This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-07-25 15:20:50 +02:00
parent dbc6cc4f4c
commit 2ef693bc96
16 changed files with 1798 additions and 1767 deletions

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@ -43,4 +43,5 @@ Censorship is so frequent that it's hard to give just a short list of examples,
## See Also
- [free speech](
- [free speech](
- [paywall](

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Dog
Here is the dog! He doesn't judge you; dog [love]( is unconditional. No matter who you are or what you ever did, this buddy will always love you and be your best friend <3 By this he is giving us a great lesson.
Here is the dog! He doesn't judge you; dog [love]( is unconditional. No matter who you are or what you ever did, this buddy will always love you and be your best friend <3 By this he is giving us a great lesson. The doggo lives on the [island](
He loves when you pet him and take him for walks, but most of all he probably enjoys to play catch :) Throw him a ball!
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Dog is the symbol of [cynics](
- [bug](
- [duck](
- [catdog](
- [whale](
- [dogma](, aka a man's second best friend
- [cynicism](
- [pepe](

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Duke Nukem 3D (often just *duke 3D*) is a legendary first man shooter video [gam
Of course, Duke is sadly [proprietary](, as most gaymes, though the source code was later released as [FOSS]( under [GPL]( (excluding the game data and proprietary engine, which is only [source available]( A self-proclaimed [FOSS]( engine for Duke with GPU accelerated graphics exists: [EDuke32]( -- the repository is kind of a mess though and it's hard to tell if it is legally legit as there are parts of the engine's proprietary code (which may be actually excluded from the compiled binary), so... not sure.
Duke was very much influenced by a very cool anticapitalist movie called *They Live*, up to the point to completely copy pasting some of the most memorable lines.
Duke was very much influenced by a very cool anticapitalist movie called *They Live*, up to the point of completely copy pasting some of the most memorable lines.
## Code
@ -24,4 +24,7 @@ The game uses 256 colors and [palettes](
- [Doom](
- [Anarch](
- [Jedi engine](
- [Jedi engine](
- [Dick Suckem](
- [They Live](
- [Dink Smallwood](

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Faggot
Faggot is a synonym for [gay](
Faggot (also spelled faggit) is a synonym for [gay](
In [Czech]( *fagot* means the bassoon musical instrument.

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ A great many commonly used tricks in programming could be regarded as hacks even
- **actually portable executable** ( Justine Tunney found a way to create an executable format that passes as a valid NATIVE executable on all major systems including [GNU]([Linux](, [Windows]( and [Mac](, i.e. it is possible to compile a native program (e.g. with [C]( and then have it natively run on any major OS.
- **[game of life]( patterns**: Stable patterns such as glider or even programming game of life in game of life is a nice example of game hacking -- in fact exactly game of life hacking stood at the beginning of hacker culture.
- **[bytebeat](**: A [demoscene]( hack that utilizes integer [overflows]( to create rhythm and produce music.
- **drawing pictures with git commits**: [Git]( hosting sites often show a programmer's activity in a matrix graph that assigns each day a color based on his activity -- someone exploited this to make a script that generated commits on specific days to draw pictures on the matrix.
- Computer [graphics]( uses many clever tricks that could possibly be called hacks, e.g. in times when 3D graphics was primitive and didn't allow achieving such effects as mirror reflections easily, some [games]( faked mirrors simply with a hole in the wall behind which the whole mirrored room was placed -- this achieved the same effect as a mirror and didn't require any extra rendering passes or shaders.
- **[quine](**: A cleverly constructed self-replicating program in [programming language]( that prints its own source code -- this is a common exercise of language hackers.
- **MetaGolfScript [esoteric languages](**: rather than being a nicely designed [code golfing]( language MetaGolfScript invents infinitely many languages, each of which solves one problem with a zero-length program, making it possible to win any golfing contest that allows arbitrary choice of language just by choosing the correct MetaGolfScript language.

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@ -20,8 +20,12 @@ Even though one cannot choose this orientation and even though pedophiles don't
In 15th century an unofficial version of the Bible, the Wycliffe's translation, was officially declared a heretic work and its possession was forbidden under penalty of prison, torture and excommunication. That's what we still do today, just with works violating a different kind of orthodoxy. We are literally still living in the middle ages.
Part of the strategy of fueling the hysteria is **strictly separating people into two groups: pedophiles and non-pedophiles** -- "evil" and "good", "us" and "them" -- to which strict age of consent and labels such as "disorder" are great helpers. While with topics such as [autism](, sexes, genders and approved sexual orientations the pseudoleft pushes the idea of a "spectrum" and "fluidity", i.e. people not simply being one or another but having individual mixes of certain attributes (which is likely correct but many times taken to misleading extremes), with pedophilia they refuse to acknowledge the same, i.e. that some people may be attracted to mature people and other people are attracted to younger people and other ones to very young people or simply all people, and that some people are attracted to younger people a lot and others just mildly, and that some people become interested in sex at 18 years of age while other ones at 15, 11 or even younger. Nature is like this, no one can in his right mind believe that biology will obey human laws and separate humans into two distinct, clearly separated groups.
**Can a child consent?** Rather ask if you have good enough reason to prevent it from what it wants to do and what is natural for its healthy development. Can a child consent for going out of house? What if someone abducts it there? What if a car runs it over? Better lock it at home until it's 18 and it's no longer on you if it dies, right? Doesn't matter it will grow up to be a pale unsocialized monster with depression who never saw sunlight, only if it's physically safe and you are legally safe. People nowadays have more trouble with sex than ever before, they don't know what gender they are, they have trouble dating, stay virgins, don't have kids, commit suicides. This wasn't the case in times when this supposed "law protection" didn't exist, how can that be? It's because this "protection" is actually a curse, it makes big deal out of sex, purposefully establishes a [stigma]( and prevents natural development at everyone's pace. It labels people monsters for being attracted to the wrong age group, it labels them marked for life for having been touched by someone from a different age group, it label art a work of Satan if it shows a natural human body. It prohibits the depiction of young face because someone might find it pretty. This you think is a good society? Think again then.
The idea of needing consent itself is also not the best one -- yes, non-consensual sex is considered [rape](, but that's only by [shortcut thinking]( Everyone nowadays seems to accept without questioning that sexual behavior without consent must be prevented at all cost, but does it have to be so? It is given (at least by [our]( standards) that physical harm to anyone is always bad -- there is no question about that -- but not all non-consensual sexual behavior ("rape") causes physical harm, most harm of what's today called "rape" is probably psychological, which stems from cultural stigmatization. If a guy squeezes a girl's breast without consent, he doesn't physically hurt her in any way, the girl is completely fine, it's just that society will tell her she was "raped" by this and should now start suffering from PTSD, she's labeled a "victim", assigned a psychiatrist, will be pumped with drugs and told she has an increased chance of committing suicide now. In a [good society]( this would simply not be the case, mild non-consensual sexual behavior such as touching, spying, masturbation etc. might be at worst as much harmful as for example non-consensual small talk or farting in someone's presence without his approval. Again, physically harming someone is WRONG, but do we have to equate such an extreme form of rape with slapping a girl's ass? By doing so we are probably hurting the "victims" more than the "offenders". But again, this helps separate people into two groups: "raped" and "not raped", "victims" and "predators" and so on.
{ For example one issue (that I might have heard from someone as a first hand experience): teenagers are often sexually interested in other teenagers rather than adults, but they cannot find teenager porn on the Internet. This not only discriminates them, but forces them to seek adult porn and adult partners, and any such kind of forcing may be quite harmful, especially at the age of crucial sexual development (note that sexual interaction with an adult is not the harmful thing, harmful is forcing someone to do something else than he desires and needs). ~drummyfish }
Is there evidence that children can enjoy sex? Sure, tons of it, but this evidence is literally illegal, it's called "child porn", even if it's not porn and if it's not treated as porn at all (e.g. if you just want to use it for research), you will ruin your life sometimes just by saying those words out loud. Let's repeat this: viewing, possession and sharing of this kind of evidence is illegal, and not only that, it is extremely culturally demonized, i.e. it's not the kind of "I stole a bubble gum" illegal, it's the kind of heresy, witchcraft, lynching kind of illegal, you may not officially get a death sentence but it is suggested that if angry mod kills you, the court will leave that be because it was understandable, so you can very easily get a de facto mafia style death sentence. Doesn't this perhaps remind you of some kind of medieval age?

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@ -71,3 +71,4 @@ Latest trend on social media seems to be the **pseudo political incorrectness**,
- [orthodoxy](
- [stupidity](
- [censorship](
- [diplomacy](

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
Races of people are very large, [fuzzy](, loosely defined groups ([clusters]( of people who are genetically similar because they come from the same ancestors. Races usually significantly differ by their look and in physical, mental and cultural aspects; some races are physically more fit, some are more intelligent, some are better evolved for living in specific climate conditions and so on, some races are so distinct that some could even consider them a different species altogether -- races make mankind very diverse; sadly they are also often a basis of [identity]( [fascism]( too (similarly to how e.g. gender is the basis of [LGBT]( fascism). The topic of human race is nowadays forbidden to be critically discussed and researched (and even to be [joked]( about) due to the political reign of [pseudoleft]( which denies existence of human races and aggressively [censors]( and attacks any disagreement, however there exists a number of undeniable old research, information hidden in the underground and book that haven't yet been burned, and many things about human races are simply completely obvious to those don't let themselves be blinded by the immensely powerful propaganda. [Good society](, unlike for example our current competitive [capitalist]( society, acknowledges the differences between human races and lets them coexist peacefully, without [competition]( and in social equality despite their differences and without any need for [bullshit]( such as [political correctness]( and biology denialism.
**Human races are real and have great biological significance, but that is fine**, [LRS]( advocates for universal love among all living beings. Don't let the concept of race divide us, all people have to unite and live in peace. Problems of society aren't caused by races but by the [system]( that makes us compete and hate each other. Love all people. Together we can remove the harmful system.
Instead of the word *race* the politically correct camp uses words such as *ethnicity* -- it's funny, sometimes they say no such thing as race exists but other times they simply have to operate with the fact that people are genetically diverse, e.g. when they accuse others of [racism]( or point out statistics that benefit them ("black people are paid less!"), as existence of discrimination based on differences between people necessarily implies the existence of differences between people -- so here they try to substitute the word *race* for a different word so as to make their self-contradiction less obvious. Anyway, it doesn't [work]( :) Races indeed do exit, no matter what we call them.
**Race can be told from the shape of the skull and one's [DNA](**, which finds use e.g. in forensics to help solve crimes. It is officially called the *ancestry estimation*. Some idiots say this should be forbidden to do because it's "racist" lmao. Besides the obvious visual difference such as skin [color]( **races also have completely measurable differences acknowledged even by modern "science"**, for example unlike other races about 90% of Asians have dry earwax, Asians also have highest bone density, Huaorani tribe has flat feet, blood type distributions are wildly different between races as well as blood pressure and also heart rate, people near the equator have measurably smaller eyeballs than those very far north, even distribution of genes associated with specific behavior was measured to differ between races. Similar absolutely measurable differences exist in height, body odor, alcohol and lactose tolerance, high altitude tolerance, vulnerability to specific diseases, hair structure, cold tolerance, risk of obesity, behavior (see e.g. the infamous *[chimp out](* behavior of black people) and others. It is known for a fact that Sherpas are greatly accustomed to living in high altitudes, that's why they work as helpers for people climbing mt. Everest, they can just do it much easier than other races. While dryness of earwax is really a minor curiosity, it is completely unreasonable to believe that race differences stop at traits we humans find "controversial" and that genetics somehow magically avoids affecting traits that are harder to measure and which our current society deems politically incorrect to exist. In fact differences in important areas such as intelligence were measured very well -- these are however either censored or declared incorrect and "debunked" by unquestionable "science" authorities, because politics.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Recursion
*See [recursion](*
*See [recursion](* { Lame but effective :D ~drummyfish }
Recursion (from Latin recursio, "running back") in general is a situation in which a [definition]( refers to itself; for example the definition of a human's ancestor as "the human's parents and the ancestors of his parents" ([fractals]( are also very nice example of what a simple recursive definition can achieve). In [programming]( recursion denotes a **[function]( that calls itself**; this is the meaning we'll assume in this article unless noted otherwise.

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
Trolling (as a verb) is a fairly recent term that has evolved alongside the [Internet]( and whose meaning ranges from an activity of purposefully causing [drama]( (mostly on the Internet) for entertainment (the original, narrower meaning) to just shamelessly abusing rules of any system for self interest on the detriment of others (wider meaning, e.g. *[patent]( trolling*, pre-election *media trolling* etc.). Core value of the narrow-sense trolling is simply [fun]( on the detriment of others -- usually making someone angry -- but not every fun making can be called trolling -- bullying weaker, for example, isn't trolling, despite it bringing some fun; trolling has to have a bit of cleverness in it, it typically finds a way of legally do something nasty, i.e. [hacking]( the rules of the game. Trolls are those who before the Internet would be called something like jokers or pranksters, however [real life]( pranks have limited potential -- on the Internet on the other hand trolling can flourish (likely owing to the aspect of [anonymity](, lack of nonverbal communication, lack of consequences and responsibility and so on), so this [art]( has evolved into something more, it is by now an inseparable part of Internet [culture]( (and should probably become protected by Unesco). Some forms of trolling provide so much fun they're even illegal. Trolling is not about being [evil](, it is about having fun, it is cherished by cool people who don't take things too seriously and can make fun of themselves and is therefore embraced by forums like [4chan](; on the other hand it is demonized by those without sense of humor, those who fear the power of humor (e.g. dictators and fascists) and those who mostly get butthurt by it ([reddit](, [Wikipedia]( and other "safe space" networks). [Evil]( is always afraid of fun.
In [modern]( times **trolling is started to be demonized and even criminalized**, similarly to demonizing "conspiracy theories", politically incorrect jokes and other forms of free thinking and art, that's why it's important to support trolling more. Back in the day trolling may have been seen as annoying at worst, nowadays people will try to push laws for punishing "trolls" and promote the idea that it's a dangerous, possibly life endangering mental illness, labeling someone a troll is quite close to labeling him a psychopath or terrorist. Don't fall for this, let trolling prosper, it's simply fun, people's culture, folklore, humanity and art.
NOTE: That who performs trolling is called a *troll*, a word taken from Nordic mythology where it stands for a fantastic, weird kind of creature that lives in forests, caves or under bridges. Trolls are often a [race]( in many fantasy universes (e.g. Warcraft, LOTR, Harry Potter, ...) -- there their appearance isn't very unified, some make them big, stupid giants, others paint them as tall but human sized creatures with tusks and so on. Further on we'll just be discussing trolls as related to *trolling*.
Trolling is highly associated with the troll face [meme]( -- the face has become a universal trolling symbol.

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@ -6,4 +6,9 @@ Existence of whale players is one of the demonstrations of the [pareto principle
The terminology can be extended further: besides **whales** we may also talk about **dolphins** (mid-spending players) and **minnows** (low spending players). Extreme whales are sometimes called **white whales** or **super whales** (about 0.2% generating 50% of income).
In some games, such as [WoW](, players may buy multiple accounts and practice so called [multiboxing]( This means they control multiple characters at once, often using [scripts]( to coordinate them, which of course gives a great advantage. Though using scripts or "hacking" the game in similar ways is in other cases considered unacceptable [cheating]( that results in immediate ban, for obvious reasons (money) developers happily allow this -- of course this just shows they don't give a single shit about fairness or balance, they only thing they care about is $$$profit$$$.
In some games, such as [WoW](, players may buy multiple accounts and practice so called [multiboxing]( This means they control multiple characters at once, often using [scripts]( to coordinate them, which of course gives a great advantage. Though using scripts or "hacking" the game in similar ways is in other cases considered unacceptable [cheating]( that results in immediate ban, for obvious reasons (money) developers happily allow this -- of course this just shows they don't give a single shit about fairness or balance, they only thing they care about is $$$profit$$$.
## See Also
- [pay to win](
- [landwhale](

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 587
- number of commits: 851
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4113410
- total number of lines of article texts: 30931
- number of commits: 852
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4114582
- total number of lines of article texts: 30945
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 90
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2334)
- there (1785)
- there (1786)
- people (1583)
- example (1360)
- other (1286)
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- about (1106)
- program (922)
- their (869)
- because (862)
- because (863)
- would (848)
- being (797)
- called (796)
- being (796)
- things (777)
- something (772)
- language (768)
@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- system (611)
- world (600)
- should (594)
- doesn (585)
- doesn (586)
- games (576)
- point (569)
- society (568)
- while (555)
- drummyfish (542)
- though (537)
- though (536)
- still (528)
- using (525)
- possible (522)
@ -82,13 +82,28 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- technology (497)
- always (474)
- really (468)
- basically (457)
- basically (458)
- extremely (452)
- value (448)
latest changes:
Date: Wed Jul 24 15:49:35 2024 +0200
Date: Mon Jul 22 21:26:59 2024 +0200
@ -101,13 +116,6 @@ Date: Mon Jul 22 21:26:59 2024 +0200
Date: Mon Jul 22 14:02:59 2024 +0200
Date: Mon Jul 22 14:02:40 2024 +0200
Date: Mon Jul 22 13:53:39 2024 +0200
Date: Mon Jul 22 13:53:19 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -136,7 +144,7 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (291)
- [capitalism]( (232)
- [capitalism]( (233)
- [c]( (216)
- [bloat]( (208)
- [free_software]( (176)
@ -151,7 +159,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [linux]( (90)
- [programming]( (84)
- [fun]( (84)
- [censorship]( (82)
- [censorship]( (83)
- [free_culture]( (81)
- [fight_culture]( (79)
- [less_retarded_society]( (78)

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@ -130,7 +130,9 @@ Previously in the article I have stated the following:
This section will be dedicated to me fulfilling my promise. Please note that me acknowledging a based woman doesn't automatically come with me approving of everything she does, I just think she is very, VERY cool in many ways and I admit she impressed me to a very high level. Also keep in mind a based woman may later on turn into unbased woman, just like [Luke Smith]( did for instance.
I have found the website of **[Ashley Jones](**: She immediately caught my attention, I reckon she is truly based, for example for the following reasons (note that this is purely my interpretation of what I've seen/read on her website): She is a pretty, biological woman (i.e. NOT some kind of angry trans landwhale) BUT she shits on feminism and acknowledges plain facts about women such as that they usually need to be "put in line" (with love) by a man and that they are simply different. She makes a nice, ACTUALLY ENTERTAINING, well made politically incorrect stuff, her art is sincere, not trying to pretend anything or ride on some kind of fashion wave. She makes fun of herself (like that she has a crush on [Duke Nukem]( lol) and does some cool stuff like post measurements of her asshole. It looks like she possesses some skills with technology (at least [Luke Smith]( level), she supports [free software]( She acknowledges the insanity of [pedophile]( hysteria and proposes lowering age of consent. She wants to normalize nudity. Her website is quite nice, 1.0 style, with high LRS/4chan/Dramatica vibes, there are "offensive" jokes but she stresses she in fact doesn't encourage violence and that she's not an extremist -- in one video she says she dislikes transsexuals and wants to make fun of gays but that in fact she doesn't mind any individual being gay or whatever, basically just opposing the political movements, propaganda, brainwashing etcetc., i.e. showing the exact same kind of attitude as us. She even seems to have her own imageboard?!?! She seems to see through propaganda and brainwashing, she says she does "not accept the reality" forced on her by this society, something we say and do as well, she shits on vaccines and likes cool "conspiracy theories". Yes, she seems SMART, she sees the power game of the elites, the propaganda, warns about it, shits on it. She seems to know how to write [English]( without making 10 errors in every word. She advocates ETHICAL veganism, to spare animals of suffering. She hates [Elon Musk]( She advocates not using cellphones and mainstream social networks. (I haven't noticed any tattoos on her either, but she'll stay even if it turned out she has one, she's still cool.) **Ashley Jones, I apologize to you, please stay awesome and inspire more women to be as based as you are <3 --drummyfish**. No, the words don't come out of my penis, they come out of my heart. Please stay cool.
I have found the website of **[Ashley Jones](**: []( She immediately caught my attention, I reckon she is truly based, for example for the following reasons (note that this is purely my interpretation of what I've seen/read on her website): She is a pretty, biological woman (i.e. NOT some kind of angry trans landwhale) BUT she shits on feminism and acknowledges plain facts about women such as that they usually need to be "put in line" (with love) by a man and that they are simply different. She makes a nice, ACTUALLY ENTERTAINING, well made politically incorrect stuff, her art is sincere, not trying to pretend anything or ride on some kind of fashion wave. She is VERY talented at comedy, hosts her OWN video website with a modest fan following and even though on [Jewtube]( she could get hundred thousand times more followers and make a fortune, she doesn't do it -- she does ask for donations but refuses to monetize her content with ads, creating a nice, pure, oldschool free speech Internet place looks to truly be the one thing she's aiming for. She makes fun of herself (like that she has a crush on [Duke Nukem]( lol), masterfully plays along with jokes blatantly sexualizing her and does some cool stuff like post measurements of her asshole and finding her porn lookalikes for the fanbase. It looks like she possesses some skills with technology (at least [Luke Smith]( level), she supports [free software]( She acknowledges the insanity of [pedophile]( hysteria and proposes lowering age of consent (despite saying she was NOT a pedophile herself). She wants to normalize nudity, and doesn't shave her legs. Her website is quite nice, 1.0 style, with high [LRS]([4chan]([Dramatica]( vibes, there are "offensive" jokes but she stresses she in fact doesn't encourage violence and that she's not an extremist -- in one video she says she dislikes transsexuals and wants to make fun of gays but that in fact she doesn't mind any individual being gay or whatever, basically just opposing the political movements, propaganda, brainwashing etcetc., i.e. showing the exact same kind of attitude as us. She also understands internet culture and things like [trolling]( being part of it -- in one video she clearly separates Internet and [real life]( and says you "can't apply real life logic on the Internet", that's very mature. By this she for example supports consensual incest. She even freaking has her own imageboard that's by the way very good. She seems to see through propaganda and brainwashing, she says she does "not accept the reality" forced on her by this society, something we say and do as well, she shits on vaccines and likes cool "conspiracy theories". Yes, she seems SMART, she sees the power game of the elites, the propaganda, warns about it, shits on it. She seems to know how to write [English]( without making 10 errors in every word. She advocates ETHICAL veganism, to spare animals of suffering. She hates [Elon Musk]( She advocates not using cellphones and mainstream social networks. (I haven't noticed any tattoos on her either, but she'll stay even if it turned out she has one, she's still cool.) **Ashley Jones, I apologize to you, please stay awesome and inspire more women to be as based as you are <3 --drummyfish**. No, the words don't come out of my penis, they come out of my heart. Please stay cool.
I also realized babushkas and old grandmas in general are often based, they just come from the better times.
*Your name here? Let me if you come by another candidate for a based woman :)*
@ -138,6 +140,7 @@ I have found the website of **[Ashley Jones](**:
- [man](
- [t-girl](
- [babushka](
- [waifu](
- [penetration testing](
- Encyclopedia Dramatica's take on the topic: