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# Acronym
Acronym is an abbreviation of a multiple word term by usually appending the starting letters of each word to form a new word.
Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[AA](aa.md)** (anti [aliasing](aliasing.md))
- **[AC](ac.md)** (alternating current, air conditioning)
- **[ACID](acid.md)** (atomicity consistency isolation durability)
- **[ACK](ack.md)** (acknowledgement)
- **[ADSL](adsl.md)** (asymmetric digital subscriber line)
- **[AJAX](ajax.md)** (asynchronous [JavaScript](js.md) and [XML](xml.md))
- **[ALU](alu.md)** (arithmetic logic unit)
- **[AM](am.md)** (amplitude modulation)
- **[ANCAP](ancap.md)** (anarcho capitalist)
- **[ANPAC](anpac.md)** (anarcho pacifist)
- **[ANSI](ansi.md)** (american national standards institute)
- **[API](api.md)** (application programming interface)
- **[ARM](arm.md)** (advanced [RISC](risc.md) machines)
- **[ARPANET](arpanet.md)** (advanced research projects agency network)
- **[ASAP](asap.md)** (as soon as possible)
- **[ASCII](ascii.md)** (American standard code for information interchange)
- **[ASM](asm.md)** (assembly)
- **[ATM](atm.md)** (at the moment, automated teller machine)
- **[B](b.md)** (byte, bit)
- **[B4](b4.md)** (before)
- **[BASH](bash.md)** (bourne again shell)
- **[BASIC](basic.md)** (beginner all purpose symbolic instruction code)
- **[BBS](bbs.md)** (bulletin board system)
- **[BC](bc.md)** (bytecode)
- **[BCD](bcd.md)** (binary coded decimal)
- **[BF](bf.md)** (brainfuck)
- **[BG](bg.md)** (background, bad game)
- **[BGR](bgr.md)** (blue green red)
- **[BIOS](bios.md)** (basic [input/output](io.md) system)
- **[BJ](bj.md)** (blow job)
- **[BJT](bjt.md)** (bipolar junction transistor)
- **[BS](bs.md)** (bullshit)
- **[CAD](cad.md)** (computer aided design)
- **[CAPTCHA](captcha.md)** (completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart)
- **[CC](cc.md)** (creative commons)
- **[CC0](cc0.md)** (creative commons zero)
- **[CD](cd.md)** (compact disc, change directory)
- **[CEO](ceo.md)** (chief executive officer)
- **[CGI](cgi.md)** (computer generated imagery)
- **[CISC](cisc.md)** (complex instruction set computer)
- **[CLI](cli.md)** (command line interface)
- **[CMOS](cmos.md)** (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
- **[CMS](cms.md)** (content management system)
- **[CMYK](cmyk.md)** (cyan magenta yellow key)
- **[COMPSCI](compsci.md)** (computer science)
- **[CP](cp.md)** (child porn, copy)
- **[CPU](cpu.md)** (central processing unit)
- **[CRC](crc.md)** (cyclic redundancy check)
- **[CRT](crt.md)** (cathode ray tube)
- **[CSS](css.md)** (cascading style sheet)
- **[CSV](csv.md)** (comma separated values)
- **[DAC](dac.md)** (digital analog converter)
- **[DB](db.md)** (database)
- **[DC](dc.md)** (direct current)
- **[DDOS](ddos.md)** (distributed denial of service)
- **[DDR](ddr.md)** (double data rate)
- **[DE](de.md)** (desktop environment)
- **[DHCP](dhcp.md)** (dynamic host configuration protocol)
- **[DL](dl.md)** (download)
- **[DMA](dma.md)** (direct memory access)
- **[DMCA](dmca.md)** (digital millennium copyright act)
- **[DND](dnd.md)** (dungeons & dragons, do not disturb)
- **[DNS](dns.md)** (domain name system)
- **[DOM](dom.md)** (document object model)
- **[DOS](dos.md)** (disk operating system, denial of service)
- **[DPI](dpi.md)** (dots per inch)
- **[DRAM](dram.md)** (dynamic RAM)
- **[DRM](drm.md)** (digital restrictions management)
- **[DRY](dry.md)** (don't repeat yourself)
- **[DVD](dvd.md)** (digital versatile disc)
- **[EEPROM](eeprom.md)** (electronically erasable programmable ROM)
- **[ELF](elf.md)** (executable and linkable format)
- **[EMCAS](emacs.md)** (editor macros)
- **[ENIAC](eniac.md)** (electronic numerical integrator and computer)
- **[EOF](eof.md)** (end of [file](file.md))
- **[EOL](eol.md)** (end of line, end of life)
- **[ESR](esr.md)** (Erik Steven Raymond)
- **[EULA](eula.md)** (end user license agreement)
- **[FE](fe.md)** (frontend)
- **[FET](fet.md)** (field effect transistor)
- **[FFS](ffs.md)** (for fuck's sake)
- **[FIFO](fifo.md)** (first in first out)
- **[FLAC](flac.md)** (free lossless audio codec)
- **[FLOSS](floss.md)** (free libre open source software)
- **[FM](fm.md)** (frequency modulation)
- **[FML](fml.md)** (fuck my life)
- **[FORTRAN](fortran.md)** (formula translation)
- **[FOSS](foss.md)** (free and open source software)
- **[FSF](fsf.md)** ([free software](free_software.md) foundation)
- **[FP](fp.md)** ([floating point](float.md))
- **[FPGA](fpga.md)** (field programmable gate array)
- **[FPS](fps.md)** (frames per second, first person shooter)
- **[FS](fs.md)** (file system)
- **[FTP](ftp.md)** (file transfer protocol)
- **[FU](fu.md)** (fuck you)
- **[FXAA](fxaa.md)** (full screen anti aliasing)
- **[FYI](fyi.md)** (for your information)
- **[GB](gb.md)** ([gigabyte/gigabit](memory_unit.md), GameBoy)
- **[GBPS](gbps.md)** (GB per second)
- **[GCC](gcc.md)** (GNU compiler collection)
- **[GDB](gdb.md)** (GNU debugger)
- **[GIB](gib.md)** (gibibyte)
- **[GIF](gif.md)** (graphics interchange format)
- **[GIGO](gigo.md)** (garbage in garbage out)
- **[GIMP](gimp.md)** (GNU image manipulation program)
- **[GLUT](glut.md)** (OpenGL utility toolkit)
- **[GNOME](gnome.md)** (GNU network object model environment)
- **[GNU](gnu.md)** (GNU's Not Unix)
- **[GPG](gpg.md)** (GNU privacy guard)
- **[GPGPU](gpgpu.md)** (general purpose GPU)
- **[GPL](gpl.md)** (GNU General Public License)
- **[GPLv2](gpl.md)** (GPL version 2)
- **[GPLv3](gpl.md)** (GPL version 3)
- **[GPS](gps.md)** (global positioning system)
- **[GPU](gpl.md)** (graphics processing unit)
- **[GRUB](grub.md)** (grand unified boot loader)
- **[GSM](gsm.md)** (global system for mobile communication)
- **[GTK+](gtk_plus.md)** (GIMP toolking)
- **[GUI](gui.md)** (graphical user interface)
- **[H8](hate.md)** (hate)
- **[HD](hd.md)** (high definition)
- **[HDD](hdd.md)** (hard disc drive)
- **[HDMI](hdmi.md)** (HD multimedia interface)
- **[HW](hw.md)** (hardware)
- **[HTML](html.md)** ([hypertext](hypertext.md) markup language)
- **[HTTP](http.md)** (hypertext transfer protocol)
- **[HTTPS](https.md)** (HTTP secure)
- **[HURD](hurd.md)** (hird of unix replacing demons)
- **[HQ](hq.md)** (high quality)
- **[HZ](hz.md)** (hertz)
- **[IANA](iana.md)** (internet assigned number authority)
- **[IANAL](ianal.md)** (I am not a lawyer)
- **[ICMP](icmp.md)** (internet control message protocol)
- **[IDC](idc.md)** (I don't care)
- **[IDE](ide.md)** (integrated development environment)
- **[IEEE](ieee.md)** (institute for electrical and electronic
- **[IM](im.md)** (instant messaging)
- **[IMAP](imap.md)** (internet message access protocol)
- **[IMHO](imho.md)** (in my honest opinion)
- **[IMO](imo.md)** (in my opinion)
- **[INB4](inb4.md)** (in before)
- **[IO](io.md)** (input/output)
- **[IPS](ips.md)** (instructions per second)
- **[IP](ip.md)** (internet protocol, intellectual property)
- **[IPV4](ipv4.md)** (IP version 4)
- **[IPV6](ipv6.md)** (IP version 6)
- **[IRC](irc.md)** (internet relay chat)
- **[IRL](irl.md)** (in real life)
- **[ISA](isa.md)** (instruction set architecture)
- **[ISO](iso.md)** (international organization for standardization)
- **[ISP](isp.md)** (internet service provider)
- **[ISS](iss.md)** (international space station)
- **[IS](is.md)** (information system)
- **[IT](it.md)** (information technology)
- **[J2ME](j2me.md)** (java 2 micro edition)
- **[JB](jb.md)** ([jailbait](jailbait.md))
- **[JDK](jdk.md)** (java development kit)
- **[JIT](jit.md)** (just in time)
- **[JK](jk.md)** (just kidding)
- **[JPEG/JPG](jpg.md)** (joint photographic expert group)
- **[JS](js.md)** (JavaScript)
- **[JSON](json.md)** (JavaScript object notation)
- **[K&R](k_and_r.md)** (Kernighan and Ritchie)
- **[KB](kb.md)** ([kilobyte/kilobit](memory_unit.md))
- **[KBPS](kbps.md)** (KB per second)
- **[KDE](kde.md)** (K desktop environment)
- **[KEK](kek.md)** (a meme version of [LOL](lol.md) coming from World Of Warcraft)
- **[KHZ](khz.md)** (kilohertz)
- **[KIB](kib.md)** (kibibyte)
- **[KILL](kill.md)** (keep it [Linux](linux.md) loser)
- **[KISS](kiss.md)** (keep it simple stupid)
- **[KLOC](kloc.md)** (kilo LOC)
- **[KKK](kkk.md)** (ku klux klan)
- **[KYS](kys.md)** ([kill yourself](suicide.md))
- **[LAMP](lamp.md)** (linux apache mysql php)
- **[LAN](lan.md)** (local area network)
- **[LCD](lcd.md)** (liquid crystal display)
- **[LED](led.md)** (light emitting diode)
- **[LGBT](lgbt.md)** (lesbian gay bisexual trans)
- **[LGBTQ](lgbt.md)** (lesbian gay bisexual trans queer)
- **[LGPL](lgpl.md)** (lesser GPL)
- **[LIFO](lifo.md)** (last in first out)
- **[LISP](lisp.md)** (list processing)
- **[LMAO](lmao.md)** (laughing my ass off)
- **[LOC](loc.md)** (lines of code)
- **[LOL](lol.md)** (laughing out loud)
- **[LQ](lq.md)** (low quality)
- **[LRS](lrs.md)** (less retarded software)
- **[LSB](lsb.md)** (least significant bit)
- **[MBR](mbr.md)** (master boot record)
- **[MHZ](mhz.md)** (megahertz)
- **[MIB](mib.md)** (mebibyte)
- **[MIME](mime.md)** (multipurpose internet mail extension)
- **[MIP](mip.md)** (multum in parvo)
- **[MIPS](mips.md)** (millions of instructions per second)
- **[MBPS](mpbs.md)** (MB per second)
- **[MCU](mcu.md)** (microcontroller unit)
- **[MD](md.md)** (markdown)
- **[MFW](mfw.md)** (my face when)
- **[MMO](mmo.md)** (massively multiplayer online)
- **[MMX](mmx.md)** (multimedia extension)
- **[MMORPG](mmorpg)** (MMO RPG)
- **[MOSFET](mosfet.md)** (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor)
- **[MPEG](mpeg.md)** (motion pictures experts group)
- **[MR](mr.md)** (merge request)
- **[MS/M$](ms.md)** (Micro$oft)
- **[MSB](msb.md)** (most significant bit)
- **[MSG](msg.md)** (message)
- **[NAN](nan.md)** (not a number)
- **[NASA](nasa.md)** (national aeronautic and space administration)
- **[NAT](nat.md)** (network address translation)
- **[NC](nc.md)** (non commercial)
- **[NGL](ngl.md)** (not gonna lie)
- **[NOP](nop.md)** (no operation)
- **[NP](np.md)** (nondeterministic polynomial)
- **[NTFS](ntfs.md)** (NT file system)
- **[OEM](oem.md)** (original equipment manufacturers)
- **[OGL](ogl.md)** (OpenGL)
- **[OMG](omg.md)** (oh my god)
- **[OO](oo.md)** (object oriented)
- **[OOP](oop.md)** (object oriented/obsessed programming)
- **[OS](os.md)** (operating system, open source)
- **[OSS](oss.md)** (open source software)
- **[OSI](osi.md)** ([open source](open_source.md) initiative)
- **[P2P](p2p.md)** (peer to peer)
- **[PB](pb.md)** (petabyte, petabit, personal best)
- **[PC](pc.md)** (personal computer, political correctness)
- **[PD](pd.md)** ([public domain](public_domain.md))
- **[PDF](pdf.md)** (portable document format)
- **[PCM](pcm.md)** (pulse code modulation)
- **[PGP](pgp.md)** (pretty good privacy)
- **[PHD](phd.md)** (doctor of philosophy)
- **[PID](pid.md)** (process ID)
- **[PIN](pin.md)** (personal identification number)
- **[PNG](png.md)** (portable network graphics)
- **[POP3](pop3.md)** (post office protocol version 3)
- **[POSIX](posix.md)** (portable operating system interface)
- **[PPC](ppc.md)** (power PC)
- **[PR](pr.md)** (pull request)
- **[PS](ps.md)** ([Photoshop](photoshop.md), [Postscript](postscript.md), [PlayStation](playstation.md))
- **[PS2](ps2.md)** (personal system 2)
- **[QOS](qos.md)** (quality of service)
- **[RAID](raid.md)** (redundant array of inexpensive discs)
- **[RAM](ram.md)** (random access [memory](memory.md))
- **[RC](rc.md)** (release candidate)
- **[RCL](raycastlib.md)** (raycastlib)
- **[REGEX](regex.md)** (regular expression)
- **[RFC](rfc.md)** (request for comments)
- **[RGB](rgb.md)** (red green blue)
- **[RGBA](rgba.md)** (red green blue alpha)
- **[RISC](risc.md)** (reduced instruction set computer)
- **[RIP](rip.md)** (rest in piece)
- **[RLE](rle.md)** (run length encoding)
- **[RMS](rms.md)** (Richard Matthew Stallman)
- **[ROFL](rofl.md)** (rolling on floor laughing)
- **[ROM](rom.md)** ([read-only](read_only.md) memory)
- **[RPG](rpg.md)** (role playing game)
- **[RT](rt.md)** (real time)
- **[RTFM](rtfm.md)** (read the fucking manual)
- **[RTOS](rtos.md)** (real time operating system)
- **[S3L](small3dlib.md)** (small3dlib)
- **[SAAS](saas.md)** (software as a service)
- **[SAASS](saass.md)** (service as a software substitute)
- **[SAF](saf.md)** (smallabstractfish)
- **[SCL](smallchesslib)** (smallchesslib)
- **[SD](sd.md)** (standard definition, secure digital)
- **[SDK](sdk.md)** (software development kit)
- **[SDL](sdl.md)** (simple directmedia layer)
- **[SEO](seo.md)** (search engine optimization)
- **[SFX](sfx.md)** (sound effects)
- **[SGML](sgml.md)** (standard generalized markup language)
- **[SHA](sha.md)** (secure hash algorithm)
- **[SIG](sig.md)** (special interest group)
- **[SIM](sim.md)** (subscriber identity module)
- **[SIMD](simd.md)** (single [instruction](instruction.md) multiple [data](data.md))
- **[SLOC](sloc.md)** (source lines of code)
- **[SMS](sms.md)** (short message service)
- **[SMTP](smtp.md)** (simple mail transfer protocol)
- **[SNTP](sntp.md)** (simple network time protocol)
- **[SOC](soc.md)** (system on chip)
- **[SQL](sql.md)** (structured query language)
- **[SRAM](sram.md)** (static RAM)
- **[SSAO](ssao.md)** (screen space ambient occlusion)
- **[SSD](ssd.md)** (solid state drive)
- **[SSH](ssh.md)** (secure shell)
- **[SSL](ssl.md)** (secure socket layer)
- **[SVG](svg.md)** (scalable vector graphics)
- **[SW](software.md)** (software)
- **[TB](tb.md)** (terabyte, terabit)
- **[TCC](tcc.md)** (tiny [C](c.md) compiler)
- **[TCP](tcp.md)** (transmission control protocol)
- **[TFT](tft.md)** (thin filter transistor)
- **[TFW](tfw.md)** (that face when)
- **[TLA](tla.md)** (three letter acronym)
- **[TM](tm.md)** ([trademark](trademark.md), [Turing machine](turing_machine.md))
- **[TOS](tos.md)** (terms of service)
- **[TTY](tty.md)** (teletype)
- **[TUI](tui.md)** (text user interface)
- **[UBI](ubi.md)** (universal basic income)
- **[UDP](udp.md)** (user datagram protocol)
- **[UI](ui.md)** (user interface)
- **[UML](uml.md)** (unified modeling language)
- **[URI](uri.md)** (uniform resource identifier)
- **[URL](url.md)** (uniform resource locator)
- **[USA](usa.md)** (united states of america)
- **[USB](usb.md)** (universal serial bus)
- **[UTC](utc.md)** (coordinated universal time)
- **[UTF](utf.md)** (unicode transformation format)
- **[UX](ux.md)** (user experience)
- **[VOD](vod.md)** (video on demand)
- **[VHS](vhs.md)** (video home system)
- **[VIM](vim.md)** ([vi](vi.md) improved)
- **[VFX](vfx.md)** (visual effects)
- **[VLAN](vlan.md)** (virtual LAN)
- **[VLIW](vliw.md)** (very long instruction word)
- **[VM](vm.md)** (virtual machine)
- **[VPN](vpn.md)** (virtual private network)
- **[VRAM](vram.md)** (video RAM)
- **[W3C](w3c.md)** (world wide web consortium)
- **[WAN](wan.md)** (wide area network)
- **[WAP](wap.md)** (wireless application protocol)
- **[WIFI](wifi.md)** (wireless fidelity)
- **[WOW](wow.md)** (World Of Warcraft)
- **[WPA](wpa.md)** (WIFI protected access)
- **[WTF](wtf.md)** (what the fuck)
- **[WTFPL](wtfpl)** (do what the fuck you want to public [license](license.md))
- **[WYSIWYG](wysiwyg.md)** (what you see is what you get)
- **[WM](wm.md)** (window manager)
- **[WWW](www.md)** (world wide web)
- **[XAML](xaml.md)** (extensible application markup language)
- **[XHTML](xhtml.md)** (extensible HTML)
- **[XML](xml.md)** (extensible markup language)
- **[YOLO](yolo.md)** (you only live once)
- **[ZOMG](zomg.md)** (when you want to write OMG but accidentally also hit Z)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Please do NOT post lame "big-bang-theory" jokes like *sudo make sandwich* or *th
- [C++](cpp.md)
- What's the worst kind of [lag](lag.md)? Gulag.
- Ingame chat: "What's the country in the middle of west Africa?" [BANNED]
- Ingame chat: "What's the country in the middle of west Africa?" [{BANNED}](niger.md)
- I have a mentally ill friend who tried to design the worst [operating system](os.md) on purpose. It boots for at least 10 minutes, then it changes the user's desktop background to random ads and it randomly crashes to make the user angry. He recently told me he is getting sued by [Microsoft](microsoft.md) for violating their look and feel.
- Do you use [Emacs](emacs.md)? No, I already have an [operating system](os.md).
- `alias bitch=sudo`
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ There are other reason for LRS as well, for example it can be very satisfying an
LRS is connected to pretty specific political beliefs, but it's not a requirement to share those beliefs to create LRS or be part of its community. You may believe in whatever you want, as long as you create or support LRS, you are part of this. We just think that it doesn't make logical sense to support LRS and not the politics that justifies it. This is up to your own reasoning though.
With that said, the politics behind LRS is [anarcho pacifist](anpac.md) [communism](communism.md), but NOT [pseudoleftism](pseudoleftism.md) (i.e. we do not support political correctness, [COC](coc.md)s, [cancel culture](cancel_culture.md), Marxism-Leninism etc.). We aim for true social (not necessarily physical) equality of everyone, our technology helps everyone equally. We reject anti-equality means such as violence, bullying, censorship, [governments](government.md) and [capitalism](capitalism.md).
With that said, the politics behind LRS is [anarcho pacifist](anpac.md) [communism](communism.md), but NOT [pseudoleftism](pseudoleftism.md) (i.e. we do not support political correctness, [COC](coc.md)s, [cancel culture](cancel_culture.md), Marxism-Leninism etc.). We aim for true social (not necessarily physical) equality of everyone, our technology helps everyone equally. We reject anti-equality means such as violence, bullying, censorship, [governments](government.md) and [capitalism](capitalism.md). We support things such as [universal basic income](ubi.md).
**We love all living beings**, even those we disagree with and whom we dislike.
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Niger
*Not to be confused with [nigger](nigger.md).*
Niger is an African country with a racist name.
How long before [SJWs](sjw.md) rename it [LMAO](lmao.md)?
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# Nigger
Nigger is a forbidden word that refers to a member of the black [race](race.md).
*Not to be confused with [Niger](niger.md).*
Nigger (also nigga, niBBa, N-word or negro) is a forbidden word that refers to a member of the black [race](race.md). Black people themselves use this word on a daily basis.
The word's used in a number of projects, e.g. in [niggercoin](niggercoin.md) [cryptocurrency](crypto.md) or [+NIGGER](plusnigger.md) license modifier that uses this politically incorrect term to prevent corporations from adopting free projects.
[LMAO](lmao.md) they're even censoring art and retrospectively changing classical works of art to suit this propaganda, just like the fascist communists did. E.g. Agatha Christie's book Ten Little Niggers was renamed to "And Then There Were None". Are they also gonna repaint Mona Lisa when it somehow doesn't suit their liking?
[LMAO](lmao.md) they're even censoring art and retrospectively changing classical works of art to suit this propaganda, just like the fascist communists did. E.g. Agatha Christie's book *Ten Little Niggers* was renamed to *And Then There Were None*. Are they also gonna repaint Mona Lisa when it somehow doesn't suit their liking?
@ -68,4 +68,5 @@ There are many terms that are very similar and are sometimes used interchangeabl
- **[shading](shading.md)** vs **[shadows](shadow.md)**
- **[science](science.md)** vs **[soyence](soyence.md)**
- **[Unicode](unicode.md)** vs **[UTF](utf.md)**
- **[URI](uri.md)** vs **[URL](url.md)**
- **[webpage](webpage.md)** vs **[website](website.md)**
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Selflessness
Selflessness means acting with the intent of helping others without harming or taking advantage of them or anyone else, with the possible exception of oneself. It is the opposite of [self interest](self_interest.md). Selflessness is the basis of an [ideal society](ideal_society.md) and [good technology](lrs.md) (while self interest is the basis of our current dystopian [capitalist](capitalism.md) society).
In the real world absolutely pure selflessness may be very hard to find, but an example that comes close may perhaps be [Langar](langar.md), the big community kitchens run by [Sikhs](sikhism.md) that prepare and serve free [vegetarian](vegetarian.md) food to anyone who comes without differentiating between religious beliefs, skin color, social status, gender etc. Sikhs sometimes also similarly offer a place to stay etc.
Selflessness doesn't mean one seeks no reward, there is practically always at least one reward for a selflessly behaving individual: the good feeling that comes from the selfless action. Selfless acting may also include physical rewards, for example if a programmer dedicates years of his life to developing a [free](free_software.md) [public domain](public_domain.md) software that will help all people, he himself will get the benefits of using that program himself. The key thing is that he doesn't use the program to harm others, e.g. by charging money for it or even by using a license that forces others to credit him and so increase his reputation.
The latter is important to show that what's many times called selflessness nowadays is only **pseudoselflessness**, a fake selflessness. This includes e.g. all the celebrities who publicly financially support charities; this seems like a nice gesture but it's of course just a marketing stunt, the money spent on charities is money invested into promoting oneself, increasing fame, lowering taxes etc. This also goes for professional firefighters, doctors, [FOSS](foss.md) programmers that use licenses with conditions such as attribution etc.
Selfless programs and art should be put into the [public domain](public_domain.md) with waivers such as [CC0](cc0.md).
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Universal Basic Income
Universal basic income (UBI) is the idea that all people should get regular pay from the state without any conditions, i.e. even if they don't work, even if they are rich etc. It is a great idea and **[we](lrs.md) fully support it** as the first step towards the ideal society in which people don't have to work. As [automation](automation.md) takes away more and more jobs, it is being discussed more and experiments with UBI are being conducted, even though capitalist idiots rather try to invent more and more [bullshit jobs](bullshit_job.md) to keep people enslaved.
UBI that itself covers all basic needs is called full, otherwise it is called partial. UBI subscribes to the idea that **the goal of progress is to eliminate the need for work**, which is correct -- we should leave all work to machines eventually, that's why we started civilization. This doesn't mean we can't work, just that we aren't obliged.
The first reaction of a noob hearing about UBI is "but everyone will just stop working!" Well no, for a number of reasons (which have been confirmed by real life experiments). For example most people don't want to just survive, they want to buy nice things and have something extra, so most people will want to get some additional income. Secondly people do want to work -- work in the sense of doing something meaningful. If they don't have to be wage slaves, most will decide to dedicate their free time to doing something useful. Thirdly people are already used to working, most will keep doing it just out of inertia, e.g. because they have friends at work or simply because they actually happen to like going there.
Another question of the noob is "but who will pay for it?!" Well, we all and especially the rich. In current situation, even if we make the rich give away 90% of their wealth, they won't even notice.
Advantages of UBI:
- **People will seize to be slaves of capitalist employers** as it will no longer be mandatory to work somewhere. Nowadays people have to accept shitty working conditions because they have no other choice. They can't go elsewhere because it is the same everywhere or their conditions don't allow them to move, every employer abuses his employees as much as possible so people today can only choose their slave master but they can't choose not being slaves. **If people can actually leave, employers will have to offer good conditions to keep people working for them**. It may also lead to e.g. greater freedom from consumerism as people can e.g. decide to not use certain bad technology which they are nowadays forced to use by employers.
- **It will greatly suppress [bullshit jobs](bullshit_job.md)** and undesirable phenomena such as the [antivirus paradox](antivirus_paradox.md). People who stop doing bullshit jobs will be able to actually focus on useful things.
- **Suffering of many people will be lowered or eliminated**. Simple as that.
- **We may actually save money** because the system will simplify a lot. Nowadays we have complex bureaucracy and commissions that judge who can get social welfare, who can get disability pensions etc. If everyone gets the money, we can save on this bureaucracy, commissions, on doctor examinations, caring about the homeless, maintaining special laws etc. If people become less stressed, mental health will also improve and we will save money on treatment of mentally ill people. Money may also be saved on organization of worker unions as they may become much less important.
- **People will become less stressed**, happier, will have security and as a result perhaps even become more "productive" (this has been confirmed by some experiments).
- **People will become more equal** which will shift us closer to the [ideal society](ideal_society.md).
- **People will be able to do more important things than work if needed**, for example they may choose to focus on education for a few years, which will make the population better educated and therefore better.
- **Social security will suppress fear in people** and therefore make them less xenophobic, less militant etc.
- **Society will get nicer without homeless people shitting in the streets**.
Disadvantages of UBI:
- none
Of course, UBI works with [money](money.md) and money is bad, however the core idea is simply about sharing resources, i.e. true [communism](communism.md) which surpasses the concept of money. That is once money is eliminated, the idea of UBI will stay as the right of everyone to get things such as food and health care unconditionally. LRS supports UBI as the immediate next step towards making money less important and eventually eliminate them altogether.
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# World Wide Web
World Wide Web (www or just *the web*) is (or was, if we accept that by 2021 the web is basically dead) a network of interconnected documents on the [Internet](internet.md) (called *websites* or *webpages*). Webpages are normally written in [HTML](html.md) language and can refer to each other by [hyperlinks](hyperlink.md). The web itself works on top of the [HTTP](http.md) protocol. Some people confuse the web with the Internet, but of course those people are retarded: web is just one of many service existing on the Internet (other ones being e.g. [email](email.md) or [torrents](torrent.md)). In order to browse the web you need an Internet connection and a [web browser](browser.md). An important part of the web is also searching its vast amounts of information with [search engines](search_engine.md) such as the infamous [Google](google.md) engine.
World Wide Web (www or just *the web*) is (or was, if we accept that by 2021 the web is basically dead) a network of interconnected documents on the [Internet](internet.md) (called *websites* or *webpages*). Webpages are normally written in [HTML](html.md) language and can refer to each other by [hyperlinks](hyperlink.md). The web itself works on top of the [HTTP](http.md) protocol. Some people confuse the web with the Internet, but of course those people are retarded: web is just one of many service existing on the Internet (other ones being e.g. [email](email.md) or [torrents](torrent.md)). In order to browse the web you need an Internet connection and a [web browser](browser.md).
An important part of the web is also searching its vast amounts of information with [search engines](search_engine.md) such as the infamous [Google](google.md) engine. It also relies on systems such as [DNS](dns.md).
Web is kind of a bloated [shit](shit.md), for more [suckless](suckless.md) alternatives see [gopher](gopher.md) and [gemini](gemini.md).
@ -8,4 +10,24 @@ The web is perhaps the best, saddest and funniest example of [capitalist](capita
Back in the days (90s and early 2000s) web used to be a place of freedom working more or less in a decentralized manner and on anarchist principles – people used to have their own unique websites, censorship was difficult to implement and mostly non-existent and websites used to have a much better design and were safer, as they were pure [HTML](html.md) documents.
As the time went web used to become more and more [shit](shit.md), as is the case with everything touched by [capitalism](capitalist_software.md) – the advent of so called **web 2.0** brought about a lot of [complexity](complexity.md), websites started to incorporate runnable scripts ([JavaScript](javascript.md), [Flash](flash.md)) which lead to many negative things such as security vulnerabilities (web pages now have power to run code) and more complexity in web browsers, which leads to even more possible vulnerabilities, [bloat](bloat.md) and to browser monopolies (greater effort is needed to develop a browser, making it a privilege of those who can afford it, and those can subsequently dictate de-facto standards that further strengthen their monopolies). Another disaster came with **[social networks](social_network.md)** in mid 2000s, most notably [Facebook](facebook.md) but also [YouTube](youtube.md) and others, which centralized the web and rid people of control. Out of comfort people stopped creating and hosting own websites and rather created a page on Facebook. This gave the power to corporations and allowed **mass-surveillance**, **mass-censorship** and **propaganda brainwashing**. As the web became more and more popular, corporations and governments started to take more control over it, creating technologies and laws to make it less free. By 2020, the good old web is but a memory, everything is controlled by corporations, infected with billions of unbearable ads, [DRM](drm.md), malware (trackers, [crypto](crypto.md) miners), there exist no good web browsers, web pages now REQUIRE JavaScript even if it's not really needed due to which they are painfully slow and buggy, there are restrictive laws and censorship and de-facto laws (site policies) put in place by corporations controlling the web.
As the time went web used to become more and more [shit](shit.md), as is the case with everything touched by [capitalism](capitalist_software.md) – the advent of so called **web 2.0** brought about a lot of [complexity](complexity.md), websites started to incorporate runnable scripts ([JavaScript](javascript.md), [Flash](flash.md)) which lead to many negative things such as security vulnerabilities (web pages now have power to run code) and more complexity in web browsers, which leads to even more possible vulnerabilities, [bloat](bloat.md) and to browser monopolies (greater effort is needed to develop a browser, making it a privilege of those who can afford it, and those can subsequently dictate de-facto standards that further strengthen their monopolies). Another disaster came with **[social networks](social_network.md)** in mid 2000s, most notably [Facebook](facebook.md) but also [YouTube](youtube.md) and others, which centralized the web and rid people of control. Out of comfort people stopped creating and hosting own websites and rather created a page on Facebook. This gave the power to corporations and allowed **mass-surveillance**, **mass-censorship** and **propaganda brainwashing**. As the web became more and more popular, corporations and governments started to take more control over it, creating technologies and laws to make it less free. By 2020, the good old web is but a memory, everything is controlled by corporations, infected with billions of unbearable ads, [DRM](drm.md), malware (trackers, [crypto](crypto.md) miners), there exist no good web browsers, web pages now REQUIRE JavaScript even if it's not really needed due to which they are painfully slow and buggy, there are restrictive laws and censorship and de-facto laws (site policies) put in place by corporations controlling the web.
## History
World Wide Web was invented by an English computer scientist [Tim Berners-Lee](berners_lee.md). On March 12 1989 he was working at [CERN](cern.md) where he proposed a system called "web" that would use [hypertext](hypertext.md) to link documents (the term hypertext was already around). He also considered the name *Mesh* but settled on *World Wide Web* eventually. He started to implement the system with a few other people. At the end of 1990 they already had implemented the [HTTP](http.md) protocol for client-server communication, the [HTML](html.md), language for writing websites, the first web server and the first [web browser](browser.md) called *WorldWideWeb*. They set up the first website http://info.cern.ch that contained information about the project.
In 1993 CERN made the web [public domain](public_domain.md), free for anyone without any licensing requirements. The main reason was to gain advantage over competing systems such as [Gopher](gopher.md) that were [proprietary](proprietary.md). By 1994 there were over 500 web servers around the world. WWW Consortium ([W3M](w3m.md)) was established to maintain standards for the web. A number of new browsers were written such as the text-only [Lynx](lynx.md), but the [proprietary](proprietary.md) [Netscape Navigator](netscape_navigator.md) would go to become the most popular one until [Micro$oft](microsoft)'s [Internet Explorer](internet_explorer.md) (see [browser wars](browser_wars.md)). In 1997 [Google](google.md) search engine appeared, as well as [CSS](css.md). There was a economic bubble connected to the explosion of the Web called the [dot-comm boom](dot_com_boom.md).
Between 2000 and 2010 there used to be a mobile alternative to the web called [WAP](wap.md). Back then mobile phones were significantly weaker than PCs so the whole protocol was simplified, e.g. it had a special markup language called [WML](wml.md) instead of [HTML](html.md). But as the phones got more powerful they simply started to support normal web and WAP disappeared.
Around 2005, the time when [YouTube](youtube.md), [Twitter](twitter.md), [Facebook](facebook.md) and other shit sites started to appear and become popular, so called [Web 2.0](web_20.md) started to form. This was a shift in the web's paradigm towards more [shittiness](shit.md) such as more [JavaScript](javascript.md), [bloat](bloat.md), interactivity, websites as programs, [Flash](flash.md), [social networks](social_network.md) etc. This would be the beginning of the web's downfall.
## See Also
- [WAP](wap.md)
- [Usenet](usenet.md)
- [TOR](tor.md)
- [Gopher](gopher.md)
- [Gemini](gemini.md)
- [Freenet](freenet.md)
- [Internet](internet.md)
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