Miloslav Ciz 1 year ago
parent 9609be2e15
commit 90d2ce5c44

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ C is an old [low level]( structured [statically typed](static_typin
It is usually not considered an easy language to learn because of its low level nature: it requires good understanding of how a [computer]( actually works and doesn't prevent the programmer from shooting himself in the foot. Programmer is given full control (and therefore responsibility). There are things considered "tricky" which one must be aware of, such as undefined behavior of certain operators and raw pointers. This is what can discourage a lot of modern "coding monkeys" from choosing C, but it's also what inevitably allows such great performance -- undefined behavior allows the compiler to choose the most efficient implementation. On the other hand, C as a language is pretty simple without [modern]( bullshit concepts such as [OOP](, it is not as much hard to learn but rather hard to master, as any other true art.
C is said to be the **"platform independent [assembly]("** because of its low level nature, great performance etc. -- though C is structured (has control structures such as branches and loops) and can be used in a relatively high level manner, it is also possible to write assembly-like code that operates directly with bytes in memory through [pointers]( without many safety mechanisms, so C is often used for writing things like hardware [drivers]( On the other hand some restrain from likening C to assembly because C compilers still perform many transformations of the code and what you write is not necessarily always what you get.
C is said to be a **"[portable]( [assembly]("** because of its low level nature, great performance etc. -- though C is structured (has control structures such as branches and loops) and can be used in a relatively high level manner, it is also possible to write assembly-like code that operates directly with bytes in memory through [pointers]( without many safety mechanisms, so C is often used for writing things like hardware [drivers]( On the other hand some restrain from likening C to assembly because C compilers still perform many transformations of the code and what you write is not necessarily always what you get.
Mainstream consensus acknowledges that C is among the best languages for writing low level code and code that requires performance, such as [operating systems](, [drivers]( or [games]( Even scientific libraries with normie-language interfaces -- e.g. various [machine learning]( [Python]( libraries -- usually have the performance critical core written in [C]( Normies will tell you that for things outside this scope C is not a good language, with which we disagree -- [we]( recommend using C for basically everything that's supposed to last, i.e. if you want to write a good website, you should write it in C etc.

@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ A work which is not covered by copyright (and any other IP) -- which is nowadays
## See Also
- [bullshit](
- [free culture](
- [copyleft](
- [derivative work](
- [fair use](
- [creative commons](
- [license](

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Dick Reveal
Dick/pussy reveal is the act of publicly revealing one's nudity on the [Internet](, in normal situations done voluntarily.
## See Also
- [face reveal](
- [deepfake](
- [the fappening](

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Partially thanks to the free release of the engine and its relatively [suckless]
The Doom engine was revolutionary and advanced (not only but especially) video game graphics by a great leap, considering its predecessor [Wolf3D]( was really primitive in comparison (Doom basically set the direction for future trends in games such as driving the development of more and more powerful [GPUs]( in a race for more and more impressive visuals). Doom used a technique called **[BSP rendering](** that was able to render [realtime]( 3D views of textured environments with distance fog and enemies and items represented by 2D [billboards]( ("sprites"). No [GPU]( acceleration was used, graphics was rendered purely with [CPU]( (so called [software rendering](, GPU rendering would come with Doom's successor [Quake]( This had its limitations, for example the camera could not tilt up and down and the levels could not have rooms above other rooms. For this reason some call Doom "[pseudo 3D](" or 2.5D rather than "true 3D". Nevertheless, though with limitations, Doom did present 3D views and internally it did work with 3D coordinates (for example the player or projectiles have 2D position plus height coordinate), despite some dumb YouTube videos saying otherwise. For this reason we prefer to call Doom a **primitive 3D** engine, but 3D nonetheless. However Doom was not just a game with good graphics, it had extremely good gameplay, legendary music and art style and introduced the revolutionary [deathmatch]( multiplayer, as well as a HUGE modding and mapping community. It was a success in every way -- arguably no other game has since achieved a greater revolution than Doom.
However Doom's success wasn't just due to its graphics, it excelled overall in all areas -- it had brilliant fast and gory gameplay, amazing level design (by John Romero), excellent soundtrack and even a revolutionary [multiplayer]( The game's backstory was simple and didn't stand in the way of gameplay, it's basically about a tough marine (so called *Doomguy*) on a Mars military base slaying hordes of demos from hell, all in a rock/metal style with a lot of gore and over-the-top violence (chain saws n stuff).
Doom source code is written in [C89]( and is about 36000 [lines of code]( long. The original system requirements needed roughly a 30 MHz [CPU]( and 4 MB [RAM]( as a minimum. It had 27 levels (9 of which were shareware), 8 weapons and 10 enemy types.
The game only used [fixed point](, no [float](!

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ He loves all living beings, even those whose attributes he hates or who hate him
Drummyfish has a personal website at [](, and a gopherhole at [](gopher://
Photos of drummyfish: [young](, [older]( (after being confronted with real life) and [naked]( (warning: fat and ugly, see also [dick reveal](
Drummyfish's real name is Miloslav Číž, he was born on 24.08.1990 and lives in Moravia, Czech Republic, [Earth]( (he rejects the concept of a country/[nationalism](, the info here serves purely to specify a location). He is a more or less straight [male]( of the [white]( [race]( He started programming at high school in [Pascal](, then he went on to study [compsci]( (later focused on [computer graphics]( in a Brno University of Technology and got a [master's degree](, however he subsequently refused to find a job in the industry, partly because of his views (manifested by [LRS]( and partly because of mental health issues (depressions/anxiety/avoidant personality disorder). He rather chose to stay closer to the working class and do less harmful [slavery]( such as cleaning and physical [spam]( distribution, and continues [hacking]( on his programming (and other) projects in his spare time in order to be able to do it with absolute freedom.
In 2019 drummyfish has written a "manifesto" of his ideas called **Non-Competitive Society** that describes the political ideas of an ideal society. It is in the [public domain]( under [CC0]( and available for download online.

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
# Gay
Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and disorder which makes individuals sexually attracted primarily to the same sex, i.e. males to males and females to females. A homosexual individual is called gay, homo or even faggot ([females]( are called lesbians). About 4% of people suffer from homosexuality. The opposite of homosexuality, i.e. the normal, natural sexual orientation primarily towards the opposite sex, is called heterosexuality or being *straight*.
Homosexuality is a sexual orientation and disorder which makes individuals sexually attracted primarily to the same sex, i.e. males to males and females to females. A homosexual individual is called gay (stylized as gaaaaaaaaay), homo or even faggot, [females]( are called lesbians. About 4% of people suffer from homosexuality. The opposite of homosexuality, i.e. the normal, natural sexual orientation primarily towards the opposite sex, is called heterosexuality or being *straight*. Homosexuality is not to be confused with [bisexuality]( -- here we are talking about pure homosexuality, i.e. a greatly prevailing attraction mostly towards the same sex.
For an unenlightened reader coming from the brainwashland: this article is not "offensive", it is just telling uncensored truth. Be reminded that [LRS]( is not advocating any discrimination, on the contrary we advocate [absolute social equality]( and love of all living beings. Your indoctrination has made you equate political incorrectness with oppression; to see the truth, you have to unlearn this -- see for example our [FAQ](
Unlike e.g. [pedophilia]( and probably also [bisexuality](, **pure homosexuality is NOT normal**, it is a disorder -- of course the meaning of the word disorder is highly debatable, but pure homosexuality is firstly pretty rare (being gay is as rare as e.g. having [IQ]( < 75), and secondly from the nature's point of view gay people wouldn't naturally reproduce, their condition is therefore equivalent to any other kind of sterility, which we most definitely would call a defect -- not necessarily a defect harmful to society (there are enough people already), but nonetheless a defect from biological point of view.
Unlike e.g. [pedophilia]( and probably also [bisexuality](, **pure homosexuality is NOT normal**, it is a disorder (WE REPEAT, we love all people, even those with a disorder) -- of course the meaning of the word disorder is highly debatable, but pure homosexuality is firstly pretty rare (being gay is as rare as e.g. having [IQ]( < 75), and secondly from the nature's point of view gay people wouldn't naturally reproduce, their condition is therefore equivalent to any other kind of sterility, which we most definitely would call a defect -- not necessarily a defect harmful to society (there are enough people already), but nonetheless a defect from biological point of view.
Gay behavior is also usually pretty weird, male homos are very feminine and talk in high pitched voice, lesbians are masculine, have short pink hair, often also aggressive nature and identity crisis manifested by [tattoos]( etc. Most normal people naturally find this disgusting but are afraid to say it because of [political correctness]( and fear of being [lynched]( You can usually safely tell someone's gay just from his body language and/or appearance. Gay people are also more inclined towards [art]( and other sex's activities, for example gay guys are often hair dressers or even ballet dancers.

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ Apart from this software a lot of other software developed by other people and g
- **[lisp](**: Programming language with a pretty elegant design.
- **[st](**: Official [suckless]( [terminal emulator](
- **[badwolf](**: Very small yet very usable [web browser](
- **[netsurf](**: Nice minimalist web browser.
- **[FORTH](**: Small programming language with very nice design.
- **[surf](**: Official [suckless]( [web browser](
- **[tcc](**: Small [C]( [compiler]( (alternative to [gcc](

@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
*Not to be confused with [science](*
Soyence is [business](, [propaganda]( and [politics]( trying to pass as [science](, nowadays promoted typically by [pseudoleftists](, [pseudoskeptics](, [capitalists]( and [corporations]( Soyence is not about listening to what science says, it is about listetning to what scientists say (or rather those who were officially pronounced "scientists"); soyence is what the typical reddit [atheist]( or [tiktok]( [feminist]( believes science is or what Neil De Grass Tyson tells you science is. Soyence calls itself science and [gatekeeps]( the term science by calling unpopular science (such as that regarding human [race]( or questioning big pharma [vaccines]( "[pseudoscience](". Soyence itself is pseudoscience but it has strong connection to politics, it is accepted by the mainstream, controlled by those in power and has added attributes such as high organization, intentional misleading, state approval etc.
Soyence is [business](, [propaganda]( and [politics]( trying to pass as [science](, nowadays promoted typically by [pseudoleftists](, [pseudoskeptics](, [capitalists]( and [corporations]( Soyence is not about listening to what science says, it is about listetning to that who are currently called *scientists* say; soyence is what the typical reddit [atheist]( or [tiktok]( [feminist]( believes science is or what Neil De Grass Tyson tells you science is. Soyence calls itself science and [gatekeeps]( the term science by calling unpopular science (such as that regarding human [race]( or questioning big pharma [vaccines]( "[pseudoscience](". Soyence itself is pseudoscience but it has official status, strong connection to politics, it is mainstream, controlled by those in power, intentionally misleading and state approved. Soyence can be encountered in much of [academia](, [Wikipedia]( and in other popular/mainstream media such as TV "documentaries" and [YouTube](
Compared to good old [fun]( pseudosciences such as [astrology](, soyence is extra sneaky by purposefully trying to blend in with real science, i.e. within a certain truly scientific field, such as biology, there is a soyentific [cancer]( mixed in by activists, corporations and state, that may be hard to separate for common folk and many times even for pros. This is extremely [harmful]( as in the eyes of retarded people (basically everyone) the neighboring legit science gives credibility to propaganda bullshit. There is a tendency to think we somehow magically live in a time that's fundamentally different from other times in history in which it is now a pretty clear and uncontroversial fact that the name of science was abused hard by propaganda, almost everyone easily accepts that historically politically constructed lies were presented as confirmed by science, but somehow people refuse to believe it could be the case nowadays. In times of Nazism there was no doubt about race being a completely scientific term and that Jews were scientifically confirmed to be the inferior race -- nowadays in times when anti Nazis have won and politics is based on denying existence of race somehow scientists start to magically find evidence that no such thing as race has ever existed -- how convenient! And just in case you wanted to check if it's actually true, you'll be labeled a racist and you won't find job ever again.
Soyence uses all the cheap tricks of politics (also not dissimilar to those of [greenwashing](, [openwashing]( etc.) to win stupid people, it builds on the cult of bullying religion and creating a [war mentality](, overuse of twisted "rationality" ([pseudoskepticism](, creating science [bloat]( and bullshit "scientific" fields to obscure lies, punishment of the correct use of rationality, building cults of personality ("science educators", the [gatekeepers]( of "science") and appealing to egoism and naivity of wannabe smartasses while at the same time not even holding up to principles of science such as genuine objectivity. A soyence kid will for example keep preaching about how everything should be proven by reproducible experiments while at the same time accepting [de facto]( irreproducible results, e.g. those obtained with billion dollar worth research performed at [CERN]( which can NOT be reproduced anywhere else than at CERN with thousands of top scientist putting in years of work. Such results are not reproducible in practice, they are accepted on the basis of pure faith in those presenting it, just as religious people accept the words of preachers. The kid will argue that in theory someone else can build another CERN and reproduce the results, but that won't happen in practice, it's just a purely theoretical unrealistic scenario so his version of what "science" is is really based on reproducibility that only works in a dreamed up world, this kind of reproducibility doesn't at all fulfill its original purpose of allowing others to check, confirm or refute the results of experiments. This starts to play a bigger role when for example vaccines start to get promoted by the government as "proven safe by science" (read "claimed safe by a corporation who makes money off of people being sick"), the soyence kid will gladly accept the vaccine and [fight]( for their acceptance just thanks to this label, not based on any truly scientific facts but out of pure faith in self proclaimed science authorities -- here the soyentist is relying purely on faith, a concept he would like to think he hates with his soul.
The "[citation needed](" craziness that indicates lack of any brain and pure reliance on the word of authority is seen e.g. on [Wikipedia]( Wikipedia doesn't accept original research, observation or EVEN LOGIC ITSELF as a basis for presenting something -- everything, even trivial claims have to have a "citation" from a source WITH mainstream political views (unpopular and controversial sources are banned); Wikipedia is therefore one big propaganda ground for those with power over the mainstream media.
Soyence relies on low [IQ](, shallow education and popular "science education" (e.g. neil de grass), while making its followers believe they are smart. It produces propaganda material such as "documentaries" with Morgan Freeman (i.e. people who are good at persuasion rather than being competent), series like The Big Bang Theory and [YouTube]( videos with titles such as "Debunking Flat Earth with FACTS AND LOGIC", so there's a huge mass of [NPCs]( thinking they are Einsteins who blindly support this cult. Soyence attacks science from within by attacking its core principles, i.e. it tries to ridicule and punish thinking outside the box and asking specific questions -- in this it is not dissimilar to a mass [religion](
Examples of soyence:
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ Examples of soyence:
- any [pseudoskeptical]( shit trying to look "scientific"
- Bullshit degrees, e.g. someone getting [PhD]( in "user experience", "level design", "diversity in software engineering" or "making youtube videos" (like that fucker from Veritasium [lmao](
- "Women are as intelligent as men."
- "[citation needed](" on everything
- "Science popularization" as in building authority of so called "scientists" so as to create a political capital.
- "This extremely lucrative [Covid]( vaccine made by us in record time is absolutely safe, don't dare question it, just take it 5 times a year and pay us each time you do, don't mind any side effects." --Big Pharma
- "Science says god doesn't exist." aka reddit [atheism](

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
Wiby is a [minimalist]( non-corporate [web]( [search engine]( for old-style non-[bloated]( (web 1.0, "[smol web](") websites. Searching on wiby will yield small, simple websites, mostly non-interactive, static [HTML]( personal/hobby sites, small community sites and obscure weird sites -- this kind of searching is not only [fun](, adventurous and nostalgic [90s]( like experience, but it actually leads to finding useful information which on corporate search engines like [Google]( or [Bing]( get buried under billions of useless noise sites and links to "content platforms" like [YouTube]( and [reddit]( We highly recommend searching on wiby.
It can be accessed at and Of course, no [JavaScript]( is needed! Clicking "surprise me" on wiby is an especially entertaining activity.
It can be accessed at and Of course, no [JavaScript]( is needed! Clicking "surprise me" on wiby is an especially entertaining activity, you never know what comes at you. A site dedicated to identifying historical bottles? Ice chewers forum? A list of longest domain names? Yes, this is the kind of stuff you'll get, and more.
The engine doesn't automatically crawl the whole web, it instead works by users submitting links, the admin approving them and a bot potentially crawling these sites to a small depth.
The engine doesn't automatically crawl the whole web, it instead works by users submitting links, the admin approving them and a bot potentially crawling these sites to a small depth. Be sure to contribute quality links to improve the database!
Wiby appears to have been launched in October 2017 and built by a sole programmer who remains anonymous and accepts donations. On the [ASCII art]( on the front page there are initials `jgs` which may or may not point to the author of wiby.
On July 8, 2022 wiby became even more amazing by **being released as [free (as in freedom) software](** under [GPLv2](! It works on the [LEMP]( stack. See (The database of sites though seems to remain [proprietary](
On July 8, 2022 wiby became even more amazing by **being released as [free (as in freedom) software](** under [GPLv2]( (! It works on the [LEMP]( stack. See (The database of sites though seems to remain [proprietary](
A similar search engine seems to be