This commit is contained in:
27 changed files with 1857 additions and 1819 deletions
@ -291,13 +291,15 @@ First we need to say what conventions we'll stick to:
- We'll be using ROW VECTORS, i.e. we'll be writing vectors like [x,y,z]. Some people rather use column vectors, which then means their matrices are also transposed and they do multiplication in opposite direction etcetc. Watch out about this, it's quite important to know which convention you're using, because e.g. matrix multiplication is non-commutative (i.e. with matrices A * B does NOT generally equal B * A) and the order you need to multiply in depends on this convention, so be careful.
- Counterclockwise triangles are front facing, clockwise ones are back facing (invisible).
- We'll be using LEFT HANDED coordinate systems, i.e X axis goes right, Y goes up, Z goes forward (right handed system would be the same except Z would go the opposite way -- backwards). Watch out: some systems (for example OpenGL) use the other one. I.e. our coordinate system looks like this:
- We'll be using [LEFT](left_right.md) HANDED coordinate systems, i.e X axis goes right, Y goes up, Z goes forward (right handed system would be the same except Z would go the opposite way -- backwards). Watch out: some systems (for example OpenGL) use the other one. I.e. our coordinate system looks like this:
Y ^ _
| _/| Z
| _/
'-------> X
Now let's have a simple **3D model data** of a quad. Quad is basically just a square made of four vertices and two triangles, it will look like this:
@ -56,6 +56,6 @@ Aliasing is also a common problem in [computer graphics](computer_graphics.md).
The same thing may happen in [ray tracing](ray_tracing.md) if we shoot a single sampling ray for each screen pixel. Note that [interpolation/filtering](interpolation.md) of textures won't fix texture aliasing. What can be used to reduce texture aliasing are e.g. by [mipmaps](mipmap.md) which store the texture along with its lower resolution versions -- during rendering a lower resolution of the texture is chosen if the texture is rendered as a smaller size, so that the sampling theorem is satisfied. However this is still not a silver bullet because the texture may e.g. be shrink in one direction but enlarged in other dimension (this is addressed by [anisotropic filtering](anisotropic_filtering.md)). However even if we sufficiently suppress aliasing in textures, aliasing can still appear in geometry. This can be reduced by [multisampling](multisampling.md), e.g. sending multiple rays for each pixel and then averaging their results -- by this we **increase our sampling frequency** and lower the probability of aliasing.
**Why doesn't aliasing happen in our eyes and ears?** Because our senses don't sample the world discretely, i.e. in single points -- our senses [integrate](integration.md). E.g. a rod or a cone in our eyes doesn't just see exactly one point in the world but rather an averaged light over a small area (which is ideally right next to another small area seen by another cell, so there is no information to "hide" in between them), and it also doesn't sample the world at specific moments like cameras do, its excitation by light falls off gradually which averages the light over time, preventing temporal aliasing (instead of aliasing we get [motion blur](motion_blur.md)).
**Why doesn't aliasing happen in our eyes and ears?** Because our senses don't sample the world discretely, i.e. in single points -- our senses [integrate](integration.md). E.g. a rod or a cone in our eyes doesn't just see exactly one point in the world but rather an averaged light over a small area (which is ideally right next to another small area seen by another cell, so there is no information to "hide" in between them), and it also doesn't sample the world at specific moments like cameras do, its excitation by light falls off gradually which averages the light over time, preventing temporal aliasing (instead of aliasing we get [motion blur](motion_blur.md)). Also our brain does a lot of filtering and postprocessing of the raw input, what we see is not really what comes out of the retina, so EVEN IF there was a bit of aliasing here and there (because of some blind spots or something maybe?), the brain would probably learn to filter it out with "AI-style" magic, just like it filters out noise in low light conditions and so on.
So all in all, **how to prevent aliasing?** As said above, we always try to satisfy the sampling theorem, i.e. make our sampling frequency at least twice as high as the highest frequency in the signal we're sampling, or at least get close to this situation and lower the probability of aliasing. This can be done by either increasing sampling frequency (which can be done smart, some methods try to detect where sampling should be denser), or by preprocessing the input signal with a low pass filter or otherwise ensure there won't be too high frequencies (e.g. using lower resolution textures).
@ -99,4 +99,10 @@ The following is a retrospective look on what could have been done better (a pot
- The game is really a bit too hard (tho this can easily be changed in settings) and gameplay is not great (like explosions pushing player instantly, not too good, too few items, player often lacks ammo/health, ...), movement inertia could be in vanilla game to make it feel nicer etc.
- Some of the code is awkward, like `SFG_recomputePlayerDirection` was an attempt at optimization but it's probably optimization in a wrong place that does nothing, ...
- Some details like having separate arrays for different types of images -- there is no reason for that, it would be better to just have one huge array of all images; maybe even have ALL data in one huge array of bytes.
- ...
- ...
## See Also
- [Doom](doom.md)
- [Licar](licar.md)
- [SAF](saf.md)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Now let's admit that nothing is [perfect](perfect.md), not even C; it was one of
- **Some things could be made simpler**, e.g. using [reverse polish](reverse_polish.md) notation for expressions, rather than expressions with brackets and operator precedence, would make implementations much simpler, increasing sucklessness (of course readability is an argument).
- **Some things could be dropped entirely** ([enums](enum.md), [bitfields](bitfield.md), possibly also unions etc.), they can be done and imitated in other ways without much hassle.
- **The preprocessor isn't exactly elegant**, it has completely different syntax and rules from the main language, not very suckless -- ideally preprocessor uses the same language as the base language.
- **The syntax is sucky sometimes**, e.g. case with variable inside it HAS TO be enclosed in curly brackets but other ones don't, data type names may consist of multiple tokens (`long long int` etc.), multiplication uses the same symbol as pointer dereference (`*`), many preprocessor commands need to be on separate lines (makes some one liners impossible), also it's pretty weird that the condition after `if` has to be in brackets etc., it could all be designed better. Keywords also might be better being single chars, like `?` instead of `if` etc. (see [comun](comun.md)). A shorter source code that doesn't try to imitate English would be probably better.
- **The syntax is sucky sometimes**, infamously e.g. division by pointer dereference can actually create a comment (like `myvalue /*myptr`), also multiplication and pointer dereference use the same symbol `*` while both operation can be used with a pointer -- that can create confusion. Also a case label with variables inside it HAS TO be enclosed in curly brackets but other ones don't, data type names may consist of multiple tokens (`long long int` etc.), many preprocessor commands need to be on separate lines (makes some one liners impossible), also it's pretty weird that the condition after `if` has to be in brackets etc., it could all be designed better. Keywords also might be better being single chars, like `?` instead of `if` etc. (see [comun](comun.md)). A shorter source code that doesn't try to imitate English would be probably better.
- **Some undefined/unspecified behavior is probably unnecessary** -- undefined behavior isn't bad in general of course, it is what allows C to be so fast and efficient in the first place, but some of it has shown to be rather cumbersome; for example the unspecified representation of integers, their binary size and behavior of floats leads to a lot of trouble (unknown upper bounds, sizes, dangerous and unpredictable behavior of many operators, difficult testing etc.) while practically all computers have settled on using 8 bit bytes, [two's complement](twos_complement.md) and IEEE754 for [floats](float.md) -- this could easily be made a mandatory assumption which would simplify great many things without doing basically any harm. New versions of C actually already settle on two's complement. This doesn't mean C should be shaped to reflect the degenerate "[modern](modern.md)" trends in programming though!
- Some basic things that are part of libraries or extensions, like fixed width types and binary literals and possibly very basic I/O (putchar/readchar), could be part of the language itself rather than provided by libraries.
- All that stuff with *.c* and *.h* files is unnecessary, there should just be one file type probably.
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
CC0 is a [waiver](waiver.md) (similar to a [license](license.md)) of [copyright](copyright.md), created by [Creative Commons](creative_commons.md), that can be used to dedicate one's work to the [public domain](public_domain.md) (kind of).
UPDATE: There is now a similar waiver called [WPPD](wppd.md) (*world wide public domain*, https://wpdd.info/), intended to also waive patents.
Unlike a license, a waiver such as this *removes* (at least effectively) the author's copyright; by using CC0 the author willingly gives up his own copyright so that the work will no longer be owned by anyone (while a license preserves the author's copyright while granting some rights to other people). It's therefore the most [free](free_software.md) and [permissive](permissive.md) option for releasing intellectual works. CC0 is designed in a pretty sophisticated way, it also waives "neighboring rights" (e.g. [moral rights](moral_rights.md); waving these rights is why we prefer CC0 over other waivers such as [unlicense](unlicense.md)), and also contains a fallback license in case waiving copyright isn't possible in a certain country. For this CC0 is one of the best ways, if not the best, of truly and completely dedicating works to public domain world-wide (well, at least in terms of copyright). In this world of extremely fucked up [intellectual property](intellectual_property.md) laws it is not enough to state "my work is public domain" -- you need to use something like CC0 to achieve legally valid public domain status.
WATCH OUT: **don't confuse CC0 with Creative Commons Public Domain Mark** (apart from name the symbols are also a bit similar), the latter is not a license or waiver, just a tag, i.e. CC0 is used to release something to the public domain, while PD mark is used to mark that something is already in the public domain (mostly due to being old).
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
*This page is not accessible in your country... NOT :)*
Censorship means intentional effort towards preventing exchange of certain kind of information among other individuals, for example suppression of [free speech](free_speech.md), altering old works of art for political reasons, forced takedowns of [copyrighted](copyright.md) material from the [Internet](internet.md) etc. Note that thereby censorship does **NOT** include some kinds of data or information filtering, for example censorship does not include filtering out [noise](noise.md) such as [spam](spam.md) on a forum or static from audio (as noise is a non-information) or PERSONAL avoidance of certain information (e.g. using [adblock](adblock.md) or hiding someone's forum posts ONLY FOR ONESELF). Censorship often **hides under euphemisms** such as "[moderation](moderation.md)", "[safe space](safe_space.md)", "[filter](filter.md)", "protection", "delisting", "review", "fact check" etc. **Censorship is always [wrong](bad.md)** -- [good society](less_retarded_society.md) must be compatible with truth, therefore there must never be a slightest reason to censor anything -- whenever censorship is deemed the best solution, something within the society is deeply fucked up. In current society censorship, along with [propaganda](propaganda.md), brainwashing and misinformation, is extremely prevalent and growing -- it's being pushed not only by [governments](government.md) and [corporations](corporation.md) but also by harmful terrorist groups such as [LGBT](lgbt.md) and [feminism](feminism.md) who force media censorship (e.g. that of [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) or search engines) and punishment of free speech (see [political correctness](political_correctness.md) and "[hate speech](hate_speech.md)").
Censorship constitutes intentional effort towards hiding any kind of [information](information.md) from someone, e.g. preventing exchange of certain kind of information among individuals, suppression of [free speech](free_speech.md), altering old works of [art](art.md) for political reasons, forced takedowns of [copyrighted](copyright.md) material from the [Internet](internet.md) and so forth. I.e. hiding information from SOMEONE ELSE is censorship, but note this definition does NOT include every kind of data or information filtering, for example censorship does not include filtering out [noise](noise.md) such as [spam](spam.md) on a forum or static from audio (as noise is a non-information) or PERSONAL avoidance of certain information (e.g. using [adblock](adblock.md) or hiding someone's forum posts ONLY FOR ONESELF) -- censorship simply means one prevents someone else from reaching some knowledge. Censorship often **hides under euphemisms** such as "[moderation](moderation.md)", "[safe space](safe_space.md)", "peer review", "[filtering](filter.md)", "protection", "delisting", "deplatforming", "fact check", "isolation" etc. **Censorship is always [wrong](bad.md)** -- [good society](less_retarded_society.md) must be compatible with truth, thus there must never be a slightest reason to censor anything -- whenever censorship is deemed the best solution, something within the society is deeply fucked up. In current society censorship, along with [propaganda](propaganda.md), brainwashing and misinformation, is extremely prevalent and growing -- it's being pushed not only by [governments](government.md) and [corporations](corporation.md) but also by harmful terrorist groups such as [LGBT](lgbt.md) and [feminism](feminism.md) who force media censorship (e.g. that of [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) or search engines) and punishment of free speech (see [political correctness](political_correctness.md) and "[hate speech](hate_speech.md)").
Sometimes you can actually exploit censorship to get to good content -- look up a block list (e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Blocked_websites_by_country), then you have a list of interesting places you probably want to visit :)
Sometimes you can actually **exploit the effort of censors to get to the good content** -- look up a blacklist (e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Blocked_websites_by_country, https://peertube_isolation.frama.io/list/peertube_isolation.txt and so on), then you have a list of interesting places you probably want to visit :) For [political cowardice](political_correctness.md) blacklistst are nowadays also called "block lists", "isolation lists" etc. -- just look for those.
Sometimes it is not 100% clear which action constitutes censorship: for example categorization such as moving a forum post from one thread to another (possibly less visible) thread may or may not be deemed censorship -- this depends on the intended result of such action; moving a post somewhere else doesn't remove it completely but can make it less visible. Whether something is censorship always depends on the answer to the question: "does the action prevent others from information sharing?".
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- [language hopping](language_hopping.md) and [paradigm hopping](paradigm_hopping.md)
- [license hopping](license_hopping.md)
- ...
- [imageboarding](imageboard.md)
- lack of [IQ](iq.md)
- lust for [identity](identity_politics.md)
- [maximalism](maximalism.md)
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ In 2019 drummyfish has written a "manifesto" of his ideas called **Non-Competiti
**Does drummyfish have [divine intellect](terry_davis.md)?** Hell no, he's pretty retarded at most things, but thanks to his extreme tendency for isolation, great curiosity and obsession with [truth](truth.md) he is possibly the only man on Earth completely immune to propaganda, he can see the world as it is, not as it is presented, so he feels it is his moral duty to share what he is seeing. He is able to overcome his natural dumbness by tryharding and sacrificing his social and sexual life so that he can program more. If drummyfish can learn to program [LRS](lrs.md), so can you.
Drummyfish will [kill himself](suicidie.md) one day -- probably not that soon, but it's planned, there is nothing worse than living under [capitalism](capitalism.md), death sounds like such a relief. There are still some [projects](needed.md) he wants to finish first; unless something triggers him and he just randomly jumps under a train one day or gets nuked by Putin, he is planning to finish some of the projects to leave something behind. The current plan is to try to live somehow, outside or on the edge of society, minimize contact with people, do good and avoid evil as much as possible. Once closest relatives are gone, then with no more ties to the current [shitty place](czechia.md), he will walk on foot towards the Mediterranean sea, a place that has always attracted him more than anywhere else, and there he will simply die either of illness, injury or hunger, or he will simply swim for the sunset and never return. That's a death one can even look forward to. There, at his beloved sea, drummyfish will meet his fate and find his final resting place and the peace he so much desired and struggled for through his whole life. Hopefully his body will feed a few hungry fish.
## See Also
- [autism](autism.md)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Dusk OS
Dusk OS is a work in progress non-[Unix](unix.md) extremely [minimalist](minimalism.md) 32 bit [free as in freedom](free_software.md) [operating system](operating_system.md) whose primary purpose is to be helpful during societal [collapse](collapse.md) but which will still likely be very useful even before it happens. It is made mainly by [Virgil Dupras](dupras.md), the developer of [Collapse OS](collapseos.md), as a bit "bigger" version of Collapse OS, one that's intended for the first stage of societal collapse and will be more "powerful" and comfortable to use for the price of increased complexity (while Collapse OS is simpler and meant for the use during later stages). But don't be fooled, Dusk OS is still light year ahead in simplicity than the most minimal [GNU](gnu.md)/[Linux](linux.md) distro you can imagine; by this extremely minimalist design Dusk OS is very close to the ideals of our [LRS](lrs.md), it is written in [Forth](forth.md) but also additionally (unlike Collapse OS) includes a so called "Almost [C](c.md)" compiler allowing [ports](port.md) of already existing programs, e.g. Unix [command line](cli.md) utilities. It is also available under [CC0](cc0.md) [public domain](public_domain.md) just as official LRS projects, that's simply unreal.
Dusk OS (http://duskos.org/) is a work in progress non-[Unix](unix.md) extremely [minimalist](minimalism.md) 32 bit [free as in freedom](free_software.md) [operating system](operating_system.md) whose primary purpose is to be helpful during societal [collapse](collapse.md) but which will still likely be very useful even before it happens. It is made mainly by [Virgil Dupras](dupras.md), the developer of [Collapse OS](collapseos.md), as a bit "bigger" version of Collapse OS, one that's intended for the first stage of societal collapse and will be more "powerful" and comfortable to use for the price of increased complexity (while Collapse OS is simpler and meant for the use during later stages). But don't be fooled, Dusk OS is still light year ahead in simplicity than the most minimal [GNU](gnu.md)/[Linux](linux.md) distro you can imagine; by this extremely minimalist design Dusk OS is very close to the ideals of our [LRS](lrs.md), it is written in [Forth](forth.md) but also additionally (unlike Collapse OS) includes a so called "Almost [C](c.md)" compiler allowing [ports](port.md) of already existing programs, e.g. Unix [command line](cli.md) utilities. It is also available under [CC0](cc0.md) [public domain](public_domain.md) just as official LRS projects, that's simply unreal.
The project has a private mailing list. Apparently there is talk about the system being useful even before the collapse and so it's even considering things like [networking](network.md) support etc. -- as [capitalism](capitalism.md) unleashes hell on [Earth](earth.md), any simple computer capable of working on its own and allowing the user complete control will be tremendously useful, even if it's just a programmable calculator. Once [GNU](gnu.md)/[Linux](linux.md) and [BSD](bsd.md)s sink completely (very soon), this may be where we find the safe haven.
@ -50,4 +50,6 @@ Feminism prospers largely thanks to [capitalism](capitalism.md) -- women with pr
Apparently in Korea feminists already practice segregation, they separate parking spots for men and women so as to prevent women bumping into men or meeting a man late at night because allegedly men are more aggressive and dangerous. Now this is pretty ridiculous, this is exactly the same as if they separated e.g. parking lots for black and white people because black people are statistically more often involved in crime, you wouldn't want to meet them at night. So, do we still want to pretend feminists are not fascist?
Nicole Kidman is a whore.
Nicole Kidman is a whore.
LMAO 2024 Olympic is already woman only :D (Men are "officially" allowed but they don't broadcast men sports lol.)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The language operates on an evaluation **[stack](stack.md)**: e.g. the operation
The stack is composed of **cells**: the size and internal representation of the cell is implementation defined. There are no data types, or rather everything is just of type signed int.
Basic abstraction of Forth is so called **word**: a word is simply a string without spaces like `abc` or `1mm#3`. A word represents some operation on stack (and possible other effect such as printing to the console), for example the word `1` adds the number 1 on top of the stack, the word `+` performs the addition on top of the stack etc. The programmer can define his own words which can be seen as "[functions](function.md)" or rather procedures or macros (words don't return anything or take any arguments, they all just invoke some operations on the stack). A word is defined like this:
Basic [abstraction](abstraction.md) of Forth is so called **word**: a word is simply a string without spaces like `abc` or `1mm#3`. A word represents some operation on stack (and possible other effect such as printing to the console), for example the word `1` adds the number 1 on top of the stack, the word `+` performs the addition on top of the stack etc. The programmer can define his own words which can be seen as "[functions](function.md)" or rather procedures or macros (words don't return anything or take any arguments, they all just invoke some operations on the stack). A word is defined like this:
: myword operation1 operation2 ... ;
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ This is because **I/O is inevitably messy**: an abstract, portable I/O library r
How to solve this? By separating I/O code from the "pure computation" code, and by minimizing and [abstracting](abstraction.md) the I/O code so that it is easily replaceable. Inexperienced programmers often make the mistake of mixing the pure computation code with I/O code -- it is then very difficult to replace such I/O code with different I/O code on a different platform. See [portability](portability.md) for more detail. Also if you don't have to, **avoid I/O altogether**, especially if your project is a library -- for example if you're writing a 3D rendering library, you do NOT actually need any I/O, your library will simply be computing which pixels to draw and what color they should have, the library doesn't actually have to write those pixels to any screen, this may be left to the user of the library (this is exactly how [small3dlib](small3dlib.md) works).
Also remember the ancient [Unix](unix.md) wisdom: "Text is universal interface".
I/O also poses problems in some programming [paradigms](paradigm.md), e.g. in [functional programming](functional.md).
TODO: code example
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Also remember the worst thing you can do to a joke is put a [disclaimer](disclai
- Ingame chat: "What's the country in the middle of north Africa?" [{BANNED}](niger.md)
- What sound does an angry [C](c.md) programmer make? ARGCCCC ARGVVVVVVVV
- I have a mentally ill friend who tried to design the worst [operating system](os.md) on purpose. It boots for at least 10 minutes, then it changes the user's desktop background to random ads and it randomly crashes to make the user angry. He recently told me he is getting sued by [Microsoft](microsoft.md) for violating their look and feel.
- I am using a super minimal system, it only has one package installed on it. It is called [systemd](systemd.md).
- I am using a super minimal system, it only has one package installed on it. It is called [systemd](systemd.md) (alternatively [Emacs](emacs.md)).
- Any [Windows](windows.md) tutorial is really best called a "crash course".
- How do you know a project is truly [suckless](suckless.md)? The readme is longer than the program itself.
- How do you know a project is truly [LRS](lrs.md)? Its manifesto is longer than the program itself.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Also remember the worst thing you can do to a joke is put a [disclaimer](disclai
- Have you heard the [atheists](atheism.md) are starting their own non-prophet?
- The latest [gender studies](gender_studies.md) paper concluded that if God exists, he is both man and woman, black and white, child and adult, straight and homosexual. Basically imagine Michael Jackson.
- Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach. Those who cannot teach, [do business](entrepreneur.md).
- How do you accelerate a [Windows](windows.md) PC? By dropping it out of the window.
- How do you accelerate a [Windows](windows.md) PC? By dropping it out of the window. (Hence the name?)
- Shakespeare for programmers: `0x2b || !0x2b`. { This one is a bit lame but at least it's not so common :D ~drummyfish }
- An [Apple](apple.md) a day keeps [sanity](lrs.md) away.
- The goal of [computer science](compsci.md) is to create things that will last at
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Some most notable free licenses for software include (FSF: FSF approved, OSI: OS
| [WTFPL](wtfpl.md) | permissive, fun |**+**| - | ? | - |**+**|
| [zlib](zlib.md) | permissive |**+**|**+**| - | - |**+**|
| [0BSD](bsdl.md) | permissive, no conditions | - |**+**| +? |**+**|**+**|
| [WPPD](wppd.md) | PD waiver, no conditions, in draft phase | | | | | |
Some most notable free licenses for general artworks and data (not just programs) include:
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ WORK IN PROGRESS
| software as a service ([SAAS](saas.md)) | service as a software substitute (SAASS) |
| [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md) | Steve Jewbs |
| subscription | [microrape](microrape.md) |
| [suckless](suckless.md) | suckass |
| [systemd](systemd.md) | shitstemd, soystemd |
| [TikTok](tiktok.md) | ShitTok |
| [Twitter](twitter.md) | titter, twatter |
@ -6,5 +6,7 @@ Real world newspeak is characterized by banning certain keywords, for example so
## See Also
- [political correctness](political_correctness.md)
- [censorship](censorship.md)
- [heresy](heresy.md)
- [LRS dictionary](lrs_dictionary.md)
@ -293,4 +293,5 @@ Here is a table of some notable numbers, mostly important in math and programmin
## See Also
- [illegal number](illegal_number.md)
- [offensive number](offensive_number.md)
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ Political correctness (abbreviated PC) stands for [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md)
The whole idea is basically about declaring certain words, pictures, patterns of behavior and similar things as inherently "offensive" to specific selected minorities (currently mostly [women](woman.md), [gay](gay.md), [negros](black.md) and other non-white races, [trannies](tranny.md), fat and [retarded people](retard.md)), even outside any context, and about constantly fabricating new reasons to get offended so as to fuel the movement that has to ride on hysteria. For example the word *[black box](black_box.md)* is declared as "offensive" to black people because... well, like, black people were discriminated at some point in history and their skin is black... so... the word black now can't be said? :D You have to call it "afroamerican box" now. [WTF](wtf.md). A sane mind won't understand this because we're dealing with a literal extremist cult here. It just keeps getting more ridiculous, for example feminists want to remove all words that contain the substring "man" from the language because... it's a male oppression? lol... anyway, we can no longer use words like *snowman*, now we have to say *snowperson* or something :D Public material now does best if it doesn't walk on the thin ice of showing people with real skin color and better utilize a neutral blue people :D Fuck just kill me already lmao. This starts to get out of hand as fuck, [SJW](sjw.md)s started to even push the idea that in [git](git.md) the default branch name, *master*, is offensive, because well, the word has some remote connection to some history of oppression, so they pushed for its change and achieved it, which practically caused a huge mess and broke many git projects -- this is what they do, there was literally not a single reason for the change, they could have spent their energy on actually programming something nice, but they rather used it on breaking what already exists just to demonstrate their political power. What's next? Will they censor the word "chain" in terms like [toolchain](toolchain.md) or [blockchain](blockchain.md) because chains have something to do with slavery? Will they order to repaint the [ISS](iss.md) from white to black because the color white is oppressive? The actual reason for this apparent stupidity is at this point not anyone's protection (probably not even themselves believe it anymore) but rather **forcing submission** -- it's the same psychological tactic used by any oppressor: he just gives a nonsensical order, like "start barking like a dog!", to see who blindly conforms and who doesn't -- those who don't are just eliminated right away and those who conform out of fear have their will broken, they will now blindly obey the ruler without thinking about the sanity of his orders.
As political correctness is reaching new heights with every passed year, we are shifting towards dumbing down the sense of [morality](morality.md) to mere detection of keywords. Where in the past a vulgarism or "slur" was judged in a context, nowadays we simply make [context-free](context_free.md) judgments based on a presence or lack of a word or similar symbol -- the word [nigger](nigger.md) must never be used, no matter if it would be done in a way that actually opposes racism -- let's say in a satire -- a well behaved citizen is not supposed to think anymore, [art](art.md) is too dangerous to be allowed. We should ban pencils because you may use them to draw bad things, hammers because they may be used as a weapon and humor because that might touch someone's feelings.
Political correctness is a typical [woman](woman.md) thinking emotional [bullshit](bullshit.md) that looks for problems where they're not instead on focusing on solving real issues. For example in the world of technology a man will focus on designing a good computer, creating minimalist design, good [API](api.md)s and programming languages, while a woman will become obsessed about what color to paint it, what animal mascot it should have and what nickname to give it so that it sounds cute but doesn't touch anyone feelings -- political correctness makes this relatively harmless little quirk of woman thinking into [cancerous](cancer.md) society wide obsession and forces everyone to be preoccupied with it. It is stupidity that got out of hand. It happened partially because society took women their dolls they could play these games with and forced them into fields that were meant only for men. It is also further worsened by [cultural castration](cultural_castration.md) of men -- a man in [21st century](21st_century.md) is already half woman.
While political correctness loves to boast about "diversity" and somehow "protecting it", it is doing the exact opposite -- **political correctness kills diversity in society**, it aims for **a unified, sterile society** that's afraid of even hinting on someone else's difference out of fear of punishment. People are different, [stereotypes](stereotype.md) are based on reality, acknowledging this -- and even [joking](jokes.md) about it -- doesn't at all mean we have to start to hate each other (in fact that requires some fucked up mental gymnastics and a shitty society that pushes [competitive](capitalism.md) thinking), diversity is good, keeps us aware of strength in unity: everyone is good at something and bad at something, and sometimes we just do things differently, a westener might approach problem differently than Asian or Arab, they look different, think and behave differently, and that's a good thing; political correctness forbids such thinking and only states "there is no such thing as differences in people or culture, don't even dare to hint on it", it will go on to censor anything showing the differences do actually exist and leave nothing but plain white sheet of paper without anything on it, a robotic member of society that's afraid to ask someone about his gender or even place where he comes from, someone unable of thinking or communicating on his own, only resorting to preapproved "safe" ways of communication. Indeed, reality yet again starts beating dystopian fiction horrors.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
If an "intellectual work" (song, book, computer program, ...) is in the public domain (PD), it has no "owner", meaning no one has any exclusive rights (such as [copyright](copyright.md) or [patent](patent.md)) over the work, no one can dictate how and by whom such work can be used and so anyone can basically do anything with such work (anything that's not otherwise illegal of course).
[LRS](lrs.md) highly supports public domain and recommends programmers and artists put their works in the public domain using [waivers](waiver.md) such as [CC0](cc0.md) (this very wiki is of course released as such).
[LRS](lrs.md) highly supports public domain and recommends programmers and artists put their works in the public domain using [waivers](waiver.md) such as [CC0](cc0.md) (this very wiki is of course released as such), possibly also [WPPD](wppd.md) etc.
Public domain is the ultimate form of freedom in the creative world. In public domain the creativity of people is not restricted. Anyone can study, remix, share and improve public domain works in any way, without a fear of being legally bullied by someone else.
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@ -56,11 +56,12 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- Canadian:
- extremely polite
- ice hockey fans
- withstand tough conditions
- Chinese:
- smart, wise
- do martial arts
- make crappy off brands and cheap copies of western art, steal "intellectual property", manufacture cheap things at large quantities, everything is "made in China"
- don't value "human rights"
- don't value "human rights", no work safety
- [Czech](czechia.md):
- heavy drinkers, especially beer
- friendly but appear cold
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- [jews](jew.md):
- very smart, inventive
- greedy
- good at [business](business.md), filthy [capitalists](capitalism.md)
- good at [business](business.md), filthy [capitalists](capitalism.md), just count money all day
- have the "eagle nose"
- members of secret societies, closed jew-only communities, conspire for world control, some being [fascists](fascism.md) wanting to become the ruling race
- spread everywhere like rats
@ -132,12 +133,15 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- Polish:
- very religious
- heavy drinkers
- kurwa
- Russians:
- very tough, big and strong, endure conditions that would kill other people, keep pet bears
- drunk (especially by vodka), aggressive, rude
- wear Adidas pants
- act straight without talking too much, ignore work safety
- don't give a shit
- Marxist communists, USSR, soviet pride
- good at [chess](chess.md)
- Slovak:
- who?
- heavy nationalists
@ -146,12 +150,12 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- take naps on siesta
- attractive tanned men
- [women](woman.md):
- bad at driving
- bad at driving, bad spatial skills
- bad at logical thinking and [math](math.md)
- passive aggressive
- gossip
- don't know what they want, "no" can mean "yes"
- too emotional, especially on period
- attracted to douchebags and money, avoid nice guys
- attracted to douchebags, assholes and money, golddigging, avoid nice guys
- can distinguish and name different shades of similar colors
- on board of a ship bring bad luck
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
Trolling (as a verb) is a fairly recent term that has evolved alongside the [Internet](internet.md) and whose meaning ranges from an activity of purposefully causing [drama](drama.md) (mostly on the Internet) for entertainment (the original, narrower meaning) to just shamelessly abusing rules of any system for self interest on the detriment of others (wider meaning, e.g. *[patent](patent.md) trolling*, pre-election *media trolling* etc.). Core value of the narrow-sense trolling is simply [fun](fun.md) on the detriment of others -- usually making someone angry -- but not every fun making can be called trolling -- bullying weaker, for example, isn't trolling, despite it bringing some fun; trolling has to have a bit of cleverness in it, it typically finds a way of legally do something nasty, i.e. [hacking](hacking.md) the rules of the game. Trolls are those who before the Internet would be called something like jokers or pranksters, however [real life](irl.md) pranks have limited potential -- on the Internet on the other hand trolling can flourish (likely owing to the aspect of [anonymity](anonymity.md), lack of nonverbal communication, lack of consequences and responsibility and so on), so this [art](art.md) has evolved into something more, it is by now an inseparable part of Internet [culture](culture.md) (and should probably become protected by Unesco). Some forms of trolling provide so much fun they're even illegal. Trolling is not about being [evil](evil.md), it is about having fun, it is cherished by cool people who don't take things too seriously and can make fun of themselves and is therefore embraced by forums like [4chan](4chan.md); on the other hand it is demonized by those without sense of humor, those who fear the power of humor (e.g. dictators and fascists) and those who mostly get butthurt by it ([reddit](reddit.md), [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) and other "safe space" networks). [Evil](evil.md) is always afraid of fun.
Trolling is a very entertaining, healthy and refreshing activity, unfortunately spoiled by mentally retarded people who have no idea about how Internet works -- they come to the Internet and try to behave like it was real life. That's extremely stupid, it's like trying to behave normally in a video game or coming to a jungle and behaving like it was a city, the man who does this absolutely doesn't understand what's going on and fucks everything up. If you are one of them, leave the Internet now please, or at least stay with your grandma on Facebook.
In [modern](21st_century.md) times **trolling is started to be demonized and even criminalized**, similarly to demonizing "conspiracy theories", politically incorrect jokes and other forms of free thinking and art, that's why it's important to support trolling more. Back in the day trolling may have been seen as annoying at worst, nowadays people will try to push laws for punishing "trolls" and promote the idea that it's a dangerous, possibly life endangering mental illness, labeling someone a troll is quite close to labeling him a psychopath or terrorist. Don't fall for this, let trolling prosper, it's simply fun, people's culture, folklore, humanity and art.
NOTE: That who performs trolling is called a *troll*, a word taken from Nordic mythology where it stands for a fantastic, weird kind of creature that lives in forests, caves or under bridges. Trolls are often a [race](race.md) in many fantasy universes (e.g. Warcraft, LOTR, Harry Potter, ...) -- there their appearance isn't very unified, some make them big, stupid giants, others paint them as tall but human sized creatures with tusks and so on. Further on we'll just be discussing trolls as related to *trolling*.
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@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 587
- number of commits: 855
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4137883
- total number of lines of article texts: 31039
- number of articles: 588
- number of commits: 856
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4167481
- total number of lines of article texts: 31364
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 90
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ longest articles:
- [how_to](how_to.md): 72K
- [capitalism](capitalism.md): 72K
- [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md): 64K
- [3d_rendering](3d_rendering.md): 56K
- [chess](chess.md): 56K
- [faq](faq.md): 52K
- [number](number.md): 52K
@ -30,65 +31,81 @@ longest articles:
- [game](game.md): 32K
- [random_page](random_page.md): 32K
- [main](main.md): 32K
- [3d_rendering](3d_rendering.md): 32K
- [pseudorandomness](pseudorandomness.md): 32K
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2345)
- there (1793)
- people (1607)
- example (1376)
- other (1291)
- number (1143)
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- program (928)
- their (872)
- because (866)
- would (859)
- called (799)
- being (798)
- things (781)
- something (781)
- which (2361)
- there (1812)
- people (1616)
- example (1385)
- other (1294)
- number (1145)
- software (1142)
- about (1119)
- program (929)
- their (876)
- because (876)
- would (869)
- called (810)
- being (799)
- things (793)
- something (783)
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- simple (742)
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- these (674)
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- first (455)
latest changes:
Date: Thu Aug 1 02:31:53 2024 +0200
Date: Tue Jul 30 22:52:22 2024 +0200
@ -111,23 +128,6 @@ Date: Tue Jul 30 22:52:22 2024 +0200
Date: Sat Jul 27 17:25:21 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs](lrs.md) (293)
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@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
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- [programming](programming.md) (84)
- [fun](fun.md) (84)
@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md) (79)
- [math](math.md) (77)
- [hacking](hacking.md) (77)
- [bullshit](bullshit.md) (77)
- [shit](shit.md) (76)
- [public_domain](public_domain.md) (76)
- [bullshit](bullshit.md) (76)
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@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ If you contribute, add yourself to [wiki authors](wiki_authors.md)! You can also
Articles should be written to be somewhat readable and understandable to tech savvy people who already know something about technology, i.e. neither illiterates, nor experts only (as is sometimes the case e.g. on Wikipedia). **Each article should ideally start with a general dictionary [definition](definition.md)** and continue with a simple general explanation and overview of the topic. With more paragraphs the text can get more complex. The idea is that a noob will read the first paragraph, understand the basic idea and take something away. A more advanced reader will read further on and take away more things etc. I.e. we educate in a top-down approach. **Each article should be a nice mini resource in itself**, quality should be preferred over quantity: for example the article on chess should be a nice general page about chess with focus on its programming, but also containing general overview, history, fun and interesting facts, data, essay elements and so on, so as to be highly self-contained (as opposed to the "Wikipedia approach" of making many separate articles on chess history, chess players, chess rules etc.).
Bonus: **try to [troll](troll.md) idiots** -- it's great if the article starts kind of "formal", like Wikipedia style, but then later on starts using swear words and lulzy stuff so that let's say someone who just copy-pastes this as an assignment essay after having read the first paragraph actually hands in a work to his teacher that will get him kicked from the school :D
## Sources
These are some sources you can use for research and gathering information for articles:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The symbol for woman is a circle with cross at its bottom ([Unicode](unicode.md)
**Even mainstream science acknowledges women are dumber than men**: even the extremely politically correct [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) states TODAY in the article on human brain that male brain is on average larger in volume (even when corrected for the overall body size) AND that there is correlation between volume and intelligence: this undeniably implies women are dumber. Men also have faster reaction times. On average male brain weights 10% more than woman's and has 16% more brain cells. The Guinness book of 1987 states the average male brain weight being 1424 grams and that of a female being 1242 grams; the averages both grow with time quite quickly so nowadays the numbers will be higher in both sexes, though the average of men grows faster. The heaviest recorded brain belonged to a man (2049 grams), while the lightest belonged to a woman (1096 grams). Heaviest woman brain weighted 1565 grams, only a little more than men's average. [IQ](iq.md)/intelligence measured by various tests has been consistently significantly lower for women than for men, e.g. the paper named *Sex differences in intelligence and brain size: A paradox resolved* found a 4 point difference, noting that in some problems such as 3D spatial rotations males score even 11 points higher average.
Historically women have been privileged over men, and they still are very much (for example they commit [suicides](suicide.md) much less often) -- while men had to [work](work.md) their asses off, go to [wars](war.md), explore and hunt for food, women often weren't even supposed to work, they could stay at home, chill while guarding the fire and playing with children -- this is becoming less and less so with [capitalism](capitalism.md) which aims to simply enslave everyone, nowadays mostly through the [feminist](feminism.md) cult that brainwashed women to desire the same slavery as men. In case of emergencies it's always been the rule to save women and children first, in wars women and children were oftentimes spared in mass executions. Statistically **women live about 6 years longer lives than men** because they have easier and less stressful life, they don't have to work as hard and they can obtain privileges (such as free food and better healthcare) just with a flirty smile. While feminists are furious about wage gaps, none gives a single damn about this opposite kind of inequality gap which just confirms what everyone already knows: feminists don't care about equality, they care about women. Women also have the huge social privilege of being able to to have sex and/or get a partner at any time with no effort and/or **trade sex (or even just mere company) for things and services**. Being a woman means playing life on very low difficulty, you can have anything you want at any time. Man on the other hand won't get sex unless he's a billionaire or at least 2 meters tall, no matter how smart, nice of physically fit he is. For a woman to get sex it's enough to just ask while not weighting two tons, that's literally how easy it is.
Historically women have been privileged over men, and they still are very much (for example they commit [suicides](suicide.md) much less often) -- while men had to [work](work.md) their asses off, go to [wars](war.md), explore and hunt for food, women often weren't even supposed to work, they could stay at home, chill while guarding the fire and playing with children -- this is becoming less and less so with [capitalism](capitalism.md) which aims to simply enslave everyone, nowadays mostly through the [feminist](feminism.md) cult that brainwashed women to desire the same slavery as men. In case of emergencies it's always been the rule to save women and children first, in wars women and children were oftentimes spared in mass executions. Statistically **women live about 6 years longer lives than men** because they have easier and less stressful life, they don't have to work as hard and they can obtain privileges (such as free food and better healthcare) just with a flirty smile. Woman make much more money by prostitution than men, why don't evil women discriminate against poor men this way? While feminists are furious about wage gaps in professions where men make more money than women, none gives a single damn about these opposite kinds of inequality gaps which just confirms what everyone already knows: feminists don't care about equality, they simply care about women. Women also have the huge social privilege of being able to to have sex and/or get a partner at any time with no effort and/or **trade sex (or even just mere company) for things and services**. Being a woman means playing life on very low difficulty, you can have anything you want at any time. Man on the other hand won't get sex unless he's a billionaire or at least 2 meters tall, no matter how smart, nice of physically fit he is. For a woman to get sex it's enough to just ask while not weighting two tons, that's literally how easy it is. It is proven that taller men have more sexual partners which means women are discriminating against short men: why are women so evil and practice [body shaming](body_shaming.md)? Didn't they want equality or something?
Women also can't drive, operate machines, they can't compare even to the worst men in sports, both physical and mental such as [chess](chess.md). Women have to have separate leagues and more relaxed rules, e.g. the title Woman Grand Master (WGM) in chess has far lower requirements to obtain than regular Grand Master (GM). (According to [Elo](elo.md) rating the best woman chess player in history would have only 8% chance of winning against current best male who would have 48% chance of winning). On the International Mathematical Olympiad only 43 out of 1338 medals were obtained by females. There are too many funny cases and video compilations of women facing men in sports (watch them before they're censored lol), e.g. the infamous Vaevictis female "progaming" team or the [football](football.md) match between the US national women team (probably the best women team in the world) vs some random under 15 years old boy's team which of course the women team lost. LMAO there is even a video of 1 skinny boy beating 9 women in boxing. Of course there are arguments that worse performance of women in mental sports is caused culturally; women aren't led so much to playing chess, therefore there are fewer women in chess and so the probability of a good woman player appearing is lower. This may be partially true even though genetic factors seem at least equally important and it may equally be true that not so many women play chess simply because they're not naturally good at it; nevertheless the fact that women are generally worse at chess than men stands, regardless of its cause -- a randomly picked men will most likely be better at chess than a randomly picked woman, and that's what matters in the end. Also if women are displaced from chess by culture, then what is the area they are displaced to? If women are as capable as men, then for any area dominated by men there should be an area equally dominated by women, however we see that anywhere men face women men win big time, even in the woman activities such as cooking and fashion design. Feminists will say that men simply oppress women everywhere, but this just means that women are dominated by men everywhere, which means they are more skilled and capable at everything, there is no way out -- yes, antelope are oppressed by lions, but it's because lions are stronger than antelopes. Here we simply argue that women are weaker than men, not that oppressing women is okay -- it isn't. Furthermore if women were weaker but not by that much, we should statistically see at least occasional dominance by a woman, but we practically don't, it's really almost impossible to find a single such case in history, which indicates women are VERY SIGNIFICANTLY weaker, i.e. not something we negligible we could just ignore. Being a woman correlates to losing to a man almost perfectly, it is a great predictor, basically as strong as can appear in science. It makes sense from the evolutionary standpoint as well, women simply evolved to take care of children, guard fire and save resource consumption by being only as strong as necessarily required for this task, while men had to be stronger and smarter to do the hard job of providing food and protection.
@ -146,3 +146,4 @@ I also realized babushkas and old grandmas in general are often based, they just
- [waifu](waifu.md)
- [penetration testing](penetration_testing.md)
- Encyclopedia Dramatica's take on the topic: https://encyclopediadramatica.gay/Woman
- [dogpill](dogpill.md)
@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ For lawyers: we officially DO NOT ADVISE any illegal methods mentioned here. How
- **Becoming a prostitute (usually for [women](woman.md))**: it's easy money and you literally get paid for having [sex](sex.md). Unless you're real ugly it may be enough to just "work" like this for a few days in a month.
- **The gypsy way: making tons of children**: gypsies managed to [hack](hacking.md) the system by just making 10, 15 or maybe 20 children -- not only you stay on maternal leave, but you can take financial support for every one of them.
- **Widow pension**: sometimes there is a widow pension, so you can quickly marry someone who is dying, then you'll be forever getting free money.
- **The feminist way: if you're a [woman](woman.md), you can sue a random millionaire for rape**. This works every time, you can just make everything up.
- **The feminist way: if you're a [woman](woman.md), you can sue a random millionaire for [rape](rape.md)**. This works every time, you can just make everything up, the guy will be forced to pay you a billion or two, no evidence needed, just cry in the court.
- **Alcoholism**: starting to drink heavily may remove your brain brain, but then suddenly you'll also be judged a "victim" of alcoholism, locked somewhere and probably won't have to work, so it may be worth it.
- **Getting EU (or similar) money on some bullshit** -- if this was to be considered """fraud""", then we officially DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS (:D), but it is very nice if someone does it. This would require the hypothetical man to maybe do some small amount of "work", but he could just dig a lot of money for doing almost nothing, for example one may ask for money for some software project that looks like a 100K EUR 1 year project -- this would actually be true if you made the project the "normal" way (i.e. using bloat tech, hiring consultants, managers, lawyers and whatever), but you can just do the project in a simple, [LRS](lrs.md) way over the weekend alone, then enjoy a whole year off as well as your free money.
- **[Sucicide](suicide.md)**: obviously death solves all problems. TBH lying in ground is probably more comfy than being raped every day of the year for 120 years.
- ...
## See Also
Reference in a new issue