This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 1725 additions and 1695 deletions
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ One of a very frequent questions you may hear a noob ask is **"How can bloat lim
| : : ____. . .
luxury | : : ___________/
| : : ________/
| : __:___/
very | : ____/ :
useful | : ___/ :
| : __/ :
| : __:___/ \__________
very | : ____/ : \______
useful | : ___/ : \___
| : __/ : path of degeneracy
| :_/ :
useful | _: :
| | : :
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ One of a very frequent questions you may hear a noob ask is **"How can bloat lim
The **path of [degeneracy](degenerate_software.md)** drawn in the graph shows how from a certain point many software projects actually start getting less powerful and useful as they get more complex -- not all, some project really do stay on the path of increasing their "richness", but this requires great skills, experience, expertise and also a bit of lucky circumstances; in the zone of huge complexity projects start to get extremely difficult to manage -- non-primary tasks such as organization, maintenance and documentation start taking up so many resources that the primary task of actually programming the software suffers, the project crumbles under its own weight and the developers just try to make it fall slower. This happens mostly in projects made by incompetent [soydevs](soydev.md), i.e. most today's projects. { Thanks to a friend for pointing out this idea. ~drummyfish }
Please note there may arise some disagreement among minimalist group about where the band is drawn exactly, especially old Unix hackers could be heard arguing for allowing even trivial programs, maybe as long as the source code isn't shorter than the utility name, but then the discussion might even shift to questions like "what even is a program vs what's just a 10 characters long line" and so on.
Yes, **bloat is also unecological** and no, it cannot be fixed by replacing fossil fuel cars with cars that run on grass and plastic computers by computers made from recycled cardboards mixed with composted horse shit. It is the immense volume of human ACTIVITY that's required by the bloated technology all around the globe that's inherently unecological by wasting so much effort, keeping focus on maximalism, growth and preventing us from frugality and minimizing resource waste. Just as any other [bullshit](bullshit.md) that requires immense resources to just keep maintaining -- great complexity is just absolutely incompatible with ecology and as much as you dislike it, to achieve truly eco-friendly society we'll have to give up what we have now in favor of something orders of magnitude more simple and if you think otherwise, you are just yet too unexperienced (or remained purposefully ignorant) to have seen the big picture already. Consider that your program having bullshit dependencies such as [Python](python.md), [JavaScript](js.md), [C++](cpp.md), [Java](java.md), [OpenGL](opengl.md), [Vulkan](vulkan.md), [GPU](gpu.md), [VR](vr.md) sets, gigabytes of [RAM](ram.md) etcetc. requires having the inherently unecological system up, it needs millions of people doing bullshit jobs that are inherently wasting resources, increasing CO2 and making them not focus on things that have to be done -- yes, even if we replace plastic straws with [paper straws](greenwashing.md). All those people that make the thousand pages standards that are updated every year, reviews of those standards, writing tons and tons of tests for implementations of those standards, electing other people to make those standards, testing their tests, implementing the standards themselves, optimizing them, all of that collectively needing many billions of lines of code and millions of hours of non-programming activities, it all requires complex bureaucracy, organization and management (complex [version control systems](vcs.md), wikis, buildings, meeting spaces, ...) and communication tools and tons of other bullshit recursively spawning more and more waste -- all of these people require cars to go to work every day (even if some work from home, ultimately only a few can work from home 100% of the time and even so millions others need to physically go to factories to make all those computers, electricity, chair, food and other things those people need), they require keeping a high bandwidth 100% uptime global Internet network maintained, all of this requiring extra buildings, offices, factories, roads, buildings for governments overseeing the building of those buildings, maintenance of those roads etcetc. A newbie programmer (99.99999% programmers in the field nowadays) just don't see all this because they lack the big picture, a woman forced into programming has hard time comprehending an if statement, how do you expect her to see the deep interconnections between technology and society -- she may know that OpenGL is "something with graphics" and it's just there on every computer by default, she can't even picture the complexity that's behind what she sees on the screen. Hence the overall retardation. You just cannot have people living ecologically and at the same time have what we have now. So yes, by supporting and/or creating bloat you are killing the planet, whether you agree with it or not. No, you can't find excuses out of this, no, paper straws won't help, just admit you love point and click "programming without math" of your own shitty Minecraft clones in Godot even for the price of eliminating all life on Earth, that's fine (no it's not but it's better to just not bullshit oneself).
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ We can divide computers based on many attributes, e.g.:
- by continuous or discrete **representation of data**: [digital](digital.md) vs [analog](analog.md)
- by **[hardware](hw.md) technology**: [electronic](electronics.md) ("lightning in sand"), [mechanical](mechanical.md), [quantum](quantum.md), biological etc.
- by **purpose**: special purpose vs general purpose, [personal](pc.md), [server](server.md), [embedded](embedded.md), [workstation](workstation.md), [supercomputers](supercomputer.md), [gaming](game.md) computer etc.
- by **purpose**: special purpose vs general purpose, [personal](pc.md), [server](server.md), [calculator](calculator.md), [embedded](embedded.md), [workstation](workstation.md), [supercomputers](supercomputer.md), [gaming](game.md) computer etc.
- by **[programmability](programming.md)**: non-programmable, partially or fully programmable
- by the theoretical **[model of computation](model_of_computation.md)** it is based on: [Turing machine](turing_machine.md), [lambda calculus](lambda_calculus.md) etc.
- by **computational power**: how difficult problems the computer is able to solve, i.e. where in the [Chomsky hierarchy](chomsky_hierarchy.md) it stands (typically we want [Turing complete](turing_completeness.md) computers)
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ This is subjective AF, even within a single man this depends on day, hour and mo
- the `#capitalistchallenge`: Try to win this game, you have as many shots as you want. Go to some tech store, seek the shop assistant and tell him you are deciding to buy one of two products, ask which one he would recommend. If he recommends the cheaper one you win.
- [programming](programming.md)
- [games](game.md) such as [chess](chess.md), [go](go.md) and [shogi](shogi.md), even vidya gaymes (programming them and/or playing them), but only old+libre ones
- [games](game.md) such as [chess](chess.md), [go](go.md) and [shogi](shogi.md), [racetrack](racetrack.md), even vidya gaymes (programming them and/or playing them), but only old+libre ones
- [jokes](jokes.md)
- [open consoles](open_console.md) and [fantasy consoles](fantasy_console.md), cool [embedded](embedded.md) programming without [bullshit](bullshit.md) (see also [SAF](saf.md))
- [open consoles](open_console.md), programmable [calculators](calculator.md) and [fantasy consoles](fantasy_console.md), cool [embedded](embedded.md) programming without [bullshit](bullshit.md) (see also [SAF](saf.md))
- [obfuscating C](ioccc.md), [steganography](steganography.md)
- [marble racing](marble_race.md)
- [Netstalking](netstalking.md)
@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ This is subjective AF, even within a single man this depends on day, hour and mo
- randomly stumbling upon sites on [wiby](https://www.wiby.me/), wikiindex, finding [politically incorrect](political_correctness.md) stuff in old [encyclopedias](encyclopedia.md) and generally just digging out obscure data
- old [Nokia](nokia.md) phones were fun
- [cowsay](cowsay.md)
- math and data visualizations, e.g. [fractals](fractal.md), [phase diagrams](phase_diagram.md) (https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=b-pLRX3L-fg), strange [attractors](attractor.md), [procgen](procgen.md), [cellular automata](cellular_automaton.md), plotting wild 2D [functions](function.md), ...
- [math](math.md) and data visualizations, e.g. [fractals](fractal.md), [phase diagrams](phase_diagram.md) (https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=b-pLRX3L-fg), strange [attractors](attractor.md), [procgen](procgen.md), [cellular automata](cellular_automaton.md), plotting wild 2D [functions](function.md), ...
- ...
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
# Harry Potter
Harry Potter is a [franchise](franchise.md) and universe by an English female writer J. K. Rowling about wizards and magic { like ACTUAL [wizards](wizard.md) and [magic](magic.md). ~drummyfish } that started in 1997 as an immensely successful series of seven children and young adult books, was followed by movies and later on by many other spinoff media such as video [games](game.md). It made J. K. Rowling a billionaire and has become the most famous and successful book series of modern age. At first the books sparked controversies and opposition in religious communities for "promoting witchcraft", in recent years the universe and stories have become a subject of wider political analysis and fights, as most other things.
Harry Potter is a [franchise](franchise.md) and universe by an English [female](woman.md) writer J. K. Rowling about wizards and magic { like ACTUAL [wizards](wizard.md) and [magic](magic.md). ~drummyfish } that started in 1997 as an immensely successful series of seven children and young adult [books](book.md), was followed by movies and later on by many other spinoff media such as video [games](game.md). It made J. K. Rowling a billionaire and has become the most famous and successful book series of modern age. At first the books sparked controversies and opposition in religious communities for "promoting witchcraft", in recent years the universe and stories have become a subject of wider political analysis and [fights](fight_culture.md), as most other things. Commerce and politics destroyed it completely, anything new in the franchise is absolute garbage, but the original books are quite good.
{ The books are actually good -- not the best in the world, I've read many better ones that would better deserve this kind of attention, but still the work is admirable. There is of course tons of money in the franchise so it's getting raped and milked like any other IP capital -- this is of course spoiling and killing the work, so be careful. ~drummyfish }
{ I actually enjoyed the books -- they're not the best in the world, I've read many better ones that would better deserve this kind of attention, but still the work is admirable and of very high quality. There is of course tons of money in the franchise so it's getting raped and milked like any other IP capital, do not follow the new stuff. ~drummyfish }
**Plot summary**: sorry, we're not writing a plot summary here, thank [copyright](copyright.md) laws -- yes, [fair use](fair_use.md) allows us to do it but it would make us [non free](free_culture.md) :) Let's just say the story revolves around a boy named Harry Potter who goes to a wizard school with two friends and they're together *saving the world* from Lord Voldemort, the wizard equivalent of [Hitler](hitler.md). Overall the books start on a very light note and get progressively darker and more adult, turning into a story about "World War II but with wizards'n'magic". It's pretty readable, with great, unique atmosphere, pleasant coziness and elements of many literary genres, there's nice humor and good ideas. Also the lore is very deep.
**Plot summary**: sorry, we're not writing a plot summary here, thank [copyright](copyright.md) laws -- yes, [fair use](fair_use.md) allows us to do it but it would make us [non free](free_culture.md) :) Let's just say the story revolves around a boy named Harry Potter who goes to a wizard school with two friends and they're together *saving the world* from Lord Voldemort, the wizard equivalent of [Hitler](hitler.md). Overall the books start on a very light note and get progressively darker and more adult, turning into a story about "World War II but with magic wands instead of guns". It's pretty readable, with great, unique atmosphere, pleasant coziness and elements of many literary genres, there's nice humor and good ideas. Also the lore is very deep, but sometimes doesn't quite make sense (well, it was made by a woman).
## See Also
- [Lord Of The Rings](lotr.md)
@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
# IQ
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\ /
Please wear a hard hat when reading this page.
@ -32,8 +44,8 @@ TODO
| | SD 6 | SD 5 | SD 4 | SD 3 | SD 2 | SD 1 | SD 1 | SD 2 | SD 3 | SD 4 | SD 5 | SD 6 | |
0 10 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175 190 200
------mental retardation-----------|
-----idiot--|-imbecile-|--moron--| |-dull-|
----mental retardation-----------|
(official medical terminology) |---68.269%---|--------------------------------------1 in 6.3029----------
|----------95.4499%---------|-------------------------------1 in 43.9558---------
|------------------99.73%-----------------|------------------------1 in 740.7956--------
@ -44,10 +56,16 @@ TODO
*IQ follows the normal distribution, measure scales are usually centered at 100 with standard deviation 15, above we see the distribution along with approximate placement of certain groups and individuals. Notice how interesting people are either far to the right or far to the left. Also notice how the smartest you've never heard of while you've heard of all the dumbest.*
**IQ and [race](race.md) and [sex](sex.md)**: IQ is correlated with race and sex. The following is a comparison of groups with various combination of the two factors:
*men (Jew) > men (Asian) > men (White) > men (Brown) > women (Jew) > women (Asian) > women (White) > women (Brown) > men (Black) > women (Black)*
**Is IQ a useful measure and if so, how important is the score?** This is the controversial question discussed over and over, modern "inclusive" society dismisses IQ as basically useless because it points out differences between [races](race.md) etc., some rightist are on the other hand obsessed with IQ too much as it creates a natural hierarchy assigning each man his rank among others. True significance of IQ as a measure seems to be somewhere in between the two extremes here. As it's always noted about IQ, we have to remember the term "intelligence" itself is fuzzy, there doesn't and cannot exist any universal definition of it, so we have trouble even grasping what we're measuring and however we define intelligence, it usually ends up hardly even correlating with "success" or "achievements" or anything similar, so firstly let's see IQ just as what it literally is: a score in some kind of game. Furthermore intelligence is extremely complex and multidimensional (there is spatial and visual intelligence, long and short term memory, language skills, social and emotional intelligence etc.), capturing all this with a single number is inevitably a simplification, the score is just a projected shadow of the intelligence with light cast from certain angle. IQ score definitely does say a lot about some specific kind of "mathematical" intelligence, though even if designed to be so, even in this narrow sense it isn't anywhere near a perfect measure -- though a minority, some mathematicians do score low on IQ tests (Richard Feynman, physics Nobel Prize laureate had famously a relatively low score of 125). It's perhaps good to keep the "IQ tests as a game" mindset -- intelligent people will be probably good at it but some won't, performance can be increased by training, there will be narrowly focused autists who excel at the game but are extremely dumb at everything else etc. Having IQ score predict what we normally understand to be "intelligence" is like having height, weight and age predict how good of a soldier someone will be -- there will be some good correlations, but not nearly perfect ones. Some general IQ range will be necessary for certain tasks such as [programming](programming.md), but rather than +5 on an IQ score things such as education and personality traits will play much more important roles in actually achieving something or creating something good; for example curiosity and determination, the habit of thinking about everything in depth, nonconformity, a skeptical mind, all these are much more important than being a human calculator -- remember, the cheapest calculator will beat the smartest man in multiplying numbers, would you say it is more intelligent?
{ Also consider this: even if you're average, or even a bit below average, you're still homo sapiens, so as long as you're not a [feminist](feminism.md) or [capitalist](capitalism.md) you'll always be the absolute top organism in intelligence, a member of by far the absolutely most intelligent species that ever appeared on [Earth](earth.md), your intelligence greatly surpasses great majority of living organisms. If you are able to read this, you already possess the great genius, you mastered language and are among the top 0.1%, there's no need to compare yourself to others and aim to be in 0.01% instead of 0.02%. Rather think about what good to do with the gift of reason you've been given. ~drummyfish }
**Fun fact**: in some US countries idiots, or similar low-IQ level classes, are legally prohibited from voting :D
## Real Genius VS Pseudogenius
Most people are called a genius nowadays -- any recent so called "genius" (such as [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md)) is in fact most likely of below average IQ; just barely above mediocre idea someone comes up with by chance will be celebrated as that of a genius, **real genius ideas will be met with hostility**; real genius ideas are too good and too far ahead and unacceptable to normal people. Furthermore success in [business](business.md) requires lack of intelligence so as to be unable to see the consequences of one's actions. Your cat watching you solve Riemann hypothesis will not even know what's happening, to it you are a retard wasting time on sliding a stick over table, on the other hand the cat will judge a monkey capable of opening a can of cat food a genius. Society is composed solely of idiots, they can only see if someone is a tiny bit better at what they do than them, and those they celebrate, if you are light years ahead of them they don't even have the capacity to comprehend how good you are at what you do because they can't even comprehend the thing you do. { The short story *Country of the Blind* by H. G. Wells is a nice story about this phenomenon of too much competence being seen as a lack of competence, illustrated on a story of a completely healthy man who finds himself in a village of people who are all blind. ~drummyfish } This includes even [PhD](phd.md)s and people with several Nobel Prizes, everyone except the few supporters of [LRS](lrs.md) are just blind idiots playing along with the system, some lucky to succeed in it and some not. This is why shit technology is prospering and [LRS](lrs.md) is being overlooked. It's just another confirmation our ideas as superior.
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Also remember the worst thing you can do to a joke is put a [disclaimer](disclai
- When is [Micro$oft](microsoft.md) finally gonna make a product that doesn't suck???! Probably when they start manufacturing vacuum cleaners.
- Can [free software](free_software.md) lead to insanity? I don't know, but it can make you [GNU](gnu.md)ts.
- Political activists walk into a bar. [Pseudoleftist](pseudoleft) tells his friends: "hey guys, how about we have oppressive rulers and call them a [government](government.md)?" Capitalist says: "well no, let's have oppressive rulers and call them [corporations](corporation.md)". [Liberal](liberal.md) replies: "Why not both?". Monarchist goes: "no, it's all wrong, let's have oppressive rulers and call them Kings." To this pseudo communist says: "that's just shit, let's have oppressive rulers and call them the [proletariat](proletariat.md)". Then [anarcho pacifist](anpac.md) turns to them and says: "Hmmm, how about we don't have any oppressive rulers?". They lynch him.
- There are a lot of jokes at https://jcdverha.home.xs4all.nl/scijokes/. Also http://textfiles.com/humor/JOKES/.
- There are a lot of jokes at https://jcdverha.home.xs4all.nl/scijokes/. Also http://textfiles.com/humor/JOKES/, http://textfiles.com/humor/TAGLINES/quotes-1.txt and so on.
- Hello, is this anonymous [pedophile](pedophilia.md) help hotline? Yes. My 8yo daughter begs for sex, can we do penetration right away or should we start with anal?
- What do you call a [woman](woman.md) that made a computer explode just by typing on it? Normal.
- Does the invisible hand exist in the [free market](free_market.md)? Maybe, but if so then all it's doing is masturbating (or giving us a middle finger).
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ Are you a noob but see our ideas as appealing and would like to join us? Say no
## Did You Know
- That [old](old.md) technology (such as toys or alerts in cars) could play prerecorded audio without using any electricity or needing batteries? This was done by [simply](kiss.md) using a plastic disc spinning on a needle (same principle as a vinyl record).
- That the term "retarded" was actually made as a [politically correct](political_correctness.md) replacement for medical terms such as "idiot", "imbecile" and "moron" which became seen as derogatory.
- That all [Intel](intel.md) [processors](cpu.md) since 2008 (and [AMD](amd.md) processors since 2013) have a hardware [backdoor](backdoor.md) ([Intel ME](intel_me.md), [AMD PSP](amd_psp.md)) that run the [Minix](minix.md) operating system and allows spying on users of those processors no matter what operating system they run?
- That Wilhelm Rontgen, a Nobel laureate, did not [patent](patent.md) his groundbreaking discoveries, stating that they should be freely available to anyone without any charge?
- That brain size correlates with [intelligence](intelligence.md) and male brains are on average 10% larger than those of [women](woman.md)? Yep, this still even on [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md), though the implications mustn't be mentioned there.
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
Marble race is a simple [real life](irl.md) [game](game.md) in which marbles (small glass balls) are released onto a prepared track to race from start to finish by the force of gravity. This game is great because it is [suckless](suckless.md), cheap (i.e. accessible), [fun](fun.md) and has almost no [dependencies](dependency.md), not even a [computer](computer.md) -- such a game will be playable even after the technological [collapse](collapse.md).
Even though this is a real life game, a computer version can be made too, in different forms: [2D](2d.md), [3D](3d.md), realistic or with added elements that would be impossible in real life, such as teleports. And indeed, there have been many games and mini-games made based on this form of entertainment.
Even though this is a real life game, a computer version can be made too, in different forms: [2D](2d.md), [3D](3d.md), realistic or with added elements that would be impossible in real life, such as teleports. And indeed, there have been many games and mini-games made based on this form of entertainment. From the implementation point of view it is very convenient that marbles are of spherical shape as this is one of the simplest shapes to handle in physics engines.
From the implementation point of view it is very convenient that marbles are of spherical shape as this is one of the simplest shapes to handle in physics engines.
Collecting marbles often comes hand in hand with this hobby, kind of like collecting race horses or Pokemon -- yes, collecting is a bit of a materialistic hobby, however this is one of the cheapest such hobbies that can satisfy the natural human hoarding needs with minimum of actual [harm](harmful.md), just like video games satisfy the need for violence without actually harming anyone etc., so we probably consider it a net-good hobby. Consider that getting a new marble, basically a piece of [rock](rock.md), brings basically the same amount of happiness and satisfaction as buying a new car while shrinking the price for it about a million times -- that's very close to what in software we would call [suckless](suckless.md).
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
*Not to be confused with [Niger](niger.md).*
Nigger (also nigga, niBBa, nigra, N-word or chimp) is a [forbidden word](newspeak.md) that refers to a member of the [black](black.md) [race](race.md), [SJWs](sjw.md) call the word a [politically incorrect](political_correctness.md) "slur". Its counterpart targeted on white people is *[cracker](cracker.md)*. To Harry Potter fans the word may be compared to the word *Voldemort* which everyone is afraid to say out of fear of being [cancelled](cancel_culture.md). Nigger is not to be confused with [negro](negro.md) (which is a human [race](race.md) of only SOME black people, specifically those in central Africa).
Nigger (also nigga, niBBa, nigra, N-word or chimp) is a [forbidden word](newspeak.md) that refers to a member of the [black](black.md) [race](race.md), [SJWs](sjw.md) call the word a [politically incorrect](political_correctness.md) "slur". Its counterpart targeted on white people is *[cracker](cracker.md)*. To Harry Potter fans the word may be compared to the word *Voldemort* which everyone is afraid to say out of fear of being [cancelled](cancel_culture.md). Nigger is not to be confused with [negro](negro.md), negrito etc. (which are subgroups of the black race).
Let us remind new readers that we, [LRS](lrs.md), love all living beings, even black people <3 But we do not support [political correctness](political_correctness.md).
Let us remind new readers that we, [LRS](lrs.md), love all living beings, even black people <3 Black people are cool, usually much more relaxed than other races, very skilled at certain non-mental tasks. But we do not support [political correctness](political_correctness.md).
The word is used in a number of projects and works, e.g.:
@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ TODO: Vircon32 (fantasy console implementable in HW, not sure about license), Re
## See Also
- programmable [calculator](calculator.md)
- [fantasy console](fantasy_console.md)
- [DOS](dos.md)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Reddit, established in 2005, marketing itself as the "frontpage of the [Internet
Before the infamous censorship wave circa 2019 reddit used to be quite a beuatiful place to behold, truly an experience unlike anything else (maybe a bit comparable to [Usenet](usenet.md)). { I used to actually love reddit, sad it died. ~drummyfish } It's hard to sum up to someone who didn't experience reddit back then, it found a great mix of excellent ideas that just worked great together, a combination mainly of [free speech](free_speech.md) (that's completely gone now, it's almost comical to remember reddit used to be one of the "bastions of free speech" back then), nice minimalist user interface (also gone now), having many subforums for all kinds of niche communities, even the smallest you can imagine (like people who like round objects or people who try to talk without using some specific letter because they hate it etc.), sharing of [interesting](interesting.md) links and/or ideas, having a non-traditional comment system structured as a [tree](tree.md) and letting people vote on both posts and individual comments to bring up the ones they found most valuable (i.e. informative, funny, interesting etc.). Users also gathered so called "karma", a kind of points they cumulated for getting upvotes, so users had some sort of "level" -- the more karma, the more "elite" the user was (users could also gift so called *reddit gold* for excellent posts, basically giving the user a free premium account for a while); this not once led to so called *karma whoring*. Anyway, reddit was like an whole new Internet within the Internet, it was just a place where you could spend hours searching and discovering things you didn't even know you wanted to find -- any hobby or any detail you had a morbid curiosity about you could dig up on reddit, you could find large interviews with ambulance drivers who told fascinating stories they saw during their careers, schizophrenic people answering questions like "can you walk through the imaginary people you see?", discussions like "what's the weirdest thing that happened to you as a beekeeper", people digging out extremely weird videos on YouTube, solving mysteries in video games, even famous people like Barak Obama took part in reddit IAMA interviews and just answered all the weird questions the internet asked them. There were also porn communities and controversial communities like *r/watchpeopledie* where users just shared videos of people dying { This was my favorite, seeing people die and suffer was actually what led me to completely reject all violence later on in my life. ~drummyfish }. This was sort of the vanilla reddit experience. However, as they always do, money and [pseudoleftists](pseudoleft.md) soon swiftly killed all of this, a few greedy faggots just destroyed it all so that they could get even richer than they already were.
What was the big moment? Basically in 2019 reddit presented one the most visible, greatest examples of a **profit motivated 180 degree turn from a [free speech](free_speech.md) site to a [censorship](censorship.md) dictatorship** -- as some cock invested money to reddit, the reddit CEO just said yeah, let's make this advertisement friendly and ban all free speech on the site; there were hilarious historical moments like Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of the site, saying "we never intended reddit to be the bastion of free speech" while someone actually found a quote of him saying the exact opposite in the past :D This shitstorm resulted in one of the greatest disasters to ever have happened on the Internet. Subreddits such as *r/politicallyincorrect*, *r/Offensive_Wallpapers*, *r/watchpeopledie*, *r/necrophilia*, *r/PicsOfHorseVaginas*, *r/sjwhate*, *r/lovenotacrime*, *r/fatpeoplehate* and THOUSANDS of other were all banned (you can probably still find them in archives, but you can no longer discuss of course). Of course those who criticized this were just banned too, anyone who showed a dislike of this got a "fuck you bitch" message from a mod with a swift ban. People not familiar with reddit or Internet too much perhaps didn't notice too much, but to an Internet citizen this was comparable to something like the Pope one day waking up, admitting to atheism, dressing up as Hitler and starting to masturbate on the balcony, cumming on people while promoting nuclear war. Of course this was completely expected under [capitalism](capitalism.md), reddit just showed a very rapid, "we don't give a shit about users or society or anything but money" kind of step, one that must show clear as day even to any blind idiot what capitalism really is about. After this many people left reddit for good { Including me. ~drummyfish }, some migrated to alternative sites like [Voat](voat.md), but it was never what it used to be, communities were fragmented and they mostly degenerated to small groups bitching about how reddit fucked up. At least it's a great lesson learned about "free market" society.
What was the big moment? Basically in 2019 reddit presented one the most visible, greatest examples of a **profit motivated 180 degree turn from a [free speech](free_speech.md) site to a [censorship](censorship.md) dictatorship** -- as some cock invested money to reddit, the reddit CEO just said yeah, let's make this advertisement friendly and ban all free speech on the site; there were hilarious historical moments like Alexis Ohanian, the co-founder of the site, saying "we never intended reddit to be the bastion of free speech" while someone actually found a quote of him saying the exact opposite in the past :D This shitstorm resulted in one of the greatest disasters to ever have happened on the Internet. Subreddits such as *r/politicallyincorrect*, *r/Offensive_Wallpapers*, *r/watchpeopledie*, *r/necrophilia*, *r/PicsOfHorseVaginas*, *r/sjwhate*, *r/lovenotacrime*, *r/fatpeoplehate* and THOUSANDS of other were all banned (you can probably still find them in archives, but you can no longer discuss of course). Of course those who criticized this were just banned too, anyone who showed a dislike of this got a "fuck you bitch" message from a mod with a swift ban. People not familiar with reddit or Internet too much perhaps didn't notice too much, but to an Internet citizen this was comparable to something like the Pope one day waking up, admitting to [atheism](atheism.md), dressing up as [Voldemort](hitler.md) and starting to masturbate on the balcony, cumming on people while promoting nuclear war, all because someone paid him $1 to do it. Of course this was completely expected under [capitalism](capitalism.md), reddit just showed a very rapid, "we don't give a shit about users or society or anything but money" kind of step, one that must show clear as day even to any blind idiot what capitalism really is about. After this many people left reddit for good { Including me. ~drummyfish }, some migrated to alternative sites like [Voat](voat.md), but it was never what it used to be, communities were fragmented and they mostly degenerated to small groups bitching about how reddit fucked up. At least it's a great lesson learned about "free market" society.
Reddit had an extreme number of own memes, historical events, famous users, inside [jokes](jokes.md) and jargon -- it was kind of like a whole country. Especially notable are the [acronyms](acronym.md) that come from subreddit names and which reddit guys use in normal speech, like AMA (ask me anything), TIL (today I learned), TIFU (today I fucked up) or ELI5 (explain like I'm 5) etc.
@ -17,3 +17,9 @@ A sneaky tactic of an SJW is **masked hypocrisy**. As any good [marketing](marke
- "WE PROMOTE SCIENCE" (asterisk: "Science being defined as trusting the word of authorities we approve without questioning them.")
- "THIS [ENCYCLOPEDIA](wikipedia.md) CAN BE EDITED BY EVERYONE" (asterisk: "Except for 90% of population who are blocked for not conforming to our political style of writing, also with the exception of articles that will probably be read by someone.")
- etc.
## See Also
- [soydev](soydev.md)
- [idiot](idiot.md)
- [pseudoleftism](pseudoleft.md)
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# <3 Woman <3
A woman (also girl, gril, gurl, femoid, toilet, wimminz, the weaker sex, the dumber sex or succubus; [tranny](tranny.md) girl being called [t-girl](tgirl.md), [trap](trap.md), [femboy](femboy.md), fake girl or [mtf](mtf.md)) is one of two genders (sexes) of humans, the other one being [man](man.md). Women are the weaker sex, they are [cute](cute.md) (sometimes) but notoriously bad at [programming](programming.md), [math](math.md) and [technology](technology.md): in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit](bullshit.md) (and mostly [harmful](harmful.md)) positions such as "diversity department", [marketing](marketing.md), "[HR](human_resources.md)", [UI](ui.md)/[user experience](ux.md), or as a [token](token.md) girl for media. If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](coding.md)" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming](programming.md)) in a baby language such as [Python](python.md), [Javascript](javascript.md) or [Rust](rust.md). Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work (until TV cameras appear). Don't let yourself be fooled by the propaganda, women have always been bad with tech.
A woman (also girl, gril, gurl, femoid, toilet, wimminz, the weaker sex, the dumber sex or succubus; [tranny](tranny.md) girl being called [t-girl](tgirl.md), [trap](trap.md), [femboy](femboy.md), fake girl or [mtf](mtf.md)) is one of two genders ([sexes](sex.md)) of [humans](human.md), the other one being [man](man.md). Women are the weaker sex, they are [cute](cute.md) (sometimes) but notoriously bad at [programming](programming.md), [math](math.md) and [technology](technology.md): in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit](bullshit.md) (and mostly [harmful](harmful.md)) positions such as "diversity department", [marketing](marketing.md), "[HR](human_resources.md)", [UI](ui.md)/[user experience](ux.md), or as a [token](token.md) girl for media. If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](coding.md)" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming](programming.md)) in a baby language such as [Python](python.md), [Javascript](javascript.md) or [Rust](rust.md). Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work (until TV cameras appear). Don't let yourself be fooled by the propaganda, women have always been bad with tech.
{ I would like to say there are a few women and girls I hold dear, whom I admire and who are in many aspects much better beings than myself and most men I known. ~drummyfish }
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ Women also can't drive, operate machines, they can't compare even to the worst m
Now because today's brainwashed reader will see this as "[sexism](sexism.md)", let us remind ourselves that this is completely OK. Women are weaker, but in a [good society](less_retarded_society.md) this doesn't matter as in a good society people don't have to compete or prove their usefulness, everyone is loved equally, weak or strong. The issue here is not pointing out our differences but perpetuating a [shitty society](capitalism.md).
In the book [Flatland](flatland.md) women are mere [line](line.md) segments, the most primitive of two dimensional shapes, and it's made clear they are very dumb and dangerous, so society just treats them as beings without any notable intellect; a passage from the book for example states that "it was decreed by the Chief Circle that, since women are deficient in reason but abundant in emotion, they ought no longer to be treated as rational, nor receive any mental education". The book is full of gems like that :D
A woman does super stupid shit like pay all her life savings for silicon breast implants, then wear a dress that basically consist solely of cleavage but then when a man makes eye contact with her breasts during conversation she's like "WHY U NOT LOOOKING IN MY EYEEEEEEEES, STOP RAAAAPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!". A woman doesn't think logically, she thinks emotionally (menstruation and their hormone levels jumping all over the place further make this yet much worse), so what's true or false depends on how she feels at the moment OR in the future via so called reverse causality: a woman saying "yes" can actually mean "no" if 20 years later she decides it actually meant "no" -- an action in the future determines the past. Physicists weren't able to explain this phenomenon yet; in fact no male is probably ever capable of understanding a woman.
In the book [Flatland](flatland.md) women are mere [line](line.md) segments, the most primitive of two dimensional shapes, and it's made clear they are very dumb and dangerous, so society just treats them as beings without any notable intellect; a passage from the book for example cites that "it was decreed by the Chief Circle that, since women are deficient in reason but abundant in emotion, they ought no longer to be treated as rational, nor receive any mental education". The book is full of gems like that :D In the [Bible](bible.md) the first woman, Eve, was made by [God](god.md) from the rib of Adam, the first man, to make him company, however that turned out to be a mistake as Eve then pissed off God by eating forbidden fruit (and making Adam eat it too) and got herself and Adam kicked out paradise -- for this she doomed all women to suffer regular monthly bleeding.
Of course even though rare, well performing women may statistically appear (though they will practically never reach the skill of the best men). That's great, such rare specimen could do great things. The issue is such women (as all others) are very often involved with a cult such as the [feminists](feminism.md) who waste their effort on [fighting](fight_culture.md) men instead of focusing on study and creation of real technology, and on actually loving it. They don't see technology as a beautiful field of art and science, they see it as a battlefield, a political tool to be weaponized to achieve social status, revenge on society etc., which spoils any rare specimen of a capable woman. Even capable women can't seem to understand the pure joy of [programming](programming.md), the love of creation for its own sake, they think more in terms of "learning to COOODE will get me new followers on social networks" etc. Woman mentality is biologically very different from men mentality, a woman is normally not capable of true, deep and passionate love, woman only thinks in terms of benefit, golddigging etc. (which is understandable from evolutionary point of view as women had to ensure choosing a good father for their offspring); men, even if cheating, normally tend towards deep life-long love relationships, be it with women or art. You will never find a virgin basement dweller programmer or [demoscene](demoscene.md) programmer of female sex which isn't a poser, a [hacker](hacking.md) who is happy existing in a world of his own programs without the need for approval or external reward, a woman will likely never be able to understand this. This seems to be evolutionary given, but perhaps in a [better culture](less_retarded_society.md) these effects could be suppressed.
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ Jerking off is the easiest solution to satisfying needs connected to fucking wom
Finding famous women capable in technology is almost a futile task. One of the most famous women of [modern](modern.md) tech, even though more an entrepreneur than engineer, was [Elizabeth Holmes](elizabeth_holmes.md) who, to the feminists' dismay, turned out to be a complete fraud and is now facing criminal charges. [Grace Hopper](grace_hopper) (not "grass hopper" lol) is a woman actually worth mentioning for her contribution to programming languages, though the contribution is pretty weak. [Ada Lovelace](ada_lovelace.md) cited by the feminist propaganda as the "first programmer" also didn't actually do anything besides scribbling a note about a computer completely designed by a man. This just shows how desperate the feminist attempts at finding capable women in tech are. Then there are also some individuals who just contributed to the downfall of the technology who are, in terms of gender, at least partially on the woman side, but their actual classification is actually pretty debatable -- these are monstrosities with pink hair who invented such [cancer](cancer.md) as [COCs](coc.md) and are not even worth mentioning.
In the related field of [free culture](free_culture.md) there is a notable woman, [Nina Paley](nina_paley.md), that has actually done some nice things for the promotion of free culture and also standing against the [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) fascism by publishing a series of comics with a character named Jenndra Identitty, a parody of fascist trannies.
In the related field of [free culture](free_culture.md) there is a notable woman, [Nina Paley](nina_paley.md), that has actually done some nice things for the promotion of free culture and also standing against the [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) fascism by publishing a series of comics with a character named Jenndra Identitty, a parody of fascist trannies. Some rare specimen of women openly oppose feminism -- **these are the truly based women**.
Here is a list of almost all historically notable women:
Reference in a new issue