This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-09-26 14:28:52 +02:00
parent 822cc8a49a
commit 7b2d16ae41
23 changed files with 1855 additions and 1818 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ We see there is zero difference besides changed names.
Among the greatest minds it is hard to find true atheists, even though they typically have a personal and not easy to describe faith. [Newton]( was a Christian. [Einstein]( often used the word "[God](" instead of "nature" or "universe"; even though he said he didn't believe in the traditional personal God, he also said that the laws of physics were like books in a library which must have obviously been written by someone or something we can't comprehend. [Nikola Tesla]( said he was "deeply religious, though not in the orthodox sense". There are also very hardcore religious people such as [Larry Wall](, the inventor of [Perl]( language, who even planned to be a Christian missionary. The "true atheists" are mostly second grade "scientists" who make career out of the pose and make living by writing books about atheism rather than being scientists. Among the greatest minds it is hard to find true atheists, even though they typically have a personal and not easy to describe faith. [Newton]( was a Christian. [Einstein]( often used the word "[God](" instead of "nature" or "universe"; even though he said he didn't believe in the traditional personal God, he also said that the laws of physics were like books in a library which must have obviously been written by someone or something we can't comprehend. [Nikola Tesla]( said he was "deeply religious, though not in the orthodox sense". There are also very hardcore religious people such as [Larry Wall](, the inventor of [Perl]( language, who even planned to be a Christian missionary. The "true atheists" are mostly second grade "scientists" who make career out of the pose and make living by writing books about atheism rather than being scientists.
checkmate QED
## See Also ## See Also
- [stupidity]( - [stupidity](

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ The program outputs:
8 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 8 8 7 6 6 5 4 3
``` ```
**Cool [hack]( to improve bilinear interpolation** (from bilinear interpolation doesn't looks as good as bicubic but bicubic is a lot more complex on hardware and bandwidth as it requires fetching more texels -- there is one trick which [shader]( programmers use to improve the look of bilinear filtering while not requiring fetching more texels. They use the `smoothstep` function on the interpolation parameter which eliminates instant "jumps" at edges between texels, it replaces straight lines with a smoother curve and so makes the [derivative]( of the result continuous -- basically it looks a lot better. Still not as good as bicubic but close enough. **Cool [hack]( to improve bilinear interpolation** (from bilinear interpolation doesn't looks as good as bicubic but bicubic is a lot more complex on hardware and bandwidth as it requires fetching more texels -- there is one trick which [shader]( programmers use to improve the look of bilinear filtering while not requiring fetching more texels. They use the `smoothstep` function on the interpolation parameter which eliminates instant "jumps" at edges between texels, it replaces straight lines with a smoother curve and so makes the [derivative]( of the result continuous -- basically it looks a lot better. Still not as good as bicubic but [close enough](
TODO: code for the above TODO: code for the above

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@ -16,6 +16,18 @@ Sometimes it is not 100% clear which action constitutes censorship: for example
There exist **tools for bypassing censorship**, e.g. [proxies]( or encrypted and/or distributed, censorship-resistant networks such as [Tor](, [Freenet](, [I2P]( or [torrent]( file sharing. Watch out: using such tools may be illegal or at least make you look suspicious and be targeted harder by the surveillance. There exist **tools for bypassing censorship**, e.g. [proxies]( or encrypted and/or distributed, censorship-resistant networks such as [Tor](, [Freenet](, [I2P]( or [torrent]( file sharing. Watch out: using such tools may be illegal or at least make you look suspicious and be targeted harder by the surveillance.
## Example Of Bordeline Case: Is It Censorship Or Not?
Let's take a look at a borderline case which some may see as censorship and some not, and let's try to resolve the situation, provided we are anti-censorship, i.e. we want to minimize censorship. Note here we will NOT be giving arguments for or against censorship, we just assume the reader is already against censorship (of course many readers may disagree but discussion of this question is left for another section).
Say we want to create a [GNU]( style repository of strictly [free software]( in which we won't include any proprietary software but also any free software that likely leads to running proprietary software, such as [Wine]( (software that allows running [Windows]( programs on non-Windows systems). Let's assume that technically adding Wine to the repository would be very easy, but we decide not to do it because its primary purpose is to run Windows only programs which are typically proprietary and this violates our inclusion policy. I.e. we'll leave out any arguments about resources and technicalities and will only focus on the question of policy and its implementation. Is this censorship or not? Some say yes because, by definition, we are hiding something from the people, while others say this isn't censorship e.g. because we are making a SELECTION of software and we are clear about what it includes.
(Note that argumenting e.g. by not wanting to support unethical software, protecting the users or "having the right to do whatever we like with our property" can't be used here because these are just pro-censorship arguments, they don't argue we aren't implementing censorship, they just try to give justification for why we SHOULD or CAN implement censorship.)
The truth is probably in the middle: it is censorship to some degree but not a blatant "full 100%" aggressive one. It's simply a gray area like many others commonly encountered in real life scenarios. The important question here is rather this: given our goal (of creating a repository of free software that should be helpful to the people), how can we minimize the amount of censorship we're doing? We cannot remove all censorship, but we can minimize it. The [LRS]( solution to the situation would be probably something akin the following.
Let's create a base repository of all useful software that comes with a free license, i.e. even that which might break our original policy. (Note: we decide to not include any proprietary software because here the question of resources will already play a practical role -- including also proprietary software would require orders of magnitude more resources such as storage and maintainer time.) Now in this repository we will tag the software that passes our original policy let's say as *approved free software*. I.e. we have created (without much extra effort) effectively two repositories: that of all free software and that of *approved* free software. Now we are giving users a choice whether they want to use all free software or just the approved one. When the user installs an OS, he may be asked whether he only wants to see approved software (potentially safer) or all software (bigger risk but more software at hand), the decision is on him. Now we aren't doing thinking for the user, we aren't treating him like a baby, we only do a service for him and don't try to manipulate him, i.e. we are [selfless]( -- or at least more selfless than we were before. We aren't giving him a ultimatum ("either accept our censored repository or stay in your proprietary dystopia"), we are solely providing a service (basically a categorization and review of software) and want nothing in return. Yes, there is still a bit of censorship (no proprietary software, moving software to non-approved repository may make it less visible etc.), but it's much better than before. This is how it should be done.
## Examples ## Examples
Censorship is so frequent that it's hard to give just a short list of examples, especially [nowadays](, but here are a few: Censorship is so frequent that it's hard to give just a short list of examples, especially [nowadays](, but here are a few:

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@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ Cheating means circumventing or downright violating rules, usually while trying
The truth is that **cheating is only an issue in a [shitty]( society** that is driven by [competition]( (even if you disagree). Indeed, in such society there is a huge motivation for cheating (sometimes literally physical survival) as well as potentially disastrous consequences of it. Under the tyranny of capitalism we are led to worship [heroes]( and high achievers and everyone gets pissed when we get fooled. Corporations go "OH NOES our multi billion dollar entertainment industry is going to go bankrupt if consoomers get annoyed by cheaters! People are gonna lose their bullshit jobs! Someone is going to get money he doesn't deserve! Our customers may get butthurt!!!" (as if corporations themselves weren't basically just stealing money and raping people lol). So they start a huge brainwashing propaganda campaign, a cheater witch hunt. States do the same, communities do the same, everyone wants to stone cheaters to death but at the same time the society pressures all of us to compete to death with others or else we'll starve. We reward winners and torture the losers, then bash people who try to win -- and no, many times there is no other choice than to cheat, the top of any competition is littered with cheaters, most just don't get caught, so in about 99% of cases the only way to the top is to cheat and try to not get caught, just to have a shot at winning against others. It is proven time after time, legit looking people in the top leagues of sports, business, [science]( and other areas are constantly being revealed as cheaters, usually by pure accident (i.e. the number of actual cheater is MANY times higher). Take a look for instance at the [Trackmania]( cheating scandal in which after someone invented a replay analysis tool he revealed that a great number or top level players were just cheaters, including possibly the GOAT of Trackmania [Riolu]( (who just ragequit and never showed again lol). Of course famous cases like Neil Armstrong don't even have to be mentioned. { I just randomly found out that in the world of Pokemon tournaments cheating at top level also showed to be a huge issue lol. ~drummyfish } Cheater detection systems are (and always will be) imperfect and try to minimize [false positives](, so only the cheaters who REPEATEDLY make MANY very OBVIOUS mistakes get caught, the smart cheaters stay and take the top places in the competitive system, just as surely as natural selection leads to the evolution of organisms that best adapt to the environment. Even if perfect cheat-detection systems existed, the problem would just shift from cheating to immoral unsportmanship, i.e. abuse of rules that's technically not cheating but effectively presents the same kind of problems. How to solve this enormously disgusting mess? We simply have to stop desperately holding to the system itself, we have to ditch it. The truth is that **cheating is only an issue in a [shitty]( society** that is driven by [competition]( (even if you disagree). Indeed, in such society there is a huge motivation for cheating (sometimes literally physical survival) as well as potentially disastrous consequences of it. Under the tyranny of capitalism we are led to worship [heroes]( and high achievers and everyone gets pissed when we get fooled. Corporations go "OH NOES our multi billion dollar entertainment industry is going to go bankrupt if consoomers get annoyed by cheaters! People are gonna lose their bullshit jobs! Someone is going to get money he doesn't deserve! Our customers may get butthurt!!!" (as if corporations themselves weren't basically just stealing money and raping people lol). So they start a huge brainwashing propaganda campaign, a cheater witch hunt. States do the same, communities do the same, everyone wants to stone cheaters to death but at the same time the society pressures all of us to compete to death with others or else we'll starve. We reward winners and torture the losers, then bash people who try to win -- and no, many times there is no other choice than to cheat, the top of any competition is littered with cheaters, most just don't get caught, so in about 99% of cases the only way to the top is to cheat and try to not get caught, just to have a shot at winning against others. It is proven time after time, legit looking people in the top leagues of sports, business, [science]( and other areas are constantly being revealed as cheaters, usually by pure accident (i.e. the number of actual cheater is MANY times higher). Take a look for instance at the [Trackmania]( cheating scandal in which after someone invented a replay analysis tool he revealed that a great number or top level players were just cheaters, including possibly the GOAT of Trackmania [Riolu]( (who just ragequit and never showed again lol). Of course famous cases like Neil Armstrong don't even have to be mentioned. { I just randomly found out that in the world of Pokemon tournaments cheating at top level also showed to be a huge issue lol. ~drummyfish } Cheater detection systems are (and always will be) imperfect and try to minimize [false positives](, so only the cheaters who REPEATEDLY make MANY very OBVIOUS mistakes get caught, the smart cheaters stay and take the top places in the competitive system, just as surely as natural selection leads to the evolution of organisms that best adapt to the environment. Even if perfect cheat-detection systems existed, the problem would just shift from cheating to immoral unsportmanship, i.e. abuse of rules that's technically not cheating but effectively presents the same kind of problems. How to solve this enormously disgusting mess? We simply have to stop desperately holding to the system itself, we have to ditch it.
**Anticheating is a totalitarian [cancer](** and has to be ended. Anticheating goes strictly against freedom and [anarchist]( ideas because it requires an authority, a kind of police, surveillance, punishment mechanisms and so on. Technically speaking anticheating can be implemented in two main ways, both of which are highly [harmful]( First one is the [antivirus]([DRM]( way and requires invading the player's computer with spyware that checks he is not running any cheating programs -- this of course comes with ensuring the player is rid of control over his own machine so that he's not able to prevent the anticheating program to do its job, so this is absolutely unacceptable for anyone supporting [free software]( The other was is [mathematical](, based on just observing the games and [statistically]( deciding whether the player cheats or not -- this is better in not having to take away the user's freedom over his own machine, however it takes away the freedom to behave however one desires and it dictates you always have to play the same way (and, naturally, is imperfect and comes with false positives etc.). For example a great indicator of cheating in chess is that someone takes the same time to think about every move, it's unnatural and not how normal humans plays, so if someone plays like it he is labeled a cheater. But what if someone WANTS to play like it? What if someone makes it a self imposed challenge to make ever move in exactly three seconds? Anticheater cults says you mustn't do it and you have to conform to how everyone else plays. Similarly they say that it is, for example, statistically impossible for a 1500 rated player to suddenly play ten moves in a row like a 2500 rated player so if this occurs, you're again labeled a cheater and banned. But what if someone is 2500 rated and has been purposefully playing like a 1500 until now to keep a moment of surprise for a difficult opponent? Then we observe the same thing under completely legit circumstances. Now the anticheating cult will even go aggressive on you and they will attack you for breaking their badly designed system (which is designed to abuse you in the first place), they will ban you for [trolling]( and advise you to kill yourself. No [fun]( or diversity of play is allowed in anticheating world, only normality is allowed, otherwise statistics won't work. **Anticheating is a totalitarian [cancer](** and has to be ended. Anticheating goes strictly against freedom and [anarchist]( ideas because it requires an authority, a kind of police, surveillance, punishment mechanisms and so on. Technically speaking anticheating can be implemented in two main ways, both of which are highly [harmful]( First one is the [antivirus]([DRM]( way and requires invading the player's computer with spyware that checks he is not running any cheating programs -- this of course comes with ensuring the player is rid of control over his own machine so that he's not able to prevent the anticheating program to do its job, so this is absolutely unacceptable for anyone supporting [free software]( The other was is [mathematical](, based on just observing the games and [statistically]( deciding whether the player cheats or not -- this is better in not having to take away the user's freedom over his own machine, however it takes away the freedom to behave however one desires and it dictates you always have to play the same way (and, naturally, is imperfect and comes with false positives etc.). For example a great indicator of cheating in chess is that someone takes the same time to think about every move, it's unnatural and not how normal humans plays, so if someone plays like it he is labeled a cheater. But what if someone WANTS to play like it? What if someone makes it a self imposed challenge to make ever move in exactly three seconds? Anticheater cults says you mustn't do it and you have to conform to how everyone else plays. Similarly they say that it is, for example, statistically impossible for a 1500 rated player to suddenly play ten moves in a row like a 2500 rated player so if this occurs, you're again labeled a cheater and banned. But what if someone is 2500 rated and has been purposefully playing like a 1500 until now to keep a moment of surprise for a difficult opponent? Then we observe the same thing under completely legit circumstances. Now the anticheating cult will even go aggressive on you and they will attack you for breaking their badly designed system (which is designed to abuse you in the first place), they will ban you for [trolling]( and advise you to kill yourself. No [fun]( or diversity of play is allowed in anticheating world, only normality is allowed, otherwise statistics won't work. But people who accept anticheating measures are much more likely to later on accept the same measures implemented in other parts of their life as well (see also [slowly boiling the frog](
In a good society, such as [LRS](, cheating is not an issue at all, there's no incentive for it (people don't have to prove their worth by their skills, there are no money, people don't worship heroes, ...) and there are no negative consequences of cheating worse than someone [ragequitting]( an online game -- which really isn't an issue of cheating anyway but simply a consequence of unskilled player facing a skilled one (whether the pro's skill is natural or artificial doesn't play a role, the nub will ragequit anyway). In a good society cheating can become a mild annoyance at worst, and it can really be a positive thing, it can be [fun]( -- seeing for example a skilled pro face and potentially even beat a cheater is a very interesting thing. If someone wants to win by cheating, why not let him? Valid answers to this can only be given in the context of a shit society that creates cults of personality out of winners etc. In a good society choosing to cheat in a game is as if someone chooses to fly to the top of a mountain by helicopter rather than climbing it -- the choice is everyone's to make. In a good society, such as [LRS](, cheating is not an issue at all, there's no incentive for it (people don't have to prove their worth by their skills, there are no money, people don't worship heroes, ...) and there are no negative consequences of cheating worse than someone [ragequitting]( an online game -- which really isn't an issue of cheating anyway but simply a consequence of unskilled player facing a skilled one (whether the pro's skill is natural or artificial doesn't play a role, the nub will ragequit anyway). In a good society cheating can become a mild annoyance at worst, and it can really be a positive thing, it can be [fun]( -- seeing for example a skilled pro face and potentially even beat a cheater is a very interesting thing. If someone wants to win by cheating, why not let him? Valid answers to this can only be given in the context of a shit society that creates cults of personality out of winners etc. In a good society choosing to cheat in a game is as if someone chooses to fly to the top of a mountain by helicopter rather than climbing it -- the choice is everyone's to make.
The fact that cheating isn't after all such an issue is supported by the hilariously vastly different double standards applied e.g. by chess platforms in this matter, on one hand they state in their TOS they have absolutely 0% tolerance of any kind of cheating/assistance and will lifeban players for the slightest suspicion of cheating yelling "WE HAVE TO [FIGHT]( CHEATING", on the other hand they allow streamers literally cheat on a daily basis on live stream where everyone is seeing it, of course because streamers bring them money -- ALL top chess streamers (chessbrah, Nakamura, ...), including the world champion Magnus Carlsen himself, have videos of themselves getting advice on moves from the chat or even from high level players present during the stream, Magnus Carlsen is filmed taking over his friend's low rated account and winning a game which is the same as if the friend literally just used an engine to win the game, and Magnus is also filmed getting an advice from a top grandmaster on a critical move in a tournament that won him the game and granted him a FINANCIAL PRIZE. **World chess champion is literally filmed winning money by cheating and no one cares** because it was done as part of a highly lucrative stream "in a fun/friendly mood". Chessbrah streams ordinarily consist of many viewers in the room just giving advice on moves to the one who is currently playing, of course they censor all comments that try to bring up the fact that this is 100% cheating directly violating the platform's TOS. People literally have no brains, they only freak out about cheating when they're told to by the industry, when cheating is good for business people are told to shut up because it's okay and indeed they just shut up and keep consuming. The fact that cheating isn't after all such an issue is supported by the hilariously vastly different double standards applied e.g. by chess platforms in this matter, on one hand they state in their TOS they have absolutely 0% tolerance of any kind of cheating/assistance and will lifeban players for the slightest suspicion of cheating yelling "WE HAVE TO [FIGHT]( CHEATING", on the other hand they allow streamers literally cheat on a daily basis on live stream where everyone is seeing it, of course because streamers bring them money -- ALL top chess streamers (chessbrah, Nakamura, ...), including the world champion Magnus Carlsen himself, have videos of themselves getting advice on moves from the chat or even from high level players present during the stream, Magnus Carlsen is filmed taking over his friend's low rated account and winning a game which is the same as if the friend literally just used an engine to win the game, and Magnus is also filmed getting an advice from a top grandmaster on a critical move in a tournament that won him the game and granted him a FINANCIAL PRIZE. **World chess champion is literally filmed winning money by cheating and no one cares** because it was done as part of a highly lucrative stream "in a fun/friendly mood". Chessbrah streams ordinarily consist of many viewers in the room just giving advice on moves to the one who is currently playing, of course they censor all comments that try to bring up the fact that this is 100% cheating directly violating the platform's TOS. People literally have no brains, they only freak out about cheating when they're told to by the industry, when cheating is good for business people are told to shut up because it's okay and indeed they just shut up and keep consuming.
Back in the day of early Internet there were practically no anticheating measures in online games and everything worked -- yes, cheaters did appear, but we must realize that it's not like EVERYONE will start to cheat immediately if there are no anticheat mechanisms. If you swim in a pool, you may sometimes drink someone's piss and if you play online games, you may sometimes meet a cheater -- unless you're a mentally unstable pussy, you can take it no problem. The existence of anticheat mechanisms may itself incite cheating even more by the effect of forbidden fruit, it becomes a challenge (and to some even business) to beat the system. If top 100 places in the ladder are all obvious cheaters, will anyone see any more fun joining them? No. If you have the need to compare yourself to others, just form a group of friends who you know don't cheat and compare your score or ratings among each other, ignore the anonymous cheaters.

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Chess as a game is not and cannot be [copyrighted](, but **can ches
## Chess In General ## Chess In General
Chess evolved from ancient board games in India (most notably Chaturanga) in about 6th century -- some sources say that in chess predecessor games dice was used to determine which man a player was allowed to move but that once dice were banned because of hazard games, we got the variant without any element of chance. Nowadays the game is internationally governed by **FIDE** which has taken the on role of an authority that defines the official rules: FIDE rules are considered to be the standard chess rules. FIDE also organizes tournaments, promotes the game and keeps a list of registered players whose performance it rates with so called Elo system -- based on the performance it also grants titles such as **Grandmaster** (GM, strongest), **Internation Master** (IM, second strongest) or **Candidate Master** (CM). A game of chess is so interesting in itself that chess is usually not played for money like many other games ([poker](, [backgammon](, ...). Chess evolved from ancient board games in India (most notably Chaturanga) in about 6th century -- some sources say that in chess predecessor games dice was used to determine which man a player was allowed to move but that once dice were banned because of hazard games, we got the variant without any element of chance. Nowadays the game is internationally governed by **FIDE** which has taken the on role of an authority that defines the official rules: FIDE rules are considered to be the standard chess rules. FIDE also organizes tournaments, promotes the game and keeps a list of registered players whose performance it rates with so called **[Elo](** system -- based on the performance it also grants titles such as **Grandmaster** (GM, strongest), **Internation Master** (IM, second strongest) or **Candidate Master** (CM). A game of chess is so interesting in itself that chess is usually not played for money like many other games ([poker](, [backgammon](, ...).
The mastery of chess is often divided into two main areas (it is also common to divide strong players into these two categories depending on where their main strength lies): The mastery of chess is often divided into two main areas (it is also common to divide strong players into these two categories depending on where their main strength lies):
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ A single game of chess is seen as consisting of three stages: **opening** (start
The study of chess openings is called **opening theory** or just *theory*. Playing the opening stage is special by being based on memorization of this theory, i.e. hundreds or even thousands of existing opening lines that have been studied and analyzed by computers, rather than by performing mental calculation (logical "thinking ahead" present in middlegame and endgame). Some see this as weakness of chess that makes players spend extreme energy on pure memorization. One of the best and most famous players, Bobby Fischer, was of this opinion and has created a chess variant with randomized starting position that prevents such memorization, so called *chess 960*. The study of chess openings is called **opening theory** or just *theory*. Playing the opening stage is special by being based on memorization of this theory, i.e. hundreds or even thousands of existing opening lines that have been studied and analyzed by computers, rather than by performing mental calculation (logical "thinking ahead" present in middlegame and endgame). Some see this as weakness of chess that makes players spend extreme energy on pure memorization. One of the best and most famous players, Bobby Fischer, was of this opinion and has created a chess variant with randomized starting position that prevents such memorization, so called *chess 960*.
**[Elo]( rating** is a mathematical system of numerically rating the performance of players (it is used in many sports, not just chess). Given two players with Elo rating it is possible to compute the probability of the game's outcome (e.g. white has 70% chance of winning etc.). The FIDE set the parameters so that the rating is roughly this: < 1000: beginner, 1000-2000: intermediate, 2000-3000: master. More advanced systems have also been created, namely the Glicko system. **[Elo]( rating** is a mathematical system of numerically rating the performance of players (it is used in many sports, not just chess); Elo basically assigns players a rating number that says how skilled the player is. Given two players with Elo rating it is possible to compute the probability of the game's outcome (e.g. white has 70% chance of winning etc.). The FIDE set the parameters so that the rating is roughly this: < 1000: beginner, 1000-2000: intermediate, 2000-3000: master (currently best humans rate close to 3000). More advanced systems have also been created, namely the Glicko system, however these are often quite [bloated]( and complicated, so Elo stays the most commonly used rating system. Other ways of determining player skills also exist, for example so called accuracy, which says how closely one played to the perfect play according to some strong engine such as Stockfish. The advantage here is that to rate a player we don't need too much data like with Elo (which needs to see many games of the player against other already rated players) -- it may be enough to let the player play a few games against a computer to determine his skill. A disadvantage however lies in how exactly to compute the accuracy because it's a bit complicated by other factors, for example in many situations finding the best move is trivial (like retaking a queen in queen exchange) while in others it's much more difficult, or the fact that humans often DON'T want to play the mathematically best move but rather a bit weaker but more comfortable one, so even grandmasters often choose a weaker move even though they know the theoretically best move.
The rules of chess are quite simple ([easy to learn, hard to master]( and can be found anywhere on the Internet. In short, the game is played on a 8x8 board by two players: one with **[white](** men, one with **[black](** (LOL IT'S [RACIST]( :D). Each man has a way of moving and capturing (eliminating) enemy men, for example bishops move diagonally while pawns move one square forward and take diagonally. The goal is to **checkmate** the opponent's king, i.e. make the king attacked by a man while giving him no way to escape this attack. There are also lesser known rules that noobs often miss and ignore, e.g. so called en-passant or the 50 move rule that declares a draw if there has been no significant move for 50 moves. The rules of chess are quite simple ([easy to learn, hard to master]( and can be found anywhere on the Internet. In short, the game is played on a 8x8 board by two players: one with **[white](** men, one with **[black](** (LOL IT'S [RACIST]( :D). Each man has a way of moving and capturing (eliminating) enemy men, for example bishops move diagonally while pawns move one square forward and take diagonally. The goal is to **checkmate** the opponent's king, i.e. make the king attacked by a man while giving him no way to escape this attack. There are also lesser known rules that noobs often miss and ignore, e.g. so called en-passant or the 50 move rule that declares a draw if there has been no significant move for 50 moves.

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@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
Corporation is basically a huge company that doesn't have a single owner but is rather managed by many shareholders. Corporations are one of the most powerful, dangerous and unethical entities that ever came into existence -- their power is growing, sometimes even beyond the power of states and their sole goal is to make as much profit as possible without any sense of morality. Existence of corporations is enabled by [capitalism]( Examples of corporations are [Micro$oft](, [EA](, [Apple](, [Amazon](, [Walmart](, [Te$la](, [McDonald$](, [Facebook]( etc. Every [startup]( is an aspiring corporation, so never support any startup. Corporation is basically a huge company that doesn't have a single owner but is rather managed by many shareholders. Corporations are one of the most powerful, dangerous and unethical entities that ever came into existence -- their power is growing, sometimes even beyond the power of states and their sole goal is to make as much profit as possible without any sense of morality. Existence of corporations is enabled by [capitalism]( Examples of corporations are [Micro$oft](, [EA](, [Apple](, [Amazon](, [Walmart](, [Te$la](, [McDonald$](, [Facebook]( etc. Every [startup]( is an aspiring corporation, so never support any startup.
NOTE: Besides corporations there also exist non-corporate companies -- privately owned ones -- but these are basically the same, it's just that instead of one ten assholes they are owned by one asshole, so anything that will be said about corporations here will apply to any kind of big company. NOTE: Besides corporations there also exist non-corporate companies -- privately owned ones -- but these are basically the same, it's just that instead of ten assholes they are owned by one asshole, so anything that will be said about corporations here will apply to any kind of big company. And just like with the startups, any kind of small company is aspiring to become a big company (and if it isn't, it will be eliminated by competition), so all in all everything here will apply to any kind of company whatsoever.
The most basic fact to know about corporations is that **100% of everything a corporation ever does is done 100% solely for maximizing its own benefit for any cost, with no other reason, with 0 morality and without any consideration of consequences**. If a corporation could make 1 cent by raping 1000000000 children and get away with it, it would do so immediately without any hesitation and any regret. This is very important to keep in mind. Now try to not get depressed at realization that corporations are those to whom we gave power and who are in almost absolute control of the world. The most basic fact to know about corporations is that **100% of everything a corporation ever does is done 100% solely for maximizing its [own benefit]( for any cost, with no other reason, with 0 [morality]( and without any consideration of consequences and collateral damage**. If a corporation could make 1 cent by raping 1000000000 children and get away with it, it would do so immediately without any hesitation and any regret. This is very important to keep in mind. Now try to not get depressed upon realization that corporations are those to whom we gave power and who are in almost absolute control of the world.
**Corporation is not a human, it has zero sense of morality and no emotion.** The most basic error committed by retards is to reply to this argument with "but corporations are run by humans". This is an extremely dangerous argument because somehow 99.999999999999999999% people believe this could be true and accept it as a comforting argument so that they can continue their daily lives and do absolutely nothing about the disastrous state of society. The argument is of course completely false for a number of reasons: firstly corporations exclusively hire psychopaths for manager roles -- any corporation that doesn't do this will be eliminated by natural selection of the market environment because it will be weaker in a [fight]( against other corporations, and its place will be taken by the next aspiring corporation waiting in line. Secondly corporations are highly sophisticated machines that have strong **mechanisms preventing any ethical behavior** -- for example division of labor in the "[just doing my job]("/"[everyone does it](" style allows for many people collaborating on something extremely harmful and unethical without any single one feeling responsibility for the whole, or sometimes without people even knowing what they are really collaborating on. **Corporation is not a human, it has zero sense of morality and no emotion.** The most basic error committed by retards is to reply to this argument with "but corporations are run by humans". This is an extremely dangerous argument because somehow 99.999999999999999999% people believe this could be true and accept it as a comforting argument so that they can continue their daily lives and do absolutely nothing about the disastrous state of society. The argument is of course completely false for a number of reasons: firstly corporations exclusively hire psychopaths for manager roles -- any corporation that doesn't do this will be eliminated by natural selection of the market environment because it will be weaker in a [fight]( against other corporations, and its place will be taken by the next aspiring corporation waiting in line. Secondly corporations are highly sophisticated machines that have strong **mechanisms preventing any ethical behavior** -- for example division of labor in the "[just doing my job]("/"[everyone does it](" style allows for many people collaborating on something extremely harmful and unethical without any single one feeling responsibility for the whole, or sometimes without people even knowing what they are really collaborating on.
@ -14,12 +14,10 @@ This is further taken to perfection by corporations not even having a single res
A corporation is made to exploit people just as a gun is made to kill people. When a corporation commits a crime, it is not punished like a human would be, the corporation is left to exist and continue doing what it has been doing -- a supposed "punishment" for a corporation that has been caught red handed committing a crime is usually just replacing whoever is ruled to be "responsible", for example the CEO, which is of course ridiculous, the guy is just replaced with someone else who will do exactly the same. This is like trying to fix the lethal nature of a weapon by putting all the blame on a screw in the weapon, then replacing the screw with another one and expecting the weapon to no longer serve killing people. A corporation is made to exploit people just as a gun is made to kill people. When a corporation commits a crime, it is not punished like a human would be, the corporation is left to exist and continue doing what it has been doing -- a supposed "punishment" for a corporation that has been caught red handed committing a crime is usually just replacing whoever is ruled to be "responsible", for example the CEO, which is of course ridiculous, the guy is just replaced with someone else who will do exactly the same. This is like trying to fix the lethal nature of a weapon by putting all the blame on a screw in the weapon, then replacing the screw with another one and expecting the weapon to no longer serve killing people.
It is always better for a corporation to not exist than vice versa. The [proof]( is following: **It is always better for a corporation to not exist than vice versa.** The [proof]( is following:
1. It is better to have no corporation than an evil corporation. 1. It is better to have no corporation than an evil corporation.
2. Corporation is always evil. 2. Corporation is always evil.
3. Therefore it is always better for a corporation to not exist. QED 3. Therefore it is always better for a corporation to not exist. QED
There is probably nothing we can do to stop corporations from taking over the world and eventually eliminating humans, we have probably passed the **[capitalist singularity](**. There is probably nothing we can do to stop corporations from taking over the world and eventually eliminating humans, we have probably passed the **[capitalist singularity](**.

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@ -43,3 +43,4 @@ ___....---'' ''---....___________v___
## See Also ## See Also
- [idiot fallacy]( - [idiot fallacy](
- [SJW](

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@ -6,4 +6,8 @@ Fight culture is the [harmful](, mostly western mindset of seeing any
Capitalist often say that "life is a fight". We say life is what you make it, and if for your life is a fight, it merely says you desire fight. We do not. Capitalist often say that "life is a fight". We say life is what you make it, and if for your life is a fight, it merely says you desire fight. We do not.
**How to stop engaging in fight culture?** Adopt [defeatism]( That frees you, accepting loss makes you no longer constrained to unethical behavior justified by the necessity to win, the capitalist argument "you have to do X or else you lose" suddenly stops being valid and you are free to behave morally, you no longer have to engage in a lot of [bullshit]( [Capitalist]( culture is extremely hostile to defeatism because it knows that's the way out of it, a defeatist individual no longer works for capitalism, therefore capitalist propaganda spreads hatred of defeatism, and in extreme situations (e.g. war) makes it officially a crime! That's how you know it's the correct thing to do. **How to stop engaging in fight culture?** Adopt [defeatism]( That frees you, accepting loss makes you no longer constrained to unethical behavior justified by the necessity to win, the capitalist argument "you have to do X or else you lose" suddenly stops being valid and you are free to behave morally, you no longer have to engage in a lot of [bullshit]( [Capitalist]( culture is extremely hostile to defeatism because it knows that's the way out of it, a defeatist individual no longer works for capitalism, therefore capitalist propaganda spreads hatred of defeatism, and in extreme situations (e.g. war) makes it officially a crime! That's how you know it's the correct thing to do.
## See Also
- [Mein Kampf](

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Gay # Gay
Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and disorder (of course, not necessarily a BAD one) which makes individuals sexually attracted primarily to the same sex, i.e. males to males and females to females. A homosexual individual is called gay (stylized as gaaaaaaaaay), homo or even [faggot](, [females]( are called lesbians. The word *gay* is also used as a synonym for anything [bad]( About 2% of people suffer from homosexuality. The opposite of homosexuality, i.e. the normal, natural sexual orientation primarily towards the opposite sex, is called heterosexuality or being *straight*. Homosexuality is not to be confused with [bisexuality]( -- here we are talking about pure homosexuality, i.e. a greatly prevailing attraction mostly towards the same sex. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and [disorder]( (of course, not necessarily a BAD one) which makes individuals sexually attracted primarily to the same sex, i.e. males to males and females to females. A homosexual individual is called gay (stylized as gaaaaaaaaay), homo or even [faggot](, [females]( are called lesbians. The word *gay* is also used as a synonym for anything [bad]( About 2% of people suffer from homosexuality. The opposite of homosexuality, i.e. the normal, natural sexual orientation primarily towards the opposite sex, is called heterosexuality or being *straight*. Homosexuality is not to be confused with [bisexuality]( -- here we are talking about pure homosexuality, i.e. a greatly prevailing attraction mostly towards the same sex.
For an unenlightened reader coming from the brainwashland: this article is not "offensive", it is just telling uncensored truth. Be reminded that [LRS]( is not advocating any discrimination, on the contrary we advocate [absolute social equality]( and [love]( of all living beings, despite some having disorders or being weird. Your indoctrination has made you equate political incorrectness with oppression and hate; to see the truth, you have to [unlearn this]( -- see for example our [FAQ]( For an unenlightened reader coming from the brainwashland: this article is not "offensive", it is just telling uncensored truth. Be reminded that [LRS]( is not advocating any discrimination, on the contrary we advocate [absolute social equality]( and [love]( of all living beings, despite some having disorders or being weird. Your indoctrination has made you equate political incorrectness with oppression and hate; to see the truth, you have to [unlearn this]( -- see for example our [FAQ](
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ You can usually tell someone's gay from appearance and/or his body language. Gay
There is a terrorist [fascist]( organization called [LGBT]( aiming to make gay people superior to others, but more importantly to gain political power -- e.g. the [power over language]( There is a terrorist [fascist]( organization called [LGBT]( aiming to make gay people superior to others, but more importantly to gain political power -- e.g. the [power over language](
**Is being gay a choice?** Even though homosexuality is largely genetically determined, it may also be to some extent a choice, sometimes a choice that's not of the individual in question, a choice made at young age and irreversible at older age. Most people are actually [bisexual]( to a considerable degree, with a *preference* of certain sex. When horny, you'd fuck pretty much anything. Still there is a certain probability in each individual of choosing one or the other sex for a sexual/life partner. However culture and social pressure can push these probabilities in either way. If a child grows up in a major influence of [YouTubers]( and other celebrities that openly are gay, or promote gayness as something extremely cool and fashionable, you see ads with gays and if all your role models are gay and your culture constantly paints being homosexual as being more interesting and somehow "brave" and if the [competition]( of sexes fueled e.g. by the [feminist]( propaganda paints the opposite sex as literal [Hitler](, the child has a greater probability of (maybe involuntarily) choosing the gay side of his sexual personality. See also *[cultural castration](*. **Is being gay a choice?** Even though homosexuality is most likely largely genetically determined, it may also be to some extent a choice, sometimes a choice that's not of the individual in question, a choice made at young age and irreversible at older age. Most people are actually [bisexual]( to a considerable degree, with a *preference* of certain sex. When horny, you'd fuck pretty much anything. Still there is a certain probability in each individual of choosing one or the other sex for a sexual/life partner. However culture and social pressure can push these probabilities in either way. If a child grows up in a major influence of [YouTubers]( and other celebrities that openly are gay, or promote gayness as something extremely cool and fashionable, you see ads with gays and if all your role models are gay and your culture constantly paints being homosexual as being more interesting and somehow "brave" and if the [competition]( of sexes fueled e.g. by the [feminist]( propaganda paints the opposite sex as literal [Hitler](, the child has a greater probability of (maybe involuntarily) choosing the gay side of his sexual personality. See also *[cultural castration](*.
{ I even observed this effect on myself a bit. I've always been completely straight, perhaps mildly bisexual when very horny. Without going into detail, after spending some time in a specific group of people, I found my sexual preference and what I found "hot" shifting towards the preference prevailing in that group. Take from that whatever you will. ~drummyfish } { I even observed this effect on myself a bit. I've always been completely straight, perhaps mildly bisexual when very horny. Without going into detail, after spending some time in a specific group of people, I found my sexual preference and what I found "hot" shifting towards the preference prevailing in that group. Take from that whatever you will. ~drummyfish }

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ We shit on your [privacy](
{ I no longer see hope, good is practically non existent in this world. This is my last attempt at preserving pure good, I will continue to spread the truth and unconditional love of all life as long as I will be capable of, until the society lynches me for having loved too much. At this point I feel very alone, this work now exists mostly for myself in my isolated world. But I hope that once perhaps my love will be shared with a reader far away, in space or time, even if I will never know him. This is the only way I can continue living. I wish you happy reading, my dear friend. ~[drummyfish]( } { I no longer see hope, good is practically non existent in this world. This is my last attempt at preserving pure good, I will continue to spread the truth and unconditional love of all life as long as I will be capable of, until the society lynches me for having loved too much. At this point I feel very alone, this work now exists mostly for myself in my isolated world. But I hope that once perhaps my love will be shared with a reader far away, in space or time, even if I will never know him. This is the only way I can continue living. I wish you happy reading, my dear friend. ~[drummyfish]( }
This is a Wiki for [less retarded software](, [less retarded society]( (LRS) and related topics, mainly those of [society](, its [culture]( and ideal [political views]( etc. -- LRS should help achieve ideal society with ideal technology. LRS Wiki is a new, refreshing wiki without [political correctness]( It is neither [rightist]( nor [pseudoleftist]( which many will find confusing. This wiki may contain [life spoilers]( This is a Wiki (yes, it IS a wiki) for [less retarded software](, [less retarded society]( (LRS) and related topics, mainly those of [society](, its [culture]( and ideal [political views]( etc. -- LRS should help achieve ideal society with ideal technology. LRS Wiki is a new, refreshing wiki without [political correctness]( It is neither [rightist]( nor [pseudoleftist]( which many will find confusing. This wiki may contain [life spoilers](
You ask how could people of the past have been so stupid, how they could have believed obviously nonsensical "[pseudoscience](" and religious fairy tales, how could the past peasant take part in [witch hunts](, how could so many people support [Hitler]( and let [Holocaust]( happen? Well, don't judge them so fast -- if you disagree with this wiki, you are just like them. No, there was no magical turn around of society from [evil]( to good just before your birth, times are still the same, except much worse; if you don't see the catastrophic state of the world, you are most likely blissfully brainwashed beyond the level of any medieval peasant. But don't worry, it's not your fault, you are just among the 99.9999%. We are here to help. Keep an open mind and the [truth]( will show. But beware, truth comes for the price of irreversible [depression]( You ask how could people of the past have been so stupid, how they could have believed obviously nonsensical "[pseudoscience](" and religious fairy tales, how could the past peasant take part in [witch hunts](, how could so many people support [Hitler]( and let [Holocaust]( happen? Well, don't judge them so fast -- if you disagree with this wiki, you are just like them. No, there was no magical turn around of society from [evil]( to good just before your birth, times are still the same, except much worse; if you don't see the catastrophic state of the world, you are most likely blissfully brainwashed beyond the level of any medieval peasant. But don't worry, it's not your fault, you are just among the 99.9999%. We are here to help. Keep an open mind and the [truth]( will show. But beware, truth comes for the price of irreversible [depression](

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ The word is used in a number of projects and works, e.g.:
[LMAO]( they're even censoring art and retroactively changing classical works of art to suit this [newspeak](, just like all previous oppressive regimes. E.g. Agatha Christie's book *Ten Little Niggers* was renamed to *And Then There Were None*. Are they also gonna repaint Mona Lisa when it somehow doesn't suit their liking? [LMAO]( they're even censoring art and retroactively changing classical works of art to suit this [newspeak](, just like all previous oppressive regimes. E.g. Agatha Christie's book *Ten Little Niggers* was renamed to *And Then There Were None*. Are they also gonna repaint Mona Lisa when it somehow doesn't suit their liking?
Your TV is forced to show you the word when Niger plays [football]( with Germany (the IOC codes of the countries are NIG, GER) :D This will most likely be censored in near future. Your TV is forced to show you the word when Niger plays [football]( with Germany (the IOC codes of the countries are NIG, GER) :D This will most likely be censored in near [future](
Curiously domains of form *nigger.X* exist, for example as of writing this ** exist and has some cool offensive message on its web :D Curiously domains of form *nigger.X* exist, for example as of writing this ** exist and has some cool offensive message on its web :D

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@ -9,8 +9,13 @@ WIP
- [free speech]( Idiots think that free speech has some limits or that free speech is just about making laws protecting speech. - [free speech]( Idiots think that free speech has some limits or that free speech is just about making laws protecting speech.
- [free will]( Maybe the most cringe misunderstood topic in history, retards think that free will has something to do with consciousness and that it's needed to have meaning of life and whatever. Literal brain cancer. - [free will]( Maybe the most cringe misunderstood topic in history, retards think that free will has something to do with consciousness and that it's needed to have meaning of life and whatever. Literal brain cancer.
- [hacking]( Extremely misunderstood terms not just in popular culture but even among people somewhat interested in technology, true hackers for example despise all passwords and security because they are against censorship, which is sadly very little known. - [hacking]( Extremely misunderstood terms not just in popular culture but even among people somewhat interested in technology, true hackers for example despise all passwords and security because they are against censorship, which is sadly very little known.
- [LRS](
- [quantum physics]( - [quantum physics](
- [socialism]( - [socialism](
- [theory of relativity]( - [theory of relativity](
- [Unix philosophy]( - [Unix philosophy](
- ... - ...
## See Also
- [often confused](

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Defending pedophilia in itself is enough to be cancelled, perhaps even imprisone
## See Also ## See Also
- [witch hunt]( - [witch hunt](
- [keyword hysteria](
- [jailbait]( - [jailbait](
- [loli]( - [loli](
- [necrophilia]( - [necrophilia](

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Sanism # Sanism
Sanism is an absolutely crazy idea made up by the most insane [SJWs]( that says that words like "crazy" and "insane" are "offensive" or even "discriminatory" against mentally ill people and that we should censor such words so as to stay [politically correct]( Yes, this is pretty fucked up, but give it a year or two and it's gonna become mainstream. Sanism is an insanely crazy idea made up by [SJWs](, one which suggests that words like "crazy" and "insane" are "offensive" or even "discriminatory" against the mentally ill and that we should [censor]( the words so as to stay [politically correct]( Yes, this is pretty fucked up, but give it a year or two and it's gonna become mainstream.
[LMAO]( imagine future news be like "Mentally divergent age fluid human people person of unspecified non-hexadecimal gender and afro american ethno-social-construct was arrested after an incident involving guns and liquor stores. No harm was intended during saying this sentence and we apologize in advance for any mental harm that may have been caused to mentally sensitive people persons by hearing this sentence." [LMAO]( imagine future news be like "Mentally divergent age fluid human people person of unspecified non-hexadecimal gender and afro american ethno-social-construct was arrested after an incident involving guns and liquor stores. No harm was intended during saying this sentence and we apologize in advance for any mental harm that may have been caused to mentally sensitive people persons by hearing this sentence."

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@ -85,3 +85,4 @@ If you think they can't do it, [you are wrong](
## See Also ## See Also
- [idiot fallacy]( - [idiot fallacy](
- [keyword hysteria](

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- extremely stupid, primitive, close-minded, not knowing geography/history besides the US, think US is the center of the world (and probably whole [Universe]( - extremely stupid, primitive, close-minded, not knowing geography/history besides the US, think US is the center of the world (and probably whole [Universe](
- extremely fat, eat only fast food, have no real cuisine - extremely fat, eat only fast food, have no real cuisine
- shallow, obsessed with looks (white teeth etc.) - shallow, obsessed with looks (white teeth etc.)
- materialist, obsessed with money, hardcore [capitalists](, panic fear of anything resembling [communism]([socialism]( - materialist, obsessed with [money](, hardcore [capitalists](, panic fear of anything resembling [communism]([socialism](
- arrogant, rude, individualist, self-centered - arrogant, rude, individualist, self-centered
- eccentric, extroverted, loud behavior - eccentric, extroverted, loud behavior
- violent, militant, imperialist, constantly invade other countries, everyone has a gun and shoots at everything including their own presidents - violent, militant, imperialist, constantly invade other countries, everyone has a gun and shoots at everything including their own presidents
@ -22,39 +22,46 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- want everything big - want everything big
- US south: slow, even more stupid, racist, rednecks, inbred, for slavery, for guns - US south: slow, even more stupid, racist, rednecks, inbred, for slavery, for guns
- shit products, anything "made in USA" breaks fast - shit products, anything "made in USA" breaks fast
- Africans:
- primitive bushmen still in stone age dancing around fire to the sound of drums
- countries change constantly, never ending revolutions and civil wars, extremely corrupt governments and presidents
- peak suffering: hunger, AIDs, malaria, no education, no healthcare, no water, flies eat you alive, ...
- Arabs: - Arabs:
- terrorists, suicidal bombers - terrorists, suicidal bombers
- women are belly dancers - women are belly dancers
- pedophiles, bigamists - [pedophiles](, bigamists
- dirty - dirty
- Asians: - Asians:
- extremely smart - extremely smart and educated
- all look the same - all look the same
- polite - polite
- don't show emotion - don't show emotion
- very strict parents, children only expected to get As in school and must go to University else they'll be disowned
- work extremely hard - work extremely hard
- small penises - small penises
- can't see because of weird eyes - can't see because of weird eyes
- men of honor - men of honor
- collectivist, sacrifice themselves for society - collectivist, sacrifice themselves for society, individual's opinions and needs never matter
- there are too many of them, lives of the poor ones have no value, work safety of peasants is non existent - there are too many of them, lives of the poor ones have no value, work safety of peasants is non existent
- very spiritual, mentally advanced, calm and balanced, deep insight and wisdom about philosophical questions
- [black people]( - [black people](
- unintelligent, stupid, uneducated, primitive, poor - unintelligent, stupid, uneducated, primitive, poor, thieves and criminals
- physically fit, good at sports - physically fit, good at sports, run very fast
- good at music, especially rhythmic music and jazz - good at music, especially rhythmic music and jazz
- fathers leave their children - fathers leave their children
- all look the same, similar to monkeys - all look the same, similar to monkeys
- have big dicks - have big dicks
- criminals
- love chicken and watermelon - love chicken and watermelon
- in certain situations act like monkeys (so called chimp out), e.g. when excited they start jumping around like crazy, or when scared instinctively react by punching the perceived danger - in certain situations act like monkeys (so called chimp out), e.g. when excited they start jumping around like crazy, or when scared instinctively react by punching the perceived danger
- Australians: - Australians:
- tough, living in dangerous wilderness - tough men, living surrounded by extremely dangerous animals such as flying spiders, fight crocodiles every day
- hunt with boomerangs
- blonde, attractive [women]( - blonde, attractive [women](
- extremely stupid - extremely stupid
- gold diggers - gold diggers
- Brazilian: - Brazilian:
- [football]( - everyone is extroverted, horny and dances samba
- everyone plays [football](
- Canadian: - Canadian:
- extremely polite - extremely polite
- ice hockey fans - ice hockey fans
@ -86,7 +93,7 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- lazy, Bohemian life, hate work - lazy, Bohemian life, hate work
- eat baguettes and frogs - eat baguettes and frogs
- dislike Brits - dislike Brits
- revolutionaries, constantly protest - revolutionaries, constantly protest, strikes
- artists, intellectuals - artists, intellectuals
- [gays]( - [gays](
- men act feminine, are good at art and women jobs - men act feminine, are good at art and women jobs
@ -96,6 +103,7 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- precise, efficient, organized, great technology - precise, efficient, organized, great technology
- love beer and sausage - love beer and sausage
- ugly women - ugly women
- women are cold, incapable of love
- gypsies: - gypsies:
- don't work, steal stuff, welfare leeches, make a lot of children - don't work, steal stuff, welfare leeches, make a lot of children
- children don't go to school, uneducated, can hardly read - children don't go to school, uneducated, can hardly read
@ -117,7 +125,7 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- have mustaches, eat pizza and pasta - have mustaches, eat pizza and pasta
- talk with hands - talk with hands
- Japanese: - Japanese:
- like extremely weird things like actually living with sex dolls instead of human life partners - like extremely weird things like studying train schedules for fun or marrying sex dolls instead of human partners
- salarymen regularly jump out of skyscraper windows due to overworking depression - salarymen regularly jump out of skyscraper windows due to overworking depression
- men talking Japanese to other men sound as if being aggressive to each other even if in fact being polite or talking something uninteresting - men talking Japanese to other men sound as if being aggressive to each other even if in fact being polite or talking something uninteresting
- everyone reads manga and goes to karaoke after work - everyone reads manga and goes to karaoke after work
@ -136,18 +144,21 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- Polish: - Polish:
- very religious - very religious
- heavy drinkers - heavy drinkers
- ugly depressive environment
- kurwa - kurwa
- Russians: - Russians:
- very tough, big and strong, endure conditions that would kill other people, keep pet bears - very tough, big and strong, endure conditions that would kill other people (such as extreme cold), keep pet bears
- drunk (especially by vodka), aggressive, rude - drunk (especially by vodka), aggressive, rude
- wear Adidas pants - wear Adidas pants
- act straight without talking too much, ignore work safety - act straight without talking too much, ignore work safety
- don't give a shit - ugly and depressive post-Soviet environment
- don't give a shit about anything
- Marxist communists, USSR, soviet pride - Marxist communists, USSR, soviet pride
- good at [chess]( - good at [chess](
- Slovak: - Slovak:
- who? - who?
- heavy nationalists - heavy nationalists
- sheep shepherds living in mountains
- Spanish: - Spanish:
- extroverted, passionate, dance flamenco - extroverted, passionate, dance flamenco
- take naps on siesta - take naps on siesta
@ -157,7 +168,7 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- bad at logical thinking and [math]( - bad at logical thinking and [math](
- passive aggressive - passive aggressive
- gossip - gossip
- don't know what they want, "no" can mean "yes" - don't know what they want, "no" can mean "yes" and vice versa
- too emotional, especially on period - too emotional, especially on period
- attracted to douchebags, assholes and money, golddigging, avoid nice guys - attracted to douchebags, assholes and money, golddigging, avoid nice guys
- can distinguish and name different shades of similar colors - can distinguish and name different shades of similar colors

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@ -2,17 +2,19 @@
*Maybe you are looking for: [transsexual](* *Maybe you are looking for: [transsexual](*
Tranny software is a [harmful]( [software]( developed within and infected by the culture of the toxic [LGBTFJJJGIIQWWQW]( [SJW]( [pseudoleftists](, greatly characterized e.g. by [codes of conduct](, bad engineering and excluding straight white males from the development in the name of "inclusivity". Such software is retarded. It is practically always a high level of [bloat]( with features such as [censorship](, bugs and [spyware]( Tranny software is a [harmful]( [software]( developed within and infected by the [culture]( of the [toxic]( [LGBTFJJJGIIQWWQW]( [SJW]( [pseudoleftists](, greatly characterized e.g. by [codes of conduct](, fascist [pride]( flags, bad engineering and excluding straight white males from the development in the name of "inclusiveness". Such software is [retarded]( It is practically always a high level of [bloat]( with features such as [censorship](, [bugs]( and [spyware](
To be clear, *tranny software* does NOT stand for *software written by transsexuals*, it stands for a specific kind of software infected by [fascism]( (in its features, development practices, culture, goals etc.) which revolves around things such as sexual identity. Of course with good technology it doesn't matter by whom it is made. For god's sake do NOT bully individuals for being transsexual! Refuse bad software. To be clear, *tranny software* does NOT stand for *software written by transsexuals* (thought it is usually so), it stands for a specific kind of software infected by [fascism]( (in its features, development practices, culture, goals etc.) which revolves around things such as sexual identity. Of course with good technology it doesn't matter by whom it is made. For god's sake do NOT bully individuals for being transsexual! Refuse bad software and fascist culture.
Some characteristics of tranny software are: Some characteristics of tranny software are:
- **It is typically [FOSS](** because a big part of trannyism in software is the development process and interaction with public (and with [proprietary]( software the development is not open to public). In theory we may call a proprietary software *tranny* if it e.g. very aggressively promote some [SJW]( bullshit -- in fact most companies are nowadays infected by [SJWism]( -- but it's not so common to use this term for proprietary software. - **It is typically [FOSS](** because a big part of trannyism in software is the development process and interaction with public (and with [proprietary]( software the development is not open to public). In theory we may call a proprietary software *tranny* if it e.g. very aggressively promote some [SJW]( bullshit -- in fact most companies are nowadays infected by [SJWism]( -- but it's not so common to use this term for proprietary software.
- **Typically has a [code of conduct](** or some equivalent "SJW guideline" (excluding the anti-COCs). - **Typically has a [code of conduct](** or some equivalent "SJW guideline" (excluding the anti-COCs).
- Sometimes promotes SJW fascism in other ways, e.g. [LGBT]( flags etc. - Sometimes promotes SJW fascism in other ways, e.g. **[LGBT]( flags** etc.
- Despite riding on the "freedom" buzzword, the project's mindset is authoritative and totalitarian, always flirting with things such as [censorship](, terms of service, keeping authority over central servers, [bloat monopoly](, bullying of enemies, anti-[cheating]( systems, intimidation, [fighting]( mindset, sneakily prohibiting undesired derivative works and so on. They want the coolness of the "freedom" label without accepting actual freedom that would allow others to criticize them, remove their propaganda and so on.
- **It is typically [bloat]( and [capitalist software](**, and generally just very bad software at least from the [LRS]( point of view. This is partly because devs try to be "inclusive" and afraid to refuse [PRs]( from "diverse people" (who are mostly incompetent, again trying software development e.g. as part of proving that "minorities can program too"), partly because their software doesn't even aim to be good but rather popular (as it is to serve to promote political ideas etc.). - **It is typically [bloat]( and [capitalist software](**, and generally just very bad software at least from the [LRS]( point of view. This is partly because devs try to be "inclusive" and afraid to refuse [PRs]( from "diverse people" (who are mostly incompetent, again trying software development e.g. as part of proving that "minorities can program too"), partly because their software doesn't even aim to be good but rather popular (as it is to serve to promote political ideas etc.).
- **It often has SJW "features"**, e.g. "slur filters", "diverse" characters in games etc. - **It often has [SJW]( "features"**, e.g. "slur filters", "diverse" characters in games etc.
- ...
Examples of tranny software are: Examples of tranny software are:

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The main highlights of Unix are possibly these:
- Text centrism (great [command line]( preference), value on [portability]( (even over performance), sharing of source code, freedom of information and openness, connection to [hacker culture](, valuing human time over machine time, ... - Text centrism (great [command line]( preference), value on [portability]( (even over performance), sharing of source code, freedom of information and openness, connection to [hacker culture](, valuing human time over machine time, ...
- ... - ...
Unix is greatly connected to software [minimalism](, however most unices are still not minimalist to absolute extreme and many unix forks (e.g. [GNU]([Linux]( just abandon minimalism as a priority. So the question stands: **is Unix [LRS]( or is it too [bloated](** The answer to this will be similar to our stance towards the [C]( language (which itself was developed alongside Unix); from our point of view Unix -- i.e. its concepts and some of their existing implementations -- is relatively good, there is a lot of wisdom to take away (e.g. "do one thing well", modularity, "use text interfaces", ...), however these are intermixed with things which under more strict minimalism we may want to abandon (e.g. "everything is a file" requires we buy into the file [abstraction]( and will often also imply existence of a file system etc., which may be unnecessary), so in some ways we see Unix as a temporary "[least evil](" tool on our way to truly good, extremely minimalist technology. [DuskOS]( is an example of operating system more close to the final idea of LRS. But for now Unix is very cool, some Unix-like systems are definitely a good choice nowadays. Unix is greatly connected to software [minimalism](, however most unices are still not minimalist to absolute extreme and many unix forks (e.g. [GNU]([Linux]( just abandon minimalism as a priority. So the question stands: **is Unix [LRS]( or is it too [bloated](** The answer to this will be similar to our stance towards the [C]( language (which itself was developed alongside Unix); from our point of view Unix -- i.e. its concepts and some of their existing implementations -- is relatively good, there is a lot of wisdom to take away (e.g. "do one thing well", modularity, "use text interfaces", ...), however these are intermixed with things which under more strict minimalism we may want to abandon (e.g. multiple users, file permissions and ownership, also "everything is a file" requires we buy into the file [abstraction]( and will often also imply existence of a file system etc., which may be unnecessary, even multitasking could be dropped), so in some ways we see Unix as a temporary "[least evil](" tool on our way to truly good, extremely minimalist technology. [DuskOS]( is an example of operating system more close to the final idea of LRS. But for now Unix is very cool, some Unix-like systems are definitely a good choice nowadays.
There is a semi humorous group called the *UNIX HATERS* that has a mailing list and a whole book that criticizes Unix, arguing that the systems that came before it were much better -- though it's mostly just [joking](, they give some good points sometimes. It's like they are the biggest boomers for whom the Unix is what [Windows]( is to the Unix people. There is a semi humorous group called the *UNIX HATERS* that has a mailing list and a whole book that criticizes Unix, arguing that the systems that came before it were much better -- though it's mostly just [joking](, they give some good points sometimes. It's like they are the biggest boomers for whom the Unix is what [Windows]( is to the Unix people.
@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ In the early 1970s the system got funding as well as its name Unix (a pun on Mul
Unix then started being sold commercially. This led to its fragmentation into different versions such as the [BSD]( or [Solaris]( In 1983 a version called System V was released which would become one of the most successful. The fragmentation and a lack of a unified standard led to so called [Unix Wars]( in the late 1980s, which led to a few Unix standards such as [POSIX]( and Single Unix Specification. Unix then started being sold commercially. This led to its fragmentation into different versions such as the [BSD]( or [Solaris]( In 1983 a version called System V was released which would become one of the most successful. The fragmentation and a lack of a unified standard led to so called [Unix Wars]( in the late 1980s, which led to a few Unix standards such as [POSIX]( and Single Unix Specification.
For [zoomers]( and other noobs: Unix wasn't like [Windows](, it was more like [DOS](, things were done in [text interface]( -- if you use the command line in "[Linux](" nowadays, you'll get an idea of what it was like, except it was all even more primitive. Things we take for granted such as a [mouse](, [copy-pastes](, interactive text editors, having multiple user accounts or [running multiple programs at once]( were either non-existent or advanced features in the early days. Anything these guys did you have to see as done with stone tools. For [zoomers]( and other noobs: Unix wasn't like [Windows](, it was more like [DOS](, things were done in [text interface]( only (even a [TUI]( or just colorful text was a luxury) -- if you use the command line in "[Linux](" nowadays, you'll get an idea of what it was like, except it was all even more primitive. Things we take for granted such as a [mouse](, [copy-pastes](, interactive text editors, having multiple user accounts or [running multiple programs at once]( were either non-existent or advanced features in the early days. There weren't even personal computers back then, people accessed share computers over terminals. Anything these guys did you have to see as done with stone tools -- they didn't have GPUs, gigaherts CPUs, gigabytes of RAM, scripting languages like Python or JavaScript, Google, stack overflow, wifi, mice, IDEs, multiple HD screens all around, none of that -- and yet they programmed faster, less buggy software that was much more efficient. If this doesn't make you think, then probably nothing will.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ You may have been led to naively believe USA is something of a superior country
{ Sorry to some of my US frens :D I love you <3 ~drummyfish } { Sorry to some of my US frens :D I love you <3 ~drummyfish }
USA is very similar to [North Korea]( in both countries the people are successfully led to believe their country is the best and have strong propaganda based on [cults of personality](, which to outsiders seem very ridiculous but which is nevertheless very effective: for example North Korea officially proclaims their supreme leader Kim Jong-il was born atop a sacred mountain and a new star came to existence on the day of his birth, while Americans on the other hand believe one of their retarded leaders named George Washington was a divine god who was PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO TELL A LIE, which was actually taught at their schools. North Korea is ruled by a single political party, US is ruled by two practically same militant capitalist imperialist parties (democrats and republicans), i.e. de-facto one party as well. Both countries are obsessed with weapons (especially nuclear ones) and their military, both are highly and openly [fascist]( (nationalist). Both countries are full of extreme [propaganda](, [censorship]( and [hero culture](, people worship dictators such as Kim Jong-un or [Steve Jobs]( US is even worse than North Korea because it exports its toxic [culture]( all over the whole world and constantly invades other countries, it is destroying all other cultures and leads the whole world to doom and destruction of all life, while North Korea basically only destroys itself. USA is very similar to [North Korea](, main difference being that USA actually attacks other countries instead of just talking about it. Apart from this we only find striking similarities: in both countries the people are successfully led to believe their country is the best and have strong propaganda based on [cults of personality](, which to outsiders seem very ridiculous but which is nevertheless very effective: for example North Korea officially proclaims their supreme leader Kim Jong-il was born atop a sacred mountain and a new star came to existence on the day of his birth, while Americans on the other hand believe one of their retarded leaders named George Washington was a divine god who was PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO TELL A LIE, which was actually taught at their schools. North Korea is ruled by a single political party, US is ruled by two practically same militant capitalist imperialist parties (democrats and republicans), i.e. de-facto one party as well. Both countries are obsessed with weapons (especially nuclear ones) and their military, both are highly and openly [fascist]( (nationalist). Both countries are full of extreme [propaganda](, [censorship]( and [hero culture](, people worship dictators such as Kim Jong-un or [Steve Jobs]( US is even worse than North Korea because it exports its toxic [culture]( all over the whole world and constantly invades other countries, it is destroying all other cultures and leads the whole world to doom and destruction of all life, while North Korea basically only destroys itself.
In US mainstream [politics]( there exists no true left, only [right]( and [pseudoleft]( It is only in extreme underground, out of the sight of most people, where occasionally something good comes into existence as an exception to a general rule that nothing good comes from the US. One of these exceptions is [free software]( (established by [Richard Stallman]( which was however quickly smothered by the capitalist [open source]( counter movement. In US mainstream [politics]( there exists no true left, only [right]( and [pseudoleft]( It is only in extreme underground, out of the sight of most people, where occasionally something good comes into existence as an exception to a general rule that nothing good comes from the US. One of these exceptions is [free software]( (established by [Richard Stallman]( which was however quickly smothered by the capitalist [open source]( counter movement.

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki. This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 594 - number of articles: 594
- number of commits: 884 - number of commits: 885
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4353078 - total size of all texts in bytes: 4353107
- total number of lines of article texts: 33203 - total number of lines of article texts: 33203
- number of script lines: 294 - number of script lines: 294
- occurrences of the word "person": 8 - occurrences of the word "person": 8
@ -89,6 +89,22 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
latest changes: latest changes:
``` ```
Date: Wed Sep 25 13:26:28 2024 +0200
Date: Sun Sep 22 01:02:44 2024 +0200 Date: Sun Sep 22 01:02:44 2024 +0200
@ -107,27 +123,6 @@ Date: Sun Sep 22 01:02:44 2024 +0200
Date: Wed Sep 18 20:37:15 2024 +0200 Date: Wed Sep 18 20:37:15 2024 +0200
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most wanted pages: most wanted pages:

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@ -20,4 +20,7 @@ There are also nice things though, a few of them being:
- [100r]( - [100r](
- [uxn]( - [uxn](
- [permacomputing wiki]( - [permacomputing wiki](
- [xkcd](
- [SJW](
- [pseudoleftism](