Miloslav Ciz 2 years ago
parent 214ed2d6a1
commit 7ab39dd689

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# Atheism
*"In this moment I am euphoric ..."* --some retarded atheist
An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in god or any other similar supernatural beings.
An especially annoying kind is the **[reddit]( atheist** who will DESTROY YOU WITH FACTS AND LOGIC^(TM). These atheists are 14 year old children who think they've discovered the secret of the universe and have to let the whole world know they're atheists who will destroy you with their 200 [IQ]( [logic]( and knowledge of all 10 [cognitive biases]( and argument fallacies, while in fact they reside at the [mount stupid]( and many times involuntarily appear on other subreddits such as r/iamverysmart and r/cringe. They masturbate to [Richard Dawkins](, love to read [soyentific]( studiiiiiies about how race has no biological meaning and think that religion is literally [Hitler]( They like to pick easy targets such as [flatearthers]( and cyberbully them on [YouTube]( with the power of SCIENCE and their enormously large thesaurus (they will never use a word that's among the 100000 most common English words). They are so [cringe]( you want to [kill yourself](, but their discussions are sometimes entertaining to read with a bowl of popcorn.
On a bit more serious note: we've all been there, most people in their teens think they're literal [Einsteins]( and then later in life cringe back on themselves. However, some don't grow out of it and stay arrogant, ignorant fucks for their whole lives. The principal mistake of the stance they retain is they try to apply "science" (or whatever it means in their world) to EVERYTHING and reject any other approach to solving problems -- of course, [science]( (the real one) is great, but it's just a tool, and just like you can't fix every problem with a hammer, you can't approach every problem with science. In your daily life you make a million of unscientific decisions and it would be bad to try to apply science to them; you cross the street not because you've read a peer-reviewed paper about it being the most scientifically correct thing to do, but because you feel like doing it, because you believe the drivers will stop and won't run you over. Beliefs, intuition, emotion, non-rationality and even spirituality are and have to be part of life, and it's extremely stupid to oppose these concepts just out of principle. With that said, there's nothing wrong about being a well behaved man who just doesn't feel a belief in any god in his heart, just you know, don't be an idiot.
Among the greatest minds it is hard to find true atheists, even though they typically have a personal and not easy to describe faith. [Newton]( was a Christian. [Einstein]( often used the word "[God](" instead of "nature" or "universe"; even though he said he didn't believe in the traditional personal God, he also said that the laws of physics were like books in a library which must have obviously been written by someone or something we can't comprehend. [Nikola Tesla]( said he was "deeply religious, though not in the orthodox sense". There are also very hardcore religious people such as [Larry Wall](, the inventor of [Perl]( language, who even planned to be a Christian missionary. The "true atheists" are mostly second grade "scientists" who make career out of the pose and make living by writing books about atheism rather than being scientists.
## See Also
- [stupidity](

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# Gay
Homosexuality is a disorder which makes individuals sexually attracted primarily to the same sex. A homosexual individual is called gay, homo or faggot.
Homosexuality is a disorder/disease which makes individuals sexually attracted primarily to the same sex. A homosexual individual is called gay, homo or faggot.
There is a terrorist fascist organization called [LGBT]( aiming to make gays superior to other people.

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# Java
*Unfortunately 3 billion devices run Java.*
Java (not to be confused with [JavaScript]( is a highly [bloated](, inefficient, "[programming language](" that's sadly kind of popular. It is compiled to [bytecode]( and therefore "[platform independent](" (as long as the platform has a lot of resources to waste on running Java [virtual machine]( Some of the features of Java include [bloat](, slow loading, slow running, [supporting capitalism](, forced and unavoidable [object obsession]( and the necessity to create a billion of files to write even a simple program.
Avoid this [shit](
{ I've met retards who seriously think Java is more portable than [C]( lol. I wanna [suicide]( myself. ~drummyfish }

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*Love everyone, help selflessly.*
Welcome to [Less Retarded Wiki](, an encyclopedia only I can edit. But you can [fork]( it, it is [public domain]( under [CC0]( :)
Welcome to [Less Retarded Wiki](, an encyclopedia only I can edit. But you can [fork]( it, it is [public domain]( under [CC0]( :) Holy [shit](, I'm gonna get [canceled]( hard as soon as [SJWs]( find out about this. Until then, let's enjoy the ride. THERE'S NO [MODERATION](, I can do whatever I want here lol. I love this.
This is a Wiki for [less retarded software]( (LRS) and related topics, mainly those of politics and society which LRS should help achieve. LRS Wiki is a new, refreshing wiki without [political correctness](

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# Programming
Programming is the act of writing computer [programs](; it involves creation of [algorithms]( and [data structures]( and implementing them in [programming languages](
Programming is the act and [art]( of writing computer [programs](; it involves creation of [algorithms]( and [data structures]( and implementing them in [programming languages](
You may also encounter the term [coding]( which is used by [noob]( [wannabe programmers](, so called "coders" or [code monkeys]( "Coding" doesn't reach the quality of programming, it is done in baby handholding languages like [Python]( and [JavaScript]( by people with very shallow knowledge of technology and its context, barely qualified to turn on a computer, who have flooded the computer industry since it became lucrative. What they do is not real programming. Do not try to imitate them.
You may also encounter the term [coding]( which is used by [noob]( [wannabe programmers](, so called "coders" or [code monkeys]( "Coding" doesn't reach the quality of programming, it is done in baby handholding languages like [Python]( and [JavaScript]( by people with very shallow knowledge of technology and its context, barely qualified to turn on a computer (like [jewtubers](, who have flooded the computer industry since it became lucrative. What they do is not real programming. Do not try to imitate them.
At high level programming becomes [spiritual]( Check out e.g. the famous [Tao of Programming]( (yes, it's kind of a [joke]( but it's based on reality, programming can truly be kind of a [meditation]( Many people say that learning programming opens your eyes in a certain new way, you then see the world like never before (but that's probably kind of true of almost all skills so this may be a [shit]( statement). Others say too much programming cripples you mentally and gives you [autism]( Anyway it's [fun]( Programming requires a good knowledge of advanced [math]( Also probably at least above average [IQ](, as well as below average social intelligence. Being [man]( is an advantage.

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# Universe
Universe is everything that exists, it is the [spacetime]( and everything in it, all matter and energy as well as all the laws of nature by which it behaves. The size of the whole universe is not known, it is possibly [infinite](, however the size of the observable universe -- the part of it with which we can ever interact due to limited [speed of light]( combined with constant expansion of space -- is about 93 billion [light years]( in diameter, and contains an estimated number of 100 billion [galaxies](, each containing hundreds of billions of [stars]( Current science says the universe is about 13.7 billion years old and that it started with the [Big Bang](, a point in time from which everything began to rapidly expand from a single point in space.
[Computers]( can be used to [simulate]( certain parts of the universe, in fact all programs mimic the universe in some kind of simplified way, be it scientific simulations of planet collisions, government databases or [games]( -- they all more or less accurately model the reality. We can also see computers as a way of creating smaller universes, which leads many to think our universe may itself be a [simulation]( running on some computer in a "bigger" universe (note that this probably isn't testable and the debate isn't scientific, but we can lead philosophical discussions about it).