This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-03-24 21:52:08 +01:00
parent 25bef6df75
commit c0e7392173
17 changed files with 1930 additions and 1861 deletions

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@ -8,136 +8,136 @@ The ordering of characters has been kind of cleverly designed to make working wi
ASCII was approved as an [ANSI]( standard in 1963 and since then underwent many revisions every few years. The current one is summed up by the following table: ASCII was approved as an [ANSI]( standard in 1963 and since then underwent many revisions every few years. The current one is summed up by the following table:
| dec | hex | oct | bin | symbol | | dec | hex | oct | bin | other | symbol |
|-----|-----|-----|-------|-----------------------| | ---- | ---- | ---- | ------- | --------- | --------------------- |
| 000 | 00 | 000 |0000000| NUL: null | | 000 | 00 | 000 | 0000000 | \\000 ^@ | NUL: null |
| 001 | 01 | 001 |0000001| SOH: start of heading | | 001 | 01 | 001 | 0000001 | \\001 ^A | SOH: start of heading |
| 002 | 02 | 002 |0000010| STX: start of text | | 002 | 02 | 002 | 0000010 | \\002 ^B | STX: start of text |
| 003 | 03 | 003 |0000011| ETX: end of text | | 003 | 03 | 003 | 0000011 | \\003 ^C | ETX: end of text |
| 004 | 04 | 004 |0000100| EOT: end of stream | | 004 | 04 | 004 | 0000100 | \\004 ^D | EOT: end of stream |
| 005 | 05 | 005 |0000101| ENQ: enquiry | | 005 | 05 | 005 | 0000101 | \\005 ^E | ENQ: enquiry |
| 006 | 06 | 006 |0000110| ACK: acknowledge | | 006 | 06 | 006 | 0000110 | \\006 ^F | ACK: acknowledge |
| 007 | 07 | 007 |0000111| BEL: bell | | 007 | 07 | 007 | 0000111 | \\a ^G | BEL: bell |
| 008 | 08 | 010 |0001000| BS: backspace | | 008 | 08 | 010 | 0001000 | \\b ^H | BS: backspace |
| 009 | 09 | 011 |0001001| TAB: tab (horizontal) | | 009 | 09 | 011 | 0001001 | \\t ^I | TAB: tab (horizontal) |
| 010 | 0a | 012 |0001010| LF: new line | | 010 | 0a | 012 | 0001010 | \\n ^J | LF: new line |
| 011 | 0b | 013 |0001011| VT: tab (vertical) | | 011 | 0b | 013 | 0001011 | \\v ^K | VT: tab (vertical) |
| 012 | 0c | 014 |0001100| FF: new page | | 012 | 0c | 014 | 0001100 | \\f ^L | FF: new page |
| 013 | 0d | 015 |0001101| CR: carriage return | | 013 | 0d | 015 | 0001101 | \\r ^M | CR: carriage return |
| 014 | 0e | 016 |0001110| SO: shift out | | 014 | 0e | 016 | 0001110 | \\016 ^N | SO: shift out |
| 015 | 0f | 017 |0001111| SI: shift in | | 015 | 0f | 017 | 0001111 | \\017 ^O | SI: shift in |
| 016 | 10 | 020 |0010000| DLE: data link escape | | 016 | 10 | 020 | 0010000 | \\020 ^P | DLE: data link escape |
| 017 | 11 | 021 |0010001| DC1: device control 1 | | 017 | 11 | 021 | 0010001 | \\021 ^Q | DC1: device control 1 |
| 018 | 12 | 022 |0010010| DC2: device control 2 | | 018 | 12 | 022 | 0010010 | \\022 ^R | DC2: device control 2 |
| 019 | 13 | 023 |0010011| DC3: device control 3 | | 019 | 13 | 023 | 0010011 | \\023 ^S | DC3: device control 3 |
| 020 | 14 | 024 |0010100| DC4: device control 4 | | 020 | 14 | 024 | 0010100 | \\024 ^T | DC4: device control 4 |
| 021 | 15 | 025 |0010101| NAK: not acknowledge | | 021 | 15 | 025 | 0010101 | \\025 ^U | NAK: not acknowledge |
| 022 | 16 | 026 |0010110| SYN: sync idle | | 022 | 16 | 026 | 0010110 | \\026 ^V | SYN: sync idle |
| 023 | 17 | 027 |0010111| ETB: end of block | | 023 | 17 | 027 | 0010111 | \\027 ^W | ETB: end of block |
| 024 | 18 | 030 |0011000| CAN: cancel | | 024 | 18 | 030 | 0011000 | \\030 ^X | CAN: cancel |
| 025 | 19 | 031 |0011001| EM: end of medium | | 025 | 19 | 031 | 0011001 | \\031 ^Y | EM: end of medium |
| 026 | 1a | 032 |0011010| SUB: substitute | | 026 | 1a | 032 | 0011010 | \\032 ^Z | SUB: substitute |
| 027 | 1b | 033 |0011011| ESC: escape | | 027 | 1b | 033 | 0011011 | \\e ^[ | ESC: escape |
| 028 | 1c | 034 |0011100| FS: file separator | | 028 | 1c | 034 | 0011100 | \\034 ^\\ | FS: file separator |
| 029 | 1d | 035 |0011101| GS: group separator | | 029 | 1d | 035 | 0011101 | \\035 ^] | GS: group separator |
| 030 | 1e | 036 |0011110| RS: record separator | | 030 | 1e | 036 | 0011110 | \\036 ^^ | RS: record separator |
| 031 | 1f | 037 |0011111| US: unit separator | | 031 | 1f | 037 | 0011111 | \\037 ^_ | US: unit separator |
| 032 | 20 | 040 |0100000| ` `: space | | 032 | 20 | 040 | 0100000 | | ` `: space |
| 033 | 21 | 041 |0100001| `!` | | 033 | 21 | 041 | 0100001 | | `!` |
| 034 | 22 | 042 |0100010| `"` | | 034 | 22 | 042 | 0100010 | \\" | `"` |
| 035 | 23 | 043 |0100011| `#` | | 035 | 23 | 043 | 0100011 | | `#` |
| 036 | 24 | 044 |0100100| `$` | | 036 | 24 | 044 | 0100100 | | `$` |
| 037 | 25 | 045 |0100101| `%` | | 037 | 25 | 045 | 0100101 | | `%` |
| 038 | 26 | 046 |0100110| `&` | | 038 | 26 | 046 | 0100110 | | `&` |
| 039 | 27 | 047 |0100111| `'` | | 039 | 27 | 047 | 0100111 | \\' | `'` |
| 040 | 28 | 050 |0101000| `(` | | 040 | 28 | 050 | 0101000 | | `(` |
| 041 | 29 | 051 |0101001| `)` | | 041 | 29 | 051 | 0101001 | | `)` |
| 042 | 2a | 052 |0101010| `*` | | 042 | 2a | 052 | 0101010 | | `*` |
| 043 | 2b | 053 |0101011| `+` | | 043 | 2b | 053 | 0101011 | | `+` |
| 044 | 2c | 054 |0101100| `,` | | 044 | 2c | 054 | 0101100 | | `,` |
| 045 | 2d | 055 |0101101| `-` | | 045 | 2d | 055 | 0101101 | | `-` |
| 046 | 2e | 056 |0101110| `.` | | 046 | 2e | 056 | 0101110 | | `.` |
| 047 | 2f | 057 |0101111| `/` | | 047 | 2f | 057 | 0101111 | | `/` |
| 048 | 30 | 060 |0110000| `0` | | 048 | 30 | 060 | 0110000 | | `0` |
| 049 | 31 | 061 |0110001| `1` | | 049 | 31 | 061 | 0110001 | | `1` |
| 050 | 32 | 062 |0110010| `2` | | 050 | 32 | 062 | 0110010 | | `2` |
| 051 | 33 | 063 |0110011| `3` | | 051 | 33 | 063 | 0110011 | | `3` |
| 052 | 34 | 064 |0110100| `4` | | 052 | 34 | 064 | 0110100 | | `4` |
| 053 | 35 | 065 |0110101| `5` | | 053 | 35 | 065 | 0110101 | | `5` |
| 054 | 36 | 066 |0110110| `6` | | 054 | 36 | 066 | 0110110 | | `6` |
| 055 | 37 | 067 |0110111| `7` | | 055 | 37 | 067 | 0110111 | | `7` |
| 056 | 38 | 070 |0111000| `8` | | 056 | 38 | 070 | 0111000 | | `8` |
| 057 | 39 | 071 |0111001| `9` | | 057 | 39 | 071 | 0111001 | | `9` |
| 058 | 3a | 072 |0111010| `:` | | 058 | 3a | 072 | 0111010 | | `:` |
| 059 | 3b | 073 |0111011| `;` | | 059 | 3b | 073 | 0111011 | | `;` |
| 060 | 3c | 074 |0111100| `<` | | 060 | 3c | 074 | 0111100 | | `<` |
| 061 | 3d | 075 |0111101| `=` | | 061 | 3d | 075 | 0111101 | | `=` |
| 062 | 3e | 076 |0111110| `>` | | 062 | 3e | 076 | 0111110 | | `>` |
| 063 | 3f | 077 |0111111| `?` | | 063 | 3f | 077 | 0111111 | \\? | `?` |
| 064 | 40 | 100 |1000000| `@` | | 064 | 40 | 100 | 1000000 | | `@` |
| 065 | 41 | 101 |1000001| `A` | | 065 | 41 | 101 | 1000001 | | `A` |
| 066 | 42 | 102 |1000010| `B` | | 066 | 42 | 102 | 1000010 | | `B` |
| 067 | 43 | 103 |1000011| `C` | | 067 | 43 | 103 | 1000011 | | `C` |
| 068 | 44 | 104 |1000100| `D` | | 068 | 44 | 104 | 1000100 | | `D` |
| 069 | 45 | 105 |1000101| `E` | | 069 | 45 | 105 | 1000101 | | `E` |
| 070 | 46 | 106 |1000110| `F` | | 070 | 46 | 106 | 1000110 | | `F` |
| 071 | 47 | 107 |1000111| `G` | | 071 | 47 | 107 | 1000111 | | `G` |
| 072 | 48 | 110 |1001000| `H` | | 072 | 48 | 110 | 1001000 | | `H` |
| 073 | 49 | 111 |1001001| `I` | | 073 | 49 | 111 | 1001001 | | `I` |
| 074 | 4a | 112 |1001010| `J` | | 074 | 4a | 112 | 1001010 | | `J` |
| 075 | 4b | 113 |1001011| `K` | | 075 | 4b | 113 | 1001011 | | `K` |
| 076 | 4c | 114 |1001100| `L` | | 076 | 4c | 114 | 1001100 | | `L` |
| 077 | 4d | 115 |1001101| `M` | | 077 | 4d | 115 | 1001101 | | `M` |
| 078 | 4e | 116 |1001110| `N` | | 078 | 4e | 116 | 1001110 | | `N` |
| 079 | 4f | 117 |1001111| `O` | | 079 | 4f | 117 | 1001111 | | `O` |
| 080 | 50 | 120 |1010000| `P` | | 080 | 50 | 120 | 1010000 | | `P` |
| 081 | 51 | 121 |1010001| `Q` | | 081 | 51 | 121 | 1010001 | | `Q` |
| 082 | 52 | 122 |1010010| `R` | | 082 | 52 | 122 | 1010010 | | `R` |
| 083 | 53 | 123 |1010011| `S` | | 083 | 53 | 123 | 1010011 | | `S` |
| 084 | 54 | 124 |1010100| `T` | | 084 | 54 | 124 | 1010100 | | `T` |
| 085 | 55 | 125 |1010101| `U` | | 085 | 55 | 125 | 1010101 | | `U` |
| 086 | 56 | 126 |1010110| `V` | | 086 | 56 | 126 | 1010110 | | `V` |
| 087 | 57 | 127 |1010111| `W` | | 087 | 57 | 127 | 1010111 | | `W` |
| 088 | 58 | 130 |1011000| `X` | | 088 | 58 | 130 | 1011000 | | `X` |
| 089 | 59 | 131 |1011001| `Y` | | 089 | 59 | 131 | 1011001 | | `Y` |
| 090 | 5a | 132 |1011010| `Z` | | 090 | 5a | 132 | 1011010 | | `Z` |
| 091 | 5b | 133 |1011011| `[` | | 091 | 5b | 133 | 1011011 | | `[` |
| 092 | 5c | 134 |1011100| `\` | | 092 | 5c | 134 | 1011100 | \\\\ | `\` |
| 093 | 5d | 135 |1011101| `]` | | 093 | 5d | 135 | 1011101 | | `]` |
| 094 | 5e | 136 |1011110| `^` | | 094 | 5e | 136 | 1011110 | | `^` |
| 095 | 5f | 137 |1011111| `_` | | 095 | 5f | 137 | 1011111 | | `_` |
| 096 | 60 | 140 |1100000| `` ` ``: backtick | | 096 | 60 | 140 | 1100000 | | `` ` ``: backtick |
| 097 | 61 | 141 |1100001| `a` | | 097 | 61 | 141 | 1100001 | | `a` |
| 098 | 62 | 142 |1100010| `b` | | 098 | 62 | 142 | 1100010 | | `b` |
| 099 | 63 | 143 |1100011| `c` | | 099 | 63 | 143 | 1100011 | | `c` |
| 100 | 64 | 144 |1100100| `d` | | 100 | 64 | 144 | 1100100 | | `d` |
| 101 | 65 | 145 |1100101| `e` | | 101 | 65 | 145 | 1100101 | | `e` |
| 102 | 66 | 146 |1100110| `f` | | 102 | 66 | 146 | 1100110 | | `f` |
| 103 | 67 | 147 |1100111| `g` | | 103 | 67 | 147 | 1100111 | | `g` |
| 104 | 68 | 150 |1101000| `h` | | 104 | 68 | 150 | 1101000 | | `h` |
| 105 | 69 | 151 |1101001| `i` | | 105 | 69 | 151 | 1101001 | | `i` |
| 106 | 6a | 152 |1101010| `j` | | 106 | 6a | 152 | 1101010 | | `j` |
| 107 | 6b | 153 |1101011| `k` | | 107 | 6b | 153 | 1101011 | | `k` |
| 108 | 6c | 154 |1101100| `l` | | 108 | 6c | 154 | 1101100 | | `l` |
| 109 | 6d | 155 |1101101| `m` | | 109 | 6d | 155 | 1101101 | | `m` |
| 110 | 6e | 156 |1101110| `n` | | 110 | 6e | 156 | 1101110 | | `n` |
| 111 | 6f | 157 |1101111| `o` | | 111 | 6f | 157 | 1101111 | | `o` |
| 112 | 70 | 160 |1110000| `p` | | 112 | 70 | 160 | 1110000 | | `p` |
| 113 | 71 | 161 |1110001| `q` | | 113 | 71 | 161 | 1110001 | | `q` |
| 114 | 72 | 162 |1110010| `r` | | 114 | 72 | 162 | 1110010 | | `r` |
| 115 | 73 | 163 |1110011| `s` | | 115 | 73 | 163 | 1110011 | | `s` |
| 116 | 74 | 164 |1110100| `t` | | 116 | 74 | 164 | 1110100 | | `t` |
| 117 | 75 | 165 |1110101| `u` | | 117 | 75 | 165 | 1110101 | | `u` |
| 118 | 76 | 166 |1110110| `v` | | 118 | 76 | 166 | 1110110 | | `v` |
| 119 | 77 | 167 |1110111| `w` | | 119 | 77 | 167 | 1110111 | | `w` |
| 120 | 78 | 170 |1111000| `x` | | 120 | 78 | 170 | 1111000 | | `x` |
| 121 | 79 | 171 |1111001| `y` | | 121 | 79 | 171 | 1111001 | | `y` |
| 122 | 7a | 172 |1111010| `z` | | 122 | 7a | 172 | 1111010 | | `z` |
| 123 | 7b | 173 |1111011| `{` | | 123 | 7b | 173 | 1111011 | | `{` |
| 124 | 7c | 174 |1111100| `|` | | 124 | 7c | 174 | 1111100 | | `|` |
| 125 | 7d | 175 |1111101| `}` | | 125 | 7d | 175 | 1111101 | | `}` |
| 126 | 7e | 176 |1111110| `~` | | 126 | 7e | 176 | 1111110 | | `~` |
| 127 | 7f | 177 |1111111| DEL | | 127 | 7f | 177 | 1111111 | \\177 ^? | DEL |
## See Also ## See Also
@ -146,3 +146,6 @@ ASCII was approved as an [ANSI]( standard in 1963 and since then underwe
- [ASCII art]( - [ASCII art](
- [base64]( - [base64](
- [Morse code](

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Capitalism is how you enslave a man with his approval.* *Capitalism is how you enslave a man with his approval.*
Capitali$m is the worst socioeconomic system we've yet seen in [history](,^[source]( based on pure greed, culture of slavery and artificially sustained conflict between everyone in society (so called [competition](, abandoning all morals and putting money and profit (so called [capital]( above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete and suffer for basic resources, even in a world where abundance of resources is already possible to achieve -- of course, capitalism is a purely [rightist]( idea. Capitalism goes against [progress]( (see e.g. [antivirus paradox](, [good technology]( and freedom, it supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people and animals, destruction of environment, decline of morals, deterioration of [art](, invention of [bullshit]( (bullshit jobs, bullshit laws, ...), utilizing and perfecting methods of [torture](, brainwashing, [censorship]( and so on. In a sense capitalism can be seen as **slavery 2.0** or *universal slavery*, a more sophisticated form of slavery, one which denies the label by calling itself the polar opposite ("freedom") and manipulates people into them approving and voluntarily partaking in their own enslavement (capitalist slaves are called wage slaves or *wagies*) -- this new form of slavery which enslaves everyone evolved because the old form with strictly separated classes of slaves and masters was becoming unsustainable, with the enslaved majority revolting, causing civil wars etc. This alone already seems to many like a good reason for [suicide](, however wage and consumption slavery is still only a small part of capitalist dystopia -- capitalism brings on destruction basically to every part of civilization. It it also often likened to a [cancer]( of society; one that is ever expanding, destroying everything with commercialism, materialism, waste and destruction, growing uncontrollably with the sole goal of just never stop an ever accelerating growth. Nevertheless, it's been truthfully stated that "it is now easier to imagine the end of all life than any substantial change in capitalism." Another famous quote is that "capitalism is the belief that the worst of men driven by the nastiest motives will somehow work for the benefit of everyone", which describes its principle quite well. Capitali$m is the worst socioeconomic system we've yet seen in [history](,^[source]( based on pure greed, culture of slavery and artificially sustained conflict between everyone in society (so called [competition](, abandoning all morals and putting money and profit (so called [capital]( above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete mand suffer for basic resources, even in a world where abundance of resources is already possible to achieve -- of course, capitalism is a purely [rightist]( idea. Capitalism goes against [progress]( (see e.g. [antivirus paradox](, [good technology]( and freedom, it supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people and animals, destruction of environment, decline of morals, deterioration of [art](, invention of [bullshit]( (bullshit jobs, bullshit laws, ...), utilizing and perfecting methods of [torture](, brainwashing, [censorship]( and so on. In a sense capitalism can be seen as **slavery 2.0** or *universal slavery*, a more sophisticated form of slavery, one which denies the label by calling itself the polar opposite, "freedom", when in fact capitalism is merely a "freedom" to oppress others -- underlying every argument for capitalism is an argument against freedom itself; capitalism manipulates people into them approving and voluntarily partaking in their own enslavement (capitalist slaves are called wage slaves or *wagies*) -- this new form of slavery which enslaves everyone evolved because the old form with strictly separated classes of slaves and masters was becoming unsustainable, with the enslaved majority revolting, causing civil wars etc. This alone already seems to many like a good reason for [suicide](, however wage and consumption slavery is still only a small part of capitalist dystopia -- capitalism brings on destruction basically to every part of civilization. It it also often likened to a [cancer]( of society; one that is ever expanding, destroying everything with commercialism, materialism, waste and destruction, growing uncontrollably with the sole goal of just never stop an ever accelerating growth. Nevertheless, it's been truthfully stated that "it is now easier to imagine the end of all life than any substantial change in capitalism." Another famous quote is that "capitalism is the belief that the worst of men driven by the nastiest motives will somehow work for the benefit of everyone", which describes its principle quite well.
{ Some web bashing capitalism I just found:, read only briefly, seems to contain some nice gems capturing the rape of people. ~drummyfish } { Some web bashing capitalism I just found:, read only briefly, seems to contain some nice gems capturing the rape of people. ~drummyfish }
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ From a certain point of view capitalism is not really a traditional socioeconomi
Under capitalism you are not a human being, you are a resource, at best a machine that's useful for some time but becomes obsolete and undesired once it outlives its usefulness and potential to be exploited. Under capitalism you are a slave that's forced to live the life of 3 Cs: **conform, consume, compete**. Or, as [Encyclopedia dramatica]( puts it: work, buy, consume, die. Under capitalism you are not a human being, you are a resource, at best a machine that's useful for some time but becomes obsolete and undesired once it outlives its usefulness and potential to be exploited. Under capitalism you are a slave that's forced to live the life of 3 Cs: **conform, consume, compete**. Or, as [Encyclopedia dramatica]( puts it: work, buy, consume, die.
**Who invented capitalism?** Well, it largely developed on its own, society is just responsible for not stopping it. Capitalism as seen today has mostly evolved from the tradition of small [trade](, [slavery](, markets, [competition](, [evil](, [war]( and abuse due to societal hierarchy (e.g. peasants by noblemen, poor by rich etc.), combined with technological progress of [industrial revolution]( (18th. - 19th century) which allowed mass production and mass abuse of workers, as well as the information revolution (20th - 21th century) which allowed mass surveillance, unlimited [corporate]( control, acceleration of bullshit business and extreme mass [brainwashing](, reaching [capitalist singularity]( [Adam Smith]( (18th century), a mentally retarded egoist with some extra chromosomes who tried to normalize and promote self-interest and torture of others for self-benefit, is often called the **"father of capitalism"** (which is about the same honor as being called the [father of holocaust](, although he didn't really invent capitalism, he merely supported its spread (saying he invented capitalism would be like saying [Hitler]( invented killing) -- by the same spirit this man is to be also largely credited for the future extermination of all [life]( **Who invented capitalism?** Well, it largely developed on its own, society is just responsible for not stopping it. Capitalism as seen today has predominantly evolved from the tradition of small [trade](, [slavery](, markets, [competition](, [evil](, [war]( and abuse due to societal hierarchy (e.g. peasants by noblemen, poor by rich etc.), combined with technological progress of [industrial revolution]( (18th. - 19th century) which allowed mass production and mass abuse of workers, as well as the information revolution (20th - 21th century) which allowed mass surveillance, unlimited [corporate]( control, acceleration of bullshit business and extreme mass [brainwashing](, reaching [capitalist singularity]( [Adam Smith]( (18th century), a mentally retarded egoist with some extra chromosomes who tried to normalize and promote self-interest and torture of others for self-benefit, is often called the **"father of capitalism"** (which is about the same honor as being called the [father of holocaust](, although he didn't really invent capitalism, he merely supported its spread (saying he invented capitalism would be like saying [Hitler]( invented killing) -- by the same spirit this man is to be also largely credited for the future extermination of all [life](
{ My brother who's into movies shared with me a nice example of how capitalism ruined the art of movie dubbing (which my country has a big tradition in) -- it's just one example which however reflects many other areas that got ruined and shows why we just see this huge decline of all art and craft. Back in the day (here during a non-capitalist regime) movie dubbing was done like a play, dubbing was performed scene by scene, all actors were present, they all watched the scene together, then rehersed it several times and then dubbed it together (on a single microphone); if the result wasn't satisfactory, they tried another take until they were happy. The voice actors got time, creative freedom and were interacting together -- movie dubbing from these times are excellent works of art that sometimes even elevate the original works higher. Nowadays dubbing is done by each actor separately (no interaction between actors), each one scheduled at different time, they work without rehearsal, on first take, the translation is done on tight schedule by the cheapest translator the company finds (usually some student who's doing it as a side job at nights, soon this will probably just be done by AI), the actors are tired as hell as they have to voice many movies in a single day, they are pushed to work quickly and produce as much material as possible and to keep it safe so as to not have to risk additional takes (time loss = money loss), i.e. artistic freedom completely disappears. As different performances are recorded separately, the equipment is also more expensive (there has to be minimum noise as many records will be added together, which will amplify noise, and also someone has to do the mixing etc.). So not only are these dubbing complete and absolute soulless sterile shit without any true emotion and with laughable translation errors, they are also more expensive to make. Capitalism killed the art, humiliated it and in addition made us pay more for it. ~drummyfish } { My brother who's into movies shared with me a nice example of how capitalism ruined the art of movie dubbing (which my country has a big tradition in) -- it's just one example which however reflects many other areas that got ruined and shows why we just see this huge decline of all art and craft. Back in the day (here during a non-capitalist regime) movie dubbing was done like a play, dubbing was performed scene by scene, all actors were present, they all watched the scene together, then rehersed it several times and then dubbed it together (on a single microphone); if the result wasn't satisfactory, they tried another take until they were happy. The voice actors got time, creative freedom and were interacting together -- movie dubbing from these times are excellent works of art that sometimes even elevate the original works higher. Nowadays dubbing is done by each actor separately (no interaction between actors), each one scheduled at different time, they work without rehearsal, on first take, the translation is done on tight schedule by the cheapest translator the company finds (usually some student who's doing it as a side job at nights, soon this will probably just be done by AI), the actors are tired as hell as they have to voice many movies in a single day, they are pushed to work quickly and produce as much material as possible and to keep it safe so as to not have to risk additional takes (time loss = money loss), i.e. artistic freedom completely disappears. As different performances are recorded separately, the equipment is also more expensive (there has to be minimum noise as many records will be added together, which will amplify noise, and also someone has to do the mixing etc.). So not only are these dubbing complete and absolute soulless sterile shit without any true emotion and with laughable translation errors, they are also more expensive to make. Capitalism killed the art, humiliated it and in addition made us pay more for it. ~drummyfish }

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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
# Debugging # Debugging
WORK IN PROGRESS Debugging is a term predominantly related to [computer]( technology (but sometimes also extended beyond it) where it stands for the practice of actively searching for [bugs]( (errors, design flaws, defects, ...) and fixing them; most typically it happens in software [programming](, but we may also talk about debugging [hardware]( etc. Debugging is notoriously tedious and stressful, it can even take majority of the programmer's time and some bugs are extremely hard to track down, however systematic approaches can be applied to basically always succeed in fixing any bug. Debugging is sometimes humorously defined as "replacing old bugs with new ones".
Debugging is a term usually related to [computer]( technology (but sometimes also extended beyond it) where it stands for the practice of actively searching for [bugs]( (errors, design flaws, defects, ...) and fixing them; most typically it happens in software [programming](, but we may also talk about debugging [hardware]( etc. Debugging is notoriously tedious and stressful, it can even take majority of the programmer's time and some bugs are extremely hard to track down, however systematic approaches can be applied to basically always succeed in fixing any bug. Debugging is sometimes humorously defined as "replacing old bugs with new ones". [Fun]( fact: the term *debugging* allegedly comes from the old times when it meant LITERALLY getting rid of bugs that broke computers by getting stuck in the relays.
Fun fact: the term *debugging* allegedly comes from the old times when it meant LITERALLY getting rid of bugs that broke computers by getting stuck in the relays.
**Spare yourself debugging by testing as you go** -- while programming it's best to at least quickly test the program is working after each small step change you make. Actually you should be writing **[automatic tests](** along with your main program that quickly tests that all you've programmed so far still works (see also [regression]( This way you discover a bug early and you know it's in the part you just changed so you find it and fix it quickly. If you don't do this and just write the whole program before even running it, your program will just crash and you won't have a clue why -- at this point you most likely have SEVERAL bugs working together and so even finding one or two of them will still leave your program crashing -- this situation is so shitty that the time you saved earlier won't nearly be worth it. **Spare yourself debugging by testing as you go** -- while programming it's best to at least quickly test the program is working after each small step change you make. Actually you should be writing **[automatic tests](** along with your main program that quickly tests that all you've programmed so far still works (see also [regression]( This way you discover a bug early and you know it's in the part you just changed so you find it and fix it quickly. If you don't do this and just write the whole program before even running it, your program will just crash and you won't have a clue why -- at this point you most likely have SEVERAL bugs working together and so even finding one or two of them will still leave your program crashing -- this situation is so shitty that the time you saved earlier won't nearly be worth it.
@ -31,6 +29,10 @@ The following are some of the most common methods used to debug software, roughl
Quick way to spot small bugs is obviously to just look at the code, however this really works for the small, extremely obvious bugs like writing `=` instead of `==` etc. Quick way to spot small bugs is obviously to just look at the code, however this really works for the small, extremely obvious bugs like writing `=` instead of `==` etc.
### Searching The Internet
Even for some less common errors just copy pasting the error message to the search engine usually reveals its most common cause on [Stack Overflow]( You will do this a lot when learning a new language/library/environment etc.
### Manual Execution ### Manual Execution
In this method you try to go through the program yourself step by step, just as the computer would. By this you will find out just WHY and WHERE your program gets to a wrong result or to a line that makes it crash. In this method you try to go through the program yourself step by step, just as the computer would. By this you will find out just WHY and WHERE your program gets to a wrong result or to a line that makes it crash.
@ -45,6 +47,10 @@ The advantage of this is that you don't need any extra debugger, the method work
Sometimes a bug can be super nasty and make the program crash always in random places, even depending e.g. on where you put the print statement, even if the print statement shouldn't really have an effect on the rest of the program. When you spot something like this, you probably have some super nasty bug related to undefined behavior or optimization, try to mess with optimization flags, use static analyzers, reduce your program to a minimum program that still bugs etc. This may take some time. Sometimes a bug can be super nasty and make the program crash always in random places, even depending e.g. on where you put the print statement, even if the print statement shouldn't really have an effect on the rest of the program. When you spot something like this, you probably have some super nasty bug related to undefined behavior or optimization, try to mess with optimization flags, use static analyzers, reduce your program to a minimum program that still bugs etc. This may take some time.
### Logging
[Logging]( is similar to the debug prints but it's something you just do automatically as you program (see also asserts below), logging system is a permanent part of the program, i.e. something that will stays as the program's feature rather than a temporary way of finding and fixing a specific bug. Logging means your program records what it's doing by printing it to the command line or into some text file -- this creates a log that will be useful for many things, including debugging. The advantage here is that if a user encounters a bug, he can just send the programmer his log file which the programmer can read and get some idea about what happened. For this logs should adhere to some rules and be a bit more sophisticated than mere quick printouts: firstly log outputs should be nice and more verbose (i.e. output e.g. `step 225: variable x = 342` instead of `asdf 225 342`) so as to be understandable to anyone, they should be nicely formatted because a log will likely be long so it should be friendly to be filtered with [regexes]( etc., it should also be possible to turn logs off. With bigger project there are also options to set different log levels (e.g. the highest level will print almost everything the program is doing, lower level will print only important steps and so on), set where to store the log (i.e. print to console, store to some specified file, ...) and so on.
### Rubber Duck ### Rubber Duck
Rubber duck debugging works like this: you try to explain your code to someone -- even someone who doesn't understand programming, for example rubber duck -- and in doing this you often spot some error in reasoning. Explaining code to a programmer may have a further advantage as he may ask you clever questions. Rubber duck debugging works like this: you try to explain your code to someone -- even someone who doesn't understand programming, for example rubber duck -- and in doing this you often spot some error in reasoning. Explaining code to a programmer may have a further advantage as he may ask you clever questions.
@ -53,6 +59,26 @@ Rubber duck debugging works like this: you try to explain your code to someone -
When dealing with a super nasty bug in a complex program that's dodging solutions by the simpler methods, it is useful to just copy your program elsewhere and there strip down everything off of it while still keeping the bug in place. I.e. you just keep deleting functions and all the program does while making sure the bug you're after is still happening. This will firstly eliminate places where you have to look for the bug but mainly will usually lead you to reducing the program to just a few lines of code that behave extremely weirdly, like a function whose behavior depends on where you put a print statement of if you use a wider data type etc. Then you usually find the problematic line or whatever it is that's causing the bug and once you know the line, you can look at it really carefully, google the behavior of each operator etc. to really find the bug. When dealing with a super nasty bug in a complex program that's dodging solutions by the simpler methods, it is useful to just copy your program elsewhere and there strip down everything off of it while still keeping the bug in place. I.e. you just keep deleting functions and all the program does while making sure the bug you're after is still happening. This will firstly eliminate places where you have to look for the bug but mainly will usually lead you to reducing the program to just a few lines of code that behave extremely weirdly, like a function whose behavior depends on where you put a print statement of if you use a wider data type etc. Then you usually find the problematic line or whatever it is that's causing the bug and once you know the line, you can look at it really carefully, google the behavior of each operator etc. to really find the bug.
### Asserts
Assertions are checks for conditions that should always hold, for example if you're programming some game, it should always hold that the player is within the level boundaries at all times, so you can just regularly keep checking this condition in your program -- if this assert fails, there is probably some bug (maybe you calculated the position wrong, maybe some pointer overwrote your value, ...), and the location of this condition can also help you locate the bug (you will know approximately when and where in the code it happened). Similarly you can just watch all important variables and their relationships. In bigger projects adding asserts on the go is sometimes considered a "[good habit](" or is even a required practice, i.e. it is not something you start doing only when you discover a bug -- the purpose of asserts is more to discover bugs early and prevent disasters (running a code that's internally working bad) rather than help fix them (but they'll help with that too). Asserts can be implemented with special debuggers or [libraries](, however a more [KISS]( way is to simply [do it yourself](, it's a simple condition check -- you should just make it so that you can disable all assert check easily because while you will use them in debugging, for the [release]( build you'll want more performance, so you'll want to turn unnecessary condition checks off. For example in [C]( you can make an assert macro like:
#ifdef DEBUG
#define ass(cond,text) if (!(cond)) printf("ASSERT FAILED: %s!\n",text);
#define ass(c,t) ;
// assert correct player position:
ass(abs(playerPos.x) <= WORLD_BOUND && abs(playerPos.y) <= WORLD_BOUND,"player position")
Here if you don't define the `DEBUG` macro, the assert macro will just be an empty command that does nothing.
### Debuggers And Other Debugging Tools Like Profilers ### Debuggers And Other Debugging Tools Like Profilers
There exist many software tools specialized for just helping with debugging (there are even physical hardware debuggers etc.), they are either separate software (good) or integrated as part of some development environment (bad by [Unix philosophy]( such as an [IDE](, web browser etc. Nowadays a compiler itself will typically do some basic checks and give you warning about many things, but oftentimes you have to turn them on (check man pages of your compiler). There exist many software tools specialized for just helping with debugging (there are even physical hardware debuggers etc.), they are either separate software (good) or integrated as part of some development environment (bad by [Unix philosophy]( such as an [IDE](, web browser etc. Nowadays a compiler itself will typically do some basic checks and give you warning about many things, but oftentimes you have to turn them on (check man pages of your compiler).
@ -78,6 +104,15 @@ Furthermore there many are other useful tools such as:
- **[emulators](, [virtual machines](, ...**: Running your program on different platform often reveals bugs -- while your program may [work perfectly fine]( on your computer, it may start crashing on another because that computer may have different integer size, [endianness](, amount of RAM, timings, file system etcetc. Emulators and VMs allow you to test exactly this AND furthermore often allow easy inspection of the emulated machine's memory and so on. - **[emulators](, [virtual machines](, ...**: Running your program on different platform often reveals bugs -- while your program may [work perfectly fine]( on your computer, it may start crashing on another because that computer may have different integer size, [endianness](, amount of RAM, timings, file system etcetc. Emulators and VMs allow you to test exactly this AND furthermore often allow easy inspection of the emulated machine's memory and so on.
- ... - ...
### Other Tips
Additionally these may help deal with bugs as well:
- With weird bugs try to rebuild everything from scratch -- delete all object files, intermediate and temporary files and compile the whole project from scratch, turn it on an off again, it may be that there's some peculiar bug and/or weirdness in the build system or something.
- If you had a working build, added something and it's bugging and you're stuck debugging it, it may be faster to just scratch your changes, revert to the working code and implement the thing again, more carefully. First time you may have just made some stupid oversight that's hard to find, you won't make it again the second time.
- When stuck also maybe try the program on different computer, use different compiler, interpreter etc. -- this can at least give you more information, i.e. like that the bug is specific to your operating system or that it doesn't happen if there is more RAM etc.
- ...
### Shotgun Debugging ### Shotgun Debugging
This is kind of an improper YOLO way of trying to fix bugs, you just change a lot of stuff in your program in hopes a bug will go away, it rarely works, doesn't really get rid of the bug (just of its manifestation at best) and can at best perhaps be a simple [hotfix]( Remember **if you don't understand how you fixed a bug, you didn't actually fix it**. This is kind of an improper YOLO way of trying to fix bugs, you just change a lot of stuff in your program in hopes a bug will go away, it rarely works, doesn't really get rid of the bug (just of its manifestation at best) and can at best perhaps be a simple [hotfix]( Remember **if you don't understand how you fixed a bug, you didn't actually fix it**.

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@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ There are many easy giveaways of fascism -- in general fascism is linked to some
- flags, flag-like symbols - flags, flag-like symbols
- uniforms, unified fashion (wearing same colors, hairstyles, clothes ...), parades - uniforms, unified fashion (wearing same colors, hairstyles, clothes ...), parades
- sense of [competition](, war mentality, encouragement of "[fighting spirit](", punishment of [defeatism]( - sense of [competition](, war mentality, encouragement of "[fighting spirit](", punishment of [defeatism](
- [heroes](, leaders, [cults of personality](, strong rhetoric - [heroes](, leaders, [cults of personality](, strong rhetoric (commonly using words like "[justice](", "responsibility", "strength", "victory", ...)
- the sense of [nation](, community or similar separating groups - the sense of [nation](, community or similar separating groups
- demanding "[rights](" - demanding "[rights]("
- [militarism]( - [militarism](
- propaganda, [censorship](, brainwashing, mass hysteria - propaganda, [censorship](, brainwashing, mass hysteria
- hype, [fear](, pressure to take action - hype, [fear](, hysteria, pressure to take action
- ... - ...

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ I'm a bit ashamed but I'm not really "fluent" at Forth, I just played around with it for a bit. Yes, I'm planning to get into it more after I do the other million things on my TODO list. Let me know if there is some BS, thank u <3 ~drummyfish } { I'm a bit ashamed but I'm not really "fluent" at Forth, I just played around with it for a bit. Yes, I'm planning to get into it more after I do the other million things on my TODO list. Let me know if there is some BS, thank u <3 ~drummyfish }
Forth ("fourth generation" shortened to four characters due to technical limitations) is a very good, extremely [minimal]( [stack]( untyped [programming language]( that uses [postfix]( (reverse Polish) notation. Its vanilla form is super simple, it's miles simpler than [C](, it's very [elegant]( and its compiler/interpreter can be made very easily, giving it high practical freedom (i.e. not being practically controlled by any central organization). As of writing this the smallest Forth implementation, [milliforth](, has just **340 bytes** (!!!) of machine code, that's just incredible. Forth is used e.g. in [space]( technology (e.g. [RTX2010](, a radiation hardened space computer directly executing Forth) and [embedded]( systems as a way to write efficient [low level]( programs that are, unlike those written in [assembly](, [portable]( (fun fact: there even exist computers directly running Forth in hardware). Forth was the main influence for [Comun](, the [LRS]( programming language, it is also used by [Collapse OS]( and [Dusk OS]( as the main language. In its minimalism Forth competes a bit with [Lisp]( Forth ("fourth generation" shortened to four characters due to technical limitations) is a very good, extremely [minimal]( [stack]( untyped [programming language]( that uses [postfix]( (reverse Polish) notation. Its vanilla form is super simple, it's miles simpler than [C](, it's very [elegant]( and its compiler/interpreter can be made very easily, giving it high practical freedom (i.e. not being practically controlled by any central organization). As of writing this the smallest Forth implementation, [milliforth](, has just **340 bytes** (!!!) of [machine code](, that's just incredible. Forth is used e.g. in [space]( technology (e.g. [RTX2010](, a radiation hardened space computer directly executing Forth) and [embedded]( systems as a way to write efficient [low level]( programs that are, unlike those written in [assembly](, [portable]( (fun fact: there even exist computers directly running Forth in hardware). Forth was the main influence for [Comun](, the [LRS]( programming language, it is also used by [Collapse OS]( and [Dusk OS]( as the main language. In its minimalism Forth competes a bit with [Lisp](
{ There used to be a nice Forth wiki at, now it has to be accessed via archive as it's dead. ~drummyfish } { There used to be a nice Forth wiki at, now it has to be accessed via archive as it's dead. ~drummyfish }
@ -120,3 +120,9 @@ bye
``` ```
We can run this simply with `gforth my.fs`, the programs should write `120`. We can run this simply with `gforth my.fs`, the programs should write `120`.
## See Also
- [Lisp](
- [comun](
- [Tcl](

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ A free cultural work must allow anyone to (legally and practically):
Some of these conditions may e.g. further require a source code of the work to be made available (e.g. sheet music, to allow studying and modification). Some conditions may however still be imposed, as long as they don't violate the above -- e.g. if a work allows all the above but requires crediting the author, it is still considered free (as in freedom). [Copyleft]( (also share-alike, requirement of keeping the license for derivative works) is another condition that may be required. This means that many (probably most) free culture promoters actually rely and even support the concept of e.g. copyright, they just want to make it much less strict. Some of these conditions may e.g. further require a source code of the work to be made available (e.g. sheet music, to allow studying and modification). Some conditions may however still be imposed, as long as they don't violate the above -- e.g. if a work allows all the above but requires crediting the author, it is still considered free (as in freedom). [Copyleft]( (also share-alike, requirement of keeping the license for derivative works) is another condition that may be required. This means that many (probably most) free culture promoters actually rely and even support the concept of e.g. copyright, they just want to make it much less strict.
IMPORTANT NOTE: **[fair use]( (or exclusive author permission) is unacceptable in free culture!** It is an extremely common mistake, happening even among people long contributing to free culture, to think that within free culture you can use a piece of proprietary art under so called *fair use* while keeping the whole work adhering to free culture -- you cannot do this (even though e.g. [Wikipedia]( does this for which it actually seizes to be a completely free work). Fair use is a legal concept that allows people to use any kind of art -- even proprietary -- in some "fair" ways even without the permission of the copyright holder, i.e. for example you can likely use someone's copyrighted photograph on your website as long as you have a good justification for it (e.g. documenting a historical event with this being the only existing photo of it), if you only include a low resolution version and if you're not making money off of it -- this could be judged fair use by the court, i.e. you wouldn't be violating copyright. However a work that is to be free licensed must allow ANY use, not just fair use, i.e. it mustn't contain any part under fair use, or even under EXCLUSIVE author's permission for it to be used within that project, because such part would only limit the work to be used in the "fair use" way ONLY. While in some contexts, e.g. in hobbyist projects, such work will likely be legal, i.e. fair use, in other context, like commercial ones (which free culture MUST enable), this fair use part will suddenly seize to be fair use and the use will be illegal. Similarly if you e.g. want to use someone's music in your free culture movie, it is NOT enough to get the author's permission to use the music in your movie, the author has to give permission to EVERYONE to use it in ANY WAY, because if your movie is to be under a free license, anyone will be able to take any part out of your movie and use it in any other way. { I actually managed to get some characters out of the [SuperTuxKart]( game for this reason, there were some mascots that were used under exclusive permission, which was unacceptable and Debian maintainers sorted this out. So just for the confirmation of this fact: Debian also confirmed this. ~drummyfish }
It was in 2001 when **[Lawrence Lessig](**, an American lawyer who can be seen as the movement's founder, created the **[Creative Commons](**, a non-profit organization which stands among the foundations of the movement and is very much connected to it. By this time he was already educating people about the twisted intellectual property laws and had a few followers. Creative Commons would create and publish a set of [licenses]( that anyone could use to release their works under much less restrictive conditions than those that lawfully arise by default. For example if someone creates a song and releases it under the [CC-BY]( license, he allows anyone to freely use, modify and share the song as long as proper attribution is given to him. It has to be noted that **NOT all Creative Commons licenses are free culture** (those with NC and ND conditions break the above given rules)! It is also possible to use other, non Creative Commons licenses in free culture, as long as the above given criteria are respected. It was in 2001 when **[Lawrence Lessig](**, an American lawyer who can be seen as the movement's founder, created the **[Creative Commons](**, a non-profit organization which stands among the foundations of the movement and is very much connected to it. By this time he was already educating people about the twisted intellectual property laws and had a few followers. Creative Commons would create and publish a set of [licenses]( that anyone could use to release their works under much less restrictive conditions than those that lawfully arise by default. For example if someone creates a song and releases it under the [CC-BY]( license, he allows anyone to freely use, modify and share the song as long as proper attribution is given to him. It has to be noted that **NOT all Creative Commons licenses are free culture** (those with NC and ND conditions break the above given rules)! It is also possible to use other, non Creative Commons licenses in free culture, as long as the above given criteria are respected.
In 2004 Lessig published his **book** called Free Culture that summarized the topic as well as proposed solutions -- the book itself is shared under a Creative Commons license and can be downloaded for free (however the license is among the non-free CC licenses so the book itself is not part of free culture [lmao](, big fail by Lessig). In 2004 Lessig published his **book** called Free Culture that summarized the topic as well as proposed solutions -- the book itself is shared under a Creative Commons license and can be downloaded for free (however the license is among the non-free CC licenses so the book itself is not part of free culture [lmao](, big fail by Lessig).

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@ -3,3 +3,5 @@
*Not to be [confused]( with [libertarianism](* *Not to be [confused]( with [libertarianism](*
Liberalism is a political ideology whose definition is not greatly clear (we may find branches that differ a lot) but which usually aims for "liberty", focus on individuals who ought to be protected by the state and have equal opportunities, which leads to obsession with all kinds of "[rights](" and "social justice" (i.e. social revenge of minorities); as one of worst imaginable ideologies it is no surprise it's the prevailing [US]( ideology and ideology of [SJW]( -- liberalism is taking over the whole western world and it's destroying everything. It basically tries to take the worst of all other ideologies: liberalism supports things such as [state]( and strong laws (to "protect" people), [capitalism]( (to give them "opportunities"), [censorship](, [political correctness]( and violence; supporting concepts connected to both [right and (pseudo)left](, it is said to be a "centrist" stance, however [we]( just call it confused -- they just try to combine absolutely incompatible things, they want a competitive environment in which "everyone wins". Liberalism is highly [harmful](, retarded and should never be supported. Liberalism is a political ideology whose definition is not greatly clear (we may find branches that differ a lot) but which usually aims for "liberty", focus on individuals who ought to be protected by the state and have equal opportunities, which leads to obsession with all kinds of "[rights](" and "social justice" (i.e. social revenge of minorities); as one of worst imaginable ideologies it is no surprise it's the prevailing [US]( ideology and ideology of [SJW]( -- liberalism is taking over the whole western world and it's destroying everything. It basically tries to take the worst of all other ideologies: liberalism supports things such as [state]( and strong laws (to "protect" people), [capitalism]( (to give them "opportunities"), [censorship](, [political correctness]( and violence; supporting concepts connected to both [right and (pseudo)left](, it is said to be a "centrist" stance, however [we]( just call it confused -- they just try to combine absolutely incompatible things, they want a competitive environment in which "everyone wins". Liberalism is highly [harmful](, retarded and should never be supported.
Libertarianism is associated with the [color]( yellow (same as with libertarianism), which symbolized piss.

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
Libertarianism is a [harmful]( political ideology whose definition is quite broad and not super clear, but which in essence gives highest priority to individual "liberty" and seeks to minimize the role of state (but typically without wanting to remove it). A bit like [anarchism](, libertarianism has many branches which frequently greatly diverge and even oppose each other, some are called more "leftist", some more "rightist" -- libertarianism usually tries to pretend to be focusing on the people, i.e. their "liberties", pseudoequality ("equality before law", "equality of opportunity", ...), oppose "the kind of corporate [capitalism]( we have today", believing some kind of "saner" version of it can work (which it can't), and claims that people can form a working, decentralized society by loose associations, however, unlike anarchism which opposes state and any kind of hierarchy altogether (with [true anarchism]( also opposing any violence), libertarianism typically wants to preserve some functions of the state such as courts and justice for protection against crime, and it acknowledges property as a sacred thing that may even be defended by violence, i.e. libertarianism just replaces the rule of states by rule of private subjects, getting quite close to ["anarcho" capitalism](, the stupidest idea yet conceived. Libertarians basically adopts the **"law of the jungle"** or **"wild west"** mindset. So it's [shit](, do not subscribe. Libertarianism is a [harmful]( political ideology whose definition is quite broad and not super clear, but which in essence gives highest priority to individual "liberty" and seeks to minimize the role of state (but typically without wanting to remove it). A bit like [anarchism](, libertarianism has many branches which frequently greatly diverge and even oppose each other, some are called more "leftist", some more "rightist" -- libertarianism usually tries to pretend to be focusing on the people, i.e. their "liberties", pseudoequality ("equality before law", "equality of opportunity", ...), oppose "the kind of corporate [capitalism]( we have today", believing some kind of "saner" version of it can work (which it can't), and claims that people can form a working, decentralized society by loose associations, however, unlike anarchism which opposes state and any kind of hierarchy altogether (with [true anarchism]( also opposing any violence), libertarianism typically wants to preserve some functions of the state such as courts and justice for protection against crime, and it acknowledges property as a sacred thing that may even be defended by violence, i.e. libertarianism just replaces the rule of states by rule of private subjects, getting quite close to ["anarcho" capitalism](, the stupidest idea yet conceived. Libertarians basically adopts the **"law of the jungle"** or **"wild west"** mindset. So it's [shit](, do not subscribe.
The [color]( associated with libertarianism is yellow, which symbolizes piss.
[USA]( is essentially just a land where libertarians [battle]( with [liberals]( Both camps are similarly stupid. [USA]( is essentially just a land where libertarians [battle]( with [liberals]( Both camps are similarly stupid.
{ Some bashing by digdeeper: ~drummyfish } { Some bashing by digdeeper: ~drummyfish }

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@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Apart from this software a lot of other software developed by other people and g
- **[Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection](**: Very portable collection of puzzle [games]( - **[Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection](**: Very portable collection of puzzle [games](
- ... - ...
Other potentially LRS software to check out may include [TinyGL](, [scc](, [ed](, [IBNIZ](, [lynx](, [links](, [uClibc](, [miniz](, [Lua](, [nuklear](, [dmenu](, [sbase](, [sic](, [tabbed](, [svkbd](, [busybox](, [darcs](, [raylib](, [IRC](, [PortableGL](, [openbsd](, [mtpaint]( and others. Other potentially LRS software to check out may include [TinyGL](, [scc](, [ed](, [IBNIZ](, [lynx](, [links](, [tcl](, [uClibc](, [miniz](, [Lua](, [nuklear](, [dmenu](, [sbase](, [sic](, [tabbed](, [svkbd](, [busybox](, [darcs](, [raylib](, [IRC](, [PortableGL](, [openbsd](, [mtpaint]( and others.
It is also possible to talk about LRS data formats, [protocols](, standards, designs and concepts as such etc. These might include: It is also possible to talk about LRS data formats, [protocols](, standards, designs and concepts as such etc. These might include:

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@ -141,3 +141,8 @@ int main(void)
return 0; return 0;
} }
``` ```
## See Also
- [e](
- [phi](, or golden ratio

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@ -124,6 +124,8 @@ Here is a table of notable programming languages in chronological order (keep in
| [uxntal]( | **yes** but SJW | 2021 | 400 (official) | 2? (est.), proprietary | assembly lang. for a minimalist virtual machine, PROPRIETARY SPEC. | | [uxntal]( | **yes** but SJW | 2021 | 400 (official) | 2? (est.), proprietary | assembly lang. for a minimalist virtual machine, PROPRIETARY SPEC. |
| **[comun](** | **yes** | 2022 | < 3K | 2, CC0 | "official" [LRS]( language, WIP, similar to Forth | | **[comun](** | **yes** | 2022 | < 3K | 2, CC0 | "official" [LRS]( language, WIP, similar to Forth |
TODO: Tcl, Rebol
## Interesting Languages ## Interesting Languages
Some programming languages may be [interesting]( rather than directly useful, however these are important too as they teach us a lot and may help us design good practically usable languages. In fact professional researches in theory of computation spend their whole lives dealing with practically unusable languages and purely theoretical computers. Some programming languages may be [interesting]( rather than directly useful, however these are important too as they teach us a lot and may help us design good practically usable languages. In fact professional researches in theory of computation spend their whole lives dealing with practically unusable languages and purely theoretical computers.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ WATCH OUT: do not confuse regular expressions with Unix [wildcards](
Regular expressions are widely used in [Unix]( tools, [programming languages](, editors etc. Especially notable are [grep]( (searches for patterns in files), [sed]( (text processor, often used for search and replacement of patterns), [awk](, [Perl](, [Vim]( etc. Regular expressions are widely used in [Unix]( tools, [programming languages](, editors etc. Especially notable are [grep]( (searches for patterns in files), [sed]( (text processor, often used for search and replacement of patterns), [awk](, [Perl](, [Vim]( etc.
From the point of view of [theoretical computer science]( and [formal languages]( **regular expressions are computationally weak**, they are equivalent to the weakest models of computations such as regular [grammars]( or **[finite state machines](** -- in fact regular expressions are often implemented as finite state machines. This means that **regular expressions can NOT describe any possible pattern** (for example they can't capture a math expression with brackets in which start brackets have to match end brackets), only relatively simple ones; however it turns out that very many commonly encountered patterns are simple enough to be described this way, so we have a [good enough]( tool. The advantage of regular expressions is exactly that they are simple, yet very often sufficient. From the point of view of [theoretical computer science]( and [formal languages]( **regular expressions are computationally weak**, they are equivalent to the weakest models of computations such as regular [grammars]( or **[finite state machines](** (both [deterministic]( and nondeterministic) -- in fact regular expressions are often implemented as finite state machines. This means that **regular expressions can NOT describe any possible pattern** (for example they can't capture a math expression with nested brackets), only relatively simple ones; however it turns out that very many commonly encountered patterns are simple enough to be described this way, so we have a [good enough]( tool. The advantage of regular expressions is exactly that they are simple, yet very often sufficient.
**Are there yet simpler pattern describers than regular expressions?** Yes, of course, the simplest example is just a string directly describing the pattern, e.g. "abc" matching exactly just the string "abc" -- this is called a *fixed string*. Notable subclass of regular expressions are so called *star-free* languages/expressions which are regular expressions without the star (repetition) operator. Star-free expressions can be used as a [simpler]( variant to regular expressions, they may still describe many patterns and are easier to implement. **Are there yet simpler pattern describers than regular expressions?** Yes, of course, the simplest example is just a string directly describing the pattern, e.g. "abc" matching exactly just the string "abc" -- this is called a *fixed string*. Notable subclass of regular expressions are so called *star-free* languages/expressions which are regular expressions without the star (repetition) operator. Star-free expressions can be used as a [simpler]( variant to regular expressions, they may still describe many patterns and are easier to implement.

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@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
# Shit # Shit
Shit is something that's awfully bad. Shit is something that's awfully bad. [Unicode]( for pile of shit is U+1F4A9.
[Unicode]( for pile of shit is U+1F4A9. ```
/ ,--""--, \
| ""----"" : | "._
| : : | ""|
| : : | |
| : : | |
| : : | |
\__: _:/ \_ |
""----"" "-..|
*Are you looking for this?*
Some **things that are shit** include [systemd](, [capitalism](, [Feminism](, [Windows](, [Linux](, [Plan9](, [OOP](, [LGBT](, [security](, [encryption](, [military](, [laws](, [liberalism](, [USA](, [money](, [cryptocurrencies]( and many more. Some **things that are shit** include [systemd](, [capitalism](, [Feminism](, [Windows](, [Linux](, [Plan9](, [OOP](, [LGBT](, [security](, [encryption](, [military](, [laws](, [liberalism](, [USA](, [money](, [cryptocurrencies]( and many more.
@ -12,3 +25,4 @@ Some **things that are shit** include [systemd](, [capitalism](capita
- [cancer]( - [cancer](
- [harmful]( - [harmful](
- [bullshit]( - [bullshit](
- [toilet](

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Turing machine is a mathematical model of a [computer]( which works
The advantage of a Turing machine is that it's firstly very simple (it's basically a finite state automaton operating on a memory tape), so it can be mathematically grasped very easily, and secondly it is, unlike many other systems of computations, actually similar to real computers in principle, mainly by its sequential instruction execution and possession of an explicit memory tape it operates on (equivalent to [RAM]( in traditional computers). However note that a **pure Turing machine cannot exist in reality** because there can never exist a computer with infinite amount of memory which Turing machine possesses; computers that can physically exist are really equivalent to [finite state automata](, i.e. the "weakest" kind of systems of computation. However we can see our physical computers as [approximations]( of a Turing machine that in most relevant cases behave the same, so we do tend to theoretically view computers as "Turing machines with limited memory". The advantage of a Turing machine is that it's firstly very simple (it's basically a finite state automaton operating on a memory tape), so it can be mathematically grasped very easily, and secondly it is, unlike many other systems of computations, actually similar to real computers in principle, mainly by its sequential instruction execution and possession of an explicit memory tape it operates on (equivalent to [RAM]( in traditional computers). However note that a **pure Turing machine cannot exist in reality** because there can never exist a computer with infinite amount of memory which Turing machine possesses; computers that can physically exist are really equivalent to [finite state automata](, i.e. the "weakest" kind of systems of computation. However we can see our physical computers as [approximations]( of a Turing machine that in most relevant cases behave the same, so we do tend to theoretically view computers as "Turing machines with limited memory".
{ Although purely hypothetically we could entertain an idea of a computer that's capable of manufacturing itself a new tape cell whenever one is needed, which could then have something like unbounded memory tape, but still it would be limited at least by the amount of matter in observable universe. ~drummyfish }
In Turing machine data and program are separated (data is stored on the tape, program is represented by the control unit), i.e. it is closer to [Harvard architecture]( than [von Neumann architecture]( In Turing machine data and program are separated (data is stored on the tape, program is represented by the control unit), i.e. it is closer to [Harvard architecture]( than [von Neumann architecture](
**Is there anything computationally more powerful than a Turing machine?** Well, yes, but it's just kind of "mathematical fantasy". See e.g. [oracle machine]( which adds a special "oracle" device to a Turing machine to make it [magically]( solve undecidable problems. **Is there anything computationally more powerful than a Turing machine?** Well, yes, but it's just kind of "mathematical fantasy". See e.g. [oracle machine]( which adds a special "oracle" device to a Turing machine to make it [magically]( solve undecidable problems.

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@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki. This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 567 - number of articles: 567
- number of commits: 747 - number of commits: 748
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3413676 - total size of all texts in bytes: 3423182
- total number of lines of article texts: 26823 - total number of lines of article texts: 26857
- number of script lines: 256 - number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 11
- occurences of the word "nigger": 67
longest articles: longest articles:
@ -33,52 +35,52 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words: top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (1986) - which (1993)
- there (1471) - there (1480)
- people (1324) - people (1325)
- other (1082) - other (1083)
- example (1035) - example (1040)
- software (1027) - software (1027)
- number (948) - number (948)
- about (899) - about (899)
- their (743) - their (745)
- program (714) - program (714)
- called (695) - called (703)
- computer (682) - computer (682)
- would (678) - would (681)
- because (669) - because (670)
- simple (636) - simple (636)
- being (634)
- numbers (632) - numbers (632)
- being (632) - things (624)
- things (623)
- language (611) - language (611)
- without (596) - without (597)
- function (590) - function (590)
- programming (588) - programming (588)
- however (583) - however (583)
- something (559) - something (559)
- these (553) - these (554)
- different (545) - different (545)
- system (517) - system (517)
- world (510) - world (512)
- games (505)
- should (504) - should (504)
- society (503) - society (503)
- games (502)
- point (496) - point (496)
- though (486) - though (487)
- doesn (482) - doesn (483)
- memory (472) - memory (472)
- drummyfish (454) - drummyfish (457)
- while (451) - while (451)
- technology (450) - technology (450)
- using (448) - using (449)
- course (438) - course (439)
- simply (437) - simply (437)
- still (431) - still (434)
- similar (429) - similar (429)
- possible (428) - possible (428)
- computers (396) - computers (396)
- extremely (394) - extremely (395)
- really (393) - really (393)
- usually (383) - usually (383)
- value (382) - value (382)
@ -87,6 +89,17 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
latest changes: latest changes:
``` ```
Date: Sat Mar 23 20:01:25 2024 +0100
Date: Sat Mar 23 00:26:32 2024 +0100 Date: Sat Mar 23 00:26:32 2024 +0100
@ -109,23 +122,6 @@ Date: Thu Mar 21 20:00:23 2024 +0100
``` ```
most wanted pages: most wanted pages:
@ -138,13 +134,13 @@ most wanted pages:
- [quake]( (9) - [quake]( (9)
- [irl]( (9) - [irl]( (9)
- [gpl]( (9) - [gpl]( (9)
- [drm]( (9)
- [complex_number]( (9) - [complex_number]( (9)
- [tree]( (8) - [tree]( (8)
- [pointer]( (8) - [pointer]( (8)
- [lisp]( (8) - [lisp]( (8)
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- [drm]( (8)
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@ -162,8 +158,8 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
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- [kiss]( (86)
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@ -177,9 +173,9 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [hacking]( (70) - [hacking]( (70)
- [programming_language]( (67) - [programming_language]( (67)
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- [shit]( (66) - [shit]( (66)
- [less_retarded_society]( (66) - [less_retarded_society]( (66)
- [art]( (66)
- [bullshit]( (64) - [bullshit]( (64)
- [float]( (62) - [float]( (62)
- [open_source]( (61) - [open_source]( (61)