This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2023-03-27 16:08:13 +02:00
parent 22962b0e7e
commit 7cc9a92dc8
9 changed files with 33 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
# Collision Detection
Collision detection is an essential problem e.g. of simulating physics of mechanical bodies in [physics engines]( (but also elsewhere), it tries to detect whether (and also how) geometric shapes overlap. Here we'll be talking about the collision detection in physics engine, but the problem appear in other contexts too (e.g. [frustum culling]( in [computer graphics]( Collision detection potentially leads to so called *collision resolution*, a different stage that tries to deal with the detected collision (separate the bodies, update their velocities, make them "bounce off"). Physics engines are mostly divided into 2D and 3D ones so we also normally either talk about 2D or 3D collision detection (3D being, of course, a bit more complex).
Collision detection is an essential problem e.g. of simulating physics of mechanical bodies in [physics engines]( (but also elsewhere), it tries to detect whether (and also how) geometric shapes overlap. Here we'll be talking about the collision detection in physics engines, but the problem appears in other contexts too (e.g. [frustum culling]( in [computer graphics]( Collision detection potentially leads to so called *collision resolution*, a different stage that tries to deal with the detected collision (separate the bodies, update their velocities, make them "bounce off"). Physics engines are mostly divided into 2D and 3D ones so we also normally either talk about 2D or 3D collision detection (3D being, of course, a bit more complex).
There are two main types of collision detection:
- **[discrete](**: Detecting collisions only at discrete points in time (each engine tick or "frame") -- this is easier but can result in detecting the collisions in wrong ways or missing them completely (imagine a fast flying object that in one moment is wholly in front of a wall and at the next instant wholly behind it). Nevertheless this is completely usable, one just has to be careful enough about the extreme cases.
- **[continuous](**: Detecting collisions considering the continuous motion of the bodies (still done at discrete ticks but [analytically]( considering the whole motion since the last tick) -- this is more difficult to program and more costly to compute, but also correctly detects collisions even in extreme cases. Sometimes engines perform discrete detection by default and use continuous detection in special cases (e.g. when speeds become very high or in other error-prone situations). Continuous detection can be imagined as a collision detection of a higher dimensional bodies where the added dimension is time -- e.g. detecting collisions of 2D spheres becomes detecting collisions of "tubes" in 3D space. If you don't want to go all the way to implementing continuous collisions, you may consider an in-between solution by detecting collisions in smaller steps (which may also be done only sometimes, e.g. only for high speed bodies or only when an actual discrete collision is detected).
- **[discrete](**: Detecting collisions only at one point in time (each engine tick or "frame") -- this is easier but can result in detecting the collisions in wrong ways or missing them completely (imagine a fast flying object that in one moment is wholly in front of a wall and at the next instant wholly behind it). Nevertheless this is completely usable, one just has to be careful enough about the extreme cases.
- **[continuous](**: Detecting collisions considering the continuous motion of the bodies (still done at discrete ticks but considering the whole motion since the last tick) -- this is more difficult to program and more costly to compute, but also correctly detects collisions even in extreme cases. Sometimes engines perform discrete detection by default and use continuous detection in special cases (e.g. when speeds become very high or in other error-prone situations). Continuous detection can be imagined as a collision detection of a higher dimensional bodies where the added dimension is time -- e.g. detecting collisions of 2D spheres becomes detecting collisions of "tubes" in 3D space. If you don't want to go all the way to implementing continuous collisions, you may consider an in-between solution by detecting collisions in smaller steps (which may also be done only sometimes, e.g. only for high speed bodies or only when an actual discrete collision is detected).
Collision detection is non-trivial because we need to detect not only the presence of the collision but also its parameters which are typically the exact **point of collision, collision depth and collision [normal](** -- these are needed for subsequently resolving the collision (typically the bodies will be shifted along the normal by the collision depth to become separated and [impulses]( will be applied at the collision point to update their velocities). We also need to detect **general cases**, i.e. collisions of whole volumes (imagine e.g. a tiny cuboid inside an arbitrarily rotated bigger cone). This is very hard and/or expensive for some complex shapes such as general 3D triangle meshes (which is why we approximate them with simpler shapes). We also want the detection algorithm to be at least reasonably **fast** -- for this reason collision detection mostly happens in two phases:
- **broad phase**: Quickly estimates which bodies MAY collide, usually with [bounding volumes]( (such as spheres or [axis aligned bounding boxes]( or space indexing and algorithms such as *[sweep and prune](*. This phase quickly opts-out of checking collision of objects that definitely CANNOT collide because they're e.g. too far away.
- **narrow phase**: Applying the precise, expensive collision detection on the potentially colliding pairs of bodies determined in the broad phase. This yields the real collisions.
In many cases it is also important to correctly detect the **order of collisions** -- it may well happen a body collides not with one but with multiple bodies at the time of collision detection and the computed behavior may vary widely depending on the order in which we consider them. Imagine that body *A* is colliding with body *B* and body *C* at the same time; in [real life]( *A* may have first collided with *B* and be deflected so that it never hits *C*, or the other way around, or it might have collided with both. In continuous collision detection we know the order as we also have exact time coordinate of each collision (even though the detection itself is still computed at discrete time steps), i.e. we know which one happened first. With discrete collisions we may use [heuristics]( such as the direction in which the bodies are moving, but this may fail in certain cases (considering e.g. rotations).
In many cases it is also important to correctly detect the **order of collisions** -- it may well happen a body collides not with one but with multiple bodies at the time of collision detection and the computed behavior may vary widely depending on the order in which we consider them. Imagine that body *A* is colliding with body *B* and body *C* at the same time; in [real life]( *A* may have first collided with *B* and be deflected so that it would have never hit *C*, or the other way around, or it might have collided with both. In continuous collision detection we know the order as we also have exact time coordinate of each collision (even though the detection itself is still computed at discrete time steps), i.e. we know which one happened first. With discrete collisions we may use [heuristics]( such as the direction in which the bodies are moving, but this may fail in certain cases (consider e.g. collisions due to rotations).
**On shapes**: general rule is that **mathematically simpler shapes are better for collision detection**. Spheres (or circles in 2D) are the best, they are stupidly simple -- a collision of two spheres is simply decided by their [distance]( (i.e. whether the distance of their center points is less that the sum of the radia of the spheres), which also determines the collision depth, and the collision normal is always aligned with the vector pointing from one sphere center to the other. So **if you can, use spheres** -- it is even worth using multiple spheres to approximate more complex shapes if possible. [Capsules]( ("extruded spheres"), infinite planes, half-planes, infinite cylinders (distance from a line) and axis-aligned boxes are also pretty simple. Cylinders and cuboids with arbitrary rotation are bit harder. Triangle meshes (the shape most commonly used for real-time 3D models) are very difficult but may be [approximated]( e.g. by a [convex hull]( which is manageable (a convex hull is an intersection of a number of half-spaces) -- if we really want to precisely collide full 3D meshes, we may split each one into several convex hulls (but we need to write the non-trivial splitting algorithm of course). Also note that you need to write a detection algorithm for any possible pair of shape types you want to support, so for *N* supported shapes you'll need *N * (N + 1) / 2* detection algorithms.
{ In theory we may in some cases also think about using iterative/numerical methods to find collisions, i.e. starting at some point between the bodies and somehow stepping towards their intersection until we're close enough. Another ideas I had was to use [signed distance functions]( for representing static environments, it could have some nice advantages. But I'm really not sure how well or whether it would really work. ~drummyfish }
{ In theory we may in some cases also think about using iterative/numerical methods to find collisions, i.e. starting at some point between the bodies and somehow stepping towards their intersection until we're close enough. Another idea I had was to use [signed distance functions]( for representing static environments, I kind of implemented it in [tinyphysicsengine]( ~drummyfish }
TODO: some actual algorithms

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Corporation
Corporation is basically a huge company that doesn't have a single owner but is rather managed by many shareholders. Corporations are one of the most powerful and dangerous entities that ever came into existence -- their power is growing, sometimes even beyond the power of states and their sole goal is to make as much profit as possible without any sense of morality. Existence of corporations is enabled by [capitalism](
Corporation is basically a huge company that doesn't have a single owner but is rather managed by many shareholders. Corporations are one of the most powerful, dangerous and unethical entities that ever came into existence -- their power is growing, sometimes even beyond the power of states and their sole goal is to make as much profit as possible without any sense of morality. Existence of corporations is enabled by [capitalism](
The most basic fact to know about corporations is that **100% of everything a corporation ever does is done 100% solely for maximizing its own benefit for any cost, with no other reason, with 0 morality and without any consideration of consequences**. If a corporation could make 1 cent by raping 1000000000 children and get away with it, it would do it immediately without any hesitation and any regret. This is very important to keep in mind. Now try to not get depressed at realization that corporations are those to whom we gave power and who are in almost absolute control of the world.

5 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Hexadecimal
Some hexadecimal values that are also [English]( words at the same time and which you may include in your programs for [fun]( include: `ace`, `add`, `babe`, `bad`, `be`, `bee`, `beef`, `cab`, `cafe`, `dad`, `dead`, `deaf`, `decade`, `facade`, `face`, `fee`, `feed`.

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@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ This is a Wiki for [less retarded software](, [less retarded society](les
**We love all living beings. Even you.** We want to create technology that truly and maximally helps you, e.g. a completely [public domain computer]( We do NOT [fight]( anything and we don't have any [heroes]( We want to move peacefully towards [society]( that's not based on [competition]( but rather on [collaboration](
You ask how could people of the past have been so stupid, how could they have believed obviously nonsensical "[pseudoscience](" and religious fairy tales, how could the past peasants take part in witch hunts, how could so many people support [Hitler]( and let [Holocaust]( happen? Well, don't judge them too hard -- if you disagree with this wiki, you are just like them. No, there was no magical turn around of society from evil to good just before your birth, times are still the same, except much worse; if you don't see the catastrophic state of the world, you are most likely brainwashed beyond the level of any medieval peasant. But don't worry, it's not your fault, you are just among the 99.9999%. We are here to help. Keep an open mind and the truth will show. But beware, truth comes for the price of irreversible depression.
This wiki is **NOT** a satire.
Yes, everything is **UNDER CONSTRUCTION**.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Technological minimalism is a philosophy of designing technology to be as simple
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry sums it up with a quote: *we achieve perfection not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.*
**Minimalism is necessary for [freedom](** as a free technology can only be that over which no one has a monopoly, i.e. which many people and small parties can utilize, study and modify with affordable effort, without needing armies of technicians just for the maintenance of such technology. Minimalism goes against the creeping overcomplexity of technology which always brings huge costs and dangers, e.g. the cost of [maintenance]( and further development, obscurity, inefficiency ("[bloat](", wasting resources), consumerism, the increased risk of bugs, errors and failure.
**Minimalism is necessary for [freedom](** as a free technology can only be that over which no one has a [monopoly](, i.e. which many people and small parties can utilize, study and modify with affordable effort, without needing armies of technicians just for the maintenance of such technology. Minimalism goes against the creeping overcomplexity of technology which always brings huge costs and dangers, e.g. the cost of [maintenance]( and further development, obscurity, inefficiency ("[bloat](", wasting resources), consumerism, the increased risk of bugs, errors and failure.
Up until recently in history every engineer would tell you that *the better machine is that with fewer moving parts*. This still seems to hold e.g. in mathematics, a field not yet so spoiled by huge commercialization and mostly inhabited by the smartest people -- there is a tendency to look for the most minimal equations -- such equations are considered [beautiful]( Science also knows this rule as the [Occam's razor]( In technology invaded by aggressive commercialization the situation is different, minimalism lives only in the underground and is ridiculed by the mainstream propaganda. Some of the minimalist movements, terms and concepts include:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Under [capitalism]( technological minimalism is suppressed in the
There are movements such as [appropriate technology]( (described by E. F. Schumacher in a work named *Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered*) advocating for small, efficient, decentralized technology, because that is what best helps people.
**Does minimalism mean we have to give up the nice things?** Well, not really, it is more about giving up the [bullshit](, and changing an attitude. **We can still have technology for entertainment**, just a non-consumerist one -- instead of consuming 1 new game per month we may rather focus on creating deeper games that may last longer, e.g. those of a [simple to learn, hard to master]( kind and building communities around them, or on modifying existing games rather than creating new ones from scratch over and over. Sure, technology would LOOK different, our computer interfaces may become less of a thing of fashion, our games may rely more on aesthetics than realism, but ultimately minimalism can be seen just as trying to achieve the same effect while minimizing waste. If you've been made addicted to bullshit such as buying a new GPU each month so that you can run games at 1000 FPS at progressively higher resolution then of course yes, you will have to suffer a bit of a withdrawal just as a heroin addict suffers when quitting the drug, but just as him in the end you'll be glad you did it.
**Does minimalism mean we have to give up the nice things?** Well, not really, it is more about giving up the [bullshit](, and changing an attitude. **We can still have technology for entertainment**, just a non-consumerist one -- instead of consuming 1 new game per month we may rather focus on creating deeper games that may last longer, e.g. those of a [easy to learn, hard to master]( kind and building communities around them, or on modifying existing games rather than creating new ones from scratch over and over. Sure, technology would LOOK different, our computer interfaces may become less of a thing of fashion, our games may rely more on aesthetics than realism, but ultimately minimalism can be seen just as trying to achieve the same effect while minimizing waste. If you've been made addicted to bullshit such as buying a new GPU each month so that you can run games at 1000 FPS at progressively higher resolution then of course yes, you will have to suffer a bit of a withdrawal just as a heroin addict suffers when quitting the drug, but just as him in the end you'll be glad you did it.
There is a so called *[airplane rule](* that states a plane with two engines has twice as many engine problems than a plane with a single engine.

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ Digital privacy is the ability and freedom of an individual to hide "sensitive"
**Society is becoming more and more obsessed with privacy and that is EXTREMELY BAD.** It leads to hardcore [censorship](, people are hiding their email addresses so it's impossible to contact them, photos of child faces are wiped from the Internet, more and more videos on the internet now just blur everything in the video that's not the main focus of it, "just in case", people are even afraid to credit other people by name even if they are e.g. legally obliged to by a license such as CC-BY-SA ([lmao]( Such retardedness has probably never been seen yet.
**As of 2023 privacy is impossible to achieve** unless you live in wilderness completely independently of the main "civilization". If you use any kind of computer (laptop, TV, phone, car, camera etc.), you are already being watched: basically all [CPU]( have proven hardware spyware in them capable of bypassing encryption, see [Intel ME]( etc., no matter what operating system you use, and even if you use some obscure CPU without it, you are watched through your Internet activity (even if you use a "secure" browser, which you most likely don't even if you think you do), your browsing habits are watched and analyzed by highly advanced [AI]( that can track you even without cookies etc., e.g. just from your writing style, patterns of repeated daily activity, mouse movement signature etc. -- all small fragments of information about your activity such such as those mentioned above and your locations over time (known from your phone connecting to towers, someone else's phone detecting your voice, street or car camera detecting your face, credit card payments etc.) are connected with other fragments of information (even those of other people) and AI makes a complete picture of your life available to those who need it. You may think you're doing everything right and that they can't find you, but it's enough if e.g. someone from your family posted a picture with you on facebook 10 years ago or if you as a child played online games -- this is enough to know which people you are related to and them being tracked then leads to you also being tracked to a big degree despite you using 7 proxies and living underground. If the government furthermore decides to watch you more (which may happen just because you e.g. try to "protect" your privacy more and start using [Tor](, which is suspicious), they can just watch you in real time through satellites (even inside buildings) and so on. So you just have to accept you are being watched, and unless we end [capitalism](, it will only be getting worse (mind reading technology is already emerging).
**As of 2023 privacy is impossible to achieve** unless you live in wilderness completely independently of the main "civilization". If you use any kind of computer (laptop, TV, phone, car, camera etc.), you are already being watched: basically all [CPU]( have proven hardware spyware in them capable of bypassing encryption, see [Intel ME]( etc., no matter what operating system you use, and even if you use some obscure CPU without it, you are watched through your Internet activity (even if you use a "secure" browser, which you most likely don't even if you think you do), your browsing habits are watched and analyzed by highly advanced [AI]( that can track you even without cookies etc., e.g. just from your writing style, patterns of repeated daily activity, mouse movement signature etc. -- all small fragments of information about your activity such as those mentioned above and your locations over time (known from your phone connecting to towers, someone else's phone detecting your voice, street or car camera detecting your face, credit card payments etc.) are connected with other fragments of information (even those of other people) and AI makes a complete picture of your life available to those who need it. You may think you're doing everything right and that they can't find you, but it's enough if e.g. someone from your family posted a picture with you on facebook 10 years ago or if you as a child played online games -- this is enough to know which people you are related to and them being tracked then leads to you also being tracked to a big degree despite you using 7 proxies and living underground. If the government furthermore decides to watch you more (which may happen just because you e.g. try to "protect" your privacy more and start using [Tor](, which is suspicious), they can just watch you in real time through satellites (even inside buildings) and so on. So you just have to accept you are being watched, and unless we end [capitalism](, it will only be getting worse (mind reading technology is already emerging).
We have to state that **privacy concerns are a symptom of [bad society](capitalism.d). We shouldn't ultimately try to protect privacy more (cure symptoms) but rather make a [society where need for privacy isn't an issue]( (cure the root cause).** This sentiment is shared by many hackers, even [Richard Stallman]( himself used to revolt against passwords when he was at MIT AI Labs; he intentionally used just the password "rms" to allow other people to use his account (this is mentioned in the book *Free As In Freedom*). Efforts towards increasing and protecting privacy is in its essence an unnecessary [bullshit]( effort wasting human work, similarly to [law](, [marketing]( etc. It is all about censorship and secrecy. Besides this, **all effort towards protecting digital privacy will eventually fail**, thanks to e.g. advanced [AI]( that will identify individuals by pattern in their behavior, even if their explicit identity information is hidden perfectly. Things such as browser [fingerprinting]( are already a standard and simple practice allowing highly successful uncovering of identity of anonymous people online, and research AI is taking this to the next level (e.g. the paper *Detecting Individual Decision-Making Style: Exploring Behavioral Stylometry in Chess* shows revealing [chess]( players by their play style). With [internet of stinks](, cameras, microphones and smartphones everywhere, advanced AI will be able to identify and track an individual basically anywhere no matter the privacy precautions taken. Curing the root cause is the only option to prevent a catastrophic scenario.
We have to state that **privacy concerns are a symptom of [bad society]( We shouldn't ultimately try to protect privacy more (cure symptoms) but rather make a [society where need for privacy isn't an issue]( (cure the root cause).** This sentiment is shared by many hackers, even [Richard Stallman]( himself used to revolt against passwords when he was at MIT AI Labs; he intentionally used just the password "rms" to allow other people to use his account (this is mentioned in the book *Free As In Freedom*). Efforts towards increasing and protecting privacy is in its essence an unnecessary [bullshit]( effort wasting human work, similarly to [law](, [marketing]( etc. It is all about censorship and secrecy. Besides this, **all effort towards protecting digital privacy will eventually fail**, thanks to e.g. advanced [AI]( that will identify individuals by pattern in their behavior, even if their explicit identity information is hidden perfectly. Things such as browser [fingerprinting]( are already a standard and simple practice allowing highly successful uncovering of identity of anonymous people online, and research AI is taking this to the next level (e.g. the paper *Detecting Individual Decision-Making Style: Exploring Behavioral Stylometry in Chess* shows revealing [chess]( players by their play style). With [internet of stinks](, cameras, microphones and smartphones everywhere, advanced AI will be able to identify and track an individual basically anywhere no matter the privacy precautions taken. Curing the root cause is the only option to prevent a catastrophic scenario.
By this viewpoint, [LRS]('s stance towards privacy differs from that of many (if not most) [free software](, [hacker]( and [suckless]( communities: to us **privacy is a form of [censorship](** and as such is seen as inherently bad. We dream of a world without abuse where (digital) privacy is not needed because society has adopted our philosophy of information freedom, non-violence and non-competition and there is no threat of sensitive information abuse. Unlike other, not only do we dream of it, we actively try to make it a reality. Even though we know the ideally working society is unreachable, we try to at least get close to it by restricting ourselves to bare minimum privacy (so we are very open but won't e.g. publish our passwords). We believe that abuse of sensitive information is an issue of the basic principles of our society (e.g. [capitalism]( and should be addressed by fixing these issues rather than by harmful methods such as censorship.
By this viewpoint, [LRS]('s stance towards privacy differs from that of many (if not most) [free software](, [hacker]( and [suckless]( communities: to us **privacy is a form of [censorship](** and as such is seen as inherently bad. We dream of a world without abuse where (digital) privacy is not needed because society has adopted our philosophy of information freedom, non-violence and non-competition and there is no threat of sensitive information abuse. Unlike some other people (so called pragmatics), not only do we dream of it, we actively try to make it a reality. Even though we know the ideally working society is unreachable, we try to at least get close to it by restricting ourselves to bare minimum privacy (so we are very open but won't e.g. publish our passwords). We believe that abuse of sensitive information is an issue of the basic principles of our society (e.g. [capitalism]( and should be addressed by fixing these issues rather than by harmful methods such as censorship.
Digital privacy can be further categorized. We can talk e.g. about **communication privacy** (emails, chat, ...), **data privacy** (cookies, tracking, medical data, ...), **personal privacy** (intimate photos, sexual orientation, ... ), **individual privacy** (identifying information, anonymity, [spam](, ...) etc.

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@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
Sodevs are incompetent wanna-be programmers that usually have these characteristics:
- Being pseudoleftist (fascist) political activists pushing [tranny software]( and [COCs]( while actually being mainstream centrists in the tech world (advocating "[open-source](" instead of [free_software](, being okay with [proprietary]( software, [bloat]( etc.).
- Being [pseudoleftist]( (fascist) political activists pushing [tranny software]( and [COCs]( while actually being mainstream centrists in the tech world (advocating "[open-source](" instead of [free_software](, being okay with [proprietary]( software, [bloat]( etc.).
- Trying to be "cool", having friends, wearing T-shirts with "coding jokes", having tattoos, piercing and colored hair (also trimmed bear in case of males).
- Only being hired in tech for a no-brainer job such as "coding websites" or because of diversity quotas.
- Being actually bad at programming, using meme high-level languages like [JavaScript]( and [Python](
- Being actually bad at programming, using meme high-level languages like [JavaScript](, [Python]( or [Rust](
- Using a [Mac](
- Thinking they're experts in technology because they are familiar with the existence of [Linux]( (usually some mainstream distro such as [Ubuntu]( and can type `cd` and `ls` in the terminal.
- Being only briefly aware of the tech culture, telling big-bang-theory level jokes (*sudo make sandwich*, 42 hahahahahahaha).
- Being highly active on social networks, probably having a pixel-art portrait of their ugly face on their profile.
- Believing in and engaging in [capitalism](, believing corporations such as [Microsoft](, wanting to create "startups", being obsessed with [productivity](, inspirational quotes and masturbating to tech "visionaries" like [Steve Jobs](
- Using buzzwords like "solution", "orchestration" etc.
- ...

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@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ Xonotic was forked from a game called [Nexuiz]( after a [trademark](tr
The game's modified [Quake]( 1 (YES, 1) engine is called [Darkplaces]( It can be highly customized and modded. Just like in other Quake engine games, there are many console commands (e.g. *cvars*) to alter almost anything about the game. Advanced programming can be done using [QuakeC]( Maps can be created e.g. with [netradiant](
Though compared to any mainstream [modern]( games Xonotic is quite nicely written (e.g. runs very fast, doesn't have billions of dependencies and despite not being 1.0 yet has fewer bugs than today's AAA games at release), from a more strict point of view it's still very bloated and it's known to contain some shitcode -- for example the engine has frame dependent physics (TODO: cite a specific line in code), uses [floating point]( to represent time, great part of the game is written in a joke language called [QuakeC](, its net code is worse than e.g. that of OpenArena and some people complain about input lag and other bugs. It could definitely be written MUCH better, but as already mentioned it's still a million times better than any new game.
{ The game runs extremely smooth for me even on old PC, I have no input lag. When my Internet connection gets bad I am sometimes unable to play Xonotic but still able to play OpenArena, which says something about the net code, but that happens very rarely. Also on pretty rare occasions I notice bugs such as imperfect culling of players or even projectiles just hanging mid air during whole game (which happens after heavy packet loss) etc., but nothing that would really be so frequent as to bother me. ~drummyfish }
Xonotic is similar to other libre AFPS games such as [OpenArena]( and [Red Eclipse]( Of these Xonotic clearly looks the most professional, it has the best "graphics" in the [modern]( sense but still offers the option to turn all the fanciness off. OpenArena, based on Quake 3 engine, is simpler, both technologically and in gameplay, and its movement is slower and with different physics. While OpenArena just basically clones Quake 3, Xonotic is more of an actually new and original game with new ideas and style. Similar thing could be said about Red Eclipse, however it's not as polished and shows some infection with [SJW]( poison.
{ OpenArena is great too. ~drummyfish }

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@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
# YouTube
YouTube (also JewTube) is a huge, [censored]( [proprietary]( [capitalist]( video [consumerism]( website, since 2006 seized by the [Google]( terrorist organization. It has become the monopoly "video content platform", everyone uploads their videos there and so everyone is forced to use that shitty site from time to time to view some tutorial or whatnot. YouTube is based on content consumerism, [copyright trolling](, propaganda and abuse of users -- it is financed from surveillance of its users and aggressive ads as well as sponsored content inserted into videos. Alternatives to YouTube, such as [bitchute](, the "rightist" YouTube, never really caught on very much -- YouTube is sadly synonymous with online videos just as Google is synonymous with searching the web.
YouTube (also JewTube) is a huge, [censored]( [proprietary]( [capitalist]( video [consuming]( "website"/platform, since 2006 seized by the [Google]( terrorist organization. It has become the monopoly "video content platform", everyone uploads his videos there and so everyone is forced to use that shitty site from time to time to view some tutorial or whatnot. YouTube is based on content consumerism, aggressive predatory marketing, [copyright trolling](, propaganda and general abuse of its [useds]( -- it is financed from surveillance-powered ads as well as sponsor propaganda inserted into videos. Alternatives to YouTube, such as [bitchute](, the "rightist" YouTube, never really caught on very much -- YouTube is sadly synonymous with online videos just as Google is synonymous with searching the web. This is of course extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely bad.
{ seems alright though, at least as a curiosity. ~drummyfish }
{ seems alright though, at least as a curiosity. Anyway if you need to watch YouTube, do not use their website, it's shitty as hell and you will die of ad cancer, rather use something like invidious or youtube-dl. ~drummyfish }
A [FOSS]( alternative to YouTube is e.g. [PeerTube](, a federated video platform, however for intended use it requres [JavaScript]( There also exist alternative YouTube [frontends]( (normally also FOSS), e.g. HookTube, Invidious or FreeTube -- these let you access YouTube's videos via less [bloated]( and more privacy-friendly interface. More hardcore people use [CLI]( tools such as [youtube-dl]( to directy download the videos and watch them in native players.
A [FOSS]( alternative to YouTube is e.g. [PeerTube](, a federated video platform, however for intended use it requres [JavaScript]( and there are other issues that make it unusable ([SJW]( censorship, videos load extremely slowly, ...). There also exist alternative YouTube [frontends]( (normally also [FOSS](, e.g. HookTube, Invidious or FreeTube -- these let you access YouTube's videos via less [bloated]( and more privacy-friendly interface. More hardcore people use [CLI]( tools such as [youtube-dl]( to directy download the videos and watch them in native players.
In November 2021 YouTube removed the dislike count on videos so as to make it impossible to express dislike or disagreement with their propaganda as people naturally started to dislike the exponentially skyrocketing shit and immorality of content [corporations]( and [SJWs]( started to force promote on YouTube (such as that infamous Lord of the Rings series with ["afro american"]( dwarves that got like a billion dislikes [lmao]( In other words capitalism has made it to the stage of banning disliking when people started to dislike the horse shit they're being force fed. This was met with a wave of universal criticism but of course YouTube told people to shut up and keep consuming that horse excrement -- of course [zoomers]( are just brainless zombies dependent on YouTube like a street whore on heroin so they just accepted that recommendation. Orwell would definitely be happy to see this.
In November 2021 YouTube removed the dislike count on videos so as to make it impossible to express dislike or disagreement with their propaganda as people naturally started to dislike the exponentially skyrocketing shit and immorality of content [corporations]( and [SJWs]( started to force promote on YouTube (such as that infamous Lord of the Rings series with ["afro american"]( dwarves that got like a billion dislikes [lmao]( In other words capitalism has made it to the stage of banning disagreement when people started to dislike the horse shit they're being force fed. This was met with a wave of universal criticism but of course YouTube told people to shut up and keep consuming that horse excrement -- of course [zoomers]( are just brainless zombies dependent on YouTube like a street whore on heroin so they just accepted that recommendation. Orwell would definitely be happy to see this.
[LMAO](, as of 2022 YouTube has become the **kingdom of [clickbait](**. If you're living in the future and haven't seen this, you wouldn't believe how ridiculously fucked up it is, the platform is quite literally UNUSABLE (but it's still consumable and addictive to idiots so it [works]( -- ALL videos, including (and especially) those of the "serious" YouTubers (like mr. Veritasium), put absolutely misleading and downright made up lying thumbnails and titles, the videos have [zero]( [correlation]( with how they're presented. Additionally the majority of thumbnails has to be occupied by some [femoid]('s breasts, even "educational [science]( videos", so as to force children to click it and masturbate (YouTube can really be seen as a soft [porn]( site now). Everyone has to do it because [everyone does it]( In other words capitalism is once again working as expected. Yeah and also **ALL videos include sponsored content**, again even the "educational science videos" that children are forced to watch at schools etc. -- this is in addition to "normal" ads that randomly play during the videos.
A typical 2022 YouTube video now looks like this:
- thumbnail: [MILF]( in bikini with nipples half showing and overly excited face as if having a stroke, pointing at aliens playing Minecraft
- content: 10 minutes of pre-video unskippable ads, a tranny shows up urging you to buy premium membership on Nord VPN, 10 minutes of unskippable ads for tranny underwear, tranny opens an [IDE]( that loads for 30 minutes, clicks the "generate game with AI" button, the computer crashes, 10 minutes of post video ads, "like, comment, subscribe, click the bell button, go to settings and check I want to see subscriptions I subscribe to, go to advanced setting and click I really really really want to see my subscriptions I really do", next video loads without asking
- thumbnail: bikini [MILF](, nipples half showing, overly excited face as if having a stroke, pointing at aliens playing Minecraft
- content: 10 minutes of pre-video unskippable ads, tranny shows up urging you to buy premium membership on Nord VPN, 10 minutes of unskippable ads for tranny underwear, tranny opens an [IDE]( that loads for 30 minutes, clicks the "generate game with AI" button, the computer crashes, "sorry for clickbait", 10 minutes of post video ads, "like, comment, give me money on patreon, subscribe, click the bell button, go to settings and check I want to see subscriptions I subscribe to, go to advanced setting and click "I really really really want to see my subscriptions I really do and will suck your dick", next video loads without asking, volume sets itself to 100%, browser close button disappears
YouTube is also a [copyright]( [dictatorship](, anyone can take down any video containing even the slightest clip from a video he uploaded, even if such use would legally be allowed under [fair use]( and even if that user doesn't have any copyright to enforce (YouTube simply supposes that whoever uploads a video to their site first must have created that video as a whole and holds a godlike power over it), i.e. YouTube is [de facto]( making its own copyright laws which are much more strict that they are in real life (which is hard to imagine but they managed to do it). In other words there is a corporation that makes laws which effectively are basically just like normal laws except they don't even pass any law making process, their evaluation doesn't pass through justice system (courts), and the sole purpose of these laws is to rape people for money that goes solely to pay for YouTube CEO's whores and private jets. A reader in the future probably won't believe it, but there are even people who say that "this is OK" because, quote, I shit you not, """[they're a private company so they can do whatever they want](""". Yes, such arguments have come out of some lifeform's mouth. That probably implies a negative [IQ](