This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-07-19 19:45:16 +02:00
parent fb2cdc5096
commit 722240e6fe
22 changed files with 1831 additions and 1813 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
Anarcho pacifism (anpac) is a form of [anarchism]( that completely rejects any violence. Anarcho pacifists argue that since anarchism opposes hierarchy and oppression, we have to reject violence which is the greatest tool of oppression and establishing hierarchy. This would make it the one true purest form of anarchism. Anarcho pacifists use a black and white flag.
Historically anarcho pacifists such as [Leo Tolstoy]( were usually religiously motivated for rejecting violence, however this stance may also come from logic or other than religious beliefs, e.g. the simple belief that violence will only spawn more violence ("eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind"), or pure unconditional love of life which one simply feels and chooses to follow without the need for any further justification.
Historically anarcho pacifists such as [Leo Tolstoy]( and [Petr Chelcicky]( were usually religiously motivated for rejecting violence, however this stance may also come from logic or other than religious beliefs, e.g. the simple belief that violence will only spawn more violence ("eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind"), or pure unconditional love of life which one simply feels and chooses to follow without the need for any further justification.
We, [LRS](, advocate anarcho pacifism. We see how violence can be a short term solution, even to preventing a harm of many, however from the long term perspective we only see the complete delegitimisation of violence as leading to a truly mature society. We realize a complete, 100% non violent society may be never achieved, but with enough education and work it will be possible to establish a society with absolute minimum of violence, a society in which firstly people grow up in a completely non violent environment so that they never accept violence, and secondly have all needs secured so that they don't even have a reason for using violence. We should at least try to get as close to this ideal as possible.

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@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Bootstrap/Boot
In general bootstrapping (from the idiom "pull yourself up by your bootstraps"), sometimes shortened to just *booting*, refers to a clever process of self-establishing a relatively complex system starting from something very small, without much external help. A nice example comes from the nature: a big plant that can do complex things such as reproduce itself initially grows ("bootstraps") from just a very tiny seed. As another example imagine something like a "civilization bootstrapping kit" that contains only a few primitive tools along with instructions on how to use those tools to mine ore, turn it into metal out of which one makes more tools which will be used to obtain more material and so on up until having basically all modern technology and factories set up in relatively short time ([civboot]( is a project like this). The term *bootstrapping* is however especially relevant in relation to [computer]( technology -- here it has two main meanings:
In general *bootstrapping* (from the idiom "pull yourself up by your bootstraps"), sometimes shortened to just *booting*, refers to a clever process of self-establishing a relatively complex system starting from something very small, without much external help. Nature itself provides a beautiful example: a large plant capable of complex behavior (such as reproduction) initially grows ("bootstraps") from just a very tiny seed. As another example imagine something like a "civilization bootstrapping kit" that contains only a few primitive tools along with instructions on how to use those tools to mine ore, turn it into metal out of which one makes more tools which will be used to obtain more material and so on up until having basically all modern technology and factories set up in relatively short time ([civboot]( is a [project]( like this). The term *bootstrapping* is however especially relevant in relation to [computer]( technology -- here it possesses two main meanings:
- The process by which a computer starts and sets up the [operating system]( after power on, which often involves several stages of loading various modules, running several bootloaders etc. This is traditionally called **booting** (*rebooting* means restarting the computer).
- Utilizing the principle of bootstrapping for making greatly independent [software](, i.e. software that doesn't [depend]( on other software as it can set itself up. This is usually what **bootstrapping** (the longer term) means. This is also greatly related to **[self hosting](**, another principle whose idea is to "implement technology using itself".
## Bootstrapping: Making Dependency-Free Software
Bootstrapping -- as the general concept of letting a big thing grow out of a small seed -- may aid us in building extremely [free]( (as in freedom), [portable](, self-contained (and also [secure]( technology by reducing all its [dependencies]( to a minimum. If we are building a big computing environment (such as an operating system), we should make sure that all the big things it contains are made only with the smaller things that are further on built using yet smaller things and so on until some very tiny piece of code, i.e. we shall make sure there is always a way to set this whole system from the ground up, from a very small amount of initial code/tools. Being able to do this means our system is *bootstrappable* and it will allow us for example to set our whole system up on a completely new computing platform (e.g. a new CPU architecture) as long as we can set up that tiny initial prerequisite code. This furthermore removes the danger of dependencies that might kill our system and also allows security freaks to inspect the whole process of the system set up so that they can trust it (because even free software that sometime in the past touched a proprietary compiler can't generally be trusted -- see [trusting trust]( I.e. bootstrapping means creating a very small amount of code that will self-establish our whole computing environment by first compiling small compilers that will then compile more complex compilers which will compile all the tools and programs etc. This topic is discussed for example in designing [programming language]( [compilers]( and [operating systems]( For examples of bootstrapping see e.g. [DuskOS]( ([collapse]( operating system that bootstraps itself from a tiny amount of code), [GNU]( [mes]( (bootstrapping system of the GNU operating system) or [comun]( (LRS programming language, now self hosted and bootstrappable e.g. from a few hundred lines of [C](
Bootstrapping -- as the general concept of letting a big thing grow out of a small seed -- may aid us in building extremely [free]( (as in freedom), [portable](, self-contained (and yes, for those who care also more [secure]( technology by reducing all its [dependencies]( to a bare minimum. If we are building a big computing environment (such as an operating system), we should make sure that all the big things it contains are made only with the smaller things that are further on built using yet smaller things and so on until some very tiny piece of code, i.e. we shall make sure there is always a way to set this whole system from the ground up, from a very small amount of initial code/tools. Being able to do this means our system is *bootstrappable* and it will allow us for example to set our whole system up on a completely new computing platform (e.g. a new CPU architecture) as long as we can set up that tiny initial prerequisite code. This furthermore removes the danger of dependencies that might kill our system and also allows security freaks to inspect the whole process of the system set up so that they can trust it (because even free software that sometime in the past touched a proprietary compiler can't generally be trusted -- see [trusting trust]( I.e. bootstrapping means creating a very small amount of code that will self-establish our whole computing environment by first compiling small compilers that will then compile more complex compilers which will compile all the tools and programs etc. This topic is discussed for example in designing [programming language]( [compilers]( and [operating systems]( For examples of bootstrapping see e.g. [DuskOS]( ([collapse]( operating system that bootstraps itself from a tiny amount of code), [GNU]( [mes]( (bootstrapping system of the GNU operating system) or [comun]( (LRS programming language, now self hosted and bootstrappable e.g. from a few hundred lines of [C](
**Why be concerned with bootstrapping when we already have our systems set up?** Besides the obvious elegance of this whole approach there are many other practical reasons -- as mentioned, some are concerned about "security", some want portability, control and independence -- one of other notable justifications is that we may lose our current technology due to societal [collapse](, which is not improbable as it keeps happening throughout history over and over, so many people fear (rightfully so) that if by whatever disaster we lose our current computers, Internet etc., we will also lose with it all modern art, data, software we so painfully developed, digitized books and so on; not talking about the horrors that will follow if we're unable to quickly reestablish our computer networks we are so dependent on. Setting up what we currently have completely from scratch would be extremely difficult, a task for centuries -- just take a while to consider all the activity and knowledge that's required around the globe to create a single computer with all its billions of lines of code worth of software that makes it work. Knowledge of old technology gets lost -- to make modern computers we first needed older, primitive computers, but now that we only have modern computers no one remembers anymore how to make the older computers -- modern computers are sustaining themselves but once they're gone, we won't know how to make them again, i.e. if we lose computers, we will also lose tools for making computers. This applies on many levels (hardware, operating systems, programming languages and so on).
**Why concern ourselves with bootstrapping when we already have our systems set up?** Besides the obvious elegance of this whole approach there are many other practical reasons -- as mentioned, some are concerned about "security", some want portability, control and independence -- one of other notable justifications is that we may lose our current technology due to societal [collapse](, which is not improbable as it keeps happening throughout history over and over, so many people fear (rightfully so) that if by whatever disaster we lose our current computers, Internet etc., we will also lose with it all modern art, data, software we so painfully developed, digitized books and so on; not talking about the horrors that will follow if we're unable to quickly reestablish our computer networks we are so dependent on. Setting up what we currently have completely from scratch would be extremely difficult, a task for centuries -- just take a while to consider all the activity and knowledge that's required around the globe to create a single computer with all its billions of lines of code worth of software that makes it work. Knowledge of old technology gets lost -- to make modern computers we first needed older, primitive computers, but now that we only have modern computers no one remembers anymore how to make the older computers -- modern computers are sustaining themselves but once they're gone, we won't know how to make them again, i.e. if we lose computers, we will also lose tools for making computers. This applies on many levels (hardware, operating systems, programming languages and so on).
Bootstrapping has to start with some initial prerequisite machine dependent binary code that kickstarts the self-establishing process, i.e. it's not possible to get rid of absolutely ALL binary code and have a pure bootstrappable code that would run on every computer -- that would require making a program that can native run on any computer, which can't be done -- but it is possible to get it to absolute minimum -- let's say a few dozen bytes of machine code that can even be hand-made on paper and can be easily inspected for "safety". This initial binary code is called *bootstrapping binary seed*. This code can be as simple as a mere translator of some extremely simple bytecode (that may consist only of handful of instructions) to the platform's assembly language. There even exists the extreme case of a single instruction computer, but in practice it's not necessary to go as far. The initial binary seed may then typically be used to translate a precompiled bytecode of our system's compiler to native runnable code and voila, we can now happily start compiling whatever we want.

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@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ Czechia, or Czech Republic, is a small [Slav]( country in the middle of
Except for [drummyfish]( only fascists live in the country, essentially everyone is a nationalist.
**There is literally NOTHING in this shitty country**, it doesn't make any sense for anyone to go there. No, girls won't sleep with you unless you pay. Sea? The country is as far away from the sea as it gets on the continent. Mountains? Nope, there's maybe one or two medium sized hills. Nice nature, like some cool waterfalls or something? Nope, plastic shit everywhere, roads, light pollution, only boring animals and normal generic trees. Nice weather? Nope, most of the time there is autumn weather, too cold to go swimming, too hot for snow to fall, it's always either windy or raining and if you have allergies don't even try to go out. There are great many mosquitos though. Nice architecture? No, just depressive old soviet buildings or ugly capitalist shit. Nice cities? No lol, one of the most famous cities, Ostrava, is just famous for drowning in smog, people of the city made that part of their identity. Prague? That's the most shitty garbage city on Earth, there is literally nothing, just one old bridge, there is NOTHING else in there, and the bridge looks like shit anyway. Furthermore worst human scum lives in Prague, it's like little [USA](, basically a city of youtubers, it has the greatest concentration of cretins on square meter, it makes you wanna kill yourself just to hear someone talk or see someone's face there -- in fact in Prague there is a bridge specifically dedicated to suicides because suicide is in such a high demand there.
**There is literally NOTHING in this shitty country**, it doesn't make any sense for anyone to go there. No, girls won't sleep with you unless you pay. Sea? The country is as far away from the sea as it gets on the continent. Mountains? Nope, there's maybe one or two medium sized hills. Nice nature, like some cool waterfalls or something? Nope, plastic shit everywhere, roads, light pollution, only boring animals and normal generic trees. All bodies of water are non-transparent dark green/brown swamp with clouds of mosquitoes, you won't find any stationary clear water, probably due to shitty geology or something (for example in Croatia even stationary fresh water is clear). Nice weather? Nope, most of the time there is autumn weather, too cold to go swimming, too hot for snow to fall, it's always either windy or raining and if you have allergies don't even try to go out. There are great many mosquitoes and annoying bugs though. Nice architecture? No, just depressive old soviet buildings or ugly capitalist shit. Nice cities? No lol, one of the most famous cities, Ostrava, is just famous for drowning in smog, people of the city made that part of their identity. Prague? That's the most shitty garbage city on [Earth](, there is literally nothing, just one old bridge, there is NOTHING else in there, and the bridge looks like shit anyway. Furthermore worst human scum lives in Prague, it's like little [USA](, basically a city of youtubers, it has the greatest concentration of cretins on square meter, it makes you wanna kill yourself just to hear someone talk or see someone's face there -- in fact in Prague there is a bridge specifically dedicated to suicides because suicide is in such a high demand there.
Czech [language]( is unironically **the worst language** that there ever was or ever will be. Firstly it sounds horrible, secondly it's the hardest language on Earth, it has seven cases and declinations and things that make every word have like 20 distinct forms (e.g. "to teach": ucit, ucil, ucila, ucilo, ucili jsme, ucili jste, ucili, ucim, ucis, uci, ucime, ucite, budu ucit, budes ucit, ucil bych, ucila bys, ucili bychom, ... ; "dog": pes, psa, psu, psovi, psi, pse, psy, psum, psech, pejsek, pejsku, pejskovi, pejsky, ... ; "cat": kocka, kocce, kocku, kockou, kocky, kockam, kocicka, kocicce, kocicku, kocickami, ...), NOT EVEN such essential things as forming plural or calling someone are simple at all (e.g. word/plural/vocative: pes/psi/pse, kocka/kocky/kocko, dum/domy/dome, stroj/stroje/stroji, ... do you see any pattern? probably not) PLUS, according to Guinness World Record Book, it also contains the most difficult sound to pronounce (that *r* with arrow above it, great many natives actually can't say it, it's called *rackovani*), there are so many irregularities that children spend whole years at school just hardcore memorizing when to write *y* versus *i* (which are pronounced completely the same, you just have to know which one to write because why not), also for example commas and capitalization of words have strict, extremely difficult rules that again have to be memorized. AND all this effort is for nothing, it doesn't make a slightest sense to learn the language because no one excepts a few idiots in middle of Europe speak it (and not even they speak it well), you will literally hear it nowhere else. So that's another thing.
The whole Czech [politics]( is a gigantically ridiculous [joke]( not even worth discussing too much, but for example it's true that Czechia had the worst presidents of every country, even in comparison with African shitholes and so on. Havel, the only president who came before capitalism, was alright, after him only absolute retards came, every one was much worse than all the rest combined (that's mathematically impossible but they still managed to do it). For example Zeman was the worst retard in the whole country so he got elected, he looked like Vogon from Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy except worse, was constantly drunk, rude, had to be carried around like a little baby by his bodyguards because he couldn't walk straight, he almost threw up on national crown jewels and his most famous moment was when he tried to demonstrate his knowledge of [English]( by explaining to some reporter the meaning of the word "pussy" while getting the pronunciation completely wrong. Klaus was a 10 [IQ]( capitalist thief who, despite making millions as a president, was stealing pencils while being filmed on camera. You can't make this shit up. The current president is a narcissist professional murderer and war promoter.
Basically take all the typical shit of Slav countries like Poland or Russia, subtract the few nice things they have and you get Czechia. Czechia is the same gray, depressive country of drunks like Poland, but at least Poland has access to the sea and people in the world know that Poland exists.
Czechs have a kind of brotherhood/rival relationship with [Slovaks](, for they used to coexist as a single country prior to the split in 1993. They understand each other's language, many Slovaks go study to Czechia (because allegedly Slovak universities suck ass), Czechs visit Slovakia for its beautiful nature etc.; in fact Czech people from Moravia sometimes feel closer to Slovaks than to Bohemian Czechs. Not wanting to offend our good Slovak friends, we have to mention Slovakia is a smaller country, a tiny bit poorer and objectively had smaller success in many areas (such as movies, dubbing, video games, sports, science, ...), despite still having a great culture (e.g. Slovak music is very good, they're also more multicultural). However -- perhaps exactly for this reason -- Slovaks are many times better people, more humble than Czechs who are just self centered pricks, and it looks like Czechs beat Slovaks in stupidity many times (e.g. presidents, increasing retirement age, also Czech kids understand Slovak worse than vice versa and so on).
The greatest Czech was Jara Cimrman, a fictional genius whom the people made up to have someone to look up to. The history of the country is also completely made up, it was crafted to serve nationalism, to justify things like separatism and murdering Germans after the war and also to destroy the country etc.
@ -20,4 +22,6 @@ All in all avoid this piece of crap place.
## See Also
- [Jara Cimrman](
- [Jara Cimrman](
- [Slovakia](
- [Poland](

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{ My email is currently: drummyfish AT disroot DOT org. ~drummyfish }
Drummyfish (also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](, [anarchopacifist](, wannabe [generalist]( and proponent of [free software/culture](, who started [this wiki]( and invented the kind of [software]( it focuses on: [less retarded software]( (LRS), as well as [less retarded society]( Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [smallchesslib](, [tinyphysicsengine](, [SAF]( and [comun]( (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](, [Steamer Duck]( etc.). He has also been creating [free culture]( [art]( and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](; he's been contributing with [public domain]( art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia]( (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons]( (also banned now), [opengameart](, [libregamewiki](, freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression]( (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder]( and has more than once been called a [schizo](, though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). He sometimes [self harms](, both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia]( (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan]( (made a pedo joke), [GitLab]( (hosted this wiki lol), (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](, some [Xonotic]( and [Openarena]( servers, ["Rational"Wiki]( { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning]( records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life]( and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects]( or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life]( Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard](
Drummyfish (also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](, [anarchopacifist](, [heretic](, wannabe [generalist]( and proponent of [free software/culture](, who started [this wiki]( and invented the kind of [software]( it focuses on: [less retarded software]( (LRS), as well as [less retarded society]( Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [smallchesslib](, [tinyphysicsengine](, [SAF]( and [comun]( (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](, [Steamer Duck]( etc.). He has also been creating [free culture]( [art]( and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](; he's been contributing with [public domain]( art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia]( (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons]( (also banned now), [opengameart](, [libregamewiki](, freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression]( (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder]( and has more than once been called a [schizo](, though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). He sometimes [self harms](, both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia]( (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan]( (made a pedo joke), [GitLab]( (hosted this wiki lol), (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](, some [Xonotic]( and [Openarena]( servers, ["Rational"Wiki]( { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning]( records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life]( and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects]( or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life]( Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard](
**Drummyfish is the most physically disgusting bastard on [Earth](**, no [woman]( ever loved him, he is so ugly people get suicidal thoughts from seeing any part of him. He is also very stupid.

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ IQ follows the normal [probability]( distribution, i.e. it is mod
**Average global IQ is decreasing**, according to it dropped from 91.64 in 1950 to 88.08 in 2020. Reasons for this may range from wider spread of [capitalism](, [feminism]( and similar brain diseases to rapidly increasing poverty as well as more brainwashing (ads, [soyence]( propaganda etc.) etc.
It's been observed that **the higher IQ a man has, the more sexually perverted he will likely be**.
TODO: more details, history, where to measure (web vs Mensa vs SAT etc.)

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ This is the freedom island where [we]( live. Many would
distant Normieland
The Land of Soy
The Freedom Island

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@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ As a symbol of LRS we sometimes use heart ([love](, the peace symbol (p
{ TODO: official currency? }
But please don't be fooled -- despite occasional [joking]( being part of LRS, it is in indeed a **[serious effort](**. It sincerely seeks increasing good in the world, just not by traditional means (which LRS usually identifies as harmful) -- that's why it may seem confusing, weird or satirical. LRS is not a company, it's not a non profit, it's not a political party, people aren't paid for it, there are no bosses, therefore correctness and seriousness gives way to sincerity and humanity. Sometimes a joke has blurry borders, sometimes the author himself can't tell if what he said is a joke or not, sometimes something sounds like a joke simply because it truthfully reflects a ridiculous state of society, sometimes something said as a joke turns out to actually be a good idea.
{ In case the previous paragraph still seemed like joke itself: yes, it IS a serious effort. ~drummyfish }
## Definition
The definition here is not strict but rather [fuzzy](, it is in a form of ideas, style and common practices that together help us subjectively identify software as less retarded.

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ WORK IN PROGRESS
| mainstream | correct/cooler |
| ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| Amazon | Scamazon |
| American | Americunt, Amerifag, Yankee |
| [anime]( | tranime |
| [Apple]( user | iToddler, iDiot |

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ Real world newspeak is characterized by banning certain keywords, for example so
## See Also
- [heresy](
- [LRS dictionary](

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@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
{ For legal reasons let's consider this a **CUSTOMER REVIEW** :D Though I'm not that stupid to ever have tried this myself, I've heard things from people. ~drummyfish }
NordVPN is a [proprietary]( predatory [scam]( service that steals personal data while trying to [market]( itself as a "[VPN]( for [security]( and [privacy]("; it is useless at best and highly harmful to society at worst and only a retard would fall for it. It's a business similar to that of e.g. [antiviruses](, it builds on [fear culture](, privacy hysteria and lack of technological education, abusing people who have little to no knowledge of technology, stealing not just their money, but also their data, computing power etc. NordVPN furthermore utilizes all the unethical [capitalist]( practice to make society as bad as possible, notably aggressive advertising (remember, good things don't need advertising, and this shit relies basically solely on advertising), [brainwashing]( and promotion of [fear culture]( -- [YouTube]( is infamous to have NordVPN propaganda inserted into every single video.
NordVPN is a [proprietary]( predatory [scam]( service that steals personal data while trying to [market]( itself as a "[VPN]( for [security]( and [privacy]("; it is useless at best and highly harmful to society at worst and only a retard would fall for it. It's a business similar to that of e.g. [antiviruses](, it builds on [fear culture](, privacy hysteria and lack of technological education, abusing people who have little to no knowledge of technology, stealing not just their money, but also their data, computing power etc. NordVPN furthermore utilizes all the unethical [capitalist]( practice to make society as bad as possible, notably aggressive advertising (remember, good things don't need advertising, and this shit relies basically solely on advertising), [brainwashing]( and promotion of [fear culture]( -- [YouTube]( is infamous for having NordVPN propaganda inserted into every single video.

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS]
- **[Aaron Swartz](**: famous computer prodigy activist involved in creation of famous things like [Reddit](, [RSS]( and [Creative Commons](, [suicided]( at 26
- **[Alan Cox](**: famous [Linux]( contributor, used to be considered second in command after Torvalds
- **[Alan Kay](**: oldfag hacker, inventor of [Smalltalk](
- **[Albert Einstein](**: 20th century physicist, author of [theory of relativity](, [pacifist]( and [socialist](, regarded as one of the most brilliant geniuses in history.
- **[Alan Turing](**: 20th century mathematician, father of [computer science](, [gay](
- **[Alexandre Oliva](**: [free software]( advocate, founding member of [FSFLA](, maintainer of [Linux-libre](
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS]
- **[Larry Sanger](**: co-founder of [Wikipedia](, also one of its biggest critics
- **[Larry Wall](**: creator of [Perl]( language, linguist
- **[Lawrence Lessig](**: lawyer, founder of [free culture]( movement and [Creative Commons](, critic of [copyright](
- **[Lev Nikolajevic Tolstoj](**: Russian writer -- regarded among the best of all times -- said to have been an [anarcho pacifist](
- **[Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy](**: Russian writer -- regarded among the best of all times -- said to have been an [anarcho pacifist](
- **[Linus Torvalds](**: Finnish programmer who created [Linux]( and [git](
- **[Luke Smith](**: [suckless]( vlogger/celebrity
- **[Mahatma Gandhi](**: Indian man who greatly utilized and popularized [nonviolence](
@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS]
- **[Mother Teresa](**
- **[Nina Paley](**: [female]( artist, one of the most famous proponents of [free culture](
- **[Noam Chomsky](**: linguist notable in theoretical [compsci](, anarchist
- **[Óscar Toledo G.](**: programmer of tiny programs and [games]( (e.g. the smallest [chess]( program), sadly [proprietary]( [winfag](
- **[Oscar Toledo G.](**: programmer of tiny programs and [games]( (e.g. the smallest [chess]( program), sadly [proprietary]( [winfag](
- **[Petr Chelcicky](**: old time [anarcho pacifist](
- **[Richard Stallman](**: inventor of [free software]( and [copyleft](, founder of [GNU]( and [FSF](, hacker, also created [emacs](
- **[Rob Pike](**: oldschool hacker strayed from the path of good, involved in [Unix](, [Plan 9]( and [go](
- **[Roy Schestowitz](roy_schestowitz)**: [PhD]( journalist, running [Techrights](, revealing corruption in technology

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@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ Latest trend on social media seems to be the **pseudo political incorrectness**,
## See Also
- [heresy](
- [orthodoxy](
- [stupidity](
- [censorship](

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Also let it be said that everyone has to find his own way of doing projects, it'
- **Make it a habit/routine to do your project**. As with everything requiring a lot of time investment and dedication (exercise, language learning, ...), it's important to make it a routine (unless of course you're taking a break) to really do something significant. A small, spontaneous, irregular polish of your project is great too, but to really do the biggest part you just need a habit. People often say they're lazy and can't get into it -- everyone is lazy and everyone can get into it. Here is the trick: start with trivial things, just to get into the habit, i.e. at first it's literally enough to write 1 line of code every day. At the beginning you're not really doing much of any significant "work", you are just setting up your habit. Anyone can write 1 line of code per day: just tell yourself to do this -- write 1 line and then, if you want, you're done. You will find that second or third day you'll be writing 10 lines and in a week you will quite likely be looking forward to it, soon you'll have the other problem -- getting yourself to stop.
- **Milestones and psychological mini rewards are nice to keep you going**. It's nice to split the project into some milestones so that you see your "progress", it's very good if each milestone adds something visible, something you can "touch" -- for example with a game just the moment when you become able to physically move through the level always feels very rewarding, even if you've done it many times before, it's always a bit surprising what joy a simple feature can bring. Exploit this to increase joy of making your art.
- **Don't expect or aim for any reward other than the finished project**, don't expect/chase [money](, fame, gratitude, don't expect that anyone will notice or thank you for the project. You are making it only because you want something that doesn't yet exist to exist and that's the only reward you can and should ever expect. Firstly this makes your project [selfless](, secondly it makes it pure, non-corruptable, only dedicated to its goal and nothing else, thirdly it spares you suffering from failed expectations.
- **When you're hard stuck, go away from it for a (possibly long) while.** As they say before making decisions: "sleep on it" (maybe even many times) -- there's something about letting your mind rest for a while that makes your subconsciousness solve things, or at least make you comprehend the issue better, see it from a different angle. Therefore when stuck, go do something else -- this is also why it's preferable to have several projects, but generally it's good to just take a break and do something meditative like going for a walk, making something out of wood, doing some sport, sleeping, listening to music and so on. Stop trying to solve the issue you had and just relax for a few days, maybe weeks. It is quite possible inspiration will come from somewhere, fresh air will help you think and maybe a solution will occur to you during this time [spontaneously](, but even if it doesn't, when you come back to the project you'll be very fresh, rested, your thoughts will be sorted, unimportant stuff filtered out, it's like you've got a different man on the task who will help the desperate past self. Sometimes you get back and immediately spot a simple and elegant solution. Really, this works like [magic](
- ...

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ There is a controversial 1994 book called *The Bell Curve* that deals with diffe
It is useful to know the **differences in intellect** between different races (no matter whether the cause is genetic, cultural or other), though cultural and other traits linked to races may also play a big role. Of course, it is important to keep in mind intelligence isn't one dimensional, it's one of the most complex and complicated concepts we can be dealing with (remember the famous test that revealed that chimpanzees greatly outperform humans at certain intellectual tasks such as remembering the order of numbers seen for a very short period of time) and that other traits than raw intelligence may be equally or more important for good performance in intellectual tasks, e.g. personality traits such as curiosity (imagine a fast CPU running shit software versus slower CPU running good software). We can't generally simplify to a single measure such as [IQ]( score (though it can still give some rough ideas, IQ is not absolutely useless), but we can measure performance at different tasks. Let intelligence here mean simply the ability to perform well in the area of given art. And of course, there are smart and stupid people in any race, the general statements we make are just about statistics and probabilities.
The smartest races seem to be [Jews]( and [Asians]( (also found so by the book *Bell Curve* and many old books). Asians have always been regarded as having superior intelligence and their [religions]( and [culture]( also seem to be the most advanced, with very complex ideas (as opposed to e.g. Christianity based on trivial rules to blindly follow), closest to [nonviolence](, [socialism]( and true [science]( (e.g. [Buddhism]( There is no question about the intelligence of Jews, the greatest thinkers of all times were Jewish ([Richard Stallman](, [Einstein](, [Marx](, Freud, [Chomsky](, even [Jesus]( and others) -- the man often regarded as the smartest human in history, William James Sidis, was a Jew. Jews have dominated despite being a minority, they seem to have a very creative intelligence and some of them decide to gain further edge by giving up their morality (i.e. becoming [capitalist](, while Asians are more mechanically inclined -- they can learn a skill and bring it to perfection with an extremely deep study and dedication. Closely following is the general white race (which according to studies is also seen as most physically attractive by all races): white people have of course absolutely dominated history and there is always that one white guy at the top even in areas more dominated by other races (e.g. Eminem in rap, Carlsen in chess, Grubby in Warcraft 3, ...), however whites are still primitive in many ways ([individualism](, [fascism](, violence, simple religions and cults, e.g. that of economy, money, simplified commandments of Christianity etc.). The African black race known as the *negro* is one of the least intelligent according to basically all literature -- this makes a lot of sense, the race has been oppressed and living in harsh conditions for centuries and millennia and didn't get much chance to evolve towards good performance in intellectual tasks, quite the opposite, those who were physically fit rather than smart were probably more likely to survive and reproduce as slaves or jungle people (even if white people split from the blacks relatively recently, a rapid change in environment also leads to a rapid change in evolution, even that of intelligence). However the more primitive, less intelligent races (blacks, indians etc.) were found by some to e.g. have significantly faster reaction times, which sometimes may be an advantage -- this is suspected to be cause be a tradeoff; the "smarter" races perform more complex processing of input information (in terms of computers: having a longer processing [pipeline]( and so it takes longer, i.e. the more primitive individual acts more impulsively and therefore quicker. The 1892 book *Hereditary Genius* says that the black race is *about two grades* below the white race (nowadays the gap will most likely be lower). Hispanics were found to perform somewhere in between the white and black people. There isn't so much info about other races such as the red race or Eskimos, but they're probably similarly intelligent to the black race. The above mentioned book *Hereditary Genius* gives an intelligence of the Australian aboriginal race *at least one grade below that of the negro*, making possibly the dumbest race of all. The brown races are kind of complicated, Indian people have Asian genes and showed a great intellectual potential, e.g. in [chess](, [math](, philosophy (nonviolence inherently connected to India is the most intellectually advanced philosophy), and lately also [computer science]( (even though many would argue that "[pajeets](" are just trained coding monkeys, really their compsci "universities" are mostly a meme); they may be at the similar level to Hispanics.
The smartest races seem to be [Jews]( and [Asians]( (also found so by the book *Bell Curve* and many old books). Asians have always been regarded as having superior intelligence and their [religions]( and [culture]( also seem to be the most advanced, with very complex ideas (as opposed to e.g. Christianity based on trivial rules to blindly follow), closest to [nonviolence](, [socialism]( and true [science]( (e.g. [Buddhism]( There is no question about the intelligence of Jews, the greatest thinkers of all times were Jewish ([Richard Stallman](, [Einstein](, [Marx](, Freud, [Chomsky](, even [Jesus]( and others) -- the man often regarded as the smartest human in history, William James Sidis, was a Jew. Jews have dominated despite being a minority, they seem to have a very creative intelligence and some of them decide to gain further edge by giving up their morality (i.e. becoming [capitalist](, while Asians are more disciplined and mechanically inclined -- they can learn a skill and bring it to perfection with an extremely deep study and dedication (funnily this observation was also shared e.g. by Grubby, a Warcraft III legend pro player, on a stream ranking Orc units, where he contrasted the Asian mechanical genius with European creative thinking, swiftly realizing the politically incorrect slip and playing it to the out). Closely following is the general white race (which according to studies is also seen as most physically attractive by all races): white people have of course absolutely dominated history and there is always that one white guy at the top even in areas more dominated by other races (e.g. Eminem in rap, Carlsen in chess, Grubby in Warcraft 3, ...), however whites are still primitive in many ways ([individualism](, [fascism](, violence, simple religions and cults, e.g. that of economy, money, simplified commandments of Christianity etc.). The African black race known as the *negro* is one of the least intelligent according to basically all literature -- this makes a lot of sense, the race has been oppressed and living in harsh conditions for centuries and millennia and didn't get much chance to evolve towards good performance in intellectual tasks, quite the opposite, those who were physically fit rather than smart were probably more likely to survive and reproduce as slaves or jungle people (even if white people split from the blacks relatively recently, a rapid change in environment also leads to a rapid change in evolution, even that of intelligence). However the more primitive, less intelligent races (blacks, indians etc.) were found by some to e.g. have significantly faster reaction times, which sometimes may be an advantage -- this is suspected to be cause be a tradeoff; the "smarter" races perform more complex processing of input information (in terms of computers: having a longer processing [pipeline]( and so it takes longer, i.e. the more primitive individual acts more impulsively and therefore quicker. The 1892 book *Hereditary Genius* says that the black race is *about two grades* below the white race (nowadays the gap will most likely be lower). Hispanics were found to perform somewhere in between the white and black people. There isn't so much info about other races such as the red race or Eskimos, but they're probably similarly intelligent to the black race. The above mentioned book *Hereditary Genius* gives an intelligence of the Australian aboriginal race *at least one grade below that of the negro*, making possibly the dumbest race of all. The brown races are kind of complicated, Indian people have Asian genes and showed a great intellectual potential, e.g. in [chess](, [math](, philosophy (nonviolence inherently connected to India is the most intellectually advanced philosophy), and lately also [computer science]( (even though many would argue that "[pajeets](" are just trained coding monkeys, really their compsci "universities" are mostly a meme); they may be at the similar level to Hispanics.
Increasing multiculturalism, globalization and mixing of the races will likely make all of this less and less relevant as time goes on -- races will blend greatly which may either help get rid of true [racism](, but also fuel it: many will oppose racial mixing, many will become more paranoid (as is already the case with Jews who are sometimes very hard to tell apart from whites) and eventually pure races will actually become a minority that may become target of reversed racism: a pale white guy in a room full of mixed people will stand out and likely get lynched (if not just for the fact of being different, then for social revenge). For now the differences in races are still greatly visible.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Smol Internet
Smol Internet, smol web, small web, smol net, dork web, poor man's web, web revival, web 1.0 and similar terms refer to [Internet]( [technology]( (such as [gopher](, [gemini](, plain [HTML]( etc.) and communities that are smaller (see [minimalism](, [simpler](, less controlled/centralized and less [toxic]( than the "big" mainstream/commercial Internet (especially the [web]( which due to [capitalism]( became littered with [shit]( like [ads](, unbearable [bloat](, [censorship](, [spyware](, corporate propaganda, masses of [retarded people](, [bullshit]( cheap visuals like animations etc. Consider this analogy: the mainstream, i.e. [world wide web](, [Discord](, [Facebook]( etc., is like a big shiny city, but as the city grows and becomes too stressful, overcrowded, hasted, overcontrolled with police and ads on every corner, people start to move to the countryside where life is simpler and happier -- smol Internet is the countryside.
Smol Internet, smol web, small web, smol net, dork web, dumb web, poor man's web, web revival, web 1.0 and similar terms refer to [Internet]( and [web]( [technology]( (such as [gopher](, [gemini](, plain [HTML]( etc.) and communities that are smaller (see [minimalism](, [simpler](, less controlled/centralized and less [toxic]( than the "big" mainstream/commercial Internet (especially the [web]( which due to [capitalism]( became littered with [shit]( like [ads](, unbearable [bloat](, [censorship](, [spyware](, corporate propaganda, masses of [retarded people](, [bullshit]( ugly visuals like animations etc. Consider this analogy: the mainstream, i.e. [world wide web](, [Discord](, [Facebook]( etc., is like a big shiny city, but as the city grows and becomes too stressful, overcrowded, stinky with smog, hasted, overcontrolled with police and ads on every corner, people start to move to the countryside where life is simpler and happier -- smol Internet is the countryside.
What EXACTLY constitutes the Smol Internet? Of course we don't really have exact definitions besides what people write on blogs, it also depends on the exact term we use, e.g. smol web may refer specifically to lightweight self-hosted websites while smol net will also include different protocols than [HTTP(s)]( (i.e. things outside the Web). But we are usually talking about simpler ([KISS](, [suckless](, ...), alternative, [decentralized](, [self hosted]( technology (protocols, servers, ...), and communities that strive to escape commercially spoiled spaces. These communities don't aim to grow to big sizes or compete with the mainstream web, they do not seek to replace the web or achieve the same things (popularity, profitability, ...) but rather bring back the quality the web (and similar services such as [Usenet]( used to have in the early days such as relative freedom, unrestricted sharing, [free speech](, [simplicity](, [decentralization](, creative personal sites, [comfiness](, [fun]( and so on. It is for the people, not for companies and [corporations]( Smol Internet usually refers to [gopher]( and [gemini](, the alternative protocols to [HTTP](, the basis of the web. Smol Web on the other hand stands for simple, plain [HTML]( web 1.0 static personal/community sites on the web itself which are however hosted independently, often on one's own server (self hosted) or a server of some volunteer or non-profit -- such sites can be searched e.g. with the [wiby]( search engine. It may also include small communities such as [pubnixes]( like [SDF]( and [tildeverse]( Other [KISS]( communication technology such as [email]( and [IRC]( may also fall under Smol Internet.

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@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ What to do then? The most [suckless]( way is to simply do no ambient
## See Also
- [screen space reflections](
- [screen space reflections](
- [vsync](

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@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ Teletext is now pretty much obsolete technology that allowed broadcasting extrem
{ Just checked on my TV and it still works in 2022 here. For me teletext was something I could pretend was "the internet" when I was little and when we didn't have internet at home yet, it was very cool. Back then it took a while to load any page but I could read some basic news or even browse graphical logos for cell phones. Nowadays TVs have buffers and have all the pages loaded at any time so the browsing is instantaneous. ~drummyfish }
The principal difference against the [Internet]( was that teletext was [broadcast](, i.e. it was a one-way communication. Users couldn't send back any data or even request any page, they could only wait and catch the pages that were broadcast by TV stations (this had advantages though, e.g. it couldn't be [DDOSed]( and it couldn't spy on its users as they didn't send any information back). Each station would have its own teletext with fewer than 1000 pages -- the user would write a three place number of the page he wanted to load ("catch") and the TV would wait until that page was broadcast (this might have been around 30 seconds at most), then it would be displayed. The data about the pages were embedded into unused parts of the TV signal.
The principal difference against the [Internet]( was that teletext was [broadcast](, i.e. it was a one-way communication. Users couldn't send back any data or even request any page, they could only wait and catch the pages that were broadcast by TV stations (this had advantages though, e.g. it couldn't be [DDOSed]( and it couldn't spy on its users as they didn't send any information back). Each station would have its own teletext with roughly 1000 pages -- the user would write a three place number of the page he wanted to load ("catch") and the TV would wait until that page was broadcast (this might have been around 30 seconds at most), then it would be displayed. (More precisely teletext had 8 "magazines", each potentially having up to 256 pages, e.g. 3F7 would be magazine 3, hexadecimal page F7, but non decimal page numbers were rarely used because of the normies). The data of the pages were embedded into unused parts of the TV signal. This is actually very [interesting]( because recorded [VHS]( tapes still contain this signal and so it's possible to did old teletext pages out of the taps (see also [data archeology]( There is now a notable community doing just this, even creating something like the wayback machine for the teletext.
The pages allowed fixed-width text and some very blocky graphics, both could be colored with very few basic colors. It looked like something you render in a very primitive [terminal](
The pages allowed fixed width font text and some very blocky graphics, both could be colored with very few basic colors. It looked like something you render in a very primitive [terminal]( The most important standard (that defined e.g. the format of the pages) seems to be the *World System Teletext* of 1986. This standard defined several "levels" of support, most common of which is 1.5 -- this level supports a 40x24 character grid (graphics was done using special text characters that practically further subdivided each character into 2x3 pixels) and 8 predefined colors. There were also some advanced features, some things could be blinking, some text could be hidden and revealed with a special button on the remote (this would be used for teletext quiz games), teletext could also transmit movie subtitles etc.
[Fun]( fact: **the video game Worms had a short lived teletext version**. It was surely very limited because the whole state had to be encoded in the page numbers and games took extremely long, so it was ultimately scratched. { Thanks to a friend for this cool piece of trivia <3 ~drummyfish }
## See Also

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 586
- number of commits: 840
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4078553
- total number of lines of article texts: 30792
- number of commits: 841
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4087862
- total number of lines of article texts: 30802
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 89
@ -35,60 +35,72 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2320)
- there (1773)
- people (1567)
- example (1346)
- other (1275)
- which (2322)
- there (1776)
- people (1574)
- example (1353)
- other (1282)
- number (1143)
- software (1131)
- about (1096)
- program (921)
- their (866)
- because (853)
- would (840)
- software (1139)
- about (1097)
- program (922)
- their (868)
- because (856)
- would (843)
- called (792)
- being (792)
- called (790)
- things (764)
- language (760)
- things (774)
- language (766)
- something (759)
- computer (748)
- numbers (747)
- computer (744)
- simple (731)
- without (694)
- programming (678)
- simple (735)
- without (693)
- programming (683)
- function (674)
- these (655)
- these (657)
- different (647)
- however (639)
- system (599)
- world (598)
- should (593)
- doesn (579)
- system (609)
- world (597)
- should (594)
- doesn (580)
- games (573)
- point (567)
- society (563)
- while (548)
- drummyfish (536)
- society (566)
- while (550)
- drummyfish (537)
- though (534)
- still (523)
- using (517)
- possible (515)
- simply (508)
- using (521)
- possible (520)
- simply (511)
- memory (508)
- similar (502)
- course (497)
- course (498)
- technology (496)
- https (486)
- always (471)
- always (473)
- really (464)
- basically (452)
- extremely (449)
- basically (455)
- extremely (450)
- value (448)
latest changes:
Date: Thu Jul 18 20:20:45 2024 +0200
Date: Wed Jul 17 20:31:45 2024 +0200
@ -110,21 +122,6 @@ Date: Wed Jul 17 20:31:45 2024 +0200
Date: Tue Jul 16 16:21:52 2024 +0200
Date: Sun Jul 14 22:12:15 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -153,39 +150,39 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (289)
- [capitalism]( (230)
- [c]( (215)
- [capitalism]( (231)
- [c]( (216)
- [bloat]( (207)
- [free_software]( (174)
- [free_software]( (175)
- [game]( (141)
- [suckless]( (137)
- [proprietary]( (121)
- [computer]( (98)
- [kiss]( (96)
- [modern]( (95)
- [minimalism]( (89)
- [minimalism]( (90)
- [gnu]( (90)
- [linux]( (89)
- [gnu]( (88)
- [programming]( (84)
- [fun]( (83)
- [free_culture]( (81)
- [censorship]( (81)
- [fight_culture]( (79)
- [less_retarded_society]( (78)
- [fight_culture]( (78)
- [math]( (77)
- [hacking]( (76)
- [bullshit]( (76)
- [public_domain]( (75)
- [hacking]( (75)
- [foss]( (75)
- [bullshit]( (75)
- [shit]( (74)
- [art]( (73)
- [programming_language]( (72)
- [corporation]( (69)
- [chess]( (69)
- [internet]( (68)
- ...
- [zuckerberg]( (4)
- [wiki_pages]( (4)
- [whale]( (4)
- [trusting_trust]( (4)
- [trump]( (4)
- [tom_scott]( (4)
- [speech_synthesis]( (4)

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# YouTube
YouTube (also JewTube { Lol actually exists. ~drummyfish} or just YT) is a huge, [censored]( [proprietary]( [capitalist]( video [consuming]( "website"/platform, since 2006 seized by the [Google]( terrorist organization. It has become the monopoly "video content platform", everyone uploads his videos there and so everyone is forced to use that awful shitty site from time to time to view some tutorial or whatnot. YouTube is based on content consumerism, aggressive predatory [marketing](, [copyright trolling](, propaganda and general abuse of its [useds]( -- it is financed from surveillance-powered ads as well as sponsor propaganda inserted into videos. The place is extremely [toxic](, radioactive and more dangerous than Chernobyl in terms of probability of acquiring brain [cancer](, the propagandists ("content creators") are unbelievably ugly abominations you must start to hate even from just seeing a video thumbnail. Alternatives to YouTube, such as [bitchute](, the "rightist" YouTube, never really caught on very much -- YouTube is sadly synonymous with online videos just as Google is synonymous with searching the web. This is of course extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely bad.
YouTube (also JewTube { Lol actually exists. ~drummyfish} or just YT) is a huge, [censored]( [proprietary]( [capitalist]( video [consuming]( "website"/platform, since 2006 seized by the [Google]( terrorist organization. It has become the monopoly "video content platform", everyone uploads his videos there and so everyone is forced to use that awful shitty site from time to time to view some tutorial or whatnot, but it makes your brain soft. YouTube is based on content consumerism, aggressive predatory [marketing](, [copyright trolling](, propaganda and general abuse of its [useds]( -- it is financed from surveillance-powered ads as well as sponsor propaganda inserted into videos. The place is extremely [toxic](, radioactive and more dangerous than Chernobyl in terms of probability of acquiring brain [cancer](, the propagandists ("content creators") are unbelievably ugly abominations you must start to hate even from just seeing a video thumbnail. Alternatives to YouTube, such as [bitchute](, the "rightist" YouTube, never really caught on very much -- YouTube is sadly synonymous with online videos just as Google is synonymous with searching the web. This is of course extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely bad.
Just one of countless damages YouTube has done to society is establishing videos as standard medium of any form of communication and information storage -- back in the day Internet was mostly text-based, sometimes there was an image or video of course, but only when needed. Since YouTube's rise to fame a lot of information has just moved to videos, even that which suffer by this format, e.g. books, announcements, notes, presentations, tutorials, pure audio and so on. All of this [bloat]( of course makes the information hard to index and search, store, process, view on weak devices, it wastes enormous amounts of bandwidth, computing power and so forth. Thanks YouTube.