From cb4007d9d6c9f2b91a70a5c2b8c84d6c6e2c1826 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Miloslav Ciz Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 16:48:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- | 2 + | 6 +- | 1 + | 10 +- | 7 +- | 3 +- | 4 +- | 12 +- | 11 + | 4 +- | 2 + | 2 +- | 1 + | 2 +- | 3428 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- | 3 +- | 2 +- | 138 +- | 5 +- | 2 + 20 files changed, 1842 insertions(+), 1803 deletions(-) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ index 94ab2ae..153d142 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in [god]( or any other similar Such a specimen of atheist is one of the best quality examples of a [pseudosceptic]( See also this: +Favorite topics of atheists include argument fallacies (which they also like to practice), cognitive biases (same), their own intelligence, [Occam's razor](, Murphy's laws, the number [42](, [quantum physics](, proving over and over that Earth isn't flat (at least 10 times every day just to keep themselves in shape), correlation that does not imply causation, finding contradictions in Bible, asking other people for citations, [binary]( or even [hexadecimal]( numbers, "programming in HTML", living in a simulation and disproving religion with books about [Evolution]( or something. + On a bit more serious note: we've all been there, most people in their teens think they're literal [Einsteins]( and then later in life cringe back on themselves. However, some don't grow out of it and stay arrogant, ignorant fucks for their whole lives. The principal mistake of the stance they retain is they try to apply "science" (or whatever it means in their world) to EVERYTHING and reject any other approach to solving problems -- of course, [science]( (the real one) is great, but it's just a tool, and just like you can't fix every problem with a hammer, you can't approach every problem with science. In your daily life you make a million of unscientific decisions and it would be bad to try to apply science to them; you cross the street not because you've read a peer-reviewed paper about it being the most scientifically correct thing to do, but because you feel like doing it, because you believe the drivers will stop and won't run you over. Beliefs, intuition, emotion, non-rationality and even spirituality are and have to be part of life, and it's extremely stupid to oppose these concepts just out of principle. With that said, there's nothing wrong about being a well behaved man who just doesn't feel a belief in any god in his heart, just you know, don't be an idiot. Among the greatest minds it is hard to find true atheists, even though they typically have a personal and not easy to describe faith. [Newton]( was a Christian. [Einstein]( often used the word "[God](" instead of "nature" or "universe"; even though he said he didn't believe in the traditional personal God, he also said that the laws of physics were like books in a library which must have obviously been written by someone or something we can't comprehend. [Nikola Tesla]( said he was "deeply religious, though not in the orthodox sense". There are also very hardcore religious people such as [Larry Wall](, the inventor of [Perl]( language, who even planned to be a Christian missionary. The "true atheists" are mostly second grade "scientists" who make career out of the pose and make living by writing books about atheism rather than being scientists. diff --git a/ b/ index 0f1d0de..ae3116f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -14,4 +14,8 @@ The greatest Czech was Jara Cimrman, a fictional genius whom the people made up Soon it's going to be destroyed by Putin's nukes. -All in all avoid this piece of crap place. \ No newline at end of file +All in all avoid this piece of crap place. + +## See Also + +- [Jara Cimrman]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 029340b..dac8c5f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne - [depression]( - [egoism]( - [Emacs]( +- [euphoria]( over one's own intelligence - excessive [lurking]( - [furry]( disorder - [homosexuality]( diff --git a/ b/ index 1662414..1756003 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -207,7 +207,9 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding 102. In C this `float x = 16777216; printf("%d\n",x == (x + 1));` outputs `1` (or at least it is possible) -- what the fuck. How can a number equal itself plus one? Explain what's going on here. 103. Can you be both pro-privacy and anti-censorship at the same time? 104. What's the error with the following reasoning? *-1 = (-1)^(2/2) = ((-1)^2)^(1/2) = 1^1/2 = 1*. -105. Did you enjoy this quiz? +105. Let's have a [spiral]( that's drawn like this: we start with a drawing hand (like e.g. that of clock) that points horizontally to the right and has length *r1*; then the hand turns around a full circle (doesn't matter in which direction), linearly increasing its length to *r2* as it goes. Find the formula for the length of this spiral (this length will be something between the circumference of a circle with radius *r1* and circumference of a circle with radius *r2*). +106. Rounded to whole percents, what is the probability that you'll correctly answer this question? +107. Did you enjoy this quiz? ### Answers @@ -311,12 +313,14 @@ sin(x) / cos(x) - log2(2) = tg(x) - 1*, so we get *tg(x) >= 1*. So that will hol 97. For example: `int c1(unsigned int x) { int r = x % 2; while (x) r += (x >>= 1) % 2; return r; }`. 98. Firstly realize we don't need player's facing vector *PD* at all (if an enemy is showing us his back for example, no matter how we rotate ourselves we'll only ever be able to see his back). Instead we'll need a vector pointing from the player's position to the enemy position, let's say *V = normalize(EP - PP)*. Now let's observe our result will depend on the relatinship between *V* and *ED* -- for example if the vectors are the same (enemy is facing in the direction aligned with the direction from player to enemy), the player will see the enemy back. If the vectors are opposing, we'll see the enemy front. If the vectors are 90 degrees, we'll see either left or right side. So we just need to figure out what angle the vectors *V* and *ED* have between then, which we can easily do with [dot product]( that tells us the cosine of the angle -- so if we get dot product greater than *cos(45 degrees)*, we see the back, if we get value smaller than *cos(135 degrees)*, we see the front, otherwise we see the side. To distinguish between left and right side we may use for example [cross product]( to determine if one vector goes "left or right" from another vector. 99. Cache is a small memory placed between the CPU and main memory (RAM), it is a very fast type of memory, faster than the main memory, but it's also much smaller than main memory. The idea is that programs typically do a lot of work in some small region of main memory, they keep reading and writing the same (or nearby) memory cell(s) over and over and only after a while move somewhere else. So once the program starts a work in some memory area, the cache can load that area, let the program do its work very quickly in the cache, and then (when the program moves elsewhere) copy the results back from the cache to the memory. It's similar to downloading a file from the Internet to the disk, then editing the file locally and later on uploading it back. However the cache will be effective only if the assumption we made hold, i.e. if the program really mostly works in small areas of memory and makes minimum of long jumps, so if a program wants to fully utilize the cache, it should try to minimize these long jumps (for example by putting related data close to each other). -100. There is no correct answering with either "yes" or "no" (this is therefore the correct answer). The question can be reworded as: *Is "yes" the wrong answer to this question?*, which can be reworded as: *Is "no" the correct answer to this question?* If we try both possible answers -- "yes" and "no" -- we find neither works. +100. There is no correct answering with either "yes" or "no" (this is therefore the correct answer). The question can be reworded as: *Is "yes" the wrong answer to this question?*, neither yes or no (or both at once) work as an answer: answering "yes" leads to a contradiction (by giving "yes" as a correct answer we'll imply it's actually the wrong answer) and answering "no" would imply "yes" is the correct answer (which we've proven to not work). 101. BENIS 102. [Floating point]( had decreasing precision towards higher values, this one if already beyond the resolution of 1, so the float type cannot represent this number plus one, adding one rounds the result down to the same number. 103. no 104. We can't replace *a^(b/c)* with *(a^b)^(1/c)* if *a* is negative, that equation doesn't generally hold. -105. yes +105. { I hope this is right :D ~drummyfish } First imagine the graph of a polar coordinate function that says the radius of a plain circle with radius *r* depending on angle: the graph is just constant function (horizontal line) with value *r* going from 0 to *2 * pi*. Integrating this function (from 0 to 2 * pi, here we simply multiply *r* by *2 * pi* as the graph is a rectangle) will give us the formula for the circumference of circle: *2 * pi * r* -- we'll take this largely on intuition but it can be seen that this holds because we're adding constant tiny increments of length from 0 to what we know is the circle circumference (2 * pi * r). Now imagine similar function, just starting at *r1* and linearly increasing to *r2*, i.e. we just have a linear function saying the spiral radius for current angle. Again, we'll integrate this, this time getting (bottom rectangle plus upper right triangle): *2 * pi * r1 + 2 * pi * (r2 - r1) / 2*. Simplifying this we get *pi * (r1 + r2)*, which is hopefully the solution (we see this will be between the circumferences of the smaller and larger circles, also for *r1 = r2* we again get the circumference of plain circle etc.). +106. Lol what, TBH I don't know :D The answer is probably that the question is shit because it's not even clear what it's asking, the definition of probability here is not clear (is it probability of a random "intelligent" man from the street answering it, or giving a completely randomly generated answer to it or what?). 100% might in some cases make sense (firstly we conclude that chance of guessing a number from 0 to 100 is 1/101, but then knowing this will be the answer we conclude we know it for sure, so we switch to 100% and then making further reasonings it stays stable at this value, but this probability assumes we make the reasoning we did, someone else could make a different reasoning maybe leading to other consistent answers). Haven't thought about it deeper yet though. If you know the answer let me know. +107. yes ## Other diff --git a/ b/ index b29f742..2d9a729 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -47,4 +47,9 @@ In amateur games simpler rules are used -- a sum up of such rules follows: - **Offside**: this is the infamous rule that [women]( don't get. This rule basically states that it is illegal for a player to get the ball while he's on the opponent's half and at the time the ball started to be passed to him he was closer to the opponent's goal than the second to last opponent's player (usually the back-most defender). This is so that one player doesn't just camp in front of the opponent's goal and wait for a long pass to score and easy goal. However in fun games this rule may be just ignored. - There are **punishments** for breaking the rules (e.g. playing with arm, attacking the opponent player or stalling the game) which include a free kick (from the spot at which an offense happened), a penalty kick (one player gets a free kick on the opponent's goal with goal keeper from certain distance), yellow card (warning to a player), red card (given after yellow card, the player has to leave the game) etc. - The game is played in **two halves**, each one officially 45 minutes long, but in fun games the number of parts and their duration is pretty arbitrary. After the first half there is a short rest pause and the teams switch sides. After the second half whichever team has scored more points wins. If the score is equal, the match may be prolonged as a tie breaker, either just by adding more time or playing the instant death. If no winner is decided here, there may eventually be penalty kicks to decide the winner. -- It's good if there's a referee, but if there is none, players just enforce the rules collectively. \ No newline at end of file +- It's good if there's a referee, but if there is none, players just enforce the rules collectively. + +## See Also + +- [hockey]( +- [handegg]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 9fa2517..b10316e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave - **Try to be so that if everyone was like that, the society would be good (in agreement with [LRS](** -- this is a good general [rule of thumb]( (and as such may also possibly fail sometimes, be careful) that can help you make some difficult decisions. DO NOT confuse this advice with the ["do unto others as you would have them do unto you"]( aka ["golden" rule]( advice, that is indeed a [shitty]( one, supposing everyone likes the same things, i.e. for example a man who enjoys being [raped]( is advised here to go and rape others -- that's of course bad. - **Do NOT support [pseudoleft]( ([LGBT](, [feminism](, [Antifa](, [soyence]( ...)**, don't become [type A fail]( Of course you should equally reject [rightism](, but that goes without saying. - **[Free]( yourself from the system** (and generally from as many things as possible) -- similarly to how you free yourself technologically, free yourself also socially, live frugally and minimize your expenses. Stop consuming, stop living in luxury, stop spending money for shit (gyms, sports, clothes, car, streaming services, games, cigarettes, ...), use free things that people throw away and enjoy hobbies that are cheap (programming, reading books, going for walks, playing chess, collecting [rocks](, ...). **Stop watching news** (it's just brainwashing and distraction, what's really important will get to you anyway), stop engaging in fashion, stop talking to retards and watching tiktok manipulators. You need very little to live, you don't even need internet connection; with good computing you can hack offline and only connect to the internet once in a while on some public wifi to download emails and upload your programs. **Stop using [cellphone](** (if you need it e.g. for banking, just use it for banking and don't carry it around with you, don't make it something you need with you). Make yourself self sufficient, prepare for the [collapse]( If you can live somewhere in the woods and would enjoy it, go for it. -- **Adopt [defeatism](**; [optimism]( is harmful, learn to be [pessimistic]( -- this stops you from engaging in [fight culture]( and makes you free to behave morally, you will seize to be the slave of bullshit necessary for winning the capitalist game and you'll no longer be working for [capitalism]( +- **Adopt [defeatism]( and pessimism**; [optimism]( is a harmful opium of the people, it makes you shut your eyes before suffering of others, an optimist is susceptible to fear and allows himself to be manipulated by [fear culture](, learn to be [pessimistic]( instead -- abandoning "winner mentality" will stop you from engaging in [fight culture]( and makes you free to behave morally, it turns on your empathy and allows you to be objective in your judgment (you will no longer fear seeing the truth), you will seize to be a an inhuman robot and slave of bullshit necessary for winning the capitalist game, you'll no longer be serving [capitalism]( - **Search for the [truth](**. You won't find it easily, real truth is always censored and hidden (though often in plain sight), but you can train yourself to spot propaganda and see the red flags. You won't find truth through Google, use different sources, read old books, [encyclopedias]( and different points of view (e.g. contrast articles on [Wikipedia]( with those on [Infogalactic](infogalactic.d)). Learn foreign and old langages such as [Latin]( so that you can read untranslated and first hand historical accounts. **Question EVERYTHING** (absolutely everything, even this statement). Do not fall into traps such as [pseudoskepticism]( Train your mind to think critically, avoid [shortcut thinking](, question your own biased beliefs and wishes. - **Reject harmful things like [proprietary]( software, [capitalism](, [copyright](, [bloat](, [work]( etc.** Use and promote the ethical equivalents, i.e. [free software](, [free culture](, frugality, [anarchism]( etc. - **[Don't argue with retards](** with the goal of convincing him or winning the argument so that you feel good (the meaning of retard here is simply someone disagreeing with LRS). It's literally wasted time/energy and it's bad for your mental health, it leads nowhere and achieves nothing but make your more suicidal than you already are. You literally can NOT convince anyone who is not open to being convinced, it is impossible, even if you have 100000 mathematical proofs, real world evidence, literature supporting you and anything you can imagine, you cannot logically convince someone who doesn't know how logic works or someone who simply emotionally isn't ready to change his mind. In 99.999999999999999% cases you can tell if it's worth to talk to someone after his first reaction -- you present an idea, such as LRS, and if he just expresses disagreement, there is no point in communicating further, by the disagreement he has taken a defensive stance and will hold it for the rest of his life now, you have to go find someone else. NO, not even if he's an "intellectual", has PhD and thirty Nobel Prizes, if he doesn't wanna see the truth, you cannot help him. As it's been said, trying to argue with an idiot is like trying to win a chess game against a pidgeon -- even if you're the world chess champion, the pidgeon will just shit on the board and think it's won. If you spot a retard, just leave -- don't try to have the last word or anything, even admit him "victory" in the argument and leave him in his world of delusion where he is the unappreciated Einstein, just do not waste an extra second on him, just leave and go do something better. { So many such idiots I have met I can't even count it -- pure stupid peasant aren't even that bad, the wost are the "above average" intelligence reddit atheists who think they're smart. I literally had such people argue like "you like games therefore competition in society is good because games are part of society therefore society equals competition". Truly I'm not sure if those bastards are just trolling me into suicide or are really so fucking dumb :D ~drummyfish } @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave - **Accept [death](** -- no, don't kill yourself, just accept death will come, maybe tomorrow, maybe in one hour, for you or for anyone you love, everything you ever made will become dirt. Constantly live with thought of death and get comfortable about it, you have to be ready to die at any moment and stop being too adraid of it, then you become really [free]( Nowadays most people have panic fear of death which is similar to e.g. having panic phobia of germs -- no one wants go get sick, but if you're so gravely scared of catching any disease, you're enslaved, crippled, your life is limited, you can't do what you'd like to do. With death it's the same: try to live but don't let death scare you so much as to limit you in what you can say or do. Take a look at men who firmly stood behind their beliefs such as [Einstein](, Seneca or Socrates, they all accepted death when it came and took it even if they could have avoided it; they are examples of highest mental freedom. Again, do NOT fucking kill yourself, that's a bad idea, just be ready for death and don't get dreadfully scared of it, it's not far away, it is probably just behind the next corner. { Regularly watching gore videos helps with this a bit. ~drummyfish } - **Try (almost) everything**: getting experience, even unpleasant one, is good. We won't advise you to try dangerous things so that you can't sue us, but it's not bad to have been through hardships, voluntarily or not. Firstly it helps you build the big picture view -- if you know what it's like to do hard manual work as well as suffer stressful intellectual work, if you know what it's like to feel great physical or mental pain, to be hungry, very fat or skinny, alone, popular and hated, abused and so on, you'll have more empathy, you'll know how people feel and you'll see through probaganda that paints you a distorted picture of what things are like, experience and pain make you wiser and also more loving. Don't risk your health or hurt yourself too much, but maybe don't be scared of taking a blow. Secondly this conveniently makes normies shut up because they can no longer use their favorite arguments (which are invalid but they will still use them) like "u cant citicize this if u havent tried it lolooololol!!!!!" and "loloolol have u even ever done X lol? then u cant talk about it" -- usually normie lives in a world of dichotomies like "you are either an intellectual or work manually", if you've done both his brain just freezes and he's like "ummmm but... but that cant... wait... so u say... mmmm... fuk u i have to go now". - **If you need to rest then fucking rest**, don't be a [productivist]( pussy, take as much time as you need before you feel like doing anything, it's okay. +- **Stay healthy** so as to stay as independent as possible from the health care system, the major mechanisms used to impose slavery on you. Don't listen to "[science]( studies" about what's healthy or not, the simple rule to follow in 99% cases is this: **if it's not natural and it's done long term, it is unhealthy**. Remember that corporations will [fight]( to keep their business at any cost, they will tell you that the thing they are selling is 100% safe because of lack of evidence to the contrary or because short term effects weren't shown to be bad -- it's like with x-rays, getting a scan once or twice is fine, getting it every days is absolutely not (historically many people have died because it was claimed x-rays were safe, just like with smoking, asbestos etcetcetc.). For example washing with soap every day is very unhealthy -- this is not even controversial, you'll find it in survival guides etc., washing with soap destroys the protective layer of your skin, makes you absorb moisture more easily and this makes you more prone to catching diseases. Stress from [work]( is absolutely killing you like nothing else, stop working as soon as possible. Similarly swimming in a pool full of chemicals every day is killing you, vaping is killing you (just as smoking, human lungs aren't made for inhaling water vapor for long periods every day, but again, formal proof of harmfulness will only come maybe 30 years in the future when people start dying), [tattoos]( are killing you (they're constantly releasing poison to your blood stream), makeup is killing you, extreme work out is killing you, restraining from masturbation is killing you (take a look at monkeys, they masturbate all the time, that's the natural, healthy thing to do), keeping a cellphone near your balls or brain 24/7 is giving you [cancer](, eating meat every day is killing you { I personally knew an extreme meat eater that died of hear attack at 40 something. ~drummyfish }, eating candy every day is killing you swiftly, being obese is a guaranteed early death, taking any kind of pills (antibiotics, headache pills, antidepressants etc.) is destroying you, do NOT take anything unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. And so on. - **Study [conspiracy theories](**: they teach you [critical thinking]( and bring up ideas society doesn't want you to think about -- that's why you're ridiculed for studying them, so it's exactly what you should do -- even if the theory itself is false (which it mostly isn't), it may lead you to truth. Most true conspiracy theories are just theories uncomfortable for the status quo for which evidence has been systematically hidden/destoyed and even the obvious, artificially constructed [strawman]( theories (like "Jews are secretly vampires from another planet" or whatever) that serve nothing else than to discredit the legit ones provide at least [entertaining]( passtime. **Embrace being ridiculed**, give up your credibility and gain freedom to think about whatever you want. - **If you can't handle it ethically, don't handle it at all**: In real life many problems don't have a solution, most things in Universe are beyond your control -- things that can't be handled ethically are one of them. Is it OK to take unethical action to achieve something if ethical action won't work? No, just consider the thing unachievable, deal with the consequences, no matter how catastrophic they are. Catastrophic events happen, you don't ever have to behave unethically. - **Consumption satisfies your instincts, creation satisfies your soul.** You need both. When you're tired, you need to consume -- consume for as long as you please, but know it won't be enough. Consumption alone makes your life empty -- once you're rested, your stomach is full and your balls are empty, you feel a hunger for a higher purpose. It can only be satisfied by selfless creation. diff --git a/ b/ index ed47480..7a8912d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Welcome To The Island! -This is the freedom island where [we]( live! It has [no owner]( Feel free to take off your clothes, we don't wear them here. You can build your house on any free spot. Planting trees and making landscape works are allowed too. Basically we have [no laws]( +This is the freedom island where [we]( live. Many would call it [utopia](, we just call it the Island for now. If you feel like you don't fit anywhere in [today's world](, if you feel alone and alienated and just want to escape somewhere quiet and peaceful, you can be at home here. This island has [no owners](, no governments, politicians, [corporations](, no businesses or [money](, no need to [fight]( for the place under the Sun, no [regulation of speech](, no bullying. Simply be yourself and exist as best as you can. Take off your clothes if you want, no one wears them here. You can build yourself a hut on any free spot. Planting trees and making landscape works is allowed too. Basically we have [no laws](, just empathy and [love]( ``` distant Normieland @@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ This is the freedom island where [we]( live! It has [no ## See Also - [Utopia]( -- [Loquendo City]( \ No newline at end of file +- [Loquendo City]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index dc5e2e0..857d02a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ { At this point it's best to start using a different kernel if you can. Consider BSD or Hurd maybe. ~drummyfish } -Linux (also Lunix or Loonix, named after its original creator [Linus Torvalds]( is a partially "[open-source](" [unix-like]( [operating system]( [kernel](, probably the most successful "mostly [FOSS](" kernel, nowadays already killed by [capitalism]( and not worth using anymore. One of its greatest advantages was support of a lot of [hardware](; it ran besides others on [x86](], [PowerPC](, [Arm](, had many [drivers]( and could be compiled to be quite small so as to run well even on very weak computers. **Linux is NOT an operating system**, only its basic part -- for a whole operating system more things need to be added, such as some kind of [user interface]( and actual user programs (so called [userland](, and this is what [Linux distributions]( do (there hundreds of these) -- Linux distributions, such as [Debian](, [Arch]( or [Ubuntu]( are complete operating systems (but beware, most of them are not fully [FOSS]( The mascot of the project is a penguin named [Tux]( (under some vague non-standard [license]( Linux is one of the biggest collaborative programming projects, as of now it has more than 15000 contributors. Despite popular misconceptions **Linux is [proprietary]( software** by containing [binary blobs]( -- completely free distributions have to use forks that remove these (see e.g. [Linux-libre](, [Debian]('s Linux fork etc.). Linux is also **greatly [bloated](** (though not anywhere near [Windows]( and such) and **[tranny software](**, abusing technology as a vehicle for promoting [harmful politics]( While back in the day Linux was one of the coolest projects, by 2024 **Linux is absolute shit**, it has [code of censorship](, it's hijacked by capitalism, developed by corporations and fascists ([feminists](, [LGBT](, ...), overcomplicated, commercialized, full of [Rust]( code; there are already even backdoor popping in (see the 2024 XZ scandal), basically it's almost unusable now. The spirit, significance, journey and eventual fate of Linux are similar to e.g. [Wikipedia]( +Linux (also Lunix or Loonix, named after its original creator [Linus Torvalds]( is a partially "[open-source](" [unix-like]( [operating system]( [kernel](, probably the most successful "mostly [FOSS](" kernel, nowadays already hijacked and milked by [capitalism]( and not worth using anymore. One of its greatest advantages was support of a lot of [hardware](; it ran besides others on [x86](], [PowerPC](, [Arm](, had many [drivers]( and could be compiled to be quite small so as to run well even on very weak computers. **Linux is NOT an operating system**, only its basic part -- for a whole operating system more things need to be added, such as some kind of [user interface]( and actual user programs (so called [userland](, and this is what [Linux distributions]( do (there hundreds of these) -- Linux distributions, such as [Debian](, [Arch]( or [Ubuntu]( are complete operating systems (but beware, most of them are not fully [FOSS]( The mascot of the project is a penguin named [Tux]( (under some vague non-standard [license]( Linux is one of the biggest collaborative programming projects, as of now it has more than 15000 contributors. Despite popular misconceptions **Linux is [proprietary]( software** by containing [binary blobs]( (pieces of proprietary code sneakily inserted into obscure parts of the source code) -- completely free distributions have to use [forks]( that remove these (see e.g. [Linux-libre](, [Debian]('s Linux fork etc.). Linux is also **greatly [bloated](** (though not anywhere near [Windows]( and such) and **[tranny software](**, abusing technology as a vehicle for promoting [liberal politics]( While back in the day Linux was one of the coolest projects, by 2024 **Linux is absolute shit** and basically dead, it has [code of censorship](, it's been absolutely hijacked by capitalism, developed by the worst corporations and fascist political groups ([feminists](, [LGBT](, ...), it is greatly overcomplicated for the sake of keeping a [bloat monopoly](, commercialized, full of [Rust]( code; there are already even backdoor popping in (see the 2024 XZ scandal), basically it's almost unusable now. The spirit, significance, journey and eventual fate of Linux are similar to e.g. [Wikipedia]( -- initially a project of freedom later on couldn't resist the immense capitalist pressure and eventually started selling its popularity to evil entities, becoming the opposite of its past self. [Fun]( note: there is a site that counts certain words in the Linux source code, For the lulz in 2019 some word counts were: "fuck": 16, "shit": 33, "idiot": 17, "retard": 4, "hack": 1571, "todo": 6166, "fixme": 4256. @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Linux is written in the [C]( language, specifically the old C89 standard ( Linux is typically combined with a lot of **[GNU](** software and the [GNU]( project (whose goal is to create a [free]( operating system) uses Linux (actually a [fork]( of it, called [Linux-libre]( as its official kernel, so in the wild we usually encounter the term **[GNU/Linux](** or GNU+Linux to mean a whole operating system (basically a distro), though the system should really be called just GNU. Despite this most people still call these systems just "Linux", which is completely wrong and shows their misunderstanding of technology -- GNU is the whole operating system, it existed long before Linux, Linux joined GNU later to be integrated into it. Terms like "Linux kernel" also don't make sense, Linux IS a kernel, there is no need to add the word "kernel", it's like "John human" -- no need to add the word "human" here. -Linux is sometimes called "[free as in freedom](", however that's a lie, it is at most a partially "[open-source](" or "[FOSS](" project. **Linux is in many ways bad**, especially lately. Some reasons for this are: +Linux is sometimes called "[free as in freedom](", however that's a blatant lie, it is at best a partially "[open-source](" or "[FOSS](" project. **Linux is in many ways bad**, especially lately. Some reasons for this are: - It actually includes **[proprietary]( software** in the form of [binary blobs]( ([drivers]( The [Linux-libre]( project tries to fix this. - It is **[tranny software](** and has a fascist [code of conduct]( (`linux/Documentation/process/code-of-conduct.rst`). Recently it started to even **incorporate [Rust](**, getting shitty also by the technological side. In near future Rust will become a hard dependency of Linux, that will be its final blow. @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Linux is sometimes called "[free as in freedom](", however that - It uses a **restrictive [copyleft](** [GPL]( license as opposed to a permissive one. - It is a monolithic kernel which goes against the [KISS]( philosophy. { Or does it? At this scale probably yes tho. ~drummyfish } -Nevertheless, despite its mistakes and inevitable shitty future (it's just going to become "Windows 2.0" in a few years), nowadays (2023) GNU/Linux still offers a relatively comfy, powerful [Unix]([POSIX]( environment which means it can be drop-in replaced with another unix-like system without this causing you much trouble, so using GNU/Linux is at this point considered OK (until Microsoft completely seizes it at which point we migrate probably to [BSD](, [GNU Hurd](, [HyperbolaBSD]( or something). It can be made fairly [minimal]( (see e.g. [KISS Linux]( and [Puppy Linux]( and [LRS]([suckless]( friendly. It is in no way perfect but can serve as an acceptable temporary boat on the sail towards freedom, until it inevitably sinks by the weight of [capitalism]( +Nevertheless, despite its mistakes and inevitable shitty [future]( (it's just going to become "Windows 2.0" in a few years), nowadays (2023) GNU/Linux still offers a relatively comfy, powerful [Unix]([POSIX]( environment which means it can be drop-in replaced with another unix-like system without this causing you much trouble, so using GNU/Linux is at this point considered OK (until Microsoft completely seizes it at which point we migrate probably to [BSD](, [GNU Hurd](, [HyperbolaBSD]( or something). It can be made fairly [minimal]( (see e.g. [KISS Linux]( and [Puppy Linux]( and [LRS]([suckless]( friendly. It is in no way perfect but can serve as an acceptable temporary boat on the sail towards freedom, until it inevitably sinks by the weight of [capitalism]( Linux is so called monolithic kernel (oppose to [microkernel]( and as such tries to do many things at once, becoming quite [bloat]( However it "[just works](" and has a great [hardware]( support so it wins many users over alternatives such as [BSD]( @@ -52,7 +52,11 @@ Linux was created by [Linus Torvalds]( He started the project Linus originally wanted to name the project *Freax*, thinking *Linux* would sound too self-centered (it would). However the admin of an FTP server that hosted the files renamed it to *Linux*, and the name stuck (and it still sounds [self-centered]( -On 25 August 1991 { One year plus one day after I was born :D ~drummyfish } he made the famous public announcement of Linux on [Usenet]( in which he claimed it was just a hobby project and that it "wouldn't be big and professional as [GNU](". In November 1991 Linux became [self-hosted]( with the version 0.10 -- by the time a number of people were already using it and working on it (among them for example [Alan Cox]( who would become probably the second most famous contributor after Linus himself). In 1992, with version 0.12, Linux became [free software]( with the adoption of the [GPL]( license. +On 25 August 1991 { One year plus one day after I was born :D ~drummyfish } he made the famous public announcement of Linux on [Usenet]( in which he claimed it was just a hobby project and that it "wouldn't be big and professional as [GNU](". In November 1991 Linux became [self-hosted]( with the version 0.10 -- by the time a number of people were already using it and working on it (among them for example [Alan Cox]( who would become probably the second most famous contributor after Linus himself). Back then Linus created so called Boot-Root images of Linux, something that might be seen as a precursor to [distros]( Similar "mini distros" were slowly popping up (e.g. SLS, Yggdrasil etc.). + +In 1992, with version 0.12, Linux became [free software]( with the adoption of the [GPL]( license. By this it became the main kernel for the free operating system called [GNU]( (started by [Richard Stallman]( -- the system would henceforth be called GNU/Linux. Though being separate projects, GNU and Linux were (and still are) very close: GNU uses Linux as its kernel and Linux uses GNU tools (such as the [gcc]( compiler) and software (e.g. user programs) for its distros. But indeed there is also a great amount of dissonance between the two projects (GNU is focused on ethics, tolerates absolutely no proprietary parts, uses the term "free software", while Linux accepted capitalism, it is friendly to business, tolerates "justified" proprietary parts, sometimes prefers to use the term "open source"; GNU even has to actively remove proprietary blobs from Linux to be able to use it). + +In 1993 two important distributions appeared: Slackware and [Debian]( Debian would go on to become especially important: its aim was to create and maintain a completely free, non-commercial, simple to use operating system for the people (however it would not be endorsed by [GNU]( for some disagreements about e.g. even giving an option to install proprietary software). Debian developed its own [package]( system and being completely free, it would become a basis for other very popular forks such as [Ubuntu](, [Mint](, [Devuan]( and many others -- these would in turn also adopt the package system, widening and de facto standardizing its use. For this reason Debian-based distros are extremely common nowadays. On 14 March 1994 Linux 1.0 -- a fully functional version -- was released. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b04912 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Loquendo + +{ This is research in progress, please send me notes on this etc. I discovered this awesome rabbithole while learning Spanish -- if you can, try to learn some foreign language, it really does bring to you a whole new culture. ~drummyfish } + +Loquendo is a (sadly [proprietary]( [text-to-speech]( technology (made by some Italian company) that gave rise (around the year 2007) to an awesome -- but in [English]( speaking countries practically completely unknown -- underground Spanish speaking Internet group called *loquenderos* who use said iconic robotic low quality loquendo voices to create absolutely precious [meme]( [YouTube]( videos that are not just extremely entertaining and hilarious by the combination of the funny voices with quite stupid improvised video (usually some gameplay of GTA San Andreas), but also immensely important for at least somewhat continuing the [culture]( of [free speech]( on the Internet. If you watch a random Spanish meme video, chances are quite high it will be dubbed with loquendo. It's hard to accurately describe the mood and vibes around the group -- it's a bit similar to [4chan]( maybe -- the videos are oftentimes very silly, just someone's random gameplay of GTA with a robotic voice over it cursing in Spanish, as if a kid is playing the game and just commenting on it, insulting everyone and dropping random shit and slurs, insulting [transsexuals](, [furries](, otakus, [gays](, [women]( and blacks and basically the whole world, but then there are also videos with a lot of energy put into it (but still keeping a similar style) -- for example whole movies or serious political commentaries. Part of the feeling is that the voices are not just extremely funny (imagine someone just doing extreme pitch shifts of a basic robotic voice to create different voices for a movie dubbing) but also completely emotionless and always the same, so you don't know who's behind them and it's pretty funny to hear all the nasty shit being said in complete serious tone. Over time there have evolved characters that reappear in the videos, they have their own inside jokes and so on. The group has even taken it so far as establishing a fictional *Loquendo City* based on ideals of free speech -- a thing similar to our [freedom island]( + +## See Also + +- [espeak]( +- [4chan]( +- [Jara Cimrman]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index a6f2d19..4a7f602 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # Newspeak -Newspeak is a modified form of natural language (e.g. [English]( twisted for the purpose of thought control of mass population, with [propaganda]( and ideology built in so as to affect thinking of people in a ways desired by the rulers of society. Newspeak was first described in the story of George Orwell's 1949 book called [Nineteen Eighty Four]( and it is now being implemented in the [real world](, especially since about the end of 20th century, by the [pseudoleft]( and capitalists (i.e. [liberals]( Refusing to use newspeak is labeled [thought crime](, wrongthink, [hate speech]( or psychological [disorder]( and punished either officially by government or unofficially by society-approved and state-tolerated lynching (so called [cancelling]( So called "[hate speech](" is now punishable by law in most first world countries. +Newspeak is a modified form of natural [language]( (e.g. [English]( twisted for the purpose of thought control of mass population, with [propaganda]( and ideology built in so as to affect thinking of people in a ways desired by the rulers of society. Newspeak was first described in the story of George Orwell's 1949 book called [Nineteen Eighty Four]( and it is now being implemented in the [real world](, especially since about the end of 20th century, by the [pseudoleft]( and capitalists (i.e. mostly [liberals]( Refusing to use newspeak is labeled [thought crime](, wrongthink, [hate speech]( or psychological [disorder]( and punished either officially by government or unofficially by society-approved and state-tolerated lynching (so called [cancelling]( So called "[hate speech](" is now punishable by law in most first world countries. -Real world newspeak is characterized by banning certain keywords, for example so called [slurs]( such as [nigger](, [faggot]( or [retard](, as well as forcing [political correctness]( ("gender neutral nouns", replacing "man" with "person" etc.), inventing [euphemisms]( for [harmful]( and oppressive concepts ([copyright]( instead of copyrestriction, [moderation]( instead of [censorship]( etc.), redefining the meanings of existing terms such as [racism]( (originally hating people of certain race, now anyone who disagrees with mainstream pseudoleft ideology), [homophobia]( (originally hating gay people, now anyone who disagrees with pseudoleft ideology regarding [LGBT](, [rape]( (originally sexual violence, now any action taken by man towards a woman) and inventing completely new terms such as [hate speech]( and [sanism]( serving for eliminating ideological opposition and suppression of [free speech]( +Real world newspeak is characterized by banning certain keywords, for example so called [slurs]( such as [nigger](, [faggot]( or [retard](, as well as forcing [political correctness]( ("gender neutral nouns", replacing "man" with "person" etc.), inventing [euphemisms]( for [harmful]( and oppressive concepts ([copyright]( instead of copyrestriction, [moderation]( instead of [censorship]( etc.), redefining the meanings of existing terms such as [racism]( (originally hating people of certain race, now anyone who disagrees with mainstream pseudoleft ideology), [homophobia]( (originally hating gay people, now anyone who disagrees with pseudoleft ideology regarding [LGBT](, [rape]( (originally sexual violence, now any action taken by man towards a [woman]( and inventing completely new terms such as [hate speech]( and [sanism]( serving for eliminating ideological opposition and suppression of [free speech]( The definition of the term "free speech" is similarly changed to mean "speech within approved constraints" (similar to how in prison one has a "freedom" of movement within his cell). Other terms are slowly shaped so as to abuse [shortcut thinking]( to allow unethical actions simply by letting them have ethically sounding names: for example "pacifism" is being redefined to "use of violence that we think is justified", "censorship" is changed to exclude "justified" acts of censorship and so on. This is indeed very effective, everyone buys it because it's [done slowly]( ## See Also diff --git a/ b/ index 26ff3b2..724b3f6 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ The word is used in a number of projects and works, e.g.: [LMAO]( they're even censoring art and retroactively changing classical works of art to suit this [newspeak](, just like all previous oppressive regimes. E.g. Agatha Christie's book *Ten Little Niggers* was renamed to *And Then There Were None*. Are they also gonna repaint Mona Lisa when it somehow doesn't suit their liking? +Your TV is forced to show you the word when Niger plays [football]( with Germany (the IOC codes of the countries are NIG, GER) :D This will most likely be censored in near future. + Curiously domains of form *nigger.X* exist, for example as of writing this ** exist and has some cool offensive message on its web :D In the [gender studies]( circles there is an academic debate about whether the word *nigger* is in fact allowed to be used by black people, i.e. niggers themselves -- if so, anyone could use the word *nigger* as long as he mentally identifies as one because according to the latest [peer censored]( research about official truth [race]( also isn't at all based in anything physical (like gender or age for example), it's purely an identity anyone can adopt mentally and things like his skin color and [IQ]( change automatically based on that (see e.g. [Michal Jackson]( diff --git a/ b/ index 6dce1ae..a0e2484 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ There are many terms that are very similar and can many times be used interchang - **[brute force](** vs **[heuristic search](** - **[bug](** vs **[glitch](** vs **[error](** vs **[exception](** vs **[fault](** vs **[failure](** vs **[defect](** - **[cache](** vs **[cash](** -- **[causation](** vs **[correlation](** +- **[causation](** vs **[correlation](** (le [reddit]( scientist rule) - **[cepstrum](** vs **[spectrum](** - **[chaos](** vs **[randomness](** vs **[pseudorandomness](** vs **[entropy](** vs **[statistics](** vs **[probability](** vs **[stochasticity](** - **[class](** vs **[set](** diff --git a/ b/ index 649c715..dcc336f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS] - **[Fabrice Bellard](**: legendary programmer, made many famous programs such as [ffmpeg](, [tcc](, [TinyGL]( etc. - **[Geoffrey Knauth](**: very [shitty]( president of [Free Software Foundation]( since 2020 who embraces [proprietary]( software lol - **[Grigori Perelman](** based Russian mathematician who solved one of the biggest problems in math ([Poincare conjecture](, then refused Fields medal and million dollar prize, refuses to talk to anyone and make [hero]( of himself, just sent a huge fuck you to the system +- **[Jara Cimrman](**: a fictional [Czech]( universal genius that basically secretly invented everything but was forgotten by [history](, it's the whole country's inside joke - **[Jason Scott](**: quite famous archivist and filmmaker (maintains e.g., focused on old hacker/boomer tech like [BBSes]( - **[Jesus](**: probably the most famous guy in history, had a nice teaching of [nonviolence]( and [love]( - **[Jimmy Wales](**: co-founder of [Wikipedia]( diff --git a/ b/ index 778976c..8562170 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Political correctness (abbreviated PC) stands for [pseudoleftist]( *Example of politically correct ASCII art. Note the absence of any content that might offend someone. Still the art is imperfect because it has a white background which might be seen as racially offensive.* -The whole idea is basically about declaring certain words, pictures, patterns of behavior and similar things as inherently "offensive" to specific selected minorities (currently mostly [women](, [gay](, [negros]( and other non-white races, [trannies](, fat and [retarded people](, even outside any context, and about constantly fabricating new reasons to get offended so as to fuel the movement that has to ride on hysteria. For example the word *[black box](* is declared as "offensive" to black people because... well, like, black people were discriminated at some point in history and their skin is black... so... the word black now can't be said? :D [WTF]( A sane mind won't understand this because we're dealing with a literal extremist cult here. It just keeps getting more ridiculous, for example feminists want to remove all words that contain the substring "man" from the language because... it's a male oppression? lol... anyway, we can no longer use words like *snowman*, now we have to say *snowperson* or something :D Public material now does best if it doesn't walk on the thin ice of showing people with real skin color and better utilize a neutral blue people :D Fuck just kill me already lmao. This starts to get out of hand as fuck, [SJW]( started to even push the idea that in [git]( the default branch name, *master*, is offensive, because well, the word has some remote connection to some history of oppression, so they pushed for its change and achieved it, which practically caused a huge mess and broke many git projects -- this is what they do, there was literally not a single reason for the change, they could have spent their energy on actually programming something nice, but they rather used it on breaking what already exists just to demonstrate their political power. What's next? Will they censor the word "chain" in terms like [toolchain]( or [blockchain]( because chains have something to do with slavery? Will they order to repaint the [ISS]( from white to black because the color white is oppressive? The actual reason for this apparent stupidity is at this point not anyone's protection (probably not even themselves believe it anymore) but rather **forcing submission** -- it's the same psychological tactic used by any oppressor: he just gives a nonsensical order, like "start barking like a dog!", to see who blindly conforms and who doesn't -- those who don't are just eliminated right away and those who conform out of fear have their will broken, they will now blindly obey the ruler without thinking about the sanity of his orders. +The whole idea is basically about declaring certain words, pictures, patterns of behavior and similar things as inherently "offensive" to specific selected minorities (currently mostly [women](, [gay](, [negros]( and other non-white races, [trannies](, fat and [retarded people](, even outside any context, and about constantly fabricating new reasons to get offended so as to fuel the movement that has to ride on hysteria. For example the word *[black box](* is declared as "offensive" to black people because... well, like, black people were discriminated at some point in history and their skin is black... so... the word black now can't be said? :D You have to call it "afroamerican box" now. [WTF]( A sane mind won't understand this because we're dealing with a literal extremist cult here. It just keeps getting more ridiculous, for example feminists want to remove all words that contain the substring "man" from the language because... it's a male oppression? lol... anyway, we can no longer use words like *snowman*, now we have to say *snowperson* or something :D Public material now does best if it doesn't walk on the thin ice of showing people with real skin color and better utilize a neutral blue people :D Fuck just kill me already lmao. This starts to get out of hand as fuck, [SJW]( started to even push the idea that in [git]( the default branch name, *master*, is offensive, because well, the word has some remote connection to some history of oppression, so they pushed for its change and achieved it, which practically caused a huge mess and broke many git projects -- this is what they do, there was literally not a single reason for the change, they could have spent their energy on actually programming something nice, but they rather used it on breaking what already exists just to demonstrate their political power. What's next? Will they censor the word "chain" in terms like [toolchain]( or [blockchain]( because chains have something to do with slavery? Will they order to repaint the [ISS]( from white to black because the color white is oppressive? The actual reason for this apparent stupidity is at this point not anyone's protection (probably not even themselves believe it anymore) but rather **forcing submission** -- it's the same psychological tactic used by any oppressor: he just gives a nonsensical order, like "start barking like a dog!", to see who blindly conforms and who doesn't -- those who don't are just eliminated right away and those who conform out of fear have their will broken, they will now blindly obey the ruler without thinking about the sanity of his orders. Political correctness is a typical [woman]( thinking emotional [bullshit]( that looks for problems where they're not instead on focusing on solving real issues. For example in the world of technology a man will focus on designing a good computer, creating minimalist design, good [API]( and programming languages, while a woman will become obsessed about what color to paint it, what animal mascot it should have and what nickname to give it so that it sounds cute but doesn't touch anyone feelings -- political correctness makes this relatively harmless little quirk of woman thinking into [cancerous]( society wide obsession and forces everyone to be preoccupied with it. It is stupidity that got out of hand. It happened partially because society took women their dolls they could play these games with and forced them into fields that were meant only for men. It is also further worsened by [cultural castration]( of men -- a man in [21st century]( is already half woman. diff --git a/ b/ index 1b92bad..8f2c23c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,1743 +2,1743 @@ Please kindly click random link. -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( -[*]( 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38a7373..7887577 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -35,13 +35,14 @@ Some further examples of soyence: - "[citation needed](" on everything - "Science popularization" as in building authority of so called "scientists" so as to create a political capital. - "This extremely lucrative [Covid]( vaccine made by us in record time is absolutely safe, don't dare question it, just take it 5 times a year and pay us each time you do, don't mind any side effects." --Big Pharma -- "Science says god doesn't exist." aka reddit [atheism]( +- "Science says [god]( doesn't exist." aka reddit [atheism]( - "We can't believe this because it wasn't peer censored and/or it didn't pass the [null ritual]( and/or it wasn't published in a journal on our approved literature list." (--[Wikipedia]( - "This gender studies expert has proven sex is a racial construct and has no biological meaning. You disagree? Well, do you have a PhD in gender studies? No? Then shut up you fucking sexist." - "This goes against SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS therefore it's pseudoscience and [conspiracy theory](" - "This research is racist.", using terms such as "scientific racism". - This guy's research is invalid because in his spare time he makes videos on ufology and other "conspiracy theories", his REPUTATION AND CREDIBILITY is destroyed. - "We should burn these old books that say things we don't like, just in case. When Nazis did it it was different." +- Strategically setting up experiments and/or cherrypicking facts (as well as censoring inconvenient counter evidence) so as to achieve desired results :]]] - "This research was made by a [racist]( so it is invalid, also we should [lynch]( the guy just in case." - Neil de grass/Morgan Freeman "documentaries" - Deducing cool facts on TV about extinct animals from their skull shapes is Neil De grass stamp of approval legit thumbs up paleonthology science yay! :)))) But trying in on humans ([phrenology]( is a bad bad NONO PSEUDOSCIENCE, neil de grass frown :((( diff --git a/ b/ index 5f60b72..6ce1c23 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ This is an autogenerated page listing all pages. -**[100r](** (3) -- **[21st_century](** (14) -- **[3d_model](** (243) -- **[3d_modeling](** (2) -- **[3d_rendering](** (285) -- **[42](** (13) -- **[4chan](** (27) -- **[README](** (9) -- **[aaron_swartz](** (4) -- **[abstraction](** (20) -- **[acronym](** (389) -- **[ai](** (12) -- **[algorithm](** (219) -- **[aliasing](** (60) -- **[altruism](** (6) -- **[anal_bead](** (2) -- **[analog](** (2) -- **[analytic_geometry](** (72) -- **[anarch](** (98) -- **[anarchism](** (15) -- **[ancap](** (29) -- **[anpac](** (6) -- **[antialiasing](** (157) -- **[antivirus_paradox](** (8) -- **[app](** (4) -- **[apple](** (6) -- **[approximation](** (18) -- **[arch](** (6) -- **[arduboy](** (39) -- **[art](** (12) -- **[ascii](** (151) -- **[ascii_art](** (206) -- **[assembly](** (255) -- **[assertiveness](** (2) -- **[atan](** (22) -- **[atheism](** (14) -- **[attribution](** (16) -- **[audiophilia](** (2) -- **[autostereogram](** (119) -- **[autoupdate](** (2) -- **[avpd](** (4) -- **[axiom_of_choice](** (10) -- **[backgammon](** (58) -- **[backpropagation](** (87) -- **[bazaar](** (8) -- **[bbs](** (28) -- **[beauty](** (22) -- **[bilinear](** (117) -- **[bill_gates](** (27) -- **[billboard](** (59) -- **[binary](** (138) -- **[bit](** (4) -- **[bit_hack](** 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**[hero](** (2) -- **[hero_culture](** (12) -- **[hexadecimal](** (7) -- **[history](** (102) -- **[holy_war](** (25) -- **[how_to](** (209) -- **[human_language](** (30) -- **[hw](** (2) -- **[hyperoperation](** (235) -- **[implicit](** (2) -- **[infinity](** (26) -- **[information](** (16) -- **[intellectual_property](** (14) -- **[interaction_net](** (134) -- **[interesting](** (24) -- **[internet](** (107) -- **[interplanetary_internet](** (14) -- **[interpolation](** (47) -- **[io](** (16) -- **[ioccc](** (37) -- **[iq](** (113) -- **[island](** (38) -- **[jargon_file](** (12) -- **[java](** (10) -- **[javascript](** (86) -- **[jedi_engine](** (2) -- **[jesus](** (97) -- **[john_carmack](** (19) -- **[jokes](** (85) -- **[js](** (4) -- **[julia_set](** (99) -- **[just_werks](** (22) -- **[justice](** (2) -- **[kek](** (6) -- **[kids_these_days](** (2) -- **[kiss](** (38) -- **[kiwifarms](** (2) -- **[kwangmyong](** (11) -- **[lambda_calculus](** (57) -- **[langtons_ant](** (158) -- **[leading_the_pig_to_the_slaughterhouse](** (15) -- **[left](** (2) -- **[left_right](** (53) -- **[less_retarded_hardware](** (2) -- **[less_retarded_society](** (138) -- **[less_retarded_software](** (2) -- **[lgbt](** (24) -- **[liberalism](** (6) -- **[libertarianism](** (12) -- **[library](** (29) -- **[libre](** (2) -- **[license](** (56) -- **[life](** (8) -- **[lil](** (20) -- **[line](** (151) -- **[linear_algebra](** (116) -- **[linux](** (67) -- **[living](** (33) -- **[lmao](** (44) -- **[loc](** (11) -- **[logic](** (11) -- **[logic_circuit](** (166) -- **[logic_gate](** (65) -- **[love](** (28) -- **[low_poly](** (17) -- **[lrs](** (159) -- **[lrs_dictionary](** (105) -- **[lrs_wiki](** (38) -- **[luke_smith](** (17) -- **[magic](** (2) -- **[main](** (126) -- **[mainstream](** (4) -- **[maintenance](** (8) -- **[malware](** (2) -- **[mandelbrot_set](** (174) -- **[marble_race](** (6) -- **[marketing](** (28) -- **[markov_chain](** (152) -- **[marxism](** (7) -- 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articles: @@ -29,66 +29,87 @@ longest articles: - [game]( 32K - [random_page]( 32K - [3d_rendering]( 32K -- [main]( 32K - [pseudorandomness]( 32K +- [main]( 32K - [optimization]( 32K top 50 5+ letter words: -- which (2275) -- there (1723) -- people (1511) -- example (1305) -- other (1231) -- number (1132) -- software (1114) -- about (1059) -- program (906) -- their (847) -- because (820) -- would (802) +- which (2281) +- there (1727) +- people (1521) +- example (1313) +- other (1241) +- number (1133) +- software (1117) +- about (1065) +- program (907) +- their (849) +- because (821) +- would (805) - called (777) -- being (762) -- language (749) -- computer (741) +- being (772) +- language (750) +- computer (742) - numbers (738) -- things (727) -- something (727) -- simple (720) -- without (681) +- things (734) +- something (733) +- simple (722) +- without (682) - programming (665) - function (665) -- these (639) +- these (642) - different (634) -- however (630) -- world (589) -- system (577) -- should (577) -- doesn (568) +- however (631) +- world (590) +- system (578) +- should (575) +- doesn (569) - games (566) -- point (556) -- society (549) -- while (529) -- though (524) +- point (558) +- society (550) +- while (534) +- though (526) - drummyfish (517) +- using (510) - memory (508) -- using (507) - still (506) -- possible (499) +- possible (500) - similar (491) -- course (490) -- simply (487) +- course (491) +- simply (490) - technology (484) - https (463) -- really (448) -- always (446) -- value (443) -- extremely (438) -- basically (434) +- really (449) +- always (449) +- value (444) +- extremely (443) +- basically (440) latest changes: ``` +Date: Sun Jun 16 20:14:55 2024 +0200 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Date: Sat Jun 15 01:24:09 2024 +0200 @@ -107,27 +128,6 @@ Date: Sat Jun 15 01:24:09 2024 +0200 - - - - -Date: Thu Jun 13 20:56:20 2024 +0200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ``` most wanted pages: @@ -163,22 +163,22 @@ most popular and lonely pages: - [game]( (140) - [suckless]( (137) - [proprietary]( (119) +- [kiss]( (96) - [computer]( (96) -- [kiss]( (95) -- [modern]( (93) +- [modern]( (94) - [minimalism]( (89) - [linux]( (89) - [gnu]( (85) - [free_culture]( (81) - [programming]( (80) - [fun]( (79) +- [less_retarded_society]( (77) +- [censorship]( (77) - [math]( (76) -- [less_retarded_society]( (76) -- [censorship]( (76) - [public_domain]( (75) - [hacking]( (75) - [foss]( (75) -- [fight_culture]( (74) +- [fight_culture]( (75) - [bullshit]( (73) - [art]( (72) - [programming_language]( (71) diff --git a/ b/ index 8a2a6b8..4efcb19 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ *3 + 2 = 5^[citation_needed]* --Wikipedia -Wikipedia is an "officially non-commercial", partially [free/open]( [censored]( ("child protecting", "ideology filtering", ...) [pseudoleftist]( [online]( [encyclopedia]( of general knowledge and [social network]( written mostly by volunteers, running on [free software](, which used to be editable by anyone but currently allows only politically approved members of the public to edit a subset of its less visible non-locked articles (i.e. it is a [wiki](; it is the largest and perhaps most famous encyclopedia created to date, now sadly already littered by propaganda and countless other issues that make it not only inferior to other encyclopedias, but harmful to whole society. It is licensed under [CC-BY-SA]( and is run by the "[nonprofit](" organization Wikimedia Foundation. It is accessible at Wikipedia is a mainstream information source and therefore extremely politically censored^1234567891011121314151617181920. Wikipedia's claim of so called "neutral point of view" (NPOV) has by now become a hilarious insult to human intelligence. It got corrupted and turned from documenting and recording truth to defining it -- for this [digdeeper]( aptly called Wikipedia the *Ministry of Truth*. +Wikipedia is a "non-commercial", partially [free/open](, highly [censored]( ("child protecting", "ideology filtering", ...) [pseudoleftist]( [online]( [encyclopedia]( of general knowledge and a [social network]( written largely by volunteers, [corporations]( and political activists, running on [free software](, which used to be editable by anyone but currently allows only politically approved members of the public to edit a subset of its less visible non-locked articles (i.e. it is a [wiki](; it is the largest and perhaps most famous encyclopedia created to date, now sadly already littered by propaganda and countless other issues that make it not only inferior to other encyclopedias, but harmful to whole society. It is licensed under [CC-BY-SA]( and is run by the "[nonprofit](" organization Wikimedia Foundation. It is accessible at Wikipedia is a mainstream information source and therefore extremely politically censored^1234567891011121314151617181920. Wikipedia's claim of so called "neutral point of view" (NPOV) has by now become a hilarious insult to human intelligence. It got corrupted and turned from documenting and recording truth to defining it -- for this [digdeeper]( aptly called Wikipedia the *Ministry of Truth*. WARNING: **DO NOT DONATE TO WIKIPEDIA** as the donations aren't used so much for running the servers but rather for their political activities (which are furthermore [unethical]( See Rather **donate to [Encyclopedia Dramatica](**. Also please **go vandalize Wikipedia right now**, it's become too corrupt and needs to go down, vandalizing is [fun]( and you'll get banned sooner or later anyway :) Some tips on vandalizing Wikipedia can be found at or @@ -93,4 +93,5 @@ Due to the corruption and increasing censorship of Wikipedia it is important to - [Intellipedia]( - [Citizendium]( - [Infogalactic]( -- [wikiwikiweb]( \ No newline at end of file +- [wikiwikiweb]( +- [lame]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 8015b1f..6e2dcaa 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ Windows has these disadvantages (this is just a few things, we can't possibly as Some people still decide to use it. +**Should we compile our programs for Window$?** [Free software]( supporters regularly debate this question, some say we shouldn't make Window$ versions of free programs so as to not support the platform. Nevertheless even such purists as [GNU]( make Window$ versions of their programs with the justification that providing Window$ useds with the taste of freedom may convince them to leave the system (though their critics may equally see it as mere populism, i.e. just making their program more popular). It is probably true that making some free tools available on Window$ makes a transition to a free system easier just by making the transition more gradual: the used first learns to use free tools, then switches the underlying system, as opposed to making one giant leap into a completely foreign environment. { This is how it worked for myself anyway. ~drummyfish } **Nevertheless** our [LRS]( point of view is yet a bit different -- we oppose any kind of [censorship](, artificial scarcity and so on, including actively breaking compatibility (which includes not making something compatible if it is trivial to do), we simply refuse to be overlords strategically dictating whether something should work or not, that would be the [evil]( way. For this our advice is: if it's easy to make your program work somewhere, make it work there. Never put extra effort into lowering compatibility or accessibility. If you just don't care about some platform or it would present too much trouble for you to make it compatible, it's fine to not do it, but at least make it easy for others to do for you. So yes, you can (and probably should) make a Window$ version of your program, but it is also OK to have a bit of [fun]( while doing so -- for example [Anarch]( on Window$ warns the player that his operating system is [malware]( :) **How to compile shit for Window$ when you don't have Window$?** There are several ways: for [C]( (or C++ etc.) programs you may comfortably use e.g. MinGW ([mingw]( (basically the GNU compilers + binary tools compiled and packaged for Window$) -- this you can either run natively under GNU/Linux (look for mingw packages) or you may run the Window$ versions of it under [wine]( or in some [VM]( such as [qemu]( or virtualbox (where you may additionally also test the compiled program); you may also theoretically e.g. make a web browser version of your program (with stuff like emscripten) which will run on all OSes. + ## Versions TODO