This commit is contained in:
24 changed files with 1903 additions and 1889 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Anarch is a [LRS](lrs.md)/[suckless](suckless.md), [free as in freedom](free_sof
There are now also additional official mods available for the game that for example add multiplayer, increase texture resolution, improve the overall look, allow recording demos, replace assets with those from [Freedoom](freedoom.md) and so on.
To make Anarch no advanced [bullshit](bullshit.md) was used such as multiple monitors, [IDE](ide.md)s, [UML](uml.md), workstations, graphic tablets, programming socks, expensive chairs and so on. It was made mostly with one old laptop, one old desktop computer and only basic [free software](free_software.md) such as [vim](vim.md), [GIMP](gimp.md) and so on.
The repo is available at https://codeberg.org/drummyfish/Anarch or https://gitlab.com/drummyfish/anarch. Some info about the game can also be found at the [libregamewiki](lgw.md): https://libregamewiki.org/Anarch. The 1.0 version was released on 1st December 2020, it was officially in the making since September 2019, but we may also see the inception of the game to be the start of [raycastlib](raycastlib.md) development in 2018.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Arduboy is an [Arduino](arduino.md)-based, extremely tiny indie/"retro" handheld
*Hasted Arduboy ASCII art.*
*Hasted (but very good) Arduboy ASCII art.*
Arduboy has a number of [hack](hacking.md)/mods, both official and unofficial, see e.g. Arduboy FX (version that comes with memory for games so one doesn't have to use external PC to switch between them) or Arduboy Mini (yet physically smaller version).
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Some things that are bullshit include:
- [privacy](privacy.md)
- [productivity](productivity_cult.md)
- [property](property.md) (including [copyright](copyright.md) etc.)
- "[right](rights_culture.md) to be forgotten" :D aka right to [delete yourself](suicide.md) aka "I can do whatever I want then everyone forgets it when I press a button", amazing [troll](trolling.md)
- [security](security.md)
- [states](state.md)
- [UML](uml.md)
@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a
- **[monopolies](monopoly.md) with unlimited power, degeneration of competition**: The naive ideas of capitalists that markets will magically regulate themselves quickly falls apart, basically no one even tries to believe it anymore. In a competitive market monopolies arise in a short time who will prevent any competition from even arising. Can a tiny starting company compete with an established corporations with billions of dollars and thousand lawyers? No. The corporation can defeat them by gigantic marketing, unfair practices (unfair prices etc.) despite fines, by simply buying them, legal trolling, media trolling (negative internet reviews, ...), even physical attacks if necessary (just anonymously pay a bunch of hackers to DDOS competition's servers etc.). Once a monopoly without competition exists, the few advantages of competition disappear completely. A corporation doesn't respond to demand, it creates the demand. It can do whatever it likes, it can set arbitrarily high prices, create arbitrarily shitty products and so on, no competition is pressuring it to do otherwise, people have no choice than to subvert.
- **[poverty](poverty.md)**: Despite capitalist propaganda, not everyone can be successful in capitalism (if everyone could retire at 20, why doesn't everyone just do it?), and it is a fact that because [money makes money](money_makes_money.md), the gap between the poor and the rich is becoming wider and wider (as of 2020, 8 richest people owned as much wealth as the whole poorer half of the population). Poor people are pushed into loans, getting into debts, trapping themselves, working multiple jobs, while their health deteriorates increasing their debt on medical bills, decreasing their ability to work more etc.
- **torture and killing of people**: The poorest, mostly in third world countries, including children, are forced to hard labor that destroys their lives. Whole cities live off of processing waste coming from first world countries, e.g. disintegrating used ships with primitive tools, no work safety, breathing cancerous fumes etc.
- **materialism: there exists nothing but money**: By definition capitalism advises ONLY to maximize one's profit, any other values such as human well being, peace, preservation of life environment or progress are subverted to the goal of profit. As other values are often in conflict with profit, profit wins and people suffer. People are being attacked, exploited, caught in traps, hunted like animals; see e.g. [usury](usury.md), business with [poverty](poverty.md) and so on.
- **materialism: there exists nothing but [money](money.md)**: By definition capitalism advises ONLY to maximize one's profit, any other values such as human well being, peace, preservation of life environment or progress are subverted to the goal of profit. As other values are often in conflict with profit, profit wins and people suffer. People are being attacked, exploited, caught in traps, hunted like animals; see e.g. [usury](usury.md), business with [poverty](poverty.md) and so on.
- **[fight culture](fight_culture.md), [fascism](fascism.md), extreme hostility between people, disappearance of morality**: The very basis of capitalism -- competition -- nurtures people towards self interest, self centeredness and hostility towards others while suppressing good attributes such as sharing, love for others and [altruism](altruism.md). With this morals decline and fascist groups arise. Furthermore the system of overcomplicated laws are starting to replace morals, people ask "is it legal?" rather than "is it a good thing to do?". This creates a society of dicks and psychopaths who are additionally rewarded for their immoral behavior by becoming "successful" and wealthy. In long term this serves as a natural selection in Darwinian evolution, immorally behaving people are actually more likely to survive and reproduce, which leads to genes of psychopathic behavior becoming more and more common in society -- under capitalism good people quite literally become extinct in the long run.
- **[fear culture](fear_culture.md)**: To keep people consuming and constantly engaged a tension has to be kept, comfortable people are undesirable in capitalism. So there is constantly a propaganda of some threat, be it viruses, terrorism, pedophiles on the internet, computer viruses, killing bees etc.
- **[consumerism](consumerism.md)**: To keep businesses running people need to consume everything, even things that shouldn't be consumed and that could last for very long such as computers and cars. This leads to creation of hasted low quality products (even art such as TV series) that are meant to be used and thrown away, repairing is no longer considered.
- **commerce infects absolutely everything**: In advanced capitalism there is no such thing as a commerce free zone, everything is privatized eventually and serves selfish interests. There is **nowhere to hide**, capitalism has to work towards eliminating escape places as abused people will want to naturally retreat from a place of abuse somewhere safe. Nowadays even such areas as health care, welfare or [education](education.md) of children is permeated by money, ads and corporate propaganda. Even [nonprofits](nonprofit.md) have to make money. Educational videos in schools are preceded with [ads](marketing.md) (as they are played on [YouTube](youtube.md)), propagandists even legally go to school and brainwash little children (they call it "education in financial literacy" and teach children that they should e.g. create bank accounts in the propagandist's specific bank).
- **commerce and conflict infect absolutely everything**: In advanced capitalism there is no such thing as a commerce free zone, everything is privatized eventually and serves selfish interests. There is **nowhere to hide**, capitalism has to work towards eliminating escape places as abused people will want to naturally retreat from a place of abuse somewhere safe. Nowadays even such areas as health care, welfare or [education](education.md) of children is permeated by money, ads and corporate propaganda. Even [nonprofits](nonprofit.md) have to make money. Educational videos in schools are preceded with [ads](marketing.md) (as they are played on [YouTube](youtube.md)), propagandists even legally go to school and brainwash little children (they call it "education in financial literacy" and teach children that they should e.g. create bank accounts in the propagandist's specific bank). **Everything becomes a form of capital** -- not just money, machines and private property, but also such things as *being a woman*, *living in some place*, *being disabled*, *having children* and so on. That's why fascist movements like [feminism](feminism.md) and [LGBT](lgbt.md) appear, prosper and bring conflict and destruction to basic interhuman relationships -- it is no longer possible to just get a girlfriend and marry her out of love; love is another form of business now and a woman won't give up her "woman" capital for nothing just like an entrepreneur won't give you his factory for free, just to make you happy.
- **destruction of life environment**: This is nowadays already pretty clear, [global heating](global_warming.md) is attributed mainly to capitalism and is seen as maybe the most likely doom that's probably already unavoidable. Lack of long term planning and any concern for anything but money, along with consumerism and extreme waste (of energy, physical waste such as plastic, toxic chemicals etc.) lead to building bullshit factories and performing unnecessary activity for economic reasons (e.g. transporting materials over the globe for assembly, then transporting it back), leading to extreme pollution of air (visible air smog already makes it hard to breathe in many cities), water (it is no longer safe to drink rain water as it used to be) and food (microplastic particles are already basically EVERYWHERE, eating them can't be avoided). Forests that are necessary for cleaning air, host many precious life forms and are overall a key part of ecosystem are being destroyed rapidly, entire species are disappearing very quickly. To save the environment it's absolutely key to stop [consumerism](consumerism.md), something in direct conflict with capitalism -- how do you want people to stop having the urges to overly consume if every single minute of their lives they are bombarded with ads pressuring them to consume? And that's just a quick sum up.
- **rule of idiots**: Under capitalism the incompetent become successful as success isn't a matter of competence at art but rather willingness to win for any cost, matter of persevering despite being untalented, succumbing to unethical behavior, investing into "promoting" oneself through marketing, social media etc. The truly skilled and intelligent often see the system is bullshit, the skilled are skilled before they want to do their art rather than engage in fights, so they get depressed and disgusted and leave to live in the underground, they live only for their art, opening the way for the unskilled, stupid and at best average thirsty for success. That's why there are so many "professional" wedding photographers who know absolutely nothing about photography, so many elementary school drop outs who become celebrities on TikTok and YouTube who go on to advise the masses on who to vote for in the elections, so many shitty movies, music and games, so many "programmers" and "security experts" who can't do elementary school math etc.
- **loss of ethical and moral behavior**: Ethical behavior is a disadvantage in a competitive environment of the market, it is a limitation. Those trying to behave ethically (e.g. fair prices or good treatment of employees) will simply lose to the unethically behaving ones and be eliminated from the market. Eventually there only remain unethically behaving entities, which is exactly what we are seeing nowadays -- there basically doesn't exist a single ethically behaving corporation in the world (which has however already been normalized and is no longer seen as an issue). { Where I live there is an old proverb that says "self praise stinks", it's an old wisdom that correctly states people who aren't humble are always evil idiots. Capitalism stands on massive marketing and basically goes all in on this evil, marketing school are nothing but teaching self praise. ~drummyfish }
- **loss of [ethical](ethics.md) and [moral](morality.md) behavior**: Ethical behavior is a disadvantage in a competitive environment of the market, it is a limitation. Those trying to behave ethically (e.g. fair prices or good treatment of employees) will simply lose to the unethically behaving ones and be eliminated from the market. Eventually there only remain unethically behaving entities, which is exactly what we are seeing nowadays -- there basically doesn't exist a single ethically behaving corporation in the world (which has however already been normalized and is no longer seen as an issue). { Where I live there is an old proverb that says "self praise stinks", it's an old wisdom that correctly states people who aren't humble are always evil idiots. Capitalism stands on massive marketing and basically goes all in on this evil, marketing school are nothing but teaching self praise. ~drummyfish }
- **anti-people design**: By definition in capitalism technology is not to serve people, it is to serve companies to make profit and abuse people, so technology spies on its users, refuses to work ([DRM](drm.md), ...) shows [ads](ad.md), forces children into purchases (predatory [games](game.md)), breaks on purpose so as to enforce a paid repair etc.
- **[censorship](censorship.md)**: One kind of capitalist censorship is so called [intellectual property](intellectual_property.md) (allowing "ownership" of ideas, art etc.), but there are many more, e.g. so called [moderation](moderation.md) of social media which censors specific political views (deemed "politically incorrect" and hence "dangerous" for the advertising potential or brand of the platform) or sharing of certain facts (e.g. those revealing unethical practice of the platform itself, negative reviews of its products etc.). Privately owned media lawfully censor and manipulate information so as to manipulate people in whichever way they see will bring them most profit. While "intellectual property" is marketed as "protecting intellectual workers", in practice it serves corporations and states to do whatever they want, from political censorship, deception and implementing surveillance (justified by "anti[piracy](piracy.md)") to legal bullying and implementing artificial scarcity ("no, you can't grow this type of food on your field as the plant is patented; only we can grow it and you have to buy it from us in order to live").
- **[surveillance](surveillance.md)**: Companies want to analyze behavior of people, manipulate them, target ads, spam, train neural networks on their data etc., so there is a huge interest in applying surveillance. Indeed, this is exactly what we see in practice -- this is not even a conspiracy theory, cases of revealed mass surveillance are almost daily news.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ These are some **nice/interesting/benchmark articles** to look up in encyclopedi
## Notable/Nice Encyclopedias
Here is a list of notable encyclopedias, focused on general knowledge English language ones. The most notable ones are in bold. Also check out existing encyclopedias in other languages that you speak, we can't list those here.
Here is a list of notable encyclopedias, focused on general knowledge English language ones. The most notable ones are in bold. Please do check also encyclopedias in other languages that you speak (or which you can easily autotranslate), we can't list those here but there are many large and awesome ones, for example the Russian [Lurkmore](lurkmore.md) (currently at https://neolurk.org).
{ See also https://wikiindex.org/. ~drummyfish }
@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ Some notable things feminists managed to achieve are:
{ [LMAO](lmao.md), **a supposed woman writer who won 1 million euro prize turned out to actually be three men writers**, see Carmen Mola :) Also the recent "historically first all female space walk" during which they managed to lose $100K worth of equipment :D ~drummyfish }
Part of the success of feminism is also [capitalism](capitalism.md) -- women with privileges, e.g. those of not having to work as much as men, are not accepted under capitalism; everyone has to be exploited as much as possible, everyone has to be a work slave. Therefore capitalist propaganda promotes ideas such as "women not having to work is oppression by men and something a woman should be ashamed of", which is of course laughable, but with enough brainwashing anything can be established, even the most ridiculous and obvious bullshit.
Feminism prospers largely thanks to [capitalism](capitalism.md) -- women with privileges, e.g. those of not having to work as much as men, are not accepted under capitalism; everyone has to be exploited as much as possible, everyone has to be a work slave. Therefore capitalist propaganda promotes ideas such as "women not having to work is oppression by men and something a woman should be ashamed of", which is of course laughable, but with enough brainwashing anything can be established, even the most ridiculous and obvious bullshit. Furthermore under capitalism **being a woman is a form of capital**, this capital is to be utilized and traded and so you can no longer get a woman just because you love each other, a woman dating you just out of love would be like her giving all her life savings to a complete stranger just to make him happy. And so women rather start dating other women, just as rich people hang around with other rich people, and that's why Feminism is so closely tied to [LGBT](lgbt.md) and vice versa -- LGBT helps women get rid of men and women in turn support LGBT back, e.g. by supporting men switching genders to female. Feminism is a product of capitalism induced [fight culture](fight_culture.md) and escalation of conflict. Women being in war with men is just natural development of capitalism as the system naturally puts more and more social groups against each other to fuel conflict as a ground and fuel for business -- a very advanced business that no longer works just with money and traditional property, but newly with human needs, emotion and suffering. Eventually mothers will end up being in conflict with their sons, parents will become enemies of their children, tall people enemies of short people and so on. If it seems ridiculous, just wait a few years -- the current insanity of feminism would have seemed absolutely ridiculous as well not that long ago.
Apparently in Korea feminists already practice segregation, they separate parking spots for men and women so as to prevent women bumping into men or meeting a man late at night because allegedly men are more aggressive and dangerous. Now this is pretty ridiculous, this is exactly the same as if they separated e.g. parking lots for black and white people because black people are statistically more often involved in crime, you wouldn't want to meet them at night. So, do we still want to pretend feminists are not fascist?
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ int main(void)
It [works](just_werks.md), however with a number of issues. Firstly we see that for every number we check we potentially test the divisibility by 3 and 5 twice, which is not [good](good.md), considering division (and modulo) are one of the slowest instructions. We also reuse the magic constants 3 and 5 in different places, which would start to create a huge mess if we were dealing with many more divisors. There is also a lot of branching, in the main divisibility check we may jump up to three times for the checked number -- jump instruction are slow and we'd like to avoid them (again, consider we were checking e.g. divisibility by 1000 different numbers).
It [works](just_werks.md), however with a number of issues. Firstly we see that for every number we check we potentially test the divisibility by 3 and 5 twice, which is not [good](good.md), considering division (and modulo) are one of the slowest instructions. We also reuse the magic constants 3 and 5 in different places, which would start to create a huge mess if we were dealing with many more divisors. There is also a lot of branching, in the main divisibility check we may jump up to three times for the checked number -- jump instruction are slow and we'd like to avoid them (again, consider we were checking e.g. divisibility by 1000 different numbers). A first, tiny optimization (that here will likely be performed automatically) to notice is that `i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0` can be changed to just `i % 15 == 0`.
When asked to optimize the algorithm a bit one might come up with something like this:
When asked to optimize the algorithm a bit more one might come up with something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Free software was invented by [Richard Stallman](rms.md) in the 1980s. His free
TODO: something here
**By 2024 free software is dead** -- yes, FSF and some free software "activists" are still around, but they don't bear any significance, just like the hippies lost any significance after 1960s etc. Corruption, politics and [free market](capitalism.md) have finally killed the movement, [open $ource](open_source.md) prevailed and it is now redefining even the basic pillars of the four freedoms (partial openness or just source availability is now practically synonymous with "open source"), probably sealing the fate of technology, free software seems to have only postponed capitalist disaster by a few decades, which is still a great feat.
**By 2024 free software is dead** -- yes, FSF and some free software "activists" are still around, but they don't bear any significance, just like the hippies lost any significance after 1960s etc. Corruption, politics and [free market](capitalism.md) have finally killed the movement, [open $ource](open_source.md) prevailed and it is now redefining even the basic pillars of the four freedoms (partial openness or just source availability is now practically synonymous with "open source"), probably sealing the fate of technology, free software seems to have only postponed capitalist disaster by a few decades, which is still a great feat. { It's been pointed out to me that even some project that call themselves "free" or "libre", such as "Libre"Boot, are in fact breaking the rules of freedom now, for example by including proprietary blobs. ~drummyfish }
## "Free" Software Alternatives, Pseudo Free Environments AKA What Freedom Really Is
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Game
Most generally game is a form of play which is restricted by certain rules, the goal of which is typically [fun](fun.md), providing challenge and/or [competition](competition.md) (and sometimes more, e.g. [education](education.md), training etc.). A game may have various combinations of mathematical/mental elements (e.g. competitive mental calculations, mathematically defined rules, ...), physical elements (based in [real life](irl.md) physics, e.g. [football](football.md), [marble racing](marble_racing.md), ...) and even other types of elements (e.g. social, psychological, ...); nowadays very popular games are [computer](computer.md) games, a type of video games (also gaymes, video gaems or vidya, e.g. [Anarch](anarch.md), [minesweeper](minesweeper.md), [Doom](doom.md), ...), which are played with the help of a computer. Other types of games are e.g. board games (such as [chess](chess.md)), card games (such as [poker](poker.md)), parlour games, puzzles and so on. An entity (human, computer, animal, ...) playing a game is called a player and his ability to play it well is called [skill](skill.md); however some games may involve pure [randomness](randomness.md) and chance which may limit or even eliminate the need of skill (e.g. [rock paper scissors](rock_paper_scissors.md)). *Game* is also a [mathematical](math.md) term in [game theory](game_theory.md) which studies games and competition rigorously.
Most generally game is a form of play which is restricted by certain rules, the goal of which is typically [fun](fun.md), providing challenge and/or [competition](competition.md) (and sometimes more, e.g. [education](education.md), training etc.). A game may have various combinations of mathematical/mental elements (e.g. competitive mental calculations, mathematically defined rules, ...), physical elements (based in [real life](irl.md) physics, e.g. [football](football.md), [marble racing](marble_racing.md), ...) and even other types of elements (e.g. social, psychological, ...); nowadays very popular games are [computer](computer.md) games, a type of video games (also gaymes, video gaems or vidya, e.g. [Anarch](anarch.md), [minesweeper](minesweeper.md), [Doom](doom.md), ...), which are played with the help of a computer. Other types of games are e.g. board games (such as [chess](chess.md)), various sports ([football](football.md), athletics and so on), card games (such as [poker](poker.md)), parlour games, puzzles and so on. An entity (human, computer, animal, ...) playing a game is called a player and his ability to play it well is called [skill](skill.md); however some games may involve pure [randomness](randomness.md) and chance which may limit or even eliminate the need of skill (e.g. [rock paper scissors](rock_paper_scissors.md)). *Game* is also a [mathematical](math.md) term in [game theory](game_theory.md) which studies games and competition rigorously.
A fun take at the very concept of a game is [Nomic](nomic.md), a game in which changing the game rules is part of the game. It leads to all kinds of mindfucks.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Trademarks have been known to cause problems in the realm of libre games, for ex
## Nice And Notable Gaymes
Of [proprietary](proprietary.md) video games we should mention especially those that to us have [clonning](clone.md) potential. [Doom](doom.md) (possibly also [Wolfenstein 3d](wolf3d.md)) and other 90s shooters such as [Duke Nukem 3D](duke3d.md), Shadow Warrior and [Blood](blood.md) (the great 90s [boomer shooters](boomer_shooter.md)) were excellent. [Trackmania](trackmania.md) is a very interesting racing game like no other, based on kind of [speedrunning](speedrun.md), [easy to learn, hard to master](easy_to_learn_hard_to_master.md), very entertaining even solo. The Witness was a pretty rare case of a good newer game, set on a strange island with puzzles the player learns purely by observation. [The Elder Scrolls](tes.md) (mainly Morrowind, Obvlidion and Skyrim) are very captivating [RPG](rpg.md) games like no other, with extreme emphasis on [freedom](freedom.md) and lore; [Pokemon](pokemon.md) games on [GBC](gbc.md) and [GBA](gba.md) were similar in this while being actually pretty tiny games on small old handhelds. [GTA](gta.md) games also offered a great open world freedom and fun based on violence, sandbox world and great gangster-themed story. Advance Wars was a great turn based strategy on [GBA](gba.md) (and possibly one of the best games on that console), kind of glorified [chess](chess.md) with amazing pixel art graphics. Warcraft III was possibly the best real time strategy game with awesome aesthetics. Its successor, [World of Warcraft](wow.md), is probably the most notable [MMORPG](mmorpg.md) with the same lovely aesthetics and amazing feel that would be worth bringing over to the free world (even if just in 2D or only [text](mud.md)). [Diablo](diablo.md) (one and two) were a bit similar to WoW but limited to singleplayer and a few man multiplayer; there exists a nice libre Diablo clone called [Flare](flare.md) now. Legend of Grimrock (one and two) is another rare case of actually good new take on an old concept of [dungeon crawlers](dungeon_crawler.md). Half Life games are also notable especially for their atmosphere, storyline and lore. [Postal](postal.md) 2 was an excellent game. [Minecraft](minecraft.md) was another greatly influential game that spawned basically a new genre, though we have now basically a perfect clone called [Minetest](minetest.md). [Dward Fortress](dwarf_fortress.md) is also worth mentioning as the "most complex simulation ever made" -- it would be nice to have a free clone. TODO: more.
Of [proprietary](proprietary.md) video games we should mention especially those that to us have [clonning](clone.md) potential. [Doom](doom.md) (possibly also [Wolfenstein 3d](wolf3d.md)) and other 90s shooters such as [Duke Nukem 3D](duke3d.md), Shadow Warrior and [Blood](blood.md) (the great 90s [boomer shooters](boomer_shooter.md)) were excellent. [Trackmania](trackmania.md) is a very interesting racing game like no other, based on kind of [speedrunning](speedrun.md), [easy to learn, hard to master](easy_to_learn_hard_to_master.md), very entertaining even solo. The Witness was a pretty rare case of a good newer game, set on a strange island with puzzles the player learns purely by observation. [The Elder Scrolls](tes.md) (mainly Morrowind, Obvlidion and Skyrim) are very captivating [RPG](rpg.md) games like no other, with extreme emphasis on [freedom](freedom.md) and lore; [Pokemon](pokemon.md) games on [GBC](gbc.md) and [GBA](gba.md) were similar in this while being actually pretty tiny games on small old handhelds. [GTA](gta.md) games also offered a great open world freedom and fun based on violence, sandbox world and great gangster-themed story. Advance Wars was a great turn based strategy on [GBA](gba.md) (and possibly one of the best games on that console), kind of glorified [chess](chess.md) with amazing pixel art graphics. Warcraft III was possibly the best real time strategy game with awesome aesthetics. Its successor, [World of Warcraft](wow.md), is probably the most notable [MMORPG](mmorpg.md) with the same lovely aesthetics and amazing feel that would be worth bringing over to the free world (even if just in 2D or only [text](mud.md)). [Diablo](diablo.md) (one and two) were a bit similar to WoW but limited to singleplayer and a few man multiplayer; there exists a nice libre Diablo clone called [Flare](flare.md) now. Legend of Grimrock (one and two) is another rare case of actually good new take on an old concept of [dungeon crawlers](dungeon_crawler.md). Half Life games are also notable especially for their atmosphere, storyline and lore. [Postal](postal.md) 2 was an excellent game. [Minecraft](minecraft.md) was another greatly influential game that spawned basically a new genre, though we have now basically a perfect clone called [Minetest](minetest.md) (but we still DO [need](needed.md) a non-bloated clone). [Dwarf Fortress](dwarf_fortress.md) is also worth mentioning as the "most complex simulation ever made" -- it would be nice to have a free clone. TODO: more.
**[Gamebooks](gamebook.md)** -- books that require the reader to participate in the story and make choices executed by jumping to different pages based on given choice -- are worthy of mention as an interesting combination of a [book](book.md) and a game, something similar to computer adventure games -- in gamebooks lies a great potential for creating nice LRS games.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*"Personally I've never had much time for heroes."* --wise words from [Albus Dumbledore](wizard.md)
Hero culture (or just hero cult) is a [harmful](harmful.md) [culture](culture.md) of creating and worshiping heroes and "leaders" (and other kinds of [celebrities](celebrity.md)) which leads to e.g. creation of [cults of personality](cult_of_personality.md), strengthening [fight culture](fight_culture.md) and establishing hierarchical, anti-[anarchist](anarchism.md) society of "winners" and "losers". The concept of a hero is one that arose in context of [wars](war.md) and other many times violent conflicts; a hero is different from a mere authority or a well known individual in some area, it is someone who creates fear of disagreement and whose image is distorted to a much more positive, sometimes godlike state, by which he distorts truth and is given a certain power over others. Therefore [we](lrs.md) highly warn about falling to the trap of hero culture, though this is very difficult in current highly hierarchical society. **To us, the word hero has a pejorative meaning**. Our advice is always this:
Hero culture (or just hero cult) is a [harmful](harmful.md) [culture](culture.md) of creating and worshiping heroes and "leaders" (and other kinds of [celebrities](celebrity.md)) which leads to e.g. creation of [cults of personality](cult_of_personality.md), strengthening [fight culture](fight_culture.md) and establishing hierarchical, anti-[anarchist](anarchism.md) society of "winners" and "losers". The concept of a hero is one that arose in context of [wars](war.md) and other many times violent conflicts; a hero is different from a mere authority or a well known individual in some area, it is someone who creates fear of disagreement and whose image is distorted to a much more positive, sometimes godlike state, by which he distorts truth and is given a certain power over others. Therefore [we](lrs.md) highly warn about falling to the trap of hero culture, though this is very difficult in current highly hierarchical society. No, people don't need heroes -- heroes need people, but not the other way around. **To us, the word hero has a pejorative meaning**. Our advice is always this:
**Do NOT create heroes. Follow ideas, not people**. Also similarly: hate ideas, not people, and follow ideas, not groups.
@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave
- **Stay healthy** so as to stay as independent as possible from the health care system, the major mechanisms used to impose slavery on you. Don't listen to "[science](soyence.md) studies" about what's healthy or not, the simple rule to follow in 99% cases is this: **if it's not natural and it's done long term, it is unhealthy**. Remember that corporations will [fight](fight_culture.md) to keep their business at any cost, they will tell you that the thing they are selling is 100% safe because of lack of evidence to the contrary or because short term effects weren't shown to be bad -- it's like with x-rays, getting a scan once or twice is fine, getting it every days is absolutely not (historically many people have died because it was claimed x-rays were safe, just like with smoking, asbestos etcetcetc.). For example washing with soap every day is very unhealthy -- this is not even controversial, you'll find it in survival guides etc., washing with soap destroys the protective layer of your skin, makes you absorb moisture more easily and this makes you more prone to catching diseases. Stress from [work](work.md) is absolutely killing you like nothing else, stop working as soon as possible. Similarly swimming in a pool full of chemicals every day is killing you, vaping is killing you (just as smoking, human lungs aren't made for inhaling water vapor for long periods every day, but again, formal proof of harmfulness will only come maybe 30 years in the future when people start dying), [tattoos](tattoo.md) are killing you (they're constantly releasing poison to your blood stream), makeup is killing you, extreme work out is killing you, restraining from masturbation is killing you (take a look at monkeys, they masturbate all the time, that's the natural, healthy thing to do), keeping a cellphone near your balls or brain 24/7 is giving you [cancer](cancer.md), eating meat every day is killing you { I personally knew an extreme meat eater that died of hear attack at 40 something. ~drummyfish }, eating candy every day is killing you swiftly, being obese is a guaranteed early death, taking any kind of pills (antibiotics, headache pills, antidepressants etc.) is destroying you, do NOT take anything unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. And so on.
- **Study [conspiracy theories](conspiracy_theory.md)**: they teach you [critical thinking](critical_thinking.md) and bring up ideas society doesn't want you to think about -- that's why you're ridiculed for studying them, so it's exactly what you should do -- even if the theory itself is false (which it mostly isn't), it may lead you to truth. Most true conspiracy theories are just theories uncomfortable for the status quo for which evidence has been systematically hidden/destoyed and even the obvious, artificially constructed [strawman](strawman.md) theories (like "Jews are secretly vampires from another planet" or whatever) that serve nothing else than to discredit the legit ones provide at least [entertaining](fun.md) passtime. **Embrace being ridiculed**, give up your credibility and gain freedom to think about whatever you want.
- **If you can't handle it ethically, don't handle it at all**: In real life many problems don't have a solution, most things in Universe are beyond your control -- things that can't be handled ethically are one of them. Is it OK to take unethical action to achieve something if ethical action won't work? No, just consider the thing unachievable, deal with the consequences, no matter how catastrophic they are. Catastrophic events happen, you don't ever have to behave unethically.
- **Behave extremely weird**: for example when talking to a [woman](woman.md), only stare at her vagina, or sometimes just go out and keep walking in circles, sometimes decide to not talk at all for a week and so on. This shows society that you don't have to respect its culture at all, it has to adjust to people not being robots who behave like everyone else, some people may freely decide they want to just climb trees and not talk to anyone ever and so on, society has to respect that.
- **Consumption satisfies your instincts, creation satisfies your soul.** You need both. When you're tired, you need to consume -- consume for as long as you please, but know it won't be enough. Consumption alone makes your life empty -- once you're rested, your stomach is full and your balls are empty, you feel a hunger for a higher purpose. It can only be satisfied by selfless creation.
- ...
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ least until we're finished building them.
- How many lesbians do you need to screw a lightbulb? Eleven: one to screw it and ten to talk about how great it was doing it without a man.
- A fine is tax for doing bad, a tax is fine for doing good.
- What do you like most in a [woman](woman.md)? My dick.
- [USA](usa.md) is the fastest progressing country in the world: it managed to jump from the uncivilized stage right to decadence without even going through the transitional stage of civilization.
- The new version of [Windows](windows.md) is going to be backdoor free! The backdoor will be free of charge.
## See Also
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ This is research in progress, please send me notes on this etc. I discovered this awesome rabbithole while learning Spanish -- if you can, try to learn some foreign language, it really does bring to you a whole new culture. ~drummyfish }
Loquendo is a (sadly [proprietary](proprietary.md)) [text-to-speech](text_to_speech.md) technology (made by some Italian company) that gave rise (around the year 2007) to an awesome -- but in [English](english.md) speaking countries practically completely unknown -- underground Spanish speaking Internet group called *loquenderos* who use said iconic robotic low quality loquendo voices to create absolutely precious [meme](meme.md) [YouTube](youtube.md) videos that are not just extremely entertaining and hilarious by the combination of the funny voices with quite stupid improvised video (usually some gameplay of GTA San Andreas), but also immensely important for at least somewhat continuing the [culture](culture.md) of [free speech](free_speech.md) on the Internet. If you watch a random Spanish meme video, chances are quite high it will be dubbed with loquendo. It's hard to accurately describe the mood and vibes around the group -- it's a bit similar to [4chan](4chan.md) maybe -- the videos are oftentimes very silly, just someone's random gameplay of GTA with a robotic voice over it cursing in Spanish, as if a kid is playing the game and just commenting on it, insulting everyone and dropping random shit and slurs, insulting [transsexuals](tranny.md), [furries](furry.md), otakus, [gays](gay.md), [women](woman.md) and blacks and basically the whole world, but then there are also videos with a lot of energy put into it (but still keeping a similar style) -- for example whole movies or serious political commentaries. Part of the feeling is that the voices are not just extremely funny (imagine someone just doing extreme pitch shifts of a basic robotic voice to create different voices for a movie dubbing) but also completely emotionless and always the same, so you don't know who's behind them and it's pretty funny to hear all the nasty shit being said in complete serious tone. Over time there have evolved characters that reappear in the videos, they have their own inside jokes and so on. The group has even taken it so far as establishing a fictional *Loquendo City* based on ideals of free speech -- a thing similar to our [freedom island](island.md).
Loquendo is a (sadly [proprietary](proprietary.md)) [text-to-speech](text_to_speech.md) technology (made by some Italian company) used by the company's TTS software such as *Loquendo TTS Director*, which gave rise (around the year 2007) to an awesome -- but in [English](english.md) speaking countries practically completely unknown -- underground Spanish speaking Internet group called *loquenderos* who use said iconic robotic low quality loquendo voices to create absolutely precious [meme](meme.md) [YouTube](youtube.md) videos that are not just extremely entertaining and hilarious by the combination of the funny voices with quite stupid improvised video (usually some gameplay of GTA San Andreas), but also immensely important for at least somewhat continuing the [culture](culture.md) of [free speech](free_speech.md) on the Internet. If you watch a random Spanish meme video, chances are quite high it will be dubbed with loquendo. It's hard to accurately describe the mood and vibes around the group -- it's a bit similar to [4chan](4chan.md) maybe -- the videos are oftentimes very silly, just someone's random gameplay of GTA with a robotic voice over it cursing in Spanish, as if a kid is playing the game and just commenting on it, insulting everyone and dropping random shit and slurs, insulting [transsexuals](tranny.md), [furries](furry.md), otakus, [gays](gay.md), [women](woman.md) and blacks and basically the whole world, but then there are also videos with a lot of energy put into it (but still keeping a similar style) -- for example whole movies or serious political commentaries. Part of the feeling is that the voices are not just extremely funny (imagine someone just doing extreme pitch shifts of a basic robotic voice to create different voices for a movie dubbing) but also completely emotionless and always the same, so you don't know who's behind them and it's pretty funny to hear all the nasty shit being said in complete serious tone. There are several male and female loquendo voices, most famous of which is probably Jorge, followed by others such as Carlos and Diego. Over time there have also evolved characters that reappear in the videos (such as Tio Gilipollas), they have their own personalities, inside jokes and so on. The group has even taken it so far as establishing a fictional *Loquendo City* based on ideals of free speech -- a thing similar to our [freedom island](island.md).
## See Also
@ -4,98 +4,98 @@ WORK IN PROGRESS
{ Most of these I just heard/read somewhere, e.g. on [4chan](4chan.md), in [Jargon File](jargon_file.md) or from [RMS](rms.md), some terms I made myself. ~drummyfish }
| mainstream | correct/cooler |
| ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| American | Americunt, Amerifag, Yankee |
| [anime](anime.md) | tranime |
| [Apple](apple.md) user | iToddler, iDiot |
| [Asperger](autism.md) | assburger |
| [assertiveness](assertiveness.md) | assholism |
| average citizen | normie, normalfag, bloatoddler, NPC, ... |
| [Bill Gates](bill_gates.md) | Bill Gayte$ |
| [Blender](blender.md) | Blunder |
| Brave browser | Slave browser |
| [censorship](censorship.md) | censorshit |
| [CEO](ceo.md) | capitalist evil oppressor |
| [cloud](cloud.md) computing | clown computing |
| [cloudflare](cloudfalre.md) | cuckflare, clownflare, crimeflare |
| code of conduct ([COC](coc.md)) | code of coercion, code of censorship |
| consume | consoom (see also [coom](coom.md)) |
| [copyright](copyright.md) | copywrong, copyrestriction, copyrape |
| [CSS](css.md) | cascading stylish [shit](shit.md) |
| [C++](cpp.md) | crippled C |
| [Debian](debian.md) | Lesbian |
| [democracy](democracy.md) | democrazy |
| digital garden | digital swamp |
| digital rights management ([DRM](drm.md)) | digital restrictions management |
| [economy](economy.md) | money religion |
| [encryption](encryption.md) | bloatcryption |
| [entrepreneur](entrepreneur.md) | murderer |
| [Facebook](facebook.md) user | zucker, used |
| fair trade | fair rape |
| [feminism](feminism.md) | feminazism, femifascism |
| [Firefox](firefox.md) | Furryfox |
| [gaming](game.md) | gayming |
| [geek](geek.md) | retard |
| [global warming](global_warming.md) | global heating |
| [Google](google.md) | Goolag |
| Gmail | Gfail |
| [GNU](gnu.md) | GNUts, freetards, Gigantic and Nasty but Unavoidable |
| influencer | manipulator |
| [Intel](intel.md) | [Incel](incel.md) |
| [Internet Explorer](internet_explorer.md) | Internet Exploder, Internet Exploiter |
| [Internet of things](iot.md) | Internet of stinks/stings |
| [iPad](ipda.md) | iBad |
| [iPhone](iphone.md) | spyPhone |
| [JavaScript](js.md) | HitlerScript, JavaShit |
| job | slavery |
| "left" | [pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md), SJW |
| [LGBT](lgbt.md) | FGTS, TTTT |
| [liberal](liberal.md) | libtard |
| "[Linux](linux.md)" | [GNU](gnu.md), lunix, loonix |
| [logic gate](logic_gate.md) | logic gayte |
| Macintosh | Macintoy, Macintrash, Maggotbox |
| [Microsoft](microsoft.md) | Microshit |
| [microtransaction](microtransaction.md) | microtheft |
| [moderation](moderation.md) | [censorship](censorship.md) |
| [modern](modern.md) | malicious, shitty |
| [network](network.md) | notwork |
| neurodivergent | retarded, neuroretarded |
| neurotypical | typical retard |
| [NFS](nfs.md) | nightmare file system |
| [Nintendo](nintendo.md) | Nintendont |
| NPOV | normie/NPC point of view |
| [NSA](nsa.md) | national spying agency |
| null hypothesis significance test | null ritual |
| [NVidia](nvidia.md) | NoVidya |
| object oriented programming ([OOP](oop.md))| object obsessed programming |
| object oriented | objectfuscated |
| [objective C](objective_c.md) | objectionable C |
| [openbsd](openbsd.md) | openbased |
| peer-reviewed | peer-censored |
| "person" | man |
| [playstation](playstation.md) | gaystation |
| plug and play | plug and pray |
| proprietary service | disservice |
| school | indoctrination center |
| "science" | [soyence](soyence.md) |
| software as a service ([SAAS](saas.md)) | service as a software substitute (SAASS) |
| [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md) | Steve Jewbs |
| subscription | [microrape](microrape.md) |
| [systemd](systemd.md) | shitstemd, soystemd |
| [Twitter](twitter.md) | titter, twatter |
| United States of America | United Shitholes of America, burgerland |
| user (of a proprietary system) | used, lusr |
| using [JavaScript](js.md) | JavaScrippled |
| voice assistant | personal spy agent |
| [wayland](wayland.md) | whyland |
| [webassembly](webassembly.md) | weebassembly |
| Wikipedian | wikipedo |
| [Windows](windows.md) | Winshit, Windoze, Winbloat, Backdoors? :D |
| [woman](woman.md) | femoid |
| [work](work.md) | slavery |
| [world wide web](www.md) | world wide wait |
| [YouTube](youtube.md) | JewTube |
| mainstream | correct/cooler |
| ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| American | Americunt, Amerifag, Yankee |
| [anime](anime.md) | tranime |
| [Apple](apple.md) user | iToddler, iDiot |
| [Asperger](autism.md) | assburger |
| [assertiveness](assertiveness.md) | assholism |
| average citizen | normie, normalfag, bloatoddler, NPC, ... |
| [Bill Gates](bill_gates.md) | Bill Gayte$ |
| [Blender](blender.md) | Blunder |
| Brave browser | Slave browser |
| [censorship](censorship.md) | censorshit |
| [CEO](ceo.md) | capitalist evil oppressor |
| [cloud](cloud.md) computing | clown computing |
| [cloudflare](cloudfalre.md) | cuckflare, clownflare, crimeflare |
| code of conduct ([COC](coc.md)) | code of coercion, code of censorship |
| consume | consoom (see also [coom](coom.md)) |
| [copyright](copyright.md) | copywrong, copyrestriction, copyrape |
| [CSS](css.md) | cascading stylish [shit](shit.md) |
| [C++](cpp.md) | crippled C |
| [Debian](debian.md) | Lesbian |
| [democracy](democracy.md) | democrazy |
| digital garden | digital swamp |
| digital rights management ([DRM](drm.md)) | digital restrictions management |
| [economy](economy.md) | money religion |
| [encryption](encryption.md) | bloatcryption |
| [entrepreneur](entrepreneur.md) | murderer |
| [Facebook](facebook.md) user | zucker, used |
| fair trade | fair rape |
| [feminism](feminism.md) | feminazism, femifascism |
| [Firefox](firefox.md) | Furryfox |
| [gaming](game.md) | gayming |
| [geek](geek.md) | retard |
| [global warming](global_warming.md) | global heating |
| [Google](google.md) | Goolag |
| Gmail | Gfail |
| [GNU](gnu.md) | GNUts, GNU's not usable, Gigantic and Nasty but Unavoidable |
| influencer | manipulator |
| [Intel](intel.md) | [Incel](incel.md) |
| [Internet Explorer](internet_explorer.md) | Internet Exploder, Internet Exploiter |
| [Internet of things](iot.md) | Internet of stinks/stings |
| [iPad](ipda.md) | iBad |
| [iPhone](iphone.md) | spyPhone |
| [JavaScript](js.md) | HitlerScript, JavaShit |
| job | slavery |
| "left" | [pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md), SJW |
| [LGBT](lgbt.md) | FGTS, TTTT |
| [liberal](liberal.md) | libtard |
| "[Linux](linux.md)" | [GNU](gnu.md), lunix, loonix |
| [logic gate](logic_gate.md) | logic gayte |
| Macintosh | Macintoy, Macintrash, Maggotbox |
| [Microsoft](microsoft.md) | Microshit |
| [microtransaction](microtransaction.md) | microtheft |
| [moderation](moderation.md) | [censorship](censorship.md) |
| [modern](modern.md) | malicious, shitty |
| [network](network.md) | notwork |
| neurodivergent | retarded, neuroretarded |
| neurotypical | typical retard |
| [NFS](nfs.md) | nightmare file system |
| [Nintendo](nintendo.md) | Nintendont |
| NPOV | normie/NPC point of view |
| [NSA](nsa.md) | national spying agency |
| null hypothesis significance test | null ritual |
| [NVidia](nvidia.md) | NoVidya |
| object oriented programming ([OOP](oop.md))| object obsessed programming |
| object oriented | objectfuscated |
| [objective C](objective_c.md) | objectionable C |
| [openbsd](openbsd.md) | openbased |
| peer-reviewed | peer-censored |
| "person" | man |
| [playstation](playstation.md) | gaystation |
| plug and play | plug and pray |
| proprietary service | disservice |
| school | indoctrination center |
| "science" | [soyence](soyence.md) |
| software as a service ([SAAS](saas.md)) | service as a software substitute (SAASS) |
| [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md) | Steve Jewbs |
| subscription | [microrape](microrape.md) |
| [systemd](systemd.md) | shitstemd, soystemd |
| [Twitter](twitter.md) | titter, twatter |
| United States of America | United Shitholes of America, burgerland |
| user (of a proprietary system) | used, lusr |
| using [JavaScript](js.md) | JavaScrippled |
| voice assistant | personal spy agent |
| [wayland](wayland.md) | whyland |
| [webassembly](webassembly.md) | weebassembly |
| Wikipedian | wikipedo |
| [Windows](windows.md) | Winshit, Windoze, Winbloat, Backdoors? :D |
| [woman](woman.md) | femoid |
| [work](work.md) | slavery |
| [world wide web](www.md) | world wide wait |
| [YouTube](youtube.md) | JewTube |
Words you should use often include: abomination, crazy, cretin, [faggot](faggot.md), fat, femoid, idiot, imbecile, insane, landwhale, moron, [nigger](nigger.md), [retard](retard.md), subhuman, ugly.
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@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ Virtually every [war](war.md) was possible only due to nationalism. If nationali
Nationalists love to invent and/or highly distort [history](history.md), create [heroes](hero_culture.md) and fairy tales with which they brainwash children in [schools](school.md). They also love flags, anthems, their own [language](human_language.md) and everything that gives them a sense of "belonging to a nation". Never accept this. Use your country's flag as a toilet paper and shit on the photo of your president, **always try to fart during the anthem**.
Somehow a mistake committed by 99.9999999999% of people is to connect awareness of differences -- for example accepting that [races](race.md) exist -- with inevitable pursuit of self interest and [fascism](fascism.md) such as nationalism. I.e. all people think that once you acknowledge we fall into different groups, we inevitably "have to" have [competition](competition.md) between the groups, that they have to be "proud" of being part of such groups, "[fight](fight_culture.md)" for them and be obsessed about "identifying with it". People are just split into two equally idiotic groups here: one that wants to pretend there are no groups ([pseudoleftists](pseudoleft.md)) and those that say that the groups exist because "competition is good" ([rightists](rightism.md), nationalists). BOTH ARE WRONG, the only correct resolution is given by [LRS](lrs.md) that states there indeed DO exist groups but they DON'T have to and SHOULDN'T compete. I.e. there DO exist different races, sexes, cultures, religions and so on but none of them should be proud of being so or masturbate over some kind of identity, just fucking exist with attributes you have, stop jerking off about it. In this take [drummyfish](drummyfish.md) as an example -- he is [Czech](czechia.md) but hates the country, as he hates all other countries. He is also [white](white.md) and acknowledges everything that comes with it, good and bad, but is NOT proud of being white just as he wouldn't be proud of being black or jew or any other race.
Level of nationalism could possibly be measured by [fascist distance](fascist_distance.md): the average distance, withing the borders of the country, of the country's flag to another nearest flag -- the shorter the fascist distance, the more fascist the country is.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Pedophilia (also paedophilia or paedosexuality) is a sexual orientation towards
Unlike for example pure [homosexuality](gay.md), pedophilia is completely natural and normal -- many studies confirm this (some links e.g. [here](https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill#It_is_normal_for_healthy_men_to_find_pubescent_.26_prepubescent_females_sexually_arousing)) but if you're not heavily brainwashed you don't even need any studies (it's really like wanting to see studies on whether men want to have sex with women at all): wanting to have sex with young, sexually mature girls who are able to reproduce is, despite it being forbidden by law, as normal as wanting to have sex with a woman that is married to someone else, despite it being culturally forbidden, or wanting to punch someone who is really annoying, despite it being forbidden by law. [Marketing](marketing.md) for example knows this very well -- online shops with clothes love to advertise children underwear and put high resolution photos of children in swimsuits all around their sites, they wouldn't do it if such images were disgusting to most people, they know that most people are taught to pretend to be disgusted by it in public but when browsing privately they'll be attracted to them (even if they are so brainwashed to internally deny it). No one can question that pedophilia is natural, the only discussion can be about it being harmful and here again it has to be said it is NOT any more harmful than any other orientation. Can it harm someone? Yes, but so can any other form of sex or any human interaction whatsoever, that's not a reason to ban it. Nevertheless, pedophilia is nowadays wrongfully, mostly for political and historical reasons, labeled a "disorder" (just as homosexuality used to be not a long time ago). It is the forbidden, tabooed, censored and bullied sexual orientation of the [21st century](21st_century.md), even though all healthy people are pedophiles -- just don't pretend you've never seen a [jailbait](jailbait.md) you found sexy, people start being sexually attractive exactly as soon as they become able to reproduce; furthermore when you've gone without sex long enough and get extremely horny, you get turned on by anything that literally has some kind of hole in it -- this is completely normal. Basically everyone has some kind of weird fetish he hides from the world, there are people who literally fuck cars in their exhausts, people who like to eat shit, dress in diapers and hang from ceiling by their nipples, people who have sexual relationships with virtual characters etc. -- this is all considered normal, but somehow once you get an erection seeing a hot 17 year old girl, you're a demon that needs to be locked up and cured, if not executed right away, just for a thought present in your mind.
Even though one cannot choose this orientation and even though pedophiles don't hurt anyone any more than for example gay people do, they are highly oppressed and tortured. Despite what the propaganda says, a **pedophile is not automatically a rapist** of children (a pedophile will probably choose to never actually even have sex with a child) any more than a gay man is automatically a rapist of people of the same sex, and watching [child porn](child_porn.md) won't make you want to rape children any more than watching gay porn will make you want to rape people of the same sex. Nevertheless the society, especially the fascists from the [LGBT](lgbt.md) movement who ought to know better than anyone else what it is like to be oppressed only because of private sexual desires, actively hunt pedophiles, [bully](cancel_culture.md) them and lynch them on the Internet and in the [real life](irl.md) -- this is done by both both civilians and the state (I shit you not, in [Murica](usa.md) there are whole police teams of pink haired lesbians who pretend to be little girls on the Internet and tease guys so that they can lock them up and get a medal for it). LGBT activists proclaim that a child is completely asexual, that it can't consent to sex, but at the same time they'll tell you that a child can feel sexual identity and that it can make the decision to change its sex with surgeries and drugs (yes, it's happening, even if parent's agreement is also needed, would parents also be able to allow a child to have sex if it wishes to?). Isn't it hilarious? Yes, it is. There is a literal **witch hunt** going on against completely innocent people, just like in the middle ages. Innocent people are tortured, castrated, cancelled, rid of their careers, imprisoned, beaten, rid of their friends and families and pushed to suicide sometimes only for having certain files on their computers or saying something inappropriate online (not that any of the above is ever justified to do to anyone, even the worst criminal).
Even though one cannot choose this orientation and even though pedophiles don't hurt anyone any more than for example gay people do, they are highly oppressed and tortured. Despite what the propaganda says, a **pedophile is not automatically a rapist** of children (a pedophile will probably choose to never actually even have sex with a child) any more than a gay man is automatically a rapist of people of the same sex, and watching [child porn](child_porn.md) won't make you want to rape children any more than watching gay porn will make you want to rape people of the same sex. It is also never the case that someone would be attracted ONLY to children just as the opposite is never the case, people are simply naturally attracted to people of all ages, the whole point is that age doesn't play much of a role in sexual attractiveness. Nevertheless the society, especially the fascists from the [LGBT](lgbt.md) movement who ought to know better than anyone else what it is like to be oppressed only because of private sexual desires, actively hunt "pedophiles" (those who simply don't conceal what others do) as if they were a different kind of species, [bully](cancel_culture.md) them and lynch them on the Internet and in the [real life](irl.md) -- this is done by both both civilians and the state (I shit you not, in [Murica](usa.md) there are whole police teams of pink haired lesbians who pretend to be little girls on the Internet and tease guys so that they can lock them up and get a medal for it). LGBT activists proclaim that a child is completely asexual, that it can't consent to sex, but at the same time they'll tell you that a child can feel sexual identity and that it can make the decision to change its sex with surgeries and drugs (yes, it's happening, even if parent's agreement is also needed, would parents also be able to allow a child to have sex if it wishes to?). Isn't it hilarious? Yes, it is. There is a literal **witch hunt** going on against completely innocent people, just like in the middle ages. Innocent people are tortured, castrated, cancelled, rid of their careers, imprisoned, beaten, rid of their friends and families and pushed to suicide sometimes only for having certain files on their computers or saying something inappropriate online (not that any of the above is ever justified to do to anyone, even the worst criminal).
In 15th century an unofficial version of the Bible, the Wycliffe's translation, was officially declared a heretic work and its possession was forbidden under penalty of prison, torture and excommunication. That's what we still do today, just with works violating a different kind of orthodoxy. We are literally still living in the middle ages.
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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*See [recursion](recursion.md).*
Recursion (from Latin recursio, "running back") in general is a situation in which a [definition](definition.md) refers to itself; for example the definition of a human's ancestor as "the human's parents and the ancestors of his parents" ([fractals](fractal.md) are also very nice example of what a simple recursive definition can achieve). In programming recursion takes on a meaning of a **function that calls itself**; this is the meaning we'll suppose in this article, unless noted otherwise.
Recursion (from Latin recursio, "running back") in general is a situation in which a [definition](definition.md) refers to itself; for example the definition of a human's ancestor as "the human's parents and the ancestors of his parents" ([fractals](fractal.md) are also very nice example of what a simple recursive definition can achieve). In [programming](programming.md) recursion has a meaning of a **[function](function.md) that calls itself**; this is the meaning we'll assume in this article, unless noted otherwise.
We divide recursion to a **direct** and **indirect** one. In direct recursion the function calls itself directly, in indirect function *A* calls a function *B* which ends up (even possibly by calling some more functions) calling *A* again. Indirect recursion is tricky because it may appear by mistake and cause a [bug](bug.md) (which is nevertheless easily noticed as the program will mostly run out of memory and crash).
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ factorial(4) = 4 * 6 = 24
Note that even in computing we can use an infinite recursion sometimes. For example in [Hashell](haskell.md) it is possible to define infinite [data structures](data_structure.md) with a recursive definition; however this kind of recursion is intentionally allowed, it is treated as a mathematical definition and with correct use it won't crash the program.
**Every recursion can be replaced by iteration and vice versa** (iteration meaning a loop such as `while`). In fact some language (e.g. [functional](functional.md)) do not have loops and handle repetition solely by recursion. This means that you, a programmer, always have a choice between recursion and iteration, and here you should know that **recursion is typically slower than iteration**. This is because recursion has a lot of overhead: remember that every level of recursion is a function call that involves things such as pushing and popping values on stack, handling return addresses etc. The usual advice is therefore to **prefer iteration**, even though recursion can sometimes be more elegant/simple and if you don't mind the overhead, it's not necessarily wrong to go for it. Typically this is the case when you have multiple branches to dive into, e.g. in case of [quicksort](quicksort.md). In the above example of factorial we only have one recurring branch, so it's much better to implement the function with iteration:
**Every recursion can be replaced by iteration and vice versa** (iteration meaning a loop such as `while`) -- to get rid of recursion it is always possible to use a custom [stack](stack.md) to which we'll be saving our state and thanks to which we'll be able to make the recursive "dives". Purely [functional](functional.md) languages for example do not have loops at all and handle repetition solely by recursion. This means that you, a programmer, always have a choice between recursion and iteration, and here you should know that **recursion is typically slower than iteration**. This is because recursion has a lot of overhead: remember that every level of recursion is a function call that involves things such as pushing and popping values on stack, handling return addresses etc. The usual advice is therefore to **prefer iteration**, even though recursion can sometimes be more elegant/simple and if you don't mind the overhead, it's not necessarily wrong to go for it (see also [optimization](optimization.md) and the evil of trying to optimize your program in wrong places). Getting rid of a simple recursion (single direct recursive call) is usually easy, it only gets more complicated e.g. in case of multiple recursion when the function makes more than one call to itself (for example in case of [quicksort](quicksort.md)), and here we usually stick with recursive implementation for its superior elegance. In the above example of factorial we only have one recurring branch, so it's much better to implement the function with iteration:
unsigned int factorial(unsigned int x)
@ -58,8 +58,10 @@ unsigned int factorial(unsigned int x)
How do the computers practically make recursion happen? Basically they use a [stack](stack.md) to remember states on each level of the recursion. In programming languages that support recursive function calls this is hidden behind the scenes in the form of [call stack](call_stack.md). This is why an infinite recursion causes stack overflow.
Some problems, for example [Ackermann function](ackermann_function.md), [quick sort](quick_sort.md), [tree](tree.md) traversals or the mentioned factorial are said to be "recursive" because they are just most elegantly defined and/or solved with recursion, but as we've seen, there is no problem that would inherently require recursive function calls. There may exist Turing complete languages without recursion that can still solve all problems that any other language can.
How do the computers practically make recursion happen? Basically they use a [stack](stack.md) to remember states (such as values of local variables and return addresses) on each level of the recursive dive -- each such state is captured by so called **stack frame**. In programming languages that support recursive function calls this is hidden behind the scenes in the form of so called **[call stack](call_stack.md)**. This is why an infinite recursion causes stack overflow.
Another important type of recursion is **tail recursion** which happens when the recursive call in a function is the very last command. It is utilized in functional languages that use recursion instead of loops. This kind of recursion can be optimized by the compiler into basically the same code a loop would produce, so that e.g. stack won't grow tremendously.
Mathematical recursive functions find use in [computability](computability.md) theory where they help us (similarly to e.g. [Turing machines](turing_machine.md)) define [classes](class.md) of functions (such as primitive recursive and partial recursive) by "how strong of a computer" we need to compute them.
Mathematical recursive functions find use in [computability](computability.md) theory where they help us (similarly to e.g. [Turing machines](turing_machine.md)) define [classes](class.md) of functions (such as primitive recursive and partial recursive) by how "computationally strong" of a computer we need to compute them.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Here are some potentially entertaining ways of trolling (they'll be written from
- **Seizure troll**: when in some kind of lecture where the students are allowed laptops (typically in a compsci uni) I take a seat somewhere in the front row, near the lecturer, open my laptop and start a program that just rapidly flashes wild colors in fullscreen -- I leave it like that for the whole lecture so that everyone sitting behind me is forced to watch the flashing and can get an epileptic seizure. For educational purposes code for such a program can be written in a few lines of browser [JavaScript](javascript.md) (it may coincidentally possibly even be found in that JavaScript article).
- **[Eco](eco.md) whoring troll**: I take a bag of plastic trash, go to the forest, find some nice, clean place, take a thumbs up selfie photo with it, dump the trash in there, take another photo, then post the photos in reverse order to Twitter with something like "today I worked tirelessly to clean this garbage dump, for our children!", get a million eco likes for literally dumping plastic trash in a forest.
- **Stack overtroll**: I love to perform this troll on sites like programming advice subreddits where wannabe [soydevs](soydev.md) try to roleplay as authorities on programming -- these deserve to be trolled the most :D This gets me banned every time but it's totally worth it, I use this to leave social network sites with style once I get bored with them. I make a piece of code that looks like some noob attempt at making a game, but it's secretly an [obfuscated](obfuscation.md) code that when run does something nasty like delete all files on the computer, create one trillion subdirectories or set goatse as a wallpaper (bloat languages like [Python](python.md) are actually great for this as they can do nasty stuff like execute a dynamically constructed string and they can also download stuff from the Internet and basically do anything they like). Then I post it with a question "hello fellow programmers, I am trying to make my first game but my code doesn't work, can u help me plz?" If the code is well made, i.e. not trivial and quite hard to understand just by looking at it, chances are the first thing people are gonna do is simply copy paste the code and run it -- that's why I prefer to make the code completely destroy the computer so that the guy has to take at least a few hours to reinstall the system to be able to warn others it's a troll. Whenever some comment pops up saying it's a trap, I immediately downvote it and report it for hate speech (I also use puppet accounts here to spam the downvotes because I'll get banned anyway). The good things about this is that I actually teach people about muh [security](security.md), those who step on this mine will never run a random code from the Internet again.
- **The racist gayming streamtroll**: As a famous [vidya](game.md) streamer I love to do this to cause lulz, if done right I just cause drama and won't even get banned. I pick some convenient game, for example GTA or Obvlivion or something, then I just play the game, audience is watching, the catch is that I'll be making slightly racist or sexist choices in the gameplay, for example when driving between mission if I run over pedestrians, I'll only be killing black ones :D I will never buy anything from a black NPC or woman, I will never steal a black car and will prefer taking only white cars I can and so on. BUT... I won't be open about it of course! And I'll be denying it if someone starts to notice, in turn blaming him for being racist for making such observations. I can make this very subtle, for example I'll sometimes run over a white pedestrian too, but I'll keep the ratio biased towards black in such a way that it's noticeable but that it leaves them scratching their heads if it's intentional or not :'D Now if the chat starts to make drama out of it, I'll just say they're paranoid, I'll even do whatever they want me to to make them believe it's not intentional... and then I start slowly doing it again :'D Now this is funny because they can prove you nothing, and it's hilarious if you get reports and some mod literally has to go watch your streams and count the ratio of blacks versus whites you run over LMAO. Nice thing is also that if someone accuses you of racism, mod reviews it and says unconclusive, you can just ban the accuser for trolling, further scaring people from stepping in, at which point you can start being slightly more racist in the gameplay and so on, see how long you can balance on this fine line :D Another idea: play some MMORPG and be racist/sexist towards the races in the game, for example refuse to trade with female characters or speak to gnomes or whatever.
- **The raycyst gayming streamtroll**: As a famous [vidya](game.md) streamer I love to do this to cause lulz, if done right I just cause drama and won't even get banned. I pick some convenient game, for example GTA or Obvlivion or something, then I just play the game, audience is watching, the catch is that I'll be making slightly racist or sexist choices in the gameplay, for example when driving between mission if I run over pedestrians, I'll only be killing black ones :D I will never buy anything from a black NPC or woman, I will never steal a black car and will prefer taking only white cars I can and so on. BUT... I won't be open about it of course! And I'll be denying it if someone starts to notice, in turn blaming him for being racist for making such observations. I can make this very subtle, for example I'll sometimes run over a white pedestrian too, but I'll keep the ratio biased towards black in such a way that it's noticeable but that it leaves them scratching their heads if it's intentional or not :'D Now if the chat starts to make drama out of it, I'll just say they're paranoid, I'll even do whatever they want me to to make them believe it's not intentional... and then I start slowly doing it again :'D Now this is funny because they can prove you nothing, and it's hilarious if you get reports and some mod literally has to go watch your streams and count the ratio of blacks versus whites you run over LMAO. Nice thing is also that if someone accuses you of racism, mod reviews it and says unconclusive, you can just ban the accuser for trolling, further scaring people from stepping in, at which point you can start being slightly more racist in the gameplay and so on, see how long you can balance on this fine line :D Another idea: play some MMORPG and be racist/sexist towards the races in the game, for example refuse to trade with female characters or speak to gnomes or whatever.
- **Troll the troll**: Advanced mastery of trolling allows one to troll other less experienced trolls -- an encounter of two trolls can be quite fun and educational. Imagine for example troll A setting up the above mentioned *stack overtroll* bait -- troll B, an experienced player of the game, notices the bait, but of course he doesn't bring this up -- no, he pretends to take the bait and responds with something like "wait a minute, let me run the code". Troll A is happy because he thinks he won, but then troll B responds: "yeah, here on line X you got this wrong, here is the correct code...". Troll A is now confused, he's unsure if he's been spotted or if troll B simply skipped running the code, troll B is now in advantage of controlling the game -- a best result here is if troll B actually somehow gets troll A to run the "fixed" code which however breaks his computer; here troll B succeeded in deflecting the troll back and catching OP into his own trap -- this kind of outcome is the best you can wish for and a showcase of true trolling mastery.
- **The richfag**: As a rich faggot I can do literally what I want so for example I bought a forest and started a company that employs people who's job it is to just run around a tree for 8 hours every day -- my goal is to have every tree have one man running around it eventually. The company is not profitable, in fact it loses money but I don't care about that, I already have infinite money. The fun thing is the people are actually grateful because I created jobs basically for all nearby villages :D
- **Creative [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) vandalism aka [Creative TrollLolz](creative_commons.md)**: for example funny redirects or categorizations (put [Bill Gates](bill_gates.md) to "famous homosexuals" category or something), also consider vandalizing other wikis that usually don't have as much protection.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 582
- number of commits: 827
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4003911
- total number of lines of article texts: 30364
- number of commits: 828
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4007921
- total number of lines of article texts: 30368
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 89
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ longest articles:
- [exercises](exercises.md): 104K
- [how_to](how_to.md): 72K
- [capitalism](capitalism.md): 68K
- [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md): 60K
- [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md): 64K
- [chess](chess.md): 56K
- [faq](faq.md): 52K
- [number](number.md): 52K
- [faq](faq.md): 48K
- [programming_language](programming_language.md): 44K
- [c](c.md): 44K
- [3d_model](3d_model.md): 40K
@ -35,53 +35,53 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2289)
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- example (1319)
- which (2290)
- there (1737)
- people (1532)
- example (1320)
- other (1248)
- number (1135)
- software (1125)
- about (1077)
- about (1078)
- program (913)
- their (856)
- because (828)
- would (814)
- their (858)
- because (832)
- would (815)
- called (781)
- being (779)
- language (751)
- computer (742)
- something (741)
- language (752)
- something (743)
- computer (741)
- numbers (739)
- things (735)
- simple (724)
- without (683)
- function (670)
- programming (668)
- programming (669)
- these (643)
- different (637)
- however (632)
- world (593)
- system (588)
- should (580)
- doesn (570)
- world (594)
- system (589)
- should (581)
- doesn (571)
- games (567)
- point (559)
- society (552)
- while (539)
- point (560)
- society (554)
- while (540)
- though (531)
- drummyfish (524)
- using (513)
- still (509)
- memory (508)
- possible (502)
- possible (504)
- simply (497)
- similar (497)
- simply (495)
- course (491)
- technology (485)
- https (464)
- always (451)
- really (450)
- https (465)
- always (452)
- really (451)
- value (446)
- extremely (446)
- basically (445)
@ -89,6 +89,20 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
latest changes:
Date: Tue Jun 25 15:38:41 2024 +0200
Date: Sat Jun 22 17:19:02 2024 +0200
@ -108,24 +122,6 @@ Date: Thu Jun 20 22:01:36 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ And the bad things are (see also this site: http://digdeeper.club/articles/wikip
- Wikipedia is **not [public domain](public_domain.md)**. It is licensed under [CC-BY-SA](cc_by_sa.md) which is a [free](free_culture.md) license, but has a few burdening conditions. We belive knowledge shouldn't be owned or burdened by any conditions.
- Even though there are no commercial ads (yet), there regularly appears **political propaganda**, main page just **hard pushes [feminist](feminism.md) shit** as featured images and articles, there appear popups and banners for LGBT/feminist activism and of course all articles are littered with [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) propaganda etc. The issues is it's not just an encyclopedia anymore where you go get your information, it's a group with opinions that's trying to drag you somewhere -- you just go look up some mathematical formula and suddenly you see something like "YAY, LET'S CELEBRATE WOMEN IN AFRICA TODAY", even if it was something you agree with (which it isn't) it's just as annoying and out of place in an encyclopedia as capitalist ads. UPDATE: **In 2024 Wikipedia finally put on highly intrusive pop ups and in-text messages begging for money** -- basically like what you see on any porn site -- this means the project is basically dead at this point and they're just milking the corpse -- that's good, Wikipedia certainly won't be missed.
- **Many articles are bought**, there exist companies that offer editing and maintaining certain articles in a way the client desires and of course corporations and politicians take this opportunity -- of course Wikipedia somewhat tries to prevent it but no prevention ever works 100%, so a lot of information on Wikipedia is either highly misleading, untrue, censored or downright fabricated.
- **Wikiepdia is for children**, it openly admits it wants to "protect children" so the content is written for children, no information that could harm a child (for example something that could make a child sad) is included, so if you want an encyclopedia for adults, one that favors truth over safety, Wikipedia is not for you.
- **Wikipedia is written by children and its content has to be child friendly**, i.e. anything that you'd want to hide from children you won't find on Wikipedia. This is an issue if you are an adult looking for complete facts. Wikipedia openly admits its editors and readers may be children and that it wants to "protect" them -- this of course comes for the price of making the encyclopedia a child safespace, a kind of kindergarden where no bad things or words can appear.
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ There are many interesting and entertaining pages and articles on Wikipedia, som
## Alternatives
Due to the corruption and increasing censorship of Wikipedia it is important to look for alternatives that are important especially when researching anything connected to politics, but also when you just want a simpler, more condensed or simply better written explanation of some topic. There exist other similar online encyclopedias like [Metapedia](metapedia.md), [Infogalactic](infogalactic.md), [Citizendium](citizendium.md), [Leftypedia](leftypedia.md), [GCIDE](gcide.md), New World Encyclopedia, [Justapedia](justapedia.md), HandWiki or Britannica online, as well as dozens of printed encyclopedias and old digitized encyclopedias like Britannica 11th edition. For a more comprehensive list of Wikipedia alternatives see the article on [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md). Many people are actively criticizing Wikipedia and want to diminish its power, among whom is one of Wikipedia's founders, [Larry Sanger](larry_sanger.md), who established [encyclosphere](encyclosphere.md), a project that tries to connect together various Internet encyclopedias -- this may be another place to look for Wikipedia alternatives. Anyway the moral of the story here is probably to not rely on a single encyclopedia, as we see where that leads. Read more sources and different points of view.
Due to the corruption and increasing censorship of Wikipedia it is important to look for alternatives that are important especially when researching anything connected to politics, but also when you just want a simpler, more condensed or simply better written explanation of some topic. There exist other similar online encyclopedias like [Metapedia](metapedia.md), [Infogalactic](infogalactic.md), [Citizendium](citizendium.md), [Leftypedia](leftypedia.md), [GCIDE](gcide.md), New World Encyclopedia, [Justapedia](justapedia.md), HandWiki or Britannica online, as well as dozens of printed encyclopedias and old digitized encyclopedias like Britannica 11th edition. Then there is another type of very notable encyclopedias among which are for example [Encyclopedia Dramatica](dramatica.md) or Russian [Lurkmore](lurkmore.md) wiki (currently at https://neolurk.org, calling itself the "people's Wikipedia", hinting at the fact that Wikipedia doesn't really belong to the people anymore) -- these are not so serious in tone, they're often called a satire, meme or parody by the "serious" ones, they're greatly uncensored and although being usually more focused on internet culture, they do to a great degree document knowledge at wide and sometimes manage to explain difficult topic very simply by going to the point and using humor and plain language. These encyclopedias are typically the most objective, uncensored and least politically infected and so they're a much better source on anything relating to society or politics -- where Wikipedia will strategically obscure and downplay "inconvenient facts", Dramatica will simply highlight anything that's of importance. Anyway, for a more comprehensive list of Wikipedia alternatives see the article on [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md). Many people are actively criticizing Wikipedia and want to diminish its power, among whom is one of Wikipedia's founders, [Larry Sanger](larry_sanger.md), who established [encyclosphere](encyclosphere.md), a project that tries to connect together various Internet encyclopedias -- this may be another place to look for Wikipedia alternatives. Anyway the moral of the story here is probably to not rely on a single encyclopedia, as we see where that leads. Read more sources and different points of view.
{ See also old Wikipedia at https://nostalgia.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race. ~drummyfish }
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The symbol for woman is a circle with cross at its bottom ([Unicode](unicode.md)
**Even mainstream science acknowledges women are dumber than men**: even the extremely politically correct [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) states TODAY in the article on human brain that male brain is on average larger in volume (even when corrected for the overall body size) AND that there is correlation between volume and intelligence: this undeniably implies women are dumber. Men also have faster reaction times. On average male brain weights 10% more than woman's and has 16% more brain cells. The Guinness book of 1987 states the average male brain weight being 1424 grams and that of a female being 1242 grams; the averages both grow with time quite quickly so nowadays the numbers will be higher in both sexes, though the average of men grows faster. The heaviest recorded brain belonged to a man (2049 grams), while the lightest belonged to a woman (1096 grams). Heaviest woman brain weighted 1565 grams, only a little more than men's average. [IQ](iq.md)/intelligence measured by various tests has been consistently significantly lower for women than for men, e.g. the paper named *Sex differences in intelligence and brain size: A paradox resolved* found a 4 point difference, noting that in some problems such as 3D spatial rotations males score even 11 points higher average.
Historically women have been privileged over men -- while men had to [work](work.md) their asses off, go to [wars](war.md), explore and hunt for food, women often weren't even supposed to work, they could stay at home, chill while guarding the fire and playing with children -- this is becoming less and less so with [capitalism](capitalism.md) which aims to simply enslave everyone, nowadays mostly through the [feminist](feminism.md) cult that brainwashed women to desire the same slavery as men. Statistically **women live about 6 years longer lives than men** because they have easier and less stressful life, they don't have to work as hard and they can obtain privileges (such as free food and better healthcare) just with a flirty smile. While feminists are furious about wage gaps, none gives a single damn about this opposite kind of inequality gap which just confirms what everyone already knows: feminists don't care about equality, they care about women.
Historically women have been privileged over men, and they still are very much (for example they commit suicides much less often) -- while men had to [work](work.md) their asses off, go to [wars](war.md), explore and hunt for food, women often weren't even supposed to work, they could stay at home, chill while guarding the fire and playing with children -- this is becoming less and less so with [capitalism](capitalism.md) which aims to simply enslave everyone, nowadays mostly through the [feminist](feminism.md) cult that brainwashed women to desire the same slavery as men. Statistically **women live about 6 years longer lives than men** because they have easier and less stressful life, they don't have to work as hard and they can obtain privileges (such as free food and better healthcare) just with a flirty smile. While feminists are furious about wage gaps, none gives a single damn about this opposite kind of inequality gap which just confirms what everyone already knows: feminists don't care about equality, they care about women.
Women also can't drive, operate machines, they can't compare even to the worst men in sports, both physical and mental such as [chess](chess.md). Women have to have separate leagues and more relaxed rules, e.g. the title Woman Grand Master (WGM) in chess has far lower requirements to obtain than regular Grand Master (GM). (According to [Elo](elo.md) rating the best woman chess player in history would have only 8% chance of winning against current best male who would have 48% chance of winning). On the International Mathematical Olympiad only 43 out of 1338 medals were obtained by females. There are too many funny cases and video compilations of women facing men in sports (watch them before they're censored lol), e.g. the infamous Vaevictis female "progaming" team or the [football](football.md) match between the US national women team (probably the best women team in the world) vs some random under 15 years old boy's team which of course the women team lost. LMAO there is even a video of 1 skinny boy beating 9 women in boxing. Of course there are arguments that worse performance of women in mental sports is caused culturally; women aren't led so much to playing chess, therefore there are fewer women in chess and so the probability of a good woman player appearing is lower. This may be partially true even though genetic factors seem at least equally important and it may equally be true that not so many women play chess simply because they're not naturally good at it; nevertheless the fact that women are generally worse at chess than men stands, regardless of its cause -- a randomly picked men will most likely be better at chess than a randomly picked woman, and that's what matters in the end. Also if women are displaced from chess by culture, then what is the area they are displaced to? If women are as capable as men, then for any area dominated by men there should be an area equally dominated by women, however we see that anywhere men face women men win big time, even in the woman activities such as cooking and fashion design. Feminists will say that men simply oppress women everywhere, but this just means that women are dominated by men everywhere, which means they are more skilled and capable at everything, there is no way out -- yes, antelope are oppressed by lions, but it's because lions are stronger than antelopes. Here we simply argue that women are weaker than men, not that oppressing women is okay -- it isn't. Furthermore if women were weaker but not by that much, we should statistically see at least occasional dominance by a woman, but we practically don't, it's really almost impossible to find a single such case in history, which indicates women are VERY SIGNIFICANTLY weaker, i.e. not something we negligible we could just ignore. Being a woman correlates to losing to a man almost perfectly, it is a great predictor, basically as strong as can appear in science. It makes sense from the evolutionary standpoint as well, women simply evolved to take care of children, guard fire and save resource consumption by being only as strong as necessarily required for this task, while men had to be stronger and smarter to do the hard job of providing food and protection.
@ -58,12 +58,13 @@ Note: It is guaranteed that [soyentific](soyence.md) BIGBRAINS will start screec
| weight: greatest | 442 kg (Minnoch) |385 kg (Carnemoll)| |
| brain: avg. weight | 1424 g | 1242 g | |
| brain: heaviest | 2049 g | 1565 g | |
| avg. reaction time | 230 ms | 244 ms | (Aditya Jain et al. 2015) |
| avg. reaction time | 230 ms | 244 ms |(Aditya Jain et al. 2015) |
| muscle/mass avg. | 42% | 32% | |
|life span: avg. (EU)| 75 years | 81 years | |
| life span: greatest| 116 y. (Kimura) | 122 y. (Calment) |top 10 oldest people ever are all W |
| suicides / 100K | 11.15 | 2.86 |M die by suicide nearly 4x as often |
|average IQ (US 1993)| 101.8 | 98.8 |in some areas M score even 11 higher |
|Fields medals (2022)| 62 | 2 |W had 0 until 2014 |
| 200m outdoor WR | 19.90s (Bolt) |21.34s (G-Joyner) |best W ranks lower than #5769 among M|
| 60m indoor WR | 6.34s (Coleman) |6.92s (Privalova) |best W ranks lower than #3858 among M|
| raw deadlift WR |460kg (Magnusson) |305kg (Swanson) |best M lifts about 50% more weight |
Reference in a new issue