This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-10-04 20:21:44 +02:00
parent 494a57eaf9
commit 3d238884b9
17 changed files with 1891 additions and 1816 deletions

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@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ It is now confirmed that 1990s (or just 90s) were almost definitely the best dec
So, from the European point of view, here is a short summary of why 90s were so good:
- Cold war just ended, [Soviet Union]( dissolved and so came a relief from the nuclear war threat, people got relaxed and, importantly, many countries previously under pseudocommunist totalitarian regimes gained freedom from it and opened to the world. This created a very rare and brief moment in time when people were freed from an oppressive regime but [capitalism]( didn't have yet enough time to enslave them again -- people still kept the good things from (at least what was called) socialism such as 100% free education, 100% free healthcare, old age pensions and so on. They also kept the socialist mindset of caring about others, people didn't see others as their enemies, they were kind of caring and had some empathy, they knew [money]( was evil etc. The newly gained freedom gave people a lot of joy and hope. 21st century would of course changed this very soon, capitalism would go on to destroy absolutely everything in under about 20 years, Europe would be joined to the USA and by now everything is lost.
- Cold war just ended, [Soviet Union]( dissolved and so came a relief from the nuclear war threat, people got relaxed and, importantly, many countries previously under pseudocommunist totalitarian regimes gained freedom from it and opened to the world. This created a very rare and brief moment in time when people were freed from an oppressive regime but [capitalism]( didn't have yet enough time to enslave them again -- people still kept the good things from (at least what was called) socialism such as 100% free education, 100% free healthcare, old age pensions, free public toilets and so on. They also kept the socialist mindset of caring about others, people didn't see others as their enemies, they were kind of caring and had some empathy, they knew [money]( was evil etc. The newly gained freedom gave people a lot of joy and hope. 21st century would of course changed this very soon, capitalism would go on to destroy absolutely everything in under about 20 years, Europe would be joined to the USA and by now everything is lost.
- A lot of amazing [art]( came to existence -- although [proprietary](, it could at least be said that it was well done, had [soul]( and people took some time to make it. For example movies, games and music were made by people who knew how to make movies, games and music, so we saw things such as Pulp Fiction, Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, Linkin Park, [Pokemon]( (the original non-gay ones), [Harry Potter](, Simpsons (the peak seasons), South Park, [Tamagotchis](, Jim Carrey comedies and much more. Computer games at this time had absolutely peak aesthetics in the whole history of Universe (and they were also released as a completely [finished]( product, as a physical thing you would buy and literally OWN forever from then on). Even things back then considered trash, such as Britney Spears, don't literally make you bleed from your ears and in comparison with today's "best music" sound like angel choirs.
- In [computer]( [technology]( world some very important things were made, besides others [Linux]( (1991), [World Wide Web]( (well almost -- 1989), [gopher]( (1993), all the legendary Boomer Shooters -- [Wolf3D]( (1992), [Doom]( (1993), [Duke Nukem 3D]( (1996), [Quake]( (1996), Quake II and III, Half Life (1998) etcetc., [GameBoy Color]( (1998), [PS1]( (1995), [N64]( (1994) etcetc. In 1997 a computer named [Deep Blue]( first beat the world [chess]( champion. Even the versions of [Windows]( from this time are considered the most bearable ones.
- In [computer]( [technology]( world some very important things were made, besides others [Linux]( (1991), [World Wide Web]( (well almost -- 1989), [gopher]( (1993), all the legendary Boomer Shooters -- [Wolf3D]( (1992), [Doom]( (1993), [Duke Nukem 3D]( (1996), [Quake]( (1996), Quake II and III, Half Life (1998) etcetc., [GameBoy Color]( (1998), [PS1]( (1995), [N64]( (1994) etcetc. In 1997 a computer named [Deep Blue]( first beat the world [chess]( champion. Even the versions of [Windows]( from this time are considered the most bearable ones.
- [Feminism]( and [LGBT]( were still seen as a [joke](
- No hordes of [gays](, [transsexuals](, [furries](, [bronies](, [zoomers](, [autists](, influencers, nu-males, nothings of that sort! There were only normal people around. It wasn't even normal to be fat or have 20 mental diseases, people were just normal. Just image it, you walk the street and there are no monsters, not on TV, not on the Internet, not anywhere! { NOTE: Let us be reminded that [we]( love everyone, including gays, transsexuals, furries, autists, Nazis, simply all living beings. This is a criticism of trends in society, not "hate speech" against any individual -- please see the difference between saying that one dislikes hordes of freaks all around and for example promoting genocide or bullying those people. You may dislike salty food but still be OK with it existing and you may even like salty food but dislike food that has 10 kg of salt in it or promoting putting salt in chocolate. ~drummyfish }
- No [Facebook](, [Twitter](, [TikTok](, [Discord](, [Steam](, [Reddit](, [YouTube](, Twitch, no [smartphones](, actually no "[smart](" devices AT ALL, no "[apps](", [Elon Musk](, no [Google](, no [Android](, no [JavaScript](, no [HTTPS](, no [Flash](, no [docker](, no [cmake](, no [Rust](, no [Apple]( (in Europe), no "spy assistants", no [Minecraft](, no Roblox, no [Wikipedia](, no [crypto](, no [NFT](, no [AI]( shit and much more. Imagine the paradise.
- No one cared about [privacy]( at all! Literally there was ZERO concern about it, you could share all your private data publicly, passwords were sent in plain text, no one would even think of abusing it, there was even no way of doing it basically.
- Computers were 32 bit, no 64 bit [bullshit](
- Computer technology wasn't such a big milking cow yet, mainstream Internet was just starting, many didn't care about it, so it was very relaxed, [corporations]( weren't yet raping everyone. For example [copy protection]( was usually laughably easy to break, pirating was easy and everyone did it -- it was correctly considered extremely stupid to buy something (nowadays brainwashing has already done its thing). Also games had practically no anti[cheating](, chat censorship and similar BS, [trolling]( was allowed and cool.
- People in the streets weren't zombies starting into spyphones -- literally imagine you walk outside and people observe what's happening around them.
- People in the streets weren't zombies staring into spyphones -- literally imagine you walk outside and people observe what's happening around them.
- There was a relatively high [freedom of speech](, no one gave a single shit about [political correctness]( (no one even knew that term) and people in post-soviet countries actually saw freedom of speech as an achievement that many died for and which they previously only dreamed of, they valued it greatly -- [censorship]( was still considered highly undesirable by majority of people.
- [Toxic]( [US]( culture still hadn't made it to Europe so people weren't obsessed with [productivity](, shooting up schools, [tattoos](, self interest and other shit.
- Zero crime, no [fear culture](
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ So, from the European point of view, here is a short summary of why 90s were so
- No [women]( in tech or on the Internet, or at least a minimum of them -- no one cared about gender or shit like that back then.
- Of course all [software]( was better, much more efficient, stable, didn't require internet connection, didn't [update]( 1000 times a day etc.
- Cell phones, although proprietary, were quite awesome, especially those by [Nokia]( and [Siemens]( They were all button dumbphones, each with very unique design, the phones were very durable, fast, reliable and lasted even weeks on single charge.
- [Women]( were still women and men were men back then.
- [Women]( were still women and men were men back then.
- Many fewer cars, you could cross the road without waiting 15 to 30 minutes. Usually a family had only one car and some even lived happily without a car.
- Everything was much more normal, people didn't self harm, only criminals had [tattoos](, depression was rare, kids played outside, climbed trees, even reading books, people got married, divorce still wasn't normal, plastic surgery was performed only in extreme cases on burn victims, people didn't desire working themselves to death, there were no witchhunts on [pedophiles](, people were nice to the elderly and valued their wisdom, the elderly weren't absolute assholes, shop assistants weren't 100% scary robotic entities, even people in businesses would sometimes -- even if naively -- have other goals that pure profit.
- Movies were shot on film instead of shitty digital.

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@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
*Avoiding the problem is in majority of cases the best solution to the problem.*
Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD) is one of the great myriad of psychological personality "disorders" that's basically characterized by extreme shyness, social isolation and tendency to solve everything by avoidance -- people with this thing have no friends, social life, they isolate, don't go out, don't go to [work]( (that's good), they constantly think about how they're judged by others, may try to adjust personality according to what the other people around seem to want etc. It could possibly be seen as the hardcore [minimalist]( [disease](, AVPD positives just minimize their life to the a bare minimum of things they can't avoid, like eating, breathing etc. Of course this goes with anxiety, panic attacks and [depression](, sometimes self harm and so on.
Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD, also *[minimalist's]( brain damage*) is one of the great myriad of psychological personality "disorders" that's basically characterized by extreme shyness, social isolation and tendency to solve everything by avoidance -- people with this thing have no friends, social life, they isolate, don't go out, don't go to [work]( (that's good), they constantly think about how they're judged by others, may try to adjust personality according to what the other people around seem to want etc. It could possibly be seen as the hardcore [minimalist]( [disease](, AVPD positives just minimize their life to the a bare minimum of things they can't avoid, like eating, breathing etc. Of course this goes with anxiety, panic attacks and [depression](, sometimes self harm and so on.

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- [ambition](
- [assholism](
- [audiophilia](
- [avoidant personality disorder]( (aka ultimate minimalist disease)
- [autism](
- [cancer](
- [capitalism](
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- [Emacs](
- [euphoria]( over one's own intelligence
- excessive [lurking](
- extra chromosomes
- [furry]( disorder
- [homosexuality](
- hopping:
@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- lust for [identity](
- [maximalism](
- [mechanical keyboard]( obsession
- [minimal brain damage](, [minimal brain](
- [narcissism](
- [nationalism](
- [NPC]( disease

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{ My email is currently: drummyfish AT disroot DOT org. ~drummyfish }
Drummyfish (also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](, [anarchopacifist](, [heretic](, wannabe [generalist]( and proponent of [free software/culture](, who started [this wiki]( and invented the kind of [software]( it focuses on: [less retarded software]( (LRS), as well as [less retarded society]( Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [smallchesslib](, [tinyphysicsengine](, [SAF]( and [comun]( (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](, [Steamer Duck]( etc.). He has also been creating [free culture]( [art]( and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](; he buys and digitizes old public domain books and has been contributing with [public domain]( art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia]( (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons]( (also banned now), [opengameart](, [libregamewiki](, freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression]( (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder]( and has more than once been called a [schizo](, though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). He sometimes [self harms](, both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia]( (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan]( (made a pedo joke), [GitLab]( (hosted this wiki lol), codeberg (because "?reasons?"), (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](, some [Xonotic]( and [Openarena]( servers, ["Rational"Wiki]( { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off impotent pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning]( records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life]( and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects]( or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life]( Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard](
Drummyfish (also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](, [anarchopacifist](, [heretic](, wannabe [generalist]( and proponent of [free software/culture](, who started [this wiki]( and invented the kind of [software]( it focuses on: [less retarded software]( (LRS), as well as [less retarded society]( Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [smallchesslib](, [tinyphysicsengine](, [SAF]( and [comun]( (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](, [Steamer Duck]( etc.). He has also been creating [free culture]( [art]( and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](; he buys and digitizes old public domain books and has been contributing with [public domain]( art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia]( (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons]( (also banned now), [opengameart](, [libregamewiki](, freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression]( (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder](, also known as minimalist's brain damage) and has more than once been called a [schizo](, though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). He sometimes [self harms](, both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia]( (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan]( (made a pedo joke), [GitLab]( (hosted this wiki lol), codeberg (because "?reasons?"), (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](, some [Xonotic]( and [Openarena]( servers, ["Rational"Wiki]( { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off impotent pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning]( records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life]( and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects]( or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life]( Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard](
**Drummyfish is the most physically disgusting bastard on [Earth](**, no [woman]( ever loved him, he is so ugly people get suicidal thoughts from seeing any part of him. He is also very stupid.

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@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ Now degenerated into a kind of AMA.
{ answers by ~[drummyfish]( }
### What is this all?
See [tl;dr](
### Is this a joke? Are you [trolling](
No. Jokes are [here]( The tone of the wiki is informal, cynical, relaxed and full of jokes and irony, but the topics and the goal are completely serious.

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ It is generally (at the time of writing this) considered quite a good software (
**Which git hosting to use?** All of them (except for [GitHub]( which is a proprietary terrorist site)! Do not fall into the trap of [githopping](, just make tons of accounts, one on each git hosting site, add multiple push remotes and just keep pushing to all of them -- EZ. Remember, git hosting sites are just free file storage servers, not social platforms or brands to identify with. Do NOT use their non-git "features" such as issue trackers, CI and shit. They want you to use them as "facebook for programmers" and become dependent on their exclusive "features", so that's exactly what you want to avoid, just abuse their platform for free file storage. Additional tip on searching for git hosting sites: look up the currently popular git website software and search for its live instances with some nice search engine, e.g. currently searching just `gitea` (or "powered by gitea", "powered by gogs", "powered by forgejo") on [wiby]( returns a lot of free git hostings.
After registering on a git hosting site don't forget to create a repository named [nigger]( to test its freedom of expression. If they ban you it's not a good git host.
## Alternatives
Here are some alternatives to git:

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@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ Here are some of the ideas/movements/ideologies and people whose ideas inspired
## See Also
- [tl;dr]( and [FAQ](
- [LRS](
- [island](
- [*Non-Competitive Society* by drummyfish](

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@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ With that said, the politics behind LRS is an [idealist]( [anarcho p
## See Also
- [less retarded society](
- [tl;dr]( and [FAQ](
- [suckless](
- [Venus project](
- [reactionary software](

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Nonogram (so named after Non Ishida but known by various other names such as gri
{ Nonogram has a [free](, [suckless]( implementation in Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection under the name "pattern". ~drummyfish }
**Rules** are simple: we have a two dimensional grid, each square can be either black or white, initially all squares are white. The goal is to fill some squares black and so reveal a hidden picture according to clues given on the sides (usually left and top) of the grid. Each row and each column has a clue consisting of N numbers; each such clue says the lengths of continuous black-colored segments that are contained in that row/column, in that order, with at least one white square between them. For example a clue "2 3" under some column says the column from top to bottom will begin with a number (even zero) of white squares, then exactly two black squares will appear, then at least one white square and then exactly three black squares.
**Rules** are simple: we have a two dimensional grid, each square can be either black or white, initially all squares are white (at least in the paper version, in computer implementations the squares may be gray, meaning unknown color). The goal is to fill some squares black and so reveal a hidden picture according to clues given on the sides (usually left and top) of the grid. Each row and each column has a clue consisting of N numbers; each such clue says the lengths of continuous black-colored segments that are contained in that row/column, in that order, with at least one white square between them. For example a clue "2 3" under some column says the column from top to bottom will begin with a number (even zero) of white squares, then exactly two black squares will appear, then at least one white square and then exactly three black squares.
The fact that **nonograms don't generally have a unique solution** is easy to see from a trivial example of a 2x2 grid with clue numbers 1 in each column and row: two possible solutions will satisfy these clues (a checkerboard pattern and its inversion). It appears (according to someone's 2022 master's thesis that focused solely on this problem) that deciding or even estimating the number of solutions of given nonogram is neither easy nor fast.
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ While constructing clues from given picture is trivial, solving nonogram is **[N
- Reasoning techniques can in many situations be applied to quickly find which squares will be colored, for example:
- A single clue number in row/column that's bigger than half of the grid size means that some of the center squares have to be colored because there is an overlap of both extremes. This can be generalized to "an intersection of all possible configurations can be safely colored", i.e. consider all possibilities for a row/column and color the squares that are colored in all of them (and vice versa, if some square is NOT colored in all configurations, it can be marked as surely white).
- Some clues only allow a single configuration, i.e. for example "3 4" in a row that's 8 squares wide can be filled right away. Do these first.
- If in a row/column you have the very first (or last) square colored, you know it's the part of the first (or last) clue segment and there is only one way for it to fit, so you can fill it in. This can actually be utilized even if the colored square is just close to the edge.
- ...
- Marking squares that can no longer be colored helps greatly.
- Naturally [brute force]( solution always exists, but remember it will be slow -- it may be used to solve smaller grids or help finish a partial solution. When implementing this don't naively try every single possible picture as you won't live long enough to see the solution (the number of possible pictures is 2^(number of squares)); a smarter idea might be to go row by row (or column by column; perhaps sometimes one may be faster than the other) and for each one only check all of its possible configurations while also taking into account the state of previously filled lines.

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ There are many terms that are very similar and can many times be used interchang
- **[anarchy](** vs **[chaos](**
- **[argument](** vs **[parameter](** vs **formal parameter**
- **[array](** vs **[list](** vs **[tuple](** vs **[string](** vs **[set](** vs **[class](** vs **[multiset](**
- **[ASCII](** vs **[plain text](** vs **[Unicode](**
- **[ASCII](** vs **[plain text](** vs **[Unicode](** vs **[UTF](** vs **[ANSI](**
- **[ASCII art](** vs **[ANSI art](** vs **[Unicode]( art**
- **[assembler](** vs **[assembly](** vs **[machine code](**
- **[astrology](** vs **[astronomy](**

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Unicode is a successful standard that aims to organize symbols and characters (letters, digits, graphical symbols, [emoticons](, ...) of all world's writing systems and to define several ways of encoding them as [digital]( [data](, i.e. it's a big project that wants to unify digitization and encoding of any possible text in [computers]( The effort dates back to 1980s and was started to do away with the mess of many existing incompatible text encoding systems -- in this it succeeded, Unicode is nowadays everywhere and it's the standard way of encoding text wherever you look, probably owing a lot to its backwards compatibility with plain [ASCII]( encoding which was the most popular encoding of English back in the day (i.e. any old ASCII text is still a valid Unicode text, provided we use UTF-8 encoding). The standard is made by the Unicode Consortium whose members are basically all the big companies.
Unicode is a successful standard that aims to organize symbols and characters (letters, digits, graphical symbols, [emoticons](, ...) of all world's writing systems and to define several ways of encoding them as [digital]( [data](, i.e. it's a big [project]( promising to unify digitization and encoding of any possible text in [computers]( The effort dates back to 1980s and was started to do away with the mess of many existing incompatible text encoding systems -- in this it succeeded, Unicode is nowadays everywhere and it's the standard way of encoding text wherever you look, probably owing a lot to its backwards compatibility with plain [ASCII]( encoding which was the most popular encoding of English back in the day (i.e. any old ASCII text is still a valid Unicode text, provided we use UTF-8 encoding). The standard is made by the Unicode Consortium whose members are basically all the big companies.
In Unicode every character is unique like a unicorn.
@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ In Unicode every character is unique like a unicorn.
- **UTF-16**: Quite [shitty]( encoding, uses either 16 or 32 bits to encode each character, i.e. it is variable length like UTF-8 but also wastes space like UTF-32. The encoding is also a bit messy. Probably avoid.
- **UTF-32**: Uses literally 32 bits to encode the exact codepoint with leading bits being 0. Of course this wastes space but may be useful sometimes, for example in quickly finding Nth character or counting string length. Sucks for storage but may be useful for quick processing of text.
**More detail**: Unicode codepoints go from U+0000 to U+10FFFF (1114111 in decimal), i.e. there is a place for over a million characters (only 1112064 are actually valid characters, a few are used for other purposes). These codes are subdivided into **17 planes** by 2^16 (65536) characters, i.e. U+0000 to U+FFFF are plane 0, U+10000 to U+1FFFF are plane 1 etc. Planes are further subdivided to blocks that group related characters. There are even so called "private areas" (perverts BTFO), for example U+E000 to U+F8FF, which are left for third party use (for example you may use them to add custom emoticons in your game's chat).
**More detail**: Unicode codepoints go from U+0000 to U+10FFFF (1114111 in decimal), i.e. there is a place for over a million characters (only 1112064 are actually valid characters, a few are used for other purposes). These codes are subdivided into **17 planes** by 2^16 (65536) characters, i.e. U+0000 to U+FFFF are plane 0, U+10000 to U+1FFFF are plane 1 etc. Planes are further subdivided to blocks that group together related characters. There are even so called "private areas" (perverts BTFO), for example U+E000 to U+F8FF, which are left for third party use (for example you may use them to add custom emoticons in your game's chat).
The Unicode [project]( is indeed highly ambitious, it's extremely difficult to do what they aim to do because many hard to answer questions come up, such as what even IS a character (Do we include every possible emoticon? Icons and pictograms used on road signs? Fictional alien language characters from sci-fi movies? ...), which characters to distinguish (Are same looking characters in different scripts the same character or a different one? Are the same characters in Chinese and Japanese different if they have different meaning in each language? ...), how to organize and assign the codes (How much space to allocate? What meaning will the code have? ...) AND there are many crazy writing systems all over the world (Some write right to left, some top to bottom, some compose characters of multiple other characters etcetc.). And, of course, writing systems evolve and change constantly, new ones are being discovered by archaeologists, new ones are invented by the Internet and so on and so forth. And what if we make a mistake? Do we correct it and break old documents or leave it in for backwards compatibility?
The Unicode [project]( is indeed highly ambitious, it's extremely difficult to do what they aim to do because, naturally, many hard to answer questions come up, such as what even IS a character (Do we include every possible emoticon? Icons and pictograms used on road signs? Their upside down versions? Fictional alien language characters from sci-fi movies? ...), which characters to distinguish (Are same looking characters in different scripts the same character or a different one? Are the same characters in Chinese and Japanese different if they have different meaning in each language? ...), how to organize and assign the codes (How much space to allocate? What meaning will the code have? ...), how to deal with things such as accents, AND there are many crazy writing systems all over the world (Some write right to left, some top to bottom, some may utilize color, some compose characters by combining together multiple other characters etcetc.). And, of course, writing systems evolve and change constantly, new ones are being discovered by archaeologists, new ones are invented by the [Internet]( and so on and so [forth]( And what if we make a mistake? Do we correct it and break old documents or leave it in for backwards compatibility?
**Is Unicode crap and [bloat](** Yes, it inevitably has to be, there's a lot of obscurity and crap in Unicode and many systems infamously can't handle malicious Unicode text and will even crash. However it can also be avoided well, it must be said it seems to be relatively well made for what it's trying to do -- for [LRS]( it's important that we can just still keep using [ASCII]( and we're good, i.e. we aren't forced to use the bloated part of Unicode, and if we get Unicode text, we can easily filter out non-ASCII characters. Full Unicode compliance will be bloated and shouldn't be practiced, but it's possible to partially comply with only minimum added complexity. To a degree Unicode also fucked up many texts because soyboys and bloat fans now try to use the "correct" characters for everything, so they will for example use the correct "multiplication sign" instead of just *x* or * which won't display well in ASCII readers, but again, this can at least be automatically corrected. Unicode is also controversial because [SJWs]( push it too hard, claiming that ASCII is [racist]( to people who can only write in retarded languages like [Chinese]( -- we say it's better for the Chinese to learn [English]( than to fuck computers up. Unicode also allowed noobs to make what they call "[ASCII_art](" without having any actual skill at it.
It's also important that Unicode clearly states its goals and philosophy so that all the issues and questions that come up may be answered and decided in accordance with them. For example part of the Unicode philosophy is to treat the symbols as abstract entities defined by their usage and meaning rather than their exact graphical representation (this is left to specific typesetting/rendering systems, [fonts]( etc.).
TODO: Unicode funny characters?
**Is Unicode [crap]( and [bloat](** Yes, it inevitably has to be, there's a lot of obscurity and crap in Unicode and many systems infamously can't handle malicious (or even legit) Unicode text and will even crash. Unicode can be raped and abused in spectacular ways, for example using homoglyphs (characters that graphically look like other characters but are in fact different) one may create text that won't be detected by simple exact-comparison algorithms (for example you may be able to register a username that graphically looks like someone else's already registered username). There are also some kind of ways to combine characters weirdly, e.g. make very tall text by creating chains of exponents or something, which can just nuke many programs. Still it has to be said that **Unicode is designed relatively well** for what it's trying to do, it's kind of a bittersweet, double edged kind of beast -- for [LRS]( it's important especially that we don't have to care much about it, we can just still keep using [ASCII]( and we're good, i.e. we aren't forced to use the bloated part of Unicode and if we get Unicode text, we can quite easily filter out non-ASCII characters. Full Unicode compliance is always bloat and shouldn't be practiced, but it's possible to partially comply with only minimum added complexity. Nevertheless Unicode has, to some degree, fucked up many texts because soyboys and bloat fans now try to use the "correct" characters for everything, so they will for example use the correct "multiplication sign" instead of just *x* or * which won't display well in ASCII readers, but again, this can at least be automatically corrected. Unicode is also controversial because [SJWs]( push it too hard, claiming that ASCII is [racist]( to people who can only write in retarded languages like [Chinese]( -- we say it's better for the Chinese to learn [English]( than to fuck computers up. Unicode also allowed noobs to make what they call "[ASCII_art](" without having any actual skill at it.
TODO: funny characters?

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 596
- number of commits: 889
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4390369
- total number of lines of article texts: 33444
- number of commits: 890
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4397377
- total number of lines of article texts: 33467
- number of script lines: 294
- occurrences of the word "person": 8
- occurrences of the word "nigger": 93
@ -35,60 +35,69 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2484)
- there (1903)
- people (1717)
- example (1486)
- other (1352)
- which (2489)
- there (1907)
- people (1719)
- example (1492)
- other (1354)
- number (1253)
- about (1206)
- about (1209)
- software (1188)
- program (986)
- because (942)
- because (945)
- their (916)
- would (910)
- called (841)
- something (840)
- called (840)
- language (837)
- being (833)
- things (826)
- language (839)
- being (835)
- things (827)
- numbers (808)
- simple (785)
- computer (766)
- without (744)
- computer (767)
- without (745)
- programming (723)
- function (714)
- these (694)
- however (693)
- different (690)
- these (696)
- different (696)
- however (694)
- system (656)
- world (643)
- world (645)
- doesn (630)
- should (627)
- while (618)
- while (619)
- point (611)
- games (599)
- society (586)
- still (581)
- drummyfish (573)
- simply (569)
- using (566)
- possible (556)
- society (587)
- still (584)
- drummyfish (574)
- simply (570)
- using (567)
- possible (559)
- though (554)
- similar (535)
- https (534)
- course (529)
- memory (527)
- course (527)
- always (512)
- value (508)
- technology (504)
- basically (497)
- probably (492)
- value (509)
- technology (505)
- basically (498)
- probably (495)
- really (489)
latest changes:
Date: Thu Oct 3 22:09:52 2024 +0200
Date: Thu Oct 3 17:34:08 2024 +0200
@ -116,17 +125,6 @@ Date: Thu Oct 3 17:34:08 2024 +0200
Date: Tue Oct 1 13:26:35 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -154,16 +152,16 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (302)
- [lrs]( (304)
- [capitalism]( (251)
- [c]( (228)
- [bloat]( (216)
- [bloat]( (217)
- [free_software]( (182)
- [game]( (143)
- [suckless]( (141)
- [suckless]( (142)
- [proprietary]( (127)
- [minimalism]( (102)
- [computer]( (101)
- [computer]( (102)
- [modern]( (98)
- [kiss]( (98)
- [fun]( (96)
@ -173,8 +171,8 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [programming]( (92)
- [math]( (91)
- [fight_culture]( (85)
- [shit]( (84)
- [hacking]( (84)
- [shit]( (83)
- [bullshit]( (83)
- [free_culture]( (82)
- [less_retarded_society]( (81)

50 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{ Extremely hard to make a tl;dr, this is SIMPLIFICATION. ~drummyfish }
New? Confused? Many articles? Stupid? Tl;dr:
- this is not a satire, we are serious (but we make [jokes]( too, you must spot them, don't be stupid)
- [axiom]( **[life]( is good, suffering of life is bad**
- unconditionally **[love]( LITERALLY EVERYONE** (animals, [gays](, Nazis, murderers, retards, ...) -- NOT for religious reasons, only because they are alive
- **do TRULY [selfless]( things** (give away for free, don't expect even indirect rewards, only a good feeling) -- NOT for religious reasons, only because it makes life happy
- **reject 100% ALL VIOLENCE** in any situation (even self defense etc.) -- NOT for religious reasons, only because suffering of life is bad; non-violent protests are good
- **STOP [FIGHTING](**, never aim to "win", only aim to do good
- **STOP [CAPITALISM](** -- 100% pure evil and destruction
- **STOP [COMPETITION](** as a BASIS OF SOCIETY (competition in games, sports etc. is fine), competition is root of all [evil](
- **FUCK [political correctness](** [NIGGER]( (PC is bullshit, you CAN love everyone and be politically incorrect), **allow 100% [free speech](**
- **FUCK [LGBT](, FUCK [feminism](, FUCK [Antifa](, FUCK [BLM](**, ... (all are [fascist](
- FUCK [soyence](, [tranny software]( etc.
- ...
- also FUCK:
- "[intellectual property](" ([copyright](, [patents](, ...)
- absolutely ANY kind of [censorship](
- [privacy]([security]( (it's BS and censorship)
- [heroes](, worship of people, cults of personality
- [crypto](
- laws
- [money](, business, trade, self interest
- [work](
- hierarchy in society
- [bullshit]( and [bloat](
- disclaimers
- optimism
- everything "[modern]("
- [consumerism](
- ...
- establish **[less retarded society]( (LRS)**: [anarcho pacifist]( [communist]( peaceful society, everything's free, everything's allowed, no need for laws because we have morals, no forced [work](, no [money](, no states, no [bullshit](, no police, no [censorship](, ...
- slow **evolution** (education, true rationality, ...), **NOT revolution** (hysteria, violence, ...)
- [technology]( for our cause: **[less retarded software]( (also LRS)**:
- **extreme [minimalism](** (necessary for TRUE, [de facto]( freedom), [suckless](, [KISS](
- **[free software](** ([public domain](, NOT [copyleft](, NOT [open $ource]( (capitalist bullshit)
- selfless, 100% help the user, ZERO restrictions or abuse
- ...
- accept truth ([races]( are real, [women]( are stupid, we live in dystopia, society can't be saved, ...)
- **THINK**, stop conforming, create, educate, lead example, ...
- ...
## See Also
- [FAQ](

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@ -28,6 +28,17 @@ Xonotic is similar to other libre AFPS games such as [OpenArena]( a
As of 2022 the game has a small but pretty active community of regular players, centered mostly in [Europe](, though there is some [US]( scene too. There are regulars playing every day, pros, noobs, famous spammers, campers and [trolls]( Nice conversations can be had during games. There are [memes]( and inside jokes. The community is pretty neat. Xonotic also has a very dedicated [defrag]( ("racing with no shooting") community. There have also been a few small tournament with real cash prizes in Xonotic.
How cool was Xonotic community? Quite a lot, you can get an idea from this actual excerpt of the game's chat (a bit censored and reworded for copyright/muh privacy etcetc.):
A: did anyone here try to masturbate through asshole?
B: I did today
A: how do I find my g spot? I only get a hand full of shit.
B: you need enema first or do it after pooping
B: but not immediately after
B: I think ass sucks poop in after poop.
The [GOAT]( of Xonotic is probably *Dodger*, his skill was just too high even above other pros. The worst player in Xonotic and probably also the biggest idiot on the planet is a player named *111*. Also very bad players were named kqz and Splat.
Great news is the development and main servers have so far not been infected by the [SJW poison]( and (as of 2023) **allow a great amount of [free speech](** -- another rarity. Even the game itself contains speech that SJWs would consider "offensive", there are e.g. voice lines calling other players "pussies" and "retards". This is great.