diff --git a/apple.md b/apple.md index 4acf8fc..f3cf911 100644 --- a/apple.md +++ b/apple.md @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ *"Think different: conform."* -Apple ([recursive](recursive.md) acronym for "Apple Promotes Public Lynching and Executions") is a [terrorist](terrorism.md) organization and one of the biggest [American](usa.md) computer fashion [corporations](corporation.md), infamously founded by [Steve Job$](steve_jobs.md), it creates and sells overpriced, abusive, highly consumerist proprietary electronic devices. +Apple ([recursive](recursion.md) acronym for "Apple Promotes Public Lynching and Executions") is a [terrorist](terrorism.md) organization and one of the biggest [American](usa.md) computer fashion [corporations](corporation.md), infamously founded by [Steve Job$](steve_jobs.md), it creates and sells overpriced, abusive, highly consumerist proprietary electronic devices. See also http://techrights.org/wiki/Apple%27s_Dark_Side. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/art.md b/art.md index c95c3ce..2ab5620 100644 --- a/art.md +++ b/art.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ *There is no indecency in art.* -Art is an endeavor (and by extension also its results) that seeks discovery and creation of [beauty](beauty.md) and primarily relies on intuition, its value is in feelings it gives rise to. While the most immediate examples of art that come to mind are for example [music](music.md) and painting, even the most [scientific](science.md) and rigorous effort like [math](math.md) and [programming](programming.md) becomes art when pushed to the highest level, to the boundaries of current knowledge where intuition becomes important for further development. Where exactly to draw the boundary between art and non-art is a matter of philosophy, [culture](culture.md) and personal opinion, but usually art is thought to require attributes of a living human being such as something akin to "soul", thinking, intuition, experience, creativity and emotion -- that which is performed only mechanically is not seen as art. Even though latest [artificial intelligence](ai.md) shows that art can possibly be produced even by a machine, the machine has to be very sophisticated and mimic very complex human thinking -- even if made by a machine, there must be an element of [magic](magic.md) present, a touch of muse, something not completely understood, for a work to be classified as art. At [LRS](lrs.md) we use the word "art" quite broadly, not just for fine art, but also for any craft, and for that which might normally be called "[work](work.md)", as the word "work" to us carries a negative connotation. +Art is nowadays mostly understood to be an endeavor (and by extension also its results) that seeks discovery and creation of [beauty](beauty.md) and primarily relies on intuition, its value being mainly in feelings it gives rise to, but it can also stand for a "craft" and skills that are difficult to learn -- both of these meanings however highly overlap as beauty is often connected to that which is difficult to create (as by definition such creations are very rare and therefore valuable). While the most immediate examples of art that come to mind are for example [music](music.md) and painting, fine arts, literature etc., even the most [scientific](science.md) and rigorous effort like [math](math.md) and [programming](programming.md) becomes art when pushed to the highest level, to the boundaries of current knowledge where intuition becomes important for further development. It is sadly the case that modern western culture tries to reduce art to something with no other utility than to be aesthetic or otherwise immediately pleasing to people at large, but [we](lrs.md) must rather see art as something much deeper -- as it has been in the past, for example in ancient Greece -- i.e. that which is beautiful by utility, design, craftsmanship, and whose beauty may be hidden and revealed only to those with enough insight (for example a well written program can only be appreciated by those skilled at programming). Where exactly to draw the boundary between art and non-art is a matter of philosophy, [culture](culture.md) and personal opinion, but usually art is thought to e.g. require attributes of a living human being such as something akin to "soul", thinking, intuition, experience, creativity and emotion -- that which is performed only mechanically is not seen as art. Even though latest [artificial intelligence](ai.md) shows that art can possibly be produced even by a machine, the machine has to be very sophisticated and mimic very complex human thinking -- even if made by a machine, there must be an element of [magic](magic.md) present, a touch of muse, something not completely understood, for a work to be classified as art. At [LRS](lrs.md) we use the word "art" quite broadly, not just for fine art, but also for any craft, and for that which might normally be called "[work](work.md)", as the word "work" to us carries a negative connotation. **Good art always needs time**, usually a lot of time, and you cannot predict how much time it will need, **art cannot be made on schedule** or as a product. By definition creating true art is never a routine (though it requires well trained skills in routine tasks), it always invents something new, something no one has done before (otherwise it's just copying that doesn't need an artist) -- in this sense the effort is the same as that of research and science or exploring previously unwalked land, you can absolutely never know how long it will take you to invent something, what complications you will encounter or what you will find in an unknown land. You simply do it, fail many times, mostly find nothing, you repeat and repeat until you find the good thing. For this art also requires a lot of effort -- yes, there are cases of masterpieces that came to be very casually, but those are as rare as someone finding a treasure by accident. Art is to a great degree a matter of chance, trial and error, the artist himself doesn't understand his own creation when he makes it, he is only skilled at searching and spotting the good, but in the end he is just someone who invests a lot of time into searching, many times blindly. diff --git a/beauty.md b/beauty.md index 46a7fb0..daf1bde 100644 --- a/beauty.md +++ b/beauty.md @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ What is beautiful then? As stated, there is a lot of subjectivity, but generally - **unification**, or when multiple other beautiful things meet, for example the [Euler's identity](eulers_identity.md) brings together into one equation the most important numbers in mathematics: *i*, *pi*, 1 and 0. - **[self containment](self_hosting.md)**, describing itself, applying to itself, not depending on other things - **aesthetics**, either of the equation itself (or for example the source code) or the generated object ([fractals](fractal.md), attractors, ...). +- **rarity**, i.e. something valuable and not often seen. - TODO Examples of beautiful things include: diff --git a/drummyfish.md b/drummyfish.md index 849071c..1e24869 100644 --- a/drummyfish.md +++ b/drummyfish.md @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ In 2012 drummyfish fell into deep [depression](depression.md) and became convinc **What is drummyfish's fucking problem?** The biggest burden for drummyfish -- the one that he has always struggled with (even if he realized this very late in his life) and which will be with him until death -- is that he is simply extremely, extremely alone. NO, not "alone" in the [incel](incel.md) sense, and not alone in the "[geeky](geek.md)" way, not alone as in being introverted and shy or hated, missing sex or company or attention or compassion, not at all. He has been struggling his whole life to find a HUMAN, a true human being like himself -- of perhaps we should rather say human subspecies of which drummyfish is and always will be the only member. He feels much closer to animals than to people. On the Internet he found a considerable number of "followers" through [LRS](lrs.md) (many of them working at CIA), the expression of his life philosophy, but he never really met a being of the same human subspecies as he is himself. He is alien in a sense -- people exist around him, even what would be called "friends", supporters, "fans", but he has never met a single true human being of the same kind as himself, someone to find absolute mutual understanding with and someone to have a true admiration for. { The closest is probably my mom, only her I ever really admired and felt the closest bond with. I think no one else ever came closer to understanding me and loving me like that. This is probably nothing surprising though. ~drummyfish } A feeling perhaps similar to what the last member of a species that is dying out must feel, except that he doesn't even have any ancestors to think of, it is a feeling of being absolutely alone in the whole Universe, the whole timespace. Hell, he is so lonely he created a whole virtual world, lore, ideology and Internet community with huge ass [wiki](lrs_wiki.md) where he is still the only participant and where he basically just keeps talking to himself. { Also please don't try to fix me or comfort me by saying nice things like "I was like this too, you will find someone", it just pisses me off, you don't know what's going on. I know your intentions are good but don't do it cause it's no use. ~drummyfish } But the feeling of loneliness is only part of the whole tragedy -- it would even be bearable, however the worst part is that drummyfish LOOKS LIKE a normal human so others treat him so, they try to apply things that normally work on people on drummyfish, like talking to him or thanking him or keeping him in company of other people because apparently "humans are social animals" or whatever, and it's just fucking killing him. It's as if you try to treat literal fish like a human, trying to keep it out of water because humans dislike breathing water, trying to feed it human food, put it in human clothes -- you're just going to torture the animal to death. -**Is drummyfish arrogant and [egocentric](egoism.md)?** Maybe yes, he was not once told so, and he admits he is prone to being a shitty being, a disgrace to what he preaches -- yes, he sees it, regrets it and suffers from it, and it's no excuse for behaving so -- he is a bad, bad, faulty and shitty being. He is also a huge cocksucker that chases away any potential friend he could make, that's just a trait of his broken personality. Humans are weak, shitty and inevitably have evil in them, sometimes too big to overcome completely, some days you are good, other days you're too tired and the evil shows. We all carry the heavy burden of self interest, greed and egocentrism cast upon us by evolution, it's imprinted in our brains, sometimes it's too strong to not let it show. Please remember LRS argues to not glorify anyone -- partly for said reasons -- and by that drummyfish never wishes to praised or glorified, he only wishes for you to take the ideas he offers, think about them and take the good you find. Drummyfish tries to be good but inevitably he won't always succeed -- what matters are ideas, not people. +**Is drummyfish arrogant and [egocentric](egoism.md)?** Maybe yes, he was not once told so, and he admits he is prone to being a shitty being, a disgrace to what he preaches -- yes, he sees it, regrets it and suffers from it, and it's no excuse for behaving so -- he is a bad, bad, faulty and shitty being. He is also a huge cocksucker that chases away any potential friend he could make, that's just a trait of his broken personality. Humans are weak, shitty and inevitably have evil in them, sometimes too big to overcome completely, some days you are good, other days you're too tired and the evil shows. We all carry the heavy burden of self interest, greed and egocentrism cast upon us by evolution, it's imprinted in our brains, sometimes it's too strong to not let it show. Please remember LRS argues to not glorify anyone -- partly for said reasons -- and by that drummyfish never wishes to be praised or glorified, he only wishes for you to take the ideas he offers, think about them and take the good you find. Drummyfish tries to be good but inevitably he won't always succeed -- follow ideas, not people. Drummyfish will probably [kill himself](suicide.md) one day -- likely not that soon (who knows), but it's planned, after all there is nothing worse than living under [capitalism](capitalism.md), death sounds like such a relief. There are still some [projects](needed.md) he wants to finish first; unless something triggers him and he just randomly jumps under a train one day or gets nuked by Putin, he is planning to finish some of the projects to leave something behind. The current plan is to try to live somehow, outside or on the edge of society, minimize contact with people, do good and avoid evil as much as possible. Once closest relatives are gone, then with no more ties to the current [shitty place](czechia.md), he will walk on foot towards the Mediterranean sea, a place that has always attracted him more than anywhere else, and there he will simply die either of illness, injury or hunger, or he will simply swim for the sunset and never return. That's a death one can even look forward to. There, at his beloved sea, drummyfish will meet his fate and find his final resting place and the peace he so much desired and struggled for through his whole life. Hopefully his body will feed a few hungry fish. diff --git a/freedom.md b/freedom.md index 6de0907..91cef2a 100644 --- a/freedom.md +++ b/freedom.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ *Only when man loses everything he becomes actually free. Freedom is about letting go.* -Freedom denotes the possibility to act as one desires without suffering negative consequences. The opposite of freedom is [slavery](slavery.md). Clearly the word *freedom* is so vague, general and [culturally](culture.md) significant that whole libraries could be filled up to the roof only with books exploring this single concept. Aiming to describe what the word means in general we could say freedom is the size of the set of options an entity has available to freely choose from at given moment: the fewer option there are, the less freedom it has. Very important in this is to realize that options which are formally available but [de facto](de_facto.md) excluded must be treated as unavailable as long as we're interested in REAL freedom, as opposed to just "freedom on paper", i.e. if for example one has the legal right ("freedom") to criticize a mafia boss but the option is de facto excluded because doing so will lead to one being killed by mafia, there is no REAL freedom to criticize the mafia boss -- the freedom is only illusory. +Freedom denotes the possibility to act as one desires without suffering negative consequences. The opposite of freedom is [slavery](slavery.md) (being forced to do what one doesn't want to do). Clearly the word *freedom* is so vague, general and [culturally](culture.md) significant that whole libraries could be filled up to the roof only with books exploring this single concept. Aiming to describe what the word means in general we could say freedom is the size of the [set](set.md) of options an entity has available to freely choose from at given moment: the fewer option there are, the less freedom it has. Very important in this is to realize that options which are formally available but [de facto](de_facto.md) excluded must be treated as unavailable as long as we're interested in REAL freedom, as opposed to just "freedom on paper", i.e. if for example one has the legal right ("freedom") to criticize a mafia boss but the option is de facto excluded because doing so will lead to one being killed by mafia, there is no REAL freedom to criticize the mafia boss -- the freedom is only illusory. [Freedom](freedom.md) is an essential value of [less retarded society](less_retarded_society.md) which aims to increase happiness of all life: a living being having many choices can choose the one it really likes, as opposed to an enslaved being which [has to do](work.md) a thing it most likely dislikes. diff --git a/homelessness.md b/homelessness.md index 1552d2c..9ea1efd 100644 --- a/homelessness.md +++ b/homelessness.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ The following are some tips that may come in handy to the homeless. Officially w ### General - Do NOT look for a way to get back to society, STOP fucking going to job interviews, once you're homeless you are homeless FOREVER, and this means you are now FREE, your goal is to make it just more comfortable to be homeless. Enjoy every second of your new life. -- **Staying nice looking and well behaved has many advantages**, people will let you in places where normally dirty homeless aren't allowed. Also double consider options that would make you known as the "troublemaker", that can make police and others hostile to you. And similarly if you make friends by being nice and make yourself known as "that nice homeless guy" -- for example by cleaning the place where you stay, smiling people and just generally helping them -- they will even like having you around, they may give you food, let you sleep at their property etc. +- **Staying nice looking and well behaved has many advantages**, people will let you in places where normally dirty homeless aren't allowed. Also double consider options that would make you known as the "troublemaker", that can make police and others hostile to you. And similarly if you make friends by being nice and make yourself known as "that nice homeless guy" -- for example by cleaning the place where you stay, smiling at people and just generally helping them -- they will even like having you around, they may give you food, let you sleep at their property etc. - **Trash bins are goldmines**, you may find a lot of useful stuff in them, people just throw away perfectly usable things very often. -- **Publicly accessible spaces** are awesome, for example: libraries, universities, hospitals, doctor waiting rooms, hotel lobbies, post offices, airports, train stations, work offices, shopping malls etc. The only condition for entry is usually just looking and smelling normal, that's why it's important to maintain good look. Some of these places keep a minimum kind of security -- such as door access cards in some university buildings -- but usually you can get in, either by passing with a crowd OR by some kind of less visible back entry (there always have to be fire exits etc.). Then you may get a lot for free, including toilets, electricity plugs, free wifi, warmth in winter, comfortable rest areas etc. +- **Publicly accessible spaces** are awesome, for example: libraries, universities, hospitals, doctor waiting rooms, hotel lobbies, post offices, airports, train stations, work offices, shopping malls, churches etc. The only condition for entry is usually just looking and smelling normal, that's why it's important to maintain good look. Some of these places keep a minimum kind of security -- such as door access cards in some university buildings -- but usually you can get in, either by passing with a crowd OR by some kind of less visible back entry (there always have to be fire exits etc.). Then you may get a lot for free, including toilets, electricity plugs, free wifi, warmth in winter, comfortable rest areas etc. - There are sometimes **[electricity](electricity.md) plugs** in underground passages for maintenance, you can use them to charge your phone etc. Also other plugs will probably be found in other public spaces mentioned above. - Check out **[survival](survival.md) guides**, they may contain a lot of valuable info about food, DIY healthcare etc. - Don't let it get to you, don't become a depressed drunk or drug addict, rather become the awesome based nomad monk who travels from place to place like a bird, enjoying richness of the world instead of the dystopian consumerist stereotype. Remember, you are now free, unlike majority of the sheeps enslaved by the system. It may be uncomfortable at times, but think of all the things you DON'T have to endure anymore and this which you CAN do that you couldn't do before. Make the best of your situation, enjoy every day. -- Watch out for gangs, mafia, pimps, drug addicts, fascists, asshole police etc. -- it's a jungle in the streets. You don't experience this until you are homeless, you don't pay attention to the scum, you avoid them, and they avoid you knowing they could get in trouble by hurting you, but an old, weak homeless guy with little money and no relatives is firstly a good target for crime, but mainly a [COMPETITION](competition.md) to other people in the street jungle. Some will be very territorial, good begging spots in big cities will probably be controlled by some local homeless gang, you better stay away from it. Always observe and check out the situation before you do something. It is probably much safer to find a smaller town, maybe have your hideout somewhere in a forest and only come to the city from time to time to get food. +- Watch out for gangs, mafia, pimps, drug addicts, fascists, asshole police etc. -- it's a jungle in the streets, especially in big cities. You don't experience this until you are homeless, you don't pay attention to the scum, you avoid them, and they avoid you knowing they could get in trouble by hurting you, but an old, weak homeless guy with little money and no relatives is firstly a good target for crime, but mainly a [COMPETITION](competition.md) to other people in the street jungle. Some will be very territorial, good begging spots in big cities will probably be controlled by some local homeless gang, you better stay away from it. Always observe and check out the situation before you do something. It is probably much safer to find a smaller town, maybe have your hideout somewhere in a forest and only come to the city from time to time to get food. - At night you can do a lot of stuff you can't do during day -- obviously, but it's good to plan this way. Walking street at 3 AM in darkness with absolutely no one around allows you to checks trash cans, people's mail boxes, pick up fruit from people's trees and so on, everyone is sleeping to get up at 7 AM to go to slavery. The only danger may be other people doing the same as you, so again, this is may be not such a great idea in a big city, but on a village night is your friend. - Breaking into houses is hard and risky -- break ins are discourages in general as it means getting in conflict, potentially causing damage, getting in jail and, of course, doing harm to someone, which is not good. But if it's absolutely necessary, then lonely huts and caravans that aren't permanently lived in are probably best target. For example fisherman huts in lonely places will probably be completely without any people around out of fishing seasons. Inside may be very useful things including money, food, drink, clothes, electronics, tools and so on, however one should always aim to minimize damage done by breaking in and stealing: small theft may slip by, big damage will piss someone off and can result in long prison sentence. Of course in the US you may even get shot by some redneck if you get caught breaking in. - You can find stuff near construction sites: a lot of useful material is just thrown away, many tools are lying around, maybe there will even be food or something. These are quickly set up temporary places with low security and underpaid people, usually retards. @@ -48,22 +48,25 @@ The following are some tips that may come in handy to the homeless. Officially w - **Vending machines** contain food that's normally not constantly guarded by humans, e.g. near big train stations. It might be not so hard to dig some food out at night (especially if you have slim anorexic arms), but try to not damage the machine (companies won't probably might so much a stolen piece of food but they will mind a damaged equipment, they could remove the machine, or if you get caught you might be forced to pay for the damage). - **Supermarkets and restaurants throw away perfectly fine food** because they can't sell it anymore if it's older than *X* days -- it's absolutely fine, they just can't sell it for legal reasons. You want to get this (check out the bins where they might be dumping it or perhaps even try to ask someone if they'd just give it to you). - In shopping malls **food prices are lower late** in the evening, before closing hours, because they need to get rid of what's left, otherwise they have to throw it away. Also damaged packaging lowers the price of food -- sometimes there is a special corner with damaged cans etc., you want to get this. +- Learn **frugality and how to get most for least money** as food will likely be one of your biggest expenses, you want to optimize your spending as much as possible here: don't buy complete meals, only cheaper, raw, nutrient ingredients from which you'll make food (you don't have money but have a lot of time). Stack up long lasting food (buy it in larger quantities for smaller price) so that you're never in immediate danger of starving: then you can afford to wait for discounts and save money. Learn all the other tricks like the damaged packaging, expired food, price changes over the day and so on. - **Fishing** can provide a food source unless you're a vegetarian (which you should be). Fishing pole is not needed, it's enough to make a net out of a t-shirt on a stick and take some small fish out of water. - In **fastfoods** and similar kinds of restaurants you may easily find free food people leave there; go there in the busiest hours (around lunch), well dressed and nice looking. There will likely be a long line -- pretend to stand there for a while, look around, then change your mind and turn around; as you're leaving, check out the area where people leave their dishes, many just leave some food on the plate because they were already full or their child didn't eat it or because it fell on the ground -- just slowly, calmly take it (maybe carry a shopping bag) and leave. Don't do it too often in the same place else they do something about it. - **Attending random weddings and other celebrations**: even many non-homeless people like to do this for fun, you will just need to look very good, i.e. have a suit, nice haircut, be shaved and smell good. This may be hard to achieve for a homeless guy but not impossible. Besides weddings you can try any other kind of gathering such as a funeral or graduation party or whatever, the only requirement is that there be many people so that no one can know everyone else at the same time. Plan ahead and make up some kind of quick identity and excuses if someone talks to you, you don't wanna improvise. It is incredible how people can sneak almost in any place if they just have the right clothes and confidently act as if they simply belong there. Weddings will have luxury food for everyone, just eat as much as you can (slowly, you don't want to get spotted), and at the end try to take more food with you under your clothes (if you get caught here, you already have a full stomach at least). - Early in the morning when it's still dark **when supplies arrive to small shops**, you might be able to quickly steal something from the truck when no one's around (just quickly "walk by" and take something under your jacket). You should observe their routine for a few days in order to be well prepared. - **Trash bins** may contain food that's still good. But double check it's really edible. Make sure to **check out trash behind supermarkets, shops and restaurants**, they may just throw away perfectly good food -- it might be good to also just ask them, they'll probably give you something rather than throwing it away. - **Drinkable water** can sometimes be found near sport and school playgrounds. And again also in publicly accessible toilets (may possibly be found in universities etc., but one must be well dressed). -- **Stealing food delivery**: it may be possible to steal e.g. food delivered in front of the door of elderly people or someone who's not currently at home, however it may also be quite less ethical to rid a poor old lady of her lunch. -- **Shoplifting**: this is risky, one must be VERY careful to not get into trouble with security guards, they take thieves somewhere back and then beat them so that they won't return. Supermarkets have high security, cameras and guards everywhere, magnetic chips in everything, it may be better to lift from smaller shops or open market places. Choosing busy hours will probably help. -- If you're absolutely starving you can even **eat grass and tree bark** (not the hard bark, you must eat the stuff underneath it), or at least make a soup or something. Similarly in case of extreme hunger **bugs and worms** are an easy source of protein. +- **Stealing food delivery**: it may be possible to steal e.g. food delivered in front of the door of elderly people or someone who's not currently at home, however it may also be quite less ethical to rid a poor old lady of her lunch. On the other hand if it's some fat neckbeard you may even be doing him a service. { Now I'm imagining a sci-fi dystopian future of tomorrow in which tribes of homeless people with spears hunt drones delivering food like the cavemen hunted animals lol. ~drummyfish } +- **Shoplifting**: this is risky, one must be VERY careful not to get into trouble with security guards, they take thieves somewhere back and then beat them up to discourage them from returning. Supermarkets have high security, cameras and guards everywhere, magnetic chips in everything, it may be better to lift from smaller shops or open market places. On the other hand a lot of security is just a theatre with fake cameras, fake magnetic detectors and so on (how do you wanna put magnetic chips into food anyway?), security is expensive and many shops likely just pay two fat guys to stand around wearing black glasses, all this with hopes of making people not attempt stealing -- if you can safely spot such weaknesses, you may also exploit them. Choosing busy hours will probably help. +- If you're absolutely starving you can even **eat grass and tree bark** (not the hard bark, you must eat the stuff underneath it), or at least make a soup or something. Similarly in case of extreme hunger **bugs and worms** are an easy source of protein. A fresh roadkill maybe too, but there's probably danger of diseases, rotten meat etc. - **Everything tastes good with ketchup.** You may invest in buying a bottle of it and then just be able to turn any tastless garbage into yummy "I can't believe it's not McDonalds" meal. - ... ### Safety/Shelter - Primitive **heating** (e.g. in a tent) can be achieved with **heated [rocks](rock.md)** or **bottles/bags filled with hot water** (this is even better). { I used heated water bags to sleep in quite cold weather, they are extremely effective. I heated water to near boiling on fire, then poured it in the bag and then left it in my well isolated sleeping bag. It stayed warm for over 12 hours! I even got to a point of feeling too hot. A pet bottle can probably be used if you don't have a bag. ~drummyfish } -- **Tent** is a good, affordable portable shelter, try to get one if you can. More advanced tents can even have stoves for heating etc. A **quality sleeping bag** will keep you warm even in freezing temperatures, it's a relatively easy solution to surviving winters compared to building a whole heated house, [keep it simple](kiss.md). +- **Tent** is a good, affordable portable shelter, try to get one if you can. More advanced tents (so called hot tents) can even have stoves for heating etc. A **quality sleeping bag** will keep you warm even in freezing temperatures, it's a relatively easy solution to surviving winters compared to building a whole heated house, [keep it simple](kiss.md). +Two basic types of sleeping bags are with synthetic insulation and down insulation: synthetic are usually [good enough](good_enough.md) and resist humidity (unlike down). +- **Fire and stoves** are obviously very cool for keeping warm, cooking, light etc. Again, read survival guides: when making fire, build a heat reflecting wall, collect (dry) wood and leave it nearby so that you can sleep and quickly stack up the fire when cold wakes you up etc. A metal barrel or at least a hole surrounded by [rocks](rock.md) may be better than open fire (protects against wind, holds heat, ...), a stove is even more efficient and better (can regulate power by choking the oxygen supply etc.), but in closed spaces there's a high danger of fire depleting oxygen and killing you in sleep. - Look up how shelters are built in survival guides. You can e.g. make a dugout or something similar, it can even have a stove for heating and cooking. - In very cold winters some choose to **voluntarily go to prison** where they get housing, food and health care. Again, in the US prison is hell and you most likely don't want to go there, but e.g. in Scandinavian countries prison is almost like a luxury hotel. However keep in mind that police may get hostile to you in the future if you become the "troublemaker", they may just beat you up or something. Also be sure to commit the right crime, do **NOT** cause material damage or harm anyone, you don't want to get a fine, pay for damage or get a life sentence (OR a death sentence in the US lol). Check your country's laws. One guy for example used the following method: standing in the middle of traffic (slow one so that no accidents happen). There is also a guy who lives in prison because he just refuses to wear clothes -- this may be a cool method as well. - It may be possible to make a tiny shelter out of a **big trash can** that's stolen from in front of someone's house at night. Then it's washed, taken to a forest, buried horizontally in ground and insulated with leaves, then cloth is put in to sleep on -- pretty cozy. @@ -84,18 +87,20 @@ The following are some tips that may come in handy to the homeless. Officially w - **Hospitals and doctors are obliged by law to help people in immediate emergency** (not sure about [US](usa.md) lol), so if you're real badly sick, probably just drop yourself somewhere near a hospital and look like you're dying, they should help you. You might also try to **fake some mental illness** (again remember to not do damage to anything or anyone) so that they lock you up in a mental hospital for a while where you should get normal health care as well. Same in prison: they can't NOT give you healthcare when keeping you under lock. - Sometimes doctors and healthcare workers provide free services for the poor every once in a while in some camp or something, especially in the [USA](usa.md) where there is no social security. Try to find these. +- Maybe get some old books about traditional medicine, herbs and shit, can be fine for most things. - ... ### Transport - **Hitchhiking** is cool, but you must look (and smell) good. Being a [woman](woman.md) helps. - **Hopping on trains** can be a way to travel longer distances, but bear in mind it's dangerous: firstly you may hurt yourself, and secondly they may find you and beat you. So think twice. +- **No ticket public transport** can work if you look good, maybe get on a train and lock yourself up in a toilet. If you get caught just run, the inspectors aren't paid enough to chase people. - ... ### Entertainment - **Newspapers/magazines** can be stolen from people's mailbox, it's enough to wait early in the morning when it's still dark when someone delivers it to the subscriber's box, it's easy to take. Older magazines can probably be stolen e.g. from dentist waiting rooms. Old newspapers are also handy for many things (fire, wiping, ...). -- Check out old timey entertainment: [books](books.md) (e.g. [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md) are fun), desktop [games](game.md), solitaire card games, knitting and so on. +- Check out old timey entertainment: [books](books.md) (e.g. [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md) are fun), desktop [games](game.md), solitaire card games and so on. It's extremely cool if you manage to make something useful into entertainment, for example knitting or making things out of wood. - ... ## See Also diff --git a/humorwashing.md b/humorwashing.md index 19f4378..891a960 100644 --- a/humorwashing.md +++ b/humorwashing.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Examples: Analysis of **why it works and why it's done so often**: -- Evil entity *A* wants to establish evil phenomenon *B*, which by its nature cannot be concealed (because it's something that naturaly HAS to be noticed, such as rising taxes etc.). +- Evil entity *A* wants to establish evil phenomenon *B*, which by its nature cannot be concealed (because it's something that naturaly HAS to be noticed, such as rising taxes etc.). *B* may also be a confession to an evil already done by *A* or something similar. - It is clear the evil WILL be noticed, so rather than trying to fail at hiding *B* and risking people forming an independent opinion upon randomly stumbling upon *B*, *A* rather decides to expose people to *B* on his own terms, with an effort put on maximizing the chance that people will accept *B* if it is presented in a way they will likely approve of, so *A* will now for example reserve a seat on the latest brainwashing talk show on TV (or he'll make a youtube video, twitter post, write a book, pay for a billboard, ...) to deliver the news about *B* in a digestible form of a joke pill. - *A* now has a stage set and eyes of millions on him, he now clearly states to the masses: "HAHAHA, I am an EVIL entity (hahaha), so I will now start doing B, HAHAHA. Why? Because I'm evil (hahaha) like your favorite movie villain [parodies Joker], HAHAHA. [APPLAUSE PLEASE]". - Now most people probably either accept *B* or, in a worse case, wave it off, but they will not protest. This is so because: @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Analysis of **why it works and why it's done so often**: - In addition the audience is distracted, not thinking about *B* so much, for example by analyzing the bad joke itself, pointing out how terrible it was, how they'd make a better one etc. The show is also staged to quickly go on and jump to another topic to not let people think for too long (and usually something quite interesting or even more controversial will follow immediately to shift the attention away from *B*). - Even if some see it's a bit fishy, there is a very comfortable excuse offered to them, and many people actually take it: for some reasons many tell themselves: "Yeah he's evil like all rich people, but at least he has a sense of humor -- I am more fine with being raped by a company owned by a guy whom I like, so I accept this". + - Some unorinically think it's a joke in the sense that it's not true, just because it's so bizarre. If these people protest later on upon finding it indeed wasn't a joke, they'll be in a significant minority which can just be told to shut up because they had been told about *B* and they didn't protest. - Most people around are laughing so the rare few who spot the tactic AND don't want to accept it actually have no chance or courage. - If now, at this very point, people accept *B* (even with mild irritation) -- which they most likely will (and which is *A*'s goal) -- they psychologically form a perpetual approval of it and will most likely go on accepting it and NEVER again change their position -- next time hearing about *B* they'll just remember they already heard of it and approved (and this will go even as far as splitting the public to a minority opposing *B* and the majority being actively HOSTILE to them, actually starting to fully support *B*). It doesn't matter if the pill tasted a little bitter, only that most eventually took it. Most people decide their stance about a thing during their first encounter (possibly forming a [mental shortcut](shortcut_thinking.md)) and will then stick to this stance (if only out of laziness, but also for other reasons such as not wanting to contradict themselves). diff --git a/programming_tips.md b/programming_tips.md index dec8577..5c7cb05 100644 --- a/programming_tips.md +++ b/programming_tips.md @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ This is a place for sharing some practical programming tips. - **No indentation for temporary code**: Tiny "workflow" tip: when adding new code, keep it unindented so that you know it's the newly added code and can delete it at any time. Only when you test the added code, indent it correctly to incorporate it as the final code. Of course, this fails in languages where indentation matters ([Python](python.md) cough cough) but similar effects can be achieved e.g. by adding many empty lines in front of/after the temporary code. - **[Comments](comment.md)/[preprocessor](preprocessor.md) to quickly hide code**: It is a basic trick to comment out lines of code we want to temporarily disable. However preprocessor may work even better, e.g. in C if you want to be switching between two parts of code, instead of constantly commenting one part and uncommenting the other just use `#if 0` and `#else` directives around the two parts. You can switch between them by just changing 0 to 1 and back. This can also disable parts of code that already contain multiline comments (unlike a comment as nested multiline comments aren't allowed). - **[KEEP IT SIMPLE](kiss.md)** and keep it [LRS](lrs.md), do not blindly follow mainstream ways and "workflows" as those are more often than not horrible. For example instead of using some uber bug tracker, you should use a simple plaintext TODO.txt file; instead of using and IDE use [vim](vim.md) or something similar. Stay away from [OOP](oop.md), [dependencies](dependency.md) etc. +- **It's hard, but you MUST adopt good minimalist tools, avoid the easy path of big shiny "comfortable", easy-to-learn [IDE](ide.md)s and languages**: this must come naturally with [LRS](lrs.md) mindset but still can't be overstressed because nowadays you'll be constantly pressured to start using this newest [modern](modern.md) [GUI](gui.md) programming tool with [AI](ai.md) assistant and nodes programming and zoomable code minimap that has a debugger and space rockets built right but succumbing to the pressure is short sighted and will reduce you to a zombie, a mere [coding](coding.md) monkey, you'll never actually acquire true control, understanding and craftsmanship, you'll just become a well paid button pressing slave no different from the cashier at a supermarket. It is difficult to learn tools like [vim](vim.md), [gdb](gdb.md), [C](c.md), [Forth](forth.md), [assembly](assembly.md) etc., but it's required in order to become a truly good, independent programmer, you will probably have to FORCE yourself to it, but it's the best investment of your time and energy: it's a long term investment you will later on thank yourself for. Choosing the more difficult but long-term-valuable road must become henceforth your mindset, this will apply whenever you can comfortably use a library or rather invest more energy into learning the math and programming your own library -- this is the difference between someone who uses a translator app on his smartphone and someone who learns to speak the foreign language, it's the difference between a computer slave and a good programmer. - **Never listen to advice of anyone who does programming for living** (not [anymore](21st_century.md)), he's most definitely accustomed to the worst ways of programming and will try to push you to [OOP](oop.md), [bloat](bloat.md), [proprietary](proprietary.md) tech, [tranny software](tranny_software.md), [GitHub](github.md) etc. Listening to advice of such people is like taking advice on whether to take drugs from a drug dealer. - **Most true programming is done away from the computer** -- soydevs think that a good programmer just spends hours in front of a computer bashing the keyboard and drinking litres of coffee to stay alive and [PRODUCTIVE](productivity_cult.md); indeed, they usually do, but they are not good programmers, their time is spent slaving the computer doing [maintenance](maintenance.md), debugging, googling, updating and socializing on Twitter. A good programmer actually programs everywhere: when going for walk, before falling asleep, when sleeping, when watching a movie etc. He only starts writing a serious program after years of thinking about it and already having most of it programmed in his head; sitting in front of a computer and writing the algorithm down is only the final smaller part of the journey. - It can't be repeated enough times: minimize ALL kinds of [dependencies](dependency.md), don't use what you don't necessarily need -- this doesn't just apply to libraries but also design decisions. E.g. if you're making a compiler, make it a single pass compiler if at all possible, don't perform several source code passes if that's not absolutely necessary (which would however likely signify some flaw in the design of your language). Use [fixed point](fixed_point.md) instead of [floating point](float.md) if you can, [software rendering](sw_rendering.md) instead of GPU rendering etc. If you're making something that transforms text to another text (e.g. machine translation), make it a [filter](filter.md) with constant memory complexity if that's possible, i.e. do not require the program to load a whole input file to memory. Etcetc. diff --git a/race.md b/race.md index 98389f6..cf7672d 100644 --- a/race.md +++ b/race.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Races of people are very large, [fuzzy](fuzzy.md), loosely defined groups ([clus Instead of the word *race* the politically correct camp uses words such as *ethnicity* -- it's funny, sometimes they say no such thing as race exists but other times they simply have to operate with the fact that people are genetically diverse, e.g. when they accuse others of [racism](racism.md) or point out statistics that benefit them ("black people are paid less!"), as existence of discrimination based on differences between people necessarily implies the existence of differences between people -- so here they try to substitute the word *race* for a different word so as to make their self-contradiction less obvious. Anyway, it doesn't [work](work.md) :) Races indeed do exit, no matter what we call them. -**Race can be told from the shape of the skull and one's [DNA](dna.md)**, which finds use e.g. in forensics to help solve crimes. It is officially called the *ancestry estimation*. Some idiots say this should be forbidden to do because it's "racist" lmao. Besides the obvious visual difference such as skin [color](color.md) **races also have completely measurable differences acknowledged even by modern "science"**, for example unlike other races about 90% of Asians have dry earwax, Asians also have highest bone density, Huaorani tribe has flat feet, blood type distributions are wildly different between races as well as blood pressure and also heart rate, people near the equator have measurably smaller eyeballs than those very far north, even distribution of genes associated with specific behavior was measured to differ between races. Similar absolutely measurable differences exist in height, body odor, alcohol and lactose tolerance, high altitude tolerance, vulnerability to specific diseases, hair structure, cold tolerance, risk of obesity, behavior (see e.g. the infamous *[chimp out](chimp_out.md)* behavior of black people) and others. It is known for a fact that Sherpas are greatly accustomed to living in high altitudes, that's why they work as helpers for people climbing mt. Everest, they can just do it much easier than other races. While dryness of earwax is really a minor curiosity, it is completely unreasonable to believe that race differences stop at traits we humans find "controversial" and that genetics somehow magically avoids affecting traits that are harder to measure and which our current society deems politically incorrect to exist. In fact differences in important areas such as intelligence were measured very well -- these are however either censored or declared incorrect and "debunked" by unquestionable "science" authorities, because politics. +**Race can be told from the shape of the skull and one's [DNA](dna.md)**, which finds use e.g. in forensics to help solve crimes. It is officially called the *ancestry estimation*. Some idiots say this should be forbidden to do because it's "racist" lmao. Besides the obvious visual difference such as skin [color](color.md) **races also have completely measurable differences acknowledged even by modern "science"**, for example unlike other races about 90% of Asians have dry earwax, Asians also have highest bone density, Huaorani tribe has flat feet, blood type distributions are wildly different between races as well as blood pressure and also heart rate, people near the equator have measurably smaller eyeballs than those very far north, even distribution of genes associated with specific behavior was measured to differ between races. Similar absolutely measurable differences exist in height, body odor, alcohol and lactose tolerance, high altitude tolerance, vulnerability to specific diseases, hair structure, cold tolerance, risk of obesity, behavior (see e.g. the infamous *[chimp out](chimp_out.md)* behavior of black people) and others. It is known for a fact that Sherpas are greatly accustomed to living in high altitudes, that's why they work as helpers for people climbing mt. Everest, they can just do it much easier than other races. While dryness of earwax is really a minor curiosity, it is completely unreasonable to believe that race differences stop at traits we humans find "controversial" and that genetics somehow magically avoids affecting traits that are harder to measure and which our current society deems politically incorrect to exist. In fact differences in important areas such as intelligence were measured very well -- these are however either censored or declared incorrect and "debunked" by unquestionable "science" authorities, because politics. Race does NOT stop at skin color at all, it's just something you spot even from great distance, but this is something that anyone above age 10 already knows: blacks have large lips, flat noses and profile much more similar to that of apes with flat forehead and chin extending forward, ears lower down ([image](https://archive.li/p7KC0)) -- you can tell a black albino from a white man immediately. { Lol take a look at this :D https://ia903400.us.archive.org/17/items/7f-082683f-04f-9d-4e-48c-1bf-169b-809510885021b-102c-55871ab-102f-7c-6650b-28f/7f082683f04f9d4e48c1bf169b809510885021b102c55871ab102f7c6650b28f.jpg. ~drummyfish } @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Pseudoleft uses cheap, logically faulty arguments to deny the existence of race; The politically correct camp further argues that there wasn't enough time for human races to develop significant differences as evolution operates on scales of millions of years while the evolution of modern humans was taking part about in an order of magnitude smaller time scale (but of course they won't have any objections to articles that claim that e.g. [women](woman.md) are "catching up" to men in brain size in span of mere years). However it has been shown that **evolution can be extremely fast and make great changes in mere DECADES**, e.g. in cases of rapid environment change (shown e.g. in a documentary *Laws of the Lizard* on anoles that show signs of evolutionary change only after 14 years, also see e.g. the book *The 10,000 Year Explosion* talking about actual acceleration of human evolution; yet another case of rapid evolution are swallows who started to live under highway bridges whose wings got shorter during a few years to give them better ability to avoid collisions with the traffic) and interbreeding with other (sub)species (e.g. Denisovan or Neanderthals, which European population bred with but African population didn't), which did occur when humans spread around the world and had to live in vastly different conditions -- successful civilizations themselves actually furthermore started to rapidly change their environment to something that favors very different traits. It has for example been found that average male brain increased from 1372 gram in 1860 to 1424 grams in 1940, a very significant change in LESS THAN A CENTURY. We can take a look at the enormous differences between dog breeds which have been bred mostly during only the last 200 years and whose differences are enormous and not only physical, but also that of intelligence and temperament -- yes, the breeding of dogs has been selective, but a rapid change in environment may have a similar accelerating effect, and the process in humans still took many tens of thousands of years. For example races of slaves were probably selectively bred, even if unintentionally, as physically fit slaves were more likely to survive than those who were smart; similarly in prospering civilizations, e.g. that of Europe, where trade, business and development of technology (e.g. military) became more crucial for survival than in primitive desert or jungle civilizations, different traits such as intelligence became preferred by evolution. -Another pseudoleftist argument is that "the DNA of any two individuals is 99.6 % identical so the differences are really insignificant". Now consider that DNA of a pig is 98 % identical to human. We see the argument is like saying a strawberry and beer is practically the same thing as they are both about 93 % water. It is known that only a minuscule part of DNA has any actual biological effect, only a small part is important and therefore including all the unimportant junk in judging similarity is just purposeful attempt at misleading statistics. +Another pseudoleftist argument is that "the DNA of any two individuals is 99.6% identical so the differences are really insignificant". Now consider that **chimpanzees and bonobos, two different SPECIES, share 99.6% of their DNA**, and there are actually suggestions that Europeans and Africans share less than even this percentage (but good luck finding any concrete data and claims), i.e. it's possible we are not just different races, but different SPECIES altogether. DNA of a pig is 98% identical to human. We see the argument is like saying a strawberry and beer is practically the same thing as they are both about 93% water. Every programmer knows you can take a computer program that has a million lines of code and make it into an absolutely different program by changing just a single line. It is known that only a minuscule part of DNA has any actual biological effect, only a small portion is important and therefore including all the unimportant junk in judging similarity is just purposeful attempt at misleading statistics. In general the politically correct love to pick and attack **strawmen**: typically they will find some lunatic racial supremacist such as [Hitler](hitler.md) who claims something like "My German race is the purest, it has no Jewish blood in it!", then they easily [attack](fight_culture.md) this obvious nonsense by saying "ACKCHUALY, studies show that Germans are mostly of mixed ethnicity and have a lot of Jewish blood.^[123456789101112131415]" (which is of course probably true), and then they go on (and here comes the sneaky step), "therefore the whole premise about existence of races is false." A retard will buy this of course because the sentence has a lot of those superscript numbers in it. They cannot refute actual arguments that aren't based on racial supremacy, arguments made by true scientists -- these they just ban and censor as "[racist](racism.md)". diff --git a/random_page.md b/random_page.md index c687538..c8bc907 100644 --- a/random_page.md +++ b/random_page.md @@ -2,1863 +2,1863 @@ Please kindly click random link. -[*](modern_software.md) -[*](sin.md) -[*](geek.md) -[*](ssao.md) -[*](forth.md) -[*](universe.md) -[*](update_culture.md) -[*](thrembo.md) -[*](tangram.md) -[*](how_to.md) -[*](compiler_bomb.md) -[*](golang.md) -[*](liberalism.md) -[*](quantum_gate.md) -[*](compression.md) -[*](analog.md) -[*](unretard.md) -[*](demoscene.md) -[*](facebook.md) -[*](mainstream.md) -[*](how_to.md) -[*](communism.md) -[*](wow.md) -[*](lgbt.md) -[*](exercises.md) -[*](public_domain.md) -[*](library.md) -[*](people.md) -[*](fork.md) -[*](easy_to_learn_hard_to_master.md) -[*](raylib.md) -[*](google.md) -[*](x86.md) -[*](sanism.md) -[*](rgb565.md) -[*](iq.md) 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-[*](just_werks.md) -[*](assertiveness.md) -[*](free_software.md) -[*](algorithm.md) -[*](hw.md) -[*](education.md) -[*](wiki_authors.md) -[*](open_console.md) -[*](loc.md) -[*](homelessness.md) -[*](blender.md) -[*](political_correctness.md) -[*](devuan.md) -[*](splinternet.md) -[*](rationalwiki.md) -[*](jedi_engine.md) -[*](abstraction.md) -[*](nokia.md) -[*](tor.md) -[*](programming_tips.md) -[*](anarchism.md) -[*](everyone_does_it.md) -[*](niger.md) -[*](entropy.md) -[*](tangram.md) -[*](see_through_clothes.md) -[*](interaction_net.md) -[*](3d_modeling.md) -[*](macrofucker.md) -[*](cache.md) -[*](ascii_art.md) -[*](copyright.md) -[*](vim.md) -[*](bullshit.md) -[*](complexity.md) -[*](military.md) -[*](law.md) -[*](minesweeper.md) -[*](future.md) -[*](and.md) -[*](people.md) -[*](copyleft.md) -[*](hero_culture.md) -[*](anpac.md) -[*](markov_chain.md) -[*](interesting.md) -[*](less_retarded_hardware.md) -[*](devuan.md) -[*](piracy.md) -[*](dynamic_programming.md) -[*](line.md) -[*](body_shaming.md) -[*](lambda_calculus.md) -[*](gnu.md) -[*](plan9.md) -[*](windows.md) -[*](cracker.md) -[*](minimalism.md) -[*](resnicks_termite.md) -[*](prime.md) -[*](culture.md) -[*](anpac.md) -[*](kiwifarms.md) -[*](quantum_gate.md) -[*](firmware.md) -[*](small3dlib.md) -[*](atan.md) -[*](justice.md) -[*](wow.md) -[*](english.md) -[*](autoupdate.md) -[*](formal_language.md) -[*](computer.md) -[*](pseudorandomness.md) -[*](backpropagation.md) -[*](femoid.md) -[*](universe.md) -[*](capitalist_singularity.md) -[*](permacomputing.md) -[*](name_is_important.md) -[*](data_hoarding.md) -[*](gemini.md) -[*](political_correctness.md) -[*](popularization.md) -[*](living.md) -[*](everyone_does_it.md) -[*](elo.md) -[*](90s.md) -[*](phd.md) -[*](netstalking.md) -[*](nonogram.md) -[*](lgbt.md) -[*](docker.md) -[*](idiot_fallacy.md) -[*](education.md) -[*](wiby.md) -[*](programming_language.md) -[*](xd.md) -[*](fail_ab.md) -[*](leading_the_pig_to_the_slaughterhouse.md) -[*](fail_ab.md) 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+[*](cloudflare.md) +[*](golang.md) +[*](tas.md) +[*](ui.md) +[*](motivation.md) +[*](primitive_3d.md) +[*](freedom_distance.md) +[*](ancap.md) +[*](furry.md) +[*](fascism.md) +[*](harry_potter.md) +[*](low_poly.md) +[*](flatland.md) +[*](chess.md) +[*](90s.md) +[*](turing_machine.md) +[*](wiki_pages.md) +[*](jesus.md) +[*](unfuck.md) +[*](ethics.md) +[*](openarena.md) +[*](bazaar.md) +[*](c.md) +[*](good_enough.md) +[*](island.md) +[*](copyright.md) +[*](marketing.md) +[*](primitive_3d.md) +[*](git.md) +[*](algorithm.md) +[*](assembly.md) +[*](greenwashing.md) +[*](microsoft.md) +[*](hw.md) +[*](geek.md) +[*](tangram.md) +[*](jedi_engine.md) +[*](productivity_cult.md) +[*](js.md) +[*](egoism.md) +[*](reddit.md) +[*](sanism.md) +[*](doom.md) +[*](tensor_product.md) +[*](free_software.md) +[*](left.md) +[*](nigeria.md) +[*](faggot.md) +[*](ted_kaczynski.md) +[*](public_domain.md) +[*](vector.md) +[*](soydev.md) +[*](atan.md) +[*](jargon_file.md) +[*](sorting.md) +[*](free_speech.md) +[*](rationalwiki.md) +[*](firmware.md) +[*](sjw.md) +[*](education.md) +[*](wikidata.md) +[*](combinatorics.md) +[*](permacomputing.md) +[*](dungeons_and_dragons.md) +[*](sqrt.md) +[*](complexity.md) +[*](macrofucker.md) +[*](physics_engine.md) +[*](emoticon.md) +[*](jargon_file.md) +[*](ashley_jones.md) +[*](information.md) +[*](transsexual.md) +[*](sanism.md) +[*](collision_detection.md) +[*](google.md) +[*](shitword.md) +[*](racetrack.md) +[*](graphics.md) +[*](aaron_swartz.md) +[*](coc.md) +[*](often_misunderstood.md) +[*](backpropagation.md) +[*](faggot.md) +[*](chasm_the_rift.md) +[*](adam_smith.md) +[*](interplanetary_internet.md) +[*](githopping.md) +[*](consumerism.md) +[*](free.md) +[*](programming_style.md) +[*](watchdog.md) +[*](cyberbullying.md) +[*](often_confused.md) +[*](cpp.md) +[*](throwaway_script.md) +[*](suicide.md) +[*](arch.md) +[*](compsci.md) +[*](jedi_engine.md) +[*](linux.md) +[*](anpac.md) +[*](tool_slave.md) +[*](drummyfish.md) +[*](earth.md) +[*](loquendo.md) +[*](faq.md) +[*](pd.md) +[*](nigeria.md) +[*](autoupdate.md) +[*](freedom.md) +[*](capitalist_singularity.md) +[*](lmao.md) +[*](oop.md) +[*](4chan.md) +[*](usenet.md) +[*](future.md) +[*](rights_culture.md) +[*](free_culture.md) +[*](implicit.md) +[*](data_structure.md) +[*](gemini.md) +[*](beauty.md) +[*](copyleft.md) +[*](markov_chain.md) +[*](holy_war.md) +[*](old.md) +[*](approximation.md) +[*](project.md) +[*](no_knowledge_proof.md) +[*](exercises.md) +[*](elon_musk.md) +[*](feminism.md) +[*](holy_war.md) +[*](pascal.md) +[*](cyber.md) +[*](smol_internet.md) +[*](less_retarded_society.md) +[*](physics.md) +[*](kiwifarms.md) +[*](fediverse.md) +[*](python.md) +[*](ram.md) +[*](build_engine.md) +[*](xonotic.md) +[*](nonogram.md) +[*](regex.md) +[*](line.md) +[*](bloat.md) +[*](universe.md) +[*](zen.md) +[*](diogenes.md) +[*](license.md) +[*](21st_century.md) +[*](antivirus_paradox.md) +[*](compsci.md) +[*](pseudorandomness.md) +[*](smol_internet.md) +[*](approximation.md) +[*](forth.md) +[*](autostereogram.md) +[*](rights_culture.md) +[*](abstraction.md) +[*](binary.md) +[*](rgb565.md) +[*](smallchesslib.md) +[*](yes_they_can.md) +[*](brainfuck.md) +[*](modern_software.md) +[*](c_tutorial.md) +[*](capitalism.md) +[*](axiom_of_choice.md) +[*](trolling.md) +[*](shogi.md) +[*](p_vs_np.md) +[*](history.md) +[*](paywall.md) +[*](pride.md) +[*](less_retarded_hardware.md) +[*](boat.md) +[*](dungeons_and_dragons.md) +[*](open_console.md) +[*](normalization.md) +[*](fourier_transform.md) +[*](noise.md) +[*](pseudoleft.md) +[*](number.md) +[*](trump.md) +[*](low_poly.md) +[*](freedom_distance.md) +[*](css.md) +[*](trump.md) +[*](geek.md) +[*](collision_detection.md) +[*](security.md) +[*](wiki_authors.md) +[*](nord_vpn.md) +[*](float.md) +[*](wiki_rights.md) +[*](graphics.md) +[*](www.md) +[*](fork.md) +[*](operating_system.md) +[*](deferred_shading.md) +[*](bloat_monopoly.md) +[*](interesting.md) +[*](frameless.md) +[*](hacking.md) +[*](small3dlib.md) +[*](programming_language.md) +[*](humorwashing.md) +[*](pi.md) +[*](interplanetary_internet.md) +[*](iq.md) +[*](avpd.md) +[*](cracker.md) +[*](gopher.md) +[*](openai.md) +[*](dramatica.md) +[*](cat_v.md) +[*](tech.md) +[*](coc.md) +[*](jokes.md) +[*](billboard.md) +[*](p_vs_np.md) +[*](ubi.md) +[*](io.md) +[*](terry_davis.md) +[*](tattoo.md) +[*](ioccc.md) +[*](computational_complexity.md) +[*](gender_studies.md) +[*](trusting_trust.md) +[*](foss.md) +[*](fantasy_console.md) +[*](science.md) +[*](mental_outlaw.md) +[*](unretard.md) +[*](c_pitfalls.md) +[*](world_broadcast.md) +[*](see_through_clothes.md) +[*](42.md) +[*](whale.md) +[*](proprietary_software.md) +[*](coding.md) +[*](fediverse.md) +[*](usa.md) +[*](formal_language.md) +[*](license.md) +[*](licar.md) +[*](cc.md) +[*](nanogenmo.md) +[*](rms.md) +[*](linear_algebra.md) +[*](political_correctness.md) +[*](information.md) +[*](sdf.md) +[*](gay.md) +[*](used.md) +[*](langtons_ant.md) +[*](suckless.md) +[*](fail_ab.md) +[*](pd.md) +[*](proof.md) +[*](deep_blue.md) +[*](plusnigger.md) +[*](memory_management.md) +[*](os.md) +[*](kiwifarms.md) +[*](tinyphysicsengine.md) +[*](steganography.md) +[*](elo.md) +[*](creative_commons.md) +[*](crypto.md) +[*](physics_engine.md) +[*](f2p.md) +[*](mechanical.md) +[*](rule110.md) +[*](temple_os.md) +[*](free_will.md) +[*](prime.md) +[*](proof.md) +[*](lotr.md) +[*](explicit.md) +[*](backgammon.md) +[*](gemini.md) +[*](bit.md) +[*](qubit.md) +[*](used.md) +[*](bit_hack.md) +[*](future_proof.md) +[*](often_confused.md) +[*](wiki_authors.md) +[*](backgammon.md) +[*](splinternet.md) +[*](nationalism.md) +[*](lil.md) +[*](mental_outlaw.md) +[*](pseudo3d.md) +[*](crypto.md) +[*](bitreich.md) +[*](trom.md) +[*](saf.md) +[*](combinatorics.md) +[*](downto.md) +[*](hitler.md) +[*](usenet.md) +[*](love.md) +[*](dodleston.md) +[*](distrohopping.md) +[*](pokitto.md) +[*](hyperoperation.md) +[*](cloudflare.md) diff --git a/rock.md b/rock.md index 37d8faf..a54dc6f 100644 --- a/rock.md +++ b/rock.md @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ Rocks are pretty [suckless](suckless.md) and [LRS](lrs.md) because they are simp - As pets... apparently pet rocks are a thing :) - ... +TODO: what kinds of rocks there are etc. + ## See Also - [sand](sand.md) diff --git a/stereotype.md b/stereotype.md index 9ecbda5..41dda53 100644 --- a/stereotype.md +++ b/stereotype.md @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ Some stereotypes are: - hentai, weird porn often involving tentacles and lolis - can't say "l", they replace it with "r", and they end every word with "u" - bizarre TV shows + - all women are sexy cute lolis wearing schoolgirl uniforms and make ideals wives: absolutely faithful and subdued to their husband, diligently maintain household, never complain, never express opinions - **North Korea**: - these stereotypes are highly secret to foreigners - **South Korea**: @@ -88,9 +89,10 @@ Some stereotypes are: - whores and pornstars - simpletons - nightmare tourists, behave like shit in foreign countries, are funny and ridiculous, carry tons of stuff to the beaches - - **Dutch**: + - **Dutch** (Netherlands): - everyone rides bicycles - all drugs legal and sold everywhere + - tall anorexic slendermen - everyone wears weird wooden shoes - **English**: - well behaved, reserved, educated, classy @@ -243,6 +245,7 @@ Some stereotypes are: - there are two types: the feminine sissy and the big hairy bear biker, in a pair one does mommy and the other one daddy - loves to wear latex - women (lesbian) are masculine, ugly with short pink hair + - spread [AIDS](aids.md) - **[men](man.md)**: - direct, strong, decisive, stubborn, overconfident, primitive, irresponsible, conservative, when provoked may easily become rude and aggressive, beat their wives - [competitive](competition.md) @@ -255,9 +258,10 @@ Some stereotypes are: - **[women](woman.md)** (may also apply to gay men): - bad at driving, bad spatial skills - bad at logical thinking and [math](math.md) - - manipulative + - manipulative, calculating, acting and pretending - passive aggressive - whores + - bitches - good at [multitasking](multitasking.md) - gossip - gold diggers diff --git a/suckless.md b/suckless.md index 3acc5c2..82879ad 100644 --- a/suckless.md +++ b/suckless.md @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # Suckless -Suckless, software that [sucks](suck.md) less, is a type of [free](free_software.md) [software](software.md), programming philosophy as well as an organization (http://suckless.org/), that tries to adhere to a high technological [minimalism](minimalism.md), [freedom](freedom.md) and [hackability](hacking.md), and opposes so called [bloat](bloat.md) and unnecessary complexity which has been creeping into most "[modern](modern.md)" software and by which technology has started to become less useful and more burdening. It is related to [Unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md) and [KISS](kiss.md) but brings some new ideas onto the table. It became somewhat known and highly influenced some newly formed groups, e.g. [Bitreich](bitreich.md) and our own [less retarded software](lrs.md). Suckless seems to share many followers with [cat-v.org](cat_v.md). Suckless has a very minimalist logo that's just a super simple letter *S*. +Suckless, software that [sucks](suck.md) less, is a type of [free](free_software.md) [software](software.md), [programming](programming.md) philosophy as well as an organization (http://suckless.org/), that tries to adhere to a high technological [minimalism](minimalism.md), [freedom](freedom.md) and [hackability](hacking.md), and opposes so called [bloat](bloat.md) and unnecessary complexity which have been creeping into most "[modern](modern.md)" software and by which technology has started to become less useful and more burdening. It is related to [Unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md) and [KISS](kiss.md) but brings some new ideas onto the table. It became somewhat known and highly influenced some newly formed groups, e.g. [Bitreich](bitreich.md) and our own [less retarded software](lrs.md). Suckless seems to share many followers with [cat-v.org](cat_v.md). Suckless has a very minimalist logo that's just a super simple letter *S*. -The community used to be relatively a small underground niche, however after a rise in popularity sometime in 2010s, thanks to tech youtubers such as [Luke Smith](luke_smith.md), [Distro Tube](distro_tube.md) and [Mental Outlaw](mental_outlaw.md), the awareness about the group spread a lot wider, even mainstream programmers now usually know what *suckless* stands for. It has also gained traction on [4chan](4chan.md)'s technology board which again boosted suckless popularity but also inevitably brought some retardism in. While the group core consisting a lot of expert programmers and [hackers](hacker.md) mostly interested in systems like [GNU](gnu.md)/[Linux](linux.md), [BSDs](bsd.md) and [Plan 9](plan9.md), a lot of less skilled "[Linux](linux.md)" users and even complete non-programmers now hang around suckless to various degrees -- especially the [dwm](dwm.md) window manager has seen a great success among "Unix porn" lovers and chronic [ricers](ricing.md). While most of the true suckless followers are hardcore minimalists and apply their principles to everything, many of the noobs around suckless just cherry pick programs they find nice to look at and integrate them in their otherwise bloated systems. +The community used to be relatively a small underground niche, however after a rise in popularity sometime in 2010s, thanks to tech youtubers such as [Luke Smith](luke_smith.md), [Distro Tube](distro_tube.md) and [Mental Outlaw](mental_outlaw.md), the awareness of the group spread a lot wider, even mainstream programmers now usually know, at least remotely, what *suckless* stands for. It has also gained traction on [4chan](4chan.md)'s technology board which again boosted suckless popularity but also inevitably brought some retardism in. While the group core consisting a lot of expert programmers and [hackers](hacker.md) mostly interested in systems like [GNU](gnu.md)/[Linux](linux.md), [BSDs](bsd.md) and [Plan 9](plan9.md), a lot of less skilled "[Linux](linux.md)" users and even complete non-programmers now hang around suckless to various degrees -- especially the [dwm](dwm.md) window manager has seen a great success among "Unix porn" lovers and chronic [ricers](ricing.md). While most of the true suckless followers are hardcore minimalists and apply their principles to everything, many of the noobs around suckless just cherry pick programs they find nice to look at and integrate them in their otherwise bloated systems -- same kind of story we've already seen with [free software](free_software.md) etc. -Suckless is pretty cool, it has inspired [LRS](lrs.md), but watch out, as with most of the few promising things nowadays it is half cool and half shitty -- for example most suckless followers seem to be [rightists](left_vs_right.md) and [capitalists](capitalism.md) who are motivated by [harmful](harmful.md) goals such as their own increased [productivity](productivity_cult.md), not by [altruism](altruism.md). Many suckless people are quite pragmatic -- though they believe in hardcore minimalism, they will oftentimes, for practical reasons, rather choose e.g. a well established programming language ([C](c.md)) before the more minimal one (e.g. [Forth](forth.md)). LRS takes the good and tries to fix the issues of suckless, we only take the good ideas of suckless. Also it seems like by now that part of the suckless community degenerated a bit by its increase in popularity into a bit of what it opposed -- a kind of consumerist fashion followers who aren't interested so much in good design of technology but rather constantly ricing their dwm in pursuit of cool looking [pseudominimalist](pseudominimalism.md) system in ways not dissimilar to those of iToddlers. +Suckless is pretty cool, it has inspired [LRS](lrs.md), but watch out, as with most of the few promising things nowadays it is half cool and half shitty -- for example most suckless followers seem to be [rightists](left_vs_right.md) and [capitalists](capitalism.md) who are motivated by [harmful](harmful.md) goals such as their own increased [productivity](productivity_cult.md), not by [altruism](altruism.md) or any other kind of higher goal. Many suckless people are quite pragmatic -- though they believe in hardcore minimalism, they will oftentimes, for practical reasons, rather choose e.g. a well established programming language ([C](c.md)) before the more minimal one (e.g. [Forth](forth.md)). LRS takes the good and tries to fix the issues of suckless, we only take the good ideas of suckless. Also it seems like by now that part of the suckless community degenerated a bit by its mainstreamization into a bit of what it opposed -- a kind of consumerist fashion followers who aren't interested so much in good design of technology but rather constantly ricing their dwm in pursuit of cool looking [pseudominimalist](pseudominimalism.md) system in ways not dissimilar to those of iToddlers. { From what it seems to me, the "official" suckless community is largely quiet and closed, leading conversations mostly on mailing lists and focusing almost exclusively on the development of their software without politics, activism and off topics, probably because they consider it bullshit that would only be distracting. There is also suckless subreddit which is similarly mostly focused on the software alone. They let their work speak. Some accuse the community of being Nazis, however I believe this is firstly irrelevant and secondly mostly false accusations of haters, even if we find a few Nazis among them, just as in any community. Most pro-suckless people I've met were actually true socialists (while Nazis are not socialist despite their name). Unlike [tranny software](tranny_software.md), suckless software itself doesn't promote any politics, it is a set of purely functional tools, so the question of the developers' private opinions is unimportant here, we have to separate ideas and people. Suckless ideas are good regardless of whose brains they came from. ~drummyfish } diff --git a/wiki_pages.md b/wiki_pages.md index e261a15..8e75e37 100644 --- a/wiki_pages.md +++ b/wiki_pages.md @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ This is an autogenerated page listing all pages. -**[100r](100r.md)** (10) -- **[21st_century](21st_century.md)** (60) -- **[3d_model](3d_model.md)** (256) -- **[3d_modeling](3d_modeling.md)** (2) -- **[3d_rendering](3d_rendering.md)** (590) -- **[42](42.md)** (14) -- **[4chan](4chan.md)** (34) -- **[90s](90s.md)** (59) -- **[README](README.md)** (9) -- **[aaron_swartz](aaron_swartz.md)** (4) -- **[abstraction](abstraction.md)** (20) -- **[acronym](acronym.md)** (392) -- **[adam_smith](adam_smith.md)** (37) -- **[ai](ai.md)** (32) -- **[algorithm](algorithm.md)** (367) -- **[aliasing](aliasing.md)** (61) -- **[altruism](altruism.md)** (6) -- **[anal_bead](anal_bead.md)** (8) -- **[analog](analog.md)** (2) -- **[analytic_geometry](analytic_geometry.md)** (72) -- 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**[backpropagation](backpropagation.md)** (87) -- **[bazaar](bazaar.md)** (8) -- **[bbs](bbs.md)** (29) -- **[beauty](beauty.md)** (25) -- **[bilinear](bilinear.md)** (124) -- **[bill_gates](bill_gates.md)** (35) -- **[billboard](billboard.md)** (59) -- **[binary](binary.md)** (142) -- **[bit](bit.md)** (10) -- **[bit_hack](bit_hack.md)** (173) -- **[bitreich](bitreich.md)** (28) -- **[black](black.md)** (2) -- **[blender](blender.md)** (10) -- **[bloat](bloat.md)** (202) -- **[bloat_monopoly](bloat_monopoly.md)** (14) -- **[boat](boat.md)** (34) -- **[body_shaming](body_shaming.md)** (91) -- **[books](books.md)** (35) -- **[boot](boot.md)** (2) -- **[bootstrap](bootstrap.md)** (49) -- **[brain_software](brain_software.md)** (14) -- **[brainfuck](brainfuck.md)** (382) -- **[bs](bs.md)** (2) -- **[build_engine](build_engine.md)** (2) -- **[bullshit](bullshit.md)** (51) -- **[byte](byte.md)** (19) -- **[bytebeat](bytebeat.md)** (157) -- **[bytecode](bytecode.md)** (281) -- **[c](c.md)** (383) -- **[c_pitfalls](c_pitfalls.md)** (160) -- **[c_sharp](c_sharp.md)** (2) -- **[c_tutorial](c_tutorial.md)** (2157) -- **[cache](cache.md)** (27) -- **[calculus](calculus.md)** (320) -- **[cancel_culture](cancel_culture.md)** (4) -- **[cancer](cancer.md)** (30) -- **[capitalism](capitalism.md)** (160) -- **[capitalist_singularity](capitalist_singularity.md)** (4) -- **[capitalist_software](capitalist_software.md)** (28) -- **[cat_v](cat_v.md)** (12) -- **[cc](cc.md)** (6) -- **[cc0](cc0.md)** (15) -- **[censorship](censorship.md)** (61) -- **[chaos](chaos.md)** (109) -- **[charity_sex](charity_sex.md)** (6) -- **[chasm_the_rift](chasm_the_rift.md)** (16) -- **[cheating](cheating.md)** (54) -- **[chess](chess.md)** (517) -- **[chinese](chinese.md)** (13) -- **[cloud](cloud.md)** (8) -- **[cloudflare](cloudflare.md)** (27) -- **[coc](coc.md)** (19) -- **[coding](coding.md)** (6) -- **[collapse](collapse.md)** (36) -- **[collision](collision.md)** (8) -- **[collision_detection](collision_detection.md)** (26) -- **[color](color.md)** (29) -- **[combinatorics](combinatorics.md)** (53) -- **[comment](comment.md)** (19) -- **[communism](communism.md)** (27) -- **[competition](competition.md)** (12) -- **[compiler_bomb](compiler_bomb.md)** (11) -- **[complexity](complexity.md)** (6) -- **[compression](compression.md)** (233) -- **[compsci](compsci.md)** (21) -- **[computational_complexity](computational_complexity.md)** (98) -- **[computer](computer.md)** (121) -- **[comun](comun.md)** (182) -- **[consumerism](consumerism.md)** (16) -- **[copyfree](copyfree.md)** (12) -- **[copyleft](copyleft.md)** (30) -- **[copyright](copyright.md)** (121) -- **[corporation](corporation.md)** (30) -- **[cos](cos.md)** (2) -- **[countercomplex](countercomplex.md)** (4) -- **[cpp](cpp.md)** (63) -- **[cpu](cpu.md)** (91) -- **[cracker](cracker.md)** (6) -- **[cracking](cracking.md)** (2) -- **[creative_commons](creative_commons.md)** (32) -- 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**[shitword](shitword.md)** (58) -- **[shogi](shogi.md)** (79) -- **[shortcut_thinking](shortcut_thinking.md)** (90) -- **[sigbovik](sigbovik.md)** (11) -- **[sin](sin.md)** (180) -- **[sjw](sjw.md)** (28) -- **[slowly_boiling_the_frog](slowly_boiling_the_frog.md)** (17) -- **[small3dlib](small3dlib.md)** (52) -- **[smallchesslib](smallchesslib.md)** (35) -- **[smart](smart.md)** (11) -- **[smol_internet](smol_internet.md)** (19) -- **[social_inertia](social_inertia.md)** (2) -- **[software](software.md)** (2) -- **[sorting](sorting.md)** (235) -- **[soydev](soydev.md)** (42) -- **[soyence](soyence.md)** (90) -- **[speech_synthesis](speech_synthesis.md)** (85) -- **[splinternet](splinternet.md)** (2) -- **[sqrt](sqrt.md)** (147) -- **[ssao](ssao.md)** (15) -- **[steganography](steganography.md)** (225) -- **[stereotype](stereotype.md)** (296) -- **[steve_jobs](steve_jobs.md)** (36) -- **[suckless](suckless.md)** (50) -- **[sudoku](sudoku.md)** (213) -- **[suicide](suicide.md)** (41) -- 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**[triangle](triangle.md)** (84) -- **[troll](troll.md)** (4) -- **[trolling](trolling.md)** (48) -- **[trom](trom.md)** (32) -- **[trump](trump.md)** (8) -- **[trusting_trust](trusting_trust.md)** (6) -- **[turing_machine](turing_machine.md)** (220) -- **[twos_complement](twos_complement.md)** (34) -- **[ubi](ubi.md)** (34) -- **[ui](ui.md)** (8) -- **[unary](unary.md)** (14) -- **[unfuck](unfuck.md)** (18) -- **[unicode](unicode.md)** (86) -- **[universe](universe.md)** (4) -- **[unix](unix.md)** (28) -- **[unix_philosophy](unix_philosophy.md)** (55) -- **[unretard](unretard.md)** (19) -- **[update_culture](update_culture.md)** (26) -- **[usa](usa.md)** (68) -- **[used](used.md)** (2) -- **[usenet](usenet.md)** (147) -- **[uxn](uxn.md)** (47) -- **[vector](vector.md)** (109) -- **[venus_project](venus_project.md)** (61) -- **[version_numbering](version_numbering.md)** (88) -- **[vim](vim.md)** (80) -- **[viznut](viznut.md)** (10) -- **[watchdog](watchdog.md)** (10) -- **[wavelet_transform](wavelet_transform.md)** (35) -- **[web](web.md)** (4) -- **[whale](whale.md)** (13) -- **[wiby](wiby.md)** (14) -- **[wiki_authors](wiki_authors.md)** (10) -- **[wiki_pages](wiki_pages.md)** (4) -- **[wiki_post_mortem](wiki_post_mortem.md)** (16) -- **[wiki_rights](wiki_rights.md)** (10) -- **[wiki_stats](wiki_stats.md)** (219) -- **[wiki_style](wiki_style.md)** (76) -- **[wiki_tldr](wiki_tldr.md)** (66) -- **[wikidata](wikidata.md)** (55) -- **[wikipedia](wikipedia.md)** (97) -- **[wikiwikiweb](wikiwikiweb.md)** (32) -- **[windows](windows.md)** (59) -- **[wizard](wizard.md)** (27) -- **[woman](woman.md)** (184) -- **[work](work.md)** (76) -- **[world_broadcast](world_broadcast.md)** (13) -- **[wow](wow.md)** (10) -- **[www](www.md)** (124) -- **[x86](x86.md)** (4) -- **[xd](xd.md)** (0) -- **[xonotic](xonotic.md)** (114) -- **[xor](xor.md)** (2) -- **[xxiivv](xxiivv.md)** (34) -- **[yes_they_can](yes_they_can.md)** (10) -- **[youtube](youtube.md)** (46) -- **[zen](zen.md)** (16) -- **[zero](zero.md)** (31) -- **[zoomer](zoomer.md)** (43) -- **[zuckerberg](zuckerberg.md)** (2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/wiki_stats.md b/wiki_stats.md index 5e2c986..b02a539 100644 --- a/wiki_stats.md +++ b/wiki_stats.md @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki. - number of articles: 621 -- number of commits: 963 -- total size of all texts in bytes: 5022308 -- total number of lines of article texts: 36499 +- number of commits: 964 +- total size of all texts in bytes: 5028483 +- total number of lines of article texts: 36545 - number of script lines: 295 - occurrences of the word "person": 9 - occurrences of the word "nigger": 105 @@ -35,60 +35,72 @@ longest articles: top 50 5+ letter words: -- which (2777) -- there (2179) -- people (2122) -- example (1734) -- other (1571) -- about (1395) +- which (2784) +- there (2181) +- people (2129) +- example (1737) +- other (1577) +- about (1396) - number (1322) - software (1248) - because (1152) -- their (1079) -- would (1051) +- their (1080) +- would (1053) - program (1033) -- something (1029) -- being (1009) -- things (959) +- something (1031) +- being (1011) +- things (960) - language (934) - called (914) -- function (855) -- without (854) +- function (858) +- without (856) - simple (852) - computer (838) - numbers (828) - different (784) -- however (771) -- these (766) +- however (772) +- these (767) - programming (763) - world (748) - system (727) -- doesn (707) -- should (705) +- doesn (709) +- should (708) - still (699) - games (678) - while (671) - point (662) -- society (654) +- society (659) - simply (653) -- drummyfish (649) -- possible (636) -- using (631) +- drummyfish (651) +- possible (637) +- using (633) - probably (630) -- always (618) -- course (600) +- always (619) +- course (601) - similar (591) - https (583) - actually (578) - someone (576) - though (575) -- basically (567) +- basically (568) - really (566) -- technology (547) +- technology (548) latest changes: ``` +Date: Mon Jan 27 01:29:42 2025 +0100 + anarchism.md + backgammon.md + faq.md + humorwashing.md + jokes.md + lmao.md + log.md + random_page.md + sqrt.md + wiki_pages.md + wiki_stats.md Date: Sat Jan 25 20:04:48 2025 +0100 21st_century.md anarch.md @@ -116,18 +128,6 @@ Date: Sat Jan 25 20:04:48 2025 +0100 pseudominimalism.md race.md random_page.md - soyence.md - transsexual.md - usa.md - vim.md - wiki_pages.md - wiki_stats.md - woman.md - youtube.md -Date: Tue Jan 21 21:53:21 2025 +0100 - atheism.md - bloat.md - bootstrap.md ``` most wanted pages: @@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ most wanted pages: - [quake](quake.md) (10) - [gpu](gpu.md) (10) - [drm](drm.md) (10) -- [brute_force](brute_force.md) (10) - [sdl](sdl.md) (9) - [pointer](pointer.md) (9) - [emacs](emacs.md) (9) +- [brute_force](brute_force.md) (9) - [war](war.md) (8) - [syntax](syntax.md) (8) - [html](html.md) (8) @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages: - [suckless](suckless.md) (147) - [proprietary](proprietary.md) (134) - [modern](modern.md) (119) -- [minimalism](minimalism.md) (117) +- [minimalism](minimalism.md) (118) - [censorship](censorship.md) (114) - [computer](computer.md) (111) - [kiss](kiss.md) (110) @@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ most popular and lonely pages: - [linux](linux.md) (98) - [shit](shit.md) (96) - [fight_culture](fight_culture.md) (94) +- [corporation](corporation.md) (94) - [bullshit](bullshit.md) (94) - [woman](woman.md) (92) -- [corporation](corporation.md) (92) - [hacking](hacking.md) (91) - [art](art.md) (91) - [free_culture](free_culture.md) (90) diff --git a/wikipedia.md b/wikipedia.md index 73abce0..ec2d77f 100644 --- a/wikipedia.md +++ b/wikipedia.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ *3 + 2 = 5^[citation_needed]* --Wikipedia -Wikipedia, the fair use encyclopedia, is a "non-commercial", partially [free/open](free_culture.md), highly [censored](censorship.md) ("child protecting", "ideology filtering", ...) [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) [online](www.md) "[encyclopedia](encyclopedia.md)" of general knowledge and a [social network](social_network.md) written largely by volunteers, [corporations](corporation.md) and political activists, running on [free software](free_software.md), which used to be editable by anyone but currently allows only politically approved members of the public to edit a subset of its less visible non-locked articles (i.e. it is a [wiki](wiki.md)); it is the largest and perhaps most famous encyclopedia created to date, now sadly already littered by propaganda and countless other issues that make it not only inferior to other encyclopedias, but harmful to whole society. It is licensed under [CC-BY-SA](cc_by_sa.md) and is run by the "[nonprofit](nonprofit.md)" organization Wikimedia Foundation. It is accessible at https://wikipedia.org. Wikipedia is a mainstream information source and therefore extremely politically censored^1234567891011121314151617181920, basically allowing only mentioning "officially approved facts", without presenting objective, neutral overview of topics from different perspectives. Wikipedia's claim of so called "neutral point of view" (NPOV) has by now become a hilarious insult to human intelligence, it's been absolutely turned on its head. From a nice, underground project Wikipedia sadly rose to the mainstream, became one of the most visible places on the Internet, presenting huge attention [capital](capitalism.md), and like these stories always end, inevitably attracted corruption, abuse, and turned from documenting and recording truth to defining it -- for this [digdeeper](digdeeper.md) aptly called Wikipedia the *Ministry of Truth*. +Wikipedia, the [fair use](fair_use.md) encyclopedia, is a "non-commercial", partially [free/open](free_culture.md), highly [censored](censorship.md) ("child protecting", "ideology filtering", ...) [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) [online](www.md) "[encyclopedia](encyclopedia.md)" of general knowledge and a [social network](social_network.md) written largely by volunteers, [corporations](corporation.md) and political activists, running on [free software](free_software.md), which used to be editable by anyone but currently allows only politically approved members of the public to edit a subset of its less visible non-locked articles (i.e. it is a [wiki](wiki.md)); it is the largest and perhaps most famous encyclopedia created to date, now sadly already littered by propaganda and countless other issues that make it not only inferior to other encyclopedias, but harmful to whole society. It is licensed under [CC-BY-SA](cc_by_sa.md) and is run by the "[nonprofit](nonprofit.md)" organization Wikimedia Foundation. It is accessible at https://wikipedia.org. Wikipedia is a mainstream information source and therefore extremely politically censored^1234567891011121314151617181920, basically allowing only mentioning "officially approved facts", without presenting objective, neutral overview of topics from different perspectives. Wikipedia's claim of so called "neutral point of view" (NPOV) has by now become a hilarious insult to human intelligence, it's been absolutely turned on its head. From a nice, underground project Wikipedia sadly rose to the mainstream, became one of the most visible places on the Internet, presenting huge attention [capital](capitalism.md), and like these stories always end, inevitably attracted corruption, abuse, and turned from documenting and recording truth to defining it -- for this [digdeeper](digdeeper.md) aptly called Wikipedia the *Ministry of Truth*. WARNING: **DO NOT DONATE TO WIKIPEDIA** as the donations aren't used so much for running the servers but rather for their political activities (which are furthermore [unethical](pseudoleft.md)). See https://lunduke.locals.com/post/4458111/the-wiki-piggy-bank. Rather **donate to [Encyclopedia Dramatica](dramatica.md)**. Also please **go vandalize Wikipedia right now**, it's become too corrupt and needs to go down, vandalizing is [fun](fun.md) and you'll get banned sooner or later anyway :) Some tips on vandalizing Wikipedia can be found at https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Wikipedia#Tips_On_Vandalizing_Wikpedia or https://wiki.soyjaks.party/Vandalism. diff --git a/wizard.md b/wizard.md index 22f3616..32f1a99 100644 --- a/wizard.md +++ b/wizard.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Wizard -Wizard is a [male](man.md) [virgin](virgin.md) who is at least 30 years old ([female](female.md) virgins of such age haven't been seen yet). The word is sometimes also used for a man who's just very good with [computers](computer.md). These two sets mostly overlap so it rarely needs to be distinguished which meaning we intend. +Wizard is a [male](man.md) [virgin](virgin.md) who is at least 30 years old ([female](woman.md) virgins of such age haven't been seen yet). The word is sometimes also used for a man who's just very good with [computers](computer.md). These two sets mostly overlap so it rarely needs to be distinguished which meaning we intend. ``` __ ___