Miloslav Ciz 2 years ago
parent cfd3c00688
commit bf11ed324a

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# "Anarcho" Capitalism
# "Anarcho" Capitali$m
*Not to be confused with [anarchism](*

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ Bloat is a very wide term that in the context of [software]( and tec
[LRS](, [suckless]( and some others rather small groups are trying to address the issue and write software that is good, minimal, safe, efficient and well functioning. Nevertheless our numbers are very small and in this endeavor we are basically standing against the whole world and the most powerful tech corporations.
One of a very frequent questions you may hear a noob ask is **"How can bloat limit software freedom if such software has a [free]( license?"** Bloat [de-facto]( limits some of the four essential freedoms (to use, study, modify and share) required for a software to be free. A free license grants these freedoms legally, but if some of those freedoms are subsequently limited by other circumstances, the software becomes effectively less free. It is important to realize that **complexity itself goes against freedom** because a more complex system will inevitably reduce the number of people being able to execute freedoms such as modifying the software (the number of programmers being able to understand and modify a trivial program is much greater than the number of programmers being able to understand and modify a highly complex million [LOC]( program). As the number of people being able to execute the basic freedom drops, we're approaching the scenario in which the software is de-facto controlled by a small number of people who can (e.g. due to the cost) effectively study, modify and maintain the program -- and a program that is controlled by a small group of people (e.g. a corporation) is by definition [proprietary]( If there is a web browser that has a free license but you, a lone programmer, can't afford to study it, modify it significantly and maintain it, and your friends aren't able to do that either, when the only one who can practically do this is the developer of the browser himself and perhaps a few other rich corporations that can pay dozens of full time programmers, then such browser cannot be considered free as it won't be shaped to benefit you, the user, but rather the developer, a corporation.
The issue of bloat may of course appear outside of the strict boundaries of computer technology, nowadays we may already observe e.g. **[science bloat](** -- science is becoming so overcomplicated (many times on purpose, e.g. by means of [bullshit]( science) that 99% people can NOT understand it, they have to BELIEVE "scientific authorities", which does not at all differ from the dangerous blind religious behavior. Any time a new paper comes out, chances are that not even SCIENTISTS from the same field but with a different specialization will understand it in depth and have to simply trust its results. This combined with self-interest obsessed society gives rise to [soyence]( and large scale brainwashing and spread of "science approved" propaganda.
Bach to technology though, one of a very frequent questions you may hear a noob ask is **"How can bloat limit software freedom if such software has a [free]( license?"** Bloat [de-facto]( limits some of the four essential freedoms (to use, study, modify and share) required for a software to be free. A free license grants these freedoms legally, but if some of those freedoms are subsequently limited by other circumstances, the software becomes effectively less free. It is important to realize that **complexity itself goes against freedom** because a more complex system will inevitably reduce the number of people being able to execute freedoms such as modifying the software (the number of programmers being able to understand and modify a trivial program is much greater than the number of programmers being able to understand and modify a highly complex million [LOC]( program). As the number of people being able to execute the basic freedom drops, we're approaching the scenario in which the software is de-facto controlled by a small number of people who can (e.g. due to the cost) effectively study, modify and maintain the program -- and a program that is controlled by a small group of people (e.g. a corporation) is by definition [proprietary]( If there is a web browser that has a free license but you, a lone programmer, can't afford to study it, modify it significantly and maintain it, and your friends aren't able to do that either, when the only one who can practically do this is the developer of the browser himself and perhaps a few other rich corporations that can pay dozens of full time programmers, then such browser cannot be considered free as it won't be shaped to benefit you, the user, but rather the developer, a corporation.
## Typical Bloat

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*What if we were [raped]( every day.*
Capitalism is the worst (not only) economic system we've yet seen in [history](,^[source]( literally based on pure greed and artificially sustained conflict between people (so called [competition](, abandoning all morals and putting money and profit (so called [capital]( above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete and suffer for basic resources, even in a world where abundance of resources is already possible to achieve. Capitalism goes against progress (see e.g. [antivirus paradox](, [good technology](, freedom, it supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people, destruction of environment, decline of morals, invention of [bullshit]( (bullshit jobs, bullshit laws, ...), [torture]( of people and animals and much more. Nevertheless, it's been truthfully stated that "it is now easier to imagine the end of all life than any substantial change in capitalism." Another famous quote is that "capitalism is the belief that the worst of men driven by the nastiest motives will somehow work for the benefit of everyone", which is quite correct.
Capitali$m is the worst (not only) economic system we've yet seen in [history](,^[source]( literally based on pure greed and artificially sustained conflict between people (so called [competition](, abandoning all morals and putting money and profit (so called [capital]( above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete and suffer for basic resources, even in a world where abundance of resources is already possible to achieve. Capitalism goes against progress (see e.g. [antivirus paradox](, [good technology](, freedom, it supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people, destruction of environment, decline of morals, invention of [bullshit]( (bullshit jobs, bullshit laws, ...), [torture]( of people and animals and much more. Nevertheless, it's been truthfully stated that "it is now easier to imagine the end of all life than any substantial change in capitalism." Another famous quote is that "capitalism is the belief that the worst of men driven by the nastiest motives will somehow work for the benefit of everyone", which is quite correct.
**Capitalism is fundamentally flawed** -- capitalists build on the idea that competition will drive society, that market will be self sustaining, however capitalism itself works for instating the rule of the winners who eliminate their competition, capitalism is self destabilizing, i.e. the driving force of capitalism is completely unsustainable and leads to catastrophic results as those who get ahead in working competition are also in advantage -- as it's said: money makes money, therefore money flow from the poor to the rich and create a huge imbalance in which competition has to be highly forced, eventually completely arbitrarily and in very harmful ways (invention of bullshit jobs, creating artificial needs and hugely complex laws). It's as if we set up a race in which those who get ahead start to also go faster -- expecting a sustained balance in such a race is just insanity. Society tries to "[fight](" this emerging imbalance with various laws and rules of market, but this effort is like trying to fight math itself -- the system is mathematically destined to be unstable, pretending we can win over laws of nature themselves is just pure madness.

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Elon Mu$k
Elon Musk is an enormous dick.

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Free Software
*Not to be confused with [open $ource](*
Free (as in freedom) software is a type of ethical [software]( that's respecting its users' freedom and preventing their abuse, generally by availability of its source code AND by a [license]( that allows anyone to use, study, modify and share the software. Free software is NOT equal to software whose source code is available or software that is offered for zero price, the basic rights to the software are the key attribute that has to be present. Free software stands opposed to [proprietary software]( -- the kind of abusive, closed software that [capitalism]( produces by default. Free software is not to be confused with [freeware]( ("gratis", software available for free); although free software is always available for free thanks to its definition, zero price is not its goal. The goal is freedom.
Free software is also known as *free as in freedom*, *free as in speech* software or *libre* software. It is sometimes equated with [open source](, even though open source is fundamentally different ([evil](, or neutrally labelled FOSS or FLOSS (free/libre and open-source software). Software that is gratis (freeware) is sometimes called *free as in beer*.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Micro$oft
Micro$soft (officially Microsoft, MS) is a terrorist organization, [software]( [corporation]( named after its founder's dick -- it is, along with [Google](, [Apple]( [et al]( one of the biggest organized crime groups in history, best known for holding the world captive with its highly abusive "[operating system](" called [Windows](, as well as for leading an aggressive war on [free software]( and utilizing many unethical and/or illegal business practices such as destroying any potential competition with the [*Embrace Extend Extinguish*]( strategy.
Micro$soft (officially Microsoft, MS) is a terrorist organization, [software]( [corporation]( named after its founder's dick -- it is, along with [Google](, [Apple]( [et al]( one of the biggest organized crime groups in history, best known for holding the world captive with its highly abusive "[operating system](" called [Windows](, as well as for leading an aggressive war on [free software]( and utilizing many unethical and/or illegal business practices such as destroying any potential competition with the [*Embrace Extend Extinguish*]( strategy or practicing heavy [openwashing](
Microsoft is unfortunately among the absolutely most powerful entities in the world (that sucks given they're also among the most hostile ones) -- likely more powerful than any government and most other corporations, it is in their power to **immediately destroy any country** with the push of a button, it's just a question of when this also becomes their interest. This power is due to them having **complete control over almost absolute majority of personal computers in the world** (and therefore by extension over all devices, infrastructure, organization etc.), through their [proprietary]( ([malware]( "[operating system](" [Windows]( that has built-in [backdoor](, allowing Microsoft immediate access and control over practically any computer in the world. The backdoor "feature" isn't even hidden, it is officially and openly admitted (it is euphemistically called [auto updates]( Microsoft prohibits studying and modification of Windows under threats including physical violence (tinkering with Windows violates its [EULA]( which is a lawfully binding license, and law can potentially be enforced by police using physical force). Besides legal restrictions Microsoft applies high [obfuscation](, [bloat](, [SAASS]( and other techniques preventing user freedom and defense against terrorism, and forces its system to be installed in schools, governments, power plants, hospitals and basically on every computer anyone buys. Microsoft can basically (for most people) turn off the [Internet](, electricity, traffic control system etc. Therefore every hospital, school, government and any other institution has to bow to Microsoft.

@ -20,3 +20,8 @@ The open source definition is maintained by the [Open Source Initiative](
8. **The license must apply generally**, it cannot be e.g. limited to the case when the software is part of some larger package.
9. **The license must not restrict other software**, i.e. it cannot for example be forbidden to run the software alongside some other piece of software.
10. **The license must be technology neutral**, i.e. it cannot for example limit the software to certain platform or API.
## See Also
- [openwashing](
- [free software](


@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
# Pi
Pi is one of the most important and famous [numbers](, equal to approximately 3.14, most commonly defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter (but also definable in other ways). It is one of the most fundamental mathematical constants of our universe and appears extremely commonly in [mathematics](, nature and, of course, [programming]( When written down in traditional decimal system, its digits go on and on without end and show no repetition or simple pattern, appearing "random" and [chaotic]( -- as of 2021 pi has been evaluated by [computers]( to 62831853071796 digits. In significance and properties pi is similar to another famous number: [e](
Pi is a [real]( [transcendental]( number, i.e. simply put *it cannot be defined by a "simple" equation* (it is not a root of any [polynomial]( equation). As a transcendental number it is also an [irrational]( number, i.e. it cannot be written as an integer [fraction]( Mathematicians nowadays define pi via the period of the [exponential function]( rather than geometry of circles. If we stick to circles, it is [interesting]( that in [non-Euclidean]( geometry the value of "pi" could be measured to different values (if we draw a circle on an equator of a ball, its circumference is just twice its diameter, i.e. "pi" would be measured to be just 2, reveling the curvature of space).
Pi to 100 decimal digits is:
Pi to 100 binary fractional digits is:
11.001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000010001101 001100010011000110011000101000101110000...
Some people memorize the digits of pi for [fun]( and competition, the world record as of 2022 is 70030 memorized digits.
**PI IS NOT INFINITE**. [Soyence]( popularizators and nubs often say shit like "OH LOOK pi is so special because it infiniiiiiite". Pi is completely finite with an exact value that's not even greater than 4, what's infinite is just its expansion in [decimal]( (or similar) numeral system, however this is nothing special, even numbers such as 1/3 have infinite decimal expansion -- yes, pi is more interesting because its decimal digits are non-repeating and appear [chaotic](, but that's nothing special either, there are infinitely many numbers with the same properties and mysteries in this sense (most famously the number [e]( but besides it an infinity of other no-name numbers). The fact we get an infinitely many digits in expansion of pi is given by the fact that we're simply using a system of writing numbers that is made to handle integers and simple fractions -- once we try to write an unusual number with our system, our [algorithm]( simply ends up stuck in an [infinite loop]( We can create systems of writing numbers in which pi has a finite expansion (e.g. base pi or a base with varying radix fractions), in fact we can already write pi with a single symbol: *pi*. So yes, pi digits are interesting, but they are NOT what makes pi special among other numbers.
Additionally contrary to what's sometimes claimed **it is also unproven (though believed to be true), whether pi in its digits contains all possible finite strings** -- note that the fact that the series of digits is infinite doesn't alone guarantee this (as e.g. the infinite series 010011000111... also doesn't contain any possible combination of 1s and 0s). This would hold if pi was [normal](, but again, there are many other such numbers.
What makes pi special then? Well, mostly its significance as one of the most fundamental constants that seems to appear extremely commonly in math and nature, it seems to stand very close to the root of description of our universe -- not only does pi show that circles are embedded everywhere in nature, even in very abstract ways, but we find it in [Euler's identity](, one of the most important equations, it is related to [complex exponential]( and so to [Fourier transform](, waves, oscillation, trigonometry ([sin](, [cos](, ...) and angles ([radians]( use pi), it even starts appearing in [number theory](, e.g. the probability of two numbers being relative primes is 6/(pi^2), and so on.
## Approximations And Programming
Evaluating many digits of pi is mathematically [interesting](, programs for computing pi are sometimes used as [CPU]( [benchmarks]( There are programs that can search for a position of arbitrary string encoded in pi's digits. However in practical computations we can easily get away with pi approximated to just a few decimal digits, **you will NEVER need more than 20 decimal digits**, not even for space flights (NASA said they use 15 places).
An ugly engineering [approximation]( that's actually usable sometimes (e.g. for fast rough estimates with integer-only hardware) is just (infamously almost made the legal value of pi by the so called Indiana bill in 1897)
pi ~= 3
A simple fractional approximation (correct to 6 decimal fractional digits) is
pi ~= 355/113
Such a fraction can again be used even without [floating point]( -- let's say we want to multiply number 123 by pi, then we can use the above fraction and compute 355/113 * 123 = (355 * 123) / 113.
Leibnitz formula for pi is an infinite series that converges to the value of pi, however it converges very slowly { Quickly checked, after adding million terms it was accurate to 5 decimal fractional places. ~drummyfish }. It goes as
pi = 4 - 4/3 + 4/5 - 4/7 + 4/9 - 4/11 + ...
Nilakantha Series converges much more quickly { After adding only 1000 terms the result was correct to 9 decimal fractional places for me. ~drummyfish }. It goes as
pi = 3 + 4/(2 * 3 * 4) + 4/(4 * 5 * 6) + 4/(6 * 7 * 8) + ...
A simple **[algorithm](** for computing approximate pi value can be based on approach used in further history: approximating a circle with many-sided regular [polygon]( and then computing the ratio of its circumference to diameter -- as a diameter here we can take the average of the "big" and "small" diameter of the polygon. For example if we use a simple square as the polygon, we get pi ~= 3.31 -- this is not very accurate but we'll get a much higher accuracy as we increase the number of sides of the polygon. In 15th century pi was computed to 16 decimal digits with this method. Using inscribed and circumscribed polygons we can use this to get lower and upper bounds on the value of pi.
Another simple approach is [monte carlo]( estimation of the area of a unit circle -- by generating random (or even regularly spaced) 2D points (samples) with coordinates in the range from -1 to 1 and seeing what portion of them falls inside the circle we can estimate the value of pi as *pi = 4 * x/N* where *x* is the number of points that fall in the circle and *N* the total number of generated points.
[Spigot]( algorithm can be used for computing digits of pi one by one, without [floating point]( Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula (discovered in 1995) interestingly allows computing Nth hexadecimal (or binary) digit of pi, WITHOUT having to compute previous digits (and in a time faster than such computation would take). In 2022 Plouffe discovered a similar formula for computing Nth decimal digit.
The following is a [C]( implementation of the Spigot algorithm for calculating digits of pi one by one that doesn't need [floating point]( or special arbitrary length data types, adapted from the original 1995 paper. It works on the principle of converting pi to the decimal base from a special mixed radix base 1/3, 2/5, 3/7, 4/9, ... in which pi is expressed just as 2.22222... { For copyright clarity, this is NOT a web copy paste, it's been written by me according to the paper. ~drummyfish }
#include <stdio.h>
#define DIGITS 1000
#define ARRAY_LEN ((10 * DIGITS) / 3)
unsigned int pi[ARRAY_LEN];
void writeDigit(unsigned int digit)
putchar('0' + digit);
int main(void)
unsigned int carry, digit = 0, queue = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN; ++i)
pi[i] = 2; // initially pi in this base is just 2s
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DIGITS; ++i)
carry = 0;
for (int j = ARRAY_LEN - 1; j >= 0; --j)
{ // convert to base 10 and multiply by 10 (shift one to left)
unsigned int divisor = (j + 1) * 2 - 1; // mixed radix denom.
pi[j] = 10 * pi[j] + (j + 1) * carry;
carry = pi[j] / divisor;
pi[j] %= divisor;
pi[0] = carry % 10;
carry /= 10;
switch (carry)
{ // latter digits may influence earlier digits, hence these buffers
case 9: // remember consecutive 9s
case 10: // ..X 99999.. becomes ..X+1 00000...
writeDigit(digit + 1);
for (unsigned int k = 1; k <= queue; ++k)
queue = 0;
digit = 0;
default: // normal digit, just print
if (i != 0) // skip the first 0
if (i == 1) // write the decimal point after 1st digit
digit = carry;
for (unsigned int k = 1; k <= queue; ++k)
queue = 0;
writeDigit(digit); // write the last one
return 0;

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*The issue is not my language but your ego.*
Political correctness (abbreviated PC) means [censorship]( (often self censorship) of language, [science](, [art]( and facts according to the [pseudoleftist]( gospel. It is extremely [harmful]( to society as it as artificially invented "issue" that not only puts people and science under heavy control and censorship, but also creates a great conflict between its proponents and those who value truth, freedom of art, science and communication, not talking about burdening the whole society with yet another [competitive]( [bullshit]( that doesn't have to exist at all. Political correctness is mainly a political tool that allows elimination (so called [cancelling]( and discrediting opposition of [pseudoleftist]( political movements and parties, as well as brainwashing and though control (see e.g. [Newspeak](
Political correctness (abbreviated PC) means [censorship]( (often self censorship) of language, [science](, [art]( and facts according to the [pseudoleftist]( gospel. It is extremely [harmful]( to society as it is an artificially invented "issue" that not only puts people and science under heavy control and censorship, but also creates a great conflict between its proponents and those who value truth, freedom of art, science and communication, not talking about burdening the whole society with yet another [competitive]( [bullshit]( that doesn't have to exist at all. Political correctness is mainly a political tool that allows elimination (so called [cancelling]( and discrediting opposition of [pseudoleftist]( political movements and parties, as well as brainwashing and though control (see e.g. [Newspeak](
Political correctness goes strictly against [free speech](, it tries to force people "to behave" and be afraid of words and talking, it creates conflict, divides the society and also TEACHES people to be offended by language -- i.e. even if a specific word wouldn't normally be used or seen in a hostile way (e.g. the *master branch* in git repositories), political correctness establishes that NOW IT IS OFFENSIVE and specific minorities SHOULD take offense, even if they normally wouldn't, supporting [offended culture]( and [fight culture]( I.e. political correctness can be called a [cancer]( of society.

@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ It should be made clear that **rust is [shit](** AND **CANNOT BE FIXED**
- It ridiculously tries to be a handholding system language, i.e. an expert level language designed for beginners or incompetent people (of course with the obvious goal to empower women forced into tech etc.). Being written by pre-beginner level "[coders](", it sets goals such as "system language should tie your hands and prevent beginner mistakes". It's like trying to design a fighter jet around the idea that it will be flown by beginners and therefore e.g. removing fire buttons because a beginner could push them by mistake.
- It is more than anything a political language trying to push propaganda, send messages about minorities in tech instead of creating good technology, and "[fight](" and destroy languages invented by straight white men. As such it is mostly written by angry minorities such as [girls]( and trannies who can't much into technology, hence the completely shit design and implementation.
- It tries to displace good languages such as [C]( and sadly, thanks to its populism and political appeal, is becoming popular among masses of coding monkeys who have no idea about technology.
- It is completely unnecessary in the first place, a good low level language already exists: [C]( If anything, we need to improve C by making it [simpler](, but overcomplicated C also already exists for those who for some reason want to use a shit language: [C++]( Rust is just flushing thousands of manhours (prolly rather soiboihours) to the toilet.
- TODO: MORE, but you get the idea

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Social Justice Warrior
Social justice [warrior]( (SJW) is an especially active, [toxic]( and aggressive kind of [pseudoleftist]( (a kind of [fascist]( that tries to [fight]( (especially on the Internet) anyone opposing or even just slightly criticizing the mainstream pseudoleftist gospel such as the [feminism]( and [LGBT]( propaganda. SJWs divide people rather than unite them, they operate on the basis of hate, revenge and mass hysteria and as we know, hate spawns more hate, they fuel a war mentality in a society. They support hard [censorship]( (forced [political correctness]( and bullying of their opposition, so called [cancelling](, and also such retardism as [sanism]( and whatnot. [Wokeism]( is yet more extreme form of SJWery.
Social justice [warrior]( (SJW) is an especially active, [toxic]( and aggressive kind of [pseudoleftist]( (a kind of [fascist]( that tries to [fight]( (especially on the Internet) anyone opposing or even just slightly criticizing the mainstream pseudoleftist gospel such as the [feminism]( and [LGBT]( propaganda. SJWs divide people rather than unite them, they operate on the basis of hate, revenge and mass hysteria and as we know, hate spawns more hate, they fuel a war mentality in society. They support hard [censorship]( (forced [political correctness]( and bullying of their opposition, so called [cancelling](, and also such retardism as [sanism]( and whatnot. [Wokeism]( is yet more extreme form of SJWery.
SJWs say the term is pejorative. We say it's not pejorative enough xD

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
# Soyence
Soyence is [propaganda](, [politics](, [business]( and [bullshit]( claiming to pass as [science](, nowadays promoted typically by [pseudoleftist]( [soyboys]( It is what the typical reddit [atheist]( believes is science or what Neil De Grass Tyson tells you science is. Soyence calls itself science and [gatekeeps]( the term science by calling unpopular science -- such as that regarding human [race]( or questioning big pharma [vaccines]( -- "[pseudoscience](". Soyence itself is pseudoscience but it has the added attributes of pursuing [evil]( and trying to hide among serious science.
*Not to be confused with [science](*
Soyence is [propaganda](, [politics](, [business](, [bloat]( and [bullshit]( claiming to pass as [science](, nowadays promoted typically by [pseudoleftist]( [soyboys]( It is what the typical reddit [atheist]( or [tiktok]( [feminist]( believes is science or what Neil De Grass Tyson tells you science is. Soyence calls itself science and [gatekeeps]( the term science by calling unpopular science -- such as that regarding human [race]( or questioning big pharma [vaccines]( -- "[pseudoscience](". Soyence itself is pseudoscience but it has the added attributes of pursuing [evil]( and trying to hide among serious science.
Compared to good old [fun]( pseudosciences such as [astrology](, soyence is extra sneaky by purposefully trying to blend in with real science, i.e. within a certain truly scientific field, such as biology, there is a soyentific [cancer]( mixed in by activists, corporations and state, that may be hard to separate for common folk and many times even for pros. This is extremely [harmful]( as in the eyes of retarded people (i.e. basically everyone) the neighboring legit science gives credibility to propaganda bullshit. There is a tendency to think we somehow magically live in a time that's fundamentally different from other times in history in which it is now a pretty clear and uncontroversial fact that the name of science was abused hard by propaganda, almost everyone easily accepts that historically politically constructed lies were presented as confirmed by science, but somehow people refuse to believe it could be the case nowadays. In times of Nazism there was no doubt about race being a completely scientific term and that Jews were scientifically confirmed to be the inferior race -- nowadays in times when anti Nazis have won and politics is based on denying existence of race somehow scientists start to magically find evidence that no such thing as race has ever existed -- how convenient! And just in case you wanted to check if it's actually true, you'll be labeled a racist and you won't find job ever again.
Soyence uses all the cheap tricks of politics to win stupid people, it builds on the cult of bullying religion, overuse of twisted "rationality", punishment of the correct use of rationality, building cults of personality ("science educators", the [gatekeepers]( of "science") and appealing to egoism and naivity of wannabe smartasses while at the same time not even holding up to principles of science such as genuine objectivity. A soyence kid will for example keep preaching about how everything should be proven by reproducible experiments while at the same time accepting [de facto]( irreproducible results, e.g. those obtained with billion dollar worth research performed at [CERN]( which can NOT be reproduced anywhere else than at CERN with thousands of top scientist putting in years of work. Such results are not reproducible in practice, they are accepted on the basis of pure faith in those presenting it, just as religious people accept the words of preachers. The kid will argue that in theory someone else can build another CERN and reproduce the results, but that won't happen in practice, it's just a purely theoretical unrealistic scenario so his version of what "science" is is really based on reproducibility that only works in a dreamed up world, this kind of reproducibility doesn't at all fulfill its original purpose of allowing others to check, confirm or refute the results of experiments. This starts to play a bigger role when for example vaccines start to get promoted by the government as "proven safe by science" (read "claimed safe by a corporation who makes money off of people being sick"), the soyence kid will gladly accept the vaccine and [fight]( for their acceptance just thanks to this label, not based on any truly scientific facts but out of pure faith in self proclaimed science authorities -- here the soyentist is relying purely on faith, a concept he would like to think he hates with his soul.
Soyence uses all the cheap tricks of politics (also not dissimilar to those of [greenwashing](, [openwashing]( etc.) to win stupid people, it builds on the cult of bullying religion and creating a [war mentality](, overuse of twisted "rationality", creating science [bloat]( and bullshit "scientific" fields to obscure lies, punishment of the correct use of rationality, building cults of personality ("science educators", the [gatekeepers]( of "science") and appealing to egoism and naivity of wannabe smartasses while at the same time not even holding up to principles of science such as genuine objectivity. A soyence kid will for example keep preaching about how everything should be proven by reproducible experiments while at the same time accepting [de facto]( irreproducible results, e.g. those obtained with billion dollar worth research performed at [CERN]( which can NOT be reproduced anywhere else than at CERN with thousands of top scientist putting in years of work. Such results are not reproducible in practice, they are accepted on the basis of pure faith in those presenting it, just as religious people accept the words of preachers. The kid will argue that in theory someone else can build another CERN and reproduce the results, but that won't happen in practice, it's just a purely theoretical unrealistic scenario so his version of what "science" is is really based on reproducibility that only works in a dreamed up world, this kind of reproducibility doesn't at all fulfill its original purpose of allowing others to check, confirm or refute the results of experiments. This starts to play a bigger role when for example vaccines start to get promoted by the government as "proven safe by science" (read "claimed safe by a corporation who makes money off of people being sick"), the soyence kid will gladly accept the vaccine and [fight]( for their acceptance just thanks to this label, not based on any truly scientific facts but out of pure faith in self proclaimed science authorities -- here the soyentist is relying purely on faith, a concept he would like to think he hates with his soul.
Soyence relies on low [IQ](, shallow education and popular "science education" (e.g. neil de grass), while making its followers believe they are smart. It produces propaganda material such as "documentaries" with Morgan Freeman, series like The Big Bang Theory and [YouTube]( videos with titles such as "Debunking Flat Earth with FACTS AND LOGIC", so there's a huge mass of [NPCs]( thinking they are Einsteins who blindly support this cult. Soyence attacks science from within by attacking its core principles, i.e. it tries to ridicule and punish thinking outside the box and asking specific questions -- in this it is not dissimilar to a mass [religion](
Soyence relies on low [IQ](, shallow education and popular "science education" (e.g. neil de grass), while making its followers believe they are smart. It produces propaganda material such as "documentaries" with Morgan Freeman (i.e. people who are good at persuasion rather than being competent), series like The Big Bang Theory and [YouTube]( videos with titles such as "Debunking Flat Earth with FACTS AND LOGIC", so there's a huge mass of [NPCs]( thinking they are Einsteins who blindly support this cult. Soyence attacks science from within by attacking its core principles, i.e. it tries to ridicule and punish thinking outside the box and asking specific questions -- in this it is not dissimilar to a mass [religion](
Examples of soyence:
@ -15,8 +17,10 @@ Examples of soyence:
- "Women are as intelligent as men."
- "This extremely lucrative [Covid]( vaccine made by us in record time is absolutely safe, don't dare question it, just take it 5 times a year and pay us each time you do, don't mind any side effects." --Big Pharma
- "We can't believe this because it wasn't peer reviewed and/or it didn't pass the [null ritual]( and/or it wasn't published in a journal on our approved literature list." (--[Wikipedia](
- "This gender studies expert has proven sex is a racial construct and has no biological meaning. You disagree? Well, do you have a PhD in gender studies? No? Then shut up you fucking sexist."
- "This goes against SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS therefore it's pseudoscience and conspiration theory."
- "This research is racist.", using terms such as "scientific racism".
- "We should burn these old books that say things we don't like, just in case. When Nazis did it it was different."
- "This research was made by a [racist]( so it is invalid, also we should [lynch]( the guy just in case."
- Neil de grass/Morgan Freeman "documentaries"
- "We can totally trust the results of commercial research."

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
# <3 Woman <3
A woman (also gurl, femoid or succubus) is one of two genders (sexes) of humans, the other one being [man]( Women are [cute]( (sometimes) but notoriously bad at [programming](, [math]( and [technology]( in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit]( (and [harmful]( positions such as "diversity department", [marketing](, "HR" or [UI]([user experience]( If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming]( in a baby language such as [Python](, [Javascript]( or [Rust]( Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work. Don't let yourself be fooled by the propaganda, women aren't good with tech.
A woman (also gurl, femoid or succubus) is one of two genders (sexes) of humans, the other one being [man]( Women are [cute]( (sometimes) but notoriously bad at [programming](, [math]( and [technology]( in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit]( (and mostly [harmful]( positions such as "diversity department", [marketing](, "[HR](", [UI]([user experience](, or as a [token]( girl for media. If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming]( in a baby language such as [Python](, [Javascript]( or [Rust]( Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work. Don't let yourself be fooled by the propaganda, women aren't good with tech.
Historically women have been privileged over men -- while men had to work hard, go to wars, explore and hunt for food, women often weren't even supposed to work, they could stay at home, chill while guarding the fire and playing with children -- this is becoming less and less so with [capitalism]( which aims to simply enslave everyone. Statistically women have lived about 5 years longer lives because they didn't have to worry and stress so much.
Historically women have been privileged over men -- while men had to [work]( hard, go to [wars](, explore and hunt for food, women often weren't even supposed to work, they could stay at home, chill while guarding the fire and playing with children -- this is becoming less and less so with [capitalism]( which aims to simply enslave everyone, e.g. through [feminism]( Statistically women have lived about 5 years longer lives because they didn't have to worry and stress so much.
Women also can't drive, operate machines, they can't compare even to the worst men in sports, both physical and mental such as [chess]( Women have to have separate leagues and more relaxed rules, e.g. the title Woman Grand Master (WGM) in chess has far lower requirements to obtain than regular Grand Master (GM). (According to [Elo]( rating the best woman chess player in history would have only 8% chance of winning against current best male who would have 48% chance of winning). On the International Mathematical Olympiad only 43 out of 1338 medals were obtained by females. There are too many funny cases and video compilations of women facing men in sports (watch them before they're censored lol), e.g. the infamous Vaevictis female "progaming" team or the [football]( match between the US national women team (probably the best women team in the world) vs some random under 15 years old boy's team which of course the women team lost. Of course there are arguments that worse performance of women in mental sports is caused culturally; women aren't led so much to playing chess, therefore there are fewer women in chess and so the probability of a good woman player appearing is lower. This may be partially true even though genetic factors seem at least equally important and it may equally be true that not so many women play chess simply because they're not naturally good at it; nevertheless the fact that women are generally worse at chess than men stands, regardless of its cause -- a randomly picked men will probably be better at chess than a randomly picked woman, and that's what matters in the end. Also if women are displaced from chess by culture, then what is the area they are displaced to? If women are as capable as men, then for any area dominated by men there should be an area equally dominated by women, however we see that anywhere men face women men win big time, even in the woman activities such as cooking. It makes sense from the evolutionary standpoint, women simply evolved to take care of children and guard fire while men had to be stronger and smarter in order to provide food and protection.
Women also can't drive, operate machines, they can't compare even to the worst men in sports, both physical and mental such as [chess]( Women have to have separate leagues and more relaxed rules, e.g. the title Woman Grand Master (WGM) in chess has far lower requirements to obtain than regular Grand Master (GM). (According to [Elo]( rating the best woman chess player in history would have only 8% chance of winning against current best male who would have 48% chance of winning). On the International Mathematical Olympiad only 43 out of 1338 medals were obtained by females. There are too many funny cases and video compilations of women facing men in sports (watch them before they're censored lol), e.g. the infamous Vaevictis female "progaming" team or the [football]( match between the US national women team (probably the best women team in the world) vs some random under 15 years old boy's team which of course the women team lost. Of course there are arguments that worse performance of women in mental sports is caused culturally; women aren't led so much to playing chess, therefore there are fewer women in chess and so the probability of a good woman player appearing is lower. This may be partially true even though genetic factors seem at least equally important and it may equally be true that not so many women play chess simply because they're not naturally good at it; nevertheless the fact that women are generally worse at chess than men stands, regardless of its cause -- a randomly picked men will probably be better at chess than a randomly picked woman, and that's what matters in the end. Also if women are displaced from chess by culture, then what is the area they are displaced to? If women are as capable as men, then for any area dominated by men there should be an area equally dominated by women, however we see that anywhere men face women men win big time, even in the woman activities such as cooking. It makes sense from the evolutionary standpoint, women simply evolved to take care of children, guard fire and save resource consumption by being only as strong as necessarily required for this task, while men had to be stronger and smarter to do the hard job of providing food and protection.
Now let us remind ourselves that this is completely OK. Women are weaker, but in a [good society]( this doesn't matter as in a good society people don't have to compete or prove their usefulness, everyone is loved equally, weak or strong.
Now because today's brainwashed reader will see this as "[sexism](", let us remind ourselves that this is completely OK. Women are weaker, but in a [good society]( this doesn't matter as in a good society people don't have to compete or prove their usefulness, everyone is loved equally, weak or strong. The issue here is not pointing out our differences but perpetuating a [shitty society](
Of course even though rare, well performing women may statistically appear. The issue is women are very often involved with a cult such as the [feminists]( who waste their effort on [fighting]( men instead of focusing on study and creation of real technology, and on actually loving it. They don't see technology as a beautiful field of art and science, they see it as a battlefield, a political tool to be weaponized to achieve social status, revenge on society etc. They can't understand the pure joy of [programming](, the love of creation for its own sake, they think more in terms of "learning to code will get me new followers on social networks" etc. Woman mentality is biologically very different from men mentality, a woman is normally not capable of true, deep love, woman only thinks in terms of benefit, golddigging etc.; men, even if cheating, normally tend towards deep life-long love relationships, be it with people or other passions. You will never find a basement dweller programmer or [demoscene]( programmer of female gender, a hacker who is happy existing in a world of his own programs without the need for approval or external reward, a woman will likely never be able to understand this.
Of course even though rare, well performing women may statistically appear. The issue is women are very often involved with a cult such as the [feminists]( who waste their effort on [fighting]( men instead of focusing on study and creation of real technology, and on actually loving it. They don't see technology as a beautiful field of art and science, they see it as a battlefield, a political tool to be weaponized to achieve social status, revenge on society etc., which spoils any rare specimen of a capable woman. Even capable women can't seem to understand the pure joy of [programming](, the love of creation for its own sake, they think more in terms of "learning to COOODE will get me new followers on social networks" etc. Woman mentality is biologically very different from men mentality, a woman is normally not capable of true, deep love, woman only thinks in terms of benefit, golddigging etc.; men, even if cheating, normally tend towards deep life-long love relationships, be it with people or other passions. You will never find a virgin basement dweller programmer or [demoscene]( programmer of female sex, a hacker who is happy existing in a world of his own programs without the need for approval or external reward, a woman will likely never be able to understand this.
Supposed "achievements" of women post circa 2010 can't be taken seriously, propaganda has started to tryhard and invent and overrate achievements and basically just steal achievements of men and hand them over to women. There are [token]( women inserted on [soyentific]( positions etc. (lol just watch any recent [NASA]( mission broadcast, there is always a woman inserted in front of the camera).
Supposed "achievements" of women post circa 2010 can't be taken seriously, [propaganda]( has started to tryhard and invent and overrate achievements and basically just steal achievements of men and hand them over to women. There are [token]( women inserted on [soyentific]( positions etc. (lol just watch any recent [NASA]( mission broadcast, there is always a woman inserted in front of the camera).
Of course, [LRS]( loves all living beings equally, even women. In order to truly love someone we have to be aware of their true nature so that we can truly love them, despite all imperfections.
**Is there even anything women are better at than men?** Well, women seem for example more peaceful or at least less violent on average (feminism of course sees this as a "weakness" and tries to change it), though they seem to be e.g. more passive-aggressive. Nevertheless there have been a few successful queens in history, women can sometimes perhaps be good in representative roles (and other simple chair-sitting jobs). They have also evolved to perform the tasks of housekeeping and care taking at which they may excel (still it seems that if men fully focus on a specific tasks, they will beat a women, for example the best cooks in the world are men). Sometimes women may be preferable exactly for not being as "rough" as men, e.g. as singers, psychologists, massage therapists, sex workers etc.
**Is there even anything women are better at than men?** Well, women seem for example more peaceful or at least less violent on average (feminism of course sees this as a "weakness" and tries to change it), though they seem to be e.g. more passive-aggressive. Nevertheless there have been a few successful queens in history, women can sometimes perhaps be good in representative roles (and other simple chair-sitting jobs). They have also evolved to perform the tasks of housekeeping and care taking at which they may excel (still it seems that if men fully focus on a specific tasks, they will beat women, for example the best cooks in the world are men). Sometimes women may be preferable exactly for not being as "rough" as men, e.g. as singers, psychologists, massage therapists, sex workers etc.
