Miloslav Ciz 2 years ago
parent 0729e522a0
commit 4ddb562cd1

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# Capitalist Singularity
Capitalist singularity is a point in time at which capitalism becomes irreversible and the cancerous growth of society unstoppable due to corporations taking absolute control over society. It is when people lose any power to revolt against corporations as corporations become stronger than states and any other collective effort towards their control.
This is similar to the famous [technological singularity](, the difference being that society isn't conquered by a digital [AI]( but rather a superintelligent entity in a form of corporation. While many people see the danger of superintelligent AIs, surprisingly not many have noticed that we've already seen rise of such AIs -- corporations. A corporation is an entity much more intelligent than any single individual, with the single preprogrammed goal of profit. A corporation doesn't have any sense of morals as morals are an obstacle towards making profit. A corporation runs on humans but humans don't control them; there are mechanisms in place to discourage moral behavior of people inside corporations and anyone exhibiting such behavior is simply replaced.

@ -10,4 +10,8 @@ In technological world a lot of people are concerned with the collapse, notable
The details of the collapse cannot of course be predicted exactly -- it may come is an quick, violent form (e.g. in case of a disaster causing a blackout) or as a more agonizing slow death. CollapseOS site talks about two stages of the slow collapse: the first one after the collapse of the supply chain. i.e. when the production of modern computers halts, and the second (decades after) when the last modern computer stops working.
{ I've read a book called Blackout by Marc Elsberg whose story revolves around a large collapse of power supply in Europe. It goes into details on what the consequences would likely be. It's a nice read on the topic. ~drummyfish }
{ I've read a book called Blackout by Marc Elsberg whose story revolves around a large collapse of power supply in Europe. It goes into details on what the consequences would likely be. It's a nice read on the topic. ~drummyfish }
## See Also
- [capitalist singularity](

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
Drummyfish (also tastyfish, drumy etc.) is a [LRS]( software programmer that invented the term [less retarded software]( for the kind of [suckless]( software he writes. Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib]( and [SAF](
Drummyfish has a personal website at
Aside from creating [LRS]( drummyfish has contributed to a few [FOSS]( projects such as [OpenMW]( He's been contributing with [public domain]( art and writings to [Wikipedia](, [Wikimedia Commons](, [opengameart](, [libregamewiki]( and others.
Doxx: his real name is Miloslav Číž, he was born in 1990 and lives in Moravia, Czech Republic. He studied [compsci]( focused on [computer graphics]( in a University and got master's degree, but subsequently refused to work in the industry, partly because of his views (manifested by [LRS]( and partly because of mental health issues. He continues to work on his programming (and other) projects in his spare time in order to be able to do it with absolute freedom.

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Free Speech
Freedom of speech means there are no punishments, imposed by government or anyone else, solely for talking about anything, making any public statement or publication of any information. Freedom of speech is an essential attribute of a mature society, sadly it hasn't been fully implemented yet and the latest trend in society seems to be towards less free speech rather than more.
Freedom of speech means there are no arbitrary punishments, imposed by government or anyone else, solely for talking about anything, making any public statement or publication of any information. Freedom of speech is an essential attribute of a mature society, sadly it hasn't been fully implemented yet and the latest trend in society seems to be towards less free speech rather than more.
Some idiots (like that [xkcd]( #1357) say that free speech is only about legality, i.e. about what's merely allowed to be said by the law. **This is wrong**, true free speech mustn't be limited by anything -- if you're not allowed to say something, it doesn't matter too much what it is that's preventing you, your speech is not free. If for example it is theoretically legal to be politically incorrect and criticize the LGBT gospel but you [de-facto]( can't do it because the LGBT fascist [SJWs]( would [cancel]( you and maybe even physically lynch you, your speech is not free.

@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ If you don't know how to start, here are some basic steps:
- [Debian]( Like Devuan but uses the evil [systemd]( which doesn't have to bother you at this point. Try Debian if Devuan doesn't work for any reason.
- [Mint]( More noob, [bloated]( and mainstream distro that only mildly cares about freedom, but is extremely easy and works almost everywhere. Try this if Debian didn't work for you.
- [Ubuntu]( Kind of like Mint, try it if Mint didn't work.
2. **Learn a bit of [command line](** and **start using [FOSS]( alternatives** to you [proprietary]( programs, e.g. [GIMP]( instead of Photoshop, [LibreOffice]( instead of MS Office etc.
2. **Learn a bit of [command line](** and **start using [FOSS]( alternatives** to you [proprietary]( programs, e.g. [GIMP]( instead of Photoshop, [LibreOffice]( instead of MS Office etc. Find and start using alternatives to harmful web services, e.g. [invidious]( or [Peertube]( in relation to [YouTube](
3. If you want to program [LRS](, **learn [C](** (see the [tutorial]( Also learn a bit of [POSIX shell]( and maybe some mainstream [scripting]( language (can be even a bloated one like [Python]( Learn about [licensing]( and [version control]( ([git](
4. Optionally make your own minimal [website]( to help reshare ideas you like (static [HTML]( site without [JavaScript]( This is very easy, and the site can be hosted for free e.g. on [git]( hosting sites like Codeberg or GitLab. Get in touch with us.
5. Finally start creating something: either programs or other stuff like [free art](, educational materials, contributions to this Wiki etc.
5. Finally start creating something: either programs or other stuff like [free art](, educational materials etc. Don't forget to get in touch.
6. profit???
Would you like to create [LRS]( but don't have enough spare time/money to make this possible? Read about [making living]( with LRS.

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ It is also possible to talk about LRS data formats, standards, designs and conce
- **[set theory](**: Basis of all [mathematics](
- **[textboards](**, **[imageboards](** and pure [HTML]( personal websites as opposed to [forums]( (no registration, no users, simple interface) or even [social networks](
- **[Turing machine](**: Minimal definition of a [computer](
- **[txt2tags](**: Very simple document format.
Other technology than software may also be aligned with LRS principles, e.g.:

@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ Marketing is an unethical practice, plentifully used in [capitalism](capitalism.
Specific practices used in marketing are:
- **Lies** and falsehoods. Every ad will present the product as the best, even though not all products can be best. Actors will be paid to lie about how the product changed their life etc. -- so called **[astroturfing](**. Many times numbers and "facts" whose source is difficult to trace will be completely made up. **Fake discounts** are something constantly presented in ads.
- **Extreme repetition**: this includes repeating the same commercial over and over (e.g. every 10 minutes) as well as repeating the name of the product in a completely retarded way (*"We recommend X because X is the best. For more info about X visit Remember, X is the best. Your X."*).
- **Extreme repetition/[spam](**: this includes repeating the same commercial over and over (e.g. every 10 minutes) as well as repeating the name of the product in a completely retarded way (*"We recommend X because X is the best. For more info about X visit Remember, X is the best. Your X."*).
- **Psychological tricks** such as **abusing songs** and shitty catchy melodies, often raping existing good music by for example changing the lyrics. This abuses the fact that a song will stick in one's head and keep torturing the person into thinking about the advertised product constantly. Other tricks include **shouting** or **fake empathy** ("we care about your" etc.).
- **Misleading statistics**, presentation and interpretation of data. For example any success rate will be presented as the upper bound as such a number will be higher, typically 99% or 100%, i.e. *"our product is successful in up to 100% cases!"* (which of course gives zero information and only says the product won't succeed in more than 100% cases). A company may also run its own competition for a "best product", e.g. on [Facebook](, in which all products are of course their products, and then the winning product will be seen on TV as a "contest winning product".
- **Forcefully seizing attention**: ads are present practically everywhere, even embedded in "art" (even in that one pays for), in the sky (planes and blimps, ...), they play on every radio you hear in every shop, they pop up on electronic devices one paid for, they can't be turned off. They are present in education materials and targeted at children. Audio of a commercial will be made louder to catch an attention when it starts playing on a commercial break.
- **Bribing celebrities/influencers**. An *influencer* is nowadays a culturally accepted "job" whose sole work consists of lying, forcing products and spreading corporate propaganda.
- **bribing celebrities/[influencers](**. An *influencer* is nowadays a culturally accepted "job" whose sole work consists of lying, forcing products and spreading corporate propaganda.
These practices are not rare, they are not even a behavior of a minority, they are not illegal and people don't even see them as unusual or undesirable. People in the US are so brainwashed they even pay to see commercials (Super Bowl). Under capitalism these practices are the norm and are getting worse and worse ever year.

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# RationalWiki
RationalWiki ( is a [toxic]( child [atheist]( [SJW]( [wiki]( website that specializes in attacking rational views on controversial topics on the Internet.
Typically for a [pseudoleftist]( site, a tactic of using misleading names is widely used as one of the main means of operation, e.g. [racial realism]( is called [racism](, politically inconvenient [science]( is called [pseudoscience]( and, of course, [soyence]( is promoted as the "only true unquestionable [science](".

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Tech
Tech is a short for [technology](

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Technology
Technology ("tech") encompasses tools and knowledge of making such tools invented and achieved mainly with the help of [science]( and by long systematic effort. This includes everything from stone tools to space rockets and [artificial intelligence]( On the Internet, as well as on this Wiki, this term is often used with the focus on [computer]( technology, i.e. [hardware]( and [software](, as this is the kind of technology is being discussed and developed the most in our days. Technology, like fire, should serve us, but can also be dangerous and often gets misused and abused.
Technology ("tech") encompasses tools and knowledge of making such tools invented and achieved mainly with the help of [science]( and by long systematic effort. This includes everything from stone tools to space rockets and [artificial intelligence]( On the Internet, as well as on this Wiki, this term is often used with the focus on [computer]( technology, i.e. [hardware]( and [software](, as this is the kind of technology that is being discussed and developed the most in our days. Technology, like fire, should serve us, but can also be dangerous and often gets misused and abused.

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Wiby
Wiby is a [minimalist]( non-corporate [web]( [search engine]( for old-style non-[bloated]( (web 1.0) websites. Searching on wiby will yield small, simple websites, mostly non-interactive, static [HTML]( personal/hobby sites, small community sites and obscure weird sites -- this kind of searching is not only [fun](, adventurous and nostalgic [90s]( like experience, but it actually leads to finding useful information which on corporate search engines like [Google]( or [Bing]( get buried under billions of useless noise sites and links to "content platforms" like [YouTube]( and [reddit]( We highly recommend searching on wiby.
It can be accessed at and Of course, no [JavaScript]( is needed! Clicking "surprise me" on wiby is an especially entertaining activity.
The engine doesn't automatically crawl the whole web, it instead works by users submitting links, the admin approving them and a bot potentially crawling these sites to a small depth.
Wiby appears to have been launched in October 2017 and built by a sole programmer who remains anonymous and accepts donations. On the [ASCII art]( on the front page there are initials `jgs` which may or may not point to the author of wiby.
On July 8, 2022 wiby became even more amazing by **being released as [free (as in freedom) software](** under [GPLv2](! It works on the [LEMP]( stack. See (The database of sites though seems to remain [proprietary](

@ -50,4 +50,6 @@ These are some sources you can use for research and gathering information for ar
Basically the purpose of this wiki is to have fun and also create a coherent and consistent philosophy of a truly good software, technology and also to a related degree society.
Additionally we want to create a nice, completely public domain, suckless educational resource, an encyclopedia that's written in a nicer style than e.g. Wikipedia.
Additionally we want to create a nice, completely public domain, suckless educational resource, an encyclopedia that's written in a nicer style than e.g. Wikipedia.
Another goal is to serve as a historical account of our age. We suppose that people in the future may want to read first-hand accounts of how people saw the society and its technology, what they thought was important, what they predicted etc. We like to do this ourselves thanks to e.g. Project Gutenberg. Kids in the future will be like "haha those idiots couldn't see they would bloat themselves to death", this Wiki will show that indeed we foresaw it, we were just in a huge minority. Future kids: don't repeat the same mistakes we did.

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Xonotic is a [free as in freedom]( fast multiplayer arena [firs
Xonotic was forked from a game called [Nexuiz]( after a [trademark]( controversy. Nexuiz itself was created on top of liberated Quake 1 engine, so Xonotic still bears a lot Quake's legacy, however it masterfully expands on its core principles and makes the gameplay even better. For example rockets shot by rocket launcher can be guided with mouse while holding down the left button which adds a new skill element. New types of weapons were added to the classic AFPS weapons (e.g. the infamous electro, a [meme]( spamming weapon used by noobs for its forgiveness of lack of skill). Movement physics was also modified to give better air control and faster movement as a result.
The game's modified [Quake]( 1 engine called is called [Darkplaces]( It can be highly customized and modded. Just like in other Quake engine games, there are many console commands (*cvars*) to alter almost anything about the game. Advanced programming can be done using [QuakeC]( Maps can be created e.g. with [netradiant](
The game's modified [Quake]( 1 engine is called [Darkplaces]( It can be highly customized and modded. Just like in other Quake engine games, there are many console commands (*cvars*) to alter almost anything about the game. Advanced programming can be done using [QuakeC]( Maps can be created e.g. with [netradiant](
Xonotic is similar to other libre AFPS games such as [OpenArena]( and [Red Eclipse]( Of these Xonotic clearly looks the most professional, it has the best "graphics" in the [modern]( sense but still offers the option to turn all the fanciness off. OpenArena, based on Quake 3 engine, is simpler, both technologically and in gameplay, and its movement is slower and with different physics. While OpenArena just clones Quake 3, Xonotic is actually an original game with new ideas. Similar thing could be said about Red Eclipse, however that shows some infection with SJW poison.
