Miloslav Ciz 4 weeks ago
parent d2e3a901b1
commit 44be4a9522

@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ Despite dwelling slightly [underground]( -- maybe better said bei
- [8kun](
- [bienvenido a internet](
- [something awful](
- [rare Pepe](

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Cheating
Cheating means circumventing or downright violating rules, usually while trying to keep such behavior secret. You can cheat on your partner, in [games](, in [business]( and so forth, however despite cheating seeming like purely immoral behavior at first glance, it may be relatively harmless or even completely [moral](, for instance in [computer graphics]( we occasionally "cheat" our sense of sight and fake certain visual phenomena which leads to efficient rendering [algorithms]( In [capitalism]( cheating is demonized and people are brainwashed to partake in **cheater witch hunts** as part of [fear culture](, arbitrary [drama]( in [fight]( for attention, trying to monopolize game platforms with [bloat monopoly]( "anti cheat" systems etc. These so called "anti cheat" systems introduce unimaginable [bloat]( and [bullshit]( and provide excuse for things like [spying]( (e.g. monitoring OS processes) and [proprietary]( technology (so that "cheaters can't study the system to trick it").
Cheating means circumventing or downright violating rules, usually while trying to keep such behavior secret. You can cheat on your partner, in [games](, in [business]( and so forth, however despite cheating seeming like purely immoral behavior at first glance, it may be relatively harmless or even completely [moral](, for instance in [computer graphics]( we occasionally "cheat" our sense of sight and fake certain visual phenomena which leads to efficient rendering [algorithms]( In [capitalism]( cheating is demonized and people are brainwashed to partake in **cheater witch hunts** as part of [fear culture](, arbitrary [drama]( in [fight]( for attention, trying to monopolize game platforms with [bloat monopoly]( "anti cheat" systems etc. These so called "anti cheat" systems introduce unimaginable [bloat]( and [bullshit]( and provide excuse for things like **[spying](** (e.g. monitoring OS processes) and **[proprietary]( technology** (so that "cheaters can't study the system to trick it") creeping into the world of free software.
The truth is that **cheating is only an issue in a [shitty]( society** that is driven by [competition]( Indeed, in such society there is a huge motivation for cheating (sometimes literally physical survival) as well as potentially disastrous consequences of it. Under the tyranny of capitalism we are led to worship [heroes]( and high achievers and everyone gets pissed when we get fooled. Corporations go "OH NOES our multi billion dollar entertainment industry is going to go bankrupt if consoomers get annoyed by cheaters! People are gonna lose their bullshit jobs! Someone is going to get money he doesn't deserve! Our customers may get butthurt!!!" (as if corporations themselves weren't basically just stealing money and raping people lol). So they start a huge brainwashing propaganda campaign, a cheater witch hunt. States do the same, communities do the same, everyone wants to stone cheaters to death but at the same time the society pressures all of us to compete to death with others or else we'll starve. We reward winners and torture the losers, then bash people who try to win -- and no, many times there is no other choice than to cheat, the top of any competition is littered with cheaters, most just don't get caught, so in about 99% of cases the only way to the top is to cheat and try to not get caught, just to have a shot at winning against others. It is proven time after time, legit looking people in the top leagues of sports, business, [science]( and other areas are constantly being revealed as cheaters, usually by pure accident (i.e. the number of actual cheater is MANY times higher). Take a look for instance at the [Trackmania]( cheating scandal in which after someone invented a replay analysis tool he revealed that a great number or top level players were just cheaters, including possibly the GOAT of Trackmania [Riolu]( (who just ragequit and never showed again lol). Of course famous cases like Neil Armstrong don't even have to be mentioned. { I just randomly found out that in the world of Pokemon tournaments cheating at top level also showed to be a huge issue lol. ~drummyfish } Cheater detection systems are (and always will be) imperfect and try to minimize [false positives](, so only the cheaters who REPEATEDLY make MANY very OBVIOUS mistakes get caught, the smart cheaters stay and take the top places in the competitive system, just as surely as natural selection leads to the evolution of organisms that best adapt to the environment. Even if perfect cheat-detection systems existed, the problem would just shift from cheating to immoral unsportmanship, i.e. abuse of rules that's technically not cheating but effectively presents the same kind of problems. How to solve this enormously disgusting mess? We simply have to stop desperately holding to the system itself, we have to ditch it.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Czechia
Czechia, or Czech Republic, is a small country in the middle of [Europe](, it's one of the most awful countries in the world. It split from Czechoslovakia in 1993, its capital is Prague, it has about 78 square kilometers and population of 11 million, the political system and main religion is [capitalism]( In the past the country wasn't so bad, there was a good tradition of [socialism]( so people had complete social security, education was completely free, everyone could afford food, there were very few ads in the media and generally people were quite happy, everyone would get healthcare and retirement pension; there was also quite diverse culture of different villages with their own language dialects and traditions, there was zero crime, no one ever heard of guns or violence there, there was no fear, and art was also somewhat nice, especially music, movies and movie dubbing. All of this disappeared swiftly once the country adopted [capitalism]( and [US]( culture after the so called *Velvet revolution* at the beginning of 1990s. Recently people were again made to vote -- the choices were to either make everything more shitty or to make things better. They voted to make everything shittier, so inflation is now skyrocketing, people are freezing in winter, TV is unwatchable, food is luxury, let alone things like houses, nothing works, everyone is enslaved, retirement age was postponed to something like 100 years of age plus you must have worked for about 80 years or something (this gets increased every year), ads torture you everywhere, there is no art anymore, health insurance payment is mandatory but you still have to pay for healthcare, but you won't find a doctor anyway, there are no doctors anymore (everyone went to do [marketing]( The country is only famous for its tradition of drinking a lot of beer. Czech people are mostly described by foreigners as cold, unfriendly, rude and ugly. One of the most famous politicians is a Czech Neonazi who's actually Japanese. Czechia has no historical, political or cultural significance.
Czechia, or Czech Republic, is a small country in the middle of [Europe](, it's one of the most awful countries in the world. It split from Czechoslovakia in 1993, its capital is Prague, it has about 78000 square kilometers and population of 11 million, the political system and main religion is [capitalism]( In the past the country wasn't so bad, there was a good tradition of [socialism]( so people had complete social security, education was completely free, everyone could afford food, there were very few ads in the media and generally people were quite happy, everyone would get healthcare and retirement pension; there was also quite diverse culture of different villages with their own language dialects and traditions, there was zero crime, no one ever heard of guns or violence there, there was no fear, and art was also somewhat nice, especially music, movies and movie dubbing. All of this disappeared swiftly once the country adopted [capitalism]( and [US]( culture after the so called *Velvet revolution* at the beginning of 1990s. Recently people were again made to vote -- the choices were to either make everything more shitty or to make things better. They voted to make everything shittier, so inflation is now skyrocketing, people are freezing in winter, TV is unwatchable, food is luxury, let alone things like houses, nothing works, everyone is enslaved, retirement age was postponed to something like 100 years of age plus you must have worked for about 80 years or something (this gets increased every year), ads torture you everywhere, there is no art anymore, health insurance payment is mandatory but you still have to pay for healthcare, but you won't find a doctor anyway, there are no doctors anymore (everyone went to do [marketing]( The country is only famous for its tradition of drinking a lot of beer. Czech people are mostly described by foreigners as cold, unfriendly, rude and ugly. One of the most famous politicians is a Czech Neonazi who's actually Japanese. Czechia has no historical, political or cultural significance.
Except for [drummyfish]( only fascists live in the country, essentially everyone is a nationalist.

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*See also [lmao](*
Fun is a rewarding lighthearted satisfying feeling you get as a result of doing or witnessing something playful.
Fun is a rewarding lighthearted satisfying feeling you get as a result of doing or witnessing something playful. **We should make fun of anything** -- whenever it's forbidden to make fun of something, something is very wrong; in such case make fun of it even more.
## Things That Are Fun

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ IQ (intelligence quotient) is a non-perfect but [still kind of useful](good_enou
IQ follows the normal [probability]( distribution, i.e. it is modeled by the [bell curve]( that says how many people of the total population will fall into any given range of IQ score. Though this has been challenged too, one of the basic laws of human stupidity says that the probability that someone is stupid is independent of any other of his characteristics (education, profession, race, sanity, ...). There are various IQ scales, almost all use the Gaussian (bell) curve that's centered at 100 (i.e. 100 is supposed to mean the average intelligence) and have [standard deviation]( 15 (but other have been used as well) -- this is what we'll implicitly suppose in the article from now. This means that about 2/3rds of people will fall in the range 85 to 115 but no more than 1% will have IQ higher than 145 or lower than 55. Sometimes you may also encounter so called **percentile** which says what percentage of population is below your IQ.
**Average global IQ is decreasing**, according to it dropped from 91.64 in 1950 to 88.08 in 2020. Reasons for this may range from wider spread of [capitalism](, [feminism]( and similar brain diseases to rapidly increasing poverty as well as more brainwashing (ads, [soyence]( propaganda etc.) etc.
TODO: more details, history, where to measure (web vs Mensa vs SAT etc.)

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ This is a quick summary of life and death of Jesus Christ, mostly according to t
{ There is a nice safe public domain book from 1898, digitized on, called *Bible Pictures and Stories in Large Print* -- it's a very nice, quite short retelling of the Bible, with nice pictures, like a Bible tl;dr. Check it out. ~drummyfish }
Jesus was **born** around 6 to 4 BC (this offset is cause by an error made in Middle Ages when they wrongly calculated his birth year, the error was only revealed once year counting had already been long established) in Bethlehem (in Israel) to Mary and Joseph, with Mary still being a virgin -- a miracle claimed by Bible but denied by historians and even some churches; his father is said to be God, Mary was made pregnant by Holy Spirit. Some historians theorize Mary got actually pregnant with someone else before Joseph, maybe the roman soldier Tiberius Pantera, and that Joseph then took her for wife, adopting Jesus by doing so (and after that had other children with Mary). Jesus grew up in Nazareth and became a "carpenter" (or rather a mason), like Joseph (though there is actually quite very little evidence about his profession). Even as young he was very knowledgeable about the scripture, something like a "prodigy".
Jesus was **born** around 6 to 4 BC (this offset is cause by an error made in Middle Ages when they wrongly calculated his birth year, the error was only revealed once year counting had already been long established) in Bethlehem (which is in Israel, however some say he was actually born in Nazareth) to Mary and Joseph, with Mary still being a virgin -- a miracle claimed by Bible but denied by historians and even some churches; his father is said to be God, Mary was made pregnant by Holy Spirit. Some historians theorize Mary got actually pregnant with someone else before Joseph, maybe the roman soldier Tiberius Pantera, and that Joseph then took her for wife, adopting Jesus by doing so (and after that had other children with Mary). Jesus grew up in Nazareth and became a "carpenter" (or rather a mason), like Joseph (though there is actually quite very little evidence about his profession). Even as young he was very knowledgeable about the scripture, something like a "prodigy".
The gospel of Matthew gives a legend that says that Jesus's birth was followed by a bright star appearing above Bethlehem that led many people to visit the place and bring gifts to baby Jesus, among them three wise men from the east. The king Herod heard about this and that "a new King of the Jews was born in Bethlehem" and out of fear he ordered all children under 2 years of age to be killed there (Jesus and his family escaped to Egypt so he was saved) -- this is known as the massacre of the innocents, but no evidence of it having happened was ever found.

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Less [retarded]( society (LRS, same [acronym]( as [less ret
Note that less retarded society is an ideal model, i.e. it can probably not be achieved 100% but it's something that gives us a direction and to which we can **get very close** with enough effort. We create an ideal theoretical model and then try to [approximate]( it in reality, which is a [scientific]( approach that is utilized almost everywhere: for example [mathematics]( defines a perfect sphere and such a model is then useful in practice even if we cannot ever create a mathematically perfect sphere in the real physical world -- the mathematical equations of a sphere guide us so that with enough effort we are able to create physical spheres that are pretty close to an ideal sphere. The same can be done with society. This largely refutes the often given argument that *"it's impossible to achieve so we shouldn't try at all"* -- we should try our best and the closer to the ideal we get, the better for us.
In current society people wake up in the morning and go banging a head against a wall for the whole day, then they suffer from major headaches, sometimes acquire brain damage and their walls are red from all the blood. They try to solve this by investing into development of anti-headache medicine and researching paints that are cheap while covering the blood on the wall, some people spend centuries developing a wall material that's strong enough to hold the house but also locally soft so that it doesn't hurt that much to hit it with a head, but they created a system in which the material can only be used if some people throw enough pieces of paper that says "yes" into some kind of box and then some guy has to also draw a certain shape on a piece of paper, because otherwise it would be too easy. There are two major parties, one says you should hit the wall with your head as quickly as you can, the other one says you should hit it slowly but much stronger, then some smaller parties are something in between. Some very underground parties promote extremely progressive ideas such as leaving out the wall altogether and rather hitting yourself with a hammer because that's more efficient and the word *efficiency* [sounds good]( There are also organizations that overlook the discussion between these parties but they are corrupt so there is another organization that overlooks the previous organization. If you think it's all idiotic you're right -- the only sane group in the world is LRS that simply says: stop hitting walls with your heads you retards, it will solve everything and you'll get rid of all the [bullshit]( around as a bonus.
## Basis: Love Of All Life
When thinking about how to change society for the better, the first thing that needs to be done is defining a goal which the society should aim for -- an [axiom]( which serves as a measure of what's objectively [good]( and [bad](, which in turn helps us take the right steps towards the good. This is only logical, without a goal we aren't really trying to achieve anything and "good" and "evil" are just words without any objective meaning.

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 579
- number of commits: 790
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3739034
- total number of lines of article texts: 28835
- number of commits: 792
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3742478
- total number of lines of article texts: 28853
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 8
- occurences of the word "nigger": 73
@ -29,51 +29,51 @@ longest articles:
- [3d_rendering]( 32K
- [game]( 32K
- [history]( 32K
- [optimization]( 28K
- [main]( 28K
- [optimization]( 28K
- [mechanical]( 28K
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2142)
- there (1617)
- people (1412)
- other (1170)
- example (1147)
- which (2143)
- there (1618)
- people (1413)
- other (1171)
- example (1150)
- software (1055)
- number (1031)
- about (971)
- about (974)
- program (855)
- their (803)
- because (761)
- called (740)
- would (732)
- because (763)
- called (741)
- would (734)
- computer (721)
- language (716)
- being (705)
- being (706)
- simple (693)
- things (686)
- things (687)
- numbers (685)
- something (654)
- something (657)
- without (651)
- function (643)
- programming (636)
- these (602)
- however (599)
- however (600)
- different (598)
- world (564)
- system (551)
- system (553)
- should (541)
- games (539)
- doesn (529)
- doesn (530)
- society (528)
- point (528)
- society (525)
- though (500)
- while (497)
- memory (495)
- drummyfish (491)
- using (488)
- technology (475)
- technology (476)
- still (472)
- similar (468)
- course (466)
@ -89,6 +89,25 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
latest changes:
Date: Sat May 4 13:57:18 2024 +0200
Date: Fri May 3 21:14:16 2024 +0200
Date: Fri May 3 21:11:38 2024 +0200
@ -99,29 +118,6 @@ Date: Fri May 3 21:11:38 2024 +0200
Date: Thu May 2 22:35:34 2024 +0200
Date: Thu May 2 15:12:27 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -161,7 +157,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
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@ -170,8 +166,8 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
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- [hacking]( (73)
- [fight_culture]( (72)
- [bullshit]( (71)
- [art]( (71)
