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# Brain Software
Brain [software](software.md), also brainware, is kind of a [fun](fun.md) idea of software that runs on the human brain as opposed to a typical electronic [computer](computer.md). This removes the [dependency](dependency.md) on computers and highly increases freedom. Of course, this also comes with a huge drop of computational power :) However, aside from being a fun idea to explore, this kind of software and "architectures" may become interesting from the perspective of [freedom](free_software.md) and [primitivism](primitivism.md) (especially when the technological [collapse](collapse.md) seems like a real danger).
Brain [software](software.md), also brainware, is kind of a [fun](fun.md) idea of software that runs on the human brain as opposed to a typical electronic [computer](computer.md). This removes the [dependency](dependency.md) on computers and highly increases freedom. Of course, this also comes with a huge drop of computational power :) However, aside from being an entertaining idea to explore, this kind of software and "architectures" may become interesting from the perspective of [freedom](free_software.md) and [primitivism](primitivism.md) (especially when the technological [collapse](collapse.md) seems like a real danger).
Primitive tools helping the brain compute, such as pen and paper or printed out mathematical tables, may be allowed.
Primitive tools helping the brain compute, such as pen and paper or printed out mathematical [tables](lut.md), may be allowed.
Example of brain software can be the [game](game.html) of [chess](chess.md). Chess masters can easily play the game without a physical chess board, only in their head, and they can play games with each other by just saying the moves out loud. They may even just play games with themselves, which makes chess a deep, entertaining game that can be 100% contained in one's brain. Such game can never be taken away from the man, it can't be altered by corporations, it can't become unplayable on new [hardware](hardware.md) etc., making it free to the greatest extent. Many other board games and pen and pencil games, such as [racetrack](racetrack.md) (pen and pencil racing game suitable for one or many players).
Example of brain software can be the [game](game.html) of [chess](chess.md). A chess master can easily play the game without a physical chess board, only in his head, and he can play games with someone else just by saying the moves out loud. He may even just play games with himself, which makes chess a deep, entertaining game that can be 100% contained in one's brain. Such game can never be taken away from the man, it can't be altered by [corporations](corporation.md), it can't become unplayable on new [hardware](hardware.md) etc., making it free to the greatest extent. Many other board games and pen and pencil games, such as [racetrack](racetrack.md) (pen and pencil racing game suitable for one or many players).
One may think of a pen and paper computer with its own simple instruction set that allows general purpose programming. This instruction set may be designed to be well interpretable by human and it may be accompanied by tables printed out on paper for quick lookup of operation results -- e.g. a 4 bit computer might provide a 16x16 table with precomputed multiplication results which would help the individual execute the multiplication instruction within mere seconds.
@ -166,7 +166,11 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
63. What's heavier, 20 kilograms of black hole or 30 kilograms of nothing?
64. We have a village of 27 people; in upcoming elections 17 want to vote for candidate A and 10 for candidate B. People will be divided into 3 districts, each with 9 people -- in each district one candidate will be picked by majority of votes, and then the candidate who wins in most districts will win the elections. Sort people into districts so that candidate B wins.
65. Some rich faggot got himself a house with opening roof -- it's a flat roof that after a button press will start to slide and so enlarge the hole in the roof linearly from 0 to 10 m^2 over 10 seconds. Closing is the same, just in opposite direction. Some idiot pressed the button during rain, the roof is opening and it's raining in the house all over his stereo and home cinema, he will close the roof but he can only do it once it has opened completely (so it will be raining inside for 20 seconds). The rain's intensity is such that 1 m^2 of area catches 1 litre of water in 1 second. When the roof has closed, how much water has poured into the room?
66. Did you enjoy this quiz?
66. Please tell me why a human without pressure suit diving under water to great depth will be rekt to pieces by the pressure while a small fish made out of jello is just fine under that enormous pressure.
67. Rewrite the following snippet so that it [doesn't perform any branching](branchless.md): `if (a > 10) a += 16; else a += 4;`. Watch out, you can't use the ternary operator (`a += a > 10 ? 16 : 4;`) because that's typically just a syntax sugar for a branch.
68. Say we have a square digital image, i.e. a grid of pixels of resolution *N x N*. We want to scale it down to *N/2 x N/2*. For this we could subdivide the image into 2x2 blocks and out of each block take only one pixel, for example the top left one, discarding the three other pixels. However there is a danger in doing this -- for example downscaling a black and white [dithering](dithering.md) pattern (a kind of checker board) this way would result in either a completely black or completely white image, drastically changing the overall brightness of the whole image! What's this problem called and how could we prevent it?
69. Give numeric answers to queries that will follow, then compute average error against each correct answer; you want an error not greater than 3. Number of essential software freedoms defined by GNU. Year when Creative Commons non-profit was established. PDP 10 word size divided by 5 (use integer division). Century (its one-based sequential number) in which Western Roman Empire officially ended (lost its last emperor). Century in which [Nikola Tesla](tesla.md) was born. Year when first man set foot on the Moon.
70. Did you enjoy this quiz?
### Answers
@ -235,7 +239,11 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
63. I don't know lol. (That's the correct answer, it shows we can't know everything.)
64. District one: all A voters, district two and three will each have 5 B voters and 4 A voters.
65. The area of the roof hole says the rate at which the water pours in, we have to [integrate](integral.md) the hole area over the 20 seconds. We can split this to two parts that we'll add: from 0 to 10 seconds the function that says the area of the hole is simply *f1(t) = t*; from 10 to 20 seconds we can use a function *f2(t) = 10 - t* from 0 to 10 seconds. Integral of *f1* is *1/2 * t^2* which at *t = 10* gives us 50 litres; integral of *f2* is *10 * t - 1/2 * t^2* which also gives 50 litres (it's logical -- opening and closing of the roof is symmetric, same amount of water will fall in). So all in all there will be 100 litres of water in the room.
66. yes
66. Well, it's not the pressure alone that destroys you, it's the difference of external and internal pressure -- human has air of atmospheric pressur in his lungs and other parts of body but the pressure in the depth is greater and overpowers it, so you implode. The fish is happy because it has water inside it, the pressures are in balance.
67. something like ` a += 4 << ((a > 10) << 1);`
68. It's called [aliasing](aliasing.md), it's addressed by [antialiasing](antialiasing.md) which usually suppresses or removes the effect by increasing the sampling frequency, in our case of downscaling image this would mean replacing each of the small 2x2 blocks by an average pixel value in that block, i.e. taking into account all four samples as opposed to just one.
69. 4, 2001, 7 (the word size is 36), 5 (year 476), 19 (year 1856), 1969.
70. yes
## Other
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ As he arrived to Jerusalem, he was very famous and seen as a messiah by many, an
Another important moment is **the last supper**, the final meal of Jesus which he shared with his apostles, that took place on 3rd April. After this one of the apostles, Judas, betrayed Jesus (which Jesus foretold) in Mount of Olives by leading the temple police to Jesus; Judas did this for the reward of 30 silver coins, later he regretted it and committed [suicide](suicide.md).
The Jews have taken Jesus to Pontius Pilate, Roman governor, to be put on trial for the various offenses he committed. Pilate didn't find Jesus guilty but as the Jews pressured, he gave them a choice: he said he would either release Jesus or Barabbas, a murderer. The Jews chose Barabbas to be released, condemning Jesus to be crucified.
The Jews have taken Jesus to Pontius Pilate, Roman governor, to be put on trial for the various offenses he committed. According to Bible Pilate didn't find Jesus guilty but as the Jews pressured, he gave them a choice: he said he would either release Jesus or Barabbas, a murderer. The Jews chose Barabbas to be released, condemning Jesus to be crucified. Before this Jesus was also sent to Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee. Bible paints a picture in which he isn't found guilty in the trials but the pressure of Jewish people leads to his execution -- this was again challenged by historians as an attempt at blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus and for showing Romans in favorable light, to strictly separate Christianity from Judaism; this seems to be inconsistent with historical facts such as that Pontius Pilate was known for his cruelty and letting people be executed whenever he could.
The **crucifixion** of Jesus is also seen as a true historical event now, which took place most likely in 30 or 33 AD, on April 4th, according to some^([not important who]) it happened from 9 AM to 3 PM (when he died). Before death he was tortured, whipped and was put on a crown of thorns (to mock that he was supposed to be the "king of Jews"). He was led to a hill in Golgotha, just outside Jerusalem, to where he had to carry his own cross, onto which he was then nailed and left to die, alongside two other criminals. According to some gospels he said various things on the cross, for example "father, forgive them for they don't know what they do", "father, why have you forsaken me?" and finally "it is finished".
@ -87,3 +87,4 @@ His body was then buried in a tomb (which by historians is seen as unusual) of o
- [Gandhi](gandhi.md)
- [Elvis](elvis.md)
- [Hittler](hittler.md)
- [Che Guevara](che_guevara.md)
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Less [retarded](retard.md) society (LRS, same [acronym](acronym.md) as [less retarded software](lrs.md)) is a model of ideal society towards which we, the [LRS](lrs.md), want to be moving. Less retarded society is a [peaceful](pacifism.md), collaborative society based on [love](love.md) of all [life](life.md), which aims for maximum well being of all living beings, a society without violence, [money](money.md), oppression, need for [work](work.md), social [competition](competition.md), poverty, scarcity, criminality, [censorship](censorship.md), [self-interest](self_interest.md), [government](government.md), police, [laws](law.md), [bullshit](bullshit.md), slavery and many other negative phenomena. It equally values all living beings and establishes true social equality in which everyone can pursue his true desires freely -- it is a TRULY [leftist](left_vs_right.md) society, NOT a [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) one. The society works similarly to that described by the [Venus Project](venus_project.md) and various [anarchist](anarchism.md) theories (especially [anarcho pacifist](anpac.md) [communism](communism.md)), but it also takes good things from elsewhere, even various [religions](religion.md) (without itself actually becoming a religion in traditional sense); for example parts of teaching of [Jesus](jesus.md) and [Buddha](buddhism.md). As Freddie Mercury put it, *this could be heaven for everyone* -- achieving heaven for everyone to us is a goal truly worth living for.
**How is this different from other ideologies and "life philosophies"?** Well, one principal difference is that LRS doesn't want to [fight](fight_culture.md), in fact LRS adopts a **[pessimistic](pessimism.md), [defeatist](defeatism.md) mindset** to not compromise [morality](morality.md) by any desire to "win the game", behaving correctly is more important than achieving a goal, ends do NOT justify the means; nowadays as well as in the past society has always been about conflict, playing a **game** against others (nowadays e.g. market competition, employment competition, media competition, ...) in which some win, some can manage and some lose. Most political parties nowadays just want to change the rules of the game or downright switch to a different kind of game, some want to make the rules "more fair", or to make it favor their represented minority (so called [fascism](fascism.md)), some just want to [hack](hacking.md) the game, some want to [cheat](cheat.md) to win the game easily, some want to play fair but still win (i.e. become "successful"). LRS simply sees any kind of such game as unnecessary, cruel, unethical and harmful in many ways not just to us, but to the whole planet. LRS therefore simply wants to stop the game, not by force but by making everyone see how bad the game is. It says that **competition and conflict must seize to be the basis of society**. There is no value in achieving anything by violence, such a change will soon be reverted by counter revolution, people themselves have to understand what's good and choose it voluntarily. That is one of the reasons why we are **[pacifists](pacifism.md)** and **reject all violence**, only wanting to promote our ideas by [education](education.md). We accept we may not achieve our goals and we most certainly won't achieve anything during our lifetime and that gives us the freedom to behave truly morally. We try to **never be [proud](pride.md)** of anything, as pride leads to violence and fascism. We are also in many ways aligned with the ideals of **[cynicism](cynicism.md)**.
**How is this different from other ideologies and "life philosophies"?** Well, one principal difference is that **LRS doesn't want to [fight](fight_culture.md)**, in fact LRS adopts a **[pessimistic](pessimism.md), [defeatist](defeatism.md) mindset** to not compromise [morality](morality.md) by any desire to "win the game", behaving correctly is more important than achieving a goal, ends do NOT justify the means. In order to establish a truly good society a crucial realization is that **harm is only ever done by those trying to force their ideas** -- it is even irrelevant what the ideas are, whether it's self-interest, equality, collectivism, sharing, important is only that forcing any idea will do harm, so giving up force and violence is the absolutely essential first step we have to make. That's in stark contrast with today's mentality. Nowadays as well as in the past society has always been about conflict, playing a **game** against others (nowadays e.g. market competition, employment competition, media competition, ...) in which some win, some can manage and some lose. Most political parties nowadays just want to change the rules of the game or downright switch to a different kind of game, some want to make the rules "more fair", or to make it favor their represented minority (so called [fascism](fascism.md)), some just want to [hack](hacking.md) the game, some want to [cheat](cheat.md) to win the game easily, some want to play fair but still win (i.e. become "successful"). LRS simply sees any kind of such game as unnecessary, cruel, unethical and harmful in many ways not just to us, but to the whole planet. LRS therefore simply wants to stop the game, not by force but by making everyone see how bad the game is. It says that **competition and conflict must seize to be the basis of society**. There is no value in achieving anything by violence, such a change will soon be reverted by counter revolution, people themselves have to understand what's good and choose it voluntarily. That is one of the reasons why we are **[pacifists](pacifism.md)** and **reject all violence**, only wanting to promote our ideas by [education](education.md). We accept we may not achieve our goals and we most certainly won't achieve anything during our lifetime and that gives us the freedom to behave truly morally. We try to **never be [proud](pride.md)** of anything, as pride leads to violence and fascism. We are also in many ways aligned with the ideals of **[cynicism](cynicism.md)**.
Note that less retarded society is an ideal model, i.e. it can probably not be achieved 100% but it's something that gives us a direction and to which we can **get very close** with enough effort. We create an ideal theoretical model and then try to [approximate](approximation.md) it in reality, which is a [scientific](science.md) approach that is utilized almost everywhere: for example [mathematics](math.md) defines a perfect sphere and such a model is then useful in practice even if we cannot ever create a mathematically perfect sphere in the real physical world -- the mathematical equations of a sphere guide us so that with enough effort we are able to create physical spheres that are pretty close to an ideal sphere. The same can be done with society. This largely refutes the often given argument that *"it's impossible to achieve so we shouldn't try at all"* -- we should try our best and the closer to the ideal we get, the better for us.
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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Fun fact: there is a [package](package.md) called *[vrms](vrms.md)*, for virtual
This said, we naturally also have to state we don't nearly agree with all he says. For example he isn't too concerned about [bloat](bloat.md) (judging by the GNU software and his own creation, [Emacs](emacs.md)) and he also doesn't care that much about [free culture](free_culture.md) (some of his written works prohibit modification, see [GFDL](gfdl.md)'s "invariant seciotns", and his GNU project allows proprietary non-functional data as long as they are not "software"). Sadly he has also shown signs of being a [type A fail](fail_ab.md) personality by writing about some kind of [newspeak](newspeak.md) "*gender neutral language*" and by seeming to be caught in a [fight culture](fight_culture.md). On his website he also has an [American](usa.md) flag and claims to be a patriot, i.e. leaning to nationalism and therefore [fascism](fascism.md). Nevertheless he definitely can't be accused of populism or hypocrisy as he basically tells what he considers to be the truth no matter what, and he is very consistent in this. Some of his unpopular opinions (mostly those opposing [pedophile](pedophilia.md) witch hunt, with which we DO agree) brought him a lot of trouble and an endless wrath of [SJW](sjw.md)s. For this **he was [cancelled](cancel_culture.md)** and in 2019 was forced to resigned from the position of president of the FSF but continues to support it.
He is a weird guy, having been recorded on video eating dirt from his feet before giving a lecture. In the book *Free as in Freedom* he admits he might be slightly [autistic](autism.md). Nevertheless he's pretty smart, has magna [cum](cum.md) laude degree in [physics](physics.md) from Harvard, 10+ honorary doctorates, fluently speaks English, Spanish and French and a little bit of Indonesian and has many times proven his superior programming skills (even though he later stopped programming to fully work on promoting the FSF).
He is a weird guy, having been recorded on video eating dirt from his feet before giving a lecture besides others -- another time he was even recorded raging on stage after being stressed out but that's actually odd -- he practically always keeps a calm, monotone, very rational speech (much different from any politician or revolutionary). In the book *Free as in Freedom* he admits he might be slightly [autistic](autism.md). Nevertheless he's extremely smart, has magna [cum](cum.md) laude degree in [physics](physics.md) from Harvard, 10+ honorary doctorates, fluently speaks English, Spanish, French and a little bit of Indonesian and has many times proven his superior programming skills (even though he later stopped programming to fully work on promoting the FSF). He is really good at public speaking, and that despite the mentioned calmness of his speech -- here possibly his inner autism shines because he just speaks in very simple but cold rational and logical ways that everyone from an expert to a complete layman understands, he rarely stops to say something like "ummm... wait", he's just letting out carefully crafted sentences as if you were reading them from a book, showing ways from facts to logical conclusions without cheap rhetoric tricks like wild gesticulation, rising voice or using buzzwords and strong terms. His interviews are however often awkward for the same reasons: it's usually the interviewer asking a question and then waiting 15 minutes for Stallman to print out the whole answer without giving a chance to be interrupted.
Stallman has a beautifully [minimalist](minimalism.md) website at http://www.stallman.org where he actively comments on current news and issues. He also made the famous free software song (well, only the lyrics, the melody is taken from a Bulgarian folk song Sadi Moma) -- he often performs it in public himself (he is pretty good at keeping the weird rhythm of the song while at the same time also singing, that's impressive).
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This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
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- number of commits: 788
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3725432
- total number of lines of article texts: 28662
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- number of commits: 789
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3734484
- total number of lines of article texts: 28826
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 8
- occurences of the word "nigger": 73
@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ longest articles:
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latest changes:
Date: Thu May 2 22:35:34 2024 +0200
Date: Thu May 2 15:12:27 2024 +0200
@ -105,23 +122,6 @@ Date: Wed May 1 21:42:54 2024 +0200
Date: Tue Apr 30 19:29:49 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs](lrs.md) (278)
- [capitalism](capitalism.md) (210)
- [c](c.md) (207)
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- [bloat](bloat.md) (199)
- [free_software](free_software.md) (164)
- [game](game.md) (138)
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@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [public_domain](public_domain.md) (74)
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- [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md) (72)
- [hacking](hacking.md) (72)
- [fight_culture](fight_culture.md) (72)
- [hacking](hacking.md) (71)
- [bullshit](bullshit.md) (71)
- [art](art.md) (71)
- [programming_language](programming_language.md) (70)
Reference in a new issue