Miloslav Ciz 2 years ago
parent 7c5d4aba0c
commit a33d8f64b0

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ At the competitive level **clock** (so called *time control*) is used to give ea
Currently the best player in the world is pretty clearly Magnus Carlsen from Norway with Elo rating 2800+.
During covid chess has experienced boom among normies and [YouTube]( chess channels have gained considerable popularity.
During [covid]( chess has experienced a small boom among normies and [YouTube]( chess channels have gained considerable popularity. This gave rise to [memes]( such as the bong cloud opening popularized by a top player and streamer Hikaru Nakamura; the bong cloud is an intentionally shitty opening that's supposed to taunt the opponent (it's been even played in serious tournaments lol).
## Chess and Computers
@ -50,6 +50,24 @@ Playing strength is not the only possible measure of chess engine quality, of co
{ Nanochess is actually pretty strong, in my testing it easily beat [smallchesslib]( :') ~drummyfish }
## Variants
Besides similar games such as [shogi]( there are many variants of chess, i.e. slight modifications of rules, foremost worth mentioning is for example chess 960. The following is a list of some variants:
- **antichess**: The goal is to lose all pieces or get stalemated, rules are a bit changed, e.g. castling and checks are removed and taking is forced.
- **chess 960** aka **Fisher's random**: Starting position is randomly modified by shuffling the non-pawn rows (with these rules: king must be between rooks, bishops on opposite colors and black/white's positions are mirrored). The rules are the same with a slight modification to castling. This was invented by Bobby Fisher to emphasize pure chess skill as opposed to memorizing the best opening moves, he saw the opening theory as harmful to chess. Chess 960 is nowadays even advocated by some to become the "main" version of chess.
- **[chess boxing](**: Chess combined with box, players switch between the two games, one wins either by checkmate or knockout.
- **different pieces**: Some variants use different pieces, e.g. empress (moves like rook and knight) or amazon (queen/knight).
- **fog of war**: Makes chess an incomplete-information game by allowing players to only see squares they can immediately move to (this is similarly to some strategy video games).
- **horde chess**: Asymmetric starting position: large number of black pawns vs a white army of traditional pieces. Rules are slightly modified, e.g. black can only be defeated by having all pawns captured (there is no black king).
- **infinite chess**: Infinite chessboard.
- **minichess**: Smaller chessboard, e.g. 4x4, 4x8 etc. Some are already solved (e.g. 3x3).
- **more players**: E.g. 3 man chess or 4 player chess allow more than two players to play, some use different boards.
- **old chess**: The rules of chess itself have been changing over time (e.g. adding the 50 move rule etc.). The older rule sets can be seen as variants as well.
- **puzzle**: For single player, chess positions are presented and the player has to find the best move or sequence of moves.
- **racing kings**: The starting position has both players on the same side, the goal is to get one's king to the other side first.
- **3D chess**: [3D]( generalization of chess.
## Programming Chess
Programming chess is a [fun]( and enriching experience and is therefore recommended as a good exercise. There is nothing more satisfying than writing a custom chess engine and then watching it play on its own.

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Doom
Doom is a legendary video [game]( released in 1993, perhaps the most famous game of all time, the game that popularized the [first person shooter]( genre and shocked by its at the time extremely advanced [3Dish]( graphics. It was made by [Id Software](, most notably by [John Carmack]( (graphics + engine programmer) and [John Romero]( (tool programmer + level designer). Doom is sadly [proprietary](, however its engine was later (1999) released as [free (as in freedom) software]( under [GPL]( which gave rise to many source ports. The assets remain non-free but a completely free alternative is offered by the [Freedoom]( project that has created [free as in freedom]( asset replacements for the game. [Anarch]( is an official [LRS]( game inspired by Doom, completely in the [public domain](
{ Great books about Doom I can recommend: *Masters of Doom* (about the development) and *Game Engine Black Book: Doom* (details about the engine internals). ~drummyfish }
Partially thanks to the free release of the engine and its relatively [suckless]( design ([C]( language, [software rendering](, ...), Doom has been [ported](, both officially and unofficially, to a great number of platforms (e.g. [Gameboy Advance](, [PS1](, even [SNES]( and has become a kind of **de facto standard [benchmark](** for computer platforms -- you will often hear the phrase: **"but does it run Doom?"** Porting a Doom to any platform has become kind of a [meme](, someone allegedly even ported it to a pregnancy test (though it didn't actually run on the test, it was really just a display). { Still [Anarch]( may be even more portable than Doom :) ~drummyfish }
The Doom engine was revolutionary and advanced (not only) video game graphics by a great leap, considering its predecessor [Wolf3D]( was really primitive in comparison. Doom used a technique called **[BSP rendering](** that was able to render [realtime]( 3D views of textured environments with distance fog and enemies and items represented by 2D [billboards]( ("sprites"). No [GPU]( acceleration was used, graphics was rendered purely with [CPU]( (so called [software rendering]( This had its limitations, for example the camera could not tilt up and down and the levels could not have rooms above other rooms. For this reason some call Doom "[pseudo 3D](" or 2.5D rather than "true 3D". Nevertheless, though with limitations, Doom did present 3D views and internally it did work with 3D coordinates (for example the player or projectiles have 2D position plus height coordinate), despite some dumb YouTube videos saying otherwise. For this reason we prefer to call Doom a **primitive 3D** engine, but 3D nonetheless.
LOL someone created a Doom system monitor for [Unix]( systems called [psDooM]( where the monsters in game are the operating system [processes]( and killing the monsters kills the processes.

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Examples of this are games such as [tetris](, [minesweeper](minesweepe
[LRS]( sees the ETLHTM design as extremely useful and desirable as it allows for creation of [suckless](, simple games that offer many hours of [fun]( With this philosophy we get a great amount of value for relatively little effort.
This is related to a fun coming from **self imposed goals**, another very important and useful concept in games. Self imposed goals in games are goals the player sets for himself, for example completing the game without killing anyone (so called "pacifist" gameplay) or completing it very quickly ([speedrunning]( Here the game serves only as a platform, a playground at which different games can be played and invented -- inventing games is fun in itself. Again, a game supporting self imposed goals can be relatively simple and offer years of fun, which is extremely cool.
The simplicity of learning a game comes from simple rules while the difficulty of its mastering arises from the complex emergent behavior these simple rules create. Mastering of the game is many times encouraged by [competition]( among different people but also competition against oneself (trying to beat own score). In many simple games such as [minesweeper]( there exists a competitive scene (based either on direct matches or some measurement of skill such as [speedrunning]( or achieving high score) that drives people to search for strategies and techniques that optimize the play, and to training skillful execution of such play.
The opposite is [hard to learn, easy to master](

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Frequently Asked Questions
*Not to be confused with [frequently questioned answers](*
*Not to be confused with [fuck]( or [frequently questioned answers](*
{ answers by ~drummyfish }

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Hash is a number computed by a **hash function**, a function that takes some data and turns it into a number (the hash) that's much smaller than the data itself, has a fixed size (number of [bits]( and which has additional properties such as being completely different from hash values computed from very similar data. Thanks to these properties hashes have a very wide use in [computer science]( -- they are often used to quickly compare whether two pieces of non-small data, such as documents, are the same, they are used in indexing structures such as **hash tables** which allow for quick search of data, and they find a great use in [cryptocurrencies]( and [security](, e.g. for [digital signatures]( Hashing is extremely important and as a programmer you won't be able to avoid encountering hashes somewhere in the wild.
{ Talking about wilderness, Hyenas and other animals have their specific smells that are created by bacteria in them and are unique to each individual. They use these smells to quickly identify each other. The smell is kind of like the animal's hash. ~drummyfish }
{ Talking about wilderness, Hyenas and other animals have their specific smells that are created by bacteria in them and are unique to each individual depending on the exact mix of the bacteria. They use these smells to quickly identify each other. The smell is kind of like the animal's hash. But of course the analogy isn't perfect, for example similar mixes of bacteria may produce similar smells, which is not how hashes should behave. ~drummyfish }
It is good to know that we distinguish between "normal" hashes used for things such as indexing data and [cryptographic]( hashes that are used in computer security and have to satisfy some stricter mathematical criteria. For the sake of simplicity we will sometimes ignore this distinction here. Just know it exists.

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
# Langton's Ant
Langton's ant is a simple [zero player]( [game]( and [cellular automaton]( simulating the behavior of an ant that behaves according to extremely simple rules but nevertheless builds a very complex structure. It is similar to [game of life]( Langton's ant is **[Turing complete](** (it can be used to perform any computation that any other computer can).
**Rules**: in the basic version the ant is placed in a square grid where each square can be either white or black. Initially all squares are white. The ant can face north, west, south or east and operates in steps. In each step it does the following: if the square the ant is on is white (black), it turns the square to black (white), turns 90 degrees to the right (left) and moves one square forward.
These simple rules produce a quite complex structure, seen below. The interesting thing is that initially the ant behaves **[chaotically](** but after about 10000 steps it suddenly ends up behaving in an ordered manner by building a "highway" that's a non-chaotic, repeating pattern. From then on it continues building the highway until the end of time.
*Langton's ant after 11100 steps, `A` signifies the ant's position, note the chaotic region from which the highway emerges left and up.*
The Langton's ant game can be extended/modified, e.g. in following ways:
- **multiple colors**: Squares can have more colors than just black/white that are cycled by the ant. Here we also need to specify which way the ant turns for each color it steps on, for example for 4 colors we may specify the rules as LRLL (turn left on 1st color, right on 2nd color etc.).
- **multiple ants**: called colonies
- **different grid**: e.g. hexagonal or 3D
- **multiple ant states**: Besides having a direction the ant can have a more complex state. Such ants are called **[turmites](** (Turing termite).
The ant was invented/discovered by [Christopher Langton]( in his 1986 paper called *Studying Artificial Life With Cellular Automata* where he calls the ants *vants* (virtual ants).
## Implementation
The following is a simple [C]( implementation of Langton's ant including the extension to multiple colors (modify `COLORS` and `RULES`).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define FIELD_SIZE 48
#define STEPS 5000
#define COLORS 2 // number of colors
#define RULES 0x01 // bit map of the rules, this one is RL
unsigned char field[FIELD_SIZE * FIELD_SIZE];
int x;
int y;
char direction; // 0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left
} ant;
int wrap(int x, int max)
return (x < 0) ? (max - 1) : ((x >= max) ? 0 : x);
int main(void)
ant.x = FIELD_SIZE / 2;
ant.y = FIELD_SIZE / 2;
ant.direction = 0;
for (unsigned int step = 0; step < STEPS; ++step)
unsigned int fieldIndex = ant.y * FIELD_SIZE + ant.x;
unsigned char color = field[fieldIndex];
ant.direction = wrap(ant.direction + (((RULES >> color) & 0x01) ? 1 : -1),4);
field[fieldIndex] = (color + 1) % COLORS; // change color
// move forward:
switch (ant.direction)
case 0: ant.y++; break; // up
case 1: ant.x++; break; // right
case 2: ant.y--; break; // down
case 3: ant.x--; break; // left
default: break;
ant.x = wrap(ant.x,FIELD_SIZE);
ant.y = wrap(ant.y,FIELD_SIZE);
// draw:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
for (int y = 0; y < FIELD_SIZE; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < FIELD_SIZE; ++x)
if (x == ant.x && y == ant.y)
unsigned char val = field[y * FIELD_SIZE + x];
putchar(val ? ('A' + val - 1) : '.');
return 0;
## See Also
- [game of life](
- [turmite](
- [rule 110](
- [cellular automaton](

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ There are other reason for LRS as well, for example it can be very satisfying an
LRS is connected to pretty specific political beliefs, but it's not a requirement to share those beliefs to create LRS or be part of its community. You may believe in whatever you want, as long as you create or support LRS, you are part of this. We just think that it doesn't make logical sense to support LRS and not the politics that justifies it and from which it is derived. This is up to your own reasoning though.
With that said, the politics behind LRS is [anarcho pacifist]( [communism](, but NOT [pseudoleftism]( (i.e. we do not support political correctness, [COC](, [cancel culture](, Marxism-Leninism etc.). We aim for true social (not necessarily physical) equality of everyone, our technology helps everyone equally. We reject anti-equality means such as violence, bullying, censorship, [governments]( and [capitalism]( We support things such as [universal basic income]( and [slow movement](
With that said, the politics behind LRS is [anarcho pacifist]( [communism](, but NOT [pseudoleftism]( (i.e. we do not support political correctness, [COC](, [cancel culture](, Marxism-Leninism etc.). We do NOT have any leaders or heroes; people are imperfect and giving some more power, louder voices or greater influence creates hierarchy and goes against anarchism, therefore we only follow ideas. We aim for true social (not necessarily physical) equality of everyone, our technology helps everyone equally. We reject anti-equality means such as violence, bullying, [censorship](, [governments]( and [capitalism]( We support things such as [universal basic income]( and [slow movement](
**We love all living beings**, even those we disagree with and whom we dislike.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Micro$oft
Micro$soft (officially Microsoft, MS) is a terrorist organization, [software]( [corporation]( named after it's founder's dick -- it is, along with [Google](, [Apple]( [et al]( one of the biggest organized crime groups in history, best known for holding the world captive with its highly abusive "[operating system](" called [Windows](, as well as for leading an aggressive war on [free software]( and utilizing many unethical and/or illegal business practices such as destroying any potential competition with the [*Embrace Extend Extinguish*]( strategy.
Micro$soft (officially Microsoft, MS) is a terrorist organization, [software]( [corporation]( named after its founder's dick -- it is, along with [Google](, [Apple]( [et al]( one of the biggest organized crime groups in history, best known for holding the world captive with its highly abusive "[operating system](" called [Windows](, as well as for leading an aggressive war on [free software]( and utilizing many unethical and/or illegal business practices such as destroying any potential competition with the [*Embrace Extend Extinguish*]( strategy.
Microsoft is unfortunately among the absolutely most powerful entities in the world (that sucks given they're also among the most hostile ones) -- likely more powerful than any government and most other corporations, it is in their power to **immediately destroy any country** with the push of a button, it's just a question of when this also becomes their interest. This power is due to them having **complete control over almost absolute majority of personal computers in the world** (and therefore by extension over all devices, infrastructure, organization etc.), through their [proprietary]( ([malware]( "[operating system](" [Windows]( that has built-in [backdoor](, allowing Microsoft immediate access and control over practically any computer in the world. The backdoor "feature" isn't even hidden, it is officially and openly admitted (it is euphemistically called [auto updates]( Microsoft prohibits studying and modification of Windows under threats including physical violence (tinkering with Windows violates its [EULA]( which is a lawfully binding license, and law can potentially be enforced by police using physical force). Besides legal restrictions Microsoft applies high [obfuscation](, [bloat](, [SAASS]( and other techniques preventing user freedom and defense against terrorism, and forces its system to be installed in schools, governments, power plants, hospitals and basically on every computer anyone buys. Microsoft can basically (for most people) turn off the [Internet](, electricity, traffic control system etc. Therefore every hospital, school, government and any other institution has to bow to Microsoft.

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Name is Important
# Name Is Important
Naming of a philosophy, movement, group, ideology etc. is probably much more important than most people think. This is because the name is the single most stable defining feature of such entity; everything else, all the books and knowledge associated to it may be distorted by history, but the name will always stay the same and will hold a scrutiny over all actions of the entity, it will always be a permanent reminder to every follower of what he is trying to achieve. But what if the name of the movement changes? Then it is to be considered a new, different movement. The name holds the one true goal.

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
*Not to be confused with [Niger](*
Nigger (also nigga, niBBa, N-word or negro) is a forbidden word that refers to a member of the black [race]( Black people themselves use this word on a daily basis.
Nigger (also nigga, niBBa, N-word, negro or chimp) is a forbidden word that refers to a member of the black [race]( Black people themselves use this word on a daily basis.
The word's used in a number of projects, e.g. in [niggercoin]( [cryptocurrency]( or [+NIGGER]( license modifier that uses this politically incorrect term to prevent corporations from adopting free projects.
[LMAO]( they're even censoring art and retrospectively changing classical works of art to suit this propaganda, just like the fascist communists did. E.g. Agatha Christie's book *Ten Little Niggers* was renamed to *And Then There Were None*. Are they also gonna repaint Mona Lisa when it somehow doesn't suit their liking?
[LMAO]( they're even censoring art and retrospectively changing classical works of art to suit this propaganda, just like the fascist communists did. E.g. Agatha Christie's book *Ten Little Niggers* was renamed to *And Then There Were None*. Are they also gonna repaint Mona Lisa when it somehow doesn't suit their liking?
LOL take a look at this website: Also

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# Stereotype
Stereotypes are general statistical observations, mostly about groups of people (such as different [races](, that were discovered naturally (without rigorous [scientific]( effort). Stereotypes are good because they tell us what we may expect from different kinds of people. Of course no one, maybe with the exception of blonde women, is so stupid as to think stereotypes apply 100% -- let us repeat they are STATISTICAL observations, they talk about probabilities.
Some stereotypes are:
{ WIP ~drummyfish }
- [Americans](
- extremely stupid, primitive, close-minded, not knowing geography/history besides the US
- extremely fat, eat only fast food, have no real cuisine
- shallow, obsessed with looks (white teeth etc.)
- materialist, obsessed with money, hardcore [capitalists](, panic fear of anything resembling [communism](
- arrogant, rude, individualist, self-centered
- eccentric, extroverted, loud behavior
- violent, militant, imperialist, constantly invade other countries
- don't mind violence but are afraid of public nudity
- solve things by brute force rather than by smartness
- obsessed with working as much as possible
- want everything big
- US south: slow, even more stupid, racist, rednecks, inbred, for slavery, for guns
- Asians:
- extremely smart
- all look the same
- polite
- don't show emotion
- work extremely hard
- small penises
- men of honor
- collectivist, sacrifice themselves for society
- there are too many of them, lives of the poor ones have no value, work safety of peasants is non existent
- [black people](
- unintelligent, stupid, uneducated, primitive
- physically fit, good at sports
- good at music, especially rhythmic music
- fathers leave their children
- all look the same
- have big dicks
- criminals
- Australians:
- tough, living in dangerous wilderness
- Arabs:
- terrorists, suicidal bombers
- women are belly dancers
- pedophiles, bigamists
- blond, attractive [women](
- extremely stupid
- gold diggers
- Canadian:
- extremely polite
- ice hockey fans
- Chinese:
- smart, wise
- do martial arts
- make crappy off brands and cheap copies of western art, steal "intellectual property", manufacture cheap things at large quantities, everything is "made in China"
- don't value human rights
- Czech:
- heavy drinkers, especially beer
- friendly but appear cold
- beautiful women
- English:
- well behaved, reserved, educated
- conservative, old fashioned
- drink tea
- football fans
- dislike French
- French:
- good lovers
- lazy, Bohemian life
- eat baguettes and frogs
- dislike Brits
- revolutionaries, constantly protest
- artists, intellectuals
- [gays](
- men act feminine, are good at art
- women (lesbian) are masculine, ugly with short pink hair
- Germans:
- no sense of [humor](, being kind of robots
- precise, efficient, organized, great technology
- love beer and sausage
- ugly women
- Indians:
- extremely friendly, often too much
- no hygiene, dirty
- smart but poor
- good at [IT]( but usually tech support scammers
- spiritual, peaceful, meditate a lot
- don't know what work safety means
- transport extremely big loads on bicycles or small motorcycles
- Italians:
- handsome men who are passionate lovers
- extremely passionate, have heated emotional arguments about even trivial things
- involved with mafia
- great focus on family, know and regularly meet distant relatives
- have mustaches, eat pizza and pasta
- talk with hands
- Japanese:
- like extremely weird things like actually living with sex dolls instead of human life partners
- salarymen regularly jump out of skyscraper windows due to overworking depression
- men talking Japanese to other men sound as if being aggressive to each other even if in fact being polite or talking something uninteresting
- everyone reads manga and goes to karaoke after work
- extremely precise, always on time, well organized
- have extremely technologically advanced toilets
- [jews](
- very smart
- greedy
- good at [business](
- have the "eagle nose"
- members of secret societies, closed jew-only communities, conspire for world control, some being [fascists]( wanting to become the ruling race
- spread everywhere like rats
- can adapt to any environment
- do all kinds of weird religious rituals
- Polish:
- very religious
- heavy drinkers
- Russians:
- very tough, big and strong, endure conditions that would kill other people
- drunk (especially by vodka), aggressive, rude
- wear Adidas pants
- act straight without talking too much, ignore work safety
- Slovak:
- who?
- Spanish:
- extroverted, passionate, dance flamenco
- take naps on siesta
- attractive tanned men
- [women](
- bad at driving
- bad at logical thinking and [math](
- gossip
- don't know what they want, "no" can mean "yes"
- too emotional, especially on period
- attracted to douchebags and money, avoid nice guys
- can distinguish and name different shades of similar colors
- on board of a ship bring bad luck

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Work
Work is an unpleasant effort that one is required to make such as harvesting crops or [debugging]( computer programs. Work hurts living beings and takes away the meaning of their lives. Work makes us slaves, it wastes our lives and is a cause of a large number of [suicides]( One of the main goals of civilization is to eliminate any need for work, i.e. create machines that will do all the work for humans.
While good society tries to eliminate work, [capitalism]( aims for the opposite, i.e. artificially creating bullshit jobs and bullshit needs so as to keep everyone enslaved to the system. Fortunately movements such as the [antiwork]( movement try to oppose this, however masses have already been brainwashed to be hostile to such movements and instead demand their own enslavement.
[We]( see it as essential to start educating people about the issue as well as starting to eliminate jobs immediately with things such as [automation]( and [universal basic income](

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ An important part of the web is also searching its vast amounts of information w
Web is kind of a bloated [shit](, for more [suckless]( alternatives see [gopher]( and [gemini](
The web is perhaps the best, saddest and funniest example of [capitalist]( [bloat](, the situation with web sites is completely ridiculous and depressive. A nice article about the issue, called *The Website Obesity Crisis*, can be found at There is also a tool for measuring a website bloat at it computes the ratio of the page size to the size of its screenshot (e.g. [YouTube]( currently scores 35.7).
The web is perhaps the best, saddest and funniest example of [capitalist]( [bloat](, the situation with web sites is completely ridiculous and depressive. A nice article about the issue, called *The Website Obesity Crisis*, can be found at There is a tool for measuring a website bloat at it computes the ratio of the page size to the size of its screenshot (e.g. [YouTube]( currently scores 35.7).
Back in the days (90s and early 2000s) web used to be a place of freedom working more or less in a decentralized manner and on anarchist principles people used to have their own unique websites, censorship was difficult to implement and mostly non-existent and websites used to have a much better design and were safer, as they were pure [HTML]( documents.
