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Miloslav Ciz 2022-05-13 23:19:10 +02:00
parent c44e879a84
commit 3baebd77d6
3 changed files with 33 additions and 0 deletions

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# Anarchism
Anarchism is a [socialist]( political philosophy rejecting any social hierarchy and oppression. **Anarchism doesn't mean without rules, but without rulers**; despite popular misconceptions anarchism is not [chaos]( -- on the contrary, it strives for a stable, ideal society of equal people that live in peace. The symbols of anarchism include the letter A in a circle and a black flag that for different branches of anarchism is diagonally split from bottom left to top right and the top part is filled with a color specific for that branch.
Most things about anarchism are explained in the text *An Anarchist FAQ*, which is [free licensed]( and can be accessed e.g. at
Anarchism is a wide term and encompasses many flavors such as [anarcho communism](, [anarcho pacifism](, [anarcho syndicalism](, [anarcho primitivism]( or [anarcho mutualism]( Some of the branches disagree on specific questions, e.g. about whether [violence]( is ever justifiable, or propose different solutions to issues such as organization of society, however **all branches of anarchism are socialist** and all aim for **elimination of social hierarchy** such as social classes created by wealth, jobs and weapons, i.e. anarchism opposes [state]( (e.g. police having power over citizens) and [capitalism]( (employers exploiting employees, corporations exploiting consumers etc.).
There exist fake, pseudoanarchist ideologies such as ["anarcho" capitalism]( (which includes e.g. so caleed [crypto "anarchism"]( that deceive by their name despite by their very definition NOT fitting the definition of anarchism (just like [Nazis]( called themselves [socialists]( despite being the opposite). Also such shit as ["anarcha" feminism]( are just fascist bullshit. The propaganda also tries to deceive the public by calling various violent criminals anarchists, even though they very often can't fit the definition of a true anarchist.
[LRS]( is an anarchist movement, specifically [anarcho pacifist]( and [anarcho communist]( one.

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# Anarcho Pacifism
Anarcho pacifism (anpac) is a form of [anarchism]( that completely rejects any violence. Anarcho pacifists argue that since anarchism opposes hierarchy and oppression, we have to reject violence which is a tool of oppression and establishing hierarchy. This would make it the one true purest form of anarchism. Anarcho pacifists use a black and white flag.
Historically anarcho pacifists such as [Leo Tolstoy]( were usually religiously motivated for rejecting violence, however this stance may also come from logic and other than religious beliefs, e.g. the simple belief that violence will only spawn more violence ("eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind"), or pure unconditional love of life.
We, [LRS](, advocate anarcho pacifism. We see how violence can be a short term solution, even to preventing a harm of many, however from the long term perspective we only see the complete delegitimisation of violence as leading to a truly mature society. We realize a complete, 100% non violent society may be never achieved, but with enough education and work it will be possible to establish a society with absolute minimum of violence, a society in which firstly people grow up in a completely non violent environment so that they never accept violence, and secondly have all needs secured so that they don't even have a reason for using violence. We should at least try to get as close to this ideal as possible.

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# Software Rendering
Sofware (SW) rendering refers to [rendering]( [computer graphics]( without the help of [graphics card]( (GPU), i.e. computing images only with [CPU]( This mostly means rendering [3D]( graphics but can also refer to other kinds of graphics such as drawing [fonts]( or [video]( Before GPUs were invented, all rendering was done in software, of course -- games such as [Quake]( were designed with SW rendering and only added possible GPU acceleration later. SW rendering for traditional 3D graphics is also called software [rasterization](
SW rendering has advantages and disadvantages. Firstly it is **much slower** -- GPUs are designed to perform graphics-specific operations very quickly and, more importantly, they can compute many pixels in [parallel](, while a CPU has to compute pixels sequentially one by one and that in addition to all other computations it is otherwise performing. This causes a much lower [FPS]( For this reasons SW rendering is also normally of **lower quality** (lower resolution, [nearest neighbour]( interpolation, ...) to allow at least somewhat workable FPS.
On the other hand SW rendering is more [portable]( (as it can be written in a portable language such as [C](, less [bloated]( and **eliminates the [dependency]( on GPU** so it will be supported almost anywhere as every computer has a CPU, while not all computers (such as [embedded]( devices) have a GPU (or, if they have it, it may not be sufficient, supported or have a required [driver]( SW rendering may also be implemented in a simpler way and it may be easier to deal with as there is e.g. no need to write [shaders]( in a special language, manage transfer of data between CPU and GPU or deal with parallel programming. It is the [KISS]( approach.
A lot of software and rendering frameworks offer both options: accelerated rendering using GPU and SW rendering as a [fallback]( (in case the first option is not possible). Sometimes there exists a rendering [API]( that has both an accelerated and software implementation (e.g. [TinyGL]( for [OpenGL](
For simpler and even somewhat more complex graphics **purely software rendering is a lot of times the best choice**. [LRS]( suggests you prefer this kind of rendering for its simplicity and portability, at least as one possible option. On devices with lower resolution not many pixels need to be computed so SW rendering can actually be pretty fast despite low specs, and on "big" computers there is nowadays usually an extremely fast CPU available that can handle comfortable FPS at higher resolutions. There is a LRS software renderer you can use: [small3dlib](
Note that SW rendering doesn't mean we are not using [GPU]( at all, in fact most personal computers nowadays **require** some kind of GPU to even display anything. SW rendering only means that computation of the image to be displayed doesn't use any hardware specialized for this purpose.
Some SW renderers make use of specialized CPU instructions such as [MMX]( which can make SW rendering faster thanks to handling multiple data in a single step. This is kind of a mid way: it is not using a GPU per se but only a mild form of hardware acceleration. The speed won't reach that of a GPU but will outperform a "pure" SW renderer. However the disadvantage of a hardware dependency is still present: the CPU has to support the MMX instruction set. Good renderers only use these instructions optionally and fall back to general implementation in case MMX is not supported.