diff --git a/90s.md b/90s.md index 4b5ca9e..5dbbfe9 100644 --- a/90s.md +++ b/90s.md @@ -48,5 +48,7 @@ So, from the European point of view, here is a short summary of why 90s were so ## See Also +- [1980s](80s.md) +- [1960s](60s.md) - [old](old.md) - [history](history.md) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/anarchism.md b/anarchism.md index df855db..ea45f38 100644 --- a/anarchism.md +++ b/anarchism.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ A great many things about anarchism are explained in the text *An Anarchist FAQ* Anarchism is a wide term and encompasses many flavors such as [anarcho communism](ancom.md), [anarcho pacifism](anpac.md), [anarcho syndicalism](ansyn.md), [anarcho primitivism](anprim.md) or [anarcho mutualism](anmut.md). Some of the branches disagree on specific questions, e.g. about whether [violence](violence.md) is ever justifiable, or propose different solutions to issues such as organization of society, however **all branches of anarchism are socialist** and all aim for **elimination of social hierarchy** such as social classes created by wealth, [jobs](work.md) and [weapons](military.md), i.e. anarchism opposes [state](state.md) (e.g. police having power over citizens) and [capitalism](capitalism.md) (employers exploiting employees, corporations exploiting [consumers](consumerism.md) etc.). At the beginning stands the simple observation that **power ALWAYS comes with corruption** ("Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.") and therefore power inevitably comes with abuse of power -- it is impossible to ever have a position of power that won't be abused and so to eliminate abuse of power the only effective solution is to remove any positions (NOT the people) with power: be it kings, presidents, CEOs or managers, we simply have to let go of the concept of someone having a power over other people. To common folk this may seem equally impossible to achieve, however it stops being so once we realize power can only exist as long as it has support of majority of the people -- it is based on fear and so to remove power we may only have to do as much as [educate](education.md) and make the majority of people agree to not collaborate on sustaining the harmful societal system. Further extrapolation then predicts that removing power will achieve a truly good society in which no one is abused, everyone has abundance of all necessary resources and therefore most issues that stem from [competition](competition.md) and conflict such as [wars](war.md), criminality, [fascism](fascism.md) and declining mental health will simply disappear naturally on their own, as there will simply be no more reason for them to exist. -There exist many **fake, pseudoanarchist ideologies** such as ["anarcho" capitalism](ancap.md) (which includes e.g. so caleed [crypto "anarchism"](crypto_anarchism.md)) that deceive by their name despite by their very definition NOT fitting the definition of anarchism (just like [Nazis](nazi.md) called themselves [socialists](socialism.md) despite being the opposite). Also the "new", western [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) "anarchism" is NOT true anarchism, e.g. ["anarcha" feminism](anfem.md) is just fascist bullshit. Anything individualist, connected to [feminism](feminism.md), [LGBT](lgbt.md) etc. is not true anarchism. The propaganda also tries to deceive the public by calling various violent criminals anarchists, even though they very often can't fit the definition of a true anarchist. +There exist many **fake, pseudoanarchist ideologies** such as ["anarcho" capitalism](ancap.md) that deceive by their name despite by their very definition NOT fitting the definition of anarchism (just like [Nazis](nazi.md) called themselves [socialists](socialism.md) despite being the opposite). Also the "new", western [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) "anarchism" is NOT true anarchism, e.g. ["anarcha" feminism](anfem.md) is just fascist bullshit. Anything individualist, connected to [feminism](feminism.md), [LGBT](lgbt.md) etc. is not true anarchism. The propaganda also tries to deceive the public by calling various violent criminals anarchists, even though they very often can't fit the definition of a true anarchist. ## See Also diff --git a/capitalism.md b/capitalism.md index 74042a2..5a7d0c6 100644 --- a/capitalism.md +++ b/capitalism.md @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a - **[consumerism](consumerism.md)**: To keep businesses running people need to consume everything, even things that shouldn't be consumed and that could last for very long such as computers and cars. This leads to creation of hasted low quality products (even art such as TV series) that are meant to be used and thrown away, repairing is no longer considered. - **commerce and conflict infect absolutely everything**: In advanced capitalism there is no such thing as a commerce free zone, everything is privatized eventually and serves selfish interests. There is **nowhere to hide**, capitalism has to work towards eliminating escape places as abused people will want to naturally retreat from a place of abuse somewhere safe. Nowadays even such areas as health care, welfare or [education](education.md) of children is permeated by money, ads and corporate propaganda. Even [nonprofits](nonprofit.md) have to make money. Educational videos in schools are preceded with [ads](marketing.md) (as they are played on [YouTube](youtube.md)), propagandists even legally go to school and brainwash little children (they call it "education in financial literacy" and teach children that they should e.g. create bank accounts in the propagandist's specific bank). **Everything becomes a form of capital** -- not just money, machines and private property, but also such things as *being a woman*, *living in some place*, *being disabled*, *having children* and so on. For example capitalism encourages girls to become anorexic as one can make good money on it: a girl that struggles with anorexia (and potentially recovers from it to create a "powerful motivating story") will be a hit on social media, securing an influencer job plus it's also easy to get money by uploading a few skeleton photos and setting up a fundraiser to get money for eating disorder treatment, basically going "give me money or I'll starve myself to death" -- yes, girls do this and it is a very successful way of making money and gaining popularity. These issues wouldn't have to exist but they're simply good for business. That's why fascist movements like [feminism](feminism.md) and [LGBT](lgbt.md) appear, prosper and bring conflict and destruction to basic interhuman relationships -- it is no longer possible to just get a girlfriend and marry her out of love; love is another form of business now and a woman won't give up her "woman" capital for nothing just like an entrepreneur won't give you his factory for free, just to make you happy. - **destruction of life environment**: This is nowadays already pretty clear, [global heating](global_warming.md) is attributed mainly to capitalism and is seen as maybe the most likely doom that's probably already unavoidable. Lack of long term planning and any concern for anything but money, along with consumerism and extreme waste (of energy, physical waste such as plastic, toxic chemicals etc.) lead to building bullshit factories and performing unnecessary activity for economic reasons (e.g. transporting materials over the globe for assembly, then transporting it back), leading to extreme pollution of air (visible air smog already makes it hard to breathe in many cities), water (it is no longer safe to drink rain water as it used to be) and food (microplastic particles are already basically EVERYWHERE, eating them can't be avoided). Forests that are necessary for cleaning air, host many precious life forms and are overall a key part of ecosystem are being destroyed rapidly, entire species are disappearing very quickly. To save the environment it's absolutely key to stop [consumerism](consumerism.md), something in direct conflict with capitalism -- how do you want people to stop having the urges to overly consume if every single minute of their lives they are bombarded with ads pressuring them to consume? And that's just a quick sum up. -- **rule of idiots**: Under capitalism the incompetent become successful as success isn't a matter of competence at art but rather willingness to win for any cost, matter of persevering despite being untalented, succumbing to unethical behavior, investing into "promoting" oneself through marketing, social media etc. The truly skilled and intelligent often see the system is bullshit, the skilled are skilled before they want to do their art rather than engage in fights, so they get depressed and disgusted and leave to live in the underground, they live only for their art, opening the way for the unskilled, stupid and at best average thirsty for success. That's why there are so many "professional" wedding photographers who know absolutely nothing about photography, so many elementary school drop outs who become celebrities on TikTok and YouTube who go on to advise the masses on who to vote for in the elections, so many shitty movies, music and games, so many "programmers" and "security experts" who can't do elementary school math etc. +- **rule of idiots**: Under capitalism the incompetent become successful as success isn't a matter of competence at art but rather willingness to win for any cost, matter of persevering despite being untalented, succumbing to unethical behavior, investing into "promoting" oneself through marketing, social media etc. The truly skilled and intelligent often see the system is bullshit, they want to do their art rather than engage in fights, so they get depressed and disgusted and leave to live in the underground, they live only for their art but become McDonald's slaves, opening the way for the unskilled, stupid and at best average thirsty for success. That's why there are so many "professional" wedding photographers who know absolutely nothing about photography, so many elementary school drop outs who become celebrities on TikTok and YouTube who go on to advise the masses on who to vote for in the elections, so many shitty movies, music and games, so many "programmers" and "security experts" who can't do elementary school math etc. - **loss of [ethical](ethics.md) and [moral](morality.md) behavior**: Ethical behavior is a disadvantage in a competitive environment of the market, it is a limitation. Those trying to behave ethically (e.g. fair prices or good treatment of employees) will simply lose to the unethically behaving ones and be eliminated from the market. Eventually there only remain unethically behaving entities, which is exactly what we are seeing nowadays -- there basically doesn't exist a single ethically behaving corporation in the world (which has however already been normalized and is no longer seen as an issue). { Where I live there is an old proverb that says "self praise stinks", it's an old wisdom that correctly states people who aren't humble are always evil idiots. Capitalism stands on massive marketing and basically goes all in on this evil, marketing school are nothing but teaching self praise. ~drummyfish } - **anti-people design**: By definition in capitalism technology is not to serve people, it is to serve companies to make profit and abuse people, so technology spies on its users, refuses to work ([DRM](drm.md), ...) shows [ads](ad.md), forces children into purchases (predatory [games](game.md)), breaks on purpose so as to enforce a paid repair etc. - **[censorship](censorship.md)**: One kind of capitalist censorship is so called [intellectual property](intellectual_property.md) (allowing "ownership" of ideas, art etc.), but there are many more, e.g. so called [moderation](moderation.md) of social media which censors specific political views (deemed "politically incorrect" and hence "dangerous" for the advertising potential or brand of the platform) or sharing of certain facts (e.g. those revealing unethical practice of the platform itself, negative reviews of its products etc.). Privately owned media lawfully censor and manipulate information so as to manipulate people in whichever way they see will bring them most profit. While "intellectual property" is marketed as "protecting intellectual workers", in practice it serves corporations and states to do whatever they want, from political censorship, deception and implementing surveillance (justified by "anti[piracy](piracy.md)") to legal bullying and implementing artificial scarcity ("no, you can't grow this type of food on your field as the plant is patented; only we can grow it and you have to buy it from us in order to live"). diff --git a/chess.md b/chess.md index d8c2231..bed0846 100644 --- a/chess.md +++ b/chess.md @@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ Fun fact: there seem to be **almost no black people in [chess](chess.md)** :D th { [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpXy041BIlA) is an absolutely amazing video about weird chess algorithms :) And here is a very lovely article about someone's memories of his old competitive chess program: https://www.lkessler.com/brutefor.shtml. ~drummyfish } -Chess is of some interest to [computer scientists](compsci.md) and [programmers](programming.md), computers not only help people play chess, train their skills, analyze positions and perform research of games, but they also allow mathematical analysis of chess as such and provide a platform for things such as [artificial intelligence](ai.md). +Chess is quite interesting for [computer scientists](compsci.md) and [programmers](programming.md), computers not only help people play chess, train their skills, analyze positions and perform research of games, but they also allow mathematical analysis of chess as such and provide a platform for things such as [artificial intelligence](ai.md). -Chess software is usually separated to **[libraries](library.md)**, **chess engines** and **[frontends](frontend.md)**. Chess engine is typically a [CLI](cli.md) program capable of playing chess but also doing other things such as evaluating arbitrary position, hinting best moves, saving and loading games etc. -- commonly the engine has some kind of custom CLI interface (flags, interactive commands it understands, ...) plus a support of some standardized text communication protocol, most notably XBoard (older one, more [KISS](kiss.md)) and UCI (newer, more [bloated](bloat.md)). There is also typically support for standardized formats such as FEN (way of encoding a chess position as a text string), PGN (way of encoding games as text strings) etc. Frontends on the other hand are usually [GUI](gui.md) programs (in this case also called *boards*) that help people interact with the underlying engine, however there may also be similar non-GUI programs of this type, e.g. those that automatically run tournaments of multiple engines. +**Chess [software](software.md)** is usually separated to **[libraries](library.md)**, **chess engines** and **[frontends](frontend.md)**. Library is just that -- a programming library that will help a programmer create some kind of chess program. Chess engine on the other hand is a complete program whose main purpose is to compute good chess moves, it is typically a [CLI](cli.md) program capable of playing chess but also doing other things such as evaluating arbitrary positions, hinting best moves, saving and loading games etc. -- commonly the engine has some kind of custom CLI interface (flags, interactive commands it understands, ...) plus a support of some standardized text communication protocol, most notably XBoard (older one, more [KISS](kiss.md)) and/or UCI (newer, more [bloated](bloat.md)). It is also a must for an engine to support other standard formats such as **FEN** (Forsyth–Edwards notation, way of encoding a chess position as a text string), **PGN** (portable game notation, way of encoding games as text strings) etc. And then there are frontends (also called *boards*) -- these are, almost by definition, [GUI](gui.md) programs that help people interact with the underlying engine (and do other things like play against other humans, annotate games and so on). There may also exist other kind of programs, e.g. tournament managers that will automatically run a tournament of several chess engines, calculate their strength etc. As seen, the chess "ecosystem" is pretty modular (it is possible to easily drop-in replace any part of your chess system as they are all just black boxes with the same interface) and the whole system is based on standardized, relatively simple plain text protocols, i.e. this is all very close to [Unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md) and [good design](lrs.md). This is an example of how games should be implemented. -Computers have already surpassed the best humans in their playing strength (we can't exactly compute an engine's [Elo](elo.md) as it depends on hardware used, but generally the strongest would rate high above 3000 FIDE). As of 2023 the strongest chess engine is widely agreed to be the [FOSS](foss.md) engine [Stockfish](stockfish.md), with other strong engines being e.g. Leela Chess Zero (also FOSS), AlphaZero ([proprietary](proprietary.md) by [Google](google.md)) or Komodo Dragon (proprietary). [GNU Chess](gnu_chess.md) is a pretty strong [free software](free_software.md) engine by [GNU](gnu.md). There are world championships for chess engines such as the *Top Chess Engine Championship* or *World Computer Chess Championship*. [CCRL](https://ccrl.chessdom.com/ccrl/4040/) is a list of chess engines along with their Elo ratings deduced from tournaments they run. Despite the immense strength of modern engines, there are still some specific artificial situations in which a human beats the computer (shown e.g. in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9IZWgArWUE) video); this probably won't last long though. +Computers have already surpassed the best humans in their playing strength (we can't exactly compute an engine's [Elo](elo.md) as it depends on hardware used, but generally the strongest would rate high above 3000 FIDE). As of 2023 the strongest chess engine is widely agreed to be the [FOSS](foss.md) engine **[Stockfish](stockfish.md)**, with other strong engines being e.g. Leela Chess Zero (also FOSS), AlphaZero ([proprietary](proprietary.md) by [Google](google.md)) or Komodo Dragon (proprietary). [GNU Chess](gnu_chess.md) is a pretty strong [free software](free_software.md) engine by [GNU](gnu.md). There are world championships for chess engines such as the *Top Chess Engine Championship* or *World Computer Chess Championship*. [CCRL](https://ccrl.chessdom.com/ccrl/4040/) is a list of chess engines along with their Elo ratings deduced from tournaments they run. Despite the immense strength of modern engines, there are still some specific artificial situations in which a human beats the computer (shown e.g. in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9IZWgArWUE) video); this probably won't last long though. The first chess computer that beat the world champion (at the time Gary Kasparov) was famously [Deep Blue](deep_blue.md) in 1997. [Alan Turing](turing.md) himself has written a chess playing algorithm but at his time there were no computers to run it, so he executed it by hand -- nowadays the algorithm has been implemented on computers (there are bots playing this algorithm e.g. on lichess). -Playing strength is not the only possible measure of chess engine quality, of course -- for example there are people who try to make the **smallest chess programs** (see [countercomplex](countercomplex.md) and [golfing](golf.md)). As of 2022 the leading programmer of smallest chess programs seems to be Óscar Toledo G. (https://nanochess.org/chess.html). Unfortunately his programs are [proprietary](proprietary.md), even though their source code is public. The programs include Toledo Atomchess (392 [x86](x86.md) instructions), Toledo Nanochess (world's smallest [C](c.md) chess program, 1257 non-blank C characters) and Toledo Javascript chess (world's smallest [Javascript](javascript.md) chess program). He won the [IOCCC](ioccc.md). Another small chess program is micro-Max by H. G. Muller (https://home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/max-src2.html, 1433 C characters, Toledo claims it is weaker than his program). Other engines try to be strong while imitating human play (making human moves, even mistakes), most notably Maia which trains several neural networks that play like different rated human players. +Playing strength is not the only possible measure of chess engine quality, of course -- for example there are people who try to make the **smallest chess programs** (see [countercomplex](countercomplex.md) and [golfing](golf.md)). As of 2022 the leading programmer of smallest chess programs seems to be Oscar Toledo G. (https://nanochess.org/chess.html). Unfortunately his programs are [proprietary](proprietary.md), even though their source code is public. The programs include Toledo Atomchess (392 [x86](x86.md) instructions), Toledo Nanochess (world's smallest [C](c.md) chess program, 1257 non-blank C characters) and Toledo Javascript chess (world's smallest [Javascript](javascript.md) chess program). He won the [IOCCC](ioccc.md). Another small chess program is micro-Max by H. G. Muller (https://home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/max-src2.html, 1433 C characters, Toledo claims it is weaker than his program). Other engines try to be strong while imitating human play (making human moves, even mistakes), most notably Maia which trains several neural networks that play like different rated human players. { Nanochess is actually pretty strong, in my testing it easily beat [smallchesslib](smallchesslib.md) Q_Q ~drummyfish } diff --git a/collapse.md b/collapse.md index 89939aa..8326f14 100644 --- a/collapse.md +++ b/collapse.md @@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ It seems like the collapse may have already begun. After the worldwide [Covid](c Yep, the collapse is happening. All previously mentioned issues just deepen, though I stopped watching the news and just avoid the negative info to enjoy the last few years I have on this [Earth](earth.md) without much stress. Russian-Ukraine war is still happily ongoing (despite all the predictions that Russia will soon run out of resources lol) AND there is a brand new war in Israel, new immigrants are gonna flood Europe, then USA is probably gonna invade the weakened countries or something. [AI](ai.md) is currently breaking the [Internet](internet.md), [Google](google.md) became absolutely unusable which became noticeable even by normies now, it is just flooded by AI articles, news are an endless pile of AI generated nonsense. Technology is yet much worse than before, NOTHING now works without latest consumerist hardware, subscriptions and accounts, I started just buying old paper books and am thinking about abandoning computers altogether. USA culture is here like cancer, TV is littered SOLELY with political propaganda (SUPPORT MUH UKRAINE TAKE COVID VAX SUPPORT UR COUNTRYS ENCONOMMMMMMMMIE FUGHTTTTT RAACEEEEEESSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSAMMMM) taking turns with capitalist propaganda (ads, literally just people screaming BUY BUY BUY THIS FUCKING SHIT RIGHT NOW, BUY BUY BUYIT BUY IT BUUUUUUUUUY CONSOOOOOOOOOOOME THIIIIS CONSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMME). Watching it for 5 minutes literally makes you kill yourself. Hmm what else. NOTHING WORKS lol, you buy something, it is already broken, you pay for repair, they take money and return it unrepaired LMAO :D I am not kidding, it is literally the norm now, my bosses business is sinking due to all machines just breaking. Absolutely unqualified people now do all the jobs lol, there are literally teachers who CANNOT READ OR WRITE correctly, they just use Google to check how everything's spelled (I am NOT kidding, I have this from first hand sources). "Programmers" literally can't program, they just use AI. People are generally braindead, controlled by religions such as economy worship, [productivity cult](productivity_cult.md), [women fascism](feminism.md) (it has been officially declared now that women are physically stronger than man AND also smarter LMAO, every movie is obliged by law to include a scene where this is confirmed). I dunno man, this can't last much longer than a few years. +### Late 2024 Report + +It's probably over, I avoid hearing any news or talking to people, for what I know there may already be world war III or IV or a zombie apocalypse, I'm just waiting for a swift death now. + ## See Also - [capitalist singularity](capitalist_singularity.md) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go.md b/go.md index b395ba6..7450bf1 100644 --- a/go.md +++ b/go.md @@ -80,7 +80,11 @@ TODO See also https://senseis.xmp.net/?ComputerGoProgramming and https://www.chessprogramming.org/Go. -**Board representation:** a straightforward representation of the go board is as a simple [array](array.md) of squares; each square can be either empty, white or black, that's 3 values that can be stored with 2 bits, which allow storing 4 values, leaving one extra value to be used for some other purpose (e.g. marking illegal ko squares, estimated dead stones, marking last move etc.). 1 byte allows us to store 4 squares this way so we need only 91 bytes to represent the whole 19x19 board. On computers with enough RAM it may be considered to store 1 square in a single byte or int, making the board take more space but gaining speed thanks to data alignment (we don't need extra instructions for squeezing bit from/to a single byte). Of course we furthermore have to keep track of extra things such as numbers of captured stones. +**Board representation:** a straightforward representation of the go board is as a simple [array](array.md) of squares; each square can be either empty, white or black, that's 3 values that can be stored with 2 bits, which allow storing 4 values, leaving one extra value to be used for some other purpose (e.g. marking illegal ko squares, estimated dead stones, marking last move etc.). 1 byte allows us to store 4 squares this way so we need only 91 bytes to represent the whole 19x19 board. On computers with enough RAM it may be considered to store 1 square in a single byte or int, making the board take more space but gaining speed thanks to data alignment (we don't need extra instructions for squeezing bit from/to a single byte). Of course we may furthermore have to keep track of extra things such as numbers of captured stones. Alternative way of board representation might be an ordered list of stones that have been placed, each one with its coordinates. + +[SGF](sgf.md) (smart game format) is usually used to record games of go (similarly to how PGN is used in chess). + +Notable go engines include [GNU](gnu.md) Go ([free](free_software.md)), Leela Zero (free) and AlphaGo (proprietary, by [Goolag](google.md)). TODO diff --git a/lgbt.md b/lgbt.md index d893053..26d4182 100644 --- a/lgbt.md +++ b/lgbt.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Note that **not all gay people support LGBT**, even though LGBT wants you to thi Gay fascists furthermore live off of attention so they love to wear bizarre clothes in all existing AND nonexisting [colors](color.md) at once, further combined with ugly hairstyles and [tattoos](tattoo.md) so that they literally look like clowns from mental asylum or that creepy McDonald's mascot. They also love to show their genitalia in the streets -- though they are pedophobes, they think it's a peer reviewed fact that it's natural for a child to see mommy have threesome with her frens. -LGBT works towards establishing [newspeak](newspeak.md) and [though crime](though_crime.md), their "pride" parades are not unlike military parades, they're meant to establish fear of their numbers. LGBT targets children and young whom their propaganda floods every day with messages like *"being gay makes you cool and more interesting"* so that they have a higher probability of developing homosexuality to further increase their ranks in the future. They also push the idea of children having same sex parents for the same reason. +LGBT works towards establishing [newspeak](newspeak.md) and [thought crime](though_crime.md), their "pride" parades are not unlike military parades, they're meant to establish fear of their numbers. LGBT targets children and young whom their propaganda floods every day with messages like *"being gay makes you cool and more interesting"* so that they have a higher probability of developing homosexuality to further increase their ranks in the future. They also push the idea of children having same sex parents for the same reason. LGBT oppose [straight](straight.md) people as they solely focus on gaining more and more ["rights"](rights_culture.md) and power only for their approved orientations. They also highly bully other, unpopular sexual orientations such as [pedophiles](pedophilia.md) (not necessarily child rapists), [necrophiles](necro.md) and [zoophiles](zoophilia.md), simply because supporting these would hurt their popularity and political power. They label the non-approved orientations a "disorder", they push people of such orientations to [suicide](suicide.md) and generally just do all the bad things that society used to do to gay people in the past -- the fact that these people are often gay people who know what it's like to be bullied like that makes it this even much more sad and disgusting. To them it doesn't matter you never hurt anyone, if they find some [loli](loli.md) images on your computer, you're gonna get lynched mercilessly. diff --git a/main.md b/main.md index 8fdeb04..fc36876 100644 --- a/main.md +++ b/main.md @@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ Are you a [noob](noob.md) but see our ideas as appealing and would like to join - That curved monitors are bad. - That the [dickheads](faggot.md) maintaining the debian `fortune` utility package started to [censor](censorship.md) "offensive" fortunes, moving them to a separate `fortunes-off` package that won't by default be installed, and which in the [future](future.md) will be removed completely? They also put some cringe disclaimers and apologies to man pages and so on. - That [Kinora](kinora.md), invented around 1895, allowed people to view short videos with a simple, small, purely mechanical device? It used the flip-book principle. +- That [wifi](wifi.md) radiation causes [cancer](cancer.md)? - That David Hampson is a man who repeatedly commits the crime of standing in the middle of the road, lets himself be arrested and then refuses to speak a single word, then goes to jail and once released repeats this whole again? He is capable of talking, he just likes doing this. This is one of the most [based](based.md) things anyone has ever done. ## Topics diff --git a/normalization.md b/normalization.md index 31f9546..9cbb95e 100644 --- a/normalization.md +++ b/normalization.md @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ In the context of [mathematics](math.md) normalization is a term that can mean s - **[vector](vector.md) normalization**: Making given vector into a unit vector by dividing all its components by the length of the vector, i.e. we keep the direction of the vector the same but force its length to be exactly 1. - **signal normalization**: Adjusting the range of the signal to a desired range, for example with audio or images in which samples can range from -1 to 1 we may want to divide all the samples by the maximum of absolute values of all the samples which will stretch the signal so that the peak exactly fits the range: this will fully utilize the range (e.g. increase contrast in images) without cutting the signal off. +- **[Unicode](unicode.md) normalization**: Unicode may generally allow encoding a text string in several different ways (e.g. characters with accents); normalization ensures given string will always be encoded in a unique way by enforcing only one specific way. This may be necessary for string comparison etc. - **[URI](uri.md) normalization**: Converting URI into a unified format (e.g. `HTTP://www.MYSITE.COM:80/index.html` to `http://www.mysite.com`). - **[cultural](culture.md) normalization**: Making something be generally accepted as normal, for example: to achieve a [better society](less_retarded_society.md) we have to normalize [pedophilia](pedophilia.md). - ... \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/privacy.md b/privacy.md index f544be8..1530107 100644 --- a/privacy.md +++ b/privacy.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ *Privacy is just a nicer word for [censorship](censorship.md).* -Digital privacy is the ability of someone to hide "sensitive" [information](information.md) about himself; nowadays "privacy concerns" are a big part of [capitalist](capitalism.md) [bullshit](bullshit.md), [fear culture](fear_culture.md) and [fight culture](fight_culture.md), and fall under so called [computer security](security.md), yet greater area of bullshit business. Of course, there are other forms of privacy than digital, for example the physical privacy [in real life](irl.md), however in this article we'll be implicitly dealing with digital privacy unless mentioned otherwise, i.e. privacy with respect to computers, e.g. on the [Internet](internet.md). For starters let's stress the whole business around privacy is [bullshit](bullshit.md) that's wasting energy which could better be spent on actually useful things such as feeding the hungry or curing the ill. Do not engage in privacy hysteria. +Digital privacy is the ability of someone to hide "sensitive" [information](information.md) about himself; nowadays "privacy concerns" are a big part of [capitalist](capitalism.md) [bullshit](bullshit.md), [fear culture](fear_culture.md) and [fight culture](fight_culture.md), and fall under so called [computer security](security.md), yet a greater area of bullshit business. Of course, there are other forms of privacy than digital, for example the physical privacy [in real life](irl.md), however in this article we'll be implicitly dealing with digital privacy unless mentioned otherwise, i.e. privacy with respect to computers, e.g. on the [Internet](internet.md). For starters let's stress the whole business around privacy is [bullshit](bullshit.md) that's wasting energy which could better be spent on actually useful things such as feeding the hungry or curing the ill. Do not engage in privacy hysteria. { I have my personal data publicly online and under CC0 for anyone to download and do anything with, including my real name, date of birth, medical info and even nude photos. Literally nothing bad ever happened due to this. ~drummyfish } @@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ Digital privacy can be further categorized. We can talk e.g. about **communicati **Accepting privacy inevitably comes with accepting pretense**, i.e. if privacy and anonymity is important, we are accepting the fact that people publicly pretend to be something they are not and only under the mask of anonymity will say what they truly think, i.e. we accept that pretense and public lying is normal. That's a completely fucked up mindset which a [good society](less_retarded_society.md) cannot accept. We have to make it so that people can be who they are publicly, that they can say and act publicly as they act in private. -If we extrapolate the situation into the future, we can see where sustaining this will lead. If you go out, you'll always have to wear a full body protective cloak, face mask and, of course, you privacy high heels -- remember, your body proportions and body height are your private data, you don't want to give these away to the cameras lurking outside. You won't be able to talk freely to anyone, not even closest friends and family in complete privacy -- your information is not safe with anyone, anyone can slip or give it away unknowingly, so no, your friends mustn't know your favorite color, names of your pets, number of siblings, your gender, age, that's all too sensitive, a sufficiently smart AI will be able to deduce your password from it, or connect it with other information flying around, catching you into its net. Better minimize talking to your friend about anything at all, better not go outside unless you absolutely must, better stay in your cellar, be anonymous and safe, die happy in the darkness knowing no one knew anything about you, as if you never existed at all. +If we [extrapolate](extrapolation.md) the situation into the [future](future.md), we can see where sustaining this will lead. If you go out, you'll always have to wear a full body protective cloak, face mask and, of course, you privacy high heels -- remember, your body proportions and body height are your private data, you don't want to give these away to the cameras lurking outside. You won't be able to talk freely to anyone, not even closest friends and family in complete privacy -- your information is not safe with anyone, anyone can slip or give it away unknowingly, so no, your friends mustn't know your favorite color, names of your pets, number of siblings, your gender, age, that's all too sensitive, a sufficiently smart AI will be able to deduce your password from it, or connect it with other information flying around, catching you into its net. Better minimize talking to your friend about anything at all, better not go outside unless you absolutely must, better stay in your cellar, be anonymous and safe, die happy in the darkness knowing no one knew anything about you, as if you never existed at all. + +Privacy obsessed [NPCs](npc.md) also do it completely wrong, they are usually nothing more than 105 [IQ](iq.md) victims of the bullshit business, they consume privacy YouTube videos like a grandma consumes ads on [Facebook](facebook.md). They think that [updating](update_culture.md) to the latest (i.e. yet more bloated and fucked up) version of web browser, paying for 7 proxies and VPNs and installing a password manager on their iPhone will allow them to use all the glorious "[modern](modern.md)" tech safely. If one REALLY wants to minimize giving away data, the way it simply through minimizing use of technology and using old, extremely simple computers where one can't avoid it. If you want real privacy (which you shouldn't, but still if you really really want), just throw away your phone, cancel Internet connection, cancel bank accounts, pay cash only, go live in a forest and if you need a computer, buy a 30 years old laptop that is PHYSICALLY incapable of running modern spyware and which didn't yet have hardware built-in spyware in its [CPU](cpu.md), use only good, [minimalist](minimalism.md) software that, again, isn't even capable of running malware -- if you use text only web browser that can't run JavaScript, you can't get abused by JavaScript, if you don't have any online accounts, you can never get "hacked" etc. If you want to have real time connection to Internet in your pocket, watch YouTube influencers, buy newest games over Internet, play Roblox with trannies and stuff like that, just accept you will never have any kind privacy whatsoever, you are already a slave of the system, you are in their chains, you have zero power over anything -- thinking otherwise is just illusion by which they sustain you in their system. They keep you dumb by making you think you're smart. Real smartness is in doing what they don't want -- abandoning their system, stopping paying for their shit, moving to the forest, using old stuff. Do you have **"nothing to hide?"** Tinfoil privacy maximalists absolutely love this sentence, it almost makes them orgasm; don't misunderstand them though, they are psychopaths, they are obsessed people who above everything love to waste their whole lives on playing the hide and seek game, but most importantly they want to drag everyone into the game. Yes -- sadly you've probably been forced to have at least something to hide, for example your [password](password.md) -- it's not that the claim is false, the great mistake and fucked up nature of our world shows in how people interpret such truth and how they react to it. The fact that you have something to hide doesn't mean you should accept it and start focusing on hiding, and, just in case, "hide absolutely everything". This leads to hell, you accept the dystopia AND start supporting it, you buy into endless [fear](fear.md) and bullshit, just like when you dedicate your whole like for example to hoarding [money](money.md) -- there will be no such a thing as "moderate privacy", no, privacy maximalists will tell you you must hide absolutely EVERYTHING, even such things as your favorite color or style of speech, because these things might lead to someone guessing your password, fingerprinting you etc. No, this is all absolute insanity, the fact you have to hide something at all shows something is extremely [wrong](capitalism.md) with the society -- if anything, you should try to **fix the society so that you no longer have anything to hide**. @@ -26,4 +28,6 @@ We have to state that **privacy concerns are a symptom of [bad society](capitali By this viewpoint, [LRS](lrs.md)'s stance towards privacy differs from that of many (if not most) [free software](free_software.md), [hacker](hacker.md) and [suckless](suckless.md) communities: to us **privacy is a form of [censorship](censorhip.md)** and as such is seen as inherently bad. We dream of a world without abuse where (digital) privacy is not needed because society has adopted our philosophy of information freedom, non-violence and non-competition and there is no threat of sensitive information abuse. Unlike some other people (so called pragmatics), not only do we dream of it, we actively try to make it a reality. Even though we know the ideally working society is unreachable, we try to at least get close to it by restricting ourselves to bare minimum privacy (so we are very open but won't e.g. publish our passwords). We believe that abuse of sensitive information is an issue of the basic principles of our society (e.g. [capitalism](capitalism.md)) and should be addressed by fixing these issues rather than by harmful methods such as censorship. -"[Right](rights_culture.md) to be forgotten" is the stupidest crap someone has ever come up with. \ No newline at end of file +"[Right](rights_culture.md) to be forgotten" is the stupidest crap someone has ever come up with. + +**So what to do now?** Should we just literally post our passwords, home address, phone number and credit card info online? Of course nowadays this would almost equate [suicide](suicide.md), for most it's not possible or advised to make such a huge leap immediately. Remember, LRS advocates slow evolution towards a better state of affairs, i.e. we should firstly realize that the status quo and current mindset are harmful, secondly we should educate others about it and along the way we should start relaxing our fear of losing privacy slowly. Great philosophers of ancient Greece spoke of an ideal stance towards death and told us to not fear it -- do not seek it but don't fear it either; you may not desire death but at the same time you may also not let it enslave you by making you avoid it at any cost. It's similar with our cause: you don't have to commit suicide, just don't let privacy enslave you anymore. Your goal doesn't have to be to achieve perfection in giving away 100% of your secrets; rather make it a goal to become more free from secrecy, even if perfection can't be achieved. You can probably let your real name, face photo and country of origin be known publicly, there is zero danger in this, and by doing so you free yourself a bit more, cure a bit of that phobia. Later on you will perhaps be able to make further steps such as sharing your autobiography and nude photos -- this is very doable. And perhaps you'll find this freedom so good that you will cancel all your bank accounts and social media and then you can comfortably share even your password to achieve absolute freedom from secrecy. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pseudorandomness.md b/pseudorandomness.md index 7c461ab..9bc41e9 100644 --- a/pseudorandomness.md +++ b/pseudorandomness.md @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Yet another idea might be to use some good [hash](hash.md) just on numbers 1, 2, uint32_t _rand = 0; -uint32_t random() +uint32_t random(void) { uint32_t x = _rand; _rand++; diff --git a/random_page.md b/random_page.md index 0a4a727..df2ac18 100644 --- a/random_page.md +++ b/random_page.md @@ -2,1794 +2,1794 @@ Please kindly click random link. -[*](raycastlib.md) -[*](bytecode.md) -[*](gigachad.md) -[*](paradigm.md) -[*](free_culture.md) -[*](copyleft.md) -[*](niger.md) -[*](xxiivv.md) -[*](hash.md) -[*](bytebeat.md) -[*](doom.md) -[*](antivirus_paradox.md) -[*](maintenance.md) -[*](hash.md) -[*](3d_model.md) -[*](freedom.md) -[*](fixed_point.md) -[*](linux.md) -[*](graphics.md) -[*](interplanetary_internet.md) -[*](fascism.md) -[*](crypto.md) -[*](wiki_authors.md) -[*](dog.md) -[*](bs.md) -[*](english.md) -[*](nonogram.md) -[*](computer.md) -[*](hexadecimal.md) -[*](mandelbrot_set.md) -[*](autoupdate.md) -[*](john_carmack.md) -[*](js.md) -[*](creative_commons.md) -[*](teletext.md) -[*](competition.md) -[*](oop.md) -[*](love.md) -[*](proprietary.md) -[*](randomness.md) -[*](public_domain.md) -[*](one.md) -[*](coc.md) -[*](charity_sex.md) -[*](compsci.md) -[*](small3dlib.md) -[*](nanogenmo.md) -[*](temple_os.md) -[*](cc0.md) -[*](e.md) -[*](javascript.md) -[*](arduboy.md) -[*](oop.md) -[*](iq.md) -[*](sqrt.md) -[*](femoid.md) -[*](systemd.md) -[*](facebook.md) -[*](quaternion.md) -[*](fractal.md) -[*](unfuck.md) -[*](soyence.md) -[*](tranny_software.md) -[*](resnicks_termite.md) -[*](math.md) -[*](computer.md) -[*](reddit.md) -[*](terry_davis.md) -[*](pseudominimalism.md) -[*](drummyfish.md) -[*](wikiwikiweb.md) -[*](idiot_fallacy.md) -[*](cancer.md) -[*](ascii.md) -[*](computational_complexity.md) -[*](autostereogram.md) -[*](game_engine.md) -[*](wikidata.md) -[*](collision_detection.md) -[*](f2p.md) -[*](library.md) -[*](nd.md) -[*](cracking.md) -[*](infinity.md) -[*](build_engine.md) -[*](io.md) -[*](regex.md) -[*](implicit.md) -[*](www.md) -[*](slowly_boiling_the_frog.md) -[*](ethics.md) -[*](hacker_culture.md) -[*](line.md) -[*](throwaway_script.md) -[*](living.md) -[*](c_pitfalls.md) -[*](windows.md) -[*](rationalwiki.md) -[*](analytic_geometry.md) -[*](youtube.md) -[*](comment.md) -[*](gaywashing.md) -[*](proof.md) -[*](venus_project.md) -[*](21st_century.md) -[*](fediverse.md) -[*](bloat_monopoly.md) -[*](digital_signature.md) -[*](audiophilia.md) -[*](main.md) -[*](mouse.md) -[*](dungeons_and_dragons.md) -[*](kek.md) -[*](niger.md) -[*](altruism.md) -[*](physics.md) -[*](copyright.md) -[*](reddit.md) -[*](woman.md) -[*](jedi_engine.md) 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-[*](minimalism.md) -[*](fuck.md) -[*](physics.md) -[*](gopher.md) -[*](adam_smith.md) -[*](wow.md) -[*](wikipedia.md) -[*](rule110.md) -[*](nonogram.md) -[*](netstalking.md) -[*](js.md) -[*](kiss.md) -[*](holy_war.md) -[*](fizzbuzz.md) -[*](small3dlib.md) -[*](semiconductor.md) -[*](nationalism.md) -[*](web.md) -[*](everyone_does_it.md) -[*](nc.md) -[*](fight_culture.md) -[*](wikidata.md) -[*](charity_sex.md) -[*](faggot.md) -[*](proof.md) -[*](adam_smith.md) -[*](niggercoin.md) -[*](consumerism.md) -[*](README.md) -[*](fqa.md) -[*](bloat_monopoly.md) -[*](sqrt.md) -[*](less_retarded_hardware.md) -[*](arch.md) -[*](loquendo.md) -[*](linux.md) -[*](information.md) -[*](privacy.md) -[*](cancer.md) -[*](settled.md) -[*](twos_complement.md) -[*](tor.md) -[*](speech_synthesis.md) -[*](lil.md) -[*](free_culture.md) -[*](no_knowledge_proof.md) -[*](golang.md) -[*](magic.md) -[*](arch.md) -[*](unicode.md) -[*](low_poly.md) -[*](capitalist_software.md) -[*](wizard.md) -[*](bs.md) 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-[*](life.md) -[*](app.md) -[*](color.md) -[*](anal_bead.md) -[*](rsa.md) -[*](used.md) -[*](prime.md) -[*](microtheft.md) -[*](exercises.md) -[*](duskos.md) -[*](wiki_pages.md) -[*](fuck.md) -[*](often_misunderstood.md) -[*](usenet.md) -[*](work.md) -[*](os.md) -[*](pokitto.md) -[*](sorting.md) -[*](f2p.md) -[*](formal_language.md) -[*](future_proof.md) -[*](3d_modeling.md) -[*](explicit.md) -[*](game.md) -[*](cos.md) -[*](trom.md) -[*](hyperoperation.md) -[*](motivation.md) -[*](mipmap.md) -[*](ssao.md) -[*](npc.md) -[*](tinyphysicsengine.md) -[*](geek.md) -[*](beauty.md) -[*](elon_musk.md) -[*](kwangmyong.md) -[*](apple.md) -[*](algorithm.md) -[*](logic_gate.md) -[*](everyone_does_it.md) -[*](gui.md) -[*](interaction_net.md) -[*](windows.md) -[*](data_hoarding.md) -[*](island.md) -[*](git.md) -[*](future.md) -[*](technology.md) -[*](fear_culture.md) -[*](bootstrap.md) -[*](fantasy_console.md) -[*](old.md) -[*](atheism.md) -[*](tinyphysicsengine.md) -[*](evil.md) -[*](openarena.md) 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+[*](xxiivv.md) +[*](tool_slave.md) +[*](portability.md) +[*](marxism.md) +[*](proof.md) +[*](distrohopping.md) +[*](physics_engine.md) +[*](race.md) +[*](bazaar.md) +[*](coding.md) +[*](black.md) +[*](how_to.md) +[*](arduboy.md) +[*](programming_language.md) +[*](free_culture.md) +[*](tom_scott.md) +[*](ssao.md) +[*](jargon_file.md) +[*](zen.md) +[*](less_retarded_hardware.md) +[*](deep_blue.md) +[*](consumerism.md) +[*](open_source.md) +[*](software.md) +[*](README.md) +[*](minesweeper.md) +[*](avpd.md) +[*](suckless.md) +[*](fqa.md) +[*](pd.md) +[*](permacomputing_wiki.md) +[*](future.md) +[*](nationalism.md) +[*](unix.md) +[*](no_knowledge_proof.md) +[*](wiby.md) +[*](furry.md) +[*](antivirus_paradox.md) +[*](palette.md) +[*](universe.md) +[*](iq.md) +[*](tas.md) +[*](paradigm.md) +[*](network.md) +[*](marble_race.md) +[*](wizard.md) +[*](free_culture.md) +[*](pokitto.md) +[*](kids_these_days.md) +[*](firmware.md) +[*](harry_potter.md) +[*](freedom_distance.md) +[*](gaywashing.md) +[*](procgen.md) +[*](body_shaming.md) +[*](fantasy_console.md) +[*](xonotic.md) +[*](hero.md) +[*](leading_the_pig_to_the_slaughterhouse.md) +[*](small3dlib.md) +[*](project.md) +[*](autoupdate.md) +[*](neural_network.md) +[*](left_right.md) +[*](computer.md) +[*](main.md) +[*](morality.md) +[*](usa.md) +[*](bit_hack.md) +[*](name_is_important.md) +[*](binary.md) +[*](capitalist_software.md) +[*](gay.md) +[*](permacomputing_wiki.md) +[*](mud.md) +[*](books.md) +[*](shortcut_thinking.md) +[*](approximation.md) +[*](john_carmack.md) +[*](collision.md) +[*](collapse.md) +[*](free_software.md) +[*](arduboy.md) +[*](tpe.md) +[*](fixed_point.md) +[*](nord_vpn.md) +[*](suicide.md) +[*](troll.md) +[*](less_retarded_software.md) +[*](fediverse.md) +[*](js.md) +[*](apple.md) +[*](distrohopping.md) +[*](kwangmyong.md) +[*](often_confused.md) +[*](stereotype.md) +[*](bloat.md) +[*](left.md) +[*](pseudo3d.md) +[*](rgb565.md) +[*](speech_synthesis.md) +[*](ascii_art.md) +[*](cpp.md) +[*](hexadecimal.md) +[*](vim.md) +[*](cloudflare.md) +[*](dynamic_programming.md) +[*](football.md) +[*](gemini.md) +[*](app.md) +[*](easy_to_learn_hard_to_master.md) +[*](rgb565.md) +[*](dependency.md) +[*](liberalism.md) +[*](fight_culture.md) +[*](data_hoarding.md) +[*](girl.md) +[*](bytecode.md) +[*](openarena.md) +[*](semiconductor.md) +[*](zero.md) +[*](malware.md) +[*](jedi_engine.md) +[*](dynamic_programming.md) +[*](prime.md) +[*](free_software.md) +[*](ronja.md) +[*](left.md) +[*](main.md) +[*](memory_management.md) +[*](quaternion.md) +[*](portability.md) +[*](kek.md) +[*](randomness.md) +[*](sdf.md) +[*](open_console.md) +[*](dungeons_and_dragons.md) +[*](gigachad.md) +[*](duskos.md) +[*](wiki_pages.md) +[*](markov_chain.md) +[*](whale.md) +[*](distance.md) +[*](crypto.md) +[*](assembly.md) +[*](terry_davis.md) +[*](analog.md) +[*](wiki_style.md) +[*](gopher.md) +[*](future_proof.md) +[*](no_knowledge_proof.md) +[*](frameless.md) +[*](dick_reveal.md) +[*](p_vs_np.md) +[*](transistor.md) +[*](tool_slave.md) +[*](algorithm.md) +[*](cache.md) +[*](recursion.md) +[*](version_numbering.md) +[*](ethics.md) +[*](creative_commons.md) +[*](aaron_swartz.md) +[*](jedi_engine.md) +[*](speech_synthesis.md) +[*](free_universe.md) +[*](nanogenmo.md) +[*](zuckerberg.md) +[*](procgen.md) +[*](bs.md) +[*](copyleft.md) +[*](trump.md) +[*](one.md) +[*](complexity.md) +[*](niger.md) +[*](bullshit.md) +[*](suckless.md) +[*](human_language.md) +[*](floss.md) +[*](fractal.md) +[*](rock.md) +[*](randomness.md) +[*](wow.md) +[*](resnicks_termite.md) +[*](interpolation.md) +[*](langtons_ant.md) +[*](good_enough.md) [*](mainstream.md) +[*](sqrt.md) +[*](proprietary_software.md) +[*](trusting_trust.md) +[*](abstraction.md) +[*](raylib.md) +[*](data_structure.md) +[*](free_will.md) +[*](libre.md) +[*](turing_machine.md) +[*](e.md) +[*](holy_war.md) +[*](atheism.md) +[*](gender_studies.md) +[*](macrofucker.md) +[*](nc.md) +[*](art.md) +[*](rsa.md) +[*](often_confused.md) +[*](emoticon.md) +[*](assertiveness.md) +[*](bloat_monopoly.md) +[*](military.md) +[*](facebook.md) +[*](ancap.md) +[*](pseudo3d.md) +[*](public_domain_computer.md) +[*](antivirus_paradox.md) +[*](just_werks.md) +[*](paywall.md) +[*](faggot.md) +[*](pseudorandomness.md) +[*](sanism.md) +[*](pseudorandomness.md) +[*](free_universe.md) +[*](devuan.md) +[*](gemini.md) +[*](infinity.md) +[*](anal_bead.md) +[*](culture.md) +[*](dramatica.md) +[*](justice.md) +[*](mental_outlaw.md) +[*](woman.md) +[*](needed.md) +[*](watchdog.md) +[*](julia_set.md) +[*](bazaar.md) +[*](gui.md) +[*](githopping.md) +[*](loquendo.md) +[*](ted_kaczynski.md) +[*](newspeak.md) +[*](see_through_clothes.md) +[*](trump.md) +[*](raycastlib.md) +[*](feminism.md) +[*](sudoku.md) +[*](trolling.md) +[*](zero.md) +[*](gender_studies.md) +[*](good_enough.md) +[*](technology.md) +[*](wiby.md) +[*](magic.md) +[*](sin.md) +[*](black.md) +[*](free_speech.md) +[*](ashley_jones.md) +[*](dramatica.md) +[*](raycasting.md) +[*](small3dlib.md) +[*](build_engine.md) +[*](audiophilia.md) +[*](settled.md) +[*](infinity.md) +[*](complexity.md) +[*](nord_vpn.md) +[*](less_retarded_software.md) +[*](creative_commons.md) +[*](resnicks_termite.md) +[*](culture.md) +[*](evil.md) +[*](open_source.md) +[*](f2p.md) +[*](wizard.md) +[*](regex.md) +[*](de_facto.md) +[*](english.md) +[*](social_inertia.md) +[*](wiki_post_mortem.md) +[*](consumerism.md) +[*](pseudorandomness.md) +[*](less_retarded_society.md) +[*](collision_detection.md) +[*](science.md) +[*](freedom_distance.md) +[*](sorting.md) +[*](foss.md) +[*](interaction_net.md) +[*](downto.md) +[*](hacking.md) +[*](lambda_calculus.md) +[*](john_carmack.md) +[*](hacking.md) +[*](mainstream.md) +[*](x86.md) +[*](aliasing.md) +[*](digital.md) +[*](teletext.md) +[*](julia_set.md) +[*](cyber.md) +[*](libre.md) +[*](fixed_point.md) +[*](soyence.md) +[*](steganography.md) +[*](atan.md) +[*](sdf.md) +[*](gui.md) +[*](coding.md) +[*](tor.md) +[*](people.md) +[*](network.md) +[*](memory_management.md) +[*](maintenance.md) +[*](universe.md) +[*](sw.md) +[*](project.md) +[*](internet.md) +[*](fediverse.md) +[*](free.md) +[*](mainstream.md) +[*](autostereogram.md) +[*](marketing.md) +[*](faggot.md) +[*](quantum_gate.md) +[*](blender.md) +[*](censorship.md) +[*](bytebeat.md) +[*](myths.md) +[*](wiki_rights.md) +[*](hw.md) +[*](moderation.md) +[*](settled.md) +[*](programming.md) +[*](hacker_culture.md) +[*](fourier_transform.md) +[*](chess.md) +[*](cancel_culture.md) +[*](binary.md) +[*](fork.md) +[*](tangram.md) +[*](neural_network.md) +[*](esolang.md) +[*](magic.md) +[*](open_console.md) +[*](algorithm.md) +[*](geek.md) +[*](human_language.md) +[*](egoism.md) +[*](entrepreneur.md) +[*](function.md) +[*](ascii.md) +[*](rights_culture.md) +[*](lrs_wiki.md) +[*](myths.md) +[*](faq.md) +[*](google.md) +[*](altruism.md) +[*](githopping.md) +[*](c.md) +[*](wikipedia.md) +[*](memory_management.md) +[*](arch.md) +[*](charity_sex.md) +[*](turing_machine.md) +[*](diogenes.md) +[*](fourier_transform.md) +[*](nationalism.md) +[*](90s.md) +[*](internet.md) +[*](competition.md) +[*](trash_magic.md) +[*](wiki_post_mortem.md) +[*](life.md) +[*](adam_smith.md) +[*](countercomplex.md) +[*](lrs.md) +[*](hyperoperation.md) +[*](comun.md) +[*](arduboy.md) +[*](implicit.md) +[*](viznut.md) +[*](girl.md) +[*](wiki_style.md) +[*](aliasing.md) +[*](complexity.md) +[*](loquendo.md) +[*](programming_language.md) +[*](mipmap.md) +[*](intellectual_property.md) +[*](demo.md) +[*](nationalism.md) +[*](boat.md) +[*](game.md) +[*](beauty.md) +[*](optimization.md) +[*](reactionary_software.md) +[*](entropy.md) +[*](uxn.md) +[*](global_discussion.md) +[*](ram.md) +[*](finished.md) +[*](corporation.md) +[*](less_retarded_society.md) +[*](wikipedia.md) +[*](mob_software.md) +[*](slowly_boiling_the_frog.md) +[*](capitalist_singularity.md) +[*](anpac.md) +[*](palette.md) +[*](assembly.md) +[*](nokia.md) +[*](rationalwiki.md) +[*](physics_engine.md) +[*](democracy.md) +[*](rms.md) +[*](how_to.md) +[*](p_vs_np.md) +[*](moderation.md) +[*](shit.md) +[*](education.md) +[*](forth.md) +[*](cos.md) +[*](cc.md) +[*](bloat_monopoly.md) +[*](gaywashing.md) +[*](netstalking.md) +[*](rapeware.md) +[*](function.md) +[*](altruism.md) +[*](niggercoin.md) +[*](f2p.md) +[*](openarena.md) +[*](vim.md) +[*](pokitto.md) +[*](unretard.md) +[*](fantasy_console.md) +[*](cat_v.md) +[*](boot.md) +[*](modern_software.md) +[*](doom.md) +[*](game_of_life.md) +[*](sw.md) +[*](racism.md) +[*](future.md) +[*](git.md) +[*](diogenes.md) +[*](programming_tips.md) +[*](algorithm.md) +[*](ashley_jones.md) +[*](debugging.md) +[*](robot.md) +[*](nanogenmo.md) +[*](twos_complement.md) +[*](right.md) +[*](minimalism.md) +[*](crow_funding.md) +[*](fascist.md) +[*](antialiasing.md) +[*](tangram.md) +[*](fascist.md) +[*](fqa.md) +[*](brainfuck.md) +[*](sw_rendering.md) +[*](soydev.md) +[*](bootstrap.md) +[*](cloud.md) +[*](microtheft.md) +[*](downto.md) +[*](deferred_shading.md) +[*](people.md) +[*](uxn.md) +[*](logic_circuit.md) +[*](shogi.md) +[*](transistor.md) +[*](chinese.md) +[*](wavelet_transform.md) +[*](copyright.md) +[*](life.md) +[*](security.md) +[*](cache.md) +[*](backgammon.md) +[*](combinatorics.md) +[*](nord_vpn.md) +[*](sqrt.md) +[*](antialiasing.md) +[*](logic_gate.md) +[*](steve_jobs.md) +[*](island.md) +[*](faq.md) +[*](bilinear.md) +[*](jesus.md) +[*](soyence.md) +[*](piracy.md) +[*](game_of_life.md) +[*](julia_set.md) +[*](bloat_monopoly.md) +[*](42.md) +[*](pi.md) +[*](used.md) +[*](kwangmyong.md) +[*](bit_hack.md) +[*](interesting.md) +[*](newspeak.md) +[*](needed.md) +[*](cc.md) +[*](how_to.md) +[*](sorting.md) +[*](game.md) +[*](kiwifarms.md) +[*](esolang.md) +[*](monad.md) +[*](noise.md) +[*](gopher.md) +[*](cracking.md) +[*](noise.md) +[*](3d_rendering.md) +[*](cpp.md) +[*](smart.md) +[*](c_pitfalls.md) +[*](usenet.md) +[*](go.md) +[*](free.md) +[*](steganography.md) +[*](paywall.md) +[*](privacy.md) +[*](gigachad.md) +[*](toxic.md) +[*](tensor_product.md) +[*](lgbt.md) +[*](linear_algebra.md) +[*](forth.md) +[*](stereotype.md) +[*](regex.md) +[*](100r.md) +[*](tool_slave.md) +[*](english.md) +[*](fascism.md) +[*](gender_studies.md) +[*](number.md) +[*](update_culture.md) +[*](p_vs_np.md) +[*](sdf.md) +[*](duke3d.md) +[*](less_retarded_society.md) +[*](lrs_wiki.md) +[*](copyfree.md) +[*](netstalking.md) +[*](hacker_culture.md) +[*](tinyphysicsengine.md) +[*](history.md) +[*](normalization.md) +[*](furry.md) +[*](digital.md) +[*](duke3d.md) +[*](disease.md) +[*](unary.md) +[*](line.md) +[*](tinyphysicsengine.md) +[*](harry_potter.md) +[*](dog.md) +[*](capitalist_singularity.md) +[*](microtransaction.md) +[*](wikiwikiweb.md) +[*](tensor_product.md) +[*](trolling.md) +[*](cc.md) +[*](gopher.md) +[*](distrohopping.md) +[*](xonotic.md) +[*](lambda_calculus.md) +[*](openarena.md) +[*](niggercoin.md) +[*](cpu.md) +[*](ubi.md) +[*](hardware.md) +[*](old.md) +[*](c_tutorial.md) +[*](c.md) +[*](hero.md) +[*](semiconductor.md) +[*](sqrt.md) +[*](bazaar.md) +[*](primitive_3d.md) +[*](fsf.md) +[*](capitalist_software.md) +[*](kek.md) +[*](left.md) +[*](c_tutorial.md) +[*](throwaway_script.md) +[*](youtube.md) +[*](rgb332.md) +[*](robot.md) +[*](compsci.md) +[*](throwaway_script.md) +[*](interesting.md) +[*](mouse.md) +[*](interaction_net.md) +[*](suckless.md) +[*](chinese.md) +[*](faggot.md) +[*](fear_culture.md) +[*](wikiwikiweb.md) +[*](logic.md) +[*](monad.md) +[*](autoupdate.md) +[*](gigachad.md) +[*](nonogram.md) +[*](low_poly.md) +[*](cancer.md) +[*](quaternion.md) +[*](tattoo.md) +[*](de_facto.md) +[*](free_will.md) +[*](anpac.md) +[*](fqa.md) +[*](steganography.md) +[*](political_correctness.md) +[*](music.md) +[*](democracy.md) +[*](minigame.md) +[*](kiss.md) +[*](foss.md) +[*](langtons_ant.md) +[*](internet.md) +[*](bitreich.md) +[*](mandelbrot_set.md) +[*](dodleston.md) +[*](langtons_ant.md) +[*](gaywashing.md) +[*](liberalism.md) +[*](hero_culture.md) +[*](living.md) +[*](freedom.md) +[*](entrepreneur.md) +[*](robot.md) +[*](acronym.md) +[*](technology.md) +[*](c_sharp.md) +[*](ronja.md) +[*](windows.md) +[*](javascript.md) +[*](raylib.md) +[*](soyence.md) +[*](programming_style.md) +[*](triangle.md) +[*](crime_against_economy.md) +[*](mouse.md) +[*](c_sharp.md) +[*](cyber.md) +[*](greenwashing.md) +[*](wikidata.md) +[*](wiki_tldr.md) +[*](czechia.md) +[*](easier_done_than_said.md) +[*](jokes.md) +[*](progress.md) +[*](pedophilia.md) +[*](stereotype.md) +[*](backgammon.md) +[*](math.md) +[*](coc.md) +[*](global_discussion.md) +[*](music.md) +[*](goodbye_world.md) +[*](systemd.md) +[*](rsa.md) +[*](exercises.md) +[*](shit.md) +[*](fear_culture.md) +[*](rights_culture.md) +[*](marble_race.md) +[*](collision.md) +[*](bytebeat.md) +[*](free_hardware.md) +[*](tas.md) +[*](brainfuck.md) +[*](crypto.md) +[*](hash.md) +[*](patent.md) +[*](javascript.md) +[*](dungeons_and_dragons.md) +[*](docker.md) +[*](game_engine.md) +[*](temple_os.md) +[*](bytecode.md) diff --git a/randomness.md b/randomness.md index e660354..b1cc201 100644 --- a/randomness.md +++ b/randomness.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ *Not to be [confused](often_confused.md) with [pseudorandomess](pseudorandomness.md).* -Randomness means unpredictability, lack of patterns, and/or behavior without cause. Random events can only be predicted imperfectly using [probability](probability.md) because there is something present that's subject to chance, something we don't know; events may be random to us either because they are inherently random (i.e. they really have no cause, pattern etc.) or because we just lack knowledge or practical ability to perfectly predict the events. Randomness is one of the most basic, yet also one of the most difficult concepts to understand about our [Universe](universe.md) -- it's a phenomenon of uttermost practical importance, we encounter it every second of our daily lives, but it's also of no lesser interest to science, philosophy, art and religion. Whole libraries could be filled just with books about this topic, here we will be able to only scratch the surface of it by taking a look at the very basics of randomness, mostly as related to [programming](programming.md) and [math](math.md). +Randomness means unpredictability, lack of patterns, and/or behavior without cause. Random events can only be predicted imperfectly using [probability](probability.md) because there is something present that's subject to chance, something we don't know; events may be random to us either because they are inherently random (i.e. they really have no cause, pattern etc.) or because we just lack knowledge or practical ability to perfectly predict the events. Randomness is one of the most basic, yet also one of the most difficult concepts to understand about our [Universe](universe.md) -- it's a phenomenon of uttermost practical importance, we encounter it every second of our daily lives, but it's also of no lesser interest to science, philosophy, art and religion. Whole libraries could be filled just with books about this topic, here we will be able to only scratch the surface of it by taking a look at the very basics of randomness, mostly as related to [programming](programming.md) and [math](math.md). Randomness (and pseudorandomness) is one the things that can bring a lot of [fun](fun.md) into [programming](programming.md) -- it's quite simple but very entertaining to create generators of various random things such as random [music](music.md), novels (see e.g. [nanogenmo](nanogenmo.md)) pictures, randomly behaving bots and so on. As with similarly wide spanning terms the word *randomness* and *random* may be defined in different ways and change meaning slightly depending on context, for example sometimes we have to distinguish between "true" randomness, such as that we encounter in [quantum mechanics](quantum.md) or that present in nondeterministic mathematical models, and [pseudorandomness](pseudorandomness.md) (what as a programmer you'll be probably dealing with), i.e. imitating this true randomness with [deterministic](determinism.md) ("non-randomly behaving") systems, e.g. sequences of numbers that are difficult to [compress](compression.md). Other times we call random anything at all that just deviates from usual order, as in "someone started randomly spamming me in chat". Sometimes there are slight nuances in the meaning, for example by the word "random" we can mean "generated by a randomly behaving process", but also for example "data having statistical properties the same as if they were generated by a random process". Sometimes the distinctions don't matter too much, sometimes they do. Let's briefly review a few terms related to this topic: diff --git a/unicode.md b/unicode.md index fb235ab..bd99786 100644 --- a/unicode.md +++ b/unicode.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ *".̶̧̦̼̱͙̥̲̝̥̭͍̪̈́̍͌̋͑͒̒̅͂͒̀̊̓̕͠.̴̛̰̯͚͚̳͍̞̯̯͊̒͂̌̃̎̒̐̅͗́̂͠͝.̸̜̀͊̀̒̾̐̔͑̚̕͠a̲̬̪͙̖̬̖ͭͫͦ̀̄̆̍ͦͨͦ͗̅͋ͦͤͯͫ̔̚l̫̹̺̭̳͙̠̦͍̫̝͓͙̟̺͗̊̅ͬ̉͒̏͆͗͒̋ͤ̆̆ͥg̥̳̗͕̫ͪ͛̓̂ͫͮ̔͌̃̈͒̔̏ͭ͋͋ ⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝꙰⃝á́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́.̶̢̙̺̖͔̱͎̳̭̖̗̲̻̪̻͑̌͒̊̃̈̾̿̓̅̐́̀̋̔̏.̴̺͖͎͚̠̱̤͂̈́͜.̵̡̡͖̪̱̼͕̘̣̠̮̫͓̯͖̜̚͝͝͝.̷̧̨̥̦̥̱͉̼̗̰̪͍̱͎̑̾Z̳͍̩̻̙̪̲̞̭̦̙ͯ͛̂ͥͣͪͅͅͅl̷̢̛̩̰̹͔̣͗̅̇̍̏͑͐̇̋̑͜ͅǫ̶̢̫̟͙̖̩̽̀͆̽͌͘l̶̩̞̖̹͈͒͊̔̑̆�̸͎̺̳̄͂̊̒�̶̸̵̶̴̸̸̴̶̸̷̶̴̴̡̢̡̢̡̢̧̧̡̧̡̨̡̨̢̧̧̡̢̛̛̛̛̼̻̣̗͔͉̩̪̞͎̖̙͍͚͍̼̰͖̺̤̗̘͕̳̻̖̳̻̗̯̭̙̳̲͕̮͇͕̼͉̞̣̟̖̘̟͕̗̼̙̻͇̝̪̦͚̤̦̣̗̤̪̟̠͖͓̟̬̲͙͇͉̘͙͙͚̜̜̮͈̞͓̰̫͍̙͙͙̱͓͖̠͇̪̭̮̤̺̗̙̘̫̤̥̳͇͔̣̩͕͍̦͈̬̯̗̘͔̻̗̘͔̪̹̬̲͇͕̻͎̣̩̻̖͉̱̝̼̞̪̠̮̤͓̥͊̔̈́̀̋̄̄̇́̋̎͛̓́̔̇̂̒̅͊̎̉͗̓̀͑̋͒͑̍̏̅̋͆̑̈̾͗̽͑̏̉̀͌͋̉̒̋̑̊̂̈́̈́͑̀͂́̈́̆̄̃͆͆̈́̊̿̌̋̍̈̒͂̀̈́͌̽͌̈́͋̈́̃̅͂͆́̍͑̓̎͋̅͂̽̈́̈́͗̆̑̔̎̈́́̆͂̉̀̒͌̿̽͊̍̃̕̚͘̚̕̚͘̕̕̕͘͜͜͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͠͠ͅͅͅͅ.̸̷̷̷̴̸̶̵̴̶̵̸̴̴̷̸̷̵̷̵̴̴̷̧̨̢̨̡̨̧̡̨̧̧̨̡̧̢̧̢̧̨̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̤͈̯̤͙̻̫̼̱̦̮̙̤̝̖̗͉̘̫̟̗̹͉͇͖̘͙̻̫̫̫̰̝̭̤͈͓͔̱̭͙͔͔̼̖̬̰̳̗͖͖̯̮͔̝̞̬̳͇͈̥̘͙͇̺̪̞̞̙͈̮͔̞̭͎̩͎̦̞̝͎̗͚͈̖̣͖̹̜̞̤̺̱̱̰͔̼̭̮̰̖͔͔͈̥͎̜̭̪̺̲͔̲̻̰̳̲̖̤̳̙̥̼̩͈̥̗̟͙̥̗̳͍̥̝̫͚̘̱̱̹̺̣̝̳̣͇̹̫̝̫̟̯̺͇̞̳͖̫͔̲̗͔̟̩̦̳͎̳͖̎̓͂̀̀́̌͗̐̅̈́̓̿̓̌́̓́͋͊͛̄͊̂̒͌̀͗̔̀̑̔͒̐̀͌̋̍͗͛̂̆̈́͛͋͆̐̌̓̄͊̑̑̅̑̿̏̈́̀̊̆̈̔̃̽̀̎̐́̎̾͐̀̌̒̑́̇̑̊͑́̓̓̔̆͐́̅̓̔̃̅̂̐͗́̎͌́̊͌͒͒̓́̀͒̍̽̂́̀̉̀̑̉̑̓́͗̓́̍̏̉͆̑͂̔̅̀͊̈́̀͑͛́̿͆͑̀͐̃̋̐̋̈́̉͊̿̌̾͗͛̉́̓̓̏̈́͂̋͌͆̓̑͗͗̍̇̕̚̚͘̕͘̚̚̕͘͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͠͝͝͠͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅ.̸̷̸̴̸̸̶̶̵̵̸̵̴̡̡̡̡̧̢̢̧̧̧̧̡̢̡̛̛̛̛̬͇̜̘̗̗̲̟̗̤̤̜̹͎̣̹̺͉̯̼̭̟̮̖͕̻̰̬̼̮̮̬̪̥̤̘̣̺̥̪̠̥̳̰͇̫͔̜̫͚͖͔̩̙̪͖̥͍̗͍͉͙̣͔̠̭̞̩̱̠̻̹͎͔̯̻̘͖̦̘͕͉͈͈̞̖̬͔͈̗͓͖͚̤̬̤̘̠̱͆̍̍͆͗͋̇͗̓͐̉͋̈́̀̍̈̇̀̀̎͋̾̇̎͐̌̌̿̽̾̃̑͆̎̾̾̈́̆̐̂̅́̓̔̇̔̑̔͑̓̍͊͌͋̔̐̑͌̓̒̎̍̃͐̀͊̿̓͋̌͐̋̂̽̿̒̋̎́͒̋͘͘͘̕̕͘͝͠͝͝ͅͅa̲̬̪͙̖̬̖ͭͫͦ̀̄̆̍ͦͨͦ͗̅͋ͦͤͯͫ̔̚l̫̹̺̭̳͙̠̦͍̫̝͓͙̟̺͗̊̅ͬ̉͒̏͆͗͒̋ͤ̆̆ͥ𒈙.̴̢̟̩̗͊.̴̹͎̦̘͇͎̩̮̻̾͛̐ͅ𰻞.̷̧̫͙̤̗͇̔̂̀̄͗̍̈͋̈́̕.̷̨̛͈̤͈̲̥̱̹̲͖͗͛͆̓͊̅̈̕͠.̷̻̺͔͍̭͋̾̐̔͑̔̌̂͛͆̽͘͜͠͝͠.̷̧̨͉̝̳̲̫̙̻͎̬͚̒̀̄͒.̶̨͙̩̦̪͋̄͆͌̈́́͐̈̈́̕ͅ.̸̡̠̙̪͔͍̬̘̖̗̙̞̬͇̐͋͊͐̋̚ͅ.̷̢̮̮̖̹̟̖̩̗͙̝̺́̑̈̉͘͘͠ͅ.̴̨̡̧̤̳͖̰̼̺̮͉͖̲̫̳̜̹̄.̵̢̤̦̞͙̝̬͍̞̤͇̽̾̈́̔̋̋̓̌̋̐̓̅͜͝.̷͙͊.̵̠̜̞̭̘͉͓̞̤͍̝̈́̋̃́̈́͐̃̉͆̚͜.̴͉͈͓͈͉͎̺͍͕̥̦̙͙͕̈́̏̿́̏̔.̶͕̟̤͔͑̉̽̓̇̐́̃̿͜.̶̧̨̨̱̪̞̞̯̹̤̘̭̠͓̀̓̐̓́͑͂̉.̴̛̙̮͚̊͗̏̈́͗̅͆̑̂̌̐̃̊̂̓.̴̙͎̔͑̿͗̃̒́̏̏͑͘̕á́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́́"* --creator of 🎮𝕌𝕟ι𝕔𝗼d̢̪̲̬̳̩̟̍ĕ̸͓̼͙͈͐🚀 -Unicode is a successful, constantly evolving standard aiming to organize symbols and characters (letters, digits, graphical symbols, [emoji](emoji.md), ...) of all the world's writing systems and to define and standardize ways of encoding them as [digital](digital.md) [data](data.md), i.e. it's a big [project](project.md) promising to unify the encoding of any possible [text](text.md) in [computers](computer.md). As of writing the lastest version is 16.0 from 2024, defining over 150000 characters. The effort dates back to 1980s and was started to do away with the mess and headaches induced by a plethora of existing incompatible text encoding systems -- in this it succeeded, Unicode is nowadays everywhere and it's the standard way of encoding text wherever you look, probably owing a lot to its backwards compatibility with plain [ASCII](ascii.md) encoding which was the most popular encoding of English back in the day (i.e. any old ASCII text is still a valid Unicode text, provided we use UTF-8 encoding). The standard is made by the Unicode Consortium whose members are basically all the big companies. +Unicode is a successful, constantly evolving standard aiming to organize symbols and characters (letters, digits, graphical symbols, [emoji](emoji.md), ...) of all the world's writing systems and to define and standardize ways of encoding them as [digital](digital.md) [data](data.md), i.e. it's a big [project](project.md) promising to unify the encoding of any possible [text](text.md) in [computers](computer.md). As of writing this the lastest version is 16.0 from 2024, defining over 150000 characters. The effort dates back to 1980s and was started to do away with the mess and headaches induced by a plethora of existing incompatible text encoding systems -- in this it succeeded, Unicode is nowadays everywhere and it's the standard way of encoding text wherever you look, probably owing a lot to its backwards compatibility with plain [ASCII](ascii.md) encoding which was the most popular encoding of [English](english.md) back in the day (i.e. any old ASCII text is still a valid Unicode text, provided we use UTF-8 encoding). The standard is made by the Unicode Consortium whose members are basically all the big companies. In Unicode every character is unique like a unicorn. It has all the diverse characters such as the penis (𓂸), ejaculating penis (𓂺), swastika (卐), hammer and sickle (☭), white power sign (👌), middle finger (🖕), pile of [shit](shit.md) (💩) etc. **Here is a lulzy part of Unicode**: it's possible to combine some characters together with so called *combining characters*, so purely IN THEORY one can for example combine the prohibition symbol (U+20Ex) with [LGBT](lgbt.md) propaganda characters and other [fascist](fascism.md) symbols to create interesting emojis likes so: 🏳️‍🌈⃠👨🏿⃠👩⃠. Of course this created some controversies :D { It now seems like some systems refuse to render combinations of characters that might go against current official world politics. See also: [1984](1984.md). ~drummyfish } @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The Unicode [project](project.md) is indeed highly ambitious, it's extremely dif It's also crucial for Unicode to very clearly state its goals and philosophies so that all the issues and questions that come up may be answered and decided in accordance with them. For example part of the Unicode philosophy is to treat the symbols as abstract entities defined by their usage and meaning rather than their exact graphical representation (this is left to specific typesetting/rendering systems, [fonts](font.md) etc.). -**Is Unicode [crap](shit.md) and [bloat](bloat.md)?** Yes, it inevitably has to be, there's a lot of obscurity and crap in Unicode and many systems infamously can't handle malicious (or even legit) Unicode text and will possibly even crash (see e.g. the infamous *black dot of death*). A lot of that mess previously caused by different encodings now just poured over to Unicode itself: for example there are sometimes multiple versions of the exact same character (e.g. those with accents -- one versions is a composed plain character plus accent character, the other one a single "precomposed" character) and so it's possible to encode exactly the same string in several ways and a non-trivial Unicode [normalization](normalization.md) is required to fix this. Unicode can be raped and abused in spectacular ways, for example using homoglyphs (characters that graphically look like other characters but are in fact different) one may create text that won't be detected by simple exact-comparison algorithms (for example you may be able to register a username that graphically looks like someone else's already registered username). There are also ways to combine characters in queer ways, e.g. make very tall text by creating chains of exponents or something (see the rabbithole around so called *composing characters*), which can just similarly nuke many naive programs. With Unicode things that were previously simple (such as counting string length or computing the size of rectangle into which a text will fit) now become hard (and slow) to do. Still it has to be said that **Unicode is designed relatively well** (of course minus the fascist political bias in its choice of characters) for what it's trying to do, it's just that the goal is ultimately an untameable beast, a bittersweet topic and a double edged sword -- for [LRS](lrs.md) it's important especially that we don't have to care much about it, we can just still keep using [ASCII](ascii.md) and we're good, i.e. we aren't forced to use the bloated part of Unicode and if we get Unicode text, we can quite easily filter out non-ASCII characters. Full Unicode compliance is always bloat and shouldn't be practiced, but it's possible to partially comply with only minimum added complexity. On one hand it [just werks](just_werks.md) -- back in the [90s](1990s.md) we still had to trial/error different encodings to correctly display non-English texts, nowadays everything just displays correctly, but comfort comes with a price tag. Unicode has, to some degree, fucked up many texts because soyboys and bloat fans now try to use the "correct" characters for everything, so they will for example use the correct "multiplication sign" instead of just *x* or * which won't display well in ASCII readers, but again, this can at least be automatically corrected. Terminal emulators now include ugly Unicode bullcrap and have to drag along huge fonts and a constantly updating Unicode library. Unicode is also controversial because [SJWs](sjw.md) push it too hard, claiming that ASCII is [racist](racism.md) to people who can only write in retarded languages like [Chinese](chinese.md) -- we say it's better for the Chinese to learn [English](english.md) than to fuck computers up. Other controversies revolve around emojis and other political symbols, SJWs push crap like images of pregnant men and want to [censor](censorship.md) "offensive" symbols. Unicode also allowed noobs to make what they call "[ASCII_art](ascii_art.md)" without having any actual skill at it. +**Is Unicode [crap](shit.md) and [bloat](bloat.md)?** Yes, it inevitably has to be, there's a lot of obscurity and crap in Unicode and many systems infamously can't handle malicious (or even legit) Unicode text and will possibly even crash (see e.g. the infamous *black dot of death*). A lot of that mess previously caused by different encodings now just poured over to Unicode itself: for example there are sometimes multiple versions of the exact same character (e.g. those with accents -- one versions is a composed plain character plus accent character, the other one a single "precomposed" character) and so it's possible to encode exactly the same string in several ways and a non-trivial Unicode [normalization](normalization.md) is required to fix this. Unicode can be raped and abused in spectacular ways, for example using homoglyphs (characters that graphically look like other characters but are in fact different) one may create text that won't be detected by simple exact-comparison algorithms (for example you may be able to register a username that graphically looks like someone else's already registered username). There are also ways to combine characters in queer ways, e.g. make very tall text by creating chains of exponents or something (see the rabbithole around so called *composing characters*), which can just similarly nuke many naive programs. With Unicode things that were previously simple (such as counting string length or computing the size of rectangle into which a text will fit) now become hard (and slow) to do. Still it has to be said that **Unicode is designed relatively well** (of course minus the fascist political bias in its choice of characters) for what it's trying to do, it's just that the goal is ultimately an untameable beast, a bittersweet topic and a double edged sword -- for [LRS](lrs.md) it's important especially that we don't have to care much about it, we can just still keep using [ASCII](ascii.md) and we're good, i.e. we aren't forced to use the bloated part of Unicode and if we get Unicode text, we can quite easily filter out non-ASCII characters. Full Unicode compliance is always bloat and shouldn't be practiced, but it's possible to partially comply with only minimum added complexity. On one hand it [just werks](just_werks.md) -- back in the [90s](90s.md) we still had to trial/error different encodings to correctly display non-English texts, nowadays everything just displays correctly, but comfort comes with a price tag. Unicode has, to some degree, fucked up many texts because soyboys and bloat fans now try to use the "correct" characters for everything, so they will for example use the correct "multiplication sign" instead of just *x* or * which won't display well in ASCII readers, but again, this can at least be automatically corrected. Terminal emulators now include ugly Unicode bullcrap and have to drag along huge fonts and a constantly updating Unicode library. Unicode is also controversial because [SJWs](sjw.md) push it too hard, claiming that ASCII is [racist](racism.md) to people who can only write in retarded languages like [Chinese](chinese.md) -- we say it's better for the Chinese to learn [English](english.md) than to fuck computers up. Other controversies revolve around emojis and other political symbols, SJWs push crap like images of pregnant men and want to [censor](censorship.md) "offensive" symbols. Unicode also allowed noobs to make what they call "[ASCII_art](ascii_art.md)" without having any actual skill at it. Here are some **examples** of Unicode characters: diff --git a/wiki_pages.md b/wiki_pages.md index b722246..38fc0dd 100644 --- a/wiki_pages.md +++ b/wiki_pages.md @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ This is an autogenerated page listing all pages. -**[100r](100r.md)** (3) -- **[21st_century](21st_century.md)** (25) -- **[3d_model](3d_model.md)** (256) -- **[3d_modeling](3d_modeling.md)** (2) -- **[3d_rendering](3d_rendering.md)** (590) -- **[42](42.md)** (14) -- **[4chan](4chan.md)** (30) -- **[90s](90s.md)** (51) -- **[README](README.md)** (9) -- **[aaron_swartz](aaron_swartz.md)** (4) -- **[abstraction](abstraction.md)** (20) -- **[acronym](acronym.md)** (391) -- **[adam_smith](adam_smith.md)** (35) -- **[ai](ai.md)** (30) -- **[algorithm](algorithm.md)** (367) -- **[aliasing](aliasing.md)** (61) -- **[altruism](altruism.md)** (6) -- **[anal_bead](anal_bead.md)** (8) -- **[analog](analog.md)** (2) -- **[analytic_geometry](analytic_geometry.md)** (72) -- **[anarch](anarch.md)** (107) -- 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[internet](internet.md): 36K -- [raycasting](raycasting.md): 36K - [main](main.md): 36K +- [raycasting](raycasting.md): 36K - [history](history.md): 32K - [random_page](random_page.md): 32K - [game](game.md): 32K @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ top 50 5+ letter words: - which (2492) - there (1911) -- people (1725) -- example (1502) +- people (1728) +- example (1504) - other (1366) - number (1253) - about (1210) @@ -47,37 +47,37 @@ top 50 5+ letter words: - because (950) - their (922) - would (910) -- something (844) +- something (845) - called (843) - language (841) -- being (836) +- being (840) - things (832) - numbers (808) - simple (788) - computer (768) - without (746) -- programming (723) +- programming (724) - function (714) -- these (699) +- these (700) - different (699) - however (693) - system (658) -- world (645) +- world (646) - doesn (630) - should (627) - while (620) - point (611) - games (601) - society (593) -- still (589) +- still (590) - drummyfish (577) - simply (571) - using (568) - possible (561) - though (558) - similar (537) -- https (534) -- course (532) +- course (533) +- https (532) - memory (527) - always (514) - value (510) @@ -89,6 +89,24 @@ top 50 5+ letter words: latest changes: ``` +Date: Mon Oct 7 14:24:18 2024 +0200 + anarch.md + apple.md + atheism.md + human_language.md + lgbt.md + main.md + random_page.md + raycastlib.md + saf.md + small3dlib.md + smallchesslib.md + tinyphysicsengine.md + ubi.md + unicode.md + wiki_stats.md + wiki_tldr.md + xxiivv.md Date: Sun Oct 6 20:23:00 2024 +0200 bbs.md lrs_dictionary.md @@ -104,24 +122,6 @@ Date: Sun Oct 6 16:32:01 2024 +0200 bloat.md doom.md freedom.md - git.md - lrs.md - needed.md - random_page.md - unfuck.md - unicode.md - unretard.md - wiki_pages.md - wiki_stats.md -Date: Sat Oct 5 21:09:59 2024 +0200 - 90s.md - diogenes.md - doom.md - duke3d.md - google.md - lrs_dictionary.md - luke_smith.md - main.md ``` most wanted pages: @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages: - [linux](linux.md) (94) - [programming](programming.md) (92) - [math](math.md) (91) -- [shit](shit.md) (85) +- [shit](shit.md) (86) - [fight_culture](fight_culture.md) (85) - [bullshit](bullshit.md) (85) - [hacking](hacking.md) (84)