Miloslav Ciz 2 years ago
parent 3baebd77d6
commit cce9ab1229

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# BS

@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ But how can possibly a [FOSS]( program be abusive? Let's mention a few e
- **Licenses can by bypassed**, e.g. [copyleft]( was legally eliminated by [Google]('s [Android]( which is based on copylefted [Linux]( their proprietary Play Store is a 3rd party program to which the copyleft doesn't apply but which is essential for Android and serves to control Android (which should have been prevented by the copyleft).This is an example of a FOSS "protection mechanism" failing under capitalist pressure.
- Setting up a **discriminatory, fascist and toxic development environment**, e.g. in the form of [codes of conduct]( This allows to bully and "cancel" developers who are, for whatever reason, unwelcome.
The essential issue of capitalist software is in its goal: profit. This goal goes before and eventually against goals such as helping and respecting the users. A free license is a mere obstacle on the way towards this goal, an obstacle that may for a while slow down corporation from abusing the users, but which will eventually be overcome just by the sheer power of the market environment which works on the principles of Darwinian evolution: those who make most profit, by any way, survive and thrive.
The essential issue of capitalist software is in its goal: profit. This doesn't have to mean making money directly, profit can also mean e.g. gaining popularity and political power. This goal goes before and eventually against goals such as helping and respecting the users. A free license is a mere obstacle on the way towards this goal, an obstacle that may for a while slow down corporation from abusing the users, but which will eventually be overcome just by the sheer power of the market environment which works on the principles of Darwinian evolution: those who make most profit, by any way, survive and thrive.
Therefore "fixing" capitalist software is only possible via redefinition of the basic goal to just developing selfless software that's good for the people (as opposed to making software for profit). This approach requires eliminating or just greatly limiting capitalism itself, at least from the area of technology. We need to find other ways than profit to motivate development of software and yes, other ways do exist (morality, social status, fun etc.).

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Collapse of our civilization is something that's very likely coming very soon: we are especially focusing on a very probable **technological collapse** (caused by badly designed technology as well as its wrong application and extreme overuse causing a dangerous dependence) but of course clues point to it coming from many directions (ecological, economical, political, natural disasters such as a coronal mass ejection etc.). Recently there has even appeared a specific term *collapsology* referring to the study of the potential collapse.
There is a [reddit]( community for discussing the collapse at
There is a [reddit]( community for discussing the collapse at [WikiWikiWeb]( has a related discussion under *ExtinctionOfHumanity*.
In technological world a lot of people are concerned with the collapse, notable the [collapse OS](, an operating system meant to run on simple [hardware]( after the technological supply chain collapses and renders development of modern computers impossible. They believe the collapse will happen before 2030. The chip shortage and energy crisis of 2020s are one of the first warnings and shows how fragile the systems really is.

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Drummyfish
Drummyfish is a [LRS]( software programmer that invented the term [less retarded software]( for the kind of based software he writes. Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib]( and [SAF](
Drummyfish (also tastyfish, drumy etc.) is a [LRS]( software programmer that invented the term [less retarded software]( for the kind of [suckless]( software he writes. Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib]( and [SAF](
Aside from creating [LRS]( drummyfish has contributed to a few [FOSS]( projects such as [OpenMW]( He's been contributing with [public domain]( art and writings to [Wikipedia](, [Wikimedia Commons](, [opengameart](, [libregamewiki]( and others.
Doxx: his real name is Miloslav Číž, he was born in 1990 and lives in Moravia, Czech Republic. He studied [compsci]( focused on [computer graphics]( in a University and got a master's degree, but subsequently refused to work in the industry, partly because of his views (manifested in [LRS]( and partly because of mental health issues.

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Here let be listed exercises for the readers of this wiki. You can allow yoursel
2. Say we have an algorithm that finds all pairs of equal numbers in an array of numbers of length *N* and adds all of these (unordered) pairs to a set *S*. The algorithm is (pseudocode): `for i := 0 to N: for j := 0 to N: if numbers[i] == numbers[j]: add(S,pair(i,j))`. How can we optimize the algorithm in terms of its execution speed (i.e. make it perform fewer operations while keeping its results the same)? How did the asymptotic time complexity ("big O") class change?
3. In computer graphics, what is the difference between ray casting, ray tracing and path tracing?
4. Why are manhole lids round and not square?
5. Give one real-life example of each of the following binary [relation]( types: [transitive]( but not equivalence, non-transitive, [antisymmetric]( and symmetric at the same time, [asymmetric](, non-trivial [equivalence](
## Solutions
@ -37,4 +38,13 @@ They are all image-order methods of 3D [rendering]( [Ray casting](
**solution 4**:
Round lid can't fall into the hole.
Round lid can't fall into the hole.
**solution 5**:
- transitive, not equivalence: *A* is a descendant from *B*.
- non-transitive: *A* is a friend of *B*.
- symmetric: *A* had sex with *B*.
- antisymmetric and symmetric: *A* is *B*.
- asymmetric: *A* is a mother of *B*.
- non-trivial equivalence: *A* is of same age as *B*.

@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ This is not a question you dummy. Have you even read the title of this page? Any
Again not a question... sure, nothing is perfect, I still believe this can be helpful to someone. You shouldn't take facts from a random website for granted. If you wanna help me correct errors, email me.
### How can you use [CC0]( if you, as anarchists, reject laws and intellectual property?
We use it to **remove** law from our project. Using a [license]( such as [GFDL]( would mean we're keeping our copyright and are willing to execute enforcement of intellectual property laws, however using a CC0 [waiver]( means we GIVE UP all lawful exclusive rights that have been forced on us. This has no negative effects: if law applies, then we use it to remove itself, and if it doesn't, then nothing happens. To those that acknowledge the reality of the fact that adapting proprietary information can lead to being bullied by the state we give a guarantee this won't happen, and others simply don't have to care.
### What software does this wiki use?
[Git](, the articles are written in [markdown]( and converted to [HTML]( with a simple script.

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Jargon File
Jargon File (also Hacker's Dictionary) is a computer [hacker]( dictionary/compendium that's been written and updated by a number of prominent hackers, such as [Richard Stallman]( and [Erik S Raymond](, since 1970. It is a greatly important part of hacker culture and has also partly inspired this very wiki.
It informally states that it's in the [public domain]( and some people have successfully published it commercially, however there is no standard [waiver]( or [license]( -- maybe because such waivers didn't really exist at the time it was started -- and so we have to suppose it is NOT formally [free as in freedom]( Nevertheless it is freely accessible e.g. at [Project Gutenberg]( and no one will bother you if you share it around... we just wouldn't recommend treating it as true public domain.
It is pretty nicely written with great amount of humor and good old political incorrectness, you can e.g. find the definition of terms such as *[rape](* and *clit mouse*. Some other nice terms include *notwork* (non-functioning [network](, [Internet Exploiter](, *binary four* (giving a finger in binary) or *Maggotbox* ([Macintosh]( At the beginning the book gives some theory about how the hacker terms are formed (overgeneralization, comparatives etc.).

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Less Retarded Software
Less retarded software (LRS) is a specific kind of [software]( aiming to be a truly good technology maximally benefiting and respecting its users, following the philosophy of extreme [minimalism]( ([Unix philosophy](, [suckless](, [KISS]( and [freedom]( The term was invented by [drummyfish](
Less retarded software (LRS) is a specific kind of [software]( aiming to be a truly good technology maximally benefiting and respecting its users, following the philosophy of extreme [minimalism]( ([Unix philosophy](, [suckless](, [KISS](, [anarcho pacifism]( and [freedom]( The term was invented by [drummyfish](
## Definition
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ There are other reason for LRS as well, for example it can be very satisfying an
## Politics
LRS is connected to pretty specific political beliefs, but it's not a requirement to share those beliefs to create LRS or be part of its community. You may believe in whatever you want, as long as you create or support LRS, you are part of this. We just think that it doesn't make logical sense to support LRS and not the politics that justifies it. This is up to your own reasoning though.
LRS is connected to pretty specific political beliefs, but it's not a requirement to share those beliefs to create LRS or be part of its community. You may believe in whatever you want, as long as you create or support LRS, you are part of this. We just think that it doesn't make logical sense to support LRS and not the politics that justifies it and from which it is derived. This is up to your own reasoning though.
With that said, the politics behind LRS is [anarcho pacifist]( [communism](, but NOT [pseudoleftism]( (i.e. we do not support political correctness, [COC](, [cancel culture](, Marxism-Leninism etc.). We aim for true social (not necessarily physical) equality of everyone, our technology helps everyone equally. We reject anti-equality means such as violence, bullying, censorship, [governments]( and [capitalism]( We support things such as [universal basic income](
With that said, the politics behind LRS is [anarcho pacifist]( [communism](, but NOT [pseudoleftism]( (i.e. we do not support political correctness, [COC](, [cancel culture](, Marxism-Leninism etc.). We aim for true social (not necessarily physical) equality of everyone, our technology helps everyone equally. We reject anti-equality means such as violence, bullying, censorship, [governments]( and [capitalism]( We support things such as [universal basic income]( and [slow movement](
**We love all living beings**, even those we disagree with and whom we dislike.
@ -87,4 +87,5 @@ Other technology than software may also be aligned with LRS principles, e.g.:
- Simple cheap **[bicycle](** without changing gears, as opposed to e.g. a [car](
- **[Knives](** are pretty less retarded.
- [rocks](

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
# Luke Smith
Luke Smith is an Internet tech mini-celebrity known for making videos about [suckless]( software, independent living in the woods and here and there about historical/political topics. He is bald, about 30 years old and lives in a rural location in Florida (exact coordinates have been doxxed but legally can't be shared here, but let's say you just say the road around his house bears his name). He has a podcast called *Not Related!* in which he discusses things such as alternative historical theories -- actually a great podcast. He has a minimalist 90s style website and his own [peertube]( instace where his videos can be watched if one doesn't want to watch them on [YouTube]( He is the author of [LARBS]( and minimalist recipe site Unfortunately he's a [crypto]( and [brave]( browser shill.
Luke Smith is an Internet tech mini-celebrity known for making videos about [suckless]( software, independent living in the woods and here and there about historical, political, linguist and religious topics. His look has been described as the *default Runescape character*: he is bald, over 30 years old and lives in a rural location in Florida (exact coordinates have been doxxed but legally can't be shared here, but let's just say the road around his house bears his name). He has a podcast called *Not Related!* in which he discusses things such as alternative historical theories -- actually a great podcast. He has a minimalist 90s style website and his own [peertube]( instace where his videos can be watched if one doesn't want to watch them on [YouTube]( He is the author of [LARBS]( and minimalist recipe site Unfortunately he's a [crypto]( and [brave]( browser shill.
He's kind of based but also retarded to a great degree at times, for example he used to shill the [Brave]( browser pretty hard before he realized it was actually a huge scam all along xD Also he's probably a Nazi.
His videos consist of normie-friendly tutorials on suckless software, rants, independent living, live-streams and podcasts. The typical Luke Smith video is him walking somewhere in the middle of a jungle talking about how retarded modern technology is and how everyone should move to the woods.
Luke studies PhD in linguistics but is very critical of academia -- he "speaks" several languages, though many of them to a low level with bad American accent and he can't sometimes even speak English correctly (using phrases such as "the reason is because" etc.). He is a right-winder and talks in meme phrases which makes his "content" kind of enjoyable. He despises such things as [soydevry](, [bloat](, "consoomerism" and [soyence](
Luke studies PhD in linguistics but is very critical of academia -- he "speaks" several languages (including [Latin](, though many of them to a low level with bad American accent and he can't sometimes even speak English correctly (using phrases such as "the reason is because" etc.). He is a self described [right-winder]( and talks in meme phrases which makes his "content" kind of enjoyable. He despises such things as [soydevry](, [bloat](, "consoomerism" and [soyence](
## See Also
- [Mental Outlaw]( Luke's black clone
- [Distro Tube](

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Welcome to [Less Retarded Wiki](, an encyclopedia only I can edit. But you can [fork]( it, it is [public domain]( under [CC0]( :)
This is a Wiki for [less retarded software]( (LRS) and related topics, mainly those of politics and society which LRS should help achieve.
This is a Wiki for [less retarded software]( (LRS) and related topics, mainly those of politics and society which LRS should help achieve. LRS Wiki is a new, refreshing wiki without [political correctness](
**We love all living beings. Even you.** We want to create technology that truly and maximally helps you.

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Marketing is an unethical practice, plentifully used in [capitalism](capitalism.
Specific practices used in marketing are:
- **Lies** and falsehoods. Every ad will present the product as the best, even though not all products can be best. Actors will be paid to lie about how the product changed their life etc. Many times numbers and "facts" whose source is difficult to trace will be completely made up. **Fake discounts** are something constantly presented in ads.
- **Lies** and falsehoods. Every ad will present the product as the best, even though not all products can be best. Actors will be paid to lie about how the product changed their life etc. -- so called **[astroturfing](**. Many times numbers and "facts" whose source is difficult to trace will be completely made up. **Fake discounts** are something constantly presented in ads.
- **Extreme repetition**: this includes repeating the same commercial over and over (e.g. every 10 minutes) as well as repeating the name of the product in a completely retarded way (*"We recommend X because X is the best. For more info about X visit Remember, X is the best. Your X."*).
- **Psychological tricks** such as **abusing songs** and shitty catchy melodies, often raping existing good music by for example changing the lyrics. This abuses the fact that a song will stick in one's head and keep torturing the person into thinking about the advertised product constantly. Other tricks include **shouting** or **fake empathy** ("we care about your" etc.).
- **Misleading statistics**, presentation and interpretation of data. For example any success rate will be presented as the upper bound as such a number will be higher, typically 99% or 100%, i.e. *"our product is successful in up to 100% cases!"* (which of course gives zero information and only says the product won't succeed in more than 100% cases). A company may also run its own competition for a "best product", e.g. on [Facebook](, in which all products are of course their products, and then the winning product will be seen on TV as a "contest winning product".

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
Technological minimalism is a philosophy of designing technology to be as simple as possible while still achieving given goal. Minimalism is one of the most (if not the most) important concepts in [programming]( technology in general. Minimalism goes against complexity of technology which always brings huge cost and dangers, e.g. the cost of maintenance and further development, obscurity, inefficiency ("[bloat](", wasting resources), the increased risk of bugs, errors and failure.
There is a so called *[airplane rule](* that states a plane with two engines has twice as many engine problems than a plane with a single engine.
Up until recently in history every engineer would tell you that *the better machine is that with fewer moving parts*. This still seems to hold in mathematics, an area inhabited by the smartest people, where there is a tendency to look for the most minimal equations -- such equations are considered [beautiful]( Science also knows this rule as the Occam's razor. In technology invaded by aggressive commercialization the situation is different, minimalism lives only in the underground as part of such philosophies as [suckless](, [Unix](, [KISS](, countercomplex and, of course, [less retarded software]( This is bad.
Under [capitalism]( technological minimalism dies with possibly only the "shallow" kind of minimalism ([pseudominimalism]( surviving. This so called "minimalism" tries to make things look minimal only aesthetically and hides ugly overcomplicated internals under this facade. [Apple]( is known for this [shit](

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Pseudo 3D
The term pseudo 3D, also 2.5D or primitive 3D, is used for [computer graphics]( that tries to create the illusion of [3D]( [rendering]( while in fact only utilizing simpler techniques; genuine 3D rendering is in this case called [true 3D]( On consumer computers it is nowadays mostly a thing of the past as everything including cell phones now has a powerful [GPU]( capable or most advanced 3D rendering, nevertheless for [suckless]([KISS]([LRS]( programming the techniques used in the past are very interesting and useful.
For example [BSP rendering]( rendering in early games such as [Doom]( is generally called pseudo 3D in the mainstream, however it is pretty debatable what exactly should classify as true 3D and what not because any computer rendering technique will inevitably have some kind of simplification of the true 3D reality of real life. And so the debate of "was Doom really 3D" arises. One side argues that in Doom's BSP rendering it for example wasn't possible to look up and down or have rooms above other rooms, all due to the limitations of the rendering system which this side sees as "not real 3D". However even modern 3D renderers have limitations such as mostly being able to only render models made out of triangles (while reality can have completely smooth shapes) or having a limited resolution of textures. Where to draw the line for "true 3D" is subjective -- we see it as reasonable to say that **if it looks 3D, it IS 3D**, i.e. we think Doom's graphics WAS really 3D, albeit limited. For this reason we also advise to rather use the term **primitive 3D** rather than pseudo 3D.
Techniques associated with primitive 3D are for example [2D raycasting](, [BSP rendering](, [mode7](, [parallax scrolling](, [voxel space]( terrain rendering or perspective-scaled [sprites](
## See Also
- [sofware rendering](
- [bsp rendering](
- [raycasting](

@ -6,10 +6,16 @@ SW rendering has advantages and disadvantages. Firstly it is **much slower** --
On the other hand SW rendering is more [portable]( (as it can be written in a portable language such as [C](, less [bloated]( and **eliminates the [dependency]( on GPU** so it will be supported almost anywhere as every computer has a CPU, while not all computers (such as [embedded]( devices) have a GPU (or, if they have it, it may not be sufficient, supported or have a required [driver]( SW rendering may also be implemented in a simpler way and it may be easier to deal with as there is e.g. no need to write [shaders]( in a special language, manage transfer of data between CPU and GPU or deal with parallel programming. It is the [KISS]( approach.
SW rendering may also utilize a much wider variety of rendering techniques than only 3D [rasterization]( traditionally used with [GPUs](, thanks to not being limited by hard-wired pipelines. This may include [splatting](, [raytracing]( or [BSP rendering]( (and many other ["pseudo 3D"]( techniques).
A lot of software and rendering frameworks offer both options: accelerated rendering using GPU and SW rendering as a [fallback]( (in case the first option is not possible). Sometimes there exists a rendering [API]( that has both an accelerated and software implementation (e.g. [TinyGL]( for [OpenGL](
For simpler and even somewhat more complex graphics **purely software rendering is a lot of times the best choice**. [LRS]( suggests you prefer this kind of rendering for its simplicity and portability, at least as one possible option. On devices with lower resolution not many pixels need to be computed so SW rendering can actually be pretty fast despite low specs, and on "big" computers there is nowadays usually an extremely fast CPU available that can handle comfortable FPS at higher resolutions. There is a LRS software renderer you can use: [small3dlib](
Note that SW rendering doesn't mean we are not using [GPU]( at all, in fact most personal computers nowadays **require** some kind of GPU to even display anything. SW rendering only means that computation of the image to be displayed doesn't use any hardware specialized for this purpose.
Some SW renderers make use of specialized CPU instructions such as [MMX]( which can make SW rendering faster thanks to handling multiple data in a single step. This is kind of a mid way: it is not using a GPU per se but only a mild form of hardware acceleration. The speed won't reach that of a GPU but will outperform a "pure" SW renderer. However the disadvantage of a hardware dependency is still present: the CPU has to support the MMX instruction set. Good renderers only use these instructions optionally and fall back to general implementation in case MMX is not supported.
Some SW renderers make use of specialized CPU instructions such as [MMX]( which can make SW rendering faster thanks to handling multiple data in a single step. This is kind of a mid way: it is not using a GPU per se but only a mild form of hardware acceleration. The speed won't reach that of a GPU but will outperform a "pure" SW renderer. However the disadvantage of a hardware dependency is still present: the CPU has to support the MMX instruction set. Good renderers only use these instructions optionally and fall back to general implementation in case MMX is not supported.
## See Also
- [pseudo/primitive 3D, 2.5D](

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Systemd
*If this is the solution, I want my problem back.*
Systemd is a pretty bad, [bloated](, [anti-Unix](, [free-licensed]( "software suite" used for initialization of an [operating system]( and handling services like loggging in or managing network connections. It is a so called [PID 1]( process. Systemd has been highly criticised by the proponents of [suckless]( and [LRS]( and even normies for its bloat, anti-Unix-philosophy design, [feature creep](, security vulnerabilities and other stuff. Unfortunately it is being adopted by many [Linux]( distributions including [Arch Linux]( and [Debian](
For more detailed bashing of systemd see e.g.

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Usenet invented many things that survive until today such as the words *[spam](s
Usenet was originally [ASCII]( only, but people started to post binary files encoded as ASCII and there were dedicated sections just for posting binaries, so you co go [piiiiiiiiirating](
It worked like this: there were a number of Usenet servers that all collaborated on keeping a database of *articles* that users posted (very roughly this is similar to how [blockchain]( works nowadays); the servers would more or less mirror each other's content. These servers were called *providers* as they also allowed access to Usenet but this was usually for a fee. The system uses a [NNTP]( (Network News Transfer Protocol) protocol. The articles users posted were also called *posts* or *news*, they were in plain text and were similar to email messages. Other users could reply to posts, creating a discussion thread. Every post was also categorized under certain **newsgroup** that formed a hierarchy (e.g. **). After so called *Big Renaming* in 1987 the system eventually settled on 8 top level hierarchies (called the *Big 8*): comp.* (computers), news.* (news), sci.* (science), rec.* (recreation), soc.* (social), talk.* (talk), misc.* (other) and humanities.* (humanities). There was also another one called alt.* for controversial topics.
It worked like this: there were a number of Usenet servers that all collaborated on keeping a database of *articles* that users posted (very roughly this is similar to how [blockchain]( works nowadays); the servers would more or less mirror each other's content. These servers were called *providers* as they also allowed access to Usenet but this was usually for a fee. The system uses a [NNTP]( (Network News Transfer Protocol) protocol. The articles users posted were also called *posts* or *news*, they were in plain text and were similar to email messages. Other users could reply to posts, creating a discussion thread. Every post was also categorized under certain **newsgroup** that formed a hierarchy (e.g. **). After so called *Big Renaming* in 1987 the system eventually settled on 8 top level hierarchies (called the *Big 8*): comp.* (computers), news.* (news), sci.* (science), rec.* (recreation), soc.* (social), talk.* (talk), misc.* (other) and humanities.* (humanities). There was also another one called alt.* for controversial topics. According to [Jargon File](, by 1996 there was over 10000 different newsgroups.
Usenet was the pre-[web]( web, kind of like an 80s [reddit]( which contained huge amounts of historical information and countless discussions of true computer [nerds]( which are however not easily accessible anymore as there aren't so many archives, they aren't well indexed and Usenet access is normally paid. It's a shame. It is possible to find e.g. initial reactions to the [AIDS]( disease, people asking what the [Internet]( was, people discussing future technologies, the German cannibal (Meiwes) looking for someone to eat (which he eventually did), [Bezos]( looking for [Amazon]( programmers, a heated debate between [Linus Torvalds]( and [Andrew Tanenbaum]( about the best OS architecture (the "Linux is obsolete" discussion) or [Douglas Adams]( talking to his fans. There are also some politically incorrect groups like *alt.niggers* [lol](

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ If you contribute, add yourself to [wiki authors](! You can also
- I've finally decided that with certain exceptions headings should be written like this: **Each Word Of A Heading Is Capitalized**. This is for simplicity.
- **Filenames of articles shall use a lowercase snake_case**.
- **This isn't [Wikipedia](**, memes, opinions and uncensored truths are allowed (and welcome).
- The style of this wiki is **inspired by the famous [WikiWikiWeb](**.
- The style of this wiki is inspired by the classic hacker culture works such as the [WikiWikiWeb]( and [Jargon File](
- **Writing style should be relaxed and in many parts informal**. Formality is used where it is useful (e.g. definitions), most of other text can benefit from being written as a tech conversation among friends.
- **Political incorectness, slurs and "offensive speech" is highly encouraged**.
- **Images**: for now don't embed images. [ASCII art]( can be used in many places instead of an image. Thousand words are worth a picture. Non-embedding links to images are okay.

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# WikiWikiWeb
WikiWikiWeb (also *c2 Wiki* or just *Wiki*) was the first ever created [wiki]( (user editable) website, created in 1994 by [Ward Cunningham]( It was focused on [software engineering]( and computer technology in general but included a lot of discussion and pages touching on related topics, e.g. those of politics, humor or nerd and [hacker]( culture. The principles on which this site worked, i.e. allowing users to edit its pages, greatly influenced a lot of pages that came after that are now generally called [wikis](, of which most famous is [Wikipedia]( The style of WikiWikiWeb was partly an inspiration for our [LRS wiki](
Since 2014 it can no longer be edited, but it's still online. It was originally available at, now at (sadly now requires [JavaScript](, WTF how is this a hacker site???).
The site's engine was kind of [suckless]([KISS](, even Wikipedia looks [bloated]( compared to it. It was pure unformatted [HTML]( that used a very clever system of [hyperlinks]( between articles: any [CamelCase]( multiword in the text was interpreted as a link to an article, so for example the word `SoftwareDevelopment` was automatically a link to a page called *Software Development*. This presented a slight issue e.g. for single-word topics but the creativity required for overcoming the obstacle was part of the [fun](, for example the article on [C]( was called `CeeLanguage`.
Overall the site was also very different from [Wikipedia]( and allowed informal comments, jokes and subjective opinions in the text. It was pretty entertaining to read. There's a lot of old hacker wisdom to be found there.
## Interesting Pages
These are some interesting pages found on the Wiki.
- **CategoryCategory**: List of categories of pages.
- **CategoryHumor**: Humorous pages.
- **ComputerGame**
- **ExtinctionOfHumanity**: Discussing end of humanity and a possible [collapse](
- **GameOfChess**: About [chess](
- **LanguageGotchas**
- **WeirdErrorMessages**
- **WithinTwentyYears**: Mostly pre-2005 predictions about what technology would be like in 20 years, a lot of hits and misses.
## See Also
- [Jargon File](
- [Wikipedia](