Update shit

Miloslav Ciz 2 years ago
parent 5db91153c8
commit cb4c18f285

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Antivirus Paradox
{ I think this paradox must have had another established name even before antiviruses, but I wasn't able to find anything. If you know it, let me know. ~drummyfish }
Antivirus paradox is the paradox of someone who's job it is to eliminate certain undesirable phenomenon actually having an interest in keeping this phenomenon existing so as to keep his job. A typical example is an [antivirus](antivirus.md) company having an interest in the existence of dangerous [viruses](virus.md) and malware so as to keep their business running; in fact antivirus companies themselves secretly create and release viruses and malware.
In [capitalism](capitalism.md) and other systems requiring people to have jobs this paradox prevents progress, i.e. actual elimination of undesirable phenomena, hence capitalism and similar systems are anti-progress. And not only that, the system pressures people to artificially creating new undesirable phenomena (e.g. lack of [women](woman.md) in tech and similar [bullshit](bs.md)) just to create new jobs that "fight" this phenomena. In a truly good society where people are not required to have jobs and in which people aim to eliminate [work](work.md) this paradox disappears.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Bloat
Bloat is a very wide term that in the context of software and technology means extreme growth in terms of source code size, complexity, number of [dependencies](dependency.md), useless features and resource usage, all of which lead to inefficient, badly designed technology with bugs and [security](security.md) vulnerabilities, as well as **loss of [freedom](free_software.md)**, waste of human effort and great obscurity and ugliness. Bloat is extremely bad and one of the greatest technological issues of today. Creating bloat is bad engineering at it worst and unfortunately it is what's absolutely taking over all technology nowadays, mostly due to [capitalism](capitalism.md), commercialization, consumerism and incompetent people trying to take on jobs they are in no way qualification to do.
Bloat is a very wide term that in the context of software and technology means extreme growth in terms of source code size, complexity, number of [dependencies](dependency.md), useless features and resource usage, all of which lead to inefficient, badly designed technology with bugs and [security](security.md) vulnerabilities, as well as **loss of [freedom](free_software.md)**, waste of human effort and great obscurity and ugliness. Bloat is extremely bad and one of the greatest technological issues of today. Creating bloat is bad engineering at it worst and unfortunately it is what's absolutely taking over all technology nowadays, mostly due to [capitalism](capitalism.md), commercialization, consumerism and incompetent people trying to take on jobs they are in no way qualified to do.
[LRS](lrs.md), [suckless](suckless.md) and some others small groups are trying to address the issue and write software that is good, minimal, safe, efficient and well functioning. Nevertheless our numbers are very small and in this endeavor we are basically standing against the whole world and the most powerful tech corporations.
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ One of a very frequent questions you may hear a noob ask is **"How can bloat lim
## Example of Bloat
- [Web](web.md) since the onset of "web 2.0" has been steadily becoming more and more bloated with things such as Adobe Flash and [JavaScript](javascript.md). By today the situation about web bloat is reaching almost unbearable levels, especially in modern sites such as [YouTube](youtube.md). For a great read see [The Website Obesity Crisis](https://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm).
- [Web](web.md) since the onset of "web 2.0" has been steadily becoming more and more bloated with things such as Adobe Flash and [JavaScript](javascript.md). By today the situation about web bloat is reaching almost unbearable levels, especially in [modern](modern.md) sites such as [YouTube](youtube.md). For a great read see [The Website Obesity Crisis](https://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm).
- Ads, [spyware](spyware.md), [DRM](drm.md), anti-cheats, anti-viruses, anti-repair and other anti-user "features" are bloat.
- Desktop environments such as [KDE](kde.md) and [GNOME](gnome.md). The concept of a desktop environment itself is often considered bloat.
- [Windows](windows.md).
- [Windows](windows.md)
- [Blender](blender.md)
- [CMake](cmake.md)

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ int main(void)
Besides being extra careful about writing memory safe code, one needs to also know that **some functions of the standard library are memory unsafe**. This is regarding mainly string functions such as `strcpy` or `strlen` which do not check the string boundaries (i.e. they rely on not being passed a string that's not zero terminated and so can potentially touch memory anywhere beyond); safer alternatives are available, they have an `n` added in the name (`strncpy`, `strnlen`, ...) and allow specifying a length limit.
## Different Behavior between C and C++
## Different Behavior Between C And C++
C is **not** a subset of C++, i.e. not every C program is a C++ program (for simple example imagine a C program in which we use the word `class` as an identifier). Furthermore a C program that is at the same time also a C++ program may behave differently when compiled as C vs C++. Of course, all of this may also apply between different standards of C, not just between C and C++.

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Programming in C works like this:
2. You compile the file with a C [compiler](compiler.md) such as [gcc](gcc.md) (which is just a program that turns source code into a runnable program). This gives you the executable program.
3. You run the program, test it, see how it works and potentially get back to modifying the source code (step 1).
So, for writing the source code you'll need a [text editor](text_editor.md); any [plain text](plain_text.md) editor will do but you should use some that can highlight C [syntax](syntax.md) -- this helps very much when programming and is practically a necessity. Ideal editor is [vim](vim.md) but it's a bit difficult to learn so you can use something as simple as [Gedit](gedit.md) or [Geany](geany.md). We do NOT recommend using huge programming [IDEs](ide.md) such as "VS Code" and whatnot. You definitely can NOT use an advanced document editor that can format text such as [LibreOffice](libreoffice.md) or that [shit](shit.md) from Micro$oft, this won't work because it's not plain text.
So, for writing the source code you'll need a [text editor](text_editor.md); any [plain text](plain_text.md) editor will do but you should use some that can highlight C [syntax](syntax.md) -- this helps very much when programming and is practically a necessity. Ideal editor is [vim](vim.md) but it's a bit difficult to learn so you can use something as simple as [Gedit](gedit.md) or [Geany](geany.md). We do NOT recommend using huge programming [IDEs](ide.md) such as "VS Code" and whatnot. You definitely can NOT use an advanced document editor that works with [rich text](rich_text.md) such as [LibreOffice](libreoffice.md) or that [shit](shit.md) from Micro$oft, this won't work because it's not plain text.
Next you'll need a C [compiler](compiler.md), the program that will turn your source code into a runnable program. We'll use the most commonly used one called [gcc](gcc.md) (you can try different ones such as [clang](clang.md) or [tcc](tcc.md) if you want). If you're on a [Unix](unix.md)-like system such as [GNU](gnu.md)/[Linux](linux.md) (which you probably should), gcc is probably already installed. Open up a terminal and write `gcc` to see if it's installed -- if not, then install it (e.g. with `sudo apt install build-essential` if you're on a Debian-based system).

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*Capitalism is [cancer](cancer.md) of society.*
Capitalism is the worst economic system we've yet seen in the history.^[source](logic.md) Literally based on pure greed, abandoning all morals and putting profit above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete and suffer for basic needs. Capitalism is anti-progress, anti-technology, anti-freedom, supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people, destruction of environment, decline of morals, invention of [bullshit](bullshit.md), [torture](marketing.md) of people and much more.
Capitalism is the worst economic system we've yet seen in the history.^[source](logic.md) Literally based on pure greed, abandoning all morals and putting profit above everything else including preservation of life itself, capitalism fuels the worst in people and forces them to compete and suffer for basic needs. Capitalism is anti-progress (see e.g. [antivirus paradox](antivirus_paradox.md)), anti-technology, anti-freedom, supports immense waste of resources, wars, abuse of people, destruction of environment, decline of morals, invention of [bullshit](bullshit.md), [torture](marketing.md) of people and animals and much more.
Capitalism produces the [worst imaginable technology](capitalist_software.md), and rewards people for [being cruel to others](entrepreneur.md). It also inevitably leads to societal [collapse](collapse.md); in capitalism people own nothing and become wholly dependent on corporations which exploit this fact to abuse them. This is achieved by [slowly boiling the frogs](slowly_boiling_the_frog.md). No one owns anything, products become services (your car won't drive without Internet connection and permission from its manufacturer), all independency and decentralization is lost in favor of a highly fragile and interdependent economy and infrastructure of services. Then only a slight break in the chain is enough to bring the whole civilization down.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Comment
Comment is part of program's [source code](source_code.md) that doesn't affect the program's behavior in any way (it's invisible to the [compiler](compiler.md)) and mostly serves only to hold information for human programmers (even though it can sometimes contain additional information such as metadata and autodocumentation information).
Comment is part of computer code that doesn't affect how the code is interpreted by the computer and is intended to hold information for humans (even though comments can sometimes contain additional information for computers such as metadata and autodocumentation information). There are comments in basically all [programming languages](programming_language.md), they usually start with `//`, `#`, `/*` and similar symbols.
**You should comment you source code.** General tips on commenting:

@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ Again not a question... sure, nothing is perfect, I still believe this can be he
[Git](git.md), the articles are written in [markdown](md.md) and converted to [HTML](html.md) with a simple script.
### I don't want my name associated with this, can you remove a reference to myself or my software from your wiki?
### Are you retarded?
:( Maybe, but even a stupid person can sometimes have smart ideas.

@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
# Jokes
Here you can shitpost your jokes that are somehow related to this wiki's topic. Just watch out for [copyright](copyright.md)!
Here you can shitpost your jokes that are somehow related to this wiki's topic. Just watch out for [copyright](copyright.md) (co copy-pastes, no pastes of long jokes)!
Please do NOT post lame "big-bang-theory" jokes like *sudo make sandwich* or *there are 10 types of people*.
{ Some jokes are original, some are shamelessly pulled from other sites and reworded. I don't believe [copyright](copyright.md) can apply if the expression of a joke is different, ideas can't be copyrighted. ~drummyfish }
{ Many of the jokes are original, some are shamelessly pulled from other sites and reworded. I don't believe [copyright](copyright.md) can apply if the expression of a joke is different, ideas can't be copyrighted. ~drummyfish }
- [C++](cpp.md)
- What's the worst kind of lag? Gulag.
- What's the worst kind of [lag](lag.md)? Gulag.
- Ingame chat: "What's the country in the middle of west Africa?" [BANNED]
- I have a mentally ill friend who tried to design the worst [operating system](os.md) on purpose. It boots for at least 10 minutes, then it changes the user's desktop background to random ads and it randomly crashes to make the user angry. He recently told me he is getting sued by [Microsoft](microsoft.md) for violating their look and feel.
- Do you use [Emacs](emacs.md)? No, I already have an [operating system](os.md).
- `alias bitch=sudo`
- a joke for minimalists:
- Political activists walk into a bar. [Pseudoleftist](pseudoleft) tells his friends: "hey guys, how about we have oppressive rulers and call them a [government](government.md)?" Capitalist says: "well no, let's have oppressive rulers and call them [corporations](corporation.md)". [Liberal](liberal.md) replies: "Why not both?". Monarchist goes: "no, it's all wrong, let's have oppressive rulers and call them Kings." To this pseudo communist says: "that's just shit, let's have oppressive rulers and call them the [proletariat](proletariat.md)". Then [anarcho pacifist](anpac.md) turns to them and says: "Hmmm, how about we don't have any oppressive rulers?". They lynch him.
- There are a lot of jokes at https://jcdverha.home.xs4all.nl/scijokes/.
- Does the invisible hand exist in the [free market](free_market.md)? Maybe, but if so then all it's doing is masturbating.
- 90% of statistics are fake.
- When will they remove the *[touch](touch.md)* and *[kill](kill.md)* commands from [Unix](unix.md)? Probably when they rename *[man pages](man_page.md)* to *person pages*.
- If [law](law.md) was viewed as a programming code, it would be historically the worst case of [bloated](bloat.md) [spaghetti code](spaghetti_code.md) littered with [magic constants](magic_constant.md), undefined symbols and dead code, which is additionally deployed silently and without any [testing](testing.md). Yet it's the most important algorithm of our society.
- At the beginning there was [machine code](machine_code.md). Then they added [assembly](assembly.md) on top of it to make it more comfortable. To make programs portable they created an [operating system](os.md) and a layer of [syscalls](syscall.md). Except it didn't work because other people made other operating systems with different syscalls. So to try to make it portable again they created a high-level language [compiler](compiler.md) on top of it. To make it yet more comfortable they created yet a higher level language and made a [transpiler](transpiler.md) to the lower level language. To make building more platform independent and comfortable they created [makefiles](makefile.md) on top of it. However, more jobs were needed so they created [CMake](cmake.md) on top of makefiles, just in case. It seems like CMake nowadays seems too low level so a new layer will be needed above all the meta-meta-meta build systems. I wonder how high of a tower we can make, maybe they're just trying to get a Guinness world for the greatest bullshit sandwich in history.
## See Also

@ -80,5 +80,11 @@ It is also possible to talk about LRS data formats, standards, designs and conce
- **[qoi](qio.md)**: Lossless [compression](compression.md) image format in < 1000 LOC, practically as good as [png](png.md).
- **[reverse polish notation](rpn.md)** as opposed to traditional expression notation with brackets, operator precedence and other [bloat](bloat.md).
- **[set theory](set_theory.md)**: Basis of all [mathematics](math.md).
- **[textboards](textboard.md)** and **[imageboards](imageboard.md)** as opposed to [forums](forum.md) (no registration, no users, simple interface)
- **[Turing machine](turing_machine.md)**: Minimal definition of a [computer](computer.md).
- **[textboards](textboard.md)**, **[imageboards](imageboard.md)** and pure [HTML](html.md) personal websites as opposed to [forums](forum.md) (no registration, no users, simple interface) or even [social networks](social_network.md)
- **[Turing machine](turing_machine.md)**: Minimal definition of a [computer](computer.md).
Other technology than software may also be aligned with LRS principles, e.g.:
- Simple cheap **[bicycle](bicycle.md)** without changing gears, as opposed to e.g. a [car](car.md).
- **[Knives](knife.md)** are pretty less retarded.

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ NOTE: You may be thinking that it doesn't really matter if you waive your rights
For an example of a project project properly released into public domain see the repository of our [LRS](lrs.md) game [Anarch](anarch.md).
## Where to Find Public Domain Works
## Where To Find Public Domain Works
There are quite a few places on the Internet where you may find public domain works. But firstly let there be a warning: you always **have to** check the public domain status of works you find, it is extremely common for people on the Internet to not know what public domain is or how it works so you will find many *false positives* that are called public domain but are, in fact, not. This article should have given you a basic how-to on how to recognize and check public domain works. With this said, here is a list of some places to search (of course, this list will rot with time):

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
United States of America (USA, US or just "murika") is a [dystopian](dystopia.md) country of fat, stupid fascist people enslaved by [capitalism](capitalism.md), people endlessly obsessed with money and wars. USA consists of 50 states located in North America, a continent that ancestors of Americans invaded and have stolen from Indians, the natives whom Americans murdered.
USA is very similar to [North Korea](north_korea.md): in both countries the people are successfully led to believe their country is the best. North Korea is ruled by a single political party, US is ruled by two practically same militant capitalist parties (democrats and republicans), i.e. de-facto one party as well. Both countries are obsessed with weapons and their military, both are highly and openly [fascist](fascism.md) (nationalist). Both countries are full of extreme [propaganda](propaganda.md), [censorship](censorship.md) and greatly support cult of personality, people worship dictators such as Kim Jong-un or [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md). US is even worse than North Korea because it exports its toxic culture over the whole world, it is destroying all other cultures and leads the whole world to doom and destruction of all life.
In US mainstream [politics](politics.md) there exists no true left, only [right](left_right.md) and [pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md). It is only in extreme underground, out of the sight of most people, where occasionally something good comes into existence as an exception to a general rule that nothing good comes from the US. One of these exceptions is [free software](free_software.md) (established by [Richard Stallman](rms.md)) which was however quickly smothered by the capitalist [open source](open_source.md) counter movement.

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Let's note a few positive and negative points about Wikipedia, as of 2022. Some
And the bad things are:
- Wikipedia is **censored and biased**, even though it [proclaims the opposite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:What_Wikipedia_is_not#Wikipedia_is_not_censored) (which makes it much worse by misleading people). "Offensive" material is removed as well as material connected to some controversial resources (e.g the link to 8chan, https://8kun.top, is censored). There is a heavy **[pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md) and [soyence](soyence.md) bias** in the articles.
- Wikipedia is **censored and biased**, even though it [proclaims the opposite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:What_Wikipedia_is_not#Wikipedia_is_not_censored) (which makes it much worse by misleading people). "Offensive" material and material not aligned with [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) propaganda is removed as well as material connected to some controversial resources (e.g the link to 8chan, https://8kun.top, is censored, as well as [Nina Paley](nina_paley.md)'s Jenndra Identitty comics and much more). There is a heavy **[pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md) and [soyence](soyence.md) bias** in the articles.
- Wikipedia includes material under **[fair use](fair_use.md)**, such as screenshots from proprietary games, which makes it partially [proprietary](proprietary.md), i.e. Wikipedia is technically **NOT 100% free**. Material under fair use is still proprietary and can put remixers to legal trouble (e.g. if they put material from Wikipedia to a commercial context), even if the use on Wikipedia itself is legal (remember, proprietary software is legal too).
- Wikipedia often suffers from writing inconsistency, bad structure of text and **poor writing** in general. In a long article you sometimes find repeating paragraphs, sometimes a lot of stress is put on one thing while mentioning more important things only briefly, the level of explanation expertness fluctuates etc. This is because in many articles most people make small contributions without reading the whole article and without having any visions of the whole. And of course there are many contributors without any writing skills.
- Wikipedia is **too popular** which has the negative side effect of becoming a political battlefield. This is one of the reasons why there has to be a lot of **bureaucracy**, including things such as **locking of articles** and the inability to edit everything. Even if an article can technically be edited by anyone, there are many times people watching and reverting changes on specific articles. So Wikipedia can't fully proclaim it can be "edited by anyone".

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Wizard
Wizard is a male [virgin](virgin.md) who is at least 30 years old ([female](female.md) virgins of such age haven't been seen yet). The word is sometimes also used for a man who's just very good with [computers](computer.md). These two sets mostly overlap so it rarely needs to be distinguished which meaning we intend.

@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
A woman (also femoid or succubus) is one of two genders of humans, the other one being [man](man.md). Women are notoriously bad at [programming](programming.mg), [math](math.md) and [technology](technology.md): in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit](bullshit.md) (and harmful) positions such as some "diversity department", [marketing](marketing.md), "HR" or [UI](ui.md)/[user experience](ux.md). If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](coding.md)" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming](programming.md)) in a baby language such as [Python](python.md) or [Javascript](javascript.md). Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work.
Women also can't drive, operate machines, they can't compare even to the worst men in sports, both physical and mental such as [chess](chess.md). Women have to have separate leagues and more relaxed rules, e.g. the title Woman Grand Master (WGM) in chess has far lower requirements to obtain than regular Grand Master (GM). (Just as of this moment in the FIDE database there are 19 living male players rated better than the best woman ever was; also none of them is [black](nigger.md), only one is Indian). Of course one might argue that worse performance of women in chess is caused culturally; women aren't led so much to playing chess, therefore there is fewer women in chess and so the probability of a good woman player appearing is lower. This may be partially true even though genetic factors seem at least equally important and it may equally be true that not so many women play chess simply because they're not naturally good at it; nevertheless the fact that women are generally worse at chess than men stands, regardless of its cause.
But of course there exist exceptions, even though rare. The issue is women are very often involved with a cult such as the feminists who waste their effort on fighting men instead of focusing on study and creation of real technology, and on actually loving it. They don't see technology as a beautiful field of art and science, they see it as a battlefield, a political tool to be weaponized to achieve social status, revenge on society etc. They can't understand the pure joy of [programming](programming.md), the love of creation for its own sake, they think more in terms of "learning to code will get me new followers on social networks" etc. You will never find a basement dweller programmer of female gender, a hacker who is happy existing in a world of his own programs without the need for approval or external reward, a woman will never be able to understand this.
# Women in Tech
Finding famous women capable in technology is almost a futile task. One of the most famous women of [modern](modern.md) tech, even though more an entrepreneur than engineer, was [Elizabeth Holmes](elizabeth_holmes.md) who, to the feminists' dismay, turned out to be a complete fraud and is now facing criminal charges. [Grace Hopper](grace_hopper) (not "grass hopper" lol) is a woman actually worth mentioning for her contribution to programming languages. [Ada Lovelace](ada_lovelace.md) cited by the feminist propaganda as "the first programmer" also didn't actually do anything besides scribbling a note about a computer completely designed by a man. Then there are also some individuals who just contributed to the downfall of the technology who are, in terms of gender, probably more on the woman side, but their actual classification is actually pretty debatable -- these people are not even worth mentioning.
Finding famous women capable in technology is almost a futile task. One of the most famous women of [modern](modern.md) tech, even though more an entrepreneur than engineer, was [Elizabeth Holmes](elizabeth_holmes.md) who, to the feminists' dismay, turned out to be a complete fraud and is now facing criminal charges. [Grace Hopper](grace_hopper) (not "grass hopper" lol) is a woman actually worth mentioning for her contribution to programming languages. [Ada Lovelace](ada_lovelace.md) cited by the feminist propaganda as "the first programmer" also didn't actually do anything besides scribbling a note about a computer completely designed by a man. This just shows how desperate the feminist attempts at finding capable women in tech are. Then there are also some individuals who just contributed to the downfall of the technology who are, in terms of gender, probably more on the woman side, but their actual classification is actually pretty debatable -- these are monstrosities with pink hair who invented such [cancer](cancer.md) as [COCs](coc.md) and are not even worth mentioning.
In the related field of [free culture](free_culture.md) there is a notable woman, [Nina Paley](nina_paley.md), that has actually done some nice things for the promotion of free culture and also standing against the pseudoleftist fascism.
In the related field of [free culture](free_culture.md) there is a notable woman, [Nina Paley](nina_paley.md), that has actually done some nice things for the promotion of free culture and also standing against the [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) fascism by publishing a series of comics with a character named Jenndra Identitty, a parody of fascist trannies.
In [science](science.md) at wide we occasionally find a capable woman, for example Marie Curie.