From 766d03705387a5139e26bc5fc75568841829a735 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Miloslav Ciz Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 17:34:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- | 51 + | 4 +- | 2 +- | 2 +- | 2 +- | 2 +- | 4 + | 6 +- | 2 +- | 6 +- | 3 +- | 2 +- | 2 +- | 1 + | 1 + | 42 + | 1 + | 2 +- | 3490 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- | 1 + | 1 + | 1 + | 2 +- | 4 +- | 70 +- | 2 +- 26 files changed, 1904 insertions(+), 1802 deletions(-) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c10f7f --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# 1990s + +It is now confirmed that 1990s (or just 90s) were almost definitely the best decade in recent written [history](, at least in [Europe]( (the main continent of [Earth]( but to a degree probably also in other, less significant parts of the world ([USA]( etc.). They were the peak of civilization before the [collapse]( quickly brought by the [21st century]( 90s still left behind some echoes during the years 2000-2010 -- according to some still a bearable decade -- however it was already going downhill at the time. 90s followed the [80](80s)s (quite logically, at least to those of above Trump intellect), a decade that was itself also pretty good, and so in a similar fashion some good old 80s vibes carried on to the 90s. + +So, from the European point of view, here is a short summary of why 90s were so good: + +- Cold war just ended, [Soviet Union]( dissolved and so came a relief from the nuclear war threat, people got relaxed and, importantly, many countries previously under pseudocommunist totalitarian regimes gained freedom from it and opened to the world. This created a very rare and brief moment in time when people were freed from an oppressive regime but [capitalism]( didn't have yet enough time to enslave them again -- people still kept the good things from (at least what was called) socialism such as 100% free education, 100% free healthcare, old age pensions and so on. They also kept the socialist mindset of caring about others, people didn't see others as their enemies, they were kind of caring and had some empathy, they knew [money]( was evil etc. The newly gained freedom gave people a lot of joy and hope. 21st century would of course changed this very soon, capitalism would go on to destroy absolutely everything in under about 20 years, Europe would be joined to the USA and by now everything is lost. +- A lot of amazing [art]( came to existence -- although [proprietary](, it could at least be said that it was well done, had [soul]( and people took some time to make it. For example movies, games and music were made by people who knew how to make movies, games and music, so we saw things such as Pulp Fiction, Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, Linkin Park, [Pokemon]( (the original non-gay ones), [Harry Potter](, Simpsons (the peak seasons), South Park, [Tamagotchis](, Jim Carrey comedies and much more. Computer games at this time had absolutely peak aesthetics in the whole history of Universe (and they were also released as a completely [finished]( product, as a physical thing you would buy and literally OWN forever from then on). Even things back then considered trash, such as Britney Spears, don't literally make you bleed from your ears and in comparison with today's "best music" sound like angel choirs. +- In [computer]( [technology]( world some very important things were made, besides others [Linux]( (1991), [World Wide Web]( (well almost -- 1989), [gopher]( (1993), all the legendary Boomer Shooters -- [Wolf3D]( (1992), [Doom]( (1993), [Duke Nukem 3D]( (1996), [Quake]( (1996), Quake II and III, Half Life (1998) etcetc., [GameBoy Color]( (1998), [PS1]( (1995), [N64]( (1994) etcetc. In 1997 a computer named [Deep Blue]( first beat the world [chess]( champion. Even the versions of [Windows]( from this time are considered the most bearable ones. +- [Feminism]( and [LGBT]( were still seen as a [joke]( +- No [gays](, [transsexuals](, [furries](, [bronies](, [zoomers](, [autists](, influencers, nu-males, nothings of that sort! There were only normal people. It wasn't even normal to be fat or have 20 mental diseases, people were just normal. Just image it, you walk the street and there are no monsters, not on TV, not on the Internet, not anywhere! +- No [Facebook](, [Twitter](, [TikTok](, [Discord](, [Steam](, [Reddit](, [YouTube](, Twitch, no [smartphones](, actually no "[smart](" devices AT ALL, no "[apps](", [Elon Musk](, no [Google](, no [Android](, no [JavaScript](, no [HTTPS](, no [Flash](, no [docker](, no [cmake](, no [Rust](, no [Apple]( (in Europe), no "spy assistants", no [Minecraft](, no Roblox, no [Wikipedia](, no [crypto](, no [NFT](, no [AI]( shit and much more. Imagine the paradise. +- No one cared about [privacy]( at all! Literally there was ZERO concern about it, you could share all your private data publicly, passwords were sent in plain text, no one would even think of abusing it, there was even no way of doing it basically. +- Computers were 32 bit, no 64 bit [bullshit]( +- Computer technology wasn't such a big milking cow yet, mainstream Internet was just starting, many didn't care about it, so it was very relaxed, [corporations]( weren't yet raping everyone. For example [copy protection]( was usually laughably easy to break, pirating was easy and everyone did it -- it was correctly considered extremely stupid to buy something (nowadays brainwashing has already done its thing). Also games had practically no anti[cheating](, chat censorship and similar BS, [trolling]( was allowed and cool. +- People in the streets weren't zombies starting into spyphones -- literally imagine you walk outside and people observe what's happening around them. +- There was a relatively high [freedom of speech](, no one gave a single shit about [political correctness]( (no one even knew that term) and people in post-soviet countries actually saw freedom of speech as an achievement that many died for and which they previously only dreamed of, they valued it greatly -- [censorship]( was still considered highly undesirable by majority of people. +- [Toxic]( [US]( culture still hadn't made it to Europe so people weren't obsessed with [productivity](, shooting up schools, [tattoos](, self interest and other shit. +- Zero crime, no [fear culture]( +- If you bought something it would definitely last more than a week -- actually much longer, even 10, 20 or 30 years. +- Furthermore if something broke, it could easily be repaired, sometimes even by yourself. There were even people who specialized in repairing TVs and radios for example. +- Professionals actually knew something about their profession, you could trust that if someone did something for living, he'd be kind of good at it. As a result things were generally of good quality, including for example movie dubbings and subtitles (nowadays it's standard that subtitles are made by people who cannot read or write or even talk at all), news, books, electronics, tools etc. +- ALL computers had [CRT](! +- There was absolute minimum of [ads]( and they were somewhat bearable, not 100% aggressive brainwashing -- some even naively tried to pleasant and brings some actual art in. You could see a movie, then there would be two or three ads and another movie would follow, and that was on a commercial station, state TV had basically zero ads. +- [Internet]( was actually good and free of idiots, it was elitist and only for nerds with no life. [Web]( was young, only 1.0, all sites were nice, lightweight, non-commercial. [Gopher]( was just as popular. +- [Programming]( and IT was still cool and didn't make you wanna kill yourself -- [C]( was used a lot, game developers wrote their own [engines](, webmasters actually wrote [HTML]( and so on. +- No [women]( in tech or on the Internet, or at least a minimum of them -- no one cared about gender or shit like that back then. +- Of course all [software]( was better, much more efficient, stable, didn't require internet connection, didn't [update]( 1000 times a day etc. +- Cell phones, although proprietary, were quite awesome, especially those by [Nokia]( and [Siemens]( They were all button dumbphones, each with very unique design, the phones were very durable, fast, reliable and lasted even weeks on single charge. +- [Women]( were still women and men were men back then. +- Many fewer cars, you could cross the road without waiting 15 to 30 minutes. Usually a family had only one car and some even lived happily without a car. +- Everything was much more normal, people didn't self harm, only criminals had [tattoos](, depression was rare, kids played outside, climbed trees, even reading books, people got married, divorce still wasn't normal, plastic surgery was performed only in extreme cases on burn victims, people didn't desire working themselves to death, there were no witchhunts on [pedophiles](, people were nice to the elderly and valued their wisdom, the elderly weren't absolute assholes, shop assistants weren't 100% scary robotic entities, even people in businesses would sometimes -- even if naively -- have other goals that pure profit. +- Movies were shot on film instead of shitty digital. +- Grass was much greener and sky more blue. +- When you went abroad for that rare vacation sometimes there would be maybe 5 other tourists but not 20 billion of them, you would also see no Starbucks or similar Yankee shit, you genuinely just went to a foreign country, not to Disneyland, you really saw a foreign culture. +- Also the world wasn't yet so globalized, people knew their neighbors, countries and individual village still had their own culture, everything was diverse because Internet still wasn't mainstream and the Earth wasn't collectively owned by 3 gigacorporations. +- You weren't overfed of everything -- there was less and in effect you enjoyed it much more. For example Internet connection wasn't common, it was always exciting to get on the net for a while! You had to wait a week for the new episode of your favorite series. You have to wait a whole year to save up for that shiny Pokemon Gameboy game, it was genuine joy to get it. You had to consider what to put on that floppy drive, you only had 2.4 MB. Cell phones were luxury and if you got one, even a complete shit, it meant something, you would be enjoying it every day. +- Yes, capitalism was around but it wasn't YET as extremely degenerated as today and where it was, it was still staying in the USA. Not for long though. +- The good things of the early 2000s were yet to come at this point :) +- Actors and singers, even if stupid, were at least somewhat good looking people and not vomit inducing monsters. +- Needless to say nature and weather were much nicer also -- where today there are McDonald's parking lots back then were forests, air was cleaner, more animals were around, winters had actual snow, you could still find places without plastic garbage lying all around. +- Politics was shit, as it always is, but it wasn't an absolute unimaginable [joke]( like it is nowadays, there were still socialist parties who kind of cared for the common people and sometimes there were even people in politics who had some sense of morality and whom you could at least partially respect, like Vaclav Havel. +- People weren't completely enslaved and crippled by juggling thousands of bullshit activities all the time like posting photos of food while checking emails, investment portfolio, crypto wallet and bank account at the same time while using the other hand to update a banking app to be able to pay stream subscriptions, monthly internet bills while also keeping up with paying insurance for health, house, car, dogs and making sure that with current inflation rate there will be something left to buy food and, trusting current weather forecasts, enough heating to not freeze in the winter and maybe even buy your grandma another gender switch surgery for Christmas. +- ([Drummyfish]( was born.) +- Probably more cool stuff, not all can be listed here. +- ... + +## See Also + +- [old]( +- [history]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index f1552f3..fe685f7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ *"Either she's genius at comedy or he's genius at comedy."* --comment under one of her videos -Ashley Jones (born around 1999) is a rare specimen of a [based]( [American]( biological (which on occasion gets questioned) [woman]( on the [Internet](, a [politically incorrect]( [red pilled]( comedienne who is sadly no longer underage. Ashley Jones IS NOT DANGEROUS. She got famous through [4chan]( and similar boards thanks to having become red pilled at quite an early age: her being a pretty [underage girl]( on 4chan definitely contributed to her fame, however she started to create masterful OC comedic videos with which she managed to win the hearts of dedicated fans that wouldn't abandon her even after they could legally have sex with her (at least in theory). For some time she used mainstream platforms but, of course, [censorship]( would eventually lead her to self-hosting all her stuff with [free software](, which she now supports. She has pug [dogs]( and in one video said she had a brother, but not much else is known about her. +Ashley Jones (born around 1999) is a rare specimen of a [based]( [American]( biological (which on occasion gets questioned) [woman]( on the [Internet](, a [politically incorrect]( [red pilled]( comedienne who is sadly no longer underage. Ashley Jones IS NOT DANGEROUS. She got famous through [4chan]( and similar boards thanks to having become red pilled at quite an early age: her being a pretty [underage girl]( on 4chan definitely contributed to her fame, however she started to create masterful OC comedic videos with which she managed to win the hearts of dedicated fans that wouldn't abandon her even after they could legally have sex with her (at least in theory). For some time she used mainstream platforms but, of course, [censorship]( would eventually lead her to self-hosting all her stuff with [free software](, which she now supports. She loves old vintage technology, has pug [dogs]( and in one video said she had a brother, but not much else is known about her. It looks like she might be from Minnetonka in Minnesota, because she sometimes talks about that town and even posts photos that look like that place (in her cooking video even showing her "house", but she may be [trolling]( -Her website is currently at **[](** (previously []( Some of her old videos are archived on [jewtube]( and bitchute. Currently she seems to be focusing more on talk about technology before doing comedy. If you can, please go donate to Ashley right now, we don't want her to starve! +Her website is currently at **[](** (previously []( Some of her old videos are archived on [jewtube]( and bitchute. Currently she seems to be focusing more on videos about technology before doing comedy. If you can, please go donate to Ashley right now, we don't want her to starve! ``` ,,---,, diff --git a/ b/ index a65026f..507c6d1 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # C Sharp -C# is supposed to be a "[programming language](" but it's just some capitalist [shit]( by [Micro$oft]( that's supposed to give it some kind of monopoly. Really it's not even worth writing about. It's like [Java]( but worse. I'm tired, DO NOT USE THIS PSEUDOSHIT. Learn [C]( \ No newline at end of file +C# is supposed to be a "[programming language](" but it's just some capitalist [shit]( by [Micro$oft]( that's meant to give it some kind of monopoly. Really it's not even worth writing about. It's like [Java]( but worse. I'm tired, DO NOT USE THIS PSEUDOSHIT. Learn [C]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 374d5ab..284dda3 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Some **[interesting]( things** about Doom: ## Doom Engine/Code -*See also [game engine]( for the list of different Doom engines.* +*See also [game engine]( for the list of different Doom engines. Tl;dr: to play doom nowadays use either Chocolate Doom or Crispy Doom.* Doom source code is written in [C89]( and is about 36000 [lines of code]( long. The original system requirements stated roughly a 30 MHz [CPU]( and 4 MB [RAM]( as a minimum. It had 27 levels (9 of which were shareware), 8 weapons and 10 enemy types. The engine wasn't really as flexible in a way "[modern](" programmers expect, many things were hard coded, there was no [scripting]( or whatever (see? you don't fucking need it), new games using the engine had to usually modify the engine internals. diff --git a/ b/ index 82c0b2f..f4ae7c8 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ { My email is currently: drummyfish AT disroot DOT org. ~drummyfish } -Drummyfish (also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](, [anarchopacifist](, [heretic](, wannabe [generalist]( and proponent of [free software/culture](, who started [this wiki]( and invented the kind of [software]( it focuses on: [less retarded software]( (LRS), as well as [less retarded society]( Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [smallchesslib](, [tinyphysicsengine](, [SAF]( and [comun]( (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](, [Steamer Duck]( etc.). He has also been creating [free culture]( [art]( and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](; he buys and digitizes old public domain books and has been contributing with [public domain]( art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia]( (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons]( (also banned now), [opengameart](, [libregamewiki](, freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression]( (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder]( and has more than once been called a [schizo](, though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). He sometimes [self harms](, both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia]( (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan]( (made a pedo joke), [GitLab]( (hosted this wiki lol), (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](, some [Xonotic]( and [Openarena]( servers, ["Rational"Wiki]( { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning]( records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life]( and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects]( or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life]( Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard]( +Drummyfish (also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](, [anarchopacifist](, [heretic](, wannabe [generalist]( and proponent of [free software/culture](, who started [this wiki]( and invented the kind of [software]( it focuses on: [less retarded software]( (LRS), as well as [less retarded society]( Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib](, [smallchesslib](, [tinyphysicsengine](, [SAF]( and [comun]( (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](, [Steamer Duck]( etc.). He has also been creating [free culture]( [art]( and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](; he buys and digitizes old public domain books and has been contributing with [public domain]( art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia]( (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons]( (also banned now), [opengameart](, [libregamewiki](, freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression]( (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder]( and has more than once been called a [schizo](, though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). He sometimes [self harms](, both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia]( (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan]( (made a pedo joke), [GitLab]( (hosted this wiki lol), codeberg (because "?reasons?"), (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](, some [Xonotic]( and [Openarena]( servers, ["Rational"Wiki]( { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off impotent pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning]( records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life]( and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects]( or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life]( Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard]( **Drummyfish is the most physically disgusting bastard on [Earth](**, no [woman]( ever loved him, he is so ugly people get suicidal thoughts from seeing any part of him. He is also very stupid. diff --git a/ b/ index 2905322..241b5c8 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ *Not to be confused with [fuck]( or [frequently questioned answers](* -Now degenerated into kind of AMA. +Now degenerated into a kind of AMA. { answers by ~[drummyfish]( } diff --git a/ b/ index 6a558be..d868f19 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ Fixed point has at least these advantages over floating point: - It is **natural, easier to understand and therefore better predictable**, less tricky, [KISS](, [suckless]( (Float's IEEE 754 standard is 58 pages long, the paper *What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic* has 48 pages.) - Is easier to implement and so **supported in many more systems**. Any language or format supporting integers also supports fixed point. - It isn't ugly and in [two's complement]( **doesn't waste values** (unlike IEEE 754 with positive and negative zero, denormalized numbers, many [NaNs]( etc.). +- **It is usually well defined**, or at least better than float. While specifics of float -- such as exact precision, rounding rules etc. -- may be unspecified on many systems, with fixed point we usually know the result of any operation, or at least know the tricky cases we have to watch for (such as overflows). If we make an engine using floating point, it may behave differently on a computer that uses a different standard for floating point; with fixed point our engine will behave the same everywhere. - Some simpler (i.e. better) programming languages such as [comun]( don't support float at all, while fixed point can be used in any language that supports integers. +- ... + +What are the disadvantages? Well, we may for example lack precision sometimes, which can manifest e.g. by "jerky" movement in 3D engines, although there are always tricks and ways to fix this (increasing precision, [interpolation](, smoothing filters, ...), although it may sometimes be a bit more complicated. While older/simpler computers will benefit from fixed point, the big/"[modern](" computers on the other hand will suffer from it because we'll typically be using our own software implementation which has to compete with hardware accelerated floating point (still, we argue to rather favor the older/simpler computers). Also fixed point won't offer all the comfort that floating point nowadays comes with such as dealing with overflows etc. This is of course not an inherent disadvantage of fixed point but rather the status quo of computing industry, it's because floating point has been pimped and is delivered on a silver platter. In general using fixed point is a bit more [work]( we have to correctly choose the precision, manually adjust order of arithmetic operations, check for/prevent overflows etc., but in the end we get a better program. We have to argue for doing things well rather than quickly. ## How It Works diff --git a/ b/ index ac74415..0bb6d20 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -226,4 +226,8 @@ int main(void) return 0; } -``` \ No newline at end of file +``` + +## See Also + +- [goodbye world]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 2eeadd1..cebd46f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ In programming floating point (colloquially just *float*) is a way of representi **Floating point is tricky**, it works most of the time but a danger lies in programmers relying on this kind of [magic]( too much, some new generation programmers may not even be very aware of how float works. Even though the principle is not so hard, the emergent complexity of the math is really complex. One floating point expression may evaluate differently on different systems, e.g. due to different rounding settings. Floating point can introduce [chaotic]( behavior into linear systems as it inherently makes rounding errors and so becomes a nonlinear system (source: One common pitfall of float is working with big and small numbers at the same time -- due to differing precision at different scales small values simply get lost when mixed with big numbers and sometimes this has to be worked around with tricks (see e.g. [this]( devlog of The Witness where a float time variable sent into [shader]( is periodically reset so as to not grow too large and cause the mentioned issue). Another famous trickiness of float is that you shouldn't really be comparing them for equality with a normal `==` operator as small rounding errors may make even mathematically equal expressions unequal (i.e. you should use some range comparison instead). -And there is more: floating point behavior really depends on the language you're using (and possibly even compiler, its setting etc.) and it may not be always completely defined, leading to possible [nondeterministic]( behavior which can cause real trouble e.g. in physics engines. +And there is more: floating point behavior really depends on the language you're using (and possibly even compiler, its setting etc.) and it may not be always completely defined/specified, leading to possible [nondeterministic]( behavior which can cause real trouble e.g. in physics engines. This may also lead to nasty bugs and trouble with [portability]( (i.e. assuring the exact same behavior on all platforms). { Really as I'm now getting down the float rabbit hole I'm seeing what a huge mess it all is, I'm not nearly an expert on this so maybe I've written some BS here, which just confirms how messy floats are. Anyway, from the articles I'm reading even being an expert on this issue doesn't seem to guarantee a complete understanding of it :) Just avoid floats if you can. ~drummyfish } diff --git a/ b/ index 9e601f1..c200060 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ The following are some notable game engines. - *id Tech* engines (engines by [Id software]( - **id Tech 0**: Simple 2D [raycasting]( engine, written in [ANSI C](, used mainly in [Wolf3D]( (1992). - **id Tech 1**: [BSP]( rendering engine used mainly in [Doom]( and Doom 2. - - **[Chocolate Doom](**: Doom engine [fork]( aiming to be very similar to the vanilla version. - - **[Crispy Doom](**: Slight enhancement of Chocolate Doom: increased resolution ([640x480]( and removed hardcoded engine limits. - - **[GZDoom](**: Another Doom fork, supports newer OpenGL etc. + - **[Chocolate Doom](**: Doom engine [fork]( aiming to be very similar to the vanilla version, even including bugs. Keeps the original [software renderer]( Due to keeping it oldschool, this is a very KISS/suckless engine. + - **[Crispy Doom](**: Slight enhancement of Chocolate Doom: increased resolution ([640x480]( and removed hardcoded engine limits, sometimes also seems to run faster. Along with Chocolate Doom a very KISS/suckless engine. + - **[GZDoom](**: Another Doom fork, supports newer OpenGL etc., however it's quite [bloated]( and breaks compatibility. - **[PrBoom](**: Doom engine fork adding e.g. [OpenGL]( support. - **id Tech 2**: 3D engine used mainly in [Quake]( and Quake 2, in a modified form ([GoldSrc](, proprietary) also in [Half Life](, features both GPU accelerated and [software rendering]( - **[Darkplaces](**: [Fork]( of id Tech 2, used e.g. in [Xonotic]( diff --git a/ b/ index b143faf..2b804fd 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ GNU has developed an almost unbelievable amount of software, it has software for - [GNU Go]( ([go]( game engine) - [GNU Backgammon]( ([backgammon]( - [GNU shogi]( ([shogi]( - - ... + - ... { GNU rock paper scissors engine when? :D ~drummyfish } - [GNU Autotools]( ([build system]( - [CLISP]( (common [lisp]( language) - GNU Pascal ([pascal]( compiler) @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ GNU has developed an almost unbelievable amount of software, it has software for ## See Also +- [hippies]( - [Free Software Foundation]( - [Richard Stallman]( - [GNG]( (GNG is Not GNU) diff --git a/ b/ index 869dfe8..4bcfe21 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { Though history is usually written by the winners, this one was written by a loser who liked to sleep during school history lessons, so it's likely I put some bullshit here, send me correcting mails pls. ~drummyfish } -This is a brief summary of history of [technology]( and [computers]( (and some other things). For those who don't know history are doomed to repeated it. +This is a brief summary of history of [technology]( and [computers]( (and some other things). For those who don't know history are doomed to repeated it. As we are about see, history of human civilization can be viewed as a series of disasters called "revolutions" by which humans invent more and more ways to become miserable. { A curious pattern of history is that the civilization -- or maybe rather the dominating superpowers -- are moving to the west, kind of like: middle East -> Greece -> Rome -> Holy Roman Empire -> England/France/Spain -> America. ~drummyfish } diff --git a/ b/ index b85249b..e77a366 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -139,4 +139,4 @@ Here there are quick directions to some of the important topics; for more see th Feel free to ignore this. Here we'll put links to help them being promoted, to help small search engines connect the non-mainstream web and so on. Please note that we don't necessarily agree with or promote what's on these sites, we just feel it's good if they get a bump for whatever reason (e.g. being censored by mainstream, containing some useful stuff, having good web design, provoking thought, demonstrating something good, demonstrating something bad and so on). If you feel brave you can try randomly clicking something, we put quite interesting sites here. The links follow. { Let me know if you want to suggest addition or removal of some link. If some site turns 404, woke, capitalist or employs adds, I'll probably take it down. ~drummyfish } -[](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [ (archived because of censorship)](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, []( \ No newline at end of file +[](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [ (archived because of censorship)](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, [](, []( diff --git a/ b/ index c829a83..ad7cb5e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Almost any traditional game idea can be made into a minigame if we simplify it e - **maze** - **[minigolf](** - **[minesweeper](** +- **[nonogram](** - **[pacman](** - **[pinball](** - **[poker](** diff --git a/ b/ index b7cb7c9..0c60832 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ NOTE 2: See **[how to do projects well](**. | nice polished concise encyclopedia | mid/hard? | | | | nice printable UNCENSORED encyclop. (clone of Larousse Desk E.) | | | neural net/other ML library | hard? | | | | could use something KISS in pure C without needed python n shit | nothing | | non capitalist mouse | harder? | | | | simple no BS free HW mouse, can be ball, good if handles gamyes |capitalist mice :( keyboard| +| non [SJW]( non-profits/services | harder? | | | | git hosting, web hosting etc. that doesn't censor EVERYTHING | self host? | | steganography hosting anywhere | easy/mid | | |planning in head... |embedding uncensored data anywhere on the Inet with steganography| darknet n shit | |[PD computer](| very hard | | | | needs prerequisites done first (language, logic circ. lib., ...)| Thinkpads :) | | PD computer "[operating system]("| mid? | [comun shell]( | drummyfish | highly WIP | | BSDs? DuskOS? | diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35a6a11 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# Nonogram + +WIP + +Nonogram (so named after Non Ishida but known by various other names such as griddlers, crosspix, picross etc.) is a puzzle [game]( (somewhat remotely similar to the famous [sudoku]( puzzle) goal of which is to reconstruct a hidden picture in a two dimensional grid according to numeric clues on the sides of the grid that for each row and column say the number of continuous colored segments the given row/column contains. The idea is similar to guessing a shape of an object from its shadow projected on two walls; we may also see it as a constraints satisfaction type of problem. Different variants of nonogram exist, for example ones that use different shapes for the grid or utilize more than just two [colors](; here we will primarily focus on the simple, traditional nonogram with regular two dimensional grid and two colors. Like with all similar kinds of games [LRS]( considers nonogram a highly valued game for its [simplicity](, elegance, [mathematical]( depth, independence, legal freedom (no one owns the game as such, it's in the [public domain](, however this won't hold for the pictures themselves), practical freedom (no [computer]( is needed, only pen and paper) etc. It seems like the puzzle was created, or at least popularized, in 1987 in Japan. + +{ Nonogram has a [free](, [suckless]( implementation in Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection under the name "pattern". ~drummyfish } + +**Rules** are simple: we have a two dimensional grid, each square can be either black or white, initially all squares are white. The goal is to fill some squares black and so reveal a hidden picture according to clues given on the sides (usually left and top) of the grid. Each row and each column has a clue consisting of N numbers; each such clue says the lengths of continuous black-colored segments that are contained in that row/column, in that order, with at least one white square between them. For example a clue "2 3" under some column says the column from top to bottom will begin with a number (even zero) of white squares, then exactly two black squares will appear, then at least one white square and then exactly three black squares. + +The fact that **nonograms don't generally have a unique solution** is easy to see from a trivial example of a 2x2 grid with clue numbers 1 in each column and row: two possible solutions will satisfy these clues (a checkerboard pattern and its inversion). It appears (according to someone's 2022 master's thesis that focused solely on this problem) that deciding or even estimating the number of solutions of given nonogram is neither easy nor fast. + +``` + 1 1 1 2 + 2 2 1 1 1 1 + 8 2 2 1 1 1 2 6 + + 1 5 X X X X X X + 3 2 X X X X X + 2 1 X X X +1 1 2 X X X X +1 2 1 X X X X + 2 1 X X X + 3 2 X X X X X + 1 5 X X X X X X +``` + +*[SAF]( fish encoded as nonogram.* + +While construction clues from given picture is trivial, solving nonogram is **[NP complete](**, i.e. "(probably) difficult and slow", for which very different imperfect approaches are being utilized and combined, such as [DFS](, [genetic algorithms]( or [neural networks]( Some tips for solving (manual or automated) are these: + +- Reasoning techniques can in many situations be applied to quickly find which squares will be colored, for example: + - A single clue number in row/column that's bigger than half of the grid size means that some of the center squares have to be colored because there is an overlap of both extremes. This can be generalized to "an intersection of all possible configurations can be safely colored", i.e. consider all possibilities for a row/column and color the squares that are colored in all of them (and vice versa, if some square is NOT colored in all configurations, it can be marked as surely white). + - Some clues only allow a single configuration, i.e. for example "3 4" in a row that's 8 squares wide can be filled right away. Do these first. + - ... +- Marking squares that can no longer be colored helps greatly. +- Naturally [brute force]( solution always exists, but remember it will be slow -- it may be used to solve smaller grids or help finish a partial solution. When implementing this don't naively try every single possible picture as you won't live long enough to see the solution (the number of possible pictures is 2^(number of squares)); a smarter idea might be to go row by row (or column by column; perhaps sometimes one may be faster than the other) and for each one only check all of its possible configurations while also taking into account the state of previously filled lines. +- ... + +## See Also + +- [sudoku]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index f4c7b87..e1de136 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ There are many terms that are very similar and can many times be used interchang - **[free software]( (libre)** vs **[open source](** vs **[FOSS](** vs **[public domain](** vs **[source available](** vs **[freeware]( (gratis)** - **[gay](** vs **[LGBT](** - **[geek](** vs **[nerd](** +- **[globalism](** vs **[globalization](** - **[goniometry](** vs **[trigonometry](** - **[gradient noise](** vs **[value noise](** - **[hyperlink](** vs **[link](** vs **[URI](** vs **[URL](** diff --git a/ b/ index 6cb8a1a..bb38a21 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Portability -Portable [software]( is software that is easy to [port]( to (make run on) other [platforms]( Platforms here mean anything that serves as an environment enabling software to run, i.e. [hardware]( platforms ([CPUs](, [ISAs](, game consoles, ...), different [operating systems]( vs [bare metal](, [fantasy consoles]( etc. **Portability is an extremely important attribute of [good software](** as it allows us to write the program once and then run it on many different computers with little effort -- without portability we'd be constantly busy rewriting old programs to run on new computers, portability allows us to free our programs from being tied to specific computers and exist abstractly and independently and so become [future proof]( Examples of highly portable programs include [Anarch](, [Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection](, [sbase]( (suckless) implementation of Unix tools such as [cat]( and [cmp]( etc. (one wisdom coming from [Unix]( development actually states that portability should be favored even before performance). +Portable [software]( is software that is easy to [port]( to (make run on) other [platforms]( Platforms here mean anything that serves as an environment enabling software to run, i.e. [hardware]( platforms ([CPUs](, [ISAs](, game consoles, ...), different [operating systems]( vs [bare metal](, [fantasy consoles]( etc. **Portability is an extremely important attribute of [good software](** as it allows us to write the program once and then run it on many different computers with little effort -- without portability we'd be constantly busy rewriting old programs to run on new computers, portability allows us to free our programs from being tied to specific computers and exist abstractly and independently and so become [future proof]( Examples of highly portable programs include [Anarch](, [Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection](, [SAF](, [sbase]( (suckless) implementation of Unix tools such as [cat]( and [cmp]( etc. (one wisdom coming from [Unix]( development actually states that portability should be favored even before performance). **Portability is different from mere [multiplatformness](**: multiplatform software simply runs on more than one platform without necessarily being designed with high portability in mind; portable software on the other hand possesses the inherent attribute of being designed so that very little effort is required to make it run on wide range of general platforms. Multiplatformness can be achieved cheaply by using a [bloated]( framework such as the Godot engine or [QT]( framework, however that will not achieve portability; on the contrary it will hurt portability. Portability is achieved through good and careful design, efficient code and avoiding [dependencies]( and [bloat]( diff --git a/ b/ index 90c6307..0dcc64a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,1782 +2,1782 @@ Please kindly click random link. -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( 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+[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( +[*]( diff --git a/ b/ index 8fd510c..8f1f0d0 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ Some further examples of soyence: - "No, you can't research the details of historic events such as Holocaust. It is declared to have happened like this and if you suggest otherwise, you go to prison." (see anti [Holocaust]( denial laws) - great part of [economics]( - Ignoring and/or censoring results of unethical or controversial research, for example the cruel experiment performed by [Nazis](, i.e. mixing in political decisions. +- "Absence of evidence is evidence of absence", but only when it's convenient for them -- for example "humans are of recent origin because there is no evidence of older humans existing" (so as to support their claims about human race) or "God doesn't exist because we have no evidence for it", but when asked about whether life exists anywhere besides Earth they will go "YES YES YES" (because that supports science hype). { Stole this observation from Luke Smith's podcast. ~drummyfish } - Obsession about words rather than ideas and concepts, e.g. what is a "disorder" and "illness" vs "divergent", emotional arguments about whether Pluto is a "planet" or not etc. - "Feeling sexually attracted to 17.99 years old chick is a serious mental illness, please consider lobotomy and castration. 18.00 is OK." - Number of rapes has escalated by 1000%! (Because we redefined rape to include any interaction of man and woman.) diff --git a/ b/ index f484b05..5fd2352 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ int main(void) ## See Also +- [nonogram]( - [sudo]( - [minesweeper]( - [Rubik's cube]( diff --git a/ b/ index 7d5ff5f..65107cc 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -68,4 +68,5 @@ TODO: some PD shapes, math, stats, ... ## See Also +- [nonogram]( - [Soma cube]( diff --git a/ b/ index 83f2f6c..bb01b8f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ This is an autogenerated page listing all pages. -**[100r](** (3) -- **[21st_century](** (25) -- **[3d_model](** (256) -- **[3d_modeling](** (2) -- **[3d_rendering](** (590) -- **[42](** (14) -- **[4chan](** (30) -- **[README](** (9) -- **[aaron_swartz](** (4) -- **[abstraction](** (20) -- **[acronym](** (391) -- **[adam_smith](** (35) -- **[ai](** (30) -- **[algorithm](** (367) -- **[aliasing](** (61) -- **[altruism](** (6) -- **[anal_bead](** (8) -- **[analog](** (2) -- **[analytic_geometry](** (72) -- **[anarch](** (107) -- **[anarchism](** (15) -- **[ancap](** (31) -- **[anpac](** (6) -- **[antialiasing](** (157) -- **[antivirus_paradox](** (8) -- **[app](** (8) -- **[apple](** (6) -- **[approximation](** (20) -- **[arch](** (6) -- **[arduboy](** (39) -- **[art](** (20) -- **[ascii](** (149) -- **[ascii_art](** (206) -- **[ashley_jones](** (27) -- **[assembly](** (262) -- **[assertiveness](** (2) -- **[atan](** (23) -- **[atheism](** (25) -- **[attribution](** (16) -- **[audiophilia](** (6) -- **[autostereogram](** (120) -- **[autoupdate](** (2) -- **[avpd](** (4) -- **[axiom_of_choice](** (10) -- **[backgammon](** (58) -- **[backpropagation](** (87) -- **[bazaar](** (8) -- **[bbs](** (28) -- **[beauty](** (25) -- **[bilinear](** (124) -- **[bill_gates](** (34) -- **[billboard](** (59) -- **[binary](** (138) -- **[bit](** (4) -- **[bit_hack](** (172) -- **[bitreich](** (28) -- **[black](** (2) -- **[blender](** (10) -- **[bloat](** (197) -- **[bloat_monopoly](** (14) -- **[boat](** 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(53) -- **[comment](** (19) -- **[communism](** (27) -- **[competition](** (12) -- **[compiler_bomb](** (11) -- **[complexity](** (6) -- **[compression](** (233) -- **[compsci](** (21) -- **[computational_complexity](** (98) -- **[computer](** (121) -- **[comun](** (182) -- **[consumerism](** (16) -- **[copyfree](** (12) -- **[copyleft](** (30) -- **[copyright](** (56) -- **[corporation](** (22) -- **[cos](** (2) -- **[countercomplex](** (4) -- **[cpp](** (63) -- **[cpu](** (91) -- **[cracker](** (6) -- **[cracking](** (2) -- **[creative_commons](** (34) -- **[crime_against_economy](** (17) -- **[crow_funding](** (4) -- **[crypto](** (34) -- **[css](** (68) -- **[culture](** (24) -- **[cyber](** (2) -- **[czechia](** (26) -- **[data_hoarding](** (31) -- **[data_structure](** (38) -- **[de_facto](** (12) -- **[debugging](** (130) -- **[deep_blue](** (17) -- **[deferred_shading](** (11) -- **[demo](** (7) -- **[democracy](** (17) -- **[demoscene](** (23) -- **[dependency](** (50) -- **[determinism](** (24) -- **[devuan](** (8) -- **[dick_reveal](** (12) -- **[digital](** (14) -- **[digital_signature](** (12) -- **[dinosaur](** (4) -- **[diogenes](** (38) -- **[disease](** (53) -- **[distance](** (129) -- **[distrohopping](** (11) -- **[docker](** (2) -- **[dodleston](** (6) -- **[dog](** (36) -- **[doom](** (66) -- **[double_buffering](** (26) -- **[downto](** (18) -- **[dramatica](** (30) -- **[drummyfish](** (42) -- **[duke3d](** (29) -- **[dungeons_and_dragons](** (10) -- **[duskos](** (34) -- **[dynamic_programming](** (45) -- **[e](** (22) -- **[earth](** (67) -- **[easier_done_than_said](** (4) -- **[easy_to_learn_hard_to_master](** (17) -- **[education](** (4) -- **[egoism](** (21) -- **[elo](** (147) -- **[elon_musk](** (8) -- **[emoticon](** (135) -- **[encryption](** (4) -- **[encyclopedia](** (74) -- **[english](** (18) -- **[entrepreneur](** (2) -- **[entropy](** (51) -- **[esolang](** (82) -- **[ethics](** (4) -- **[everyone_does_it](** (18) -- 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**[www](** (122) -- **[x86](** (4) -- **[xd](** (0) -- **[xonotic](** (103) -- **[xxiivv](** (25) -- **[yes_they_can](** (10) -- **[youtube](** (29) -- **[zen](** (16) -- **[zero](** (31) -- **[zuckerberg](** (2) \ No newline at end of file +**[100r](** (3) -- **[21st_century](** (25) -- **[3d_model](** (256) -- **[3d_modeling](** (2) -- **[3d_rendering](** (590) -- **[42](** (14) -- **[4chan](** (30) -- **[README](** (9) -- **[aaron_swartz](** (4) -- **[abstraction](** (20) -- **[acronym](** (391) -- **[adam_smith](** (35) -- **[ai](** (30) -- **[algorithm](** (367) -- **[aliasing](** (61) -- **[altruism](** (6) -- **[anal_bead](** (8) -- **[analog](** (2) -- **[analytic_geometry](** (72) -- **[anarch](** (107) -- **[anarchism](** (15) -- **[ancap](** (31) -- **[anpac](** (6) -- **[antialiasing](** (157) -- **[antivirus_paradox](** (8) -- **[app](** (8) -- **[apple](** (6) -- **[approximation](** (20) -- **[arch](** (6) -- **[arduboy](** (39) -- **[art](** (20) -- **[ascii](** (149) -- **[ascii_art](** (206) -- **[ashley_jones](** (27) -- **[assembly](** (262) -- **[assertiveness](** (2) -- **[atan](** (23) -- **[atheism](** (25) -- **[attribution](** (16) -- **[audiophilia](** (6) -- **[autostereogram](** (120) -- **[autoupdate](** (2) -- **[avpd](** (4) -- **[axiom_of_choice](** (10) -- **[backgammon](** (58) -- **[backpropagation](** (87) -- **[bazaar](** (8) -- **[bbs](** (28) -- **[beauty](** (25) -- **[bilinear](** (124) -- **[bill_gates](** (34) -- **[billboard](** (59) -- **[binary](** (138) -- **[bit](** (4) -- **[bit_hack](** (172) -- **[bitreich](** (28) -- **[black](** (2) -- **[blender](** (10) -- **[bloat](** (197) -- **[bloat_monopoly](** (14) -- **[boat](** (34) -- **[body_shaming](** (2) -- **[books](** (35) -- **[boot](** (2) -- **[bootstrap](** (49) -- **[brain_software](** (14) -- **[brainfuck](** (382) -- **[bs](** (2) -- **[build_engine](** (2) -- **[bullshit](** (49) -- **[byte](** (19) -- **[bytebeat](** (144) -- **[bytecode](** (281) -- **[c](** (383) -- **[c_pitfalls](** (156) -- **[c_sharp](** (2) -- **[c_tutorial](** (2155) -- **[cache](** (27) -- **[cancel_culture](** (4) -- **[cancer](** (25) -- **[capitalism](** (158) -- **[capitalist_singularity](** (4) -- **[capitalist_software](** (28) -- **[cat_v](** (12) -- **[cc](** (6) -- **[cc0](** (15) -- **[censorship](** (61) -- **[chaos](** (109) -- **[charity_sex](** (6) -- **[chasm_the_rift](** (16) -- **[cheating](** (12) -- **[chess](** (308) -- **[chinese](** (13) -- **[cloud](** (8) -- **[cloudflare](** (26) -- **[coc](** (19) -- **[coding](** (6) -- **[collapse](** (32) -- **[collision](** (8) -- **[collision_detection](** (26) -- **[color](** (29) -- **[combinatorics](** (53) -- **[comment](** (19) -- **[communism](** (27) -- **[competition](** (12) -- **[compiler_bomb](** (11) -- **[complexity](** (6) -- **[compression](** (233) -- **[compsci](** (21) -- **[computational_complexity](** (98) -- **[computer](** (121) -- **[comun](** (182) -- **[consumerism](** 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-- **[dog](** (36) -- **[doom](** (66) -- **[double_buffering](** (26) -- **[downto](** (18) -- **[dramatica](** (30) -- **[drummyfish](** (42) -- **[duke3d](** (29) -- **[dungeons_and_dragons](** (10) -- **[duskos](** (34) -- **[dynamic_programming](** (45) -- **[e](** (22) -- **[earth](** (67) -- **[easier_done_than_said](** (4) -- **[easy_to_learn_hard_to_master](** (17) -- **[education](** (4) -- **[egoism](** (21) -- **[elo](** (147) -- **[elon_musk](** (8) -- **[emoticon](** (135) -- **[encryption](** (4) -- **[encyclopedia](** (74) -- **[english](** (18) -- **[entrepreneur](** (2) -- **[entropy](** (51) -- **[esolang](** (82) -- **[ethics](** (4) -- **[everyone_does_it](** (18) -- **[evil](** (26) -- **[exercises](** (345) -- **[explicit](** (2) -- **[f2p](** (2) -- **[facebook](** (4) -- **[faggot](** (4) -- **[fail_ab](** (46) -- **[fantasy_console](** (41) -- **[faq](** (271) -- **[fascism](** (25) -- **[fascist](** (2) -- **[fear_culture](** (4) -- **[fediverse](** (12) -- 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**[usa](** (64) -- **[used](** (2) -- **[usenet](** (147) -- **[uxn](** (45) -- **[vector](** (109) -- **[venus_project](** (61) -- **[version_numbering](** (54) -- **[vim](** (80) -- **[viznut](** (10) -- **[watchdog](** (10) -- **[wavelet_transform](** (35) -- **[web](** (4) -- **[whale](** (13) -- **[wiby](** (14) -- **[wiki_authors](** (10) -- **[wiki_pages](** (4) -- **[wiki_post_mortem](** (15) -- **[wiki_rights](** (10) -- **[wiki_stats](** (213) -- **[wiki_style](** (76) -- **[wikidata](** (55) -- **[wikipedia](** (96) -- **[wikiwikiweb](** (32) -- **[windows](** (58) -- **[wizard](** (9) -- **[woman](** (160) -- **[work](** (48) -- **[world_broadcast](** (13) -- **[wow](** (10) -- **[www](** (122) -- **[x86](** (4) -- **[xd](** (0) -- **[xonotic](** (103) -- **[xxiivv](** (25) -- **[yes_they_can](** (10) -- **[youtube](** (29) -- **[zen](** (16) -- **[zero](** (31) -- **[zuckerberg](** (2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index ebf8cd7..0e75b25 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ The following is written by [drummyfish]( THIS WILL BE CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS -I am hoping to possibly get a few more years of writing, however eventually [this wiki]( will get censored, I will be cancelled, put in jail or killed (or I will just run into the woods or just go insane of capitalism or something, one never knows); this page here is to leave final words of advice on what to do next. For now let me write a few basic points: +I am hoping to possibly get a few more years of writing, however eventually [this wiki]( will get [censored](, I will be [cancelled](, put in jail or killed (or I will just run into the woods or just go insane of capitalism or something, one never knows); NGL I am also getting older and tired and perhaps even looking forward to the retirement, in whatever form, voluntary or not. This page here is to leave final words of advice on what to do next. For now let me write a few basic points: - Although obvious, let's still stress that once this wiki stops being updated, it becomes frozen in time, representing an imperfect snapshot of drummyfish's views and of the world at a certain point in time. Years later drummyfish and the whole society will likely diverge in either ways, becoming worse or better -- one will inevitably keep discovering new things or his previous errors, he may simply change his interests and some opinions. This is not to waive "responsibility", just to state the simple fact that the work will become a mere photo of someone living in some kind of world at a specific point in time. Please treat the work for what it is. - I will be demonized, therefore forget me; the work will be attacked [ad hominem](, the biggest argument against it will be "the author supported [pedophilia](, therefore the work is invalid" (or something similar). Read the ideas here and only focus on them. - Keep the work accessible, at least in the underground; if it can't be on clearnet, keep it on on the dark net, on torrents, print it out on paper etc. I hereby thank you for doing this. - Keep improving the work, add more articles, correct errors, translate it etc. Again, thank you. If you continue developing this, it might be good to rename the project a bit so that it's clear it's no longer the original work, that it's something new written by someone else. - **This work will be modified with malicious intents** by those who dislike it, it will either be censored by removing what they deem unacceptable, or it will be changed so as to rather help promote their views; they will put words in my mouth to make it seem I supported something I actually opposed, to make me seem more insane than I actually was etc. -- again, forget I existed, view the ideas and judge them by clear logic; logic will help you reveal any edits made to this work, as this work is build on top of pure truth and logic, it is impossible to change something so as to keep it fitting in. -- Similarly if this work gets wider attention -- which is unlikely but possible, for example if some famous YouTubers makes a video about the schizo who made it or something -- it may be used to kickstart a harmful movement completely contradicting the original ideas -- therefore beware this, do not follow a "LRS" brand but only the ideas. This pattern is repeating in history: someone comes up with a good idea that gains some popularity, then someone else takes the popularity of it as capital, takes the idea and turns it completely on its head while keeping the majority of brand-following sheeps as supporters, while the original creator or the minority of original supporters of the true, pure idea are forgotten, suffocated by the majority of idiots, oftentimes ridiculed, censored, bullied, canceled and even removed. It happens over and over, typical example being e.g. open source, a capitalist movement, being spawned from free software, an anticapitalist movement, or with suckless, an anti-consumerist movement, spawning a ricing consumerist craziness, or with China successfully building capitalist society on top of "communism", or with militant, capitalist "Christians" riding on top of non-violent, anticapitalist teaching of Jesus and so on. Never follow the brand or a word, follow individual pure ideas. +- Similarly if this work gets wider attention -- which is unlikely but possible, for example if some famous YouTuber makes a video about the schizo who made it or something -- it may be used to kickstart a harmful movement completely contradicting the original ideas -- therefore beware this, do not follow a "LRS" brand but only the ideas. This pattern is repeating in history: someone comes up with a good idea that gains some popularity, then someone else takes the popularity of it as capital, takes the idea and turns it completely on its head while keeping the majority of brand-following sheeps as supporters, while the original creator or the minority of original supporters of the true, pure idea are forgotten, suffocated by the majority of idiots, oftentimes ridiculed, censored, bullied, canceled and even removed. It happens over and over, typical example being e.g. open source, a capitalist movement, being spawned from free software, an anticapitalist movement, or with suckless, an anti-consumerist movement, spawning a ricing consumerist craziness, or with China successfully building capitalist society on top of "communism", or with militant, capitalist "Christians" riding on top of non-violent, anticapitalist teaching of Jesus and so on. Never follow the brand or a word, follow individual pure ideas. - Also, especially for the readers in further [future](, remember the message of this work will naturally be becoming more obscured and distorted just by the change of [human language]( itself. Words slightly change meanings and sometimes shift by a lot, slight contemporary connotations and associations get lost and new ones arise so the meaning of every single word I use nowadays may differ significantly from your meaning of the word (this is always a problem with trying to understand ancient texts, see e.g. interpretations of [Bible](, quotes of [Jesus]( and so on). Just as with intentional distortions though, logic should help you reveal them. This text is meant to point in the direction of truth and if it gets fuzzy, the direction will be more unclear, but you should be able to tell if it's pointing in the wrong direction because you can look there and you will simply find nothing. - Remember to not become like them, do not use violence, do not become a fascist, do not fight them or wish them ill, be loving and peaceful, help everyone and be selfless. If against my advice you still choose to keep some memory of me, then please mainly remember that I loved you :) <3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index a609e98..8b659e8 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki. - number of articles: 594 -- number of commits: 887 -- total size of all texts in bytes: 4365748 -- total number of lines of article texts: 33253 +- number of commits: 888 +- total size of all texts in bytes: 4368629 +- total number of lines of article texts: 33331 - number of script lines: 294 - occurrences of the word "person": 8 - occurrences of the word "nigger": 93 @@ -35,60 +35,71 @@ longest articles: top 50 5+ letter words: -- which (2476) +- which (2477) - there (1885) - people (1691) - example (1474) - other (1344) -- number (1244) -- about (1193) +- number (1247) +- about (1194) - software (1185) - program (985) -- because (932) +- because (933) - their (909) - would (898) - called (838) -- language (834) +- language (837) - something (833) -- being (831) +- being (832) - things (819) -- numbers (804) +- numbers (806) - simple (783) - computer (760) - without (741) - programming (722) - function (714) - these (691) -- however (689) -- different (685) +- however (690) +- different (686) - system (656) - world (636) +- doesn (628) - should (627) -- doesn (627) - while (610) - point (598) -- games (593) +- games (594) - society (586) -- drummyfish (569) -- simply (568) +- drummyfish (570) +- simply (569) - still (566) - using (562) - though (553) - possible (551) +- similar (529) - https (529) -- similar (527) -- memory (526) +- memory (527) - course (524) - value (508) - always (508) - technology (501) -- basically (494) -- really (487) -- probably (487) +- basically (495) +- probably (489) +- really (488) latest changes: ``` +Date: Tue Oct 1 13:26:35 2024 +0200 + + + + + + + + + + Date: Sun Sep 29 21:48:44 2024 +0200 @@ -111,23 +122,6 @@ Date: Thu Sep 26 14:28:52 2024 +0200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ``` most wanted pages: diff --git a/ b/ index 2f8a743..44606a2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Windows has these disadvantages (this is just a few things, we can't possibly as - You have to only have one brain cell to use it. - It doesn't work on old (superior) computers. - It's unusable for servers. It's also unusable for anything else. -- It shits on [Unix philosophy](, it does everything EXACTLY the opposite way than it should be done. It pushes harmful concepts such as monolithic software, GUI for everything etc. +- It shits on [Unix philosophy](, it does everything EXACTLY the opposite way than it should be done. It pushes harmful concepts such as monolithic software, [GUI]( for everything etc. - It does poorly even in implementing its own philosophy, for example its GUI design is absolute crap cretinous retarded shit that was designed by a monkey, incoherent and unintuitive rushed piece of shit. - It constantly downloads stuff from the Internet, eating up your bandwidth, stopping to work when Internet goes down. - It's hostile to anything [free](, for example it will nuke all other operating systems when installed.