This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 1861 additions and 1823 deletions
@ -8,6 +8,24 @@ By about 2020, "AI" has become a [capitalist](capitalism.md) [buzzword](buzzword
By 2023 neural network AI has become extremely advanced in processing visual, textual and audio information and is rapidly marching on. Networks such as [stable diffusion](stable_diffusion.md) are now able to generate images (or modify existing ones) with results mostly indistinguishable from real photos just from a short plain language textual description. Text to video AI is emerging and already giving nice results. AI is able to write computer programs from plain language text description. Chatbots, especially the proprietary [chatGPT](chatgpt.md), are scarily human-like and can already carry on conversation mostly indistinguishable from real human conversation while showing extraordinary knowledge and intelligence -- the chatbot can for example correctly reason about advanced mathematical concepts on a level much higher above average human. AI has become [mainstream](mainstream.md) and is everywhere, normies are downloading "AI apps" on their phones that do funny stuff with their images while spying on them. In games such as [chess](chess.md) or even strategy video [games](game.md) neural AI has already been for years far surpassing the best of humans by miles.
By 2023 neural network AI has become extremely advanced in processing visual, textual and audio information and is rapidly marching on. Networks such as [stable diffusion](stable_diffusion.md) are now able to generate images (or modify existing ones) with results mostly indistinguishable from real photos just from a short plain language textual description. Text to video AI is emerging and already giving nice results. AI is able to write computer programs from plain language text description. Chatbots, especially the proprietary [chatGPT](chatgpt.md), are scarily human-like and can already carry on conversation mostly indistinguishable from real human conversation while showing extraordinary knowledge and intelligence -- the chatbot can for example correctly reason about advanced mathematical concepts on a level much higher above average human. AI has become [mainstream](mainstream.md) and is everywhere, normies are downloading "AI apps" on their phones that do funny stuff with their images while spying on them. In games such as [chess](chess.md) or even strategy video [games](game.md) neural AI has already been for years far surpassing the best of humans by miles.
## Details
As programmers let's first answer ourselves this: what really is AI to us? A programmer/mathematician typically simplifies AI to mean only this much: **making decisions**. I.e. let's forget human brain, emotion, psychology and all this kind of stuff for a second and focus only on one thing: decision making, and how to program computers so that they make an intelligent decision from input data. Every single "AI" system never does anything more than just take a look at current situation (state, context, data, ..., just a bunch of numbers) and from all possible actions that may be taken from here it tries to pick the best one (i.e. output another number). Whether it's making the best move in [chess](chess.md), deciding which animal is captured in a photo, choosing how to translate a word from English to Spanish or choosing what pixel to draw on the screen so that the result will resemble human art, the problem is always reduced to only deriving a number from some other numbers.
AI to us is therefore nothing more than a mathematical [function](function.md) of state, outputting action (leading to another state). Also we will require this function to be pure, true and [deterministic](determinism.md) mathematical function, i.e. without any [randomness](randomness.md), hidden state etc., i.e. the function will always return the same result for the same input, the input depends SOLELY on the state we give it. In an extreme case every AI that works with finite memory could then literally be just a [table](lut.md) defining best action for any state -- but of course, such tables would be big and hard to make manually, so we typically try to create [algorithms](algorithm.md) that do the job of such table without taking so much space.
NOTE: Of course we sometimes want randomness, for example in chess we may want our AI to sometimes make a different move in the same position, but this added randomness always can (and SHOULD) be implemented outside of our AI function -- we may for example add an extra [seed](seed.md) parameter to our AI which will affect its choice, or we could make an AI that only ranks the quality of each move and then make our chess bot (built on top of this AI) randomly choose from let's say 3 best moves as judged by the AI.
The "modern" machine learning ([neural network](neural_net.md) etc.) AI is no exception here, neural network also implements a pure mathematical function in this sense. That is we are still facing the same problem, we are just trying to solve it by training a network that will make good choices. This approach is mostly about creating a good structure of the network, with good parameters (like number of neurons, layers etc.), encoding the states in good ways (i.e. mapping real world problems to numbers representing the state) and then training the network well, i.e. using right data sets, training algorithms etc. This art is very complex and can't be detailed here in depth.
The traditional non-machine-learning approach is a bit different -- it is based on manually programming **[state space search](state_space_search.md)** algorithms rather than training models. From [LRS](lrs.md) point of view this is probably the **more [KISS](kiss.md) way**, i.e. preferable, sufficient for many types of problems without needing extremely powerful machines or huge datasets. In essence we do this: we realize the states are basically nodes and actions are connections between the nodes, i.e. we get a **state space** which is a methematical **[graph](graph.md)**. Our program is always in some state, i.e. in some node, and the actions it may take are paths it may take in the graph, so really our AI is helping us travel through the graph so that we get from whatever state we're in to a better one (ideally best possible). Many different algorithms, [heuristics](heuristic.md) and optimizations exist here such as [depth first search](dfs.md), [breadth first search](bfs.md), [Monte Carlo](monte_carlo.md), [minimax](minimax.md) with alpha-beta pruning etc. -- they typically just [recursively](recursion.md) traverse the local space, i.e. take a look at states near the current one, and then say in which direction the best state lies. Let's remind ourselves this doesn't just have to be chess and chess moves, this may apply to flying a virtual plane or solving an equation. Again, the whole art of state space search can't be covered here in depth.
To sum up let's again compare the two mentioned approaches on the example of chess. Neural network machine learning will try to train a network (we could almost say by just [brute force](brute_force.md) trying many different parameters for the network) that takes a look at the chess board (which will be encoded into numbers) and then, by some kind of complex "[magic](magic.md)" that's really hidden from us somehow outputs the correct move (well, in practice it rather just scores the position, but let's neglect this now). Training such network will take a lot of time, data and electricity; it will result in a network that will pick good moves without us knowing HOW it really works (we just know it does), and the network will be just a network that filters input numbers into an output number. The traditional state search approach, on the other hand, will rather be a hand-made algorithm that will check all possible moves to certain depth and then return the move that it found will lead to a position that looks the best. I.e. here we know exactly what's going on, we have an algorithm simulating the human move calculation (looking ahead in the game for good moves), and the algorithm works iteratively, i.e. it has to perform many steps and playouts to actually see how to game evolves with different moves.
NOTE: State search is sometimes combined with neural networks -- good chess engines for example still do traditional state search but employ a neural network to decide how good each position is. This way we get the best of both world.
TODO: cont
# See Also
# See Also
- [artificial life](artificial_life.md)
- [artificial life](artificial_life.md)
@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ Examples of approximations:
- **[Real numbers](real_number.md)** are practically always approximated with [floating point](floating_point.md) or [fixed point](fixed_point.md) (rational numbers).
- **[Real numbers](real_number.md)** are practically always approximated with [floating point](floating_point.md) or [fixed point](fixed_point.md) (rational numbers).
- **[Numerical methods](numerical.md)** offer generality and typically yield approximate solutions while their precision vs speed can be adjusted via parameters such as number of iterations.
- **[Numerical methods](numerical.md)** offer generality and typically yield approximate solutions while their precision vs speed can be adjusted via parameters such as number of iterations.
- **[Taylor series](taylor_series.md)** approximates given mathematical function and can be used to e.g. estimate solutions of [differential equations](differential_equation.md).
- **[Taylor series](taylor_series.md)** approximates given mathematical function and can be used to e.g. estimate solutions of [differential equations](differential_equation.md).
- [Rotation](rotation.md) around an axis, especially by small angles, can be approximated by skewing in one direction, then in another.
- Primitive [music](music.md) synthesis often uses simple functions like triangle/saw/square wave to approximate [sin](sin.md) waves (though many times it's done for the actual sound of these waves, sometimes it may be simply to save on resources).
- Primitive [music](music.md) synthesis often uses simple functions like triangle/saw/square wave to approximate [sin](sin.md) waves (though many times it's done for the actual sound of these waves, sometimes it may be simply to save on resources).
- ...
- ...
@ -256,3 +256,8 @@ main:
addi sp,sp,32 # pop stack
addi sp,sp,32 # pop stack
jr ra # jump to addr in ra
jr ra # jump to addr in ra
## See Also
- [bytecode](bytecode.md)
- programming [sadomasochism](sadomasochism.md)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Chess as a game is not and cannot be [copyrighted](copyright.md), but **can ches
**Chess and [IQ](iq.md)/intelligence**: there is a debate about how much of a weight general vs specialized intelligence, IQ, memory and pure practice have in becoming good at chess. It's not clear at all, everyone's opinion differs. A popular formula states that *highest achievable Elo = 1000 + 10 * IQ*, though its accuracy and validity are of course highly questionable. All in all this is probably very similar to language learning: obviously some kind of intelligence/talent is needed to excel, however chess is extremely similar to any other sport in that putting HUGE amounts of time and effort into practice (preferably from young age) is what really makes you good -- without practice even the biggest genius in the world will be easily beaten by a casual chess amateur, and even a relatively dumb man can learn chess very well under the right conditions (just like any dumbass can learn at least one language well); many highest level chess players admit they sucked at math and hated it. As one starts playing chess, he seems to more and more discover that it's really all about studying and practice more than anything else, at least up until the highest master levels where the genius gives a player the tiny nudge needed for the win -- at the grandmaster level intelligence seems to start to matter more. Intelligence is perhaps more of an accelerator of learning, not any hard limit on what can be achieved, however also just having fun and liking chess (which may be just given by upbringing etc.) may have similar accelerating effects on learning. Really the very basics can be learned by literally ANYONE, then it's just about learning TONS of concepts and principles (and automatizing them), be it tactical patterns (forks, pins, double check, discovery checks, sacrifices, smothered mates, ...), good habits, positional principles (pawn structure, king safety, square control, piece activity, ...), opening theory (this alone takes many years and can never end), endgame and mating patterns, time management etcetc.
**Chess and [IQ](iq.md)/intelligence**: there is a debate about how much of a weight general vs specialized intelligence, IQ, memory and pure practice have in becoming good at chess. It's not clear at all, everyone's opinion differs. A popular formula states that *highest achievable Elo = 1000 + 10 * IQ*, though its accuracy and validity are of course highly questionable. All in all this is probably very similar to language learning: obviously some kind of intelligence/talent is needed to excel, however chess is extremely similar to any other sport in that putting HUGE amounts of time and effort into practice (preferably from young age) is what really makes you good -- without practice even the biggest genius in the world will be easily beaten by a casual chess amateur, and even a relatively dumb man can learn chess very well under the right conditions (just like any dumbass can learn at least one language well); many highest level chess players admit they sucked at math and hated it. As one starts playing chess, he seems to more and more discover that it's really all about studying and practice more than anything else, at least up until the highest master levels where the genius gives a player the tiny nudge needed for the win -- at the grandmaster level intelligence seems to start to matter more. Intelligence is perhaps more of an accelerator of learning, not any hard limit on what can be achieved, however also just having fun and liking chess (which may be just given by upbringing etc.) may have similar accelerating effects on learning. Really the very basics can be learned by literally ANYONE, then it's just about learning TONS of concepts and principles (and automatizing them), be it tactical patterns (forks, pins, double check, discovery checks, sacrifices, smothered mates, ...), good habits, positional principles (pawn structure, king safety, square control, piece activity, ...), opening theory (this alone takes many years and can never end), endgame and mating patterns, time management etcetc.
**Fun fact**: chess used to be played over [telegraph](telegraph.md), first such game took place probably in 1844.
**[Fun](fun.md) [historical](historical.md) fact**: chess used to be played over [telegraph](telegraph.md), first such game took place probably in 1844.
**How to play chess with yourself?** If you have no computer or humans to play against, you may try playing against yourself, however playing a single game against yourself doesn't really work, you know what the opponent is trying to do -- not that it's not interesting, but it's more of a search for general strategies in specific situations rather than actually playing a game. One way around this could be to play many games at once (you can use multiple boards but also just noting the positions on paper as you probably won't be able to set up 100 boards); every day you can make one move in some selected games -- randomize the order and games you play e.g. with dice rolls. The number of games along with the randomized order should make it difficult for you to remember what the opponent (you) was thinking on his turn. Of course you can record the games by noting the moves, but you may want to cover the moves (in which case you'll have to be keeping the whole positions noted) until the game is finished, so that you can't cheat by looking at the game history while playing. If this method doesn't work for you because you can keep up with all the games, at least you know got real good at chess :) { This is an idea I just got, I'm leaving it here as a note, haven't tried it yet. ~drummyfish }
**How to play chess with yourself?** If you have no computer or humans to play against, you may try playing against yourself, however playing a single game against yourself doesn't really work, you know what the opponent is trying to do -- not that it's not interesting, but it's more of a search for general strategies in specific situations rather than actually playing a game. One way around this could be to play many games at once (you can use multiple boards but also just noting the positions on paper as you probably won't be able to set up 100 boards); every day you can make one move in some selected games -- randomize the order and games you play e.g. with dice rolls. The number of games along with the randomized order should make it difficult for you to remember what the opponent (you) was thinking on his turn. Of course you can record the games by noting the moves, but you may want to cover the moves (in which case you'll have to be keeping the whole positions noted) until the game is finished, so that you can't cheat by looking at the game history while playing. If this method doesn't work for you because you can keep up with all the games, at least you know got real good at chess :) { This is an idea I just got, I'm leaving it here as a note, haven't tried it yet. ~drummyfish }
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ The rules of chess are quite simple ([easy to learn, hard to master](easy_to_lea
At the competitive level **clock** (so called *time control*) is used to give each player a limited time for making moves: with unlimited move time games would be painfully long and more a test of patience than skill. Clock can also nicely help balance unequal opponent by giving the stronger player less time to move. Based on the amount of time to move there exist several formats, most notably **correspondence** (slowest, days for a move), **classical** (slow, hours per game), **rapid** (faster, tens of minutes per game), **blitz** (fast, a few seconds per move) and **bullet** (fastest, units of seconds per move).
At the competitive level **clock** (so called *time control*) is used to give each player a limited time for making moves: with unlimited move time games would be painfully long and more a test of patience than skill. Clock can also nicely help balance unequal opponent by giving the stronger player less time to move. Based on the amount of time to move there exist several formats, most notably **correspondence** (slowest, days for a move), **classical** (slow, hours per game), **rapid** (faster, tens of minutes per game), **blitz** (fast, a few seconds per move) and **bullet** (fastest, units of seconds per move).
Currently the best player in the world is pretty clearly Magnus Carlsen from Norway with Elo rating 2800+.
Currently the best player in the world -- and probably best player of all time -- is pretty clearly Magnus Carlsen (born 1990), a [white](white.md) man from Norway with Elo rating 2800+. He just keeps beating all the other top players effortlessly, he was winning the world championship over and over before giving up the title out of boredom.
During [covid](covid.md) chess has experienced a small boom among normies and [YouTube](youtube.md) chess channels have gained considerable popularity. This gave rise to [memes](meme.md) such as the bong cloud opening popularized by a top player and streamer Hikaru Nakamura; the bong cloud is an intentionally shitty opening that's supposed to taunt the opponent (it's been even played in serious tournaments lol).
During [covid](covid.md) chess has experienced a small boom among normies and [YouTube](youtube.md) chess channels have gained considerable popularity. This gave rise to [memes](meme.md) such as the bong cloud opening popularized by a top player and streamer Hikaru Nakamura; the bong cloud is an intentionally shitty opening that's supposed to taunt the opponent (it's been even played in serious tournaments lol).
@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ During [covid](covid.md) chess has experienced a small boom among normies and [Y
On **perfect play**: as stated, chess is unlikely to be ever solved so it is unknown if chess is a theoretical forced draw or forced win for white (or even win for black), however many simplified endgames and some simpler chess variants have already been solved. Even if chess was ever solved, it is important to realize one thing: **perfect play may be unsuitable for humans** and so even if chess was ever solved, it might have no significant effect on the game played by humans. Imagine the following: we have a chess position in which we are deciding between move *A* and move *B*. We know that playing *A* leads to a very good position in which white has great advantage and easy play (many obvious good moves), however if black plays perfectly he can secure a draw here. We also know that if we play *B* and then play perfectly for the next 100 moves, we will win with mathematical certainty, but if we make just one incorrect move during those 100 moves, we will get to a decisively losing position. While computer will play move *B* here because it is sure it can play perfectly, it is probably better to play *A* for human because human is very likely to make mistakes (even a master). For this reason humans may willingly choose to play mathematically worse moves -- it is because a slightly worse move may lead to a safer and more comfortable play for a human.
On **perfect play**: as stated, chess is unlikely to be ever solved so it is unknown if chess is a theoretical forced draw or forced win for white (or even win for black), however many simplified endgames and some simpler chess variants have already been solved. Even if chess was ever solved, it is important to realize one thing: **perfect play may be unsuitable for humans** and so even if chess was ever solved, it might have no significant effect on the game played by humans. Imagine the following: we have a chess position in which we are deciding between move *A* and move *B*. We know that playing *A* leads to a very good position in which white has great advantage and easy play (many obvious good moves), however if black plays perfectly he can secure a draw here. We also know that if we play *B* and then play perfectly for the next 100 moves, we will win with mathematical certainty, but if we make just one incorrect move during those 100 moves, we will get to a decisively losing position. While computer will play move *B* here because it is sure it can play perfectly, it is probably better to play *A* for human because human is very likely to make mistakes (even a master). For this reason humans may willingly choose to play mathematically worse moves -- it is because a slightly worse move may lead to a safer and more comfortable play for a human.
Fun fact: there seem to be **almost no black people in [chess](chess.md)** :D the strongest one seems to be Pontus Carlsson which rates number 1618 in the world; even [women](woman.md) seem to be much better at chess than black people. But how about black women? [LMAO](lmao.md), it seems like there haven't even been any black female masters :'D The web is BLURRY on these facts, but there seems to be a huge excitement about one black female, called Rochelle Ballantyne, who at nearly 30 years old has been sweating for a decade to reach the lowest master rank (the one which the nasty oppressive white boys get at like 10 years old) and MAYBE SHE'LL DO IT, she seems to have with all her effort and support of the whole Earth overcome the 2000 rating, something that thousands of amateurs on the net just causally do every day without even trying too much. But of course, it's cause of the white male oppression =3 lel
Fun fact: there seem to be **almost no black people in [chess](chess.md)** :D the strongest one seems to be Pontus Carlsson which rates number 1618 in the world; even [women](woman.md) seem to be much better at chess than black people. But how about black women? [LMAO](lmao.md), it seems like there haven't even been any black female masters :'D The web is BLURRY on these facts, but there seems to be a huge excitement about one black female, called Rochelle Ballantyne, who at nearly 30 years old has been sweating for a decade to reach the lowest master rank (the one which the nasty oppressive white boys get at like 10 years old) and MAYBE SHE'LL DO IT, she seems to have with all her effort and support of the whole Earth overcome the 2000 rating, something that thousands of amateurs on the net just causally do every day without even trying too much. But of course, it's cause of the white male oppression =3 lel { anti-disclaimer :D Let's be reminded [we](lrs.md) love all people, no matter skin color or gender. We are simply stating facts about nature, which don't always respect political correctness. ~drummyfish }
## Chess And Computers
## Chess And Computers
{ [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpXy041BIlA) is an absolutely amazing video about weird chess algorithms :) ~drummyfish }
{ [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpXy041BIlA) is an absolutely amazing video about weird chess algorithms :) ~drummyfish }
Chess is a big topic in computer science and programming, computers not only help people play chess, train their skills, analyze positions and perform research of games, but they also allow mathematical analysis of chess as such and provide a platform for things such as [artificial intelligence](ai.md).
Chess is of some interest to [computer scientists](compsci.md) and [programmers](programming.md), computers not only help people play chess, train their skills, analyze positions and perform research of games, but they also allow mathematical analysis of chess as such and provide a platform for things such as [artificial intelligence](ai.md).
Chess software is usually separated to **[libraries](library.md)**, **chess engines** and **[frontends](frontend.md)**. Chess engine is typically a [CLI](cli.md) program capable of playing chess but also doing other things such as evaluating arbitrary position, hinting best moves, saving and loading games etc. -- commonly the engine has some kind of custom CLI interface (flags, interactive commands it understands, ...) plus a support of some standardized text communication protocol, most notably XBoard (older one, more [KISS](kiss.md)) and UCI (newer, more [bloated](bloat.md)). There is also typically support for standardized formats such as FEN (way of encoding a chess position as a text string), PGN (way of encoding games as text strings) etc. Frontends on the other hand are usually [GUI](gui.md) programs (in this case also called *boards*) that help people interact with the underlying engine, however there may also be similar non-GUI programs of this type, e.g. those that automatically run tournaments of multiple engines.
Chess software is usually separated to **[libraries](library.md)**, **chess engines** and **[frontends](frontend.md)**. Chess engine is typically a [CLI](cli.md) program capable of playing chess but also doing other things such as evaluating arbitrary position, hinting best moves, saving and loading games etc. -- commonly the engine has some kind of custom CLI interface (flags, interactive commands it understands, ...) plus a support of some standardized text communication protocol, most notably XBoard (older one, more [KISS](kiss.md)) and UCI (newer, more [bloated](bloat.md)). There is also typically support for standardized formats such as FEN (way of encoding a chess position as a text string), PGN (way of encoding games as text strings) etc. Frontends on the other hand are usually [GUI](gui.md) programs (in this case also called *boards*) that help people interact with the underlying engine, however there may also be similar non-GUI programs of this type, e.g. those that automatically run tournaments of multiple engines.
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Playing strength is not the only possible measure of chess engine quality, of co
NOTE: our [smallchesslib](smallchesslib.md)/smolchess engine is very simple, educational and can hopefully serve you as a nice study tool to start with :)
NOTE: our [smallchesslib](smallchesslib.md)/smolchess engine is very simple, educational and can hopefully serve you as a nice study tool to start with :)
There is also a great online wiki focused on programming chess engines: https://www.chessprogramming.org.
There is also a great online [wiki](wiki.md) focused on programming chess engines: https://www.chessprogramming.org.
Programming chess is a [fun](fun.md) and enriching experience and is therefore recommended as a good exercise. There is nothing more satisfying than writing a custom chess engine and then watching it play on its own.
Programming chess is a [fun](fun.md) and enriching experience and is therefore recommended as a good exercise. There is nothing more satisfying than writing a custom chess engine and then watching it play on its own.
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Doom was followed by Doom II in 1995, which "content-wise" was basically just a
Some **[interesting](interesting.md) things** about Doom:
Some **[interesting](interesting.md) things** about Doom:
- Someone created a Doom system monitor for [Unix](unix.md) systems called [psDooM](psdoom.md) where the monsters in game are the operating system [processes](process.md) and killing the monsters kills the processes.
- Someone created a Doom system monitor for [Unix](unix.md) systems called [psDooM](psdoom.md) where the monsters in game are the operating system [processes](process.md) and killing the monsters kills the processes.
- In 2024 some researchers made an experimental completely [neural network](neural_net.md) [AI](ai.md) game engine (called GameNGen) and implemented Doom with it -- basically they just made the network play Doom for a long time and so trained it to estimate the next frame from current input and a few previous frames. It can be played at 20+ FPS and looks a lot like Doom but it's also "weird", glitching, and having little persistence (it only remembers a few seconds back). Still pretty impressive.
- Someone (kgsws) has been [hacking](hacking.md) the ORIGINAL Doom engine in an impressive way WITHOUT modifying the source code or the binary, rather using [arbitrary code execution](arbitrary_code_execution.md) bug; he added very advanced features known from newer source ports, for example an improved 3D rendering algorithms allowing geometry above geometry etc. (see e.g. https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=RdbRPNPUWlU). It's called the Ace engine.
- Someone (kgsws) has been [hacking](hacking.md) the ORIGINAL Doom engine in an impressive way WITHOUT modifying the source code or the binary, rather using [arbitrary code execution](arbitrary_code_execution.md) bug; he added very advanced features known from newer source ports, for example an improved 3D rendering algorithms allowing geometry above geometry etc. (see e.g. https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=RdbRPNPUWlU). It's called the Ace engine.
- Doom sprites were made from photos of physical things: weapons are modified photos of toys, enemies were made from clay and then photographed from multiple angles (actually a great alternative to [3D modeling](3d_model.md) that's less dependent on computers and produces more realistic results).
- Doom sprites were made from photos of physical things: weapons are modified photos of toys, enemies were made from clay and then photographed from multiple angles (actually a great alternative to [3D modeling](3d_model.md) that's less dependent on computers and produces more realistic results).
- The strongest weapon in the game is name BFG9000, which stands for "big fucking gun".
- The strongest weapon in the game is name BFG9000, which stands for "big fucking gun".
@ -56,3 +57,4 @@ There is no [antialiasing](antialiasing.md) in the engine, i.e. aliasing can be
- [Build engine](build_engine.md)
- [Build engine](build_engine.md)
- [Chasm: The Rift](chasm_the_rift.md)
- [Chasm: The Rift](chasm_the_rift.md)
- [raycasting](raycasting.md)
- [raycasting](raycasting.md)
- [Doomer](doomer.md)
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ The GNU/Linux operating system has several variants in a form of a few GNU appro
- **GNU programs are typically [bloated](bloat.md)** -- although compared to [Windows](windows.md) GNU programs are really light as a feather and though GNU programs are also in many cases (but not always) quite optimized, their source code, judged from strictly [suckless](suckless.md) perspective, is mostly huge, which many view as a big issue (it's a common theme, there are [jokes](joke.md) such as GNU actually meaning *Gigantic and Nasty but Unavoidable* and so on). This is likely because GNU chooses to [battle](fight_culture.md) proprietary programs, often by trying to beat them at their own game, so features are preferred over [minimalism](minimalism.md) to stay competitive.
- **GNU programs are typically [bloated](bloat.md)** -- although compared to [Windows](windows.md) GNU programs are really light as a feather and though GNU programs are also in many cases (but not always) quite optimized, their source code, judged from strictly [suckless](suckless.md) perspective, is mostly huge, which many view as a big issue (it's a common theme, there are [jokes](joke.md) such as GNU actually meaning *Gigantic and Nasty but Unavoidable* and so on). This is likely because GNU chooses to [battle](fight_culture.md) proprietary programs, often by trying to beat them at their own game, so features are preferred over [minimalism](minimalism.md) to stay competitive.
- **GNU also doesn't mind proprietary non-functional data** (e.g. assets in video games). This goes against [free culture](free_culture.md) and many other free software groups, notably e.g. [Debian](debian.md). Justifications for this range from "data itself can't be harmful" (false), through "we just focus on software" to "we need GNU to be more popular" (i.e. compatible with proprietary games and so on). GNU is also generally **NOT supportive of [free culture](free_culture.md) and even uses copyright to prohibit modifications of their propaganda texts**: the [GFDL](gfdl.md) license they use for texts may contain sections that are prohibited from being modified and so are non-free by definition. They also try to "protect" their names, you can't use the name "GNU" without their permission and so on. This sucks big time and shows some of the movement's darker side.
- **GNU also doesn't mind proprietary non-functional data** (e.g. assets in video games). This goes against [free culture](free_culture.md) and many other free software groups, notably e.g. [Debian](debian.md). Justifications for this range from "data itself can't be harmful" (false), through "we just focus on software" to "we need GNU to be more popular" (i.e. compatible with proprietary games and so on). GNU is also generally **NOT supportive of [free culture](free_culture.md) and even uses copyright to prohibit modifications of their propaganda texts**: the [GFDL](gfdl.md) license they use for texts may contain sections that are prohibited from being modified and so are non-free by definition. They also try to "protect" their names, you can't use the name "GNU" without their permission and so on. This sucks big time and shows some of the movement's darker side.
- **GNU is leaning towards dystopian, [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md)-style thought control**. Now of course let us say GNU does a lot of good and is not (at least yet) nowhere near as evil as any [corporation](corporation.md) for example, however some big red flags appear for example in their *Free System Distribution Guidelines* (FSDG) by which they POLITICALLY [censor](censor.md) software -- let us repeat that political censorship is taking place here, not just filtering of non-free software. FSDG will for example exclude any software from GNU approved repositories which merely *recommends* proprietary software OR *allows* installing it. This here is an authority doing thinking and ethical judgments for the people. It's without question we disapprove of proprietary software too of course, but it should never be the case that authorities should filter works for users based on their interpretation of the work, that is extremely, extremely dangerous and a repeatedly proven recipe for disaster. The service which software repository offers to the user must only ever be a simple, almost automated check -- for example of whether a repository has a free license -- but it must NEVER do thinking for the user. And this is what GNU does.
- **GNU greatly pushes [copyleft](copyleft.md)**, which we, as well as many others, oppose.
- **GNU greatly pushes [copyleft](copyleft.md)**, which we, as well as many others, oppose.
- **GNU embraces complexity, plays the corporate game and rejects the true way of freedom through [minimalism](minimalism.md)**. GNU basically just makes a mantra of "license with 4 freedoms on every software" and will mostly ignore everything else, they'll just do whatever it takes to stick with the mantra, i.e. GNU tries to achieve popularity, it tries to [fight](fight_culture.md) corporations, gets into activism, it will abuse copyright -- basically GNU wants to become a "superpower of freedom", it doesn't mind hierarchy, state, control, it wants to replace corporations in holding the power over technology, naively believing that it will be using the power for good. That's why they embrace complexity and harmful ways of [capitalist software](capitalist_software.md) (e.g. "GUI in everything", "fuck Unix", ...), that is why they simply copy proprietary software 1 to 1, just with a free license, it helps them be popular (people can drop in replace their proprietary software with GNU software), it also helps them get a [monopoly](bloat_monopoly.md) they don't mind (remember, they even ask people to transfer their copyright to them) as they DO want to become a centralized superpower. Where corporations push JavaScript on websites, GNU will just try to make sure the JavaScript has a free license, instead of rejecting the idea of JavaScript on websites. Where a corporation makes a "smart home", GNU will try to do the same, just with free software, instead of rejecting such a dumb idea in the first place. Anyone who ever saw anything from [history](history.md) knows it's not possible for a good superpower to exist -- no matter how pure it starts, with power WILL come corruption no matter what, any superpower will ALWAYS become evil. The TRUE way of freedom is simply abolishing all superpowers, embracing minimalism and giving power to the people instead of trying to fix maximalism and believe a monopoly will somehow be good. Just take a look at [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) as a recent example of how these things end. This philosophy is what helps GNU be big in short term but it's also what will kill it in the long term.
- **GNU embraces complexity, plays the corporate game and rejects the true way of freedom through [minimalism](minimalism.md)**. GNU basically just makes a mantra of "license with 4 freedoms on every software" and will mostly ignore everything else, they'll just do whatever it takes to stick with the mantra, i.e. GNU tries to achieve popularity, it tries to [fight](fight_culture.md) corporations, gets into activism, it will abuse copyright -- basically GNU wants to become a "superpower of freedom", it doesn't mind hierarchy, state, control, it wants to replace corporations in holding the power over technology, naively believing that it will be using the power for good. That's why they embrace complexity and harmful ways of [capitalist software](capitalist_software.md) (e.g. "GUI in everything", "fuck Unix", ...), that is why they simply copy proprietary software 1 to 1, just with a free license, it helps them be popular (people can drop in replace their proprietary software with GNU software), it also helps them get a [monopoly](bloat_monopoly.md) they don't mind (remember, they even ask people to transfer their copyright to them) as they DO want to become a centralized superpower. Where corporations push JavaScript on websites, GNU will just try to make sure the JavaScript has a free license, instead of rejecting the idea of JavaScript on websites. Where a corporation makes a "smart home", GNU will try to do the same, just with free software, instead of rejecting such a dumb idea in the first place. Anyone who ever saw anything from [history](history.md) knows it's not possible for a good superpower to exist -- no matter how pure it starts, with power WILL come corruption no matter what, any superpower will ALWAYS become evil. The TRUE way of freedom is simply abolishing all superpowers, embracing minimalism and giving power to the people instead of trying to fix maximalism and believe a monopoly will somehow be good. Just take a look at [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) as a recent example of how these things end. This philosophy is what helps GNU be big in short term but it's also what will kill it in the long term.
- ...
- ...
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Some examples include:
- "He likes guns, therefore he also likes [war](war.md), violence, hunting etc."
- "He likes guns, therefore he also likes [war](war.md), violence, hunting etc."
- "He likes to watch gore videos, therefore he is a violent man and supports violence in real life."
- "He likes to watch gore videos, therefore he is a violent man and supports violence in real life."
- "He isn't politically correct, therefore he is a rightist."
- "He isn't politically correct, therefore he is a rightist."
- "He opposes bullying of [pedophiles](pedophilia.md), therefore he is a pedophile." -- This reasoning is guaranteed to be made by every single [American](USA.md) as Americans cannot comprehend any other motive than [self interest](self_interest.md), to them it's physically impossible to try to benefit a group one is not part of.
- "He opposes bullying of [pedophiles](pedophilia.md), therefore he is a pedophile." -- This reasoning is guaranteed to be made by every single [American](usa.md) as Americans cannot comprehend any other motive than [self interest](self_interest.md), to them it's physically impossible to try to benefit a group one is not part of.
- "He opposes [bloat](bloat.md), therefore he supports the [privacy](privacy.md) and [productivity](productivity_cult.md) hysteria and his hobby must be ricing tiling window managers."
- "He opposes [bloat](bloat.md), therefore he supports the [privacy](privacy.md) and [productivity](productivity_cult.md) hysteria and his hobby must be ricing tiling window managers."
- "He acknowledges the existence and significance of [human races](race.md), therefore he is hostile to other races and supports their genocide."
- "He acknowledges the existence and significance of [human races](race.md), therefore he is hostile to other races and supports their genocide."
- "He plays competitive games so he must think having society based on competition is a good idea."
- "He plays competitive games so he must think having society based on competition is a good idea."
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ On this wiki we kind of use LMAO as a synonym to [LULZ](lulz.md) as used on [Enc
- In 2021 [Alexa](alexa.md) (the shitty Amazon voice spy agent) told a 10 year old to touch an electric plug with a penny after the kid asked her "for a challenge".
- In 2021 [Alexa](alexa.md) (the shitty Amazon voice spy agent) told a 10 year old to touch an electric plug with a penny after the kid asked her "for a challenge".
- In 2007 [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) banned the whole country of Qatar because their vandalism filter blocked the single [IP address](ip_address.md) through which Qatar accesses the Internet, which causes a shitton of [lulz](lulz.md).
- In 2007 [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) banned the whole country of Qatar because their vandalism filter blocked the single [IP address](ip_address.md) through which Qatar accesses the Internet, which causes a shitton of [lulz](lulz.md).
- { I've seen a screenshot of code in which some guy exited the program by intentionally dividing by zero, the comment said it was the easiest way. ~drummyfish }
- { I've seen a screenshot of code in which some guy exited the program by intentionally dividing by zero, the comment said it was the easiest way. ~drummyfish }
- Around 2015 some niggas got enraged when Google Photos tagged them as gorillas.
- Around 2015 some [niggas](nigger.md) got enraged when Google Photos tagged them as gorillas.
- The MMORPG *New World* by *Amazon Games* was programmed by retards (probably some diversity team) who made the client authoritative which allowed for [fun](fun.md) such as becoming invincible by draggine the game window or duplicate currency with lag switches.
- The MMORPG *New World* by *Amazon Games* was programmed by retards (probably some diversity team) who made the client authoritative which allowed for [fun](fun.md) such as becoming invincible by draggine the game window or duplicate currency with lag switches.
- In 2016 there was a progaming team in Halo called Mi Seng which in a broadcast game did a pretty funny thing: when they were leading they went into hiding in buggy spots and then just did nothing until the time ran out. Normies were crying, the commentators were pretty awkward, they considered this "unethical" xD We consider it pretty cool.
- In 2016 there was a progaming team in Halo called Mi Seng which in a broadcast game did a pretty funny thing: when they were leading they went into hiding in buggy spots and then just did nothing until the time ran out. Normies were crying, the commentators were pretty awkward, they considered this "unethical" xD We consider it pretty cool.
- In 2016 [Micro$oft](microsoft.md) released a Twitter [AI](ai.md) bot called Tay which was made to teach itself how to talk from the text on the Internet. It can be guessed it quickly became extremely racist and enraged waves of [SJW](sjw.md)s so they had to shut it down.
- In 2016 [Micro$oft](microsoft.md) released a Twitter [AI](ai.md) bot called Tay which was made to teach itself how to talk from the text on the Internet. It can be guessed it quickly became extremely racist and enraged waves of [SJW](sjw.md)s so they had to shut it down.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ WORK IN PROGRESS
| mainstream | correct/cooler |
| mainstream | correct/cooler |
| ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| Amazon | Scamazon |
| Amazon | Scamazon |
| American | Americunt, Amerifag, Yankee |
| American | Americunt, Amerifag, Yankee, Ameridiot |
| [anime](anime.md) | tranime |
| [anime](anime.md) | tranime |
| [Apple](apple.md) user | iToddler, iDiot |
| [Apple](apple.md) user | iToddler, iDiot |
| [Asperger](autism.md) | assburger |
| [Asperger](autism.md) | assburger |
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ WORK IN PROGRESS
| [Google](google.md) | Goolag |
| [Google](google.md) | Goolag |
| Gmail | Gfail |
| Gmail | Gfail |
| [GNU](gnu.md) | GNUts, GNU's not usable, Gigantic and Nasty but Unavoidable |
| [GNU](gnu.md) | GNUts, GNU's not usable, Gigantic and Nasty but Unavoidable |
| [Hyperbola](hyperbola.md) | Hyperbloat |
| influencer | manipulator |
| influencer | manipulator |
| [Intel](intel.md) | [Incel](incel.md) |
| [Intel](intel.md) | [Incel](incel.md) |
| [Internet Explorer](internet_explorer.md) | Internet Exploder, Internet Exploiter |
| [Internet Explorer](internet_explorer.md) | Internet Exploder, Internet Exploiter |
@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ Are you a noob but see our ideas as appealing and would like to join us? Say no
- That there is a light bulb in California that has been turned on since 1901 and as of writing this is still working? This shows that [old](old.md) things are better than those manufactured under more advanced [capitalism](capitalism.md) which pushes for more [consumerism](consumerism.md) and applies [artificial obsolescence](artificial_obscolescence.md). Many sowing machines made mode than 100 years ago still function perfectly fine as well as many other types of machines; anything created nowadays shouldn't be expected to last longer than 3 years.
- That there is a light bulb in California that has been turned on since 1901 and as of writing this is still working? This shows that [old](old.md) things are better than those manufactured under more advanced [capitalism](capitalism.md) which pushes for more [consumerism](consumerism.md) and applies [artificial obsolescence](artificial_obscolescence.md). Many sowing machines made mode than 100 years ago still function perfectly fine as well as many other types of machines; anything created nowadays shouldn't be expected to last longer than 3 years.
- That there exist [numbers](number.md) that are not [computable](computability.md) or are otherwise [unknowable](knowability.md)? See e.g. Chaitin's constant.
- That there exist [numbers](number.md) that are not [computable](computability.md) or are otherwise [unknowable](knowability.md)? See e.g. Chaitin's constant.
- That throughout [history](history.md) one of the most common patterns is appearance of new lucrative technology or trend which is labeled safe by [science](soyence.md), then officially recommended, promoted, adopted by the industry and heavily utilized for many years to decades before being found harmful, which is almost always greatly delayed by the industry trying to hide this fact? This was the case e.g. with [asbestos](asbestos.md), [freons](freon.md) (responsible for ozone layer depletion), [x rays](x_ray.md), radioactive paint (see *radium girls*), lobotomy (which even generated a Nobel Prize), some food preservatives, [plastics](plastic.md), smoking, car emissions and great many prescription drugs among which used to be even cocaine. Despite corporations denying it, there even appears evidence that cell phone radiation causes cancer (e.g. *Meta-analysis of long-term mobile phone use and the association with brain tumors*, 2008, even International Agency for Research on Cancer now holds that phones may pose such danger). Yet when you question safety of a new lucrative invention, such as [5G](5g.md), antidepressants or some quickly developed lucrative [vaccines](vax.md), you are labeled insane.
- That throughout [history](history.md) one of the most common patterns is appearance of new lucrative technology or trend which is labeled safe by [science](soyence.md), then officially recommended, promoted, adopted by the industry and heavily utilized for many years to decades before being found harmful, which is almost always greatly delayed by the industry trying to hide this fact? This was the case e.g. with [asbestos](asbestos.md), [freons](freon.md) (responsible for ozone layer depletion), [x rays](x_ray.md), radioactive paint (see *radium girls*), lobotomy (which even generated a Nobel Prize), some food preservatives, [plastics](plastic.md), smoking, car emissions and great many prescription drugs among which used to be even cocaine. Despite corporations denying it, there even appears evidence that cell phone radiation causes cancer (e.g. *Meta-analysis of long-term mobile phone use and the association with brain tumors*, 2008, even International Agency for Research on Cancer now holds that phones may pose such danger). Yet when you question safety of a new lucrative invention, such as [5G](5g.md), antidepressants or some quickly developed lucrative [vaccines](vax.md), you are labeled insane.
- That the [dickheads](faggot.md) maintaining the debian `fortune` utility package started to [censor](censorship.md) "offensive" fortunes, moving them to a separate `fortunes-off` package that won't by default be installed, and which in the future will be removed completely? They also put some cringe disclaimers and apologies to man pages and so on.
- That curved monitors are bad.
- That the [dickheads](faggot.md) maintaining the debian `fortune` utility package started to [censor](censorship.md) "offensive" fortunes, moving them to a separate `fortunes-off` package that won't by default be installed, and which in the [future](future.md) will be removed completely? They also put some cringe disclaimers and apologies to man pages and so on.
- That [Kinora](kinora.md), invented around 1895, allowed people to view short videos with a simple, small, purely mechanical device? It used the flip-book principle.
- That [Kinora](kinora.md), invented around 1895, allowed people to view short videos with a simple, small, purely mechanical device? It used the flip-book principle.
## Topics
## Topics
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Racetrack is one of the best examples of what good games should look like, mainl
- It is extremely [suckless](suckless.md), it may be implemented and played with the use of a [computer](computer.md) but can also be played without it, i.e. it has practically no [dependencies](dependency.md). In theory it can only be played in one's brain, making it [brain software](brain_software.md).
- It is extremely [suckless](suckless.md), it may be implemented and played with the use of a [computer](computer.md) but can also be played without it, i.e. it has practically no [dependencies](dependency.md). In theory it can only be played in one's brain, making it [brain software](brain_software.md).
- It is extremely [free](free_software.md) (as in freedom): firstly no one legally owns it and secondly its simplicity makes it free practically, anyone can play it and modify it regardless of where he lives, how much money he has, whether he has a computer -- even if one has no eyes or hands the game can still probably be played.
- It is extremely [free](free_software.md) (as in freedom): firstly no one legally owns it and secondly its simplicity makes it free practically, anyone can play it and modify it regardless of where he lives, how much money he has, whether he has a computer -- even if one has no eyes or hands the game can still probably be played.
- It may easily be played by any number of players, even solo. If one plays alone, he simply tries to find the fastest solution for given track. If multiple players play, they compete who finds the best solution.
- It may easily be played by any number of players, even solo. If one plays alone, he simply tries to find the fastest solution for given track. If multiple players play, they compete who finds the best solution.
- It is [simple yet deep](easy_to_learn_hard_to_master.md), the rules are very simple but to find the optimal solution for given track may get very difficult, especially if the track is somewhat complex and employs e.g. a number of checkpoints that can be taken in any order. This is probably an [NP hard](np_hard.md) problem and finding a good solution may require a lot of experience, intuition, advanced programming techniques such as [machine learning](machine_learning.md) etc.
- It is [simple yet deep](easy_to_learn_hard_to_master.md), the rules are very simple but to find the optimal solution for given track may get very difficult, especially if the track is somewhat complex and employs e.g. a number of checkpoints that can be taken in any order. Provided we have these checkpoints, the problem is probably [NP hard](np_hard.md) and finding a good solution may require a lot of experience, intuition, advanced programming techniques such as [machine learning](machine_learning.md) etc. { One reader sent me a note on this, showing an algorithm that could solve a track in polynomial time using graph modeling provided we only have start and finish with no checkpoints (OR if the order of checkpoints is given). ~drummyfish }
- It's not a mere game but a whole playground and "platform", for example it may be used to teach [vector](vector.md) mathematics, programming (path finding, heuristic search, [evolutionary programming](evolutionary_programming.md), ...), test machine learning algorithms etcetc.
- It's not a mere game but a whole playground and "platform", for example it may be used to teach [vector](vector.md) mathematics, programming (path finding, heuristic search, [evolutionary programming](evolutionary_programming.md), ...), test machine learning algorithms etcetc.
- It can be very nicely implemented on computers, even on very simple ones such as [8bits](8bit.md), without bloat such as [floating point](float.md), and is friendly to e.g. implementing replays, artificial intelligence etc.
- It can be very nicely implemented on computers, even on very simple ones such as [8bits](8bit.md), without bloat such as [floating point](float.md), and is friendly to e.g. implementing replays, artificial intelligence etc.
- The base version is extremely simple but may be extended greatly in various way, for example adding more rules or creating "rich" computer frontends; one may imagine e.g. a 3D frontend for the game with features such as bots, demo recording, different car skins, online multiplayer and leaderboards, track editor etc.
- The base version is extremely simple but may be extended greatly in various way, for example adding more rules or creating "rich" computer frontends; one may imagine e.g. a 3D frontend for the game with features such as bots, demo recording, different car skins, online multiplayer and leaderboards, track editor etc.
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Load diff
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Some notable methods and practices of steganography include:
- Embedding in **images**. One of the simplest methods is storing data in least significant bits of pixel values (which won't be noticeable by human eyes). Advanced methods may e.g. modify statistical properties of the image such as its color [histogram](histogram.md).
- Embedding in **images**. One of the simplest methods is storing data in least significant bits of pixel values (which won't be noticeable by human eyes). Advanced methods may e.g. modify statistical properties of the image such as its color [histogram](histogram.md).
- Embedding in **sound**, **video**, vector graphics and all other kinds of media is possible.
- Embedding in **sound**, **video**, vector graphics and all other kinds of media is possible.
- All kinds of data can be embedded given enough storage capacity of given bearing medium (e.g. it is possible to store an image in text, sound in another sound etc.).
- All kinds of data can be embedded given enough storage capacity of given bearing medium (e.g. it is possible to store an image in text, sound in another sound etc.).
- Information that's present but normally random or unimportant can be used for embedding, e.g. the specific order of items in a list (its [permutation](premutation.md)) can bear information as well as length of time delays in timed data, amount of noise in data etc.
- Information that's present but normally random or unimportant can be used for embedding, e.g. the specific order of items in a list (its [permutation](permutation.md)) can bear information as well as length of time delays in timed data, amount of noise in data etc.
The following two pictures encode text, each picture a different one, written under it. (The method used for the encoding as well as the whole code will be present further below.)
The following two pictures encode text, each picture a different one, written under it. (The method used for the encoding as well as the whole code will be present further below.)
@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ Advantages of UBI:
Disadvantages of UBI:
Disadvantages of UBI:
- none { Well I guess a slight advantage might be that UBI still works with the idea of money, but as mentioned above, the principle of UBI will be preserved even after abolishment of money. ~drummyfish }
- none { Well I guess a slight disadvantage might be that UBI still works with the idea of money, but as mentioned above, the principle of UBI will be preserved even after abolishment of money. ~drummyfish }
@ -49,3 +49,7 @@ Here is an example of version numbering a project with the LRS system:
| 2.0d | fixed a bug | no |
| 2.0d | fixed a bug | no |
| 2.01 | a few nice improvements | YES |
| 2.01 | a few nice improvements | YES |
| ... | ... | ... |
| ... | ... | ... |
## Even More KISS System
Make the version number be automatically derived, for example use the [hash](hash.md) of the source code as version number, or maybe even better use the Unix timestamp of latest commit (that will allow to determine which version is newer), or something similar.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 591
- number of articles: 591
- number of commits: 872
- number of commits: 873
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4273180
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4272243
- total number of lines of article texts: 32556
- total number of lines of article texts: 32609
- number of script lines: 291
- number of script lines: 294
- occurrences of the word "person": 7
- occurrences of the word "person": 7
- occurrences of the word "nigger": 91
- occurrences of the word "nigger": 92
longest articles:
longest articles:
@ -27,106 +27,111 @@ longest articles:
- [bloat](bloat.md): 36K
- [bloat](bloat.md): 36K
- [internet](internet.md): 36K
- [internet](internet.md): 36K
- [woman](woman.md): 32K
- [woman](woman.md): 32K
- [history](history.md): 32K
- [main](main.md): 32K
- [main](main.md): 32K
- [history](history.md): 32K
- [random_page](random_page.md): 32K
- [random_page](random_page.md): 32K
- [game](game.md): 32K
- [game](game.md): 32K
- [pseudorandomness](pseudorandomness.md): 32K
- [optimization](optimization.md): 32K
top 50 5+ letter words:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2413)
- which (2415)
- there (1848)
- there (1851)
- people (1648)
- people (1650)
- example (1435)
- example (1438)
- other (1313)
- other (1313)
- number (1230)
- number (1230)
- about (1151)
- about (1155)
- software (1143)
- software (1143)
- program (971)
- program (973)
- because (898)
- because (900)
- their (887)
- their (887)
- would (883)
- would (884)
- called (826)
- called (826)
- language (821)
- language (822)
- being (807)
- being (807)
- something (806)
- things (804)
- things (804)
- something (803)
- numbers (796)
- numbers (796)
- simple (765)
- simple (766)
- computer (751)
- computer (752)
- without (717)
- without (718)
- programming (710)
- programming (711)
- function (701)
- function (701)
- these (683)
- these (682)
- different (672)
- different (673)
- however (663)
- however (665)
- system (644)
- system (644)
- world (622)
- world (622)
- doesn (615)
- doesn (618)
- should (612)
- should (611)
- while (592)
- while (593)
- point (587)
- point (587)
- society (579)
- society (579)
- games (578)
- games (578)
- drummyfish (557)
- drummyfish (560)
- simply (556)
- simply (556)
- using (549)
- using (549)
- though (548)
- though (548)
- still (543)
- still (543)
- possible (536)
- possible (537)
- memory (522)
- memory (524)
- similar (519)
- similar (519)
- https (510)
- https (511)
- course (504)
- course (504)
- value (503)
- value (503)
- technology (497)
- technology (497)
- always (490)
- always (490)
- basically (484)
- basically (485)
- really (475)
- really (475)
- first (469)
- probably (469)
latest changes:
latest changes:
Date: Thu Aug 29 16:19:22 2024 +0200
Date: Sat Aug 31 14:44:45 2024 +0200
Date: Tue Aug 27 22:53:54 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
most wanted pages:
@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs](lrs.md) (296)
- [lrs](lrs.md) (296)
- [capitalism](capitalism.md) (244)
- [capitalism](capitalism.md) (245)
- [c](c.md) (221)
- [c](c.md) (221)
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@ -163,11 +168,11 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Xonotic is similar to other libre AFPS games such as [OpenArena](openarena.md) a
As of 2022 the game has a small but pretty active community of regular players, centered mostly in [Europe](europe.md), though there is some [US](usa.md) scene too. There are regulars playing every day, pros, noobs, famous spammers, campers and [trolls](troll.md). Nice conversations can be had during games. There are [memes](meme.md) and inside jokes. The community is pretty neat. Xonotic also has a very dedicated [defrag](defrag.md) ("racing with no shooting") community. There have also been a few small tournament with real cash prizes in Xonotic.
As of 2022 the game has a small but pretty active community of regular players, centered mostly in [Europe](europe.md), though there is some [US](usa.md) scene too. There are regulars playing every day, pros, noobs, famous spammers, campers and [trolls](troll.md). Nice conversations can be had during games. There are [memes](meme.md) and inside jokes. The community is pretty neat. Xonotic also has a very dedicated [defrag](defrag.md) ("racing with no shooting") community. There have also been a few small tournament with real cash prizes in Xonotic.
The [GOAT](goat.md) of Xonotic is probably *Dodger*, his skill was just too high even above other pros. The worst player in Xonotic and probably also the biggest idiot on the planet is a player named *111*.
The [GOAT](goat.md) of Xonotic is probably *Dodger*, his skill was just too high even above other pros. The worst player in Xonotic and probably also the biggest idiot on the planet is a player named *111*. Also very bad players were named kqz and Splat.
Great news is the development and main servers have so far not been infected by the [SJW poison](tranny_software.md) and (as of 2023) **allow a great amount of [free speech](free_speech.md)** -- another rarity. Even the game itself contains speech that SJWs would consider "offensive", there are e.g. voice lines calling other players "pussies" and "retards". This is great.
Great news is the development and main servers have so far not been infected by the [SJW poison](tranny_software.md) and (as of 2023) **allow a great amount of [free speech](free_speech.md)** -- another rarity. Even the game itself contains speech that SJWs would consider "offensive", there are e.g. voice lines calling other players "pussies" and "retards". This is great.
Reference in a new issue