Miloslav Ciz 2 years ago
parent 24d64c8b79
commit c8876c27c7

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# Avoidant Personality Disorder
In many cases avoiding the problem really is the objectively best solution.

@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ OK, firstly we do NOT love *everything*, we do NOT advocate against hate itself,
Now when it comes to *"hating"* people, there's an important distinction to be stressed: we never hate a living being as such, we may only hate their properties. So when we say we *hate* someone, it's merely a matter of language convenience -- saying we *hate* someone never means we hate a person as such, but only some thing about that person, for example his opinions, his work, actions, behavior or even appearance. I can hear you ask: what's the difference? The difference is we'll never try to eliminate a living being or cause it suffering because we love it, we may only try to change, in non-violent ways, their attributes we find wrong (which we *hate*): for example we may try to educate the person, point out errors in his arguments, give him advice, and if that doesn't work we may simply choose to avoid his presence. But we will never target hate against him.
And yeah, of course sometimes we make jokes and sarcastic comments, it is relied on your ability to recognize those yourself.
### So you really "love" everyone, even dicks like Trump, school shooters, instagram influencers etc.?
Yes, but it may need an elaboration. There are many different kinds of love: love of a sexual partner, love of a parent, love of a pet, love of a hobby, love of nature etc. Obviously we can't love everyone with the same kind of love we have e.g. for our life partner, that's impossible if we've actually never even seen most people who live on this planet. The love we are talking about -- our universal love of everyone -- is an unconditional love of life itself. Being alive is a miracle, it's beautiful, and as living beings we feel a sense of connection with all other living beings in this universe who were for some reason chosen to experience this rare miracle as well -- we know what it feels like to live and we know other living beings experience this special, mysterious privilege too, though for a limited time. This is the most basic kind of love, an empathy, the happiness of seeing someone else live. It is sacred, there's nothing more pure in this universe than feeling this empathy, it works without language, without science, without explanation. While not all living beings are capable of this love (a virus probably won't feel any empathy), we believe all humans have this love in them, even if it's being suppressed by their environment that often forces them compete, hate, even kill. Our goal is to awaken this love in everyone as we believe it's the only way to achieve a truly happy coexistence of us, living beings.

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# Fascism
Fascist group is that which strongly pursues [self interest]( Fascism is a [rightist](, [competitive]( tendency; fascists aim to make themselves as strong, as powerful and as rich as possible, i.e. to weaken and possibly eliminate competing groups, to have power over them, enslave them and to seize their resources. The means of their operation are almost exclusively [evil](, including [violence](, [bullying](, [wars](, [propaganda](, [eye for an eye](, [slavery]( etc.
Fascist groups are subgroups of society that strongly pursue [self interest]( on the detriment of others (those who are not part of said group). Fascism is a [rightist](, [competitive]( tendency; fascists aim to make themselves as strong, as powerful and as rich as possible, i.e. to weaken and possibly eliminate competing groups, to have power over them, enslave them and to seize their resources. The means of their operation are almost exclusively [evil](, including [violence](, [bullying](, [wars](, [propaganda](, [eye for an eye](, [slavery]( etc.
A few examples of fascist groups are [corporations](, [nations](, NSDAP ([Nazis](, [LGBT](, [feminists](, [Antifa](, [KKK](, [Marxists]( and, of course, the infamous Italian fascist party of Benito Mussolini.

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ LMAO stands for *laughing my ass off*.
- In 2022 a proprietary "[smart]( home" company Insteon got into financial trouble, shut down its servers and left people without functioning houses. Retards fucking deserved it xD
- In the 1985 book *Big Score: The Billion-Dollar Story: The Billion-Dollar Story of Silicon Valley* there is a nice chapter talking about the manufacturing of integrated chips that explains how the process is (or at least used to be) very unpredictable and how it's basically astrology for the managers to try to predict and maximize the yield rates (the percentage of manufactured chips that function correctly). There were companies whose research showed the number of good chips correlated with the phases of the Moon, another one found that chips were destroyed by tiny droplets of piss on the hands of workers who didn't wash their hands and that [women]( workers during menstruation destroyed more chips because of the increased amount of oil secreted from their hands.
- The unexpected assassination of Lord British in Ultima Online in 1997 was pretty funny.
- In 2019 a [progaming]( ("esports") organization Vaevictis tried to make an all-[female]( League of Legends team, which would be the first such team in the high progaming league. The team quickly failed, it can't even be described how badly they played, of course they didn't even had a hope of gaining a single win, they gained several world records for their failures such as the fastest loss (13 minutes), eventually they got fired from the league xD
- { At my Uni a professor told us some guy turned in an assignment program but forgot to remove the debug prints. The fun part was he was using prints such as "my dick has a length X cm" where X was the debug value. So beware of that. ~drummyfish }
## See Also

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Love everyone, help [selflessly](*
Welcome to [Less Retarded Wiki](, an encyclopedia only I can edit. But you can [fork]( it, it is [public domain]( under [CC0]( :) Holy [shit](, I'm gonna get [canceled]( hard as soon as [SJWs]( find out about this. Until then, let's enjoy the ride. THERE'S NO [MODERATION](, I can do whatever I want here lol. I love this.
Welcome to [Less Retarded Wiki](, an encyclopedia only I can edit. But you can [fork]( it, it is [public domain]( under [CC0]( (see [wiki rights]( :) Holy [shit](, I'm gonna get [canceled]( hard as soon as [SJWs]( find out about this. Until then, let's enjoy the ride. THERE'S NO [MODERATION](, I can do whatever I want here lol. I love this.
This is a Wiki for [less retarded software]( (LRS) and related topics, mainly those of [politics]( and [society](, idealization of which LRS should help achieve. LRS Wiki is a new, refreshing wiki without [political correctness](

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# Shortcut Thinking
Shortcut thinking means making conclusions by established associations (such as "theft = bad") rather than making the extra effort of inferring the conclusion from known, possibly updated facts. This isn't bad in itself, in fact it is a great and necessary [optimization]( of our thinking process and it's really why we have long term memory -- imagine we'd have to deduce all the facts from scratch each time we think about anything. However shortcut thinking can be a weakness in many situations and leaves people prone to manipulation by [propaganda]( As such this phenomenon is extremely abused by politicians, i.e. they for example try to shift the meaning of a certain negative word to include something they want to get rid of.
Some commonly held associations appearing in shortcut thinking of common people nowadays are for example "theft = piracy = bad", "laziness = bad", "pedophiles = child rapists = bad", "competition = good", "more jobs = good", "more complex technology = better", etc. Of those most are of course either extremely simplified or just plain wrong. however some association may of course be correct, such as "murder = bad".
Let's focus on the specific example of the association "theft = bad". Indeed it has some sense in it -- if we turn shortcut thinking off, we may analyze why this association exists. For most of our history the word theft has meant *taking a physical personal possession of someone else against their will*. Indeed, in a society of people of which most weren't rich, this was bad in most cases as it hurt the robbed person, he has lost something he probably needed. However the society evolved, the meaning of property itself has changed from "personal property" to "private property", i.e. suddenly there were people who could own a whole forest or a factory even if they have never seen it, and there were people who had much more than they needed. If a poor starving person steals food from the rich who doesn't even notice this, suddenly the situation is different and many will say this is no longer bad. Nevertheless the word theft stayed in use and now included even such cases that were ethical because of the shifted meaning of the word "property" and due to changes in conditions of people. Recently the word property was shifted to the extreme with the invention of **[intellectual property](**, i.e. the concept of being able to own information such as ideas or stories in books. Intellectual property is fundamentally different from physical property as it can't be stolen in the same way, it can only be copied, duplicated, but this copying doesn't rid the "owner" of the original information. And so nowadays the word "theft", or one of its modern forms, "[piracy](", includes also mere copying of information or even just reusing an idea (patent) for completely good purposes, for example writing computer programs in certain (patented) ways is considered a theft. Of course, some may argue that such a download or reuse prevents the "owner's" profit from selling copies of that information or licenses to that idea, however it must be known that again, society is completely different nowadays and this so called "theft" actually doesn't hurt anyone but some gigantic billion dollar corporation that doesn't even notice, no actual person gets hurt, only a legal entity, and these so called "theft" actually give rise to good, helpful things. In fact, hurting a corporation, by definition a [fascist]( entity hostile to people, may further be seen as a good thing, so stealing from corporation is also good by this view. Furthermore the illusion of profit theft here is arbitrarily made, the "theft" exists only because we've purposefully created a system which allows selling copies of information and restricting ideas and therefore enables this "theft", i.e. this is no longer a natural thing, this is something miles away from the original meaning of the word "theft". With all this in mind we may, in today's context of the new meaning of old words, reconsider theft to no longer be generally bad.
When confronted with a new view, political theory etc., we should try to turn shortcut thinking off. Doing this can be called **being open minded**, i.e. opening one's mind to reinterpretation of very basic concepts by a new view. Also we should probably update our association from time to time just to keep them up with the new state of the word.
The politics and views of [LRS]( requires extreme open mindedness to be accepted by someone indoctrinated by the standard capitalist fascist propaganda of today.

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