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Miloslav Ciz 2023-04-16 03:11:57 +02:00
parent 0250580740
commit ab1c180bce
7 changed files with 21 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Beauty # Beauty
Beauty is the quality of being extremely appealing and pleasing. In [technology](, [engineering](, [mathematics]( and other [science]( beauty is, despite it's relative vagueness and subjectivity, an important aspect of design, and in fact this "mathematical beauty" has lots of times some clearly defined shapes -- for example [simplicity]( is mostly considered beautiful. Beauty is similar to and many times synonymous with [elegance]( Beauty is the quality of being extremely appealing and pleasing. Though the word will likely invoke association with traditional [art](, in [technology](, [engineering](, [mathematics]( and other [science]( beauty is, despite it's relative vagueness and subjectivity, an important aspect of design, and in fact this "mathematical beauty" has lots of times some clearly defined shapes -- for example [simplicity]( is mostly considered beautiful. Beauty is similar to and many times synonymous with [elegance](
Beauty can perhaps be seen as a [heuristic](, a touch of intuition that guides the expert in exploration of previously unknown fields, as we have come to learn that the greatest discoveries tend to be very beautiful (however there is also an opposite side: some people, such as Sabine Hossenfelder, criticize e.g. the pursuit of beautiful theories in modern physics as this approach seems to be have led to stagnation). Indeed, beginners and [noobs]( are mostly concerned with learning hard facts, learning standards and getting familiar with already known ways of solving known problems, they often aren't able to recognize what's beautiful and what's ugly. But as one gets more and more experienced and finds himself near the borders of current knowledge, there is suddenly no guidance but intuition, beauty, to suggest ways forward, and here one starts to get the feel for beauty. At this point the field, even if highly exact and rigorous, has become an [art]( Beauty can perhaps be seen as a [heuristic](, a touch of intuition that guides the expert in exploration of previously unknown fields, as we have come to learn that the greatest discoveries tend to be very beautiful (however there is also an opposite side: some people, such as Sabine Hossenfelder, criticize e.g. the pursuit of beautiful theories in modern physics as this approach seems to be have led to stagnation). Indeed, beginners and [noobs]( are mostly concerned with learning hard facts, learning standards and getting familiar with already known ways of solving known problems, they often aren't able to recognize what's beautiful and what's ugly. But as one gets more and more experienced and finds himself near the borders of current knowledge, there is suddenly no guidance but intuition, beauty, to suggest ways forward, and here one starts to get the feel for beauty. At this point the field, even if highly exact and rigorous, has become an [art](

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@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ Our society is **[anarcho pacifist]( and [communist](**, m
- **Isn't it utopia?** As explained above, the society is an ideal model that's probably not 100% achievable, but we are pretty certain we can get extremely close to the ideal in the real world implementation, there are no known obstacles to it. Even if we couldn't get very close to the ideal, it would be better to get a little closer than not, there is no logic in refusing to try. Every major invention happened for the first time one day, even when it's been called impossible; for example before [Wikipedia]( practically everyone would tell you the principles on which it would be built (free voluntary work, allowing anyone to edit) were utopian. History is basically a constant stream of events proving our disbeliefs wrong. Things such as abolishment of death sentence, universal literacy, universal health care, women in science, abolishment of black man slavery, instant world wide communication and similar things might have once been deemed a similar utopia. - **Isn't it utopia?** As explained above, the society is an ideal model that's probably not 100% achievable, but we are pretty certain we can get extremely close to the ideal in the real world implementation, there are no known obstacles to it. Even if we couldn't get very close to the ideal, it would be better to get a little closer than not, there is no logic in refusing to try. Every major invention happened for the first time one day, even when it's been called impossible; for example before [Wikipedia]( practically everyone would tell you the principles on which it would be built (free voluntary work, allowing anyone to edit) were utopian. History is basically a constant stream of events proving our disbeliefs wrong. Things such as abolishment of death sentence, universal literacy, universal health care, women in science, abolishment of black man slavery, instant world wide communication and similar things might have once been deemed a similar utopia.
- **How is this different from "communism", "socialism" and other movements/ideologies that brought so much suffering and eventually failed anyway?** We are very different especially by NOT advocating revolutions, violence and forceful application of our ideas, we simply educate, show what's wrong and what the solution is. Harm has only ever been done by forcing specific ideas, no matter whether rightist or leftist ones -- the key in preventing harm is to avoid the temptation of forcing ideas. We know that only a voluntary, non-violent change based on facts and rational thinking can succeed in long term. The mistake of every failed "utopian" ideology was that it was forced, oppressive and in the end served only a few as opposed to everyone, no matter what the initial idea was. These ideologies fought other ideologies, creates cults of personalities and propaganda to manipulate masses. We do not fight anyone, we simply show the truth and offer it to people and believe that this truth can't be unseen. Once enough people see the truth and know what the logical solution is, a change will happen naturally, peacefully and inevitably, without any force. - **How is this different from "communism", "socialism" and other movements/ideologies that brought so much suffering and eventually failed anyway?** We are very different especially by NOT advocating revolutions, violence and forceful application of our ideas, we simply educate, show what's wrong and what the solution is. Harm has only ever been done by forcing specific ideas, no matter whether rightist or leftist ones -- the key in preventing harm is to avoid the temptation of forcing ideas. We know that only a voluntary, non-violent change based on facts and rational thinking can succeed in long term. The mistake of every failed "utopian" ideology was that it was forced, oppressive and in the end served only a few as opposed to everyone, no matter what the initial idea was. These ideologies fought other ideologies, creates cults of personalities and propaganda to manipulate masses. We do not fight anyone, we simply show the truth and offer it to people and believe that this truth can't be unseen. Once enough people see the truth and know what the logical solution is, a change will happen naturally, peacefully and inevitably, without any force.
- **How do you think it is realistic to achieve abundance of resources for all?** Nowadays it is easily possible to produce enough resources for everyone, i.e. food, electricity, clothing, buildings to live in etc. -- in fact this has been possible for many decades to centuries now, today all the technology for 99% automated production of most basic resources such as food and electricity is available and well tested, it is just kept in private hands for their sole profit. Nowadays our society is putting most of its effort to artificially made up "businesses" that keep the status quo, partly out of social inertia and partly by the (mostly decentralized and to a degree not even self admitted) conspiracy of the rich. Imagine people stop engaging in marketing, market speculation and investing, bureaucracy, public relations, law (copyrights, patents, property laws, taxes, ...), economics, military, meaningless technology (DRM, spyware, cryptocurrency, viruses and antiviruses, ...), artificial meaningless fashion, drug abuse business, organizing political parties, campaigns, unions, counter unions, cartels, strikes, and so on and so forth (this of course doesn't mean hobbies and art should disappear, just unnecessary industries). We will gain millions of people who can help achieve abundance, land that can be used to produce food and build houses to live in (as opposed to skyscrapers, unnecessary factories, parking lots etc.), and we will let go of the immense burden of bullshit business (millions of unnecessary workplaces having to be maintained, millions of people having to commute by car daily, communicate, organize, be watched by employers, ...). People will get healthier, more rested, cooperative and actually passionate about a common goal, as opposed to depressed (needing psychiatrists and antidepressants), lethargic and hostile to each other. Of course this can't happen over night, probably not even over a decade, but we can make the transition slowly, one step at a time. The question is not whether it's possible, but whether we want to do it.
- **Isn't your society unnatural?** In many way yes, it's unnatural just as clothes, medicine, computers or humans living over 70 years are unnatural. Civilization by definition means resisting the cruelness of nature, however our proposed society is to live as much as possible in harmony with the nature and is much more natural than our current society which e.g. pushes sleep deprivation, high consumption of antidepressants, eating disorders, addiction to social networks and so on. - **Isn't your society unnatural?** In many way yes, it's unnatural just as clothes, medicine, computers or humans living over 70 years are unnatural. Civilization by definition means resisting the cruelness of nature, however our proposed society is to live as much as possible in harmony with the nature and is much more natural than our current society which e.g. pushes sleep deprivation, high consumption of antidepressants, eating disorders, addiction to social networks and so on.
- **Won't people get bored? What will motivate people? If they have everything why would they even get out of bed? Haven't you seen the mouse utopia experiments?** It is a mistake to think that competition and the necessity of making living is the only or even the main driving force of human behavior and creativity (on the contrary, it is usually what makes people commit suicides, i.e. lose the will to live). Human curiosity, playfulness, the joy of collaboration, boredom, sense of altruism, socialization, seeking of life meaning and recognition and many other forces drive our behavior. Ask yourself: why do people have hobbies when no one is forcing them to it? Why don't you bore yourself to death in your spare time? Why don't rich people who literally don't have to work bore themselves to death? Why doesn't your pet dog that's not forced to hunt for food bore himself to death? Maslow's hierarchy of needs tells us that once people fulfill basic needs such as that for obtaining food, they naturally start to pursue higher ones such as that for socializing or doing science or art. Unlike rats in small cages people show interests in seeking satisfaction of higher needs than just food and sex, even those that aren't scientist try to do things such as sports, photography, woodwork or gardening, just for the sake of it. It's not that there would be a lack challenges in our society, just that we wouldn't force arbitrary challenges on people. - **Won't people get bored? What will motivate people? If they have everything why would they even get out of bed? Haven't you seen the mouse utopia experiments?** It is a mistake to think that competition and the necessity of making living is the only or even the main driving force of human behavior and creativity (on the contrary, it is usually what makes people commit suicides, i.e. lose the will to live). Human curiosity, playfulness, the joy of collaboration, boredom, sense of altruism, socialization, seeking of life meaning and recognition and many other forces drive our behavior. Ask yourself: why do people have hobbies when no one is forcing them to it? Why don't you bore yourself to death in your spare time? Why don't rich people who literally don't have to work bore themselves to death? Why doesn't your pet dog that's not forced to hunt for food bore himself to death? Maslow's hierarchy of needs tells us that once people fulfill basic needs such as that for obtaining food, they naturally start to pursue higher ones such as that for socializing or doing science or art. Unlike rats in small cages people show interests in seeking satisfaction of higher needs than just food and sex, even those that aren't scientist try to do things such as sports, photography, woodwork or gardening, just for the sake of it. It's not that there would be a lack challenges in our society, just that we wouldn't force arbitrary challenges on people.
- **If you say it's possible, why wasn't it done before?** Firstly small scale communities working on anarchist and peaceful principles have existed for a long time in environments that allow it, e.g. those that have abundance of resources. Globally society couldn't reach this state because only until recently we lacked the technology to provide such an ideal environment globally or even on a scale of a whole country, i.e. only until recently we have been forced by the nature to compete for basic resources such as food and space to live. However with computers, factories, high level of automation and other technology and knowledge we posses, we now have, for the first time in history, the capability to establish an environment with abundance of resources for everyone on the planet. Nowadays only social inertia in the form of [capitalism]( is ARTIFICIALLY keeping scarcity and social competition in place -- getting rid of this obsolete system is now needed to allow establishment of our ideal society. Part of the answer to this question may also be that reaching such an advanced state of society requires long development, technological, cultural and intellectual, just as many other things (things like abolishment of death sentence or even accepting the existence of irrational numbers all required a long time of cultural development). - **If you say it's possible, why wasn't it done before?** Firstly small scale communities working on anarchist and peaceful principles have existed for a long time in environments that allow it, e.g. those that have abundance of resources. Globally society couldn't reach this state because only until recently we lacked the technology to provide such an ideal environment globally or even on a scale of a whole country, i.e. only until recently we have been forced by the nature to compete for basic resources such as food and space to live. However with computers, factories, high level of automation and other technology and knowledge we posses, we now have, for the first time in history, the capability to establish an environment with abundance of resources for everyone on the planet. Nowadays only social inertia in the form of [capitalism]( is ARTIFICIALLY keeping scarcity and social competition in place -- getting rid of this obsolete system is now needed to allow establishment of our ideal society. Part of the answer to this question may also be that reaching such an advanced state of society requires long development, technological, cultural and intellectual, just as many other things (things like abolishment of death sentence or even accepting the existence of irrational numbers all required a long time of cultural development).

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@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
*The issue is not my language but your ego.* *The issue is not my language but your ego.*
Political correctness (abbreviated PC) means [censorship]( (often self censorship) of language, [science](, [art]( and facts according to the [pseudoleftist]( gospel. It is extremely [harmful]( to society as it is an artificially invented "issue" that not only puts people and science under heavy control and censorship, but also creates a great conflict between its proponents and those who value truth, freedom of art, science and communication, not talking about burdening the whole society with yet another [competitive]( [bullshit]( that doesn't have to exist at all. Political correctness is mainly a political tool that allows elimination (so called [cancelling]( and discrediting opposition of [pseudoleftist]( political movements and parties, as well as brainwashing and though control (see e.g. [Newspeak]( Political correctness (abbreviated PC) means [pseudoleftist]( [censorship]( and propaganda forced into language, [science](, [art]( and generally all of culture, officially justified as "protecting people from getting offended". This does an immense [harm]( to society as it is an artificially invented "issue" that not only puts people and science under heavy control, surveillance, censorship and threat of punishment, normalizing such practice, but also destroys culture, freedom of art and research and creates a great conflict between those who conform and those who value truth, freedom of art, science and communication, not talking about burdening the whole society with yet another [competitive]( [bullshit]( that doesn't have to exist at all. Political correctness is mainly a political tool that allows elimination (so called [cancelling]( and discrediting opposition of [pseudoleftist]( political movements and parties, as well as brainwashing and thought control (see e.g. [Newspeak](
Political correctness goes strictly against [free speech](, it tries to force people "to behave" and be afraid of words and talking, it creates conflict, divides the society and also TEACHES people to be offended by language -- i.e. even if a specific word wouldn't normally be used or seen in a hostile way (e.g. the *master branch* in git repositories), political correctness establishes that NOW IT IS OFFENSIVE and specific minorities SHOULD take offense, even if they normally wouldn't, supporting [offended culture]( and [fight culture]( I.e. political correctness can be called a [cancer]( of society. The whole idea is basically about pushing the mentality of seeing certain words as inherently "offensive" to specific selected minorities (currently mostly women, gay and trannies), even outside any context, and about constantly fabricating new reasons to get offended so as to fuel the movement. For example the word *black box* is declared as "offensive" to black people because... well, like, black people were discriminated at some point in history and their skin is black... so... the word black now can't be said? :D WTF. A sane mind won't understand this. It just keeps getting more ridiculous, for example feminists want to remove all words that contain the substring "man" from the language because... it's a male oppression? lol... anyway, we can no longer use words like *snowman*, now we have to say *snowperson* or something :D Fuck just kill me already lmao.
Of course, political correctness doesn't stop at censoring simple words, don't get mistaken. Facts such as those regarding [race]( and sex difference are censored and replaced with lies with the help of [soyence]( Political correctness tries to forcefully dictate standard of a culture, e.g. the standard of beauty, politeness and so on. Political correctness goes strictly against [free speech](, it tries to force people "to behave" and be afraid of words and talking, it creates conflict, divides society and also TEACHES people to be offended by language -- i.e. even if a specific word wouldn't normally be used or seen in a hostile way (e.g. the *master branch* in git repositories), political correctness establishes that NOW IT IS OFFENSIVE and specific minorities SHOULD take offense, even if they normally wouldn't, supporting [offended culture]( and [fight culture]( I.e. political correctness can be called a [cancer]( of society. **[LRS]( must never adhere to political correctness!**
The idea itself is not only dangerous but pretty stupid, it is a [bullshit]( [pseudoleftist]( idea that says we should forcefully restrain from using language they define as "[offensive](" to certain selected groups of people. For example the [SJW]( gospel declared that in the realm of technology the word *[blackbox](* is "offensive" to [black people]( and as such should be [censored]( and replaced with another term (one they would call more "inclusive"), anyone who refuses to conform will be [cancelled]( Indeed this is probably the peak of retardedness. Of course, political correctness doesn't stop at censoring simple words, don't get mistaken. Facts such as those regarding [race]( and sex differences are censored and replaced with lies with the help of [soyence]( Political correctness tries to forcefully dictate standards of a culture by an extremely rapidly changing fashion, e.g. the standard of beauty, politeness and so on -- last week we celebrated the international genderfluid day but THIS WEEK we celebrate fat disabled women, all TV ads must have at least one crippled landwhale or else you're cancelled. If you can't keep up with their latest inventions you'll be executed -- on no, you used the term "mentally ill"! HOW DARE YOU THAT'S SO OFFENSIVELY AGGRESSIVE YOU HAVE TO SAY NEURONONCONVERGENT, you're basically [Hitler]( now.
Let's repeat once again that we, [LRS](, are for complete social equality of all people and eventually all living beings, however political correctness has nothing to do with achieving this goal, in fact it mostly goes against it, it creates huge amount of collateral damage and fuels social conflict rather than calm it. We try to not cure symptoms of a shit society by harmful means but rather address the root cause by transitioning to a [good society]( without conflict where there is no need for censorship, fact distortion and brainwashing to prevent discrimination. In the society we envision accepting facts about physical inequality does not imply an attack or discrimination at all as humans don't compete by their abilities, in such society the idea of political correctness is as ridiculous as e.g. arguing we should be creating numerically more inclusive datasets with higher leading digits as by [Benford's law]( smaller digits are are a statistical majority that oppresses higher digits. OK, let's get back to a bit more serious. Just for the autistic neuroretarded people persons that might misunderstand our stance on this: we, [LRS](, are for complete social equality of all people and eventually all living beings, however political correctness has nothing to do with achieving this goal, in fact it mostly goes against it, it creates huge amount of collateral damage and fuels social conflict rather than calm it. We try to not cure symptoms of a shit society by harmful means but rather address the root cause by transitioning to a [good society]( without conflict where there is no need for censorship, fact distortion and brainwashing to prevent discrimination. In the society we envision accepting facts about physical inequality does not imply an attack or discrimination at all as humans don't compete by their abilities, in such society the idea of political correctness is as ridiculous as e.g. arguing we should be creating numerically more inclusive datasets with higher leading digits as by [Benford's law]( smaller digits are are a statistical majority that oppresses higher digits.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Not to be confused with [science](* *Not to be confused with [science](*
Soyence is a cult of [propaganda](, [politics]( and other kinds of [business]( trying to pass as [science](, nowadays promoted typically by [pseudoleftists]( and [pseudoskeptics]( Soyence is not about listening to what science says, it is about listetning what scientists say (or rather those who were officially pronounced "scientists"); soyence is what the typical reddit [atheist]( or [tiktok]( [feminist]( believes is science or what Neil De Grass Tyson tells you science is. Soyence calls itself science and [gatekeeps]( the term science by calling unpopular science (such as that regarding human [race]( or questioning big pharma [vaccines]( "[pseudoscience](". Soyence itself is pseudoscience but it has the added attributes of intentional misleading, mainstream popularity, state approval etc. Soyence is a cult of [propaganda](, [politics]( and other kinds of [business]( trying to pass as [science](, nowadays promoted typically by [pseudoleftists]( and [pseudoskeptics]( Soyence is not about listening to what science says, it is about listetning what scientists say (or rather those who were officially pronounced "scientists"); soyence is what the typical reddit [atheist]( or [tiktok]( [feminist]( believes science is or what Neil De Grass Tyson tells you science is. Soyence calls itself science and [gatekeeps]( the term science by calling unpopular science (such as that regarding human [race]( or questioning big pharma [vaccines]( "[pseudoscience](". Soyence itself is pseudoscience but it has strong connection to politics, is controlled by those in power and has added attributes such as intentional misleading, mainstream popularity, state approval etc.
Compared to good old [fun]( pseudosciences such as [astrology](, soyence is extra sneaky by purposefully trying to blend in with real science, i.e. within a certain truly scientific field, such as biology, there is a soyentific [cancer]( mixed in by activists, corporations and state, that may be hard to separate for common folk and many times even for pros. This is extremely [harmful]( as in the eyes of retarded people (i.e. basically everyone) the neighboring legit science gives credibility to propaganda bullshit. There is a tendency to think we somehow magically live in a time that's fundamentally different from other times in history in which it is now a pretty clear and uncontroversial fact that the name of science was abused hard by propaganda, almost everyone easily accepts that historically politically constructed lies were presented as confirmed by science, but somehow people refuse to believe it could be the case nowadays. In times of Nazism there was no doubt about race being a completely scientific term and that Jews were scientifically confirmed to be the inferior race -- nowadays in times when anti Nazis have won and politics is based on denying existence of race somehow scientists start to magically find evidence that no such thing as race has ever existed -- how convenient! And just in case you wanted to check if it's actually true, you'll be labeled a racist and you won't find job ever again. Compared to good old [fun]( pseudosciences such as [astrology](, soyence is extra sneaky by purposefully trying to blend in with real science, i.e. within a certain truly scientific field, such as biology, there is a soyentific [cancer]( mixed in by activists, corporations and state, that may be hard to separate for common folk and many times even for pros. This is extremely [harmful]( as in the eyes of retarded people (i.e. basically everyone) the neighboring legit science gives credibility to propaganda bullshit. There is a tendency to think we somehow magically live in a time that's fundamentally different from other times in history in which it is now a pretty clear and uncontroversial fact that the name of science was abused hard by propaganda, almost everyone easily accepts that historically politically constructed lies were presented as confirmed by science, but somehow people refuse to believe it could be the case nowadays. In times of Nazism there was no doubt about race being a completely scientific term and that Jews were scientifically confirmed to be the inferior race -- nowadays in times when anti Nazis have won and politics is based on denying existence of race somehow scientists start to magically find evidence that no such thing as race has ever existed -- how convenient! And just in case you wanted to check if it's actually true, you'll be labeled a racist and you won't find job ever again.

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@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- obsessed with working as much as possible and forcing others to do the same - obsessed with working as much as possible and forcing others to do the same
- want everything big - want everything big
- US south: slow, even more stupid, racist, rednecks, inbred, for slavery, for guns - US south: slow, even more stupid, racist, rednecks, inbred, for slavery, for guns
- Arabs:
- terrorists, suicidal bombers
- women are belly dancers
- pedophiles, bigamists
- dirty
- Asians: - Asians:
- extremely smart - extremely smart
- all look the same - all look the same
@ -39,18 +44,8 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- criminals - criminals
- love chicken and watermelon - love chicken and watermelon
- in certain situations act like monkeys (so called chimp out), e.g. when excited they start jumping around like crazy, or when scared instinctively react by punching the perceived danger - in certain situations act like monkeys (so called chimp out), e.g. when excited they start jumping around like crazy, or when scared instinctively react by punching the perceived danger
- gypsies:
- don't work, steal stuff, wellfare leeches, make a lot of children
- children don't go to school, uneducated, can hardly read
- passionate, emotional, friendly
- talent for music
- Australians: - Australians:
- tough, living in dangerous wilderness - tough, living in dangerous wilderness
- Arabs:
- terrorists, suicidal bombers
- women are belly dancers
- pedophiles, bigamists
- dirty
- blond, attractive [women]( - blond, attractive [women](
- extremely stupid - extremely stupid
- gold diggers - gold diggers
@ -89,6 +84,11 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- precise, efficient, organized, great technology - precise, efficient, organized, great technology
- love beer and sausage - love beer and sausage
- ugly women - ugly women
- gypsies:
- don't work, steal stuff, wellfare leeches, make a lot of children
- children don't go to school, uneducated, can hardly read
- passionate, emotional, friendly
- talent for music
- Indians: - Indians:
- extremely friendly, often too much - extremely friendly, often too much
- no hygiene, dirty - no hygiene, dirty

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Of course, [LRS]( loves all living beings equally, even women. In order t
lol lol
# Women In Tech/Science ## Women In Tech/Science
Finding famous women capable in technology is almost a futile task. One of the most famous women of [modern]( tech, even though more an entrepreneur than engineer, was [Elizabeth Holmes]( who, to the feminists' dismay, turned out to be a complete fraud and is now facing criminal charges. [Grace Hopper](grace_hopper) (not "grass hopper" lol) is a woman actually worth mentioning for her contribution to programming languages, though the contribution is pretty weak. [Ada Lovelace]( cited by the feminist propaganda as the "first programmer" also didn't actually do anything besides scribbling a note about a computer completely designed by a man. This just shows how desperate the feminist attempts at finding capable women in tech are. Then there are also some individuals who just contributed to the downfall of the technology who are, in terms of gender, at least partially on the woman side, but their actual classification is actually pretty debatable -- these are monstrosities with pink hair who invented such [cancer]( as [COCs]( and are not even worth mentioning. Finding famous women capable in technology is almost a futile task. One of the most famous women of [modern]( tech, even though more an entrepreneur than engineer, was [Elizabeth Holmes]( who, to the feminists' dismay, turned out to be a complete fraud and is now facing criminal charges. [Grace Hopper](grace_hopper) (not "grass hopper" lol) is a woman actually worth mentioning for her contribution to programming languages, though the contribution is pretty weak. [Ada Lovelace]( cited by the feminist propaganda as the "first programmer" also didn't actually do anything besides scribbling a note about a computer completely designed by a man. This just shows how desperate the feminist attempts at finding capable women in tech are. Then there are also some individuals who just contributed to the downfall of the technology who are, in terms of gender, at least partially on the woman side, but their actual classification is actually pretty debatable -- these are monstrosities with pink hair who invented such [cancer]( as [COCs]( and are not even worth mentioning.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Zero # Zero
Zero (0) is a [number]( signifying the absence of a thing we count. It precedes [1]( and follows -1. Zero (0) is a [number]( signifying the absence of a thing we count. Among integers it precedes [1]( and follows -1.
Some properties of and facts about this number follow: Some properties of and facts about this number follow:
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Some properties of and facts about this number follow:
- In [C]( and many other languages 0 represents the [false]( value, a function returning 0 many times signifies an [error]( during the execution of that function. However 0 also sometimes means success, e.g. as a return value from the main function. 0 is also often used to signify [infinity](, no limit or lack of value (e.g. [NULL]( pointer normally points to address 0 and means "pointing nowhere"). - In [C]( and many other languages 0 represents the [false]( value, a function returning 0 many times signifies an [error]( during the execution of that function. However 0 also sometimes means success, e.g. as a return value from the main function. 0 is also often used to signify [infinity](, no limit or lack of value (e.g. [NULL]( pointer normally points to address 0 and means "pointing nowhere").
- [Historically]( the concept of number zero seems to have appeared at least 3000 BC and is thought to signify an advanced abstract thinking, though it was first used only as a positional symbol for writing numbers and only later on took the meaning of a number signifying "nothing". - [Historically]( the concept of number zero seems to have appeared at least 3000 BC and is thought to signify an advanced abstract thinking, though it was first used only as a positional symbol for writing numbers and only later on took the meaning of a number signifying "nothing".
**Dividing by zero is not defined**, it is a forbidden operation mainly because it breaks equations (allowing dividing by zero would also allow us to make basically any equation hold, even those that normally don't). In programming dividing by zero typically causes an error, crash of a program or an [exception]( In some programming languages [floating point]( division by zero results in [infinity]( When operating with [limits](, we can handle divisions by zero in a special way (find out what value an [expression]( approaches if we get infinitely close to dividing by 0). **Dividing by zero is not defined**, it is a forbidden operation mainly because it breaks equations (allowing dividing by zero would also allow us to make basically any equation hold, even those that normally don't). In programming dividing by zero typically causes an error, crash of a program or an [exception]( In some programming languages [floating point]( division by zero results in [infinity]( or [NaN]( When operating with [limits](, we can handle divisions by zero in a special way (find out what value an [expression]( approaches if we get infinitely close to dividing by 0).
## See Also ## See Also