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Miloslav Ciz 2024-06-03 21:20:36 +02:00
parent 1ff8f3a311
commit 57e55a4737
11 changed files with 1763 additions and 1761 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Some metrics traditionally used to measure bloat include **[lines of source code
Despite this there isn't any completely objective measure that would say "this software has exactly X % of bloat", bloat is something judged based on what we need/want, what tradeoffs we prefer etc. The answer to "how much bloat" there is depends on the answer to **"what really is bloat?"**. To answer this question most accurately we can't limit ourselves to simplifications such as [lines of code]( or number of package dependencies -- though these are very good estimates for most practical purposes, a more accurate insight is obtained by carefully asking what *burdens* and *difficulties* of ANY kind come with given technology, and also whether and how much of a necessary evil they are. Realize for example that if your software doesn't technically require package X to run or be compiled, package X may be [de facto]( required for your software to exist and work (e.g. a pure multiplayer game client won't have the server as a dependency, but it will be useless without a server, so de facto all bloat present in the server is now in a wider sense also the client's burden). So if you've found a program that's short and uses no libraries, you still have to check whether the language it is written in isn't bloated itself, whether the program relies on running on a complex platform that cannot be implemented without bloat, whether some highly complex piece of hardware (e.g. [GPU]( or 8GB of [RAM]( is required, whether it relies on some complex Internet service etc. You can probably best judge the amount of bloat most objectively by asking the following: if our current technology instantly disappeared, how hard would it be to make this piece of technology work again? This will inevitably lead you to investigating how hard it would be to implement all the dependencies etc.
For a quick overview let us average some data over time -- the table that follows shows growth of system requirements and sizes and averages them to give an estimate of bloat ratio with respect to the first row. Please note some data in the table may not be completely accurate, interpolation/extrapolation was used for missing values, we're only making an estimate after all, but still notice our computing resource usage already grew almost 2000 times despite computers being generally slower and less responsive.
For a quick overview let us average some data over time -- the table that follows shows growth of system requirements and sizes and averages them to give an estimate of bloat ratio with respect to the first row. Please note some data in the table may not be completely accurate, interpolation/extrapolation was used for missing values, we're only making an estimate after all, but still notice our computing resource usage already grew almost 2000 times despite computers being generally slower and less responsive from the user's perspective.
| year | avg. webpage size (KB) | Windows min RAM MB/CPU MHz/HDD MB | Debian min RAM MB/HDD MB | FPS game min RAM MB/CPU MHz/HDD MB | Blender (win zip KB) | % of base |
| ----- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------- | -------------------- | --------- |
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ One of a very frequent questions you may hear a noob ask is **"How can bloat lim
The **path of [degeneracy](** drawn in the graph shows how from a certain breaking point (which may actually appear at different places, the diagram is simplified) many software projects actually start getting less powerful and useful as they get more complex -- not all, some project really do stay on the path of increasing their "richness", but this requires great skills, experience, expertise and also a bit of lucky circumstances; in the zone of huge complexity projects start to get extremely difficult to manage -- non-primary tasks such as organization, maintenance and documentation start taking up so many resources that the primary task of actually programming the software suffers, the project crumbles under its own weight and the developers just try to make it fall slower. This happens mostly in projects made by incompetent [soydevs](, i.e. most today's projects. { Thanks to a friend for pointing out this idea. ~drummyfish }
Please note there may arise some disagreement among minimalist group about where the band is drawn exactly, especially old Unix hackers could be heard arguing for allowing (or even requiring) even trivial programs, maybe as long as the source code isn't shorter than the utility name, but then the discussion might even shift to questions like "what even is a program vs what's just a 10 characters long line" and so on.
Please note there may arise some disagreement among minimalist groups about where the band is drawn exactly, especially old Unix hackers could be heard arguing for allowing (or even requiring) even trivial programs, maybe as long as the source code isn't shorter than the utility name, but then the discussion might even shift to questions like "what even is a program vs what's just a 10 characters long line" and so on.
As a quick [heuristic]( for judging programs you can really take a look at the lines of code (as long as you know it's a simplification that ignores dependencies, formatting style, language used etc.) and use the following classes (basically derived from how [suckless]( programs are often judged):

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*"When copying is outlawed, only outlaws will have culture."* --[Question Copyright website](
Copyright (better called *copyrestriction*, *copyrape* or *copywrong*) is one of many types of so called "[intellectual property](" (IP), a legal concept that allows "ownership", i.e. restriction, [censorship]( and artificial [monopoly]( on certain kinds of [information](, for example prohibition of sharing or viewing useful [information]( or improving [art]( works. Copyright specifically allows the copyright holder (not necessarily the author) a monopoly (practically absolute power) over [art]( creations such as images, songs or texts, which also include source code of computer [programs]( Copyright is a [capitalist]( mechanism for creating [artificial scarcity](, enabling censorship and elimination of the [public domain]( (a pool of freely shared works that anyone can use and benefit from). Copyright is not to be confused with [trademarks](, [patents]( and other kinds of "intellectual property", which are similarly [harmful]( but legally different. Copyright is symbolized by C in a circle or in brackets: (C), which is often accompanies by the phrase "all rights reserved".
Copyright (better called *copyrestriction*, *copyrape* or *copywrong*) is one of many types of so called "[intellectual property](" (IP), a legal concept that allows "ownership", i.e. restriction, [censorship]( and artificial [monopoly]( on certain kinds of [information](, for example prohibition of sharing or viewing useful [information]( or improving [art]( works. Copyright specifically allows the copyright holder (not necessarily the author) a monopoly (practically absolute power) over [art]( creations such as images, songs or texts, which also include source code of computer [programs]( Copyright is a [capitalist]( mechanism for creating [artificial scarcity](, enabling censorship and elimination of the [public domain]( (a pool of freely shared works that anyone can use and benefit from). It is a mechanism that by definition smothers true, useful [progress]( -- in a world that advanced technologically so much that it is already possible to freely copy and share information instantly, with zero cost, with anyone anywhere, copyright tries to set up artificial measures to prevent this so as to keep the old ways of allowing only the privileged to copy and publish intellectual works, it is quite literally force sustaining mechanism of Middle Ages. Copyright is not to be confused with [trademarks](, [patents]( and other kinds of "intellectual property", which are similarly [harmful]( but legally different. Copyright is symbolized by C in a circle or in brackets: (C), which is often accompanies by the phrase "all rights reserved".
When someone creates something that can even remotely be considered artistic expression (even such things as e.g. a mere collection of already existing things), he automatically gains copyright on it, without having to register it, pay any tax, announce it or let it be known anywhere in any way. He then practically has a full control over the work and can successfully sue anyone who basically just touches the work in any way (even unknowingly and unintentionally). Therefore **any work (such as computer code) without a [free]( license attached is implicitly fully "owned" by its creator** (so called "all rights reserved") and can't be used by anyone without permission. It is said that copyright can't apply to ideas (ideas are covered by [patents](, only to expressions of ideas, however that's [bullshit](, the line isn't clear and is arbitrarily drawn by judges; for example regarding stories in books it's been established that the story itself can be copyrighted, not just its expression (e.g. you can't rewrite the [Harry Potter]( story in different words and start selling it).

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@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ Doom has a cool wiki at
Partially thanks to the release of the engine under a [FOSS]( license and its relatively [suckless]( design ([C]( language, [software rendering](, ...), Doom has been [ported](, both officially and unofficially, to a great number of platforms (e.g. [Gameboy Advance](, [PS1](, even [SNES]( and has become a kind of **de facto standard [benchmark](** for computer platforms -- you will often hear the phrase: **"but does it run Doom?"** Porting a Doom to any platform has become kind of a [meme](, someone allegedly even ported it to a pregnancy test (though it didn't actually run on the test, it was really just a display). { Still [Anarch]( may be even more portable than Doom :) ~drummyfish }
The major leap that Doom engine's graphics brought was unprecedented, however Doom was not just a game with good graphics, it had extremely good gameplay, legendary [music]( and art style and introduced the revolutionary [deathmatch]( multiplayer (the name *deathmatch* itself was coined by Romero during Doom multiplayer sessions), as well as a HUGE modding and mapping community. It was a success in every way -- arguably no other game has since achieved a greater revolution than Doom (no, not even [Minecraft](, [World of Warcraft]( etc.). Many reviews of it just went along the lines: "OK, Doom is the best game ever made. now let's just take a look at the details...".
The major leap that Doom engine's graphics brought was unprecedented, however Doom was not just a game with good graphics, it had extremely good gameplay, legendary [music]( and art style and introduced the revolutionary [deathmatch]( multiplayer (the name *deathmatch* itself was coined by Romero during Doom multiplayer sessions), as well as a HUGE modding and mapping community. It was a success in every way -- arguably no other game has since achieved a greater revolution than Doom (no, not even [Minecraft](, [World of Warcraft]( etc.). Many reviews of it just went along the lines: "OK, Doom is the best game ever made, now let's just take a look at the details...". The game's style was also extremely cool, as were the developers themselves, Doom was very appealing by its sincere style of simply being a pure metal/bloody/gory/demon slaying shooter without any corporate garbage stuffed in for more popularity that you'd see today. It was simply a game made by a few guys who did it the way they liked it without giving shit about anything, you won't see that anymore, Doom simply didn't pretend to be some kind of pompous, glorious work and so for example didn't give much shit about the backstory, everyone knew the game was about shooting and so they just made it a bloody shooter. John Carmack famously stated that story in a video game is like story in a porn movie -- it's expected to be there but not very important. Nowadays you may see developers try to imitate this attitude but it's always laughable, it will only ever be a pretense because the times when you could simply make a game with artistic freedom, without having to bow to managers, gender departments, publishers and other overlords are simply long gone.
The game's backstory was simple and didn't stand in the way of gameplay, it's basically about a tough marine (so called *Doomguy*) on a Mars military base slaying hordes of demons from hell, all in a rock/metal style with a lot of gore and over-the-top violence (chain saws n stuff).
Doom wasn't the first 3D game, nor was it the first FPS, there were games before that were "more 3D" in a sense -- for example flight simulators -- what was special about Doom was how it used all the graphic tricks and combined them with excellent gameplay to achieve unprecedented "immersion", such that many weren't ready for. For example Doom had fully textured environments, including floors and ceilings, which along with the fog and lighting made the player really feel present in the game despite not being able to e.g. look up and down.
As stated, the game's backstory was simple and didn't stand in the way of gameplay, it's basically about a tough marine (so called *Doomguy*) on a Mars military base slaying hordes of demons from hell, all in a rock/metal style with a lot of gore and over-the-top violence (chain saws n stuff).
Doom was followed by Doom II in 1995, which "content-wise" was basically just a data disc, the same game with new levels and some minor additions. Later there were some other releases and rereleases, notable is Doom III from 2004, Doom 2016 ("reboot") and Doom: Eternal (2020).

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Fight Culture
Fight culture is the [harmful](, mostly western mindset of seeing any endeavor as a fight against something. Even such causes as aiming for establishment of [peace]( are seen as fighting the people who are against peace, which is [funny]( but also sad. Fight culture keeps, just by the constant repetition of the word *fight* (and similar ones such as *combat*, *win* etc.), a subconscious validation of violence as justified and necessary means for achieving any goal. Fight culture is to a great degree the culture of [capitalist]( society (of course not exclusively), the environment of extreme [competition]( and hostility. It fuels [war]( mentality, hostility, [fear culture]( (everyone is your enemy!), constant unrest leading to mental health deterioration, obsession with various kinds of protections against everything etc. It is ridiculous, our society is now one big fight: against global warming, unemployment, inflation, [unproductivity](, traffic jams, hunger, too little hunger etc. Perhaps in a few years it won't even sound so weird to say you are fighting a road when you try to get from point A to point B or that you are fighting air when riding your bike.
Fight culture is the [harmful](, mostly western mindset of seeing any endeavor as a fight against something. Even such causes as aiming for establishment of [peace]( are seen as fighting the people who are against peace, which is [funny]( but also sad. Fight culture keeps, just by the constant repetition of the word *fight* (and similar ones such as *combat*, *win* etc.), a subconscious validation of violence as justified and necessary means for achieving any goal. Fight culture is to a great degree the culture of [capitalist]( society (of course not exclusively), the environment of extreme [competition]( and hostility. It fuels [war]( mentality, hostility, [fear culture]( (everyone is your enemy!), constant unrest leading to mental health deterioration, obsession with various kinds of protections against everything etc. Fight is a mechanism of the jungle, something a civilized society tries to distance itself from -- sustaining the mechanisms of the jungle means we are only implementing cosmetic changes. It is ridiculous, our society is now one big fight: against global warming, unemployment, inflation, [unproductivity](, traffic jams, hunger, too little hunger etc. Perhaps in a few years it won't even sound so weird to say you are fighting a road when you try to get from point A to point B or that you are fighting air when riding your bike.
[We](, of course, see fight culture as highly undesirable for a [good society]( as that needs to be based on peace, [love]( and [collaboration](, not [competition]( For this reasons we never say we "fight" anything (or even "win", we rather achieve goals), we rather aim for goals, look for solutions, educate and sometimes reject, avoid, refuse and oppose bad concepts (e.g. fight culture itself).

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@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# Game
Most generally game is a form of play which is restricted by certain rules, the goal of which is typically [fun](, providing challenge and/or [competition]( (and sometimes more, e.g. [education](, training etc.). A game may have various combinations of mathematical/mental elements (e.g. competitive mental calculations, mathematically defined rules, ...), physical elements (based in [real life]( physics, e.g. [football](, [marble racing](, ...) and even other types of elements (e.g. social, psychological, ...); nowadays very popular games are [computer]( games, a type of video games (also gaymes, video gaems or vidya, e.g. [Anarch](, [minesweeper](, [Doom](, ...), which are played with the help of a computer. An entity (human, computer, animal, ...) playing a game is called a player and his ability to play it well is called [skill](; however some games may involve pure [randomness]( and chance which may limit or even eliminate the need of skill (e.g. [rock paper scissors]( *Game* is also a [mathematical]( term in [game theory]( which studies games and competition rigorously.
Most generally game is a form of play which is restricted by certain rules, the goal of which is typically [fun](, providing challenge and/or [competition]( (and sometimes more, e.g. [education](, training etc.). A game may have various combinations of mathematical/mental elements (e.g. competitive mental calculations, mathematically defined rules, ...), physical elements (based in [real life]( physics, e.g. [football](, [marble racing](, ...) and even other types of elements (e.g. social, psychological, ...); nowadays very popular games are [computer]( games, a type of video games (also gaymes, video gaems or vidya, e.g. [Anarch](, [minesweeper](, [Doom](, ...), which are played with the help of a computer. Other types of games are e.g. board games (such as [chess](, card games (such as [poker](, parlour games, puzzles and so on. An entity (human, computer, animal, ...) playing a game is called a player and his ability to play it well is called [skill](; however some games may involve pure [randomness]( and chance which may limit or even eliminate the need of skill (e.g. [rock paper scissors]( *Game* is also a [mathematical]( term in [game theory]( which studies games and competition rigorously.
A fun take at the very concept of a game is [Nomic](, a game in which changing the game rules is part of the game. It leads to all kinds of mindfucks.
**What does a good game look like?** It is [simple](, [LRS]( and [beautiful](, with only a few rules, but has great depth and provides endless hours of [fun]( and challenge -- so called [easy to learn, hard to master]( A good game is [free](, owned by no one, belonging to the people, and lives its own life by relying on **self imposed goals** rather than "content consumption" in form of constant [updates]( and centralized control by some kind of "owner" (as is the case with capitalist games) -- i.e. despite having a goal, the game doesn't try to hard force the player to do something, but rather opens up a nice environment (in which the main goal is but one of many fun things to do) for player's own creativity (once the player beats the game, he may e.g. try to beat it [as fast as possible](, play it with some deliberate limitation, try to play it as bad as possible, combine it with other games etc.). One such nice game is possibly [racetrack](
**What does a good game look like?** It is [simple](, [LRS]( and [beautiful](, with only a few rules, but has great depth and provides endless hours of [fun]( and challenge -- so called [easy to learn, hard to master]( From mathematical point of view the game's simple rules open up a complex world that's deep enough to keep exploring forever -- for this reason it's best if solving the game is for example [NP hard]( and players therefore have to look for [heuristics]( for playing it efficiently. A good game is [free](, owned by no one, belonging to the people, and lives its own life by relying on **self imposed goals** rather than "content consumption" in form of constant [updates]( and centralized control by some kind of "owner" (as is the case with capitalist games) -- i.e. despite having a goal, the game doesn't try to hard force the player to do something, but rather opens up a nice environment (in which the main goal is but one of many fun things to do) for player's own creativity (once the player beats the game, he may e.g. try to beat it [as fast as possible](, play it with some deliberate limitation, try to play it as bad as possible, combine it with other games etc.). One such nice game is possibly [racetrack]( For competition it's probably best if the game is symmetric, i.e. all players have (at least as much as possible) equal conditions (same weapons, same goals, ...) -- this ensures that the game always stays balanced, even when new tricks are being discovered as these can be utilized by everyone.
### Types Of Games
It's quite hard to exactly define what a game is, it is a [fuzzy]( concept, and it is also hard to categorize games. Let us now define a simple classification of games by their basic nature, which will hopefully be suitable for us here:
- **[mathematical]( games**: Games taking place in an abstract mathematical space, with exactly defined rules. Though mathematical games may of course be represented in real life (e.g. by physical chess pieces made of wood), such a representation is only a helper for the player and doesn't rule the game out of this category. Mathematicians try to *solve* these games in various ways, e.g. by trying to construct an [algorithm]( for perfect play or proving that with perfect play one of the players can always secure a win.
- **[mathematical]( games**: Games taking place in an abstract mathematical space, with exactly defined rules. Though mathematical games may of course be represented in real life (e.g. by physical chess pieces made of wood or a physical Rubik's cube), such a representation is only a helper for the player and doesn't rule the game out of this category. Mathematicians try to *solve* these games in various ways, e.g. by trying to construct an [algorithm]( for perfect play or proving that with perfect play one of the players can always secure a win.
- **[computer]( games**: Mathematical games that practically REQUIRE a computer (and usually have been design as such) to be played due to the computations involved being very numerous and/or complex -- for example [Doom](
- **non-computer mathematical games**: Mathematical games that do not require a computer (though of course their computer implementations may exist) as the calculations involved can be practically performed without it -- for example [chess](
- **[real life]( games**: Games taking place in real life, i.e. usually making use of real world physics or other laws (e.g. social ones) -- for example [football]( or [marble racing](

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The term *low poly* (also low-poly or lowpoly) is used for polygonal [3D models]
**WATCH OUT**: Retards nowadays use the term "low poly" for stylized/untextured high poly models; they even use the term for models whose polygon count is lower than the number of atoms in observable universe, or they use the term completely randomly just to put a cool label to their lame shit models. **STOP THIS FUCKING INSANITY, DON'T CALL HIGH POLY MODELS LOW POLY**.
The exact threshold on polygon count from which we call a model low poly can't be objectively set because firstly there's a subjective judgment at play and secondly such threshold depends on the ideal shape we're approximating. This means that not every model with low polygon count is low poly: if a shape, for example a [cube](, can simply be created with low number of polygons without it causing a distortion of the shape, it shouldn't be called low poly. And similarly a model with high polygon count can still be classified as low poly if even the high number of polygons still causes a significant distortion of the shape.
The exact threshold on polygon count from which we call a model low poly can't be objectively set because firstly there's a subjective judgment at play and secondly such threshold depends on the ideal shape we're approximating. This means that not every model with low polygon count is low poly: if a shape, for example a [cube](, can simply be created with low number of polygons without it causing a distortion of the shape, it shouldn't be called low poly. And similarly a model with high polygon count can still be classified as low poly if even the high number of polygons still causes a significant distortion of the shape. However let's say that if it has more than 100 triangles it's most likely not low poly.
The original purpose of creating low poly models was to improve performance, or rather to make it even possible to render something in the era of early computer graphics. Low poly models take less space in memory and on good, non-capitalist computers render faster. As computers became able to render more and more polygons, low poly models became more and more unnecessary and eventually ended up just as a form of **"retro" art style** -- many people still have nostalgia for [PS1]( graphics with very low poly models and new games sometimes try to mimic this look. In the world of capitalist consoomer computing/[gayming]( nowadays no one really cares about saving polygons on models because "[modern](" [GPUs]( aren't really affected by polygon count anymore, everyone just uses models with billions of polygons even for things that no one ever sees, soydevs don't care anymore about the art of carefully crafting models on a low polygon budget. However in the context of [good, non-capitalist technology]( low poly models are still very important.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Trolling
Trolling (as a verb) is a fairly recent term that has evolved alongside the [Internet]( and whose meaning ranges from an activity of purposefully causing [drama]( (mostly on the Internet) for entertainment (the original, narrower meaning) to just shamelessly abusing rules of any system on the detriment of others (narrower meaning, e.g. *[patent]( trolling*, pre-election *media trolling* etc.). Core value of the wide-sense trolling is simply [fun]( on the detriment of others -- trolls are those who before the Internet would be called something like jokers or pranksters, however [real life]( pranks have limited potential -- on the Internet on the other hand trolling can flourish (likely owing to the aspect of [anonymity](, lack of nonverbal communication, lack of consequences and responsibility and so on), so this [art]( has evolved into something more, it is by now an inseparable part of Internet [culture]( (and should probably become protected by Unesco). Trolling is cherished by cool people who don't take things too seriously and can make fun of themselves and is therefore embraced by forums like [4chan](; on the other hand it is demonized by those without sense of humor, those who fear the power of humor (e.g. dictators and fascists) and those who mostly get butthurt by it ([reddit](, [Wikipedia]( and other "safe space" networks). [Evil]( is always afraid of fun.
Trolling (as a verb) is a fairly recent term that has evolved alongside the [Internet]( and whose meaning ranges from an activity of purposefully causing [drama]( (mostly on the Internet) for entertainment (the original, narrower meaning) to just shamelessly abusing rules of any system on the detriment of others (narrower meaning, e.g. *[patent]( trolling*, pre-election *media trolling* etc.). Core value of the wide-sense trolling is simply [fun]( on the detriment of others, but not every fun making can be called trolling -- bullying weaker, for example, isn't trolling, despite it bringing some fun; trolling has to have a bit of cleverness in it, it typically finds a way of legally do something nasty, i.e. [hacking]( the rules of the game. Trolls are those who before the Internet would be called something like jokers or pranksters, however [real life]( pranks have limited potential -- on the Internet on the other hand trolling can flourish (likely owing to the aspect of [anonymity](, lack of nonverbal communication, lack of consequences and responsibility and so on), so this [art]( has evolved into something more, it is by now an inseparable part of Internet [culture]( (and should probably become protected by Unesco). Trolling is not about being [evil](, it is about having fun, it is cherished by cool people who don't take things too seriously and can make fun of themselves and is therefore embraced by forums like [4chan](; on the other hand it is demonized by those without sense of humor, those who fear the power of humor (e.g. dictators and fascists) and those who mostly get butthurt by it ([reddit](, [Wikipedia]( and other "safe space" networks). [Evil]( is always afraid of fun.
NOTE: That who performs trolling is called a *troll*, a word taken from Nordic mythology where it stands for a fantastic, weird kind of creature that lives in forests, caves or under bridges. Trolls are often a [race]( in many fantasy universes (e.g. Warcraft, LOTR, Harry Potter, ...) -- there their appearance isn't very unified, some make them big, stupid giants, others paint them as tall but human sized creatures with tusks and so on. Further on we'll just be discussing trolls as related to *trolling*.
@ -35,3 +35,4 @@ Here are some potentially entertaining ways of trolling (they'll be written from
- [fun](
- [shitpost](
- [lulz](

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 580
- number of commits: 813
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3872628
- total number of lines of article texts: 29488
- number of commits: 814
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3878435
- total number of lines of article texts: 29505
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 86
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
longest articles:
- [c_tutorial]( 124K
- [exercises]( 92K
- [exercises]( 96K
- [capitalism]( 68K
- [how_to]( 68K
- [less_retarded_society]( 60K
@ -35,18 +35,18 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2218)
- there (1682)
- which (2224)
- there (1685)
- people (1477)
- example (1241)
- other (1201)
- number (1120)
- example (1245)
- other (1202)
- number (1123)
- software (1076)
- about (1005)
- program (879)
- about (1007)
- program (885)
- their (826)
- because (794)
- would (784)
- because (795)
- would (785)
- called (760)
- language (742)
- being (738)
@ -54,41 +54,53 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- computer (732)
- things (709)
- simple (704)
- something (699)
- something (701)
- without (664)
- function (661)
- programming (656)
- these (621)
- however (620)
- programming (657)
- these (622)
- however (621)
- different (620)
- world (580)
- should (567)
- system (565)
- should (565)
- doesn (550)
- doesn (551)
- games (549)
- point (543)
- society (540)
- though (518)
- while (514)
- while (515)
- memory (508)
- drummyfish (505)
- using (501)
- memory (498)
- still (488)
- possible (482)
- similar (481)
- still (489)
- possible (484)
- similar (482)
- technology (479)
- course (478)
- simply (470)
- https (456)
- really (435)
- value (433)
- always (427)
- really (437)
- value (434)
- always (428)
- extremely (425)
- actually (423)
latest changes:
Date: Sun Jun 2 12:40:38 2024 +0200
Date: Fri May 31 21:16:28 2024 +0200
@ -110,21 +122,6 @@ Date: Thu May 30 17:55:03 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -160,7 +157,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [game]( (140)
- [suckless]( (135)
- [proprietary]( (117)
- [computer]( (94)
- [computer]( (95)
- [kiss]( (93)
- [modern]( (90)
- [minimalism]( (88)

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@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ Currently there are visions of so called **"[web 3]("** which should be
*A typical website under capitalism, 2023. For potential far-future readers: this is NOT exaggeration, all websites LITERALLY look like this.*
{ Ah this pseudoimage above [made it to Encyclopedia Dramatica]( :D Thank you kind stranger <3 ~drummyfish }
Back in the day (90s and early 2000s) web used to be a place of freedom working more or less in a decentralized manner, on [anarchist]( and often even [communist]( principles -- people used to have their own unique websites where they shared freely and openly, [censorship]( was difficult to implement and mostly non-existent and websites used to have a much better design, were [KISS](, safer, "open" (no paywalls, registration walls, country blocks, [DRM](, ...), MUCH faster and more robust as they were pure [HTML]( documents. It was also the case that most websites were truly nice, useful and each one had a "soul" as they were usually made by passionate nerds who had a creative freedom and true desires to create a nice website (yes, even if they were making a commercial website for some company).
As the time marched on web used to become more and more [shit](, as is the case with everything touched by [capitalist]( hand -- the advent of so called **web 2.0** brought about a lot of [complexity](, websites started to incorporate client-side scripts ([JavaScript](, [Flash](, [Java]( applets, ...) which led to many negative things such as incompatibility with browsers (kickstarting browser consumerism and [update culture](, performance loss and security vulnerabilities (web pages now became programs rather than mere documents) and more complexity in web browsers, which leads to immense [bloat]( and browser [monopolies]( (greater effort is needed to develop a browser, making it a privilege of those who can afford it, and those can subsequently dictate de-facto standards that further strengthen their monopolies). Another disaster came with **[social networks](** in mid 2000s, most notably [Facebook]( but also [YouTube](, [Twitter]( and others, which centralized the web and rid people of control. Out of comfort people stopped creating and hosting own websites and rather created a page on Facebook. This gave the power to corporations and allowed **mass-surveillance**, **mass-censorship** and **propaganda brainwashing**. As the web became more and more popular, corporations and governments started to take more control over it, creating technologies and laws to make it less free. By 2020, the good old web is but a memory and a hobby of a few boomers, everything is controlled by corporations, infected with billions of unbearable ads, [DRM](, malware (trackers, [crypto]( miners, ...), there exist no good web browsers, web pages now REQUIRE JavaScript even if it's not needed in principle due to which they are painfully slow and buggy, there are restrictive laws and censorship and de-facto laws (site policies) put in place by corporations controlling the web. Official web standards, libraries and frameweworks got into such an unbelievably bloated, complicated, corrupted and degenerated state (look up e.g. [Shadow DOM]( that one cannot but stare in astonishment about the stupidity.