabilities, ...), as well as great [obscurity](, ugliness, **loss of [freedom](** and waste of human effort. Simply put bloat is burdening [bullshit]( Bloat is extremely bad and one of the greatest technological issues of today. Creating bloat is bad engineering at its worst and unfortunately it is what's absolutely taking over all technology nowadays, mostly due to [capitalism]( causing commercialization, [consumerism](, rushed "[just works](" products, creating demand for newer hardware and so on, also allowing incompetent people ("let's push more women/minorities into programming") trying to take on jobs they are in no way qualified to do.
TODO: history of bloat?
[LRS](, [suckless]( and some others rather small groups are trying to address the issue and write software that is good, [minimal](, reliable, efficient and well functioning. Nevertheless our numbers are very small and in this endeavor we are basically standing against the whole world and the most powerful tech [corporations]( The issue lies not only in capitalism pushing bloat but also in common people not seeing the issue (partly due to the capitalist propaganda promoting [maximalism](, no one is supporting the few people who are genuinely trying to create good tools, on the contrary such people often face hostility from the mainstream.
The issue of bloat may of course appear outside of the strict boundaries of computer technology, nowadays we may already observe e.g. **[science bloat](** -- science is becoming so overcomplicated (many times on purpose, e.g. by means of [bullshit]( science) that 99% people can NOT understand it, they have to BELIEVE "scientific authorities", which does not at all differ from the dangerous blind religious behavior. Any time a new paper comes out, chances are that not even SCIENTISTS from the same field but with a different specialization will understand it in depth and have to simply trust its results. This combined with self-interest obsessed society gives rise to [soyence]( and large scale brainwashing and spread of "science approved" propaganda.
Some have attempted to measure bloat, e.g. the famous *web bloat score* ( measures bloat of websites as its total size divided by the page screenshot size (e.g. [YouTube]( at 18.5 vs at 0.386). It has been observed that **software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster**, which is now known as [Wirth's law](; this follows from [Moore's law]( (speed of hardware doubles every 24 months) being weaker than [Gate's]( law (speed of software halves every 18 months); or in other words: the stupidity of [soydevs]( outpaces the brilliancy of geniuses.
Some metrics traditionally used to measure bloat include **[lines of source code](**, **[programming language]( used** (some languages are bloated themselves and inherently incapable of producing non-bloat, also choice of language indicates the developer's priorities, skills etc.), **number of [dependencies](** (packages, libraries, hardware, ...), **binary size** (size of the compiled program), **compile time**, **resource usage** ([RAM](, CPU, network usage, ...), **performance** ([FPS](, responsiveness, ...), **anti features** ([GUI](, [DRM](, auto updates, file formats such as [XML](, ...), [portability](, number of implementations, size of specification, number of developers and others. Some have attempted to measure bloat in more sophisticated ways, e.g. the famous *web bloat score* ( measures bloat of websites as its total size divided by the page screenshot size (e.g. [YouTube]( at 18.5 vs at 0.386). It has been observed that **software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster**, which is now known as [Wirth's law](; this follows from [Moore's law]( (speed of hardware doubles every 24 months) being weaker than [Gate's]( law (speed of software halves every 18 months); or in other words: the stupidity of [soydevs]( outpaces the brilliancy of geniuses.
Despite this there isn't any completely objective measure that would say "this software has exactly X % of bloat", bloat is something judged based on what we need/want, what tradeoffs we prefer etc. The answer to "how much bloat" there is depends on the answer to **"what really is bloat?"**. To answer this question most accurately we can't limit ourselves to simplifications such as [lines of code]( or number of package dependencies -- though these are very good estimates for most practical purposes, a more accurate insight is obtained by carefully asking what *burdens* and *difficulties* of ANY kind come with given technology, and also whether and how much of a necessary evil they are. Realize for example that if your software doesn't technically require package X to run or be compiled, package X may be [de facto]( required for your software to exist and work (e.g. a pure multiplayer game client won't have the server as a dependency, but it will be useless without a server, so de facto all bloat present in the server is now in a wider sense also the client's burden). So if you've found a program that's short and uses no libraries, you still have to check whether the language it is written in isn't bloated itself, whether the program relies on running on a complex platform that cannot be implemented without bloat, whether some highly complex piece of hardware (e.g. [GPU]( or 8GB of [RAM]( is required, whether it relies on some complex Internet service etc. You can probably best judge the amount of bloat most objectively by asking the following: if our current technology instantly disappeared, how hard would it be to make this piece of technology work again? This will inevitably lead you to investigating how hard it would be to implement all the dependencies etc.

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Cyber
*Cyber* (taken from [cybernetics](, the theory of communication and control, coming from Greek *kybernetes*, *steersman*) is a word prefix that signifies relatedness to [computers](, especially computer networks and [Internet]( It is nowadays used mainly for relating old concept to the [modern]( world dominated by computers. By itself or as a verb "cyber" often signifies *cybersex*. Some terms using the prefix include mentioned [cybernetics](, [cyberpunk](, [cybersex](, [cyberspace](, [cybercrime](, [cyberbullying](, [cyborg](, [cybersecurity]( etc.
*Cyber* (taken from [cybernetics](, the theory of communication and control, coming from Greek *kybernetes*, *steersman*) is a word prefix that signifies relatedness to [computers](, especially computer networks and [Internet]( It is nowadays used mainly for relating old concept to the [modern]( world dominated by computers. By itself or as a verb "cyber" often signifies *cybersex*. Some terms using the prefix include mentioned [cybernetics](, [cyberpunk](, [cybersex](, [cyberspace](, [cybercrime](, [cyberbullying](, [cyberculture](, [cyborg](, [cybersecurity]( etc.

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Also remember the worst thing you can do to a joke is put a [disclaimer](disclai
- What sound does an angry [C]( programmer make? ARGCCCC ARGVVVVVVVV
- I have a mentally ill friend who tried to design the worst [operating system]( on purpose. It boots for at least 10 minutes, then it changes the user's desktop background to random ads and it randomly crashes to make the user angry. He recently told me he is getting sued by [Microsoft]( for violating their look and feel.
- I am using a super minimal system, it only has one package installed on it. It is called [systemd](
- Any [Windows]( tutorial is really best called a "crash course".
- How do you know a project is truly [suckless]( The readme is longer than the program itself.
- How do you know a project is truly [LRS]( Its manifesto is longer than the program itself.
- How do you know a project is truly [bloated]( Instructions on how to build it are longer than whole specification of a [suckless programming language](

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@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ Some notable open consoles (which fit the definition at least loosely) are liste
- `+` = many games/programs
- `-` = discontinued
| name | CPU |RAM (K)| ROM (K)| display | year | notes |
| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- | ------ | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
|[Arduboy]( |8b 16 MHz | 2.5 | 32 | 64x32 1b | 2015 | * A C +, tiny |
|[Gamebuino]( |8b 16 MHz | 2 | 32 | 84x48 1b | 2014 | + A -, SD |
|[Pokitto]( |32b 48 MHz | 36 | 256 | 220x176 | 2018 |* C +, ext. hats, SD |
|[ESPboy]( |32b 160 MHz| 80 | 4000 | 128x128 | 2019 |A |
|[GB META]( |32b 48 MHz | 32 | 256 | 168x120 | 2018 |A + -, SD |
|[Nibble]( |32b 160 MHz| 80 | 4000 | 128x128 | 2021 |A, AAA bat. |
|[UzeBox]( |8b 28 MHz | 4 | 64 | 360x240 | 2008 |C, + |
|[Tiny Arcade]( |32b | | | | |A |
|[Thumby]( |32b 133 MHz| 264 | 2000 | 72x40 1b | 2022 |RPI (RP2040), web code editor :( |
|[Pocket Arcade](| | | | | | |
|Ringo/[MakerPhone](|32b 160 MHz| 520 | 4000 | 160x128 | 2018 | A -, phone, SD |
|[Agon]( |8b 18 MHz | 512 | | 640x480 | | |
| name | CPU |RAM (K)| ROM (K)| display | year | notes |
| ------------------------------- | --------- | ----- | ------ | ------------ | ---- | --------------------------------- |
|[Arduboy]( |8b 16 MHz | 2.5 | 32 | 64x32 1b | 2015 | * A C +, tiny |
|[Gamebuino]( |8b 16 MHz | 2 | 32 | 84x48 1b | 2014 | + A -, SD |
|[Pokitto]( |32b 48 MHz | 36 | 256 | 220x176 | 2018 |* C +, ext. hats, SD |
|[ESPboy]( |32b 160 MHz| 80 | 4000 | 128x128 | 2019 |A |
|[GB META]( |32b 48 MHz | 32 | 256 | 168x120 | 2018 |A + -, SD |
|[Nibble]( |32b 160 MHz| 80 | 4000 | 128x128 | 2021 |A, AAA bat. |
|[UzeBox]( |8b 28 MHz | 4 | 64 | 360x240 | 2008 |C, + |
|[Tiny Arcade]( |32b | | | | |A |
|[Thumby]( |32b 133 MHz| 264 | 2000 | 72x40 1b | 2022 |RPI (RP2040), mainly web editor :( |
|[Pocket Arcade](| | | | | | |
|Ringo/[MakerPhone](|32b 160 MHz| 520 | 4000 | 160x128 | 2018 | A -, phone, SD |
|[Agon]( |8b 18 MHz | 512 | | 640x480 | | |
TODO: Vircon32 (fantasy console implementable in HW, not sure about license), Retro Game Tiny, Adafruit PyGamer, ... see also

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS]
- **[Diogenes](**: based Greek philosopher who opposed all authorities in very cool ways
- **[Donald Knuth](**: computer scientist, Turing-award winner, author of the famous [Art of Computer Programming]( books and the [TeX]( typesetting system
- **[drummyfish](** (Miloslav Číž): creator of [LRS](, a few programs and this wiki, [anarcho-pacifist](
- **[Eric S. Raymond](**: proponent of [open source](, co-founder of [OSI]( and tech writer
- **[Eric S. Raymond](**: oldshool hacker turned capitalist, proponent of [open $ource](, desperately trying to be popular, co-founder of [OSI]( and tech writer ([Jargon File](, [CatB](, ...)
- **[Fabrice Bellard](**: legendary programmer, made many famous programs such as [ffmpeg](, [tcc](, [TinyGL]( etc.
- **[Geoffrey Knauth](**: very [shitty]( president of [Free Software Foundation]( since 2020 who embraces [proprietary]( software lol
- **[Grigori Perelman](** based Russian mathematician who solved one of the biggest problems in math ([Poincare conjecture](, then refused Fields medal and million dollar prize, refuses to talk to anyone and make [hero]( of himself, just sent a huge fuck you to the system
@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS]
- **[Noam Chomsky](**: linguist notable in theoretical [compsci](, anarchist
- **[Óscar Toledo G.](**: programmer of tiny programs and [games]( (e.g. the smallest [chess]( program), sadly [proprietary]( [winfag](
- **[Richard Stallman](**: inventor of [free software]( and [copyleft](, founder of [GNU]( and [FSF](, hacker, also created [emacs](
- **[Rob Pike](**: oldschool hacker involved in [Unix](
- **[Roy Schestowitz](roy_schestowitz)**: PhD journalist, running [Techrights](, revealing corruption in technology
- **[Rob Pike](**: oldschool hacker strayed from the path of good, involved in [Unix](, [Plan 9]( and [go](
- **[Roy Schestowitz](roy_schestowitz)**: [PhD]( journalist, running [Techrights](, revealing corruption in technology
- **[Stephen Gough](** (*naked rambler*): based guy who refuses to wear clothes, is bullied by society and kept in prison
- **[Steve Jobs](**: founder and CEO of [Apple](, huge retard and dickhead
- **[Ted Kaczynski](**: AKA the Unabomber, mathematician, primitivist and murderer who pointed out the dangers of modern technology
- **[Ted Kaczynski](**: AKA the Unabomber, mathematician, prodigy, primitivist and murderer who pointed out the dangers of modern technology
- **[Terry Davis](**: deceased schizophrenic genius, creator of [Temple OS](, became a tech [meme](
- **[Tom Murphy VII (Tom7)](**: researcher, famous [SIGBOVIK]( contributor and YouTuber
- **[Uriel M. Pereira](**: deceased member of the [suckless]([cat-v]( community, philosophical advisor
- **[Uriel M. Pereira](**: deceased member of the [suckless]([cat-v]( community, "philosopher"
- **[Virgil Dupras](**: creator of [Collapse OS]( and [Dusk OS](
- **[viznut](** (Ville-Matias Heikkilä): creator or [countercomplex](, minimalist programmer, inventor of [bytebeat](, hacker, [collapse]( "[prepper]("
- ...

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@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
# "Piracy"
Piracy is a capitalist propaganda term for the act of illegally sharing copyrighted information such as [non-free]( books, movies, music, video [games]( or scientific papers.
Piracy is a [capitalist]( propaganda term for the act of illegally sharing copyrighted information such as [non-free]( books, movies, music, video [games]( or scientific papers.
It is greatly admirable to support piracy, however also keep in mind the following: if you pirate a [proprietary]( piece of information, you get it gratis but it stays proprietary, it abuses you, it limits your freedom -- you won't get the source code, you won't be able to publicly host it without being bullied, you won't be allowed to legally create and share derivative works etc. Therefore **prefer [free (as in freedom)]( alternatives to piracy**, i.e. pieces of information that are not only gratis but also freedom supporting.
It is greatly admirable to support piracy, however also keep in mind the following: if you pirate a [proprietary]( piece of information, you get it gratis but it stays proprietary, it abuses you, it limits your freedom -- you won't get the source code, you won't be able to publicly host it without being bullied, you won't be allowed to legally create and share derivative works etc. Therefore **prefer [free (as in freedom)]( alternatives to piracy**, i.e. pieces of [information]( that are not only gratis but also freedom supporting.
Despite the term itself being recent, the concept of "piracy" is nothing new; it's essentially as old as the concept of "intellectual ownership" itself. Famous paintings have been copied by "pirate artists" and sold as being the original. Mozart, thanks to his genius, famously copied sheet of music that was supposed to remain unpublished just from hearing the piece played.
At the dawn of personal computer era, the culture of [hackers]( who helped with pirating software by creating [cracks]( spawned the [demoscene](, a hugely significant [art]( subculture based on programming technically impressive audiovisual presentations. The fuss around piracy also influences mainstream culture, e.g. the infamous "you wouldn't steal a car" anti-piracy propaganda that was present on VHS movie tapes is now a laughable piece of failed [capitalist]( attempt at trying to invoke a sense of guilt of sharing -- many people happily pirated and pirate to this day and they also happily admit to piracy; in fact many old movies and otherwise historically significant media has been preserved only thanks to people pirating. One paper from 2020s found that men (curiously unlike [women]( exposed to anti-piracy propaganda will increase their pirating by 18% :D One example of publicly embracing piracy in the mainstream is e.g. the [Pirate party]( that has risen to popularity in a few countries now.
{ Where to pirate stuff? See e.g. and ~drummyfish }
TODO: history, pirate bay etc.

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@ -7,3 +7,9 @@ Computer security (also cybersecurity) is a [bullshit]( field of stu
**If you want security, the most basic thing to do is to disconnect from the [Internet](** Just never use it. If you are really serious, you HAVE TO stop using widely used human languages such as [English](, you simply have to **learn an obscure language** of some jungle tribe that no one else knows and use that exclusively for your encrypted messages (like they did with the [Navajo]( language during WWII). All in all for maximum security it's best if you never do anything at all, just lie in bed and be safe.
**Security is in its essence an unnecessary [bullshit](**. It shouldn't exist, the need for more security comes from the fact we live in a [shitty dystopia]( Consider that there are so many people who could cure cancer or solve world hunger but instead spend their whole life sweating about how to encrypt your dick size two million times and send it through twelve proxies so that no one gets to know your actual dick size, preventing your "PERSONAL DAATAAAZ" from being STOLEN by other people who are actively supported and empowered to do so by people this very "security expert with a furry stickers on his laptop" voted for in elections :'D Nothing gets achieved, lives of geniuses are wasted on their lifelong [fights]( just so that they are busy not doing much damage they've been taught by the competitive culture to instinctively want to do. In a [good society]( there would be no need for security and people could spend their time by solving real problems. We, [LRS](, advocate NOT for increasing security (which leads to things like police states, [censorship](, [bloat]( etc.), but for decreasing the need for it, i.e. steering society towards a better direction. Remember, **secrets are always bad**, need for secrecy is an indicator something is wrong on a more fundamental level.
## See Also
- [privacy](
- [bullshit](
- [stuxnet](

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
overflow-x: hidden;
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@ -18,3 +23,11 @@ table td, th
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@ -45,3 +45,5 @@ Here is a comparison of average European country before and after infestation wi
| TV content to ad ratio | > 10 | < 1 |
| wanted to commit suicide | no | yes |
| society worked | kinda | no |
In [Europe](, or maybe just anywhere else in the world, you are afraid of getting hit by a car because you might die, in America you afraid of it because you couldn't afford the ambulance bill and would put you in debt (yes, even if you pay "health insurance"). You can literally find footage of half dead people running away from ambulances so that they don't have to go to debt for being kept alive. In Europe you are afraid to hit someone with a car because you might kill him, in America you are afraid of it because he might sue you. This is not an exaggeration or [joke](, it's literally how it is -- it's incredible how people can believe the country is somehow "more advanced", it is quite literally the least developed country in history.

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 560
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- total size of all texts in bytes: 3075024
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- total size of all texts in bytes: 3085049
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